Walking straight to the kitchen, Celine opens the refrigerator and true to her mother's words, it was empty, except for the five bottles of protein drinks that her mother had brought. Celine takes one of the bottles and leaves the kitchen as she opens it and begins to drink it.
The fluid is visible entering her body, though it quickly disperses as Celine walks to the front door, opening it and looking out to her new front yard, seeing a couple kids running around on the other side of the street.
Celine soon smiles when her new young friend, Becky, runs into view, giggling as a similar aged female friend of her own chases her down the sidewalk, her pony-tailed hair pink in color, the two wearing only their panties as they carry small water-guns and squirting each other. Celine was a little surprised by how little the two were wearing, so exposed out in public with their tiny nipples in clear view for all to see. Celine quickly figured it was normal though, after all, she was on a completely different planet, even if she wanted to, walking around naked or nearly naked on her home planet wasn't something that was allowed, even if they all were pretty much the same.
The two girls stop in front of the house circling each other, giggling as they continued to squirt water at each other, getting wetter and wetter. Given how wet the two already were, their panties clinging to them and partially transparent, their small water-guns wasn't the only source of water that they had available.
Becky soon declares, “Ah! I'm empty!” as she giggles and squirms from her friend continuing to squirt her before she ran empty as well shortly after, though quickly running pass Becky declaring, “Gotta reload!”
“Me too!” adds Becky before starting to chase after before Celine gasps a little as she sees Becky look towards her direction, seeing her and quickly waves towards her. “Hey Celine! I thought your were gone!”
Celine smiles as Becky quickly runs towards her and she exits the house.
“My mom and dad left to go shopping and I decided to stay.” answers Celine as Becky stops in front of her.
“Oh, well come play with me and my friend! We fill these guns with water and squirt each other.” offers Becky happily.
“Heh, sure.” replies Celine before taking a large gulp from the bottle and Becky looking on in amazement as she sees the liquid enter Celine body.
“Ohhh, that's so cool!”
“What is?” asks Celine.
“I can see what your drinking!”
“Oh, right.” replies Celine with a smile.
“What is that your drinking?”
“It's protein.” answers Celine. “Us Geelien's need lots of protein and water.”
“Oh, so you can only drink your food?” asks Becky.
“No, we can eat just about anything you can, a protein drink is just more convenient.” answers Celine.
“Oh.” replies Becky, before...
“Becky!” calls the other girl. “Where'd you go!?”
“I'm at the new neighbors place!” calls back Becky.
The other girl quickly returns, though she immediately stops in shock upon seeing Celine, who could see fear in her eyes, which hurt her a little.
“Whose that?” asks the girl.
“Celine.” answers Becky. “The one I told you about.”
“She looks weird, what is she?” replies the girl.
“Don't say that! You'll hurt her feelings!” quickly states Becky, bringing a smile to Celine's face at Becky's defense of her. “She's a... a uh...” adds Becky, before looking to Celine and asking, “What were you called again?”
“Geelien.” answers Celine.
“Yeah! She's a Geelien and she's a nice person.” comments Becky.
“A Geelien?” questions the other girl. “You mean the ones that can turn to liquid and absorb stuff?”
“Yeah!” answers Becky, before gasping and looking to Celine. “I forgot you can absorb stuff!”
“Heh, yeah, I can.” replies Celine. “First things first though, would you mind introducing me to your friend?”
“Oh! Right! Celine, this is my friend Samantha, but everyone just calls her Sammy.” states Becky, before walking to her friend and pulling her closer, who was a bit resistant to it.
“Well then...” states Celine. “Nice to meet you Sammy.” before extending her left hand.
Sammy looks to the offered hand for a moment, before Becky comments, “Go ahead, she's really warm.”
With Becky's encouragement, Sammy lifts her left hand to grab Celine's and smiles.
“Wow, you're right, she is warm, and soft.” comments Sammy, before shaking hands a couple times and releasing, looking to her hand and seeing no residue. “And dry, I thought Geelien's were wet.”
“We are.” replies Celine. “But in our solid form, we're not very wet at all.”
“So that's why your clothes are dry.” comments Sammy.
“Well, that and our clothes are water-proof.” replies Celine.
“Wow, really?” asks Sammy, before Becky adds...
“All your clothes? Even your underwear?”
“Yep, even my underwear.”
“That's really cool.” replies Becky.
“Yeah it is.” comments Celine. “So then, is it normal to be outside in nothing but your panties around here?”
“Yeah! It's totally fine!” declares Becky happily. “It feels a lot better wearing no clothes!”
“Yeah...” adds, Sammy, before Becky gasps and she squirts her with her full water-gun, “Especially in a water fight!”
“Ah! No! I still need to reload!” declares Becky, before running away giggling and Sammy chasing after her.
Celine also giggles before quickly finishing off her drink and running after the two.
“Hey Becky, let me reload you!” states Celine catching up and running besides her.
“How!?” asks Becky, giving the empty toy to Celine, who gasps as she felt a squirt of water hit her back and Sammy calling to her...
“If your helping her then your fair game too!”
What was once two sets of giggles was now three as Celine had joined in on the little girls game, laughing and running around while Celine opens the small hole in the toy and placing a finger to it before her own pinkish/red fluid fills it and handing it back to Becky.
“Oh cool!” declares the little girl before turning a squirting Sammy who gasps in surprise.
“No fair! Did Celine just reload you with herself!?”
“Yep, and she's all mine!”
“Ok then, new game, Catch the Geelien!”
“What?” gasps Celine, giggling before seeing Becky, her partner squirt her and declare...
“The one who catches you gets a free reload!”
“I don't even have a gun!” giggles Celine, beginning to run from the little girls continuing to squirt her.
Over the course of a rapidly passing thirty minutes and Celine getting her own water-gun from Becky's mother discovering she had joined her daughters game, the trio had a very fun time, Celine in particular.
The three were currently taking a small break, laying on the front lawn of Becky's home, the two little girl's on their backs breathing quickly, dripping with water and giggling, while Celine sits between them with a satisfied smile on her face, also wetter than she was when she started, beads of water on her tank-top and skirt, but ultimately dry thanks to them being waterproof.
“That was fun.” comments Becky.
“Sure was.” adds Sammy.
“I really enjoyed playing with you two.” states Celine, before noticing now, the excitement of the water-fight fading, the two girl's panties thoroughly wet and completely transparent now, allowing their young lips to be clearly visible beneath the wet fabric as it clings to the hairless mounds. “You should probably start drying off though.”
“Why?” asks Becky, sitting up with a smile.
“Well your panties are completely drenched, I can see right through them, the sight is pretty nice though.” replies Celine with a grin.
“That doesn't bother us.” replies Becky with a grin of her own, before Sammy sits up with a grin as well, adding...
“If we were allowed, we'd even go naked!”
“Really?” asks Celine, surprised at the statement.
“Absolutely!” answers Becky, “It's silly how we can be topless outside but not bottomless. I want the sun to touch every part of me! Even the naughty places!” she adds as she and Sammy giggle.
“Hehe, so you two are a couple of exhibitionists.” comments Celine with a smile.
“Our moms call us that a lot.” states Sammy. “We love being naked!”
“Yeah! What about you Celine!?” asks Becky excitedly.
“Do you like being naked?” clarifies Becky.
“Well yeah, but not in public.” answers Celine.
“Hey!” states Sammy, getting to her hands and knees and crawling closer to Celine. “Do you have naughty places or is it just smooth?”
Celine couldn't help but chuckle from the question, it was something only a little kid would ask.
“Ohhh, yeah!” adds Becky, crawling close to Celine as well, who briefly looked a little nervous with the two girl's advancing on her. “You have underwear, so you must have things to cover, right?”
“Hehe, yeah, I have a 'naughty place', as you call it.” answers Celine feeling a little embarrassed, but comfortable with the innocent questions.
“Can you show us?!” asks Sammy happily.
“W-What!?” gasps Celine.
“Yeah!” declares Becky. “Show us your naughty place! I wanna see what a Geelien's naughty place looks like!”
“U-Uh, I don't think so.” replies Celine, her body starting to drip, which quickly drew the girls attention.
“Whoa, you're melting!” states Becky.
“Have you been in the sun too long?” asks Sammy.
“O-Oh, no, that's not it.” replies Celine. “When we Geelien's get embarrassed, or if were sad or aroused, our bodies start to drip, it's the same thing as blushing for you guys.”
“So your embarrassed about showing us your naughty place?” asks Becky.
“Of course, I'm not going to expose myself out in public.”
“So you'll show us inside then!” declares Sammy happily, it was a statement, not a question, as Celine quickly discovers as Sammy stands, along with Becky.
“Ok, let's go inside then!” adds Becky.
“Hey, wait a minute!” gasps Celine as the two take an arm and pulls her to her feet and towards Becky's home.
“Don't worry.” states Becky. “We'll go to my room and we can have even more fun there!”
With a sigh, Celine decides not to fight, after spending time with them, Becky and Sammy were pretty nice little girls and were just curious, as long as they had privacy, Celine didn't have much problem going along with it.
“Ok.” replies Celine, smiling as she thinks, 'This is certainly better than them being afraid of me.'
“Mom!” calls out Becky as she, Sammy and Celine enter the home. “We're going to my room with Celine.”
“OK.” replies Hazel before coming out of a doorway in front of the three and seeing them, before chuckling at the sight with Sammy and Becky each holding one of Celine's hands. “Well, seems they've become attached to you already.”
The two little girls just giggle before leading Celine upstairs as the Geelien giggles and comments...
Out of sight from Hazel, the woman calls to them...
“Don't be too rough on her you two.”
“We won't!” chimed both, Becky and Sammy in unison.
“Wait, what?” comments Celine.
Giggles is Celine's only response before she reached Becky's room. Once her hands were free, Celine sees the two girls remove their wet panties, now standing completely nude, presenting their little bodies to Celine, who smiles at the sight before Becky states...
“Ok, now you take your clothes off.”
Although a little embarrassed, Celine complies, lifting her tank-top up and over her head, revealing her bra, before removing her skirt though, Celine quickly asks...
“Wait, can you go get a towel or some plastic? So I won't get anything wet.”
“I'll go!” declares Becky, before running out of the room.
Celine resumes undressing and unhooks her skirt, letting it drop to the floor around her feet before kicking it away and removing her socks and shoes the same way she did earlier, bringing a gasp from Sammy.
“Whoa! That was cool!”
“Heh, I guess, much quicker than pulling them off.” replies Celine. “Hey, I got a question, how close are you and Becky?”
“What do you mean, how close?” asks Sammy.
“Well, you two are Tragelian right? Do you two do naughty things with each other? I've heard Tragelian's love to have sex all the time.”
“Oh! Yeah, all the time! We really, really, like being naughty!”
“I see, so that's why you two are so comfortable being naked around each other.” comments Celine.
Sammy giggles before Becky returns, declaring, “I'm back!” carrying a bath towel, before unfolding and laying it on the floor, near the bed.
Though the little blonde was surprised when Sammy steps to her, placing her hands to her shoulders and kissing her fully on the lips for a few moments, enough for a little tongue from the slight movement of their jaws before pulling back and looking to Celine, who was a little surprised herself.
“See?” comments Sammy smiling.
“I never said I doubted you.” replies Celine with a smile.
“What was that for?” asks Becky.
“She wanted to know if we're naughty with each other.” states Sammy.
“Ohh, we are!” declares Becky. “I like it when Sammy licks my clitty, she can lick it real good!”
“And I like it when Becky sucks on my cerick.” states Sammy.
“Cerick? I've heard about that.” replies Celine. “This is my first time away from my home planet and I've rarely seen any other races.”
“Really?” asks both, Sammy and Becky.
“Yeah, so as much as you're interested about me, I'm interested about you guys too and the Felenes, Vehens, Nex and all the other races.” replies Celine.
“So do you wanna see it!?” asks Sammy excitedly. “My cerick?”
“Sure.” replies Celine with a smile. “It's a trade, you show me yours and I'll show you mine.”
“Ok, deal!” declares Sammy, before sitting on the floor, joined by Becky and Celine and spreading her legs, then her prepubescent labia.
Celine quickly “Ohhh's” as she sees a pink, ribbed tentacle-like organ emerge from Sammy's pussy about two feet in length.
“Hehe, pretty cool huh?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, it is.” replies Celine, looking on in amazement. “How much control over it do you have?”
“I can move it around how ever I want.” states Sammy, before a giggle comes from Celine as she sees the organ twirl around, move side-to-side, up-and-down and a waving motion. “I can even grabs things with it.” she adds.
“Wow, that is cool, I can grab things with my tail too, but only small stuff.” states Celine. “Is it true that only Hybrid Tragelian's have cericks?”
“Yeah.” replies Sammy.
“The best part though...” starts Becky, “Is sucking it!” she declares, before quickly lowering her lips down to the exposed organ and taking the tip in her mouth with a giggling gasp and moan from Sammy.
Moments into the act, Sammy lays back and Becky, repositions herself with her lower lips above Sammy's face, who quickly lifts herself to lick at her, bringing a moan from Becky, along with a brief giggle.
After a few more moments, Celine, although getting turned on from the sight in front of her, felt a little uncomfortable as her body began to drip once again, quickly moving herself over the towel, before commenting...
“Uhh, you two know I'm still here right?”
Becky soon removes her mouth from Sammy's cerick with a giggle.
“Hehe, sorry about that, mmm, do you want to join us?”
“U-uh, well...” replies Celine, further embarrassed and dripping a little more from the unexpected question, before Becky gasps out much louder, soon laying down on top of Sammy.
“My Clitty! Ohhh, yea, right there!”
Becky quickly takes Sammy's cerick in her mouth again as the two small lovers moan through their actions, leaving an embarrassed and slightly confused Celine to watch.
Looking around nervously, Celine didn't quite know what to do, Sammy and Becky were clearly absorbed in what they were doing and Celine didn't want to interrupt, even if Becky had invited her. Celine did noticed the door to the room was wide open and decided, to ease her own embarrassment at least, to close the door and return to the towel.
Feeling her arousal growing though, Celine had the increasing urge to touch herself from watching the sight in front of her, her tail flicking around nervously. With the two occupied with each other, Celine decided to indulge herself, reaching her dripping right hand under her panties to cup her own lower lips, before a low moan comes from her as she sinks her middle and ring fingers into her pussy, her eyes never leaving the two girls in front of her.
Celine had barely started thrusting into herself before seeing Becky pulling her mouth free and declare, “I'm gonna come!” before groaning shortly and gasping out with a long moan and trembling before quickly returning her lips around her friends cerick.
Watching Becky climax turns Celine on even more and began to trust her fingers faster, bringing a louder moan from her.
Shortly after, Sammy's muffle moans increase in volume before Celine sees a bulge travel through Sammy's cerick and Becky's cheeks quickly bulge before removing the cerick from her mouth and allowing Sammy's honey to shoot out, drenching Becky's face with a giggle from the blonde.
A surge of embarrassment soon comes over Celine as she sees Becky look to her and grin, causing Celine to stop her self-pleasure, but her hand remains in her panties.
“I said you can join us.” states Becky, before crawling towards Celine, who made a brief motion to back away, before Sammy, her face covered in Becky's honey, looks over to her and smiles, before crawling to her as well.
“Yeah, join us.”
Celine quickly realized something was wrong, the two girls had changed somehow, it was their eyes, they were faded.
“Wait you two, what's up with your eyes?”
Celine was answered with grinning, faded stares as the two advance on her, Becky was the first to reach her, grabbing at her bra and pulling it, which was quickly removed as it passes right through Celine's body, bringing a giggle from Becky.
“Hehehehe, cooool!” she states, before looking to Celine's exposed breasts and grabbing at them with a gasp from the Geelien. “Hehe, your boobies are soft too.”
“What's wrong with you two?” asks Celine, before gasping as she felt a tug on her panties by Sammy, causing her butt to slide forward and end up on her back, before her panties also were pulled through her hips much like her bra.
“It's so easy to take your clothes off!” declares Sammy, before Celine gasps again as she felt her legs spread and Sammy's gasp.
“Ohh, so this is what you look like, the same as us.” states Sammy.
“Let me see!” quickly replies Becky as she joins her friend down between Celine's legs, who sits up enough to see the two looking at her dripping crotch. “Wow, it is the same.” adds, Becky, before Celine flinches upon Becky poking her lips.
“Hey, she has a butt-hole too.” comments Sammy, reaching her hands forward and spreading Celine's cheeks a little to reveal her anus.
Celine felt even more embarrassed from the two so closely examining her, before gasping in shock as Becky shoots her face between her thighs, licking her pussy and causing Celine to fall back to her back.
“Do you use the bathroom?” asks Sammy, moving to Celine's right side, before grabbing at her breasts, bringing another gasp from her.
“Ahhh! N-no, we Geelien's don't need them.” answers Celine, before seeing Sammy straddle her and messaging her breasts.
“Cool.” comments Sammy, before lowering her lips down to Celine's, kissing the surprised Geelien.
A realization soon comes to Celine though as she thinks, 'I think I get it, I think this is the trance I've heard about, Tragelian's will suddenly get super horny and masturbate or have sex with the closet person.'
Realizing why this was happening didn't change anything though as Celine moans into the kiss from the combined actions of Becky between her thighs and Sammy massaging her breasts.
Moments later, Sammy pulls her lips away, tongue and lips dripping with Celine's liquid body, before licking her lips.
“Hehe, you're so drippy now.” comments Sammy, smiling at Celine's seemingly gradual transition from solid to liquid, but she still retained her form, though a wide puddle seemed to be spreading from her. “You taste a little funny too.” she adds, before returning her lips to Celine's.
“You're right...” adds Becky, briefly pulling her mouth from Celine's dripping labia. “She doesn't taste bad though.”
Although moaning more from Becky's continued licking of her pussy, Celine could feel Sammy not only kissing, but sucking, purposely taking more of the Geelien into her mouth, before Sammy lifts her lips, smiling as Celine's pinkish/red fluid drips from her mouth before Celine sees her swallow.
“Mmm, I'm gonna eat you up.”
“Hehe, mmm, you're free to try.” moans Celine, before Sammy lowers her lips again.
Giving in to the trancing little girls; Becky between her thighs eagerly teasing her with her tongue and Sammy, messaging her breasts and literally eating her up through the kissing, Celine decided to have her a little fun and reaches her hands around Sammy's rear and pushing a couple soft fingers into the little girl's rear, with a noticeable flinch and gasp from her.
Only the sound of moaning filled the room as the three pleasured each other. Becky moves a hand to her pussy to finger herself while Sammy began to thrust herself against Celine's slippery fingers. Shortly after, Sammy gives a surprised gasp as she felt her drooling pussy tickled by something. With a few trusts back though, she quickly realizes that her thrusts back were meeting Becky's head, it was her hair that was tickling her.
Rather than moving herself further up, Sammy used this to her advantage and began to hump and thrust herself against Becky's head and hair, whom, upon realizing what was repeatedly bumping her, not only didn't mind, but attempted to contribute to her friends pleasure as she lifts and lowers her head in a slight nodding gesture, still able to continue teasing Celine, though had to settle for just her clit.
Which brought an immediate muffled gasp from the Geelien, though her gasp was soon freed as Sammy lifts her lips from Celine to moan out herself from the combo of pleasure from Celine's fingers in her rear and Becky's hair tickling her pussy.
“Your hair feels so good Becky!” declares Sammy, humping herself harder against Becky's head since she was no longer leaning over to kiss Celine.
Thanks to Becky's focused attention to her clit, Celine could feel her first orgasm on this planet coming and states, “I'm about to come!”
The Geelien quickly gasps out in pleasure as Becky's tongue suddenly increased it's pace in teasing her clit and Celine's gasp shifts into a loud moan as felt her climax hit. Becky suddenly found her mouth flooded with Celine's... cum? It looked and tastes the same as Celine's body, but came out when she climaxed.
Becky didn't bother thinking about it much though as she eagerly attempts to draw out the Geelien's orgasm, at the same time, feeling her own moment nearing again.
Sammy beat her to it though as she soon adds her own moan to Celine's and Becky felt her head now drenched in her friends honey as Sammy humps Becky's head intensely, fueled by her orgasm.
A few eager thrusts later, Becky finally brought on her own body quaking climax, her honey exploding from her young pussy and pooling on her floor with loud, wet squelches from her climaxing pussy from her still thrusting fingers.
To be continued