Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (chapter 13)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 13

Title: Chapter 5-1

[Author's notes: (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL, SHOUJO-AI

A week into her new life on Merkolova and after the weekend to process her first day of school, Celine settles comfortably into her new life as she attends her second day of school and reluctantly gets to know her bully, Gina, a little more.]

- Two days later, Nycalus (Monday), third week of February (2) -
- Celine's room -
- 6:29 A.M. -

“Hmmm, which to pick...”

Compared to the morning of her first day of school, a nude Celine calmly stood in front of her bed, with two choices presented before her, two sets of shorts. Everything else had been decided on, a light-blue tank-top and matching white bra and panties lay to the right, at the head of the bed, Celine decided against any jewelry.

Her current two options though, both shorts were quite small, the Earth term, 'Short-shorts', would fit appropriately. Much more of Celine's red, transparent legs would be revealed compared to a skirt, not to mention, more of her figure, similar to the gym shorts she found a little embarrassing to wear. What made the shorts not embarrassing though, was the fact that they were actual shorts and didn't have the shape of underwear, like the gym shorts had.

Both options were a light shade of blue, matching the tank-top, but each were  made of different material. The left pair of shorts were made of an elastic material and had a slight gloss or shine to them; The right pair were made of denim and while they didn't have the stretch of the other pair, they also weren’t water-proof, but that fact wasn't much of a concern to Celine, even if she did happen to drench them, they wouldn't become transparent and show everyone her underwear.

“Hmmm, I like'em both...” Comments Celine. “The denim ones not water-proof, but it has enough bulk to it that it shows enough of my figure without feeling like I'm too exposed, like the stretchy ones...” she adds, before picking up the elastic pair and placing the contracted shorts against her waist, before lowering them and moving her legs into them and pulling the shorts up over her hips, which hug her like a second skin, before shrinking her tail and threading it through the hole in the back.

“Hmmm...” comments Celine with a smile as she twists her body left and right, lifting and lowering her legs a couple of times, feeling the elastic material find new places to cling to. “Heh, they certainly feel nice clinging to me, but I feel so exposed too though, even though I'm covered, I don't think they'd leave anything to the imagination.”

Walking to the full-body mirror, Celine couldn't help giggling at how true her words were.

“Wow, I can totally make out the outline of my pussy.” comments Celine, as the impression of her labia were clearly seen through the elastic material. If the shorts were red, it would have been as if Celine wore nothing at all.

“It probably wouldn't be so obvious if I had panties on, but then, the lining of my panties would most likely be seen just as easily...” adds, Celine, before moving her hands and fingers over the impression of her labia through the shorts for a few moments.

“Yeah... buying these was a mistake, I don't wanna be flashing my pussy to everyone in school. They'll be nice to wear when I'm with Becky and the others, but that's it.” comments Celine with a smile.

Pulling the shorts down, proves how closely they hugged her as the shorts turn inside-out as they move down her legs.

“Yep, reserved for naughty fun.” comments Celine, correcting the shorts before tossing them on the bed and getting dressed in her decided choice of clothing, matching light-blue bra and panties and light-blue tank-top with the blue denim Short-shorts, before returning to the mirror and smiling at her appearance.

“Yeah, this is good, same as my first day, a little more of my legs are showing, but I don't have to worry about my panties showing.”

Quite happy with her appearance, Celine finished with taking her Comm from her nightstand and putting it on as she leaves her room, heading downstairs.


- 6:37 A.M. -

Arriving downstairs, Celine sees the usual sight of her mother, Eda, sitting at the dining room table nude, reading from a screen above her comm on her left hand, while her right held a bottle of liquid protein, which Celine guessed to be her mothers choice for breakfast.

“Good morning.” greets Celine as she walk towards her mother.

“Good morning Celine.” replies Eda, briefly looking over her shoulder with a smile as the teen walks by her. “I see you were able to pick out your clothes without problem this time.” she teasingly adds.

“Heh, yeah.” briefly chuckles Celine.

“Did you remember-”

“I'm wearing underwear this time!” quickly interrupts Celine, with a slight frown of embarrassment at the memory.

“Hehe, ok, wouldn't want you humiliating yourself.” replies Eda with a giggle as Celine heads towards the kitchen.

“Yeah, like you did?” comments Celine with a smile as she enters the kitchen and her smile growing a little when her mother didn't answer back.

Celine decided to pass on a sit down breakfast and opted to mimic her mother and take a bottle of protein from the refrigerator to drink and leaves the kitchen.

“Hey Celine...” starts Eda, looking to the screen above her Comm, before towards her daughter. “Did you know the punishment for rape here on Merkolova is quite severe?”

“Really? What's the punishment?” asks Celine, walking to her mothers side to look at the screen she assumed her mother was reading the information.

“There's two options, one is removal of the genitals and sexual sensation and the other is death.”

“Wow! Seriously!? Why's the punishment so harsh? Removal of genitals or death!?”

“I was shocked too.” replies Eda. “Apparently, here on Merkolova, sex and sexual behavior is so freely expressed and available that the act of rape is seen as so against the sexual freedom here and so heinous, given how available sex is to everyone, the punishment is that severe to detour people from doing it.”

“Wow, well what if kid rapes another kid, would they suffer the same punishment?” asks Celine.

“As shocking as it is, yes, they would, but children are given slightly more leniency, unless the act is violent or planned, the child wouldn't have the option of death hanging over them.”

“So they'd have their genitals removed!?” gasps Celine.

“Yes.” answers Eda. “Though I also read that the victim of the rape has input on the rapists punishment if they'd like it.”

“Geez, I guess Merkolovian justice is really blind, but how does the genital removal work? Plus you said they remove sexual sensation.”

“Yeah, I read some of the details about that...” replies Eda, scrolling through the text on the screen with her right hand, quickly reaching a section with a few pictures, displaying what Celine saw as the bare, smooth crotches of males and females, there was nothing but skin, there was also a picture of anus, which looked to have a plug.

“Here we are...” comments Eda. “The pictures reminded me of the details.”

“Wow, there's nothing there!” states Celine. “How does the person urinate? There's not even a hole for that.”

“Well, they surgically relocate the urethra to the anus, which has a tube inserted, keeping the offenders anus open and preventing them from masturbating with their anus. Their given a plug for their anus as well to prevent soiling themselves.” explains Eda.


“Plus, nipples and all breast tissue is removed.”

“Geez, with that kinda of punishment, I can't believe rape even exists here.” comments Celine.

“It actually does.” replies Eda. “There's an average of eleven rapes a year here on Merkolova.”

“So that's about five rapes a cycle.” comments Celine. “That's pretty darn low. What's the ratio of deaths though?”

“Hmm, let's see...” states Eda, searching through the text. “It says here; on average, for every four rapes, one results in death for the offender.”

“So one out of four.” comments Celine. “I guess that's good, their not kill-happy with their rapists.”

“Maybe they should be though.” comments Eda.

“Seriously?” questions Celine, surprised by her mothers comment.

“Yeah, rape is a horrible thing, it doesn't matter what race you are. The punishment should be as outrageous as possible to detour people from doing it.”

While the two continued to talk on the subject, they were surprised when Avery greets them from behind.

Good morning.

The two both gasp and look back to see the Geelien man walking towards the dining room, wearing a white, short-sleeve business shirt and light-blue slacks.

“Good morning.” answers back Celine. “You going somewhere special dad?”

“Yeah.” replies Avery. “My first day of work.”

“Oh!” gasps Celine. “That's right, you got accepted for the job you applied for two days ago.”

“Right, I'll be taking you to school a little early, I want to be be extra early for my first day of work.”

Eda then gives a sigh before commenting...

“With Celine at school and Avery at work. “I'm going to be here all alone, with nothing to do.”

“I'm sure you'll find something.” comments Celine with a smile. “By the way, about me being driven to school, I was thinking... I wanna try riding the bus.”

“Really?” asks Avery with a smile.

“Yeah.” adds Celine. “I've meet all the neighbors and their kids and we get along great, plus I remember the spot they were waiting at last Shakrus (Friday), so I thought I'd join them.”

“That's wonderful Celine.” comments Eda.

“Do you remember what time the bus came last time?” asks Avery.

“Yeah, it comes at about 7:10.” answers Celine.

Eda looks to her Comm and comments. “Well you should be leaving in a few minutes, it's six fifty-one.”

“Really!?” gasps Celine, quickly looking to her Comm, seeing that it was in fact, about ten minutes to seven o'clock, before heading towards the front door and opening it, seeing a couple of her new friends outside walking towards the spot they waited for the bus.

“Their already outside!” gasps Celine, before quickly lifting the just over half-full bottle to her mouth, drinking and absorbing it's contents and hurrying back to the kitchen and disposing of the bottle and rushing pass her parents. “See you guys later.”

“Have a great day!” replies Eda and Avery with a smile.

“Ok.” answers back Celine before leaving the house and joining her friends, who numbered three at the moment.


- 6:53 A.M. -
- Bus Stop -

“Oh, hey Celine!” cheerfully greets the fifteen-cycle old Felene, Patricia, or 'Patty' as she was often called. The Felene was one of the few teens in the neighborhood who was the same 'age' as Celine and nearly the same height. Patty had about one or two inches on her and her chest was a noticeably larger C-cup though in comparison to Celine's B's. “Decided to join us huh?” she adds.

The Felene had long, pink hair pulled back into a pony-tail that reached her lower back. The teen was dressed quite similar to Celine, a light pink-tank-top with matching short-shorts. The shorts were actually the same brand as Celine's but a different color. The Felene's legs weren’t completely exposed though as she wore pink thigh-high stockings.

Patty's delight at seeing Celine was obvious and the Geelien's smile grows when she sees the Feline's furry ears twitch noticeably a few times. A detail Celine particularly liked about Felene's; happy or mad, a Felene's ears would twitch in response of the emotion, or sound if their cat-ears were dominant.

“Hehe, yeah.” replies Celine.

“Did you two call each other before getting dressed?” teases another Felene, a fifteen-cycle old boy by the name of Iven and the older brother of Brandi.

The teen had short, black hair and wore a long-sleeve shirt and baggy jeans.

“Well at least we're wearing different colors.” replies Celine with a smile.

“Yeah...” adds the forth current member of the group waiting on the bus, a red-haired Nex wearing a purple blouse with a matching pleated skirt over lighter purple stockings. “If you guys came wearing the same color too, that would've been really funny.”

The Nex's name was Ellen and lived around the corner to the right of Celine's home. She was also fifteen-cycles old, but had the flat chest and narrow hips body frame and size nearly the same as Becky and Sammy, a little taller than the two eight-cycles old kids, but not quite as tall as Brandi, who was twelve.

Ellen was one of the few neighbors Celine hadn't seen naked though, so she didn't know exactly how similar the Nex's body was in comparison to Becky and Sammy. She could only use the similar aged Nex classmate she'd seen nearly nude in gym class last Shakrus (Friday) to guess that her Nex neighbor had very small, budding breasts in comparison to Becky and Sammy's completely flat chests.

For the next few minutes, Celine continued chatting with her friends as a couple more teens join them, totaling six, before the school bus arrived and the group filing in, with Celine being the fourth in line.

Although, while Celine had grown more comfortable as the school day went on last Shakrus (Friday), entering the bus and seeing the number of students all talking, Celine briefly felt the same fear and embarrassment she had upon entering the school that she had entering this confined space.

Quite a few comments were about her, but with so many people talking, Celine couldn't focus on what they were saying and she didn't even realize she had stopped moving until she felt a hand to her left shoulder and Patty call her name.

“H-Huh!?” gasps Celine, looking back to the Felene.

“You ok? You just suddenly froze, and you're melting a little.”

“O-Oh.” replies Celine, quickly collecting herself. “Y-Yeah, I'm fine, sorry.” she adds, before continuing to walk into the bus.

Celine wasn't fine though, this was her first time riding a bus and she didn't realize how confined it was, the stares from the students and a couple pokes to her sides and legs, causing her her gasp, didn't help.

Celine chose an empty seat about a third of the way back and quickly sees Patty join her.

“Hey, are you sure you're ok?” whisper Patty. “You look super tense.”

Looking down to her lap, Celine slowly shakes her head.

“This was a mistake... I don't like confined spaces.”

“Oh...” replies Patty, before looking around the bus. “I guess I can see how a bus is confining, plus there's all these people here and I saw them poking you.”


“Well how about this; when we get to school, let's wait till everyone leaves and we'll leave last. It won't feel so confined and there won't be anyone to pick on you.”

“OK.” replies Celine with a smile, looking to the Felene, before Patty places a hand to Celine's left hand.

After a few minutes riding in the bus, Patty looks to Celine, who was looking out of the window to her right, before asking...

“So, the confined spaces thing, is it a Geelien thing or personal?”

“Just about all Geelien's don't like confined spaces.” answers Celine, “It makes us feel restricted or trapped.” she adds, continuing to look out the window.

“Hmm, I think I could understand that.” replies Patty, “Geelien's can freely change their form after all, so being locked in a small box would be horrible for you.”

“Yeah.” replies Celine.

“If you don't like confined spaces, what about when your in a car?” asks Patty.

“It's not so bad, plus I don't have the pressure of strangers surrounding me and staring.”

“Ah, I see. So does looking out the window help? I noticed you don't look so tense since you've been staring out the window.”

“Yeah, it helps calm me down a lot, so I'm not trying to be rude by not looking at you.” answers Celine, briefly looking towards Patty.

“Heh, it's ok.”


- 7:17 A.M. -
- Local School -

As Patty suggested, upon arriving at the school, they wait until the bus was nearly empty before standing and walking down the isle, being the last two to leave the vehicle.

“Thanks.” comments Celine as the two walk towards the building.

“For what?” asks Patty.

“For helping me on the bus.” answers Celine. “You probably didn't think it was that big of a deal, but talking to me so calmly when I froze really helped, I likely would've embarrassed myself by running away or melting where I stood and my clothes falling off.”

“Well you didn't.” replies Patty with a smile, before draping her right arm across Celine's shoulders. “We're friends after all, I'll help in what ever way I can, even if you just need someone to talk to.”

“Thanks.” repeats Celine with a smile.

- 7:20 A.M. -
- Math Class -

Back in the familiar 'comfort' of her first class of the day and the positive memories she had, Celine had not only calmed down, but sat in her seat with a smile, looking forward to her second day of school going as smoothly as the first.

Along with the teacher, few of her classmate and friends entering the room took the time to greet her, the twins, Alma and Lina Hons, along with Reni Bragou happily did so. Reni in particular, greeted her with such enthusiasm and volume that Celine could only chuckle in slight embarrassment as they were, if only briefly, the center of attention.

Shortly into the growing class chatting with each other; which Celine could hear a few topics of conversation being sports, particularly, Inter-planetary Shakra League or IPSL matches, T.V. shows and movies, even over hearing one girl discussing about how she should style her pubic hair or cut it all off.

While smiling at the wide ranging topics of conversation, a look of annoyance comes to Celine's face when she spots Gina at the threshold of the door, wearing a pink shirt and matching pleated skirt.

Besides being on time, the pink-haired teen was clearly in a good mood as she giggles and Celine soon sees the reason as her eyes widen in surprise as another girl walks beside her, another Tragelian, holding Gina's hand and briefly kissing her on the lips, who had long black hair that reached her butt, wearing a light green T-shirt and form fitting jeans.

'Wow, even a jerk like her has a girlfriend.' thinks Celine.

Celine sees the raven-haired girl moves her free hand against Gina's crotch, her skirt separating flesh from touching and Gina giggles and asks her girlfriend to stop, though makes no effort to stop her herself.

Only when the teacher comments, “Take it somewhere else you two.”

The two decide to stop and fully enter the room and Celine felt a little nervous as her and Gina's eyes meet. Oddly though, there was no mischievous smile from her, rather, a look of annoyance and a frown before heading towards her seat.

Gina doesn't make it to her destination though before Celine sees the raven-haired girl look to her and smile before grabbing Gina's hand again and ask, clearly audible to Celine...

“Is that her?”

Gina didn't answer, but looked even more annoyed, which Celine found quite puzzlingly, it was as if Gina wanted nothing to do with her now.

Celine though felt her nervousness rise when she sees the raven-haired girl quickly hurry towards her, pulling a clearly resisting Gina along.

Celine didn't know what to expect, if this girl was Gina's girlfriend, a lover to the person that treated her so badly, it wouldn't be wrong to assume this raven-haired girl was the same.

“Hi!” greets Gina's girlfriend happily as she stood in front of Celine's desk, while Gina looks away with a pout. “I'm Helani, it's nice to meet you!”

Celine was reluctant to introduce herself to this potential bully and remained silent, with a slight frown on her face.

Helani's smile faded only a bit from Celine's cold response.

“Yeah, I guess I should've expected that kind of response after what Gina did to you.” she comments.

“So she went bragging to her girlfriend huh?” retorts Celine. “I bet you loved hearing how she embarrassed me huh? I'm sure you're as much of a A-hole as your jerk of a girlfriend!”

Gina then quickly spoke up, “Hey! Don't you talk to her like that! I'll strip you naked right here in-Owww!” before gasping in pain as she shoots her free hand towards her hand held by Helani.

“It was actually the opposite.” comments Helani as she continued to squeeze Gina's hand with a small smile. “I didn't hear about it from Gina at first and I was quite mad at her. What Gina did was wrong and I would like to apologize for the way she treated you.” explains Helani before she does a slight bow.

Celine was quite shocked by Helani's explanation and apology, it was like Helani was a parent apologizing for her child.

“I realize my apology may not be enough...” continues Helani, before Gina gasps as her hand was freed and rubbing it with her other hand. “So Gina has agreed to apologize as well.”

“Really?” asks Celine, finding the statement hard to believe after Gina's fake apology before.

“Yes.” replies Helani. “And I realize it may be hard to believe, but Gina did feel bad about what she did.”

“You got that right.” comments Celine. “I do find that hard to believe.”

Helani, then looks to Gina...

“Gina, what are you waiting for, say you're sorry.”

“Do I have to do this now?” whines Gina, with her arms folded over her chest and looking away. “It's not like she'll believe me anyway, so there's no point.”

“Yes, you do have to do it now.” replies Helani, before the seven thirty bell rings. “Best to start the day at least attempting to right what you did, plus, you said you would, you know how much I hate it when you lie to me.” she adds, with a smile as Celine sees and hears the currents of electricity travel along her left arm, the sound of which causes Gina to flinch noticeably.

Clearly, Helani was the dominate one in the relationship.

“O-Ok, ok, fine...” replies Gina, unfolding her arms and taking a step from Helani, though gasping when Helani quickly grabs her hand, stopping her from going too far, before looking to Celine, who noticed an odd look of nervousness on Gina's blushing face. “I'm... s-sorry for the way I treated you and trying to humiliate you in gym class...”

“And tell her why you acted the way you did.” comments Helani.

“W-What!?” gasps Gina, blushing brighter. “We didn't agree to that!”

Celine was now quite intrigued, what possible reason would Gina have to act the way she did, that she evidently found embarrassing.

“She should know the reason why you were so mean to her.” states Helani. “Even if you want nothing to do with her after this, you owe her that much.”

“F-Fine...” replies Gina, before looking to Celine and quickly averting her eyes from her. “T-The reason, I acted the way I did, was... because... b-because...” states Gina, before trailing off.

“Nether of us could hear that.” states Helani.

“Lani please!” begs Gina. “Don't make me say it in front of her!”

Celine smiles at Gina's plea, she already liked Helani, seeing this side of Gina was a very welcome and entertaining change.

'Where was this girl my first day here?' questions Celine in her mind.

“Fine then...” states Helani, bringing a smile to Gina's face, before... “Gina's afraid of Geelien's.” declares Helani.

Gina's entire body went a bright red as she whines, “Laniiiiiiiiiiii!”

“You're afraid of Geelien's?” asks Celine.

Celine was then surprised as Gina clearly looked scared and moves behind Helani, who answers...

“She is, though rather than avoiding what she's afraid of, Gina tends to face it head on and aggressively in an attempt to hide the fact that she's afraid from others.”

“I see.” replies Celine, recalling Gina commenting, rather boldly, that she wasn't afraid of Geelien's when her friends defended her.”

“So I hope now that the truth it out...” replies Helani. “You'd give Gina another chance, she's really nice when you get to know her.”

Celine thought about it for a moment, Katty also commented that Gina was nice once you got to know her and now that she knew the reason behind Gina's actions, Celine could kinda understand it.

“Ok.” replies Celine. “One more chance.”

“Awesome!” comments Helani happily, before looking back to Gina. “Isn't that great Gina?”

The hiding girl gave a low whine in response.

“My name's Celine by the way.” states Celine, reaching her right hand towards Helani. “Nice to meet you.”

“Same here.” replies Helani, taking the offered hand. “I hope we can get along from here on.”

“Me too.” comments Celine, before glancing to the clock and adding... “Shouldn't you be heading to class? You're gonna be late.”

“This is my class.” answers Helani. “I was sick for a couple days last week.”

“Oh, so you feel better now?” asks Celine.

“Yep!” replies Helani happily, before hitting her chest a few times. “As humans would say, I'm as healthy as a horse.”

“Heh, what's a horse?” asks Celine with a smile.

“Oh, it's a large, four legged animal that you can ride.” answers Helani, before the five-minute warning bell rings and she adds. “Well, we'll leave you alone now and thanks for hearing me out.”

“You're welcome.” replies Celine as Helani and Gina, who looked all too eager to leave, walk away.

Celine did though see Gina give a brief, nervous look back, causing the Geelien's smile to fade.

'So...' Celine thinks. 'She's afraid of me... I guess it's a good thing. Now that she knows that I know she's afraid of me, she probably won't pick on me anymore. But, that almost feels worse, I could deal with it if she just didn't like me...'

Celine sees Gina return to her seat and sees her once bully glace towards her before quickly looking to her desk. In an ironic turn of events it was now Gina who was on the receiving end of teasing as a couple students verbally tease her about their public conversation and about Helani revealing the reason behind Gina's actions. Helani, who sat near Gina, said nothing to stop the teasing of her girlfriend.

'I wonder why she's afraid of Geelien's.' thinks Celine. 'Did she have a bad experience with one, or-'

Celine's thought was interrupted as Reni and Alma walk to her side.

“Hey.” states Reni. “I didn't know Gina was scared of you.”

“Are you really gonna give her another chance after what she did to you last week!?” asks Alma.

“Yeah...” replies Celine with a little smile, before glancing to Gina and adding in her mind, 'If she lets me.'

“Man, you're a better person than me.” comments Reni. “If someone treated me like that and tried to apologize, I'da told them to frak off.”

“Well it's thanks to Helani that I gave her another chance.” comments Celine.


After class was over, Celine decided to try and get to know Gina a little between classes, however, once Gina sees Celine heading towards her, she quickly leaves the room. Helani also followed her out and Celine chased after her, calling to her, though was quickly answered with “Leave me alone!” from the pink-haired girl.

Celine felt more hurt by Gina's fearful rejection of her than the bullying, but her attention was soon drawn from Gina as Reni arrives at her side.

“Hey, just forget about her. You have friends that actually want to be around you.”

“Still though, I don't want her to be afraid of me.” comments Celine.

To be continue...

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