- Two days later, Shakrus (Friday), third week of February (2) -
- 10:54 A.M. -
- Cafeteria -
With only a couple hours left until the end of her first week of school, Celine had settled quite comfortably into her new school life. There was an odd tease or remark here and there, nothing she couldn't ignore or even laugh off, but the occurrences were rare and Celine found herself with plenty of friends. She knew she wasn't going to be liked by everyone, but no one was outright mean to her, at least not yet and Celine was happy about that.
One thing that did surprise her was how quickly the excitement around her began to die down, during the last two days of the week, the attention she drew had dropped significantly compared to what it was the previous days. Celine could actually walk the halls alone without other students frequently stopping her to talk.
Celine was actually relived by this, recalling the fast food worker she meet two days into moving that she'd probably get tired of the people asking her questions frequently, than the amount of negativity she'd receive and that comment was very true. Positive attention was nice, but even that had its limits.
Now though, Celine sat with her classmates, Helani and Gina at the longer lunch tables in the middle of the room, eating and chatting, but unknown to her, she was about to receive some very unexpected attention...
“So...” starts Gina, sitting across the table from Celine and spooning some Mac and Cheese into her mouth. “How was your first week here?” she adds, the pink-haired Tragelian wears a tie-dye, loose tank-top, the impression of her nipples under the fabric just one piece of evidence of her lacking a bra, the other being the loose fabric occasionally allowing one of her B-cup bare breasts to be seen.
Celine learned very quickly into getting to know Gina that the teen liked 'going commando' as she said, expressing she liked the breezes and sense of freedom, along with the arousing thought of occasionally revealing her bare chest and crotch.
“It's pretty good.” answers Celine as she spoons some red jello into her mouth. The Geelien was dressed in her unusual clothing and similar to Gina; a belly-revealing tank-top and mid thigh-length skirt, though the straps of Celine's bra were easy to see. “I met a ton of nice people and already have a lot of friends. It's almost too good to be true.”
“Heh, too bad we can't pinch you.” comments Helani, smiling and poking her right hands index finger into Celine's shoulder.
Compared to Gina and Celine, the raven-haired Helani was the most conservatively dressed, not showing as much skin, but showing off her teen figure as she wears a form-fitted light blue tank-top, confidently showing off her average B-cup breasts and matching hip-hugging jeans.
“Why would you pinch me?” asks Celine, before Gina answers.
“It's something us flesh and blood types do to see if we're dreaming. If you're dreaming and you pinch yourself, it doesn't hurt, but it does if you're not dreaming. So someone could say 'I can't believe this is happening! Someone pinch me!'”
“Oh, hehe, that's funny.” replies Celine.
“And hey-” starts Gina, before the teen sees the other female Geelien, Abignal, or Abby, walk up behind Celine, dressed nearly the same as Celine, but wearing short-shorts instead of a skirt.
“Hey, excuse me.”
“Yeah?” asks Celine, looking back to her fellow Geelien.
“Would you guys mind if I borrow Celine? I need to speak to her in private.”
“OK.” replies Gina.
“Well that's up to her.” adds Helani.
“Awesome.” replies Abby, before reaching to Celine's left hand. “Come with me.”
“OK.” replies Celine, removing herself from the table, wondering what Abby needed to talk to her about in private.
Briefly into their walk, Celine could see Abby were leading them out of the cafeteria.
“Where are we going?” asks Celine.
“The bathroom.” answers Abby. “Evidently, the bathroom is the best place to go during lunch if you want privacy.”
“Really?” asks Celine. “Doesn't seem like it would be a good place for privacy, especially during lunch.”
“Yeah, it's weird, I know, but that's what my friends said.”
Following Abby out of the cafeteria and into the the nearby girls bathroom, Celine was a little surprised when she felt the Geelien start to absorb her hand, causing her to quickly pull away.
Abby only looks back to her with a smile, saying nothing about the event, before walking to one of the open stalls, silently offering Celine to walk in first.
“What do you want to go in the stall for?” asks Celine.
“Added privacy, duh.” answers Abby.
“OK...” replies Celine, feeling a little wary of her fellow Geelien, recalling their first meeting, Abby attempted to absorb her hand in a silent communication and just a moment earlier, attempted to do it without her permission.
Celine didn't really think anything bad about her, just figured Abby was the type to more openly absorb her friends, Celine was a bit as well, but she wasn't very comfortable doing it around so many new people, plus, aside from being a Geelien, Celine knew nothing about Abby, she didn't absorb strangers after all.
Following her into the stall, closing the door and locking it, Abby looks to Celine with a slightly more serious expression, placing her hands to her hips and asking...
“Why are you hanging around those Fleshies so much?”
“H-Huh?” replies Celine, shocked by the very unexpected question.
“You introduce yourself to me and my brother and don't pay us anymore attention!” states Abby, with a slightly whining tone. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
“No, I don't.” replies Celine, before narrowing her eyes at her fellow Geelien and questions... “Are you seriously asking me why I'm not around my own kind?”
“That's exactly what I'm asking.”
“This conversation is over.” flatly states Celine before attempting to move around Abby, but she quickly blocks her path.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute!”
“It's Geelien's like you who are part of the reason why others think negatively of us.” declares Celine.
“Ok, I'm sorry.” replies Abby, lifting her hands up. “I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just really blunt with the way I speak. I should've said what I did differently, I'm sorry.”
Giving a silent sigh, Celine returns to her previous spot. “Fine.” she comments, before sitting on the toilet.
“So...” starts Abby, appearing to think for a moment. “Since, you're an only child, you only have your parents to be around, so that's why I was wondering why you weren't talking with me and my brother more when there are so many Fleshies around.
Although slightly annoyed by the terminology Abby was using, Celine said nothing on the matter and answers...
“Let me answer your question with a question, 'why did you come here?'”
“I thought it would be fun!” answers Abby with a smile. “I've never left our home planet and I was excited to meet other races!”
Celine couldn't stop the smile on her face from Abby's reply and looks away.
“I didn't want to come, my parents wanted to and they forced me to come with them.”
“Really?” asks Abby.
“Yeah, I was scared.”
“Oh, heh, well I was a little scared too, but I had my brother with me.”
“Yeah, it was just me.” comments Celine. “But my experiences the first week arriving helped me relax. I had much more positive experiences than negative and it helped me realize that the people here arn't so bad or scary. So, to answer your question of why I'm not around my own kind; I've been around my own kind my entire life, so it's interesting to me to be around so many non-Geelien's and see how they live. To be honest though, I do feel a little sad sometimes when me and my parents are the only Geelien's when we go out.” explains Celine, before looking up to Abby with a smile. “The fact that you and your brother are here though is a help, you're the only other Geelien's I've seen here.”
“Ah, I see... hehe...” replies Abby with a smile as she leans over with her hands behind her back and her face close enough to Celine that the sitting Geelien felt a little uncomfortable. “We're pretty similar, I'm glad we got to know each other a little more.”
“Uh, me too...” replies Celine, leaning back.
“I'm gonna be blunt with you again...” comments Abby, moving her right hand's index finger to Celine's left leg and drawing figure eights.
Celine briefly felt a little worried given Abby's bluntness earlier, but that concern faded for wonderment as she felt Abby teasing her leg and the Geelien's slight melting.
“I like you.”
“W-What!?” gasps Celine, suddenly starting to melt, much more than Abby.
“You heard me, I like you.” repeats Abby, lifting her left hand to Celine's cheek.
“U-uh... a-as a friend, or...”
“Heh, definitely 'or'...” answers Abby before Celine was shocked as Abby leans in and briefly kisses her causing Celine to quickly remove herself from the toilet and her back against the stall door, dripping rapidly and her excess mass pooling at her feet.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” declares Celine. “This is too big of a change in topic, where is this even coming from!?”
Abby giggles as she had fallen over the toilet from Celine's rapid retreat, before returning back to her feet, stepping to a tense Celine and places her hands to her shoulders as her tail flicks left and right.
“I've been attracted to you since you introduced yourself.” answers Abby.
“Yeah, you're super cute. Heh, it's why I was so bothered why you didn't come talk to me and my brother again after you introduced yourself.”
Celine quickly gasps when Abby moves her hands down to Celine's exposed arms and begins to meld her hands to Celine's arms, before trying to stop her, lifting her hands to pull Abby's from her, but gasps once again when her hands began to be absorbed into Abby's arms.
“S-Stop! Wait a minute!”
“Let's get to know each other even more.” declares Abby.
“Is this why you wanted to talk?” asks Celine. “To confess!?”
“Hehe, got me!” replies Abby, as Celine pulls her hands free, though Abby wraps her left arm around Celine's exposed waist and caressing her cheek with her right hand as she presses her melting body against Celine's and presses her right leg against Celine's crotch. “You're just so cute I want to absorb you.”
“B-But you can't!” gasps Celine, pulling Abby's hands from her and pushing Abby back at arms length.
Abby's happy expression briefly shifts to one of wonderment before grinning and asking... “Ooooh... are you a Solid?”
“W-What, no, of course not!” quickly replies Celine.
“So, since you don't have any brothers or sisters, is it your mom or dad?” asks Abby, smiling. “I bet it's your mom, isn't it? It's almost always the clone and parent.”
“T-That's none of your business!” declares Celine.
“Then what's the problem?” asks Abby, before quickly removing her shoes by briefly melting her feet before pressing her body against Celine's again and her leg against Celine's crotch. “If you're not a Solid, then we arn't doing something you're unfamiliar with.” she adds, before moving her body up and down against Celine.
“We're still in school.” answers Celine, getting increasingly more embarrassed from Abby's sexual advances. “We can't do this here, people could come in.”
Abby grins and whispers, “Someone could already be in here, but keeping silent.”
“That's even more of a reason to stop this!”
“Hey...” declares Abby. “I bet your younger form is even cuter. Show me!”
“No, you have to stop!”
“Geez your so resistant...” comments Abby with a playful pout. “If you wanted to to get away so badly, nothing's stopping you.”
“I...” starts Celine, before averting her eyes from Abby's, who looked on with a wondering grin.
“Ohhh, are you actually a submissive who likes being dominated? Is that why you won't leave?”
“Well then, let's see what's stopping you...”
“No, don't!” suddenly gasps Celine, before gasping again when Abby plunges her right hand into Celine's head, bringing a groan from her and a moan from Abby.
Only seconds into the event, with her hand still into Celine's head, Abby 'Ohhh's' before commenting... “I see now...” before removing her her hand from Celine's head, allowing her to relax.
“You're supposed to be older than me.” comments Celine, looking away with a frown. “Does respect and personal privacy mean nothing to you?”
“Hehe, sorry.”
“You can't just do something you know is wrong and just say you're sorry.” declares Celine, looking back to Abby. “You wouldn't like it if I suddenly read your mind without your permission.”
“Do you want to?” asks Abby with a smile.
“No, I don't.”
“Still though...” starts Abby. “The reason you're not leaving is pretty silly.”
“It's not silly, no means no. I shouldn't have to run away.”
“But you're so cute!” declares Abby, throwing her arms around Celine's shoulders and kissing her again, but Celine quickly pushes her away.
“Geez, come on. If you really like me so much, then listen to what I'm saying and respect it.”
Abby frowns as her shoulders slump.
“Geez, you young ones act so mature.”
“That's not really the issue here.” replies Celine. “There's a number of reasons why what your trying to do shouldn't happen here. The main one is I barely know you.”
“Reeeally?” comments Abby with a grin. “You didn't know Sakura.”
“T-That's!” gasps Celine, suddenly melting enough to revert to her younger form, bringing a big grin to Abby's face as Celine's Comm falls to the floor, along with her skirt and panties dropping from her hips to her pooling mass at her feet, revealing her nude lower half, causing Celine to gasp and use her hands to cover herself, her tank-top too short to use.
“Ohhh, I was right!” declares Abby. “You are cuter!”
Celine could see Abby about to throw herself on her again and this time, she had no choice, she needed to get away from this girl.
Abby suddenly found herself grabbing empty air and running her face into the stall door. She pulls back enough to see Celine's clothing on the floor surrounded by her pooled mass, which quickly moves under the stall door. Opening the door, Abby sees Celine quickly reform her now nude body, covering herself.
“Geez, calm down!” declares Celine, though seeing Abby quickly advance on her again, she adds. “I don't like you!”
The additional comment stops Abby in her tracks as she looks shocked.
“I don't like you.” repeats Celine. “You're not listening to a word I'm saying. I keep saying 'no' and 'stop' and you just keep going, at this point you're trying to rape me.”
“I-I'm sorry.” replies Abby, looking hurt as she melts a little more.
“I don't believe you.”
“I really am.” states Abby. “Ok, I tend to get carried away when I'm excited.”
“More like loose control.” replies Celine.
“Yeah... but can't you give me one more chance? It would suck so much if you didn't like me for the rest of the school year because of this. We're the only Geelien's here after all.”
“Under the condition that you don't try to rape me again, we can be friends.” answers Celine.
“Oh thank you!” declares Abby, her smile returning and attempting to hug Celine again, only to be stopped by Celine grabbing her hands and keeping her at a distance, “Heh, sorry, you probably guessed, I'm a hugger.”
“Yeah...” comments Celine, before keeping Abby at arms length as she returns to the stall with her clothes and picking up her Comm and removing her cleaning comb.
“I'm sorry you had to get dirty on the floor because of me.” replies Abby.
“Well it's a good thing no ones come in.”
At Celine's comment, and while her back was to her, Abby took a step back to give a brief look under a couple stalls and smiles when she sees a pair of small shoes to the left of the stall Celine was in, starting to clean her body.
“H-hey, how about I help you?” asks Abby, taking a couple hopeful steps forward.
Celine looks back to Abby with a little frown, causing her to quickly reply...
“I promise I won't try anything, I swear. It's always better for another person to clean you anyway.”
“...Fine.” replies Celine, offering the comb to Abby. “I'm only giving you permission to clean me, nothing else.”
“Thanks.” replies Abby, walking into the stall, taking the comb and closing the door, before beginning to run the comb through Celine's body, starting at her head.
Within just moments into allowing Abby to clean her body, Celine knew her fellow Geelien was going much slower than she needed to, clearly taking her time to admire her body. Celine's concern grew when Abby reached her butt and tail, seeming to take extra care to her tail, the one part of her body that could be cleaned in seconds, one pass of the comb and Abby was going on a slow two as she carefully handles it with her free hand.
However, other than her pace, Abby was true to her word, she wasn't doing anything inappropriate. Celine did wonder if Abby's willpower would hold out when she turned around, which after the slow, detailed cleaning of her back and legs, Abby commenting, “Ok, other side.”, Celine warily turns to present her nude front to Abby. Because of Abby's kneeling position, she was eye level with Celine's crotch, who see's Abby's face light up with excitement, causing her to place a hand over her crotch.
“Abby...” warns Celine.
“Ok, ok.” replies the older Geelien, standing upright and beginning to run the comb down Celine's face, then chest.
Abby's slow process remained as she combs through Celine's chest and stomach, eventually kneeling again to focus on her crotch, which Celine felt herself getting a little turned on from Abby's detailed focus, now on her crotch. The mesh of the comb running though her womb, vaginal cavity and pussy, teasing her.
“Y-You sure are taking your sweet time.”
“Well I have to make sure you're completely clean.” answers Abby. “A Geelien's beauty is measured by how clear their body is. I want you to be as pretty as you are cute.”
Celine smiles from the compliment, and felt herself starting to drip, from Abby's now focused attention to her crotch, increasing her arousal further by Abby's flirting.
The last thing Celine wanted was to lead her on...
“Abby, stop.” states Celine, lowering a hand down and pulling the comb from her crotch and squatting down to look her admirer in the eyes. “I'm flattered that you like me, really, I am. I wasn't expecting anyone to like me like that at all, but I'm just not looking for that right now.”
Abby smiles and answers, “Yeah, I know. I'm not THAT crazy, hehe.” As she briefly looks down to the comb in her hands, seeing the rather small amount of dirt and debris that had collected on it.
“Well that's good.” replies Celine, before reaching to grab the comb, though Abby was reluctant to release it.
“Wait, I wasn't done.”
“You already got my legs.”
Abby says nothing in reply, but does look a little embarrassed as she releases the comb.
“I gotta ask though...” starts Celine. “Why do you like me? I don't think we even talked for five minutes when I introduced myself.”
“Heh, well, I just got this feeling when we met. I just got the sense that you're a really nice, sweet person and your cuteness only helps.”
“Heh, you really think I'm cute?” asks Celine, smiling.
“Absolutely! Your younger form is even cuter!”
“Well you're not the first person to say that.” replies Celine, before gasping and dripping some as she hears a group of girls enter the bathroom, causing her to quickly gather her clothing and standing, with Abby.
Placing her clothing on the toilet, Celine quickly begins to dress herself, getting her bra and panties on before she got a shock as she hears one girl comment...
“Good, only two of the stalls are being used.”
Looking to Abby with shock, the other Geelien only stifles a giggle. But Abby did reach to Celine's right hand and lift it to her cheek. Celine knew what she was suggesting and melds her hand into Abby's cheek, with a soft moan from her
'Did you know we weren’t alone this whole time!?' thinks Celine.
'No, not at the start at least.' replies Abby in her thoughts. 'It was near the end when you started to clean yourself, I noticed the stall to your right was occupied.' she adds, causing Celine to look to the wall to her right.
'So she heard everything! Argh, this is so embarrassing!'
'At least she stayed quiet.' replies Abby.
'That's the worst part! I didn't hear ANYTHING from her, it's creepy.'
Abby takes a step towards Celine, looking into her eyes with a smile as they continued to share the mental link.
'Maybe she just didn't want to interrupt us.'
'Likely, but her silence is creepy. Not even a small moan, or sound of her masturbating?'
Abby fights back a giggle as she thinks... 'Your first thought is that she's masturbating?'
'You're naughty, hehe.'
Celine gives a low grown, before a silent gasp as Abby presses her body against Celine's once again, faces nearly close enough for their noses to touch as they look into each others eyes.
'Thank you for not hating me.' comments Abby.
'Well thank you for not raping me.' replies Celine with a smile.
Celine though suddenly received the faint image of Abby in her room, naked on her bad with her right hand between her legs, while the Geelien in front of her averted her eyes and drips a little.
'There's something I want to share with you in exchange for me reading your mind without your permission.' states Abby as the scene became clearer in Celine's mind. 'What you're seeing is the night of the day I met you, I was thinking about you while I was doing this.'
'Oh...' replies Celine, feeling very embarrassed at Abby sharing the personal moment with her, with herself being the reason for it. 'I'm... flattered.'
For the duration that the group of girls were in the room, Celine continued to watch the memory Abby shared with her. While the girls were leaving the room, Celine watches as Abby brings herself to orgasm, while the Geelien in front of her lowers a hand between her legs and shifts her thighs.
To Be Continued...
- Bonus scene -
- Girl's bathroom, just before Celine and Abby enter -
Bursting through the doors, a pink-haired Nex rushes into the room, wearing a T-shirt and skirt with her left hand pressed firmly against her butt.
“Come on! Come on! Come on!” quickly declares the young looking teen as she rushes into one of the stalls, quickly locks the door, turns her back to the toilet and hurriedly pulls her skirt and panties down as she simultaneously drops her rear to the cool seat.
Not a moment too soon, the rapid 'plunk, plunk, plunk...' sound bounces off the walls of the stall, along with the constant sound of water meeting water as the young girl sighs happily in relief with a big smile on her face as her small wings flutter.
“Made it! That was dangerously close.” she comments, before the constant 'plunks' briefly stops with a thunderous expulsion of gas in the toilet, followed with a slight groan from the Nex before a heavy 'thunk' and splash is heard before she relaxes back. “Ahhhhh, sweet relief...” she adds as a few small 'plunks' are heard.
The Nex was able to enjoy the bliss of relief for about a minute, feeling herself getting close to the end, before hearing the bathroom door open...
'What do you want to go in the stall for?'
'Added privacy, duh.'
A smile comes to the Nex's face upon hearing the exchange.
“Ohhh, relief and a show.” thinks the Nex, as she lowers her right hand between her legs and cups her unique, clit-less labia.
The Nex hears the two girls enter the stall to her left, before hearing...
'Why are you hanging around those Fleshies so much?'
Which quickly caused her to guess it was the two girl Geelien's that had recently arrived.
“I wonder if 'Fleshies' is a good or bad word for us.” thinks the Nex as she slowly strokes her sensitive lower lips, fighting back a small moan, while she moves her left hand to her belly, to the small vertical strip that covered her secondary vulva and teases it through the strip.
The Nex continued to listen, quickly getting disappointed as it seemed she assumed too much given one of the Nex seemed to get very upset with the other from a comment about being around their own kind and the offended Geelien telling the other off.
The Nex soon settles on the fact that the two weren’t going to do anything and was about to resume voiding her bowels, until...
'I like you.'
The quickly followed, 'What!?', immediately renewed the Nex's hope as she returns her right hand back to her lightly aroused labia between her legs and beginning to stroke herself again as she hears the confessed-to-Geelien now clearly embarrassed, trying to piece this development together.
She soon hears a rapid movement and a light rattle of the stall door and the Nex's imagination was at work on what could be happening in the stall beside her as she begins to finger herself, quickly placing her free hand up to her mouth to muffle a sudden moan, before she hears...
'I've been attracted to you since you introduced yourself.'
While the embarrassed Geelien was clearly trying to talk her way out of the seemingly impended sexual encounter, the Nex sat with her skirt and panties at her ankles quickly thrusting her fingers into herself with her hand over her mouth. There was no telling how long or short the scene was going to last and the Nex wanted to get off while it was still happening.
However, as she worked herself up, the Nex began to hear her pussy making perverse sounds and quickly puts a stop to it as she pulls her wet fingers from herself and pauses as she breathes a little quicker...
'Ooooh... are you a Solid?'
'W-What, no, of course not!'
'So, since you don't have any brothers or sisters, is it your mom or dad? I bet it's your mom, isn't it? It's almost always the clone and parent.'
'T-That's none of your business!'
“Good, they didn't hear me...” thinks the Nex, cupping her blushing, sensitive labia. “I wonder if 'Solid' means 'virgin' for Geelien's.”
The Nex could hear the Geelien admirer getting increasingly aggressive while the other one seems to be loosing the fight, which only aroused the Nex more as she was nearing her moment, until she hears one comment from the submissive Geelien...
'No, don't!'
The following groan and rattle of the stall door was all that was needed to fuel the Nex's imagination as she quickly fought back moaning out in orgasmic bliss scissoring her thigh together as her labia quivers and clinches while her potent cum drips from her climaxing lips as her body shakes and shutters and her wings flutter.
Continuing to caress her extra sensitive, climaxing labia, during the bliss, the Nex could recognize a commotion from the two, before hearing...
'I don't like you!'
From outside the stall and managing to see, through the gap in the bottom of the stall door, a pair of bare red feet.
The aggressive Geelien was now trying to apologize for her actions, however, the Nex no longer cared, she had her climax and relaxed back as she soothes her wet labia, spreading her sticky cum over them as a few lingering, pleasurable flinches come to her.
The two Geelien's eventually return to the stall and the Nex heard them mention something about cleaning, but nothing sexual seemed to be happening before hearing a group of girls enter the bathroom.
Pulling her right hand from her labia, the Nex licks her cum from her palm as she waited for the girls and Geelien's to leave before finishing what she came into the room for in the first place.