Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (chapter 17)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 17

Title: Chapter 6-1


With Becky still grounded, Sammy invites Celine in joining her at a friends house.]

- Two days later, Vevorus (Wednesday), third week of February (2) -

- Fifteen minutes ago -

- Kellen residence, Bathroom -
- 5:03 P.M. -

Because of the structure of their body, a Geelien can move through the smallest of openings, twist and contort themselves into intriguing and unique positions that would be impossible or lethal to normal flesh and blood life-forms.

These positions would not negatively bother a Geelien at all though, quite the opposite actually and not just for everyday things like reaching a normally hard to reach item, but sexually as well and if two or more Geelien's got together, the various positions were limitless.

Celine and her mother Eda, were currently enjoying one of many possibilities...


Beside the the bathtub, rested five large, empty water bottles and a remaining five full bottles.

Inside the tub however, contained a very intriguing sight; Eda's nude upper body rests in a large pool of her and Celine's combined mass, though lacking her large breasts, rather in the larger B-cup range. However, Celine was not to be seen; or rather, not all of her, as her lower half, a pair of legs, ending above the knees and the junction between them currently being pleasured by Eda's tongue, was the only part of Celine visible.

The disembodied lower halves legs wriggle from Eda's tongue before the Geelien woman lifts her head with a smile, looking down to the melting labial lips which quiver briefly, before the legs flinch as Eda places her right hand to the quivering lips and slowly strokes them with a smile.

“Go on, come for me again.” lowly comments Eda.

Shortly after stroking her palm over the lips, Eda pulls her hand away and leans between the thighs again, though doesn't return her tongue between them, instead, teasing the exposed anus briefly with her tongue as she looks to the melting lips at eye-level before moving her right hand around the disembodied waist to it's front and using two fingers to tease the quivering lips.

“Come on... you can't hold it much longer...” playfully teases Eda as she moves her fingers in a 'U' around the tense lips, bumping the clit with each pass.

Just seconds into the tease, Eda giggles when a sudden gush of mass leaves from between the climaxing lips, hitting her in the face.

“Yeah, there ya go!” declares Eda, briefly seeing the form of Celine's labia melt away, and much of her remaining legs, leaving only the triangular shape of her leg-less waist and crotch, before her labia reforms moments later and more of her mass gushing out of her, but a little less than the initial release.

Eda admires her daughters climax for just a few moments, before placing her mouth over the lips and once again pleasuring them and the hole they hid with her tongue, fanning Celine's orgasmic fire and causing an increased amount of her mass to gush out of her daughter pussy and into her mouth.

Shortly into the resumed tonguing, a mass began to rise up behind Eda, soon revealed to be Celine, her head reforming first, before her upper body, stopping just under her breasts with her arms fully formed before leaning against her mothers back with a smile and reaching her hands towards Eda's breasts and fondling them with a moan from the continued action to her lower-half.

“I want my turn again.” moans Celine.

Lifting her lips from her daughters labia, Eda smiles as she positions herself upright, fingering Celine's melting pussy.

“I have an idea...” comments Eda, looking back to her daughter, placing her free hand to Celine's cheek and briefly leaning down to kiss her on the lips. “Let's both do each other.”

The suggestion brings a smile to Celine's face and she asks...

“The 'normal' way or the Geelien way?”

Eda delays in answering before Celine gives a quick gasp and moan as she felt her mother's fingers teasing her pussy switch to her clit, before Eda replies...

“Which way would you like?”

“Our way...” answers Celine, before Eda was only slightly, but briefly surprised when Celine's lower-half fully melts into their combined pool of mass, before reforming between them, with completely formed legs, which drape themselves over Eda's shoulders. “But I want us to be able to look at each other.” adds Celine.

“No problem there...” replies Eda with a grin, before Eda's adult body shrinks to mirror Celine's teen form and her lower-half forms between them, much like Celine, with fully formed legs that drape themselves over Celine's shoulders.

The mother and daughter 'twins' lower-halves were almost touching, but there was just enough space between them as they quickly wrap their arms around each others lower-halves and lower their heads to tongue the melting lips between the thighs and moans quickly leaving them.

Not yet a minute into the mutual pleasure and low moans, the two lift their gaze to meet each others eyes with a smile as they continue to tongue the others pussy.

Moments into their gaze into each others eyes, a silent challenge was declared.

'I bet I can make you come first.'

Within seconds, the two immediately turn their full focus on each others pussy as they break eye-contact and their moans increasing in volume.

A little over a minute into the challenge, with the mother and daughter moans beginning to level off in volume, Celine made the first additional act of lifting her right hand up to her mother's clit and teasing with a steady stroke of a finger, bringing a muffled gasp and flinch of surprise from Eda.

The mother quickly retaliates though, instead of teasing Celine's clit however, she did something that the teen didn't quite expect, pushing not one, but both of her hands into Celine's waist. It was enough of a shock to briefly interrupt Celine's actions altogether as she lifts her head with a gasp, before moaning out as she felt her mothers fingers begin to thrust into her pussy from the inside.

“N-No fair...” groans Celine, before quickly returning her mouth and tongue to her mothers pussy and resuming the teasing of her clit.

The pairs moans quickly rise in volume again and a few long, pleasurable minutes later, the two were clearly nearing their moment, given the volume of their muffled moans and the addition of groaning, the sound of them attempting to delay their moment.

One had to win though and after a few long seconds...

It was Eda whose face was splashed with Celine's mass ejecting from her pussy as the teen gave a loud, muffled moaning against her mothers pussy.

However, it was just seconds later that Celine's face was coated with Eda's mass jutting from her pussy as the mother also moans into her daughters climaxing pussy.

Both, mother and daughter, moan with pleasurable release into each others climaxing, ejaculating pussies for the next few long moments, prolonged by each other continued efforts.

When their moment had finally passed and their moans dying down, rather than pulling away from their respective labia, Eda and Celine both fully melt into their combined pool of mass, which quivers from their lingering, joined pleasure.

Only about thirty seconds passes before Eda reforms her upper half, still in her teen form, leaning against the end of the tub with a smile, before Celine reforms herself and wraps her arms around her mothers neck, leaning against her with a smile before pressing their lips together and Eda wrapping her arms around Celine.

The two remain in their embrace for a few moments before the doorbell rings, but the two never break from their intimate mother and daughter moment, until...

“Celine!” calls the teens father, Avery. “Your friend Sammy's here for you.”

Celine pulls away with a giggle. “Why am I not surprised?” she comments with a smile.

“At least she didn't come while we were in the middle of making each other come.”

“True...” comments Celine, before looking towards the closed door and answering back. “I'll be right there!” before reforming her lower body, connected to her own, causing the pool to lower considerably before she shares a few more moments kissing her mother.

“Take one of the bottles before you leave.” comments Eda, as Celine pulls back.

“OK.” replies Celine, before removing herself from the tub, revealing while her height remained unchanged, her normally B-cup breasts had shrunk to nearly being flat-chested from her decrease in mass from her and Eda's fun in the tub, her hips were also slightly more narrow, but it wasn't enough that would be too obvious. Picking up one of the bottles of protein, Celine leaves the room with a smile.


Since her visitor was Sammy, Celine didn't bother putting on any clothing and walks down the stairs as she drinks/absorb the protein from the bottle, replenishing a little of the mass she lost with her breasts slowly expanding to an A-cup.

Only half way down the stairs, Celine sees Sammy sitting on the living room couch watching TV with her dad, who was dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. The pink-haired little girl was dressed in a tie-dye tank-top, pink pleated skirt and pink knee-length stockings.

The moment Sammy sees her, the little girl happily stands and rushes to the bottom of the stairs.

“Hey Celine!” she excitedly greets.

“Hey.” replies Celine with a smile, before meeting the young girl at the bottom of the stairs. “So what's up?”

Celine though could easily recognize, despite Sammy's bubbly attitude, that she was squirming slightly, with her hands at her crotch, pressed against herself, but not grabbing as she sways left and right a little with a blush.

Sammy either had to pee or lay eggs and Celine knew she was going to get an answer soon.

“I came to see if you wanna come with me to Patty's to have fun!” answers Sammy.

“Oh.” replies Celine, continuing to smile. “Is it going to be just you and Patty?”

“No, her sisters are there too.” answers Sammy, before squirming a little more and briefly grabbing herself between the legs, though which ever urge she had, didn't seem to be to intense as she continues speaking. “Oh and Becka's there too.”

“So their home alone.” jokes Celine, referencing the fact that Becka, who was the youngest of the three parents of the four sisters, Kali, Patty, Janice and Rachael, was once part of the sisters; which prompts a giggling from Sammy. “Well...” continues Celine, looking to Sammy and her squirming. “Let me guess, you have eggs in you right now and want to show me you laying them again while we're all being naughty, huh?”

“Yep!” happily replies Sammy, before bouncing excitedly and likely, from arousal. “Please say you'll come with me!”

“Hmmm...” hums Celine with a smile and tapping the open end of the bottle she held to her chin. “I just finished being naughty with my mom...”

“Pleeease!” pleads Sammy, squirming her little hips cutely.

“Are you wearing underwear?” asks Celine, grinning.

“Yeah!” answers Sammy, before quickly lifting the front of her skirt and revealing her white panties, the crotch noticeably wet with a small trail of glistening honey dripping down her left inner thigh.

“Good...” replies Celine, before stepping close to Sammy and leaning down a little before bringing a small, but delighted gasp from the young girl as she lowers her free hand and cups Sammy's crotch and slowly strokes her. “I'll come on one condition.”

“What!?” happily asks Sammy.

“You lay at least one egg while your still wearing your underwear. I wanna see it pushing against your panties.”

“O-Ok!” replies Sammy with a little moan and giggle.

“Great!” comments Celine, removing her hand and standing upright, bringing a cute whine from Sammy from the retreat of the hand before lowering her skirt and placing her hands to her crotch again and squirming her hips. “I'll go get dressed and we can leave.”


- Present time -

- 5:19 P.M. -

Celine dressed herself quickly and without much thought, considering she was just going across the street and her clothes weren’t going to be on for long. A simple tank-top and pleated skirt, along with underwear. Returning downstairs, Sammy politely says her good-bye to Celine's father before she and Celine leave the house. Sammy's hands were no longer at her crotch though as the two head across the street, Celine though briefly gazes towards Becky's home before asking...

“Is Becky still being punished?”

“Yeah, but today's her last day.” replies Sammy. “She'll be able to have fun with us again tomorrow.”

“That's good.”

Over the past two days, Celine learned what happened; Becky and a boy had gotten into a verbal argument, the boy starting it by teasing her about liking only girls. The argument quickly escalated into punches and kicks being thrown, although neither really hurt the other very much, both were suspended from school for two days.

Reaching the other side of the street and heading to the four sisters home, Celine sees Sammy briefly lower a hand to her crotch.

“Hey Sammy...” starts Celine. “Have you ever, uh... what would it be called... laid on yourself in school?”

“Heh, yeah...” replies Sammy, averting her eyes briefly in clear embarrassment. “Only once though.”

“Really?” asks Celine with a smile.

Sammy, as well as Becky, were very comfortable with their bodies, it was difficult to embarrass them, so Celine found it quite cute when when a question or comment managed to do so.

“Yeah...” replies Sammy, as the two stop in front of the door to the sisters home and Sammy's hand returning to her crotch and closing her thighs around her hand as she continued with a small smile. “We had a test, the teacher warned us that we wouldn't be allowed to go to the bathroom during it, so she gave us a chance to go to the bathroom before we started. I had eggs to lay, but I didn't want to risk being late, plus I didn't have the urge, so I passed. But during the test time though, my eggs wanted out, I tried begging the teacher to let me go to the bathroom, but she wouldn't let me and I ended up laying in my seat.”

“Wow, well at least you were sitting, they didn't come spilling out like you said they do if your standing.” comments Celine.

“Yeah, but it was really uncomfortable with my eggs packing into my pussy and everyone could smell my honey, it was really embarrassing.”

“Heh, well, that's in the past now.” replies Celine with a smile, before extending her right hand to Sammy's chest and poking her in her left nipple, bringing a giggle from her.

“Hehe, yeah...” giggles Sammy, squirming away from the finger. “I was teased about it for a couple days, but that's all. If I had a choice, I'd rather lay myself than pee or poop myself.” she adds, before looking to the door and ringing the doorbell.

Celine's brief 'Hmm' in reply, brings Sammy to question, “What?”

“Nothing, I was just wondering how accidentally laying your eggs was referred to. So it's the same as peeing or pooping; peeing yourself, pooping yourself.”

“Oh, hehe.” replies Sammy with a giggle. “The way I said it wasn't right.”

“It's not?” asks Celine.

“Yeah, the way I said it, is called, um... grammer-cally not correct, I think...” replies Sammy, looking down in thought with a finger to her chin as her other hand remained between her legs.

“You mean grammatically incorrect?” asks Celine.

“Yeah, that it!” answers Sammy happily. “The right way is saying, 'I laid' or 'I'm laying' but it sounds weird, it sounds better saying 'I laid myself' or 'I'm laying on myself'. I do understand why saying it that way is wrong though; you can pee or poop ON yourself, but you can't lay ON yourself, if I'm wearing pants, the eggs don't come out, they just get packed into my pussy and if I'm wearing a skirt and panties, the eggs will just spill out.”

“I see.” replies Celine, smiling at the little lesson. “So since the eggs don't stick to your body like pee or poop does-” she adds, before the sound of the door in front of them unlocking is heard, before it opens and Becka, the youngest parent of the sisters greet them.

“Hey, sorry about the wait.” greets the Tragelian adult with a smile.

Becka, who had curly shoulder-length, light blue hair, matching her bright blue eyes, was dressed in a white bra, containing her average sized C-cup breasts and a form-fitting pair of blue jeans, was relatively short, only about a foot taller than Celine. Becka had a small, petite body, she could easily be mistaken for an older teen, which wasn't at all surprising given she was twenty cycles old, one cycle out of the teens.

From the full-faced blush reaching down to her chest, Celine smiles at assuming the reason for Becka's delay.

“My fingers were a little occupied.” Adds Becka, lifting her left hand, her fingers clearly glistening, before quickly licking her index finger and stepping aside, commenting, “Come in, their all upstairs.”

“Thanks, Ms. Abon.” replies Celine, stepping into the home.

“I told you before...” comments Becka smiling. “Just call me Becka.”

“Oh, right, sorry.”

Although Sammy giggles at Becka's hint at what she was doing, she passing on greeting her before quickly slipping off her shoes and running pass Becka and towards the stairs, though she doesn't get far before Becka quickly grabs her free hand.

“Whoa, whoa you horny little thing...” she comments with a smile, before pulling Sammy back in front of her. “Arn't you forgetting something?”

“Oh, heh, hi Becka.” greets Sammy.

“Oh yeah.” comments Celine, smiling. “Hi.”

Becka then kneels down in front of Sammy, releasing her arm and places her hand to the little girls abdomen and gives a little push, bringing a flinch and small gasp from her.

“Hmm, got some eggs today?” asks Becka with a smile.

“Yep! This'll be the second time I show Celine me laying my eggs! She wants to see me laying my eggs in my panties.” Answers Sammy happily and from her light squirms and wriggling of her hips, it was easy to see she was very eager and her urge to lay getting stronger.

“At least one, I said.” comments Celine.

“Oh, well...” replies Becka, standing up and briefly running a hand through Sammy's hair, “Make sure you keep at least one egg in you. We can show Celine how we fertilized our eggs.”

Sammy's face immediately lights up in excitement and bounces a few times as she asks.

“You got eggs too!?”


Sammy quickly turns to Celine and asks, “You hear that Celine!? You'll be able to see both of us get our eggs fertilized!”

“Hehe, yep, I heard that.” replies Celine.

“Yaaaay!” cheers Sammy, bouncing up and down more, before gasping and moving her free hand to join her other between her legs and shifting her thighs. “Ohhh, too much jumping, I don't think I'll be able to hold them in much longer with how happy I am, let's hurry!” she adds, before hurrying up the stairs, with her hands between her legs.

Celine starts to follow Sammy, but is stopped as Becka places a hand to her shoulder and comments to Sammy...

“We'll be right behind you, I just want to have a little chat with Celine.”

“Just hurry!” replies Sammy happily, before disappearing up the stairs.

“What is it?” asks Celine, turning to look at Becka.

“Nothing much, just curious how things are going for you and your parents so far.” replies Becka.

“Oh, well we're doing great, my dad even has a job and my mom's been going out with some of the neighbors.”

“And how's school?” asks Becky, before grinning and poking Celine in the shoulder and adding, “Any crushes or advances yet?”

“W-What!? N-No!” embarrassingly replies Celine with a smile as she drips a little. “I-It's only been four days!” although her mind immediately thought of her time with Sakura in the locker-room, Celine knew Becka was referring to something like a girlfriend.

“Hehe, well some people like new things.”

“Well I'd rather focus on gaining friends right now and settling into my school life before attempting to start a relationship.” replies Celine.

“Hmm...” hums Becka with a grin. “So you'd be open to an inter-racial relationship...”

“Y-Yeah, I'd be open to it.” nervously answers Celine.

Seeing that the teen was starting to create a puddle below her, Becka giggles and takes a step back, commenting, “Hehe, well, I'll leave you alone now. You can go meet up with the others.” before walking by Celine. “I'll join you girls a little later.”

“OK.” replies Celine, smiling a little as she reabsorbs the little mass she lost before heading up the stairs.

To be continued

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