“Heh, right.” replies Celine with a smile. “You want me like this or in my original form?”
“Either is fine with me.” replies Janice, before briefly closing her eyes with a moan and Celine sees the ten-cycle old's cerick emerge under her body. “I wanna see you suck it first.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, lifting her right hand to the pink, ribbed organ and extends her tongue to lick it, but Rachael hurrying back to the bed with Patty catches her attention. “Hey Rachael, how about switching partners once and awhile?”
“For what?” Asks Rachael with a smile, before she and Patty, return to a sixty-nine position with Rachael on top and quickly moaning a little as Patty began to tease her. “Mmm, I love being with Patty.” she adds, before lowering her head between Patty's thighs as her tail wags.
Janice then comments, “Good luck getting her to switch when Patty's here. Now suck my cerick, hehe.”
With the organ wriggling in her hand, Celine smiles and replies, “Fine.”, before reaching her other hand and grabbing the organ and taking it into her mouth with an immediate moan from Janice, before beginning to trust it in and out of her mouth.
“Ohhhh, yeah, like that.” moans Janice, soon sitting up and and pinching her nipples, bringing more moaning from her.
Celine hadn't started long, but Janice could see the Geelien had taken about six inches of her currently, four feet or so of Cerick. Janice was quickly disappointed when Celine removes the organ from her mouth, but before she could question why, the young girl was shocked into a pleasurable gasp and moan as Celine pulls away her left hand only to plunge it into her Cerick up to her elbow.
The insertion brought a loud squelch from the organ as a small amount of excess honey found freedom, along with a lengthy moan from Janice as the young girl's body shudders and honey oozes from her erect nipples.
The reaction brings a smile to Celine's face.
“Yeah, thought you'd like that. Remember, I'm a Geelien, I have different ways to make you feel good.”
“Ohhh, forget about me fraking you, I want you to frak my cerick!” declares Janice. “Frak it til I come!”
“No problem there!” replies Celine happily before starting to thrust her arm, going a little deeper than her elbow as the bulge of her arm could be clearly seen repeatedly advancing and retreating through Janice's lengthy organ.
The result of the thrusting brought a constant moaning from Janice as she continued to pinch and pull at her nipples, urging more of her honey from then. However, moments later, the young girl abandons her oozing nipples and moves her hands down to her cerick, closer to her pussy and directly adding to her pleasure as she began to move her hands up and down the warm, wet organ, quite literally 'jacking off' like a guy and thanks to her honey around her Cerick, the sound was mirrored as well, while Celine thrusts her arm into the organ, occasionally meeting Janice's moving hands.
“Ohhhh! Yeah!” declares Janice as she eagerly and quickly thrusts her hands up and down along her cerick, the naughty, wet schlick, schlick, schlick sounds only growing in volume the quicker Janice's hands moves. “This feels amazing!”
With the double-teaming of her sensitive organ, Celine smiles as she could only imagine the pleasure the young girl was feeling. The Geelien quickly stifles a giggle as she sees Janice's face scrunch up and her tongue start to protrude from her open mouth a little, shortly followed by small string of drool from the tip. Celine wasn't at all surprised, given how quick Sammy had come having sex with Becka, when Janice was clearly nearing her moment as she tightly closes her eyes with a groan, returning her tongue in her mouth.
“Wow...” smiles Celine. “You're gonna come already? I don't think it's even been a minute.”
Soon after, Janice gives an orgasmic wail as she leans forward a little, but as Celine pulls her arm free of the organ, which stood stiff like a penis, the Geelien sees Janice tighten her hands around her cerick, causing a VERY visible bulge to grow behind her hands as she groans hard.
“Whoa, that can't be comfort-” starts Celine, before Janice very quickly states...
“Y-Your mouth! I-wanna-come-in-your-mouth!”
The rapidly building pressure of her backed-up honey obviously becoming more than her hands can hold back as a brief, thick gush of honey ejects from her cerick and hits Celine in the face with a wail from Janice as she quickly moves her right hand, the one holding back the flood, above her left, only slightly and briefly relieving the pressure with more area to fill.
“Oh, ok!” quickly replies Celine, reaching her hands to the organ, her very touch bringing another wail from Janice and another thick gush of honey hits Celine in the face before sticking it into her mouth and down her throat.
Not a second later, the pressure becomes too much for Janice to bare any longer as she loosens her rapidly fading grip and it was Celine's turn to be surprised as the backed-up torrent of orgasm-fueled honey rockets through the organ with an open-mouthed, tongue-out wail of pleasure from Janice as her nipples briefly became tiny geysers of honey, while Celine quickly became overwhelmed with the sheer amount and force of the torrent as the honey rockets down into her body and spills out below her into the pool of her mass.
Celine's body did nothing but direct the orgasmic flow downward, the torrent even retaining a neat, visible column rocketing through her body.
Only seconds into her orgasm, Janice falls to her back as her small body shakes and convulses in the intense pleasure. The torrent of honey comes to an abrupt stop moments later as Janice's body continued to react to her still running climax. Her nipples no longer tiny geysers, but still oozes honey slowly, as Celine pulls the now limp cerick from her mouth and admires Janice's convulsions of pleasure for a few moments before looking below her and chuckles.
“Heh, so much for containing it.”
“Impressive...” comments Becka, who now occupied herself, or rather, her hands, with Sammy and Kali's also climaxing pussies in front of her as the two girls lay on their back moaning and squirming.
Celine could only giggle in response.
A full three minutes pass before Janice's spasms and convulsions die down to a reasonable degree and it was two minutes after that before Janice could manage to talk again, still trembling as she now lays on her right side in the fetal position with her four foot Cerick still exposed and laying limp on the floor, laying in a combined pool of Celine's mass and her honey.
“Heh, back to reality?” comments Celine, smiling as she pets and strokes the young girl's cerick, which tenses with each touch as small amounts of honey continues to ooze out.
“T-That...” pants Janice. “Was o-one... o-of t-the... s-strongest comes... I've e-ever... had...”
“Wow, really?” asks Celine, “Well that certainly makes me feel better.”
“I'm...” starts Janice. “g-gonna need a... little b-break.”
“Well...” comments Celine with a smile. “That's twice I've sexually tired out a Tragelian, I wonder who's gonna be the third.”
The comment brings a weak giggle from Janice, before Sammy, who was moaning softly in the afterglow of her own orgasm and Becka's continued teasing of her pussy, gasps and removes herself from the fingers and turns to face Celine.
“Ohh! Hey Celine, I just got an awesome idea!”
“Well what is it?” asks Celine, smiling.
“Do what you did to me, make Becka come by teasing her honey-makers!”
“Ohhh, nice idea.” replies Celine, before Becka questions...
“Wait, what? Tease my honey-makers? You don't mean my ovaries do you?”
“Yeah!” declares Sammy. “A little while ago Celine reached all the way in my pussy and teased one of my honey-makers.” she adds, pressing her left hands index finger to the spot where she guessed her left ovary was. “It felt SOOOOOOOOO good! A ton of honey came out when I came!”
“Wow.” comments Becka. “I would think directly touching those wouldn't feel good at all.”
“But it does!” declares Sammy happily. “You come super quick too!”
“Well then...” comments Becka, pulling her fingers from Kali's wet pussy and licking them as she looks to Celine. “I'd like to experience getting my ovaries touched and teased.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, before she absorbs her excess mass and Janice's abundant honey, clouding her body as she chose not to absorb the fluid, as she moves closer to Becka.
The adult repositions herself on her butt and leaning back on her elbows as she spreads her legs and presents her own oozing pussy. Celine moves her right hand towards Becka, before the woman comments...
“So, your gonna stick your hand into my womb and move through one of the fallopian tubes to my ovary?”
“Yeah.” replies Celine. “Don't worry, I can thread my way though, so it won't be my entire hand.”
“Hehe, I hope not!” giggles Becka.
Giggling a little as well, Celine quickly found that, she and Becka were the current focus as not only Sammy, Janice and Kali all sat around watching, but also Patty and Rachael sitting at the edge of the bed attentively looking on to the proposed manner of sexual pleasure.
Celine soon plunges her hand into Becka's larger pussy, in comparison to the younger girls, with a soft moan coming from her, along with a brief squelch.
The Geelien quickly discovered that Becka's cervix wasn't as tight as Sammy's was, though wasn't too surprised by the fact, but she was a little surprised as the woman's cervix had a small gap, allowing an easier entry into the spacious organ.
“I'm guessing laying lots of eggs over the cycles gives your cervix a permanent gap?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Becka. “But nothing huge, unless your having constant, womb-deep sex all the time, that'll really widen you out.”
“Is there a downside to it?” asks Celine, as she begins to thread her mass into Becka's left fallopian tube, which brings a cringe from her.
“Ohhh, yeah, that's not very comfortable at all going through the tube.” comments Becka with a frown, before Sammy quickly adds...
“But it's worth it!”
“Does it hurt?” asks Janice.
“No, just uncomfortable, like trying to put a dildo that's too big in.” answers Becka, before giving a little gasp and flinch, before Celine comments...
“I'm through.”
“Good.” replies Becka with a smile, “Ready when you are.”
“Oh!” gasps Sammy. “I forgot to tell you, the first touch is a big shock.”
“Well thanks for the warn-AH!” replies Becka, before gasping out in shock and her hips jerking up once as she shots her right hand down to Celine's arm, who smiles at the reaction the touch to the organ produced as she pulls her tentacle-like digit away.
“Told ya.” giggles Sammy.
“W-Whoa!” comments Becka panting a little. “That was like a jolt of electricity! I can even feel my ovary throb.”
“Hehe, just wait till Celine starts teasing your honey-maker without stopping!” declares Sammy.
Becka chuckles a little, before releasing Celine's arm and returning her arm to the floor, before giving a few breaths.
“Ok, I'm ready.”
“You sure?” asks Celine with a smile.
“Yeah, do your worse, lets see how quick you can make me come.”
“Thirty seconds!” declares Sammy. “I bet you'll come in thirty seconds!”
“Wow.” comments Becka, “Not even a minute?”
“Hehe, you have no idea what your in for.” comments Sammy, smiling.
“Fine then...” replies Becky, looking to Celine. “Start and lets see what I'm getting.”
Celine returns her tendril to the oval-shaped organ, immediately resuming Becka's gasp and cringe, which only grew in volume as Celine began to caress the smooth organ, feeling it throb from her touch.
“Ohhhhh, f-frak!” moans Becka, her eyes tightly closed and her hands clenched into fists.
Becka though said to do her worse and Celine decided to do more than she did with Sammy and one tendril became two as the defenseless organ was double-teamed, caressing each side of it.
“AHHHHHH! W-What the frak!?” moans out Becka, dropping to her back and moving her right hand to her left side where her teased ovary was as she tried to close her legs, but Celine's body was in the way.
Between the two tendrils, Celine could feel the organ rapidly swelling, a little over ten seconds of starting and Becka was already about to come. Having only just started though, Celine wanted to do a little more and began to add lightly squeezing the swelling, highly sensitive organ between her two tendrils along, feeling how engorged it had become.
The additional actions brought an energetic squirming from Becka in addition to her moans and groans, before a little amusing event followed, Becka's free left hand began blindly searching around, soon finding Sammy's right hand and the young girl gasps in pain as Becka immediately squeezing her hand.
“OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! That's my hand!” declares Sammy, vainly attempting to pull her hand free.
“I-I-don't-believe-it! I'm-gonna-come-already!” rapidly declares Becka, before moaning out loudly and lifting her trembling hips.
Celine feels the organ suddenly quiver, before Becka began to groan and knew what was coming.
“Pull out!” declares Becka.
Which Celine quickly did, immediately after, Becka's loud moaning resumes as a torrent of thick honey spews out of her pussy like a broken dam and pools on the floor. In the span of just seconds, a large pool of thick honey surrounds Celine and nearly surrounds Becka's body as well, before her hips drop into the pool with a splat as she trembles and Sammy finds relief as Becka releases her hand as she lowers both of her hands to her quivering pussy and turns to her right side, lifting her legs up, but not quite in the fetal position.
“Wow...” comments Celine, seeing the massive amount of honey on the floor, before absorbing it into her body with Janice's, becoming even more clouded with the additional honey. “Well there's no doubt now, adults make a lot more honey.”
“Well duh.” Comments Janice with a giggle.
“Wow though... states Patty. “Sammy was right, she came in less than thirty seconds.”
“A-Amazing...” pants Becka. “I feel so... empty now.”
“I did too.” replies Sammy, shaking her pained hand.
“I think...” states Becka. “You actually managed... to temporarily drain my ovary of honey.”
“Wow...” comments Janice. “I didn't even think that was possible.”
“I'm gonna, need about a ten minute break.” states Becka, which brings a smile to Celine's face.
“And Becka's number three!”
“You've got a dangerous weapon on your hands.” comments Patty with a giggle, which brings one from Celine as well, before a light snore is heard from Becka, bringing a giggle from the other girls.
After a few moments, Kali soon asks...
“Hey, can you do me next? I wanna see what it feels like.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, moving from the napping Becka and towards Kali, who leans back on her elbows like Becka did and presents her wet, blue labia to the Geelien.
“Hey...” starts Janice. “I wonder if the effect will be the same on a Vehen.”
“Yeah.” states Sammy, “You've only done it with me and Becka and we're Tragelian's.”
“Well...” comments Celine. “Let's find out.” she adds, before inserting her right hand into Kali's small pussy with a moan from her, before cringing as Celine pushes her way through the cervix into her womb. “Have you ever had anything in your womb before?” asks Celine.
“I tried one time.” replies Kali. “But it hurt too much, but you can change your shape and move through the even the tiniest holes. It doesn't hurt when you do it.”
“Oh, well it still isn't comfortable, right?” asks Celine.
Kali though quickly flinches with a giggle as Celine began to search for the opening of Kali's left fallopian tube.
“Ahh-hehehehe! That tickles!” giggles Kali as she squirms her hips.
“Really?” comments Celine with a smile as she briefly puts locating the hole on hold as she teases the walls of Kali's uterus, bringing even louder and more intense giggling from the young girl as she falls to her back and places her hands to her abdomen, where her womb was located below as she giggles and squirms.
“Ahahaha-hehehehe! S-Stop! It's t-too-Heheheh-Ahahahaha!”
Celine brings Kali to a giggling fit for about fifteen seconds before stopping the tease and letting her calm down as lingering giggles leave her.
“Hehehe... I gotta, hehe, catch my breath now.” comments Kali.
“Well, I did locate one of your tubes while I was teasing you.” states Celine. “I'll wait till you calm down before I start again.”
A few moments later with the last giggles leaving her, Kali gives Celine the OK to continue, bringing another cringe from her as she feels Celine begin to thread part of herself through her left fallopian tube.
“Ohhh, B-Becka's right, that doesn't feel comfortable at all.” comments Kali.
Being only eight-cycles old, it didn't take long for Celine to travel the entire length of the tube and Kali gasp as she felt Celine emerge from the other end.
“I'm through.” declares Celine. “Now to find your honey-maker-or uh, I guess that would be incorrect for you.”
Sammy and Janice giggle at Celine's comment and Janice states...
“Yep, only Tragelian's ovaries make honey.”
“Well then...” comments Celine, moving her tentacle-like finger to Kali's ovary.
Kali gave the expectant gasp and flinch, but it wasn't anywhere near the intensity of Sammy or Becka's, a giggle had also joined in.
“Ohhhh, hehehe, that feels funny.” comments Kali.
“That's it?” asks Celine, before starting to tease the small organ, stroking it's length and bringing a giggling from the young girl, though not as intense as her previous round of giggling.
“Hehehe, y-yeah, it just tickles a lot.” giggles Kali.
“Well that's interesting.” comments Celine. “I wonder if you'll come if I tease it long enough.”
“I-I don't know if I'll be able to handle that much tickling!” giggles Kali as the intensity of her giggles began to grow as Celine continued to tease the small organ.
While Celine didn't double-team Kali's ovary, the young girl lasts much longer than Becka did from the ovary teasing, easily more than a minute and headed towards two before...
“Hehehe, S-Stop! Heheh, I-I can't breath! That's-hehe, e-enough!”
Smiling, Celine does so, she could feel the small organ throbbing though, assuming Kali probably would come given enough time teasing her ovary if she could take the ticklish pleasure.
“Want just a break or want me to pull out?” asks Celine.
“Hehe... you can pull out.” answers Kali, which Celine does, with a brief cringe from her, before her light giggling returns and lowers her hands down to her pussy and caresses herself as she closes her thighs.
“Well...” starts Patty. “A dangerous, Tragelian weapon.”
“We don't know that for sure.” comments Celine, looking to the Felene with a smile. “I have to try all my options.”
“Hehe, I'll pass.” replies Patty. “I don't feel like laughing my head off or being sexually incapacitated like Becka there.”
“I'll go next!” announces Rachael and Janice in unison, the Canine removing herself from the bed to sit next to Celine, who grins and comments...
“Wow, I actually managed to get you away from Patty.”
The comment brings a brighter blush to the Canine's cheeks.
Celine chose Rachael first and the reaction she got was quite different from Kali, while there was a little giggling, much of Rachael's response was a soft moaning, as if she were simply receiving a massage. Rachael also added to her own pleasure as she teases her nipples.
All the girls were surprised when the Canine lasted the longest to the ovary stimulation, a little over five minutes, before she came to a sudden climax, moaning out a little louder and squirming lightly as a few spurts of cum leaves her urethra.
After Celine removes her hand from inside her, Rachael commented that the sensations of the tease wasn't super pleasurable like Becka's experience, who had awoken from her short nap in time to see Rachael's orgasm. Rachael compared the sensation to slowly rubbing her tail against her unaroused labia, a little ticklish at the start, but growing more sexually pleasurable over time.
Janice's turn at the ovarian stimulation brought the expectant reaction of mirroring Becka's and lasting a similar length of time, leaving a large pool of honey on the floor with Janice exhausted and unable to move.
To be continued