“Hey!” greets Alma happily, along with her other friends as she walks towards them, in particular; Sakura, Katty, Lina and Cora, the fairy even leaving the smaller group of Fisers sitting at the table, absent of Nina and Lali, to fly near Celine and greeting her up close.
“Hi Celine!”
“Heh, hi to you too.” replies Celine to the happy fairy.
“Finally decided to join us huh?” asks Sakura with a smile.
The group was positioned at the same spots as before, Alma sitting with her Felene girlfriends Katty and Crissy, along with her two other friends Tragelian Lisa and Vehen Xene at one table. While Sakura, Reni, Lila, Amu, Utah and Lina sat at the other table, which Celine joins, sitting to the right of Lila, with Sakura directly across the table from her, Reni and Lina at the right side and Amu and Utah and the left. The Fisers were also gathered at this table, Lilith, Eru and Cora all sat around a small saucer with a small amount of food.
“Yeah.” replies Celine.
“So what's up with you and Gina.” asks Sakura.
“We're actually good now.” replies Celine. “We were able to work everything out and we're friends now.”
“Awesome!” declares Sakura.
“Seriously!?” gasps Reni. “You're friends with that jerk now?”
“Yeah, and she actually is nice when you get to know her, like Katty said.” answers Celine, which the mentioned Felene quickly adds...
“Told ya.”
“Well I think it's great.” states Lila to Celine's left. “The best way to get rid of a bully is to be friends with them.”
“That's just not something I could do.” comments Reni.
“Anyway...” starts Celine. “Weren’t there more Fiser's here last time?”
“Nina and Lali are at home.” answers Sakura.
“Oh.” replies Celine, before Cora happily comments...
“They live in the forest!”
“Really?” asks Celine.
“Yeah...” replies Lila. “Every type of Fiser lives at specific places in the word. When we lay their eggs, they briefly live with us before returning.”
“Wow, I though information about Fisers was rare.” comments Celine, before Amu adds, happily.
“That's why we're together! I started a group after I laid Lillith's egg and most of the members have Fisers.”
“So, you gather and share information you find about Fisers?” asks Celine.
“Exactly!” replies Amu. “I started this group for fun cause I was curious about all the various types of Fisers, I'm even thinking about making it an official school club, but I'm not so sure I want the responsibility of it being a school-recognized club and the official leader.”
“Wow, well how many are in the group?” asks Celine. “Is this everyone?”
“Nope, there's a few more.” replies Amu. “I try to 'recruit' anyone who has a Fiser. There's Rima, who has an Frost fairy; Yaya, who has a pixie, Ikuto...” she adds, looking to Utah with a grin, causing the blonde to looking away with a blush. “He has a cat-boy Fiser and and there's Nadia, she has a Forest fairy.
Sakura then teasingly adds, looking to Amu, “Don't forget Tadase.”
The comment brings a bright blush to Amu's cheeks.
“H-He's not part of the group!” quickly replies Amu.
“Not 'officially'.” adds Sakura with a grin.
Celine smiles as she could easily guess Amu liked whoever this Tadase was.
“A-Anyway...” comments Amu, before looking to Celine. “That's our whole group at the moment.”
“You guys have a pretty big group.” states Celine.
“We sure do.” replies Amu.
“So, Forest fairies live in the forests...” starts Celine. “Then that means a Frost fairy lives somewhere cold?”
“Right.” replies Amu.
“So what about...” starts Celine, looking to Lilith. “I'm sorry, I don't remember your name, the red-haired Fiser.
“Lillith.” answers the Fiser, “And I live near a fire spewing mountain!” she adds excitedly.
“A volcano.” clarifies Amu.
“Wow, a volcano? Really?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Lillith.
“Then what about...” starts Celine, looking to Eru. “E...Eri?”
“Heh, it's Eru.” answers the Angel Fiser with a smile. “And I live in a sunny, flower-filled plain, though there's forest nearby, so you could say I live in the forest too.”
Amu comments...
“We've gathered a lot of useful information, one is that forests are a common place most Fisers live. Even Lilith, she says she lives near a volcano, but it's actually a forest that's near a volcano. One major piece of information is that most Fisers have a connection to their master.”
“Friend!” declares Cora, bringing a giggle from Amu.
“Heh, yeah, or friend. Some Fisers don't like the term, 'Master'.”
“What kind of connections are there?” asks Celine.
“It varies.” comments Amu. “But some of the main ones are personality, sexuality or it can be as minor as sharing a favorite food or even a combination or in Utah and Eru's case, have totally opposite personalities. I actually find it strange and something I haven't been able to figure out, but they get along really well though.”
“How are they different?” asks Celine.
“Well...” starts Amu. “Utah prefers to avoid conflict, while Eru goes right into the middle of it.” she adds, before the Angel Fiser comments...
“Well I can't just ignore a problem when I see it, I have to try and stop it.”
Lilith then teasingly comments, “Yet, you're most liking doing it too...” before looking to Celine. “Like I warned you before, she's a hypocrite.”
Eru quickly groans, though before the two could get into another fight, Utah comments...
“Ok, you two, no fighting this time.”
“Fine...” retorts Eru with a frown.
“Here's my current theory on Utah and Eru...” comments Amu. “Both of them are on opposite ends of the same stick and them being together helps balance each other out. In the past, Eru has convinced Utah to try and stop a conflict and Utah frequently stops Eru from getting involved in every conflict she sees.”
“Interesting...” replies Celine. “So, if the other two Fisers are at a forest, how do they get here?”
“Oh! I'll answer that one!” declares Sakura happily. “All Fisers have the ability grant their friend or master a single wish.”
“Whoa! Really?” gaps Celine.
“Yep.” answers Sakura. “Once they grant your wish though, they return to where they lived. I wished for Nina to be able to visit me anytime she wants, so now, she can teleport from the forest directly into my womb and back again.”
“She teleports into your womb?” asks Celine. “Why there?”
“Dunno, probably because her egg was there the first time I laid her egg.” answers Sakura. “But the best thing about Nina's teleport ability, is that she can teleport more than just herself, so that's how Lali comes here too.” she adds, before Cora comments...
“I sometimes visit Nina and Lali at the forest too.”
“Wow...” comments Celine, with a brief giggle. “Seems like your womb get's a lot of use.”
“Oh, wow, your second day here and your making jokes already!” comments Sakura with a smile.
A giggle soon comes from Reni, before adding...
“Celine has a point though, you're uterus is like a toll bridge, people come and go through it all day.”
“Oh shut-up!” retorts Sakura with a frown.
The group shares a giggling at Reni's comment and Sakura's rather weak come-back for a few moments, before the teased blonde gasps and lifts her Comm...
“Oh! Before I forget...” she adds, before materializing three small tickets and handing them to Celine. “Here.”
“Thanks, what are these?” asks Celine.
“Their admission tickets to my upcoming Shakra match this Vivius (Saturday).” answers Sakura. “So bring your mom and dad.”
“Really!?” gasps Celine happily. “These are free!?”
“Yep, I get a ton of them and I give them to my friends.” replies Sakura. “You don't have to watch just me fight ether, you can stay for the whole event.”
“Awesome! Thanks a lot!”
“Don't mention it, just one of the perks of being my friend.” states Sakura happily.
“Who are you fighting?” asks Celine.
“One of my IPSL buddies, a level five Earth Shakra user, Sammy Daylin, heard of her?”
“I don't think so.” replies Celine.
Sakura smiles and glaces to Amu with a smirk, “Sammy took the championship title from Amu two tournaments back and has held on to it ever since.”
The pink-haired teen said nothing but frowned at Sakura.
“Wow, really!?” asks Celine. “Are you trying for the title?”
“Nope, it's an exhibition match, but it's gonna be like a title fight though. If I happen to beat her, it opens her up to having someone request a title fight without it being a tournament.”
“Wow, so title holders have a lot of pressure not to lose even in a non-title fight.” comments Celine. “Have you ever been a title holder?”
“Nope, not yet, but I know I will someday!” answers Sakura excitedly.
“Have you fought this girl before?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, twice before.” replies Sakura. “Once sparring and the other in a match, which I lost. She's a tough one to fight, although she's a level five, she's not too strong of an attacker, her fighting style mainly revolves around defense and countering. She uses the ground around her to cover herself in armor, so it's like fighting a tank when she really armors up, you have to blast off chucks of her armor before you can actually hit her.”
“But couldn't you just hit her with your strongest attack?” asks Celine.
“You'd think so, but if you do that, while you might be able to blast off all her armor, the amount of power it would take to do that, would leave you exhausted, I said she focuses on defense, remember?” replies Sakura.
“Oh, right, guess it would be a pretty weak defense if it could be broken through easily.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, plus my long-range fire attacks aren’t very effective when she has her armor on.” states Sakura. “So I'm gonna have to be close to do any good damage, but I have to watch out for her counter attacks then, plus her regular attacks, since she doesn't just sit in one spot.”
“Sounds like a lot of stuff you have to think about.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, it is, but that what makes it fun!” answers Sakura excitedly. “You always have to be on your toes, even a low level Shakra user can beat a high level if their not taking a fight seriously.”
“Oh, well, do all you guys participate in Shakra matches?” asks Celine.
“I don't.” answers Reni with a frown. “I”m not 'allowed' to, but I still spar sometimes with everyone.”
“Oh, well what kind of shakra do you have?” asks Celine.
“I'm a level three Earth user.” answers Reni.
“Oh, the same as Sakura's opponent.”
“Yeah, but she's a level five though, plus, she's defensive, I'm a ranged offensive-typed fighter.”
“Oh, so it wouldn't be very helpful for Sakura to train with you then, huh?” asks Celine.
“Nope, although I could mimic Sammy's fighting style, I'd suck at it, so I'd probably hurt Sakura more than I'd help.”
Lila then answers...
“I can't manifest my Shakra, so that's why I can't participate.”
“I thought everyone could use Shakra here.” comments Celine, quite surprised at Lila's comment.
“Well ya thought wrong.” answers Lila with a smile. “Some people just can't manage to manifest their Shakra and I'm one of them.”
“Oh, well that sucks.” comments Celine.
“It's no big deal, you don't have to feel sorry for me...” replies Lila. “I may not be able to manifest my Shakra into one of the abilities, but I can still use Shakra energy for things like listening to my body, so I could sense when my period is gonna start, or if it's gonna be light or-.” she adds, before Utah quickly comments with a frown...
“Come on, we're eating here! I don't wanna think about something like that!”
“Hehe, sorry.” replies Lila.
Although a couple girls chuckle, Celine was confused.
“Your period? What's the ending of a sentence have to do with your body?”
Celine suddenly felt nervous when all the girls look to her with shock on their face before bursting into a round of laughing, which made Celine feel embarrassed at not understand why they were laughing and causing her to drip some.
Lali though soon manages to calm everyone down when she notices the embarrassed look on Celine's face and her melting.
“Sorry about that.” comments Lila, as a few more giggles leave her. “I guess a Geelien wouldn't know what a period is. It's not something a lot of people like talking about while eating, so one of us will tell you later, ok?”
“Ok.” replies Celine, smiling, relived that it was something that wasn't common knowledge to a Geelien.
Cora suddenly gasps and excitedly flies in front of Celine.
“Hey! Would you like to meet the other Fisers!?”
“Oh!” gasps Amu. “Duh, I tell you about our other members but I forget to introduce them, though you've probably met them in other classes.”
“Well sure.” replies Celine. “I love to meet the other Fisers and the other members of the group.”
“I'll go get them!” happily comments Cora, before flying away, before Sakura comments...
“Celine, you've met Yaya, she has Gym class with us. She was the girl that was really excited to meet you.”
“Oh, that blonde girl.” comments Celine.
“Yeah.” comments Sakura with a smile.
“I'm back!” declare Cora happily as she returns, as two female Fisers had joined her, both of whom brought a wide-eyed look of amazement to Celine's eyes.
One, which Celine assumed to be a Frost fairy, with her blue tinted skin, icicle-like short hair and long, thin blue wings, it was obvious, she also wore what looked to be a dark blue leotard or swimsuit and looking to be of similar age to Lilith and Eru.
The other Fiser, clearly attracted the majority of her attention. The Fiser had the small body of Cora and was completely nude, but her wings were much larger, shorter than the others, but wider, like the wings of a butterfly. They were pink in color and produced quickly disappearing sparking particles from their movement.
“You're so cute and pretty!” declares Celine to the glitter-winged Fiser. “What kind of Fiser are you!?”
The small Fiser giggles at the compliment before replying...
“I'm a Pixie and it's nice to meet you. My master Yaya told me about you. My names Pepe.”
The Frost Fairy then introduces herself with a smile...
“My names Kusu, and as you can obviously see, I'm a Frost Fairy. My master is Rima, and she's on her way here.”
“Well it's great meeting you both.” replies Celine, smiling.
Shortly after, a shorter girl with very long, blonde hair walks up to Celine's left side.
“Hi Celine.”
“Oh, we've meet already.” replies Celine, looking to the new girl. “We have our second class together.”
“Yep.” replies the long-haired with a smile. “Though we haven't met face-to-face; I'm Rima.” she adds, extending her right hand, which Celine takes.
“Aside from certain classes...” starts Lila. “Like Gym, our Fisers arn't allowed to be out and flying around the room, so that's why you didn't meet them before.” she adds, before Pepe comments...
“And I was doing my own thing at the time when you met Yaya.”
“I'm gonna go now.” replies Rima. “I just wanted to introduce myself face-to-face.”
“Ok.” replies Celine.
“Although...” comments Rima with a smile. “I will warn you, don't hang around this bunch too much or they'll suck you in and before you know it, you'll be joining them for lunch every single day. If our class together is anything to go by, you have plenty more friends than these guys.”
“Heh, thanks.” replies Celine, before Rima walks away, leaving the two other Fisers, who join the others, though Amu comments...
“You make it sound like a bad thing.”
“You don't deny it though?” asks Celine with a smile, which brings a giggling from a few of them.
“Quick question Celine...” comments Sakura.
“Do all Geelien's wear clothes that reveal a lot of their body?”
“Oh!” gasps Celine, smiling with a slight embarrassment as she drips a little more and looks down to her lap briefly, seeing her small blue-jean short-shorts she wears and reminded of the matching tank-top.
“You don't have to be embarrassed.” comments Sakura with a smile. “I think it looks nice, I was just wondering, since your first day, you was dressed in similar clothes and the other Geelien's were wearing just about the same the days that their here, at least the girl was, her brother was wearing shorts.”
“Uh, well, yeah...” replies Celine. “Geelien's prefer smaller clothes, although we will wear pants and long-sleeve shirts, we tend to avoid them since we'd feel restricted in them. We Geelien's don't like tight spaces and that includes clothes too.”
“Oh.” replies Sakura.
“Interesting.” comments Lina, before Lila adds...
“So Geelien's are naturally claustrophobic?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that.” replies Celine.
“What's the least amount of clothing you've worn?” asks Sakura with a smile.
“Heh, does naked count?” asks Celine with a chuckle, bringing a gasp from Lina.
“You've been out in public naked!?” she asks with a smile.
“W-What! No!” gasps Celine in shock, quickly losing enough mass for her Comm to fall through her wrist, causing her to gasp again and quickly collect herself and reaching down to pick up her Comm and putting it back on. “I meant in my own home, I'd never go outside naked! Not even on my home planet!”
“Oh.” replies Lina with a chuckle. “Sorry.”
“Yeah...” comments Sakura with a smile. “I meant in public, what's the least you've worn.”
“Well, pretty much what I'm wearing now is the least I've worn in public.” replies Celine. “Well, unless stripping down to my underwear in gym class counts.”
“Oh!” gasps Sakura. “Speaking of gym, what kind of swimsuit did you bring?”
“Swimsuit?” questions Celine, before gasping. “Oh, that's right! The Gym teacher said the class was going to the pool this week! I totally forgot about that! I didn't bring a swimsuit!”
“Well don't worry.” comments Reni. “There's clean school swimsuits you can use. Actually, everyone is given a school swimsuit.”
“Hey...” starts Amu. “How does that work anyway, a Geelien and a pool of water? Would you just dissolve?”
“Oh, no...” replies Celine. “Pools are quite safe for us under normal conditions. Heh, though we tend to swell up a bit. I'm a pretty good swimmer too and since I don't breath, I don't have to worry about drowning.”
“Normal conditions?” questions Sakura.
To be continued