- 4:23 P.M. -
- Kellen Residence, Kitchen -
Skipping happily into the kitchen, a near naked Becky hums a tune as she opens the refrigerator. Wearing only her white panties, which a darkened, damp spot in the crotch could be easily seen, along with small trails of honey down her inner thighs, the young girl giggles briefly from feeling the chilled air of the refrigerator tickling her exposed skin.
Retrieving a heavy carton of milk, Becky closes the refrigerator door with a combo of her right foot and butt with a little giggle before heading to the sink, placing the milk on the counter and rinsing out her previously used cup in the sink before pouring herself a full cup of milk and begins drinking it.
After gulping down half the cup, Becky places it down on the counter to return the milk back into the refrigerator, before returning to her drink. However, grabbing the cup, Becky pauses, before giggling with a light blush coming to her cheeks and briefly looking back to the kitchen entrance, before lowering the cup between her legs and using her free hand to pull the crotch of her panties aside, exposing her aroused, blushing lower lips.
A little honey drips into her milk, before Becky inserts two fingers into herself, spreading herself open and causing a little more honey to ooze from her and into her milk. Becky though takes a few moments to tease her pussy, fingering herself and continually spreading herself open, working up more of her honey and allowing larger amounts to ooze out and drop into her milk with a few audible thunks.
After about a minute of adding her own special ingredient, Becky covers her oozing pussy with her panties again and lifts the cup up as she licks and sucks her fingers clean, before swirling her cup of milk and drinking the rest of it with a moan and giggle as she tastes the sweetness of her honey.
While rinsing out the cup, Becky suddenly hears Sammy call to her, she sounded troubled...
“Becky we have to leave!”
Declares her friend before rushing into the kitchen, completely nude, though having clearly stopped in the middle of some naughty fun as honey trails out of her nipples and her blushing, aroused pussy continually oozing fresh honey as it trials down her inner thighs and drips to the floor.
“Why, what's wrong?” asks Becky as she turns to face her excited friend.
“Celine and her parents!” adds Sammy, quickly grabbing one of Becky's hands, the nude girl was clearly panicked. “Their going crazy!” she adds, before pulling Becky out of the kitchen.
“Huh? What do you mean their going crazy?” asks Becky as she let herself be lead out of the kitchen, though a little smile forms on her face.
“They want to absorb us!” answers Sammy.
“Oh, awesome!” replies Becky.
“No! Not awesome!” declares Sammy, stopping and turning to her friend. “Not this time, they want to actually eat us this time! We won't come back!”
“What!?” gasps Becky. “Why?”
“I dunno, but we have to leave!” replies Sammy, as she continues to hurry with Becky to the front door.
However, the two fail to reach the exit as they see Celine and and her parents arrive down the steps, all three nude, but also joined together, melting continuously as only their upper halves were formed and move along their pool of combined mass. Eda was positioned in the middle, lacking arms as Celine was attached to her left, with her left arm usable and Avery to her right, with his right arm usable.
The three really did look like some sort of creature or monster.
“How noble of you Sammy...” comments Eda as the three advance on the two girls with Celine and Avery reaching out their hands to them. “Choosing to save your friend and not just yourself.”
“W-What's going on?” questions Becky as the two girls back away.
“Noble...” starts Celine. “But stupid.” she adds, before Avery continues...
“You both will be part of us now, forever.”
“Becky run!” declares Sammy, quickly pushing her towards the way the came.
However, the Geelien's speed was too much and Becky hears a gasping “No!” from Sammy and immediately stops to look back and sees Sammy on the floor, on her stomach as Celine and Avery had claimed her feet as the rest of their body began to slowly envelope her.
“Sammy!” gasps Becky, quickly returning to her friend and grabbing her hands to help free her. “Why are you guys doing this!? I thought we were friends!”
“We are.” replies Eda, before Celine adds...
“Let's be friends forever.”
“No!” declares Sammy as she vainly kicks her feet through the Geelien's body.
Soon though, both Sammy and Becky gasps as Becky's pulling results in her falling to her butt, though looking, Becky was shocked as she sees Sammy's lower legs, below the knees had been absorbed, her severed limbs visible inside the Geelien's and being dissolved.
“My legs!” gasps Sammy.
“Stop this!” declares Becky as she gets to her feet and begins to pull Sammy along the floor. “Please!”
“Becky, safe yourself!” states Sammy.
“No! I won't leave you!”
“You're just going to to get caught trying to help me!”
“Aww...” comments Eda. “Self-sacrifice, how cute.”
“Well then...” starts Celine. “If she's given up, there's no point in dragging this out any longer.”
“You're right.” replies Eda.
Becky then gasps as the three joined Geelien's combine into a large blob, which towers over them before falling towards them as Becky gasps as the blob falls completely over Sammy, causing Becky to back away in shock.
Becky though looks on in shock as the blob lifts up, lifting Sammy up along with it as if she was attached to fly-paper. Sammy's vain struggling as clear as she calls to Becky...
“Hurry and run!”
Before her body began to sink into the blob.
“Sammy no!” declares Becky as she quickly gets to her feet and grabs Sammy's right hand and pulls against the sucking force pulling Sammy into the combined Geelien's. “Don't do this!” pleads Becky as she sees Sammy's body, except for her still held hand, had completely occupied the blob as Sammy's shortened legs were spread, along with her pussy.
Becky was soon forced to release Sammy's hand as she began to be pulled in as well.
“Stop it please!” declares Becky as tears brim her eyes.
Soon though, to her horror, Becky sees her friends body begin to be devoured, still struggling in vain as her limbs shrink to her torso, before seeing the white cloud of honey ejecting from Sammy's pussy before her torso began to be absorbed next, first her pussy, up to her stomach and chest, until only her head remained floating in the mass.
“Please!” cries Becky, pressing herself against the mass, looking into Sammy's still open eyes. “Don't do this!”
Becky watches in shock as she sees Sammy's head quickly devoured, not a trace of her friend left. Falling to her knees, the tears began to flow from her.
“You monsters...”
Celine's face appears in the blob and looks down to Becky with a smile.
“Have you give up hope? You don't have to be so sad, Sammy is happy now, all she knows is pleasure, you can join her.”
With tears rolling down her face, Becky looks up the monster that had taken her best friend with a frown.
“You have to be stopped.” she comments, getting to her feet and wiping her tears away.
“Really?” asks Celine. “You're just one little girl, and you can't hurt us, what can you possibly do?”
“I can do enough.” declares Becky, before placing her hands together and appearing to open an invisible set of doors with a groan.
“Heh, and what are you-” starts Celine, before stopping as a small depression appears in the middle of her blob form and slowly going deeper. “Oh no you don't...”
Becky suddenly gasps when the blob lunges at her, it happens so quick, all she could do was watch as she was quickly enveloped. Ending up upside-down inside the mass, Becky desperately attempts to right herself, however, Becky's helped in moving upright as she feels her body repositioned. Feeling her limbs being tugged at though, Becky quickly began to resist, groaning as a thin barrier begins to form around her body, shielding herself from contact with mass.
Seeing what she was doing was actually working, but requiring all her power to maintain, so much so that the barrier began to quickly weaken as she felt the pressure around her hands and feet, Becky pulls her arms and legs in, mimicking the fetal position and reducing the area she needed to form the barrier.
“You're only prolonging the inevitable...” comments Celine.
Becky could feel her strength fading, she couldn't keep this up much longer.
'Maybe I can...' she thinks, before groaning as she began to use her Shakra to push her forward, struggling against Celine, Eda and Avery trying to keep her in place.
Her strength rapidly fading, Becky desperately put all her power into the act and with a few moments of hard groaning, her body was suddenly propelled out of the blob as it was pushed back some. Although free and the front door in view, Becky was exhausted, laying on the floor.
“Wow...” pants Becky, shakily getting to her hands and knees. “I can't believe that actually worked! It used up all my Shakra though.”
“Impressive.” comments Celine, causing Becky to gasp and look back to Celine, seeing a rapidly closing hole in the middle of her formless body. “But it looks like that took a lot out of you.”
Scrambling to her feet, Becky tiredly rushes to the front door, closely stalked by Celine. Becky was shocked when the door was locked though, she knew she didn't have the time to unlock it with Celine rapidly closing in and rushes up the stairs.
“Still running huh?” comments Celine. “You're only delaying the inevitable, there's no escape.”
Not having time to recover from her exhaustive Shakra use, by the time Becky made it to the top of the stairs, she was reduced to crawling, however, she couldn't stop the momentary giggles as she crawls towards Celine's room.
“C-Come on, keep it together, heh, this is going so awesome, I gotta stay in character.”
Crawling into Celine's room and reaching the bed, laying her upper body face-down onto it, Becky smiles.
“I didn't expect to be so tired though. Hehe, it would be even more awesome if my escape leveled my Shakra up.”
“Beckyyyyy...” calls Celine. “Where'd you gooooo?”
Tiredly looking back to the open door, Becky sees Sammy's melting Geelien form greet her, but Celine's voice.
“There you are. Are you finally giving up?” asks Celine, as she walks into the room, followed by Eda and Avery, who look on with satisfied smiles at cornering her.
“N-No...” replies Becky, getting to her feet, breathing heavily. “I'll fight till the end.”
“Heh, you can barely stand.” comments Celine, before caressing her body that mirrors Sammy's. “Sammy's happy.” she adds, advancing to Becky. “She wants you to join her, you can be with her forever.”
“NEVER!” declares Becky, using the little energy she had managed to regain and charging forward. Managing to push pass Celine before Avery catches her, grabbing her by the waist, lifting her over his shoulder and walking into the room and dropping her onto the bed, on her back.
With the rapid rise and fall of her chest, Becky had completely run out of steam and now lay defenseless on the bed as the three predators surround her.
“That was all you had left, huh?” comments Celine, crawling onto the bed and looming over Becky, caressing her cheek, before briefly lowering her lips to Becky's. “Heh, I have an idea, how would you like it if my dad absorbed you?”
“Anything but that.” pants Becky as she turns her head left and right to further express her denial.
“It's not up to you though.” replies Celine, tracing a finger along Becky's lips. “You've lost, but don't worry, he's not going to put his cock in you.”
Celine give Becky a quick peck on the lips, before removing herself from on top of her.
“Ok dad.”
Seeing the man joining her on the bed, Becky makes a vain and tired attempt to escape as she moves further up the bed.
“Shhh...” shushes Avery, smiling as he crawls his dripping form over the small girl, and caressing her cheek. “It's gonna be ok, you're gonna be happy once you're inside us.” he adds, before lowering her body down onto her as Becky vainly calls out...
“No! I don't want to die!”
Lifting her hands up against Avery, her hands simply push right through him. Becky gives a final wail, “Noooo!” as she felt Avery's melting form rest over her as he hugs her against him, her head and torso, along with her panties, entering his body, only her lower legs and arms still exposed.
Her legs kick out desperately as her hands continue the vain attempt to free herself, Becky soon feels the the familiar tingling around her head and torso.
Visibly, the moment Becky's head, along with the rest of her engulfed body began to fade into Avery's body, her kicking legs and moving arms abruptly come to a stop and fall limp as her consciousness leaves her body.
“Yeah, it's all gonna be better.” comments Avery, as Becky's hands sink into his back as her body is slowly absorbed into his, before Eda, helps and pushes Becky's exposed lower legs into Avery's body to complete the process and within seconds, not a trace of the young girl was left.
“Mmm...” moans Avery as he sits up and strokes his Geelien cock. “Thanks for inviting me to join you guys, I had fun.”
“The fun's not over yet.” comments Celine, joining her father on the bed and positioning herself on her back with her legs spread, before Eda drapes herself over Avery's back.
“She's right, there's one more thing left...” comments Eda, before moaning as she melts into Avery with a moan from him, before he moves over Celine and lowering himself and sinking his cock into her pussy with a moan from them both before they both melt into a similar blob as before.
Becky and Sammy, completely absorbed now and with all three Geelien's absorbed into one mass, are flooded with pleasure. Along with the pleasure though, they could sense each other presence and shared their memories with each other.
'That was so much fun!' declares Sammy.
'It sure was!' adds Becky, before Celine comments...
'You guys can act really well.'
'Hehe, playing pretend is one of our favorite games!' replies both girls at the same time, which causes them to giggle at the same time as well.
Being only the second time the two had been absorbed together, the two girls still weren't very accustomed to their consciousness' occasionally joining, causing them to think and speak as one.
Eda then asks, 'Were we getting too real though? It looked like you were really crying before.'
'Nah.' replies Becky. 'I was just really getting into it.' she adds, before she and Sammy continued together. 'I felt the tears coming and thought, 'Awesome!''
Sammy then comments, 'You guys can act really good too, that three person idea was nice.'
'Well then...' comments Celine. 'Now that you girls are here, we're all going to make you feel really good!'
'We were already feeling good!' replies the two girls in unison again.
Immediately after though, the girls consciousness were treated to a flood of pleasure coming from then.
Outside, the blob-like mass now rests on the floor, shaking and quivering, a silent containment of pure, unfiltered and unrestrained pleasure few flesh and blood beings would experience.
Becky and Sammy though were part of that few.
Time seemed to not exist in this embodiment of pleasure, Becky and Sammy's consciousness moaning out from the continuous, overwhelming orgasm-level and more, pleasure. When they thought it couldn't go higher, it did, when they thought it couldn't possibly feel anymore like Heaven it did. It was the benefit of no longer having a body to get in the way, limiting the Heavenly Bliss they were feeling.
Bodies were so restricting, Becky and Sammy couldn't believe the seemingly limitless pleasure they were experiencing, as if their very souls were climaxing, which could have very well been the case. What ever the cause or reason behind this pure, ceiling-less pleasure, the two girl's consciousness didn't care, they just wanted it to continue.
They really could stay like this forever, never getting tired, never needing a break, they were pleasure itself.
Bodies were so limiting.
However, as soon as the pleasure began, it seemed to have just as quickly fade, before Celine comments to them...
'Someones at the door.'
'Ignore them!' declares Becky and Sammy as one.
'Hmm, it's been an hour since you two were absorbed.' comments Celine.
'Already!?' asks the two. 'It's seems like it's just been a few seconds! A few super long, awesome seconds!'
'Hehe, it's certainly been an hour.' replies Celine. 'I don't want you guys to suffer any mental issues being inside us too long, we probably should put a time limit on how long you're inside us.'
'Noooo!' whines the two girls. 'Time limits suck!'
Outside, the quivering mass shrinks as it splits off into three separate masses, two of them shifting into Becky and Sammy's forms, laying on the floor, on their backs, before their Geelien forms melt away, revealing their physical forms, before the three masses quickly reform their body; The mass that left Sammy forming into Celine, Avery reforming from Becky as Eda returns to her original form, with Becky's panties in her chest, which she pulls out and drops to the floor.
The two little girls though give a groan and lean to their sides, facing each other as they lower a hand between their legs.
“Having a body sucks.” whines Becky.
“Yeah.” adds Sammy.
The comment brings a giggle from the Geelien's, before Avery heads out of the room, commenting...
“See you guys later and thanks for the fun.”
“Seeya.” replies Celine, before Eda walks to the two little girls and lowers herself to her knees between them and caresses their heads, before Celine hears a beeping from her Comm and heads to her nightstand and answers it, causing a screen to appear, revealing Sakura.
“Hey Celine.” she greets with a smile. “Are you home?”
“Yeah, is that you ringing the door-bell?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, sorry about coming over unannounced though.”
“That's ok, sorry about the delay, just give me a minute.” replies Celine.
However, before Celine ends the call, Becky lifts herself up on her hands and knees, asking...
“Is that Sakura?”
Sammy soon joins her and sits up.
“Sakura's here!?” she adds, before Sakura giggles and asks...
“Is that Becky and Sammy I hear? Sorry I interrupted.”
“We needed a break anyway.” comments Celine with a smile, “I'll be right there.” she adds, before ending the call.
“Yay!” cheers Becky and Sammy. “Sakura's come to play with us!”
The two quickly get to their feet and head towards the door, before Celine quickly stops them by grabbing their hands.
“Whoa, whoa you two, at the very least, put your panties on!”
Eda giggles as she sits on the bed and comments, “It's ok Celine, they seem to know each other.”
“It's embarrassing though.” replies Celine. “Sakura didn't come here to see us in the middle of what we were doing.”
“Heh, ok, ok, you heard her you two.” states Eda with a smile. “Make yourselves presentable.”
“Awww...” whines Becky and Sammy, before they reluctantly retrieve their panties, while Celine dresses herself, putting on her tank-top and skirt.
“You get dressed too mom.” states Celine, as she leaves the room.
“Ok Sweetie.” replies Eda with a smile.
To be continued...