Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (chapter 21)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 21

Title: Chapter 6-5


After learning an unusual fact about Tragelian's, Celine tries out an unusual way of controlling one of her friends.]

“Well then...” comments Celine with a smile and looking to Patty on the bed.

“Still a no.” replies the Felene with a smile back.

Becka positions herself behind Janice's, before with a bit of aid from the tired Tragelian, lifts Janice's head up onto her lap as she strokes the young girl's cheeks for a moment before lowering one hand down to Janice's chest and lightly teasing her nipples, bringing a soft moan from her.

“I think I figured out why teasing our ovaries to orgasm has such a draining effect on us Tragelian's.” comments Becka.

“So what's the reason?” asks Celine.

“As Tragelian's...” starts Becka. “Our ovaries, along with being the primary source for our honey, produces a constant and very high concentration of hormones that fuel our sex drive. So by teasing our ovaries to orgasm, your causing it to drain it's supply of hormones, which leaves us sexually exhausted and our desire temporarily drained, similar to the effect of a lengthy and intense Trance. Your method though drains our ovaries of hormones super quick compared to a Trance.”

“Interesting.” comments Celine. “So the source of a Tragelian's sex drive is the ovaries?”

“Yep.” replies Becka, as Janice gives a soft moan from the light petting and tease before she turns to her left side, resting her head on Becka's lap. “And like you Geelien's, after lengthy sexual sessions, or even during it, we have to re-hydrate and re-fuel our bodies with liquid and food from the amount of fluids we loose through our honey.”

“Well that makes sense.” comments Celine. “You Tragelian's certainly produce tons of honey.”

“And our ovaries are at least twice the size of human females.” adds Becka.

“Really?” asks Celine.

A tired giggle comes from Janice before commenting, “Heh, we have bigger balls than even human guys.”

The comment brings a round of giggles from the girls, before Becka adds...

“But because our ovaries are so much larger and produces such high amounts of hormones, us Tragelian's- Hybrids anyway, are in a constant state of semi-arousal, the slightest thing could make us start oozing honey, which can be pretty annoying and is the primary reason for those rectangular strips that you've probably seen some girls wear over their pussy.”

“Yeah...” replies Celine. “In Gym, I've seen girls with those, even on their nipples.”

“Yeah...” comments Becka. “We Tragelian's my be the most sexual of the races, but that doesn't mean we want sex all the time or want to be horny twenty-four-seven. Plus, if we don't at least masturbate ourselves to orgasm once through-out the day and drain off a little of our hormones, Honey will just start flowing out towards the end of the day, sometimes even overwhelming those strips if it's a cheap, small one that starts slipping against you, making you even more horny or just falling off if your not wearing anything and creating a mess. The abundance of undrained hormones could possibly even trigger a trance to force the draining of excess hormones.”

“Wow...” replies Celine. “I think I'd get tired of HAVING to have an orgasm everyday.”

“Yeah, well it doesn't have to be a big one.” comments Becka. “Even a small one would drain enough hormones that you'd be fine without any sexual activity for the rest of the day.”

Sammy quickly adds, “A morning come feels really good and helps wakes me up.”

“I guess right after waking up would be the perfect time.” comments Celine, before Patty asks...

“Hey Celine, there's something I've been wondering since yesterday. How do you see the world around you?”

“What do you mean?” asks Celine.

“Like, since your entire body, even your eyes, are one color, do you see everything in red?”

“Oh, heh, no.” replies Celine with a chuckle. “I see in color, I can see Kali's skin and hair is blue, Sammy has pink hair, Becka's is blue, my body is paler thanks to all the honey that's inside me.”

“Oh.” replies Patty, before Kali asks...

“What about when you close your eyes, do you still see through your eyelids?”

“That's a good question.” comments Celine. “I actually can see through my eyelids.”

“How do you sleep then?” asks Kali.

“Well, the simplest way I can describe it is, hmm, I sorta, remove my eyes.” answers Celine, which brings a unanimous “Huh?” from the girls, causing Celine to giggle a little before adding. “I'll show you what I mean.”

Following the comment, the others 'Ohhh' as they see Celine's eye fade and disappear, she was literally eye-less.

“This is how Geelien's close their eyes.” comments Celine, “This is what happens to my eyes when I lower my eyelids.” she adds before her eyes reappear, and Patty asks...

“Then what's the purpose of your blinking then? If you can see through your eyelids, what's the point?”

“It's just a natural action that was retained before we Geelien's became what we are today.” replies Celine. “If I focus, I can stop myself from blinking at all though.” she adds, before Kali asks...

“So you blink to fit in more?”

“Heh, well, yeah...” replies Celine, looking a little nervous. “I'm sure non-Geelien's would be uncomfortable around me if I didn't blink. It's why I eat through my mouth too and not other parts of my body, but I told Sammy that one before.”

“Well it would be pointless to get into a staring contest with you then.” comments Patty with a giggle, before Sammy adds...

“Oh, hey! Us Tragelian's see everything glowing.”

“Really?” asks Celine.

“Yeah.” replies Becka. “If you've ever played a game where there's a glow to things, it's called a bloom effect, our eyes have a small bloom effect to our vision.” she adds, before Sammy continues...

“If it's really sunny and bright outside, sometimes it's hard to see stuff.”

“Wow, that's interesting.” comments Celine. “Unfortunately though, certain types of games, like VR games don't work for us, it doesn't recognize our presence.”

“Awww...” replies Sammy. “There's some really cool VR games though.”

“Oh, I should add...” starts Becka. “The glowing vision only effect Hybrids, pure bloods don't have it.”

“Oh, well what other differences are there?” asks Celine. “I know only Hybrids have cericks.”

“There's not many differences.” comments Becka. “Aside from the eyes and cericks, pure bloods don't have to come everyday, I think it might be one every three days before they get really horny and oozy... anyway, pure bloods don't have trances either.”

“Really?” asks Celine. “I thought all Tragelian's had trances.”

“Nope, only Hybrids.” replies Becka. “It's a side-effect of the mix of human and Tragelian DNA.”

“Well I guess that makes sense.” comments Celine. “Hybrids are just that after-all, a mix of two species.” she adds, before gasping, “Oh! I just remembered, there's something I've been wanting to try for the last couple of days-”

Sammy immediately raises a hand, declaring...

“Oh me! Pick me! Try it on me!”

“Heh, at least give me a chance say what it is.” replies Celine.

“OK, but pick me!” comments Sammy happily.

“Heh, well, I'd like to see if I could envelope one of you and control your movement.

“So...” starts Kali. “You mean one of us would wear you and make us move around and stuff?”

“Yeah, exactly.” states Celine. “I just wonder if I have the strength to move a person's limp body like that.”

“Me! Me! Me!” declares Sammy as she quickly gets to her feet. “Try it on me!”

“No other volunteers?” asks Celine.

“I'll try.” replies Kali, before Patty adds...

“Me too.”

Sammy quickly declares, “Let's play rock, paper, scissors!”

“Ok.” replies Kali and Patty.

The three girls extend a hand and Sammy soon groans as she looses the first round, the second ends with Kali as the winner as she cheers and quickly walks to the short distance to Celine, who was now standing.

“Interesting game.” comments Celine.

“It's really easy to play.” replies Kali. “I'll tell you after you try controlling my body.”

“Ok.” states Celine, before the Geelien shifts to her liquid form and and Kali 'oooh's' as she sees Celine's mass move below her and moving up her legs.

“Hehe, it kinda tickles.” comments Kali, as Celine's mass reaches above her waist, encompassing her labia and the crevice of her butt before continuing to travel up her body, pass her belly, to her chest and spreading out to her arms. Kali's head remained uncovered, and a considerable pool of mass still rested on the floor.

“Hehe, it's so weird...” states Kali. “I'm covered with Celine's body.” she adds, lifting and lowering her legs and twisting her upper body.

The young Vehen got a scare though as Celine's head forms on her left shoulder.

“Hey, do you-”

Celine doesn't get far before Kali gasps out and falls to her butt, still covered in Celine's mass and surrounded by it as she other girls giggles at Kali's scare, except Janice, who had fallen asleep as Becka continues to guide her fingers through the young girl's hair.

“Don't do that!” declares Kali.

“Heh, sorry.” replies Celine, before her head disappears and the Geelien's face appears on Kali's stomach. “Is this better?”

“Hehehe, cool...” replies Kali, poking Celine's nose a few times.

“Well I'll take that as a yes.” comments Celine. “Anyway, I wanted to ask, can I put my excess mass inside you so it won't be all on the floor?”

“Ok.” answers Kali.

The young Vehen soon 'oooh's' and giggles as her labia and urethra visibly spread as she feels Celine begin to fill her bladder, pussy and womb, quickly filling the the young girl's small bladder and womb to it's limit, a two distinct bulges visible at her abdomen as she soon groans...

“Ok, that's enough, my pussy can't fit anymore.” comments Kali, before getting to her hands and knees. “Put the rest in my butt.”

Celine immediately took Kali up on the offer and the Vehen gives another moan as she feels Celine's remaining mass fill her through her spread anus, reaching not only into her rectum, but very deep into her small intestine, nearly the entire length of it given Kali was still a kid.

While there was no longer a pool of Celine's mass on the floor, the result of the filling brings a groan from Kali as she sits on her legs with her hands to her now clearly bulging belly, feeling the weight of her filled intestines pushing against her filled womb and bladder. The eight-cycle old Vehen looked a couple months pregnant, which brought a smile from Patty and Becka and giggle from Sammy and Rachael, who comments...

“Hehe, you look like your having a baby.”

The Canine crawls the short distance to Kali and pokes her belly, who moans and leans away.

“I feel so stuffed.” groans Kali. “...and I felt like I have to take the biggest poop ever.” she adds, before Sammy comments...

“But Celine's completely inside you. I'd love to have Celine inside me! I could pretend I'm giving birth.”

“It is pretty amazing.” states Patty. “A whole person is inside of you.”

“Heh...” chuckles Kali, before standing shortly, causing her belly to jiggle a little before sitting herself on the end of the second bed in the room. “Being filled like this isn't very comfortable, I keep wanted to poop Celine out.” she adds, before Celine comments...

“Well let's see if I can control you, lay back and go as limp as you can.”

“OK.” replies Kali, as she lays on her back.

Sammy and Rachael stand to get a better look, while Becka carefully picks Janice up in her arms and carries her to the bed Patty sat, before leaving the room commenting that she was getting a snack.

“Ready.” states Kali.

“Ok, I'll start with the arms.” replies Celine.

Kali soon giggles and the other girls 'ooh' as Kali's right arm slowly rises, lifted towards the ceiling, before her left arm mirrors her right.

“That's so awesome!” comments Sammy.

“Hehe, it's feels weird.” states Kali, before her arms lower to the bed and Celine adds...

“Good, now the legs...”

Like her arms, Kali's right leg, below the knee, lifts and fully extends, before her leg lifts up from the bed a short distance, before the action was repeated by her left leg.

“Nice...” comments Celine. “I figured the arms and legs would be the easy part though, now for the real challenge. Kali, I'm gonna try and lift you up into a sitting position.”

“OK.” replies the young Vehen, smiling at the odd sensation of her limbs moving without her control.

Following the approving reply, Kali feels her upper body start to lift up, slowly, she could feel the pushing force against her back. The progress was slow, until Celine directs Kali's hands to help out and push against the bed and help her sit up, easily succeeding.

“Awesome!” cheers Celine as Kali giggles as her arms lift in a cheer, before Patty asks...

“You gonna try and walk?”

“Yep, that's going to be the hardest part, I'm going to have the added challenge of balancing the weight of Kali's body.”

“Hurry and try!” comments Kali happily. “I want you to walk me.”

“Ok then.” replies Celine. “I'm gonna stand you up and try and take one step.” she adds, before her face disappears.

The usual simple act of standing turned out to be an amusing event as while the previous test motions were quite smooth, Celine attempting to stand Kali's lax body up appeared more stiff and robotic as she leans her upper body forward and appearing to rock slightly, before Kali's rear starts to lift from the bed.

However, as Kali's rear began to rise, her upper body remained leaning forward, quickly throwing off her balance and Kali gasping as she immediately took control her body to prevent falling to her face and she falls to her hands and knees. The error brought a round of gasps and giggles from the other girls

“Oh, sorry about that!” gasps Celine, her face reforming on Kali's bulging belly. “I forgot to lift your upper body. Let me try again.”

“Ok.” replies Kali, before returning her rear to the end of the bed and relaxing her body again and letting Celine have control.

“Round two...” comments Celine, her face once again disappearing, before Kali's upper body leans forward as she her rear slowly lifts from the bed again.

This time, Celine began to lifts Kali's upper body before gravity pulled her forward; However, Celine lifts Kali's upper body up too much and ends up leaning back and coupled with Kali's knees still bent, Kali giggles as she falls back to the bed.

“Dang-it!” groans Celine, her face reforming. “This is trickier than I thought, I have to time the movements better.”

“I have an idea.” comments Patty. “How about Kali stands herself up a couple times? It should give you an idea of the timing of what to move when.”

“That's a good idea.” replies Celine. “You mind Kali?”

“Nope.” replies the young girl, before sitting up, then standing, before sitting back down.

Kali repeats the stand and sit about five times, before Celine comments...

“Ok, I'm pretty sure I got it, let me try again.”

“'K.” replies Kali, sitting down.

This time, after the examples of Kali's movement to stand, Celine realized she was lacking the unified movement of Kali's entire body in one motion.

Taking what she learned, Celine makes another attempt, leaning Kali's upper body forward and lifting her rear, this time, while a little slower than Kali, Celine manages to lift the young girls upper body as she lifts Kali's rear up and extends her legs, successfully standing Kali up.

“Yes! I did it.” declares Celine.

“Now walk!” states Rachael happily as her tail quickly wags.

Celine happily lifts Kali's right leg, but this time, with one of her legs being lifted without her control, Kali felt the sense of her balance being thrown off and attempts to regain control and lower her foot to the floor, but feels Celine lock her foot in place and her balance was really thrown off as she gasps out and seems to trip over nothing and falling face-first to the floor.

While she couldn't throw her hands out in time to catch herself, Kali's bulging belly saves her from hitting her head too hard on the carpeted floor as her belly took the force of the fall. As a result, Celine's mass ejects from the young Vehen's pussy and anus, before melting from Kali's body and Celine reforming herself in her kid form behind Kali, between her legs as more of her mass continues to leg from Kali's rear, before the young girl groans and her anus widening as she pushes out more of the Geelien's mass, along with a few visible dark objects.

“Why'd you move?” asks Celine.

“Nnngh... It felt like I was, nngh, l-loosing my balance.” answers Kali as she continues push out the rest of Celine's mass and solid contents of her intestines.


- 7:21 P.M. -
- Outside Celine's home -

“Seeya later Celine!” calls Sammy from the other side of the street, fully dressed once again and waving her right hand as she walks down the sidewalk towards her home.

“Seeya!” answers back Celine, also dressed again as she walks to her home.

“Becky will be able to play with us tomorrow!” adds Sammy.

“I look forward to it!” replies Celine, before entering her home.

Seeing the living room empty, but the TV on, Celine guessed at least one of her parents were still here.

“Anyone here?” calls out Celine. “I'm back.”

“Your father went out about ten minutes ago.” answers Eda as she walks down the stairs, mirroring Celine's appearance, though with breasts at least double the size of Celine's and wearing a very familiar tank-top and stretchy short-shorts. “Have fun with your friends?”

“Heh...” chuckles Celine lightly with a smile as she sees her mother, who doesn't fully come down the stairs, leaning on the railing as her tail flicks back and forth. “Yeah, I did, and what your wearing looks an awful lot like my clothes.”

“Really?” asks Eda, looking surprised and standing upright quick enough to cause her breasts to bounce, before looking down at her clothes and grabbing her breasts. “I thought the chest area was a little tight...”

Celine only groans at the remark, before walking through the living room and towards the kitchen.

“Hey, hey!” adds Eda, rushing down the stairs and to Celine side. “Yanno I'm only teasing.”

“Yeah.” comments Celine. “Just don't stretch out my shirts.”

“Kaaaaaaay.” replies Eda cheerfully, before bringing a gasp from her daughter as she sticks her right hand into her side, who quickly pulls away.

“Sorry, but I'm a bit sexed out at the moment, maybe later, I just want something to eat.”

“Awwww...” whines Eda with a pout. “Fine, I'll just go back to playing dress-up with your clothes.” she adds, before skipping back to the stairs, bringing a chuckle from Celine.

“Heh, she's happy for some reason.”

After retrieving a bottle of protein from the refrigerator, Celine was suddenly reminded of Sammy mentioning that she knew Sakura Bragou and she lived close by. Also remembering that Sakura had given her, her contact info, Celine decided to call her new friend, her first call using her comm, which she found quite easy and before she knew it, the default ringing tone sounded from the device.

Just seconds pass before a window suddenly appears showing Sakura's face, who smiles and Celine guessed, judging by what was behind the blonde, that she was in her room.

“Oh hi Celine, what's up?”

“Heh, hey, nothing much.” greets Celine. “I just had a question I wanted to ask you.”

“OK, ask away!”

“Do you know two little girls called Sammy and Becky?”

“Sammy and Becky? I know a couple Sammy's and Becky's, what's their last name?”

“Ah, right, it's Becky Tran and Sammy Saunders, or rather, Samantha Saunders.” replies Celine, before Sakura gasps with a smile.

“Oh! Those two! Yeah, I know them. So you've met them too? Heh, their definitely full of energy all the time.”

“Hehe, yeah, their actually my neighbors.” replies Celine, leaving the kitchen.

“Really!?” gasps Sakura. “Wait, YOU'RE the Geelien's that moved into that house near them!?”

“Heh, yep.”

“We live in walking distance of each other!” declares Sakura. “I can't believe it! We have to hang out sometime soon!”

“Sure, I'm up for that.” replies Celine with a smile, sitting on the living room couch.

“Hey, waaaait a minute...” starts Sakura with a knowing grin, as a light blush rose on her cheeks. “Becky and Sammy were the kids you were talking about at school nycalus (monday) wasn't it? The ones that got you used to us Tragelian's.”

“Hehe...” chuckles Celine as she drips a little. “Y-Yeah, their the ones.” she adds, opening the bottle and taking a drink.

“Hehehehe... I'm sure they didn't give you time to be embarrassed your first time with them, huh?” giggles Sakura. “They like to team-up on their victims, hehe.”

“Heh, no, they certainly didn't.” replies Celine with a smile at the memory.

“Outside of sex, those two are really nice though, but I don't really visit them much, I should sometime this week, especially since you live near them. Have you met their other friends?” asks Sakura.

“Yeah...” replies Celine, dripping a little more at what she intended to say. “It hasn't been long since I came back from a two hour orgy with Patty, Janice, Rachael and Kali.”

“Ohh, hehe, those adopted sisters? I bet your all sexed out now huh?”

“I sure am, they gave me plenty of honey too.” replies Celine.

“I bet they did.”

“Oh, by the way, Sammy showed me her laying for the first time nycalus (monday).”

“Nice, what did you think of it?”

“It was definitely interesting.” comments Celine. “It's amazing that your bodies create jeweled eggs.”

“Yeah, we're pretty awesome.” replies Sakura with a smile.

“Oh, today, Sammy showed me how two Tragelian's fertilize their eggs.”

“Ohhhh! Really!? Did you eat one of her eggs!?”

“It was actually Becka's egg, but it made me come hard enough for me to loose control of my body.” answers Celine, finding herself getting comfortable with the sexual talk, but still dripping a bit.

“Hehe, wow, so it makes a Geelien come, that's interesting.”

“Yeah, well, I just wanted to ask you about Becky and Sammy...” states Celine, before suddenly remembering Sammy asking her to ask Sakura for a ticket to her upcoming Shakra event and Celine quickly deciding against asking. “I don't really have anything else at the moment I can think of to talk about.”

“Oh, ok, you can call or text me any time, seeya tomorrow.” replies Sakura.

“Ok, seeya later.”

Celine smiles as the window closes, before sitting back on the couch, taking another drink from the bottle as she watches the current channel on the TV, some random talk show.

The teen soon hears the faint giggling of her mother upstairs, causing her to get to her feet and head towards the stairs commenting to herself...

“I better go see what she's up to in my room.”

Upon walking to the open door of her room, Celine smiles as she sees her mother, still in her younger form that mirrors her own, top-less with her larger breasts in clear view and wearing one of Celine's pleated skirts, but pulled up enough to reveal her bare butt and lack of underwear as she was currently twirling, before stopping and facing Celine, who comments...

“You're acting a little more excited than normal, did something good happen while I was gone?”

“Nothing in particular, just happy.” replies Eda, lifting her skirt to fully reveal her younger labia as she smiles and and walks towards her daughter with her tail flicking side to side. “Why don't you join me?” she asks, stopping within a foot of Celine and placing her hands to her daughters shoulders and swaying her hips.

“Heh, I told you, I'm all sexed out at the moment.” answers Celine, smiling at her mothers little dance.

“Well how about dress-up? Come on!” comments Eda, taking Celine by the hand and pulling her into her room, spinning her once before stepping close to her daughter and wrapping her left arm around Celine waist and taking Celine's left hand in her right as she took the lead in a brief Tango, simply moving back and forth.

“Dress-up? Their my own clothes.” declares Celine, though giggling a little as she spins her mother once and returning close to her.

“So?” replies Eda. “You did buy a couple new things you haven't worn yet. It'll be fun, dress-up with your cute, older twin sister.” she adds, before dipping Celine, who giggles.

“Heh, fine, fine...” replies Celine with a smile before returning upright and dipping her mother. “But I'm the cuter one.”



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