- Eda and Avery's room -
What greeted them was quite the sight, though it was a normal scene for Celine, but for Becky, Sammy and Brandi, all three girls gasp.
Celine's parents were on the floor, clearly in the middle of a very vocal act of sex, Avery on his back while Eda straddles his waist, bouncing energetically with a loud moaning from them both as a large pool of their combined mass surrounds them and their continuously melting bodies. Celine could also see the evidence of her fathers previous orgasms swirling around inside Eda's chest.
As much as the two appeared to be melting, Eda's breasts were quite large and would have been bouncing wildly if not for Avery grabbing the large melting orbs, though like the rest of their body's where they met, Avery's hands appear to meld into Eda's breasts.
With the groups arrival though, Eda stops her bouncing with a smile and looks to their visitors.
“Ohh, hello girls, sorry about the volume...” comments Eda, before lifting her hands up to her dripping breasts and squeezing them with a moan as she gyrates her hips on Avery's, bringing a moan from him as well. “Mmm, it just feels SOOOO good!”
The strung about clothing surrounding them, some covered in the wide pool of goo, was easy to see and Becky was the first to comment...
“Where's our moms?”
“Wow...” adds Brandi.
“Yeah...” comments Sammy. “Our moms would've said something if they left.”
Celine, smiling, knew where Becky and Sammy's parents were the moment she saw her parents and answers...
“Your moms are still here, their in this room.”
“Where?” asks Becky, looking around the room and walking further into it.
“I don't see them ether.” adds Sammy.
Eda, grinning, comments...
“Would you two like a hint?”
“Ok.” replies Becky, before Avery answers...
“Ask us something only your moms would know.”
At this comment, Brandi's eyes widen before quickly commenting...
“No way! Are they... did you two absorb them!?”
“WHAT!?” gasps Becky and Sammy.
“Hehe....” giggles Eda. “The kitty's right.” she adds, before moaning as she lifts herself from Avery's impressive two-foot cock, which brings a look of surprise to each of the three girls faces as Eda presents her very well endowed, melting form to the girls, while Avery only sits up, though it was enough for Becky, Sammy and Brandi to see the additional pussy he had below his cock. It was also the first time either of the three girls had seen the two nude, let alone having sex.
“Your mother is wonderful Becky!” continues Eda, lifting her left hand to her breast and fingering her pussy with her right. “I knew Tragelian's increased our horniness, but I never imagined it would be so drastic! Celine, you just HAVE to try it!”
“Heh, well I certainly-” starts Celine with a smile before Becky and Sammy interrupt happily and speak at the same time...
“So Celine can absorb us now!?”
“We got permission!?”
“Well...” begins Avery, getting to his feet, stroking his impressive cock with one hand and teasing his pussy with the other. “The agreement, was that your parents would decide after we separated and all body parts accounted for.”
Brandi soon asks, “Are they really inside you guys?”
“They certainly are.” answers Eda, before Becky excitedly asks...
“Can you guys separate so Celine can have permission to absorb us!?”
“Yeah!” adds Sammy, before hugging Celine. “I wanna be inside Celine so much!”
The comment brings a smile to Celine's face as she drips a bit, she was quite eager as well to absorb the two and were just moments away from it likely being approved.
“Aww...” whines Eda. “I wanted to enjoy your mom for a little longer, but I guess we can take a break.” she adds, before looking to Avery, who replies, “Ok.” with a smile.
Avery takes a step from Eda, before, to the three young girl's eyes, see the melting woman's upper body widen, her head as well until a second head emerges, Hazel's head, though briefly the same melting, gooey form that Eda was. Hazel was still very much aware as she looks to her daughter Becky with a smile and comments...
“Hi honey.”
“Wow, your really inside her and your gooey too!” gasps Becky.
Hazel giggles before her gooey form melts away to reveal the woman's hair and normal flesh as the rest of her body slowly splits off from Eda, soon standing nude, revealing her lack of pubic hair as Eda's body shrinks to appear similar to Celine, which the three girls “Ohhh” at, before Eda reabsorbs the loss mass on the floor, though she didn't quite return to her initial form, not quite as tall and breasts not quite as large.
Hazel quickly runs her hands along her wet body, briefly fondling her breasts and fingering her pussy before commenting...
“Looks like everything's here.”
Avery then takes his turn to separate from Sammy's mother, though first commenting with a smile...
“There's more than one way for us to separate, you'll like this one.”
Becky, Sammy and Brandi quickly gasp as Avery's male form shifts into Erin's female form.
“Whoa!” gasps Sammy, quickly walking in front of Avery. “You can change into my mom!?”
“Yep.” answers Avery, though in his voice, not Erin's, “We Geelien's can take the form of anyone we absorb as long as their in us.” he adds, before Erin's form, like Hazel's, begin to slowly melt and reveal Erin's actual naked form and Avery's body melting into a puddle before quickly reforming beside her. Unlike Hazel, Erin had a well trimmed patch of pubic hair above her labia.
“Hehe, well that was interesting.” comments Erin, with a blushing smile, before inspecting her body much like Hazel did, though she added extending her cerick from her pussy about a foot. “Everything checks out.”
Becky and Sammy quickly begin poking their respective mothers with a giggling, before Becky asks...
“How did it feel?”
“Yeah!” adds Sammy. “What was it like being absorbed!?”
“Hehe, well...” starts Hazel, looking up in thought briefly, before towards Erin, who looks at her as well and commenting...
“It's uh, kinda hard to describe.”
“The only way I could even start to describe it...” starts Hazel. “...would be, the most relaxing sensation ever, but surrounded by a pleasurable feeling that sorta... becomes you.”
“Yeah...” replies Erin. “That sounds about right.” she adds, before Celine comments.
“You become pleasure itself, the source of it.”
“Yeah, that's it!” replies Hazel
“Wow...” comments Becky and Sammy with a big smiles, before Becky adds, “That sound amazing!”
“Can Celine have permission to absorb us, PLEEEASE!?” begs Sammy's excitedly.
“PLEEASE!?” adds Becky as well. “We wanna be part of Celine so much!”
Hazel and Erin, giggle at their daughter's plea, before Erin looks to Avery and asks...
“Is there any side effects we should be aware of?”
“None that are negative.” answers Avery.
“What's that supposed to mean?” asks Hazel.
“Well...” starts Eda. “If you have a scar, it would be gone when your body is reformed, or if you have a illness, it would be gone as well. Us Geelien's don't get sick, so if we absorb someone that has an infection, our body would destroy the bacteria, leaving the person feeling better after they've returned to normal.” explains Eda.
“Wow, that's nice.” comments Erin. “Though some people have a special attachment to their scars.”
“Well then...” starts Hazel, looking down to Becky's smiling face, before towards Celine. “Celine, you have permission to absorb Becky.”
“YAY!” cheers Becky, before quickly turning and hugging Celine, before Erin adds...
“I'll also approve of you absorbing my daughter.”
Which prompts Sammy to happily mirror Becky and hug Celine. While the two girls were very excited, they weren’t so much that they forgot about their friend Brandi and Becky quickly comments...
“Hey Brandi, call your mom and dad and see if they'll let Celine absorb you, then we all can be part of Celine!”
“Uh, I'll pass.” replies Brandi with a smile. “The idea of being absorbed doesn't feel right to me.”
“Aww, why?” asks Sammy, before Celine comments to the two...
“It's ok, if she isn't comfortable with it, you don't need to pressure her.”
“I'll watch though.” replies Brandi with a smile.
“Ok!” replies Becky, before she and Sammy, turn Celine around and pull her out of the room, adding, “Let's go back to your room and you can absorb us!”
“Whoa! Hold one!” gasps Celine as her arms are nearly pulled off from the two girls excitement.
Brandi follows them out, closing the door behind her, leaving the adults to giggle at the display, before Hazel and Erin turn to Eda and Avery and Hazel asking, with a smile...
“Shall we continue?”
“Absolutely!” replies Eda.
“Let's switch.” suggests Erin with a smile. “I want Eda to absorb me next.”
“Ok.” replies Hazel.
- Celine's Room -
“Absorb us! Absorb us!” requests Becky and Sammy happily as the four girls enter the Geelien's room and the two eight-cycle olds quickly hug Celine, pressing themselves against her as if trying to make Celine absorb them.
Clearly, the two were VERY eager to be inside her and while Celine was as well, she had to push them away.
“Ok, ok, I know you two have been waiting for this since we met...” starts Celine, prying the girls from her and pushing them to arms length with a smile. “I'm eager to as well, but I can't just absorb you two without making sure you two know what you're requesting.”
“It's safe isn't it?” asks Becky.
“Yeah, but still, I want you to fully understand what's going to happen when I do this, as much as this is for fun, this is also serious for me, you're literally trusting me with your life.”
“We could die if you absorb us?” asks Sammy.
“Well...” starts Celine, lowering herself to sit on her legs, which was followed by the three girls. “Yes and no, there's a very brief moment in the process that you stop living.”
“Really?!” gasps Becky and Sammy, while Brandi's eyes widen in surprise.
“Yes, but you don't need to be too worried though!” quickly replies Celine. “Have you guys ever used a teleporter?”
“Yeah.” answers Becky, Sammy and Brandi.
“From what I know about teleporters...” starts Celine. “You're briefly killed while your body is in the brief transition from matter to information, to matter again.”
“We are?” asks Becky.
“We are!” gasps Brandi. “I learned about that in school! When you use a teleporter, your body is transformed into information and energy that's sent to another teleporter or the place that you want to be and the information and energy is transformed back into matter that makes up your body. In that in-between stage of your body being information and energy, you're technically dead.”
“Wow.” comments Sammy. “We didn't know that at all!”
“But it's kinda cool though!” replies Becky. “We die and come back each time we teleport somewhere.”
“I guess...” comments Sammy, though not quite as excited, learning that they die each time they teleport somewhere.
“Another thing you guys need to know...” starts Celine. “Is that, there is a point in absorbing you that you can't back out or I can't stop, and that it when I reach your chest or, if I absorb you head first, once one of those happen, I have to absorb you completely or else you really would die.”
“So...” starts Becky. “You could just absorb my arms and legs and then reform them without having to absorb me completely?”
“Right.” answers Celine, “...As long as you're still connected to me that is. So say for example if I absorb one of your arms up to the elbow, and you pull your arm back, you wouldn't feel any pain, but my body would still be attached to the end of your arm. Actually, as you saw with your parents, the process we Geelien's use to absorb you is, we briefly transform your body into what ours is, so you very briefly become a Geelien as we absorb you.”
“Now that's cool.” comments Sammy.
“Yeah it is.” adds Becky, before Sammy comments...
“Anything else? I really want to be inside you!”
“Yeah!” adds Becky.
“Heh, ok, ok, oh! One more thing! This is more to ease my mind, but it's important for you to know too. This will be my first time absorbing such complex life such as you guys.”
“What!?” gasps the two eight-cycle olds, before Sammy adds.
“You've never done this before!?”
“Good thing I didn't join you two for Celine's first time.” comments Brandi with a chuckle.
“It's ok you two, don't worry!” quickly replies Celine, dripping in embarrassment now. “True, this will be my first time, but I've practiced a lot with animals back home, absorbing and reforming them, I'm perfect at it now.” she adds, before Brandi gives a smile and comments...
“That implies you weren’t at one time.”
What Brandi's comment itself implied, brings a shocked, wide-eyed gasp from Becky and Sammy.
“I really am perfect at it now you two.” states Celine, now trying to convince the once very eager girls. “I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, I really like you guys. It would be wrong of me to keep it secret that this'll be my first time with something with as much mass as you guys. I hope you two can trust me, I can give you my guarantee that you'll be fine.”
Becky and Sammy briefly look to each other, before back to Celine and Sammy answering...
“But you absorb us one at a time.” adds Becky.
“Ok!” replies Celine happily.
“Becky can go first!” declares Sammy.
“W-What!?” gasps Becky.
“Celine was your friend first.” comments Sammy with a smile. “So it makes sense for you to go first.”
Becky quickly gives a pouting expression at her friend.
“Fine.” answers Becky, before looking to Celine. “So, how do we do it?”
“Well, there are three ways...” replies Celine. “First, is head first, it's the quickest way for your consciousness to be inside me, but you don't have the enjoyment of seeing your body slowly melt into me, or being able to climax just before I absorb you, another downside that may or may not be important to you, is, once your head is absorbed, the rest of your body will assume your dead and you'll likely pee and poop yourself.”
“Hehe, it'll be a nice show for us.” giggles Sammy, while Brandi giggles as well.
“What are the other two?” asks Becky, frowning at her two friends.
“The second one is absorbing you feet first, you'll stand on me, whether I'm in liquid form or not and you'll slowly sink into me as I absorb you.” replies Celine.
“That one sounds pretty cool.” comments Becky. ”What's the last one?”
“The last one, is I absorb you while we have sex with you laying on top of me, your arms, legs and front of your body would melt into me.”
“Ohh, I like that last one.” replies Becky. “Let's do that one!”
“Ok.” comments Celine with a smile, before much of her mass leaves her puddles around her and she melts into her younger, flat-chested form before laying back and extending her arms out to Becky. “Come 'join' me.” she adds with a giggle.
Becky didn't have to be told twice and quickly crawls on top of her Geelien friend, who lifts her left hand to the back of Becky's head, lifting hers and joining their lips in a kiss while her right hand moves down the young girl's back, between the cheeks of her butt to tease her anus. The moans, from both, began quickly.
Sammy and Brandi, look on eagerly, not quite pleasuring themselves yet, though both move a hand towards themselves, Sammy moves her left hand to her upper left leg, stroking herself, while Brandi moves her right hand to her belly, near her crotch.
Within moments of starting, and Celine beginning to finger Becky's anus, Celine pulls her lips back and comments...
“I'm gonna start.”
“Ok.” smiling from eagerness and the fingers in her butt.
A brief moan comes from the young girl as she felt a tingling from her arms and legs, from the elbow and knee down. Looking to her arms resting in Celine's goo, Becky quickly “Oooh's” as she sees her lower arms melting into the Geelien's goo. Her arms and legs had yet to be fully absorbed before Becky could no longer feel the lower limbs. Instead of supporting herself up on her elbows and knees, Becky found herself supported up on just the stumps of her arms and legs, which were slowly shrinking as Becky's sees herself lowering down onto Celine.
“Wow, this feels so weird.” comments Becky, having the brief benefit of seeing parts of her disconnected hands and skin melting into Celine's mass, as she moves her shrinking stumps up a bit, seeing Celine's mass dripping from the end, even seeing a small area above where her limbs ended, being transformed into Celine's red mass as it drips from her.
“It doesn't hurt at all!” declares Becky.
“That's so freaky...” comments Sammy, moving to Becky's right side to get a closer look while Brandi moves to her left.
“Can you still feel your hands and feet?” asks Brandi.
“Nope, I can't.” replies Becky, before the front of her near limbless body now rests on Celine, her stumps too short now to support herself from Celine.
“You can still back out.” comments Celine. “From this point on, if I start absorbing you, I'll have to go all the way before I can reform you.”
“Ok, but I wanna come before you finish.” replies Becky, moving her dripping stumps around with a giggling. “Hehe, if you can, I want you to absorb my pussy when I come, would that make you come too?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine, before she moves her left hand from Becky's head to join her right at Celine's crotch, where her pussy oozes eagerly with her honey, before Becky gives a delighted moan as she felt Celine's fingers sink into her pussy, before the fingers of Celine's left and right hand began alternating thrusts of her anus and pussy.
“Ohhhh! This feels a lot better for some reason!” moans Becky as her stumps wriggle around.
At this point, Sammy and Brandi began to tease themselves, the sight in front of them too arousing not to, each finger their young pussies, though Brandi added teasing her nipples as well.
Becky, shortly into the finger thrusts, attempted to add to her pleasure and with a gasp, quickly succeeded as she began to wriggling and move her lower torso, managing to thrust her hips in such a way to brush her erect clit against Celine's smooth, wet body. Becky's extra act to pleasure herself brings a smile to Celine face, not quite expecting the young girl to think of such an action.
Celine decided to reward Becky's effort and began to thrust her fingers quicker, bringing naughty, wet squelches from Becky's oozing pussy as she moans out.
It didn't take long before Becky began groaning from an approaching orgasm and she quickly comments...
“I-I'm about to come! Hurry and absorb my pussy!”
“Ok!” quickly answers Celine with delight as she pulls her fingers from Becky's clenching holes and placing her hand to the young girl's rear and pressing her lower torso into into her own before before Becky moans out from her climax reaching her, a moan which quickly jumps in volume and joined by Celine's as Becky's honey-spewing pussy and the rest of her lower torso began to be absorbed into Celine's body.
Sammy and Brandi look on in amusement as they see Becky's lower body and pussy fading away. Though the white cloud of her honey continued to be ejected into Celine's body for a few seconds after Becky's pussy was completely gone.
Very quickly, while sharing in the pleasure of Becky's orgasm, it fueled the speedy arrival of Celine's own orgasm, as fluid gushes out of her pussy, adding the pleasure of her own orgasm to their shared pleasure as they moan out loudly.
Celine was shocked, she had yet to fully absorb the young girl, though her pussy and waist was completely absorbed, leaving just the eight-cycle olds upper body left, but Celine receives a massive surge of desire and horniness. It was just as her mother said, Celine quickly figured the source of the massive surge was Becky's ovaries she had absorbed shortly after her pussy, but whatever the reason, Celine found herself having to briefly focus on maintaining her solid form.
“You're amazing!” declares Celine, hugging Becky's upper body against and into her, which began to be absorb as well, only Becky's head remained untouched for the moment, allowing the absorbed girl to continue moaning. “Your body make me feel so good! I haven't felt so horny in my life, even after absorbing three other Geelien's!”
“Ohhhh! Finish it!” declares Becky. “I wanna be inside you!”
“Gladly! Come inside!” quickly replies Celine, pushing Becky's head into her chest, which is quickly absorbed with a pleasure-filled moan from Celine as Sammy and Brandi, who were quickly fingering themselves eagerly from the sight, panting and groaning, has the treat of briefly seeing part of their friend's brain floating in Celine's chest before the last evidence of Becky's eight-cycle old body is absorbed into the Geelien, who moans and squirms, palming her flat chest before quickly lowering her right hand down between her legs and immediately fingering her melting pussy.
Becky, suddenly found herself conscious, the fact that she no longer had a body was not even part of her thoughts as she felt overwhelmed by a unimaginably wonderful sensation. It was nowhere and everywhere at the same time, she had no body, but she could feel it, it came to her, it came from her, it was as if she was right in the middle of the source of the pleasure, emanating and receiving it at the same time, it was her, Becky had really become pleasure itself. It was everything about her, it was her existence.
“My mom was right!” declares Celine, masturbating eagerly.
Shortly after, Sammy and Brandi bring themselves to orgasm, moaning out loudly as their young pussies spasm pleasurably around their thrusting fingers.
“T-That's amazing...” moans Brandi as she looks to Celine. “Becky's whole body is inside you.”
“Can you talk to her while she's inside you?” asks Sammy, reaching her free hand towards Celine and teasing her neglected nipple, bringing more moans from her.
“Ohhh, yeah...” moans Celine. “We can talk to each other, but Becky's a little overwhelmed at the moment, mmm... w-with all the sensations she's giving me and feeling. I k-know I should stop and- Ohhhh! G-Give her time to adjust, but Becky's making me feel so good! You Tragelian's are like tight, concentrations of pleasure! I don't think I could handle more than one of you at a time.”
“Wow...” comments Sammy. “So everything your feeling, Becky's feeling too?”
“Yeah, but it's even more intense for her since she doesn't have a body.” answers Celine, before moaning out as she climaxes again, fluid gushing from her pussy around her thrusting fingers. “Becky's feeling every little bit of the sensation that would be spread throughout her body!” declares Celine.
“Wow...” adds Brandi, with a soft moan as she had lifted both hands to her breasts while she moved her furry tail between her legs to tease her wet lower lips and clit. “That sounds amazing.”
Celine soon groans as she pulls her hand from her pussy and sits up.
“I don't wanna stop, but I have to.” comments Celine, sitting with her legs spread wide as the shape of her labia had disappeared from the melting appearance they had, appearing that Celine lacked a vagina at all. “I have to give her time to adjust.” she adds.
Celine reabsorbs some of her pooled mass, but not all of it as she as she was in a constant melting state. She didn't completely stop teasing herself though as Celine lifts her hands up to her small breasts.
With the more intense sensations fading, but still present, conscious thought began to return to Becky and the very first thing she realized was, although she no longer had a body, she didn't miss it; she couldn't see, but she didn't miss it. There was nothing to miss, her body had been striped away till only her consciousness, thought, remained. It was as Celine had said, she had become pleasure, conscious pleasure, nothing else mattered.
'So how is it?' came a voice, a familiar voice, it was Celine, it came from all around her.
With no mouth, no in-between for her brain to send the signal to speak, Becky's thoughts were immediate with no filter at all and her first response to Celine's question...
'Soooooooooooooo goooooooooooood! It doesssssssssn't stooooooooooooooooop!'
'Heh, yeah, it's overwelming your first time, I know.' comments Celine.
Celine forces herself to removes her hands from her breasts with a groan/moan mix.
'How's that?' asks Celine.
Becky didn't know why, but the sensation fades even more, it never leaves, but compared to what it was before, it may as well had gone completely away.
'Noooo! Why's it stopping! I want more!' declares Becky.
'I'd love to, trust me, I'm fighting against doing just that.' replies Celine. 'But I want you to adjust to the change you've gone through.'
'But I don't want it to stop! I want more!' repeats Becky desperately.
Celine could only giggle from Becky's begging, before looking to Sammy and commenting...
“I stopped touching myself and she's begging for the pleasure to come back.”
Sammy and Brandi giggle at the comment before Brandi replies, “That sounds just like her.”
“So you talk to her through your thoughts?” asks Sammy.
“Yep.” answers Celine. “And once she calms down from her begging, even if I REALLY want to give it to her, she can hear your guys to and I could speak for her.”
Brandi quickly leans towards Celine's ear and declares, “Calm down Becky! Stop begging!”
The comment brings a giggle from Celine, before replying, “She heard that.”
“Hey Becky!” declares Sammy, leaning to Celine other ear. “How does it feel being inside Celine!?”
“You guys talking to her is helping.” replies Celine. “She's calming down.”
'Oh right...' thinks Becky. 'I'm inside Celine.'
'That's right.' comments Celine. 'You're inside me, you're finally where you wanted to be so badly. How does not having a body feel?'
'Weird, but so good at the same time! I can't feel anything at all but the wonderful pleasure surrounding me and coming out of me! Is this what it's always like being pleasure itself like you said?'
'Yep, it feels like that all the time.' replies Celine. 'You don't have a body getting in the way of the pleasure, you feel it all, unfiltered.'
'This is amazing!'
Becky suddenly hears Sammy again, asking, 'Hey Becky, how does it feel being inside Celine?'
“She says it's amazing.” answers Celine, before lifting her left hand up to her breast again with a moan quickly coming form her. “Ohhh, now that Becky's had a moment to adjust, I can't hold back anymore.” she adds, before leaning back on her back before lowering her right hand between her legs and quickly thrusting her fingers in her dripping pussy again, bringing a louder moaning from her. “Ohhhh, hehe, Becky's moaning out again.”
“Can I help you feel good?” asks Sammy eagerly.
“Sure, we'd like that.” answers Celine.
Sammy quickly moves and positions Celine's head between her thighs, honey dripping from her aroused pussy and down to Celine's face, before leaning forward on her hands. Facing Celine's fingers thrusting into her, though the Geelien's pulls her fingers free, allowing Sammy to replace them with her right hand, rapidly thrusting her fingers, while teasing Celine's clit with her tongue, bringing an even louder moaning from the Geelien.
A moaning soon comes from Sammy though as well as Celine wraps her arms around Sammy's waist, her left simply holding her, while her right hand moves between the young girl's cheeks to tease her anus as she lifts her head to tease Sammy's clit and pussy as well with her tongue.
Brandi, unfortunately, was left out of the revolving moans of Celine and Sammy's sixty-nine position, and was left to her own body as she continued her own masturbation as she watched, pinching and pulling at her erect nipples, and moving her tail back and forth across her blushing, sensitive lower lips and clit.
The Felene wasn't too bothered though, after her previous experience, she'd much rather not be overstimulated again, she wanted to stay conscious for the fun after all.
Not yet a minute passes before Celine moans loudly into Sammy's oozing pussy as she quickly climaxes again, more of her mass gushing from her spasming pussy as her body briefly loses her solid form as she suddenly looses a large amount of her mass and shrinking to her younger form and Sammy finding that her fingers thrust into Celine's melting pussy like warm butter, no longer feeling the form of the Geelien's pussy as a couple thrusts found her whole hand entering Celine's crotch.
Celine manages to prevent shifting completely to her liquid form, remaining in her young, flat-chested form as she continued to tease Sammy's anus, pussy and clit.
Seconds after Celine's climax comes to an end, Brandi was next to add her orgasmic moan to her two friends as the movement of her tail abruptly stops as her body shutters from the pleasure traveling through her. Closing her thighs and trapping her tail pressed against her quivering lips, Brandi continues pinching her nipples.
Although, just seconds into closing her thighs, Brandi spreads her legs again as she brought an uncontrollable orgasmic jerking of her body as she resumes her tails movement against her sensitive labia. The growing pleasure soon, knocks her to her back, before the teen manages to endure the pleasure her wet, furry tail gives her pussy for a few long moments before she closes her thighs around her tail again, stopping its movement, though continuing the teasing of her nipples as she slowly brings herself down from her pleasurable high and giving her sensitive labia and throbbing pussy the break it needed as she moans and squirms on the floor.
A minute later, it was not Sammy, but Celine who climaxes once again, though she manages to keep part of her attention on Sammy, who comes shortly after, moaning out as her pussy releases a large amount of fresh, warm honey, falling and dripping onto Celine's face and with a bit of adjusting, into her open mouth.
Minutes later and after a couple more quick orgasms from Celine and one more from Sammy, Brandi recovers from her climax enough to return to the fun, not wanting to be left out this time and after asking for a position change for her to join in, Sammy quickly agrees and repositions herself between Celine's thighs to continue pleasuring the Geelien's pussy, allowing Brandi to straddle Celine's head and Brandi got her turn to feel Celine's tongue, teasing not only her pussy, but anus as well.
A rapid thirty minutes of moans and climaxes pass, Celine easily leading the count, Sammy in second and Brandi coming in last. There was one more position change on Sammy's part, turning her back to Brandi and using her Shakra to lift her hips up and present her oozing pussy to the Felene. Who quickly places Sammy's legs over her shoulders and leaning her face between the young girl's thighs to lap up her flowing honey and pleasure the blushing, puffy lips and tensing wet hole that they hide while Sammy continues teasing Celine's pussy.
“Can it be my turn now!?” asks Sammy eagerly as she now sits between Celine's legs with a big smile.
Celine now sits up with a smile of her own, still in her younger form, teasing her pussy, while Brandi, lay on her side to Celine's right, in a near fetal position with her tail between her legs, moaning softly.
“I guess I should swap you guys out now.” comments Celine, before giggling. “Hehe, Becky doesn't want to leave.”
“Well tough!” replies Sammy with a smile. “Becky's been inside you long enough, I want my turn.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, before reabsorbing much of her mass, dripping considerably, but now in her original form. “Time to switch...”
“Hey wait!” gasps Sammy. “Can you separate like your dad did? Change into Becky first!”
“Ok.” replies Celine, before Sammy 'Oooh's' in delight as Celine's form quickly shifts to Becky's image.
“Hehe, cool! Is that easy for you to do?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “You could think of my body as a sort of computer, I've absorbed Becky's whole body, so I have all the information about her, even her memories, it's just a matter of using that information.”
“Wow, you have her memories too!?” gasps Sammy.
“Tell me one of Becky's secrets!”
“Heh, can't do that.” replies Celine.
“Why not?”
“For one, Becky really doesn't want me to, second, that would be disrespectful of Becky's trust. I'll never reveal any secrets about the people that trust me enough for me to absorb them. Though if I absorb both of you, then you will share each other memories, so it's something to think about if you two wanted me to absorb you two at the same time.”
“Wow.” comments Sammy.
“Well then, switch time.” comments Celine.
Like her father, Celine began to slowly melt, uncovering Becky's normal body.
“Awww, “I wanted to stay inside longer.” she whines, once her head is reformed
“Well you gotta share.” comments Sammy.
“Fine...” replies Becky, before her shoulders, upper arms and chest was uncovered and within moments, the rest of her body as Celine's body is briefly liquid before reforming in a sitting position to Becky's side.
“Well that was fun!” comments Celine happily. “And I successfully separated from you.”
Becky though gives a groan of disappointment before leaning over on her left side.
“I feel so... trapped having a body now, I felt so free inside Celine!” comments Becky, placing her hands between her legs and teasing herself.
“Now it's my turn to be free!” declares Sammy happily. “I wanna go head first!”
“OK.” replies Celine, moving closer to Sammy, before the young girl suddenly giggles.
“Hehehe, I just had a really funny thought!”
“What?” asks Celine.
“You remember when you said you wouldn't absorb our poop?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, 'cause I have standards, urine is where I draw the line with you guys.” replies Celine with a smile.
“Well, since you're absorbing our whole body, that means you're absorbing everything inside us, including our poop! So you're absorbing our poop anyway!”
A wide-eyed look of shock immediately comes to Celine's face.