“Oh, hehe...” giggles Becka, before the puddle moves from between the girls and behind Sammy and Janice before Celine reforms herself with her hands on the girls heads.
“Heh, I should've known they weren’t going to let up.” comments Celine with a smile.
“Well...” comments Becka, walking towards Patty and Rachael and handing each of them one of the bottles of water. “Break-time before round three?”
“Pee-break for me.” states Kali, getting to her feet and leaving the room.
“Me too.” adds Rachael, removing herself from the bed and following her sister out.
“I gotta go too.” states Janice, leaving as well, bringing a giggle from Celine.
“Well, guess lots of coming makes you have to go to the bathroom. Arn't you two gonna go?” states Celine to Patty and Sammy.
“I don't gotta.” replies Sammy, before Becka quickly questions...
“You don't gotta?” Eying the young girl.
“I mean...” replies Sammy. “I don't have to.”
“That's better.” comments Becka, before Patty answers...
“I went just before you came.” Taking a gulp of water after.
“Oh.” answers the Geelien.
“Celine...” starts Becka, with a smile and placing a hand to her abdomen. “I'm sure you'll be happy to know, my eggs are starting to get restless.”
“Let me fertilize them!” happily declares Sammy, getting to her feet.
“Hehe, ok.”
“How does that work again?” asks Celine, before Sammy turns to face her.
“I put my cerick deep in her pussy and cover them in my honey, when she lays them, they'll be all white like regular eggs, then we can crack'em open and eat the goo inside.”
“Oh.” replies Celine, smiling. “Well, this'll be two firsts in one for me. I haven't seen any adults having sex since I've been here.”
“Really?” comments Becka with a smile and a little color coming to her cheeks. “You got me a little nervous now.”
“Sorry.” replies Celine with a giggle.
“That's ok.” states Becky, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans before pulling them down, revealing a plain white pair of panties. “I get- or rather, Sammy and I get to show you something you've never seen before.” she adds, removing her legs from her pants and tossing them near the foot of the bed Patty sat on. “That, in and of itself is arousing to me.”
“Hey!” suddenly starts Sammy, walking next to Becka and placing a hand to the young woman's abdomen. “Show Celine the bulge you're eggs make in your belly.”
“Heh, well I don't have much of a bulge...” comments Becka, turning her left side to Celine, who could see only a slight bulge, if not for Becka turning to the side, she wouldn't have even noticed it. “I don't have that many eggs today, but it does feel like there's a big one in there.”
“Aww...” whines Sammy. “I wanted Celine to see it. My stomach was sticking out but I forgot to show Celine again and Kali and Janice made me lay.”
“I'm sure I'll have another chance to see it.” comments Celine.
“Yeah...” states Sammy. “I just gotta remember next time!”
“Well...” starts Becka, placing a hand to Sammy's shoulder, “Ready to fertilize my eggs?”
“Yea!” answers the young girl happily.
Becka then removes her panties, revealing she opted for a smooth, hairless pubic mound and labia. Lowering herself to the floor and spreading her legs, revealed Becka's labia were puffy and plump with arousal, a rather small trail of honey oozes from her slit.
Either adults didn't produce an overabundance of honey, or Becka simply wasn't as turned on as Sammy or Janice, though Celine assumed the latter.
Without a word between them, Sammy quickly lowers herself to her knees between Becka's legs and Celine sat behind the young girl; in time to see her own blushing lower lips spread as her cerick emerges, with a moan from her. The tip of the ribbed organ drips briefly before Sammy leans over Becka and directs her Cerick to the woman’s waiting pussy and a moan comes from them both as Sammy pushes herself through the warm, soft walls.
“Mmm, now...” moans Sammy. “I push into where her eggs are...”
The dual moans resume as Celine watches Sammy's Cerick extend deeper into Becka, stopped only briefly before suddenly slipping further in with a sharper moan from Becka, before the woman adds...
“Now she fraks me till she comes.”
“Hehe, I like this part.” comments Sammy, before lowering her lips down to Becka's right nipple and her right hand to Becka's other breast before she begins to lift and lower her hips, thrusting her Cerick in and out of her adult friend.
Celine's gaze was locked on the sight of Sammy's Cerick thrusting into Becka's pussy, an eight-cycle old girl having sex with a twenty-cycle old adult woman. It certainly wasn't the first time she had seen a younger person having sex with a older person, but they were Geelien's, this was the first non-Geelien intercourse she had seen and Celine was transfixed.
Each thrust of Sammy's Cerick into Becka's pussy caused honey to be forced out and brought a wet squelch with each thrust and retreat. Celine was also reminded of her time with Sakura, on her hands and knees with the blonde thrusting her Cerick into her, which brings an interesting thought to her, a female Hybrid Tragelian's Cerick allowed them to have sex like a male, no need for a strap-on.
It wasn't long at all since starting that Sammy seemed to be nearing her moment already as her moans increase in volume, and brought Celine to question...
“You're gonna come already Sammy?”
“Yeah!” declares Sammy through her moans, before Becka adds...
“Mmm, our c-cerick, alone, is really s-sensitive, mmm. Add frakking a w-warm, soft pussy, and you won't last-ohhh, too long.”
“I see.” comments Celine, before...
“I'm coming!” declares Sammy.
Celine sees, rather than thrusting all the way in, pressing their clits together, Sammy actually lifts her hips up high, extending her legs as she moans out in orgasm. Celine though knew the cerick could be extended though and assumed Sammy had simply extended the organ to allow her to lift her hips and keep it as deep as Becka's womb.
The extension did allow Celine to see a quite obvious bulge quickly travel the length of Sammy's exposed Cerick and into Becka, before the woman moans from the flow of Sammy's honey flooding into her womb.
Well familiar with the sight of Sammy's cerick ejecting honey at the moment of orgasm, Celine quickly imagined the arousing image of Sammy's cerick filling Becka's womb with her honey and her eggs floating around.
Once spent, Sammy slumps down down on top of Becka, the exposed, slack amount of Sammy's cerick laying on the floor.
“All done.” comments Sammy with satisfaction.
“Yep, filled me up good.” adds Becka, wrapping her arms around Sammy's small body and briefly running her hands through her hair.
“Wow...” comments Celine. “That was certainly arousing.”
“Hehe, thanks.” replies Becka. “Glad you enjoyed it, sorry it didn't last too long.”
“That's ok.”
While Sammy takes a brief rest, hearing a moan from Patty, Celine only now notices that Patty had been masturbating to the scene in front of her, rubbing her clit and it wasn't long before Patty closes her eyes with a silent groan before Celine sees a couple spurts leave the Felene's pussy, before sighing as she slows the rubbing of her clit.
“You're way too quite Patty.” Comments Celine with a smile, which brings a small giggle from the Felene. “Even when your coming.”
“I think it's a good thing.” comments Patty, before lifting the bottle of water to her lips and laying back on her back and strokes her labia.
The other girls return soon after, Rachael returning to the bed with Patty, sitting to the Felene's left side and teasing her right nipple with a smile and her tail wagging.
Janice only steps in to comment, “I'm going to get me a snack.” before leaving.
Kali, seeing Becka and Sammy on the floor, asks... “What did I miss?” and was answered by Patty.
“They showed Celine how they fertilize their eggs.”
“Oh!” replies Kali with a smile and quickly sitting to the side of Sammy and Becka. “Can I have one of your eggs when you lay'em?”
“Sure.” replies Becka, bringing a light giggling from Sammy as she runs her fingers along the young girls sides. “I'll lay them as soon as Sammy recovers.”
Following this, Sammy lifts herself up away from the tickling and moves herself back, removing her Cerick from Becka, the tip of the organ oozing honey before the young girl grabs the organ with both hands and lifts it to her lips and licking it with a moan before looking to Celine at her right and commenting...
“Mmm, feeling my honey moving through my cerick feels really good.”
“Heh, so that's why you lifted your hips.” states Celine.
During their brief exchange, Becka had lifted herself up to a squatting position, her and Sammy's combined honey steadily oozing from her.
“Ready to see an adult lay her eggs?” asks Becka with a smile.
“Sure.” replies Celine.
“Thanks to Sammy filling me with her honey, it won't take long at all.” comments Becka, before resting her hands on her knees and sighing.
Almost immediately, Celine sees much more honey ooze from Becka's pussy, before a soft moan leaves her, followed by the first egg spreading her labia and easily slips free, with more honey oozing down on it.
“There's one.” comments Becka.
“Wow...” comments Celine, reaching to the pure white egg, it was a little bigger than Sammy's current biggest egg that still lay on the floor, a little over double the size of an extra large normal egg, which wasn't too surprising, Becka was older and bigger. “It really is white like a normal egg.”
“Pretty too, huh?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, can you really eat this?” replies Celine, before Becka gives another moan and the Geelien watches as a second white egg of similar size slips out of her pussy and covered with honey, which Sammy quickly grabs.
“Yep.” answers the young girl, before lightly tapping the side of the egg on her knee, cracking it before separating the too halves, causing an excess of a white, sparkling goo to fall to her lap before presenting the two halves of the eggs to Celine. “See? This is the goo inside that you can eat.” adds Sammy, before lifting one half to her lips and letting the substance flow into her mouth and swallowing, before giggling and moaning with a shudder, her cerick, which was still exposed laying on the floor, oozes more honey from it's tip shortly after.
“Let me have the rest!” asks Kali, reaching out a hand to Sammy, though Becka comments...
“You can have the next one on it's way out.”
Following a brief groan and another moan, Celine sees a third egg emerge, though this one didn't leave quite as quickly as the others, evident from the increased size.
“Ohh, the big one I was feeling...” comments Becka with a smile.
“Aww...” whines Sammy.
“Yay! Lucky me!” declares Kali, before reaching her hands under Becka to catch the egg as it soon after, with a few more moans from Becka, slips free with a gasping moan from her and what seems to be the rest of Sammy's honey flooding out and covering the egg and Kali's hands.
Kali happily holds the quite sizable egg, comparing it to a chicken egg would no longer be appropriate, it's size more comparable to a mini ostrich egg, about half the size.
“Ohhh, I think that was the last one.” comments Becka, lowering a hand down to her oozing pussy and adding, “It almost made me come.”
“Wow!” comments Celine. “That's a big one!”
“Sure is.” comments Becka. “The bigger the eggs, the less of them we lay. I've laid even bigger ones before.”
“Whoa! Really!?” gasps Celine. “That ones huge! How are you able to push out something even bigger!?”
“Heh, with a lot of effort, that's how.” answers Becka with a smile, sitting down as she continues to tease her oozing pussy. “Mmm, it would've taken more effort to push that one out if Sammy hadn't filled me up with her honey.”
“I don't want to waste any of it.” comments Kali, before placing the large egg on the floor and standing and heading to the door. “I'mma get a bowl.” she adds as she leaves the room.
Briefly looking to the large egg, Celine looks to the smaller one she still held.
“Well?” states Becka. “Are you going to eat it or not?”
“Hehehe...” giggles Celine nervously, she found it weird that Becka's body, with Sammy's help, had just produced something that was evidently edible. “Um, can I?” she adds.
“Sure!” answers Becka with a smile. “The quicker you eat it, the better it tastes.”
“Oh, so it can spoil?” asks Celine, looking to the white egg.
“Yeah.” replies Becka. “It's only good for about an hour, after that, the shell gets darker and the goo inside starts to solidify and tastes horrible and can even make you sick.”
“Wow, well I guess I better take advantage of it being fresh then.” comments Celine, before looking around to Sammy's laid eggs and taking the closest one and was about to use it to crack open the fertilized egg before Sammy stops her.
“Hey wait!”
“What?” asks Celine.
“Instead of cracking it open, absorb the whole thing!”
“Oh, heh, right.” replies Celine, remembering her failing to absorb Sammy's unfertilized eggs.
Holding the egg in her right hand, unlike the previous attempt, Sammy smiles wide as the egg quickly began to melt into Celine's hand. Celine though, immediately felt the effect of the egg, an 'Ohhhh' leaving her as a rippling travels up her arm and into her body and rapidly melts, reverting to her younger form.
“W-What the...” comments Celine, feeling a pleasurable tingling in her entire body, that seemed to gather at her pussy.
“Hehehe, feels good, don't it!?” happily asks Sammy.
“Y-Yeah, the way it's effecting my body is-Ah!” replies Celine, before moaning out, only a third of the egg absorbed before her body shifts to her liquid form again as the rest of the egg melts into her quivering, liquid body.
“Wow..” comments Becka. “Didn't expect it to make you come so good you couldn't control your body.”
Sammy giggles again and empties the goo of the second half of the egg she still held, onto Celine's liquid form, whom absorbs it as well and continues to quiver.
Shortly after, Kali returns, along with Janice, the young Vehen carrying a small bowl.
“I'm back!” declares Kali and placing the bowl beside the large egg, before looking to Celine. “Wow, what happen to Celine?”
“My egg...” states Becka. “Made her lose control of her body.” she adds, bringing a giggle from Kali, before Janice gasps at the side of Becka's egg and sitting beside it.
“Whoa, that is a big one!”
“Yep, and we can all share it.” replies Kali before picking up the large egg and cracking it on the edge of the bowl and emptying it's sparkling white goo into the bowl, nearly filling it before Kali quickly runs a finger through and sticking into her mouth with a moan.
Janice quickly gets her a finger-full, before Sammy moves to join them, as well as Rachael removing herself from the bed with Patty as the four girls all giggle and moan from the warm, yummy treat. Becka though got a few finger-licks in as well before Celine reforms her body in her younger form, sitting in a pool of her mass as she places one hand between her legs.
“Ohh, that was something, I'm gonna avoid that stuff.” comments Celine.
“Why?” asks Kali, before Sammy adds...
“Yeah, why? It tastes good and it made you come!”
“Heh, it's too intense of a sensation for me.” answers Celine. “And I'd rather not absorb something that's going to cause me to loose control of my body.”
“More for us then!” declares Janice.
“Maybe you just absorbed too much.” comments Sammy. “You did absorb the whole thing.” she adds, before getting a finger-full of the goo and offering it to Celine. “Here, try a little bit.”
“Well, you do have a point...” comments Celine, before leaning towards Sammy's dripping finger and taking it into her mouth before pulling back and absorbing it.
Another moan leaves the Geelien as her body ripples again, though not as intensely as before. Celine form wavered, appearing to melt like ice cream, her legs seeming to meld together and her arms and hands doing the same to the parts of her body they made contact with.
Celine felt the same tingling sensations travel though her body and gather at her pussy, but pass just seconds after starting, teasing her without bringing her to orgasm, before commenting...
“Well that was better.”
“See? Just a little is still good.” comments Sammy.
“Heh, well you did tell me to absorb the whole thing.” replies Celine, bringing a giggle from the young girl. Celine though notices that Patty was the only one not sharing in the mysterious goo as she remained on the bed, still lying on her back, lightly teasing her pussy with the fingers of her right hand, but not enough to bring herself to orgasm. “Hey Patty, why arn't you eating the stuff?”
“I don't like the taste.” answers Patty, sitting up and pulling her hand from herself. “I'll get the high, but the taste is too strong for me to enjoy it.”
“Oh, well that sucks.”
“Yeah, it does, but there's nothing I can do about it.” replies Patty, laying back again and returning her fingers to her labia.
“So...” starts Celine, watching the four giggling and moaning girls rapidly emptying the bowl. “Does eating that stuff not make you guys come like it did to me?”
“If we're not already playing with ourselves, it doesn't.” answers Sammy, before Janice adds...
“But it can make us Tragelian's super honey or even make us trance if we eat a lot of it at one time. Most of the time though, you only get a small amount.”
“So...“ states Celine. “It makes your pussies ooze, then what about non-Tragelian's like Kali and Rachael, how does it effect you guys?”
“It makes me horny too.” answers Kali. “And it makes my body and pussy tingle, hehe.”
“Yeah.” replies Rachael. “The effect is reduced, but we still get the high.”
“The high?” questions Celine. “So, that stuffs like a drug?”
“Sure is.” answers Becky, smiling. “A completely legal one that our bodies create. At least, it's legal here on Merkolova. Ill-legalizing something your own body creates is just stupid, I don't understand it.”
“What about males?” asks Celine.
“What about them?” asks Becka.
“Can they fertilize eggs like two girls can?”
“Oh, absolutely!” replies Becka. “The goo will even have a slightly different taste and have an even stronger effect. Having a guy fertilize our eggs is more risky though. The fertilization process us girls do is just the first step to creating life. Males can obviously go pass that step, so having a guy fertilize our eggs for the purpose of eating them runs the risk of getting pregnant.
“Wow.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, the eggs will have to be removed immediately after the guy comes, if not, with the presence of eggs and a guys sperm, our womb will seal closed, preventing the eggs from being removed.”
“Wow, so, how does the goo effect guys if they eat it? Do male Tragelian's even have trances?”
The question brings a brief chuckle from Becka, Sammy and Janice and it was Janice who answered...
“Trances are pointless for boys.”
“Hehe...” giggles Celine. “Well you could say trances are pointless for girls too, afterall, only Hybrid Tragelian's have trances, right?”
“You're right.” answers Becka, “And guys do have trances, though their not as obvious as us girls, their cocks will stay rock-hard and they'll be oozing cum and they tend to stay in control of their actions better than us girls.”
“Interesting.” comments Celine, before a brief giggle leaves her, “Heh, yanno it's weird, I've learned plenty about the female Tragelian's, but I don't know much about the guys.”
“Well you can always ask them.” replies Becka. “You have some guy friends at school, right?”
“Yeah, a couple, heh, but most of my friends are girls.” answers Celine, before gasping at a thought and looking to Sammy, the girls finishing off the last amount of goo left in the bowl. “Oh, hey Sammy, since you like the IPSL, do you know a fighter called Sakura?”
“You mean Sakura Bragou?” asks Sammy, turning to face Celine as she licks her fingers.
“Yeah, heh, guess her last name would be important to mention.” replies Celine.
“Yeah, I know her.” answers Sammy with a smile. “She's one of my favorites and she's really nice.”
“You've meet her?” asks Celine.
“Of course!” replies Sammy, “She lives around here, one block away.”
“Wow, really!?” gasps Celine. “You guys live near a well-known IPSL fighter!?”
“Yep!” answers Janice, before adding. “Amu Hinamori lives around here too.”
“Wow.” comments Celine. “Heh, that's so weird, Sakura and her friends were one of the first to be friends with me at school. Sakura even gave me tickets for me and my parents to watch her match this weekend.”
“Ohh, awesome!” declares Sammy. “Can you ask her for more, I wanna see her fight too!”
“Me too!” adds Kali, along with Janice and Rachael, bringing a nervous chuckle from Celine.
“U-Umm, I'm not sure that would be too polite of me.” answers Celine.
The girls started to beg, but Becka quickly reins them in...
“Ok you girls, Celine's right; It would be rude of her to ask Sakura for more when they haven't even known each other a week.”
The girls give a reluctant “Fine.” and “Ok.”
Moments later, Kali announces that the bowl was empty before adding being really horny.
“Me too!” declares Sammy, spreading her legs and lowering both of her hands to her clit and pussy, before Janice crawls the short distance to Celine and comments...
“I haven't forgotten about you and my cerick.”
To be continued