- Merkolova, 2012 (earth year equivalent) -
- 4:43 P.M., Nycalus (Monday), second week of February (2) -
It\'s a beautiful, warm sunny day, birds chirping, small animals running through lawns and up trees, even a group of young children out playing. It was the perfect environment for a family to move into a new home as a midnight blue hover car turns into the drive-way of a typical two-floor house.
Shortly after the vehicle lowers to the ground and turns off, four people exit, one adult male Felene, dressed in a white business shirt and black slacks, while the remaining three were a family of Geelien\'s, a mother, father and daughter, a race whose entire body were composed of a light red/pinkish gel or goo-like substance, even their long, thin tails.
They could shift between solid and liquid form at will, while in solid form, they could touch and interact with anything others could and were \'dry\', they wouldn\'t leave everything they touched covered in what they were made of. While in liquid form, they were the complete opposite, literally melting into a pile of goo and leaving what ever they came in contact with wet or at least damp.
Getting out of the vehicle, all three of the Geelien\'s where clothed; the father, who was dressed in a yellow T-shirt and white shorts, was clear to see that the males of the Geelien\'s weren’t as stocky as other males, looking to the arms and legs, there was little to no muscle definition.
The mother, who leaves through the left back door, was dressed in a red sundress decorated in tiny flowers. The mother\'s hair, which was also the same substance as the rest of her body, was styled into a long pony-tail reaching the middle of her back. The mother was also quite well-endowed, at least F-cups.
Their daughter, leaving the remaining right, back door, looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old and a younger version of the mother, her hair just long enough to cover the back of her neck, was dressed in a short, yellow tank-top; revealing her small to moderate B-cup bust and smooth belly, and a pleated, light blue upper-thigh length skirt, clearly the winner of the most \'skin\' revealed.
All three of the Geelien\'s were smiling, though the daughter\'s wasn\'t very big, appearing less excited than her parents, though she quickly sees a small, blonde Tragelian female child ahead of her, no older than maybe seven or eight, staring at her, wearing a pink sundress.
“Well then...” starts the Male Felene. “What do you think?” he adds, looking to the house before to the Geelien\'s.
“Very nice.” replies the mother, before the father adds...
“It\'s actually better than I was expecting.”
“I agree... Sweetie, what do you think?” states the mother, before looking over the vehicle to her daughter and seeing her looking at the small child and a smile coming to her face. “Oh, you\'ve meet a neighbor already!?” the mother adds, walking around the vehicle next to her daughter and looking to the child. “Hello there!”
The small child visibly flinches from the greeting, taking a step back, causing the mothers smile to fade some, though the daughter smiles and takes a step towards her, offer a hand, stating...
“I know we may look strange, but-”
The daughter though doesn\'t finish before the child quickly turns and runs away to the neighboring house, bringing a brief look of sadness to the teens face, but her mother places a hand to her daughters shoulder before the Felene comments...
“Try not to let that discourage you.” Drawing the teens attention. “It\'s only the first day, there\'s plenty of time for your neighbors to warm up to you.”
The teen soon smiles, “Yeah, I know.” she states. “At least she didn\'t run away screaming.”
“Well come on...” state the Felene. “Let\'s get you and your mom and dad acquainted with your new home.”
“OK.” replies the teen as she and her parents walk around the vehicle to the Felene.
“Alright, as you can see...” starts the felene as he and the family of Geelien\'s walk towards the house. “What you have here is a typical two-floor house that the previous owners took very good care of, so very little maintenance was needed before it was available to welcome a new family.”
Retrieving the house keys from his pocket, the felene unlocks the front door and allows the group of three to enter first, whom looked quite pleased with the inside, which was quite spacious, the living room was the first room they stepped into, the stairs to the second floor to the right and dining room in clear view straight ahead.
“As you were informed...” starts the Felene walking into the house. “The rooms are fully furnished and as you requested, all the furniture, tables, beds and carpet have been treated and waterproofed.”
“Wonderful.” comments the mother, walking further into the living room and running her hand along one of the couch cushions, while the father and daughter also walking further into the home, the father walking to the dining room while the daughter staying in the living room but checking out the TV, turning it on and asking...
“Is there cable?”
“Of course.” replies the felene. “Everything currently in the house is yours to use however you want, any additional things would need to be paid for yourselves of course. The basic necessities for your people will be covered.”
“So only the premium things will come out of our pocket, right?” asks the father.
The daughter quickly comments, happily, “I\'m gonna check out the bedrooms!” before hurrying up the stairs.
“Ok.” answers back the mother.
“Well then...” starts the felene, walking ahead. “Let\'s see if the kitchen is to your liking.”
Upstairs, the daughter walks down the hall, seeing four rooms total, and with all the doors open, the teen could see that the bathroom was at the end of the hall, which wouldn\'t get the usual amount of use since their kind didn\'t require toilets. The first left door lead to a very large room, clearly the master bedroom and the teen knew her parents would claim that room as their own, so that left her with the two rooms on the right to choose.
After a quick peek into each room, the room of choice was clear, the second one, while both rooms had much of the same in it, the second was slightly larger and had a T.V. mounted to the wall. So, claiming the second room, the teen inspects it more thoroughly; There were two windows, allowing plenty of the sun in, the bed was a normal twin size, the teen walks to and opens the closet, smiling when she finds it empty, just a few empty hangers greeting her.
“Well that\'s not a surprise. The closet is pretty big though, I\'ll be able to fit all the clothes I brought inside.” she comments.
Closing the closet, the teen turns around and walks to the small nightstand to the right of the bed, a single lamp rests on, which she turns on and off a couple times, before opening the couple drawers, also empty.
Her attention soon turns back to the bed, before completely removing the neatly placed cover and placing her hands down on the mattress, first testing it\'s firmness before moving her hands across, smiling and stepping back.
“Well then, let\'s see how waterproof you are...” comments the teen.
Lifting her right foot, the teens shoe, as well as sock drops to the floor as her foot seemingly melts, but the red/pinkish goo in her sock and shoe removes itself from it\'s confines and lifts up to the teens \'severed\' limb and her foot reforms, before lowering her foot and doing the same with her left foot. In just seconds, she had removed her shoes and socks and takes a couple more steps back with a grin.
“I\'ll only approve of you if you can pass my test!” she declares, with a giggle, before quickly jumping towards the bed, lifting her knees in a cannonball pose.
The moment the teen lands, she seems to explode with a very large pinkish/red splash, not only covering the bed, but reaching a wide distance around it, the wall near the bed, the nightstand, the closed door of the closet and even reaching to the dresser on the other end of the room.
However, the teen\'s clothing didn\'t stay on the bed, with the teen\'s liquified form splashing everywhere, her clothing went for a short ride. The small tank-top, revealed a white bra as the two separate and while the tank-top managed to remain on the bed, the bra didn\'t, reaching towards the closet. Her skirt ended up on the floor next to the bed, but a flash of white told of her panties being flung towards the open door and nearly out of the room.
In short, the room was a total mess, however, moments after everything settled, the teen\'s scattered liquid form began to quiver and move. Gathering near the discarded shoes, growing into a tall \'tower\' before the teen\'s form slowly returns, completely nude. Revealing her attractively smooth body, perky B-cup breasts and equally smooth lower lips with a smile on her face and hands to her slightly curving hips as her tail flicking around excitedly.
Aside from the fact that her body was slightly transparent, revealing a lack of internal organs or bones, the teen\'s body was very typical of an average girl her age, slender frame, womanly curves just starting to show themselves and an eye-pleasingly rounded rear.
“Hehe, you certainly pass the test!” declares the teen happily, stepping to the bed and seeing the pinkish beading on the bed. “Heh, more like water repellent than proof, but that\'s just as good.” she adds, placing a hand to the mattress and causing the \'beads\' to move to her hand, before she picks up her tank-top and skirt, dropping them to the floor before making up the bed.
Satisfied with the bed now looking the way she first saw it, the teen turns and spots her bra and panties.
“Ah, there you guys are.” she comments, retrieving her underwear, putting her bra then panties on, before walking back to her tank-top and skirt. Pulling on her top, the teen walks towards the dresser with her skirt in hand, looking into the mirror that rests on top of the dresser, briefly brushing some of her hair from her face before undoing the clasp of her skirt.
The teen starts to put on her skirt before someone enters the room, causing her to gasp, quickly releasing the skirt and placing her hands over her covered crotch, as her body suddenly started dripping, appearing to slowly melt like ice. Her \'intruder\' though, she quickly realized, was her mother.
“It\'s just me.” comments the mother with a smile.
“O-Oh...” replies the teen, as her form solidifies again as what dripped from her returns through her feet as she uncovers herself and reaching down to her skirt and putting it on. “I thought you were the guide.”
“He\'s still downstairs showing your father around.” answers the mother, “So what were you doing in here that you didn\'t need your skirt for, hmm?” adds the mother with a grin as she walks towards her daughter.
“I wasn\'t doing anything like that.” comments the teen with a smile, knowing what her mother was implying. “I was just testing how water-proof the bed was.”
“I see, that\'s good, you shouldn\'t mark the room before your father and I sign the contract.” replies the mother, walking behind her daughter, placing her hands gently to her daughters exposed \'skin\' the short tank-top reveals.
Looking into the mirror at their reflections, the similarities in their appearance was even more apparent, though the teen soon gasps as the mother\'s hands enter her daughters sides and moves up under her top to her chest.
“S-Stop mom...” groans the teen with a small smile, grabbing her mothers exposed arms. “You\'re gonna make me drip. You said I shouldn\'t mark the room yet anyway.”
“Hmm, true, I did just say that...” replies the mother, before her daughter sighs as she removes her hands from inside her, before placing her hands to her daughters shoulders. “So, is this the room you\'ve chosen?”
“Yeah, it\'s the bigger of the two and it has a T.V..” answers the teen.
“Yeah, I noticed that.” comments the mother, before turning and looking to the bed. “And how\'s the bed? Do you like it?”
“Yep, it passes the test.” answers the teen with a smile, before walking to the bed and laying down on it, looking to the ceiling.
The mother soon joins her daughter and sits on the bed, smiling gently as she places a hand to the teens lower right leg. “How are you feeling so far?”
For a moment, the teen only smiles, but answers, “Aside from the event outside, I\'m better.”
“I know you were against the move and you didn\'t want to leave your friends behind, but I really think it\'s important that we visit other places and expose ourselves to different things.” comments the mother, caressing her daughters leg.
“I know.” sighs the teen, rolling to her right side, towards her mother. “Just about everyone is afraid of us though. The thought of being in a classroom full of people afraid of me is depressing and I\'m going to be the only Geelien there as far as I know, so I\'m going to be alone for awhile too.”
“Yes, there are obstacles ahead of us but the fact that we\'re even on the planet means the people are willing to give us a chance. So let\'s show the people of Merkolova they have no reason to fear us.” states the mother with a smile.
“Heh, sure mom.”
“Ok then.” states the mother with a smile and leaning over her daughter and kissing her cheek, before patting her hip and standing. “The house looks great, I\'m positive this will be our new home, so you can go get your things and start unpacking.”
“Ok.” replies the teen, sitting up.
“And afterwords, we can mark this room together.” adds the mother with a grin, bringing only a chuckle from the teen as she leaves the room.
Shortly after, putting on her socks and shoes, the teen leaves the room and the house, heading to the car and opening the trunk, revealing a number of suitcases. After pulling out one of her own though...
“Excuse me...” comes a female voice.
The teen looks to her right and was surprised to see the child that ran, but joined by whom was assumed to be the child’s mother, dressed in a tank-top and jeans.
“Yeah?” answers the teen.
“Sorry to bother you while you\'re busy, but my daughter has something she needs to tell you.” replies the mother, before looking down to her child and commenting in a lower tone “Go on.”
The child takes a nervous step forward and states, “I\'m sorry for running from you.”
“That\'s ok.” replies the teen with a smile, before squatting down so the little girl wouldn\'t have to look up at her and ease the child’s worry as she made herself shorter. “I know I look weird, but I\'m really nice.”
“Really?” asks the little girl.
“Yeah.” replies the teen with a smile. “I left all my friends back home and don\'t have any here, I\'d love it if you were willing to be my first friend here.”
The little girl smiles, before looking up to her mother, who only smiles at her, before the little girl looks back to the teen.
“Great! Let\'s shake hands and make it official!” replies the teen with a smile and offer her right hand.
The little girl looks at the offered hand for a moment, before lifting her right hand and grabbing the transparent one and smiling with a giggle.
“You\'re so warm!”
“I sure am.” replies the teen, shaking their hands a couple times. “My name\'s Celine, what\'s yours?”
“It\'s Becky.” answers the little girl with a smile.
“Well it\'s very nice to meet you Becky.” states Celine. “You just made my day a lot better.”
“Hehe, it\'s nice to meet you too Celine.” replies Becky.
Celine then stands before Becky\'s mother introduces herself.
“My name is Hazel.” she greets, offering her right hand and Celine taking it.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Celine!” calls the teens mother. “What\'s taking you so- oh!” she adds, walking behind her daughter before seeing the mother and daughter. “Well hello there.”
“Hello.” greets Hazel. “My daughter Becky told me about her first meeting with you and so I decided to have her apologize and properly introduce herself, me included and to welcome you here.”
“Oh, I see.” replies the mother with a smile, before offering her left hand. “Well my name\'s Eda, Eda Kellen.”
“Hazel Tran.” greets Hazel, taking Eda\'s hand.
“I\'m quite relieved you\'re welcoming and open to us being here.” states Eda. “It\'s a very good start to our first day here.”
“Well as long as you don\'t cause any intentional trouble, I don\'t have any problem welcoming you guys to the neighborhood. I\'m sure the neighbors feel the same.”
“I can assure you...” states Eda. “We mean no one any harm or trouble, our goal is to expand our knowledge, experience new things and teach others about us. This is our first trip from our home planet to another.”
“Oh really!?” asks Hazel excitedly. “That\'s wonderful! I hope you enjoy yourselves here on Merkolova. Well then, we\'ll let you get back to unpacking. If you have any questions or need help with something, your free to come visit, we live next door.”
“Seeya.” adds Celine.
The mother and daughter say their good-byes before walking away, before Eda places a hand to Celine\'s shoulder, smiling.
“Well that was very nice of them, I\'m sure that cheered you up huh?”
“It sure did.” replies Celine, with a big smile.
As Celine turns to take out a second suitcase though, Becky quickly comes running up to her.
“Hey Celine!”
“Yeah?” answers Celine.
“If you have time, would you like to play with me later?” asks the little girl with a big smile.
“Sure, I\'d love to.” answers Celine with a smile of her own.
“And can I shake your hand again?” asks Becky, extending her right hand.
“Sure.” answers Celine, taking the little girls hand, who giggles from the contact, before lifting her other hand, poking and squeezing Celine\'s hand.
“You\'re really soft too.” comments Becky.
“Like a pillow.” adds Celine with a giggle, before the little girl\'s mother calls to her and Becky leaving towards her mother.
“Seems she really likes you already.” comments Eda.
“I hope the majority are as nice as them.” replies Celine, before pulling out a second suitcase, picking up the first and heading into the house, followed by her mother, who also took out two suitcases.
Celine had brought three suitcases full of her stuff, so she had to make one more trip before she began to unpack.
Two of the cases held only clothing and Celine decided to unpack that first. While she intended to fill up the closet, Celine quickly realized she hadn\'t packed a single hanger, so she was left with only the few that were already in the closet and settling on placing the rest in the dresser drawers.
After deciding that the coats and jackets had closet priority, but one hanger short, Celine moved to the dresser, pulling the suitcases closer.
The first drawer was going to be for underwear she decided; taking out an armful of her bra\'s and panties of various colors, nearly all that she had packed, Celine opens the top drawer and was surprised to see an actual piece of paper. Given paper was pretty much obsolete nearly everywhere, especially here on Merkolova and the fact that the piece of paper was folded up, was quite odd to Celine as it was clearly put there on purpose.
Celine drops her armful of underwear, takes out the paper and unfolds it, causing her eyes to widen as the paper turned out to be a small note, which the teen quickly read...
“I hope you enjoy your new home and this room, I sure did.”
The little message brings a smile to Celine\'s face, but there was more, though the rest of the message looked to be written in reverse. Celine glances to the mirror before the thought dawned on her and lifts the note to the mirror and the second message was readable.
“P.S. - Right corner closet, carpet loose.”
A smiling face ended the little clue and now, curiosity well peaked, Celine put unpacking on hold and went searching, hurrying the short distance to the closet and getting to her hands and knees. Reaching to the right corner of the closet floor and pulling at the carpet, which true to the note, was loose, Celine was able to pull it away just enough to see that a rectangular piece of the floorboard was loose. Quickly removing it, Celine smiles when she saw the treasure, a foot-long purple dildo wrapped in plastic.
“Hehe, now that\'s an unexpected welcoming present.” comments Celine, taking the toy and replacing the floorboard and carpet. “I wonder what kind of person lived in this room. Heh, I probably would\'ve liked her if she leaves dildos as gifts for the next person.”
Celine only briefly looks over the toy before standing and tossing it to the bed before heading back to the dresser.
“Well I\'ll get to that later, gotta finish unpacking.”
Celine quickly places her underwear into the drawer, closing it and moving down to the next and looking down to the open suitcases.
“Ok, the second one will be... shirts.” she comments, before taking out a couple neatly folded shirts and placing them into the drawer, and repeating the process a few more times until Celine had placed all the shirts in the second drawer.
“OK, that leaves pants and skirts for the third.”
Celine only manages to open the third drawer before she sees her father step into the room.
“Hey.” he greets with a smile. “Your mother says you like the room.” he adds, before taking a quick look around.
“Yeah, I do, I even found a note from the rooms previous owner saying they hope I like it.” replies Celine, starting to transfer her pants and skirts from the suitcase to the drawer.
“Oh, well that\'s nice. Your mother also told me you two met one of our neighbors.”
“Yeah, the little girl that ran and her mother.” replies Celine. “They introduced themselves and welcomed us. It really made me feel a lot better.”
“Wonderful, I\'ll need to go introduce myself too.” states her father. “Anyway, after your mother and I sign the contract, we\'re going to go out shopping since the refrigerator is empty and pick up a few more things. Do you want to come or stay here and look around?”
“I\'ll stay here, thanks.” replies Celine.
“Ok, we\'ll be gone for at most, two hours.” states her father.
Shortly after her father leaves, the two suitcases were now empty, all the clothing in the dresser drawers, even the extra jacket she didn\'t have a hanger for was a temporary residence of the bottom drawer.
After putting the empty suitcases in the closet, Celine picks up the smaller, third suitcase and placing it on the bed before opening it, which contained various other things she decided to bring with her.
The first thing she takes out is her own little toy, easily double the length of the gifted dildo and noticeably thicker. Taking both dildos, Celine opens the drawer of the nightstand and places them here, bending the longer one for it to fit.
The other few things removed was a couple bags of jewelry, such as rings, necklaces and earrings, a few metal combs of various sizes. The biggest thing removed, aside from the dildo, was what looked like a large comb, which, in a way, it was, though it wasn\'t for her hair and instead of the \'teeth\' normal combs had, this one had a mesh-like netting. This comb was used to strain her body of dirt and other small debris that would stick to her.
Minutes later, with her unpacking finished, Celine happily relaxes on the bed.
“Done!” she declares with a smile, hands under her head. “Coats and jackets in the closet, clothes in the drawers, dildos, jewelry and combs in the nightstand and all alone in a new house on a new planet.”
With things in their places, Celine relaxes for a few minutes in silence, hearing the giggles of kids outside, though Celine looks to the T.V. and quickly sits up.
“I wonder what kind of stuff Merkolova has on T.V...” she comments, looking around for the remote and seeing it on the top of the dresser and removing herself from the bed to retrieve the TV remote and turning on the T.V.
Celine was quickly surprised when what greeted her eyes and ears was an adult video currently depicting two nude females, an adult Tragelian and Nex in a sixty-nine position on a bed and moaning.
“Heh, nice.” chuckles Celine. “A hidden dildo and leaving the T.V. on an adult channel, I\'m liking the previous owner of the room more and more.” she adds, before changing the channel.
After a few moments of channel searching, seeing things she was familiar with back home, such as cartoons, drama and game shows, even a couple sports programs. One particular sport program caught the teen Geelien\'s attention, as she sees a crowded arena and a raised circular area in the center, where two figures were, fire and ice projectiles being flung by the two and Celine\'s eyes widen as a smile comes to her face.
“A Shakra match!” declares Celine happily. “I finally get to see one!”
Celine excitedly increased the volume as she eagerly watches as the camera zooms in on the fighters, revealing them both to be teen females of similar age and fully covered in the protective gear, protecting their chest, elbows, wrists, knees and ankles.
The girl with the ice Shakra, who was currently on the offensive, had short, green hair, dressed in a white leotard. The other fighter, who had blonde hair pulled back into a pony-tail and dressed in a pink tank-top and matching pleated skirt, was currently dodging the icy projectiles, even blocking a few with a few fireballs. The blonde soon fails to dodge in time, getting hit in the chest and knocked off her feet, before the ice-wielding girl quickly following up by freezing the blondes feet to the ground and running towards her to finish the fight.
The blonde quickly recovers though as the icy shackles explode with a burst of fire, before spinning her body, legs spread, flashing her white panties and creating a ring of fire around her. Causing the green-haired girl to stop and retreat from the flames, before she was shocked as fireball emerges from the flames and connects, knocking her to her back.
As she quickly recovers though, the view zooms out enough to see the blonde fly into the air with fire shooting from her hands and feet before diving towards the other girl. Seeing the attack coming, the green-haired girl quickly lifts her arms up in time to guard, covered in ice before a large fiery explosion occurring as they meet. The defending girl comes shooting from the explosion with a scream, her smoking body skipping along the ground a couple times before reaching the end of the fighting platform and soaring through the air before slamming into the guard wall hard to her back before falling to the grassy ground, face-down.
“Geez!” cringes Celine. “That blonde is vicious! Did she really need to hit her that hard?” she adds, as the crowd cheers as the green-haired girl lay motionless and a count began. Celine was a little concerned for her, before seeing the blonde run to the edge of the area and see her speak towards her downed opponent.
Celine couldn\'t hear what she said, but her concern for the downed girl was relieved as she sees a thumbs up gesture from her, before rolling onto her back and the blonde smiles.
“They must know each other.” comments Celine. “But why would the blonde be so mean to her though?” she adds, before a count of ten was reached and the blonde, Sakura Bragou, was declared the winner.
The blonde happily waves to the cheering crowd in celebration for a few moments, before hopping down to the green-haired girl and helping her to her feet, the loosing girl\'s pain was obvious as she rubs her lower back, before she also waves to the crowd before the two girls begin to leave the area together.
“Guess they do know each other.” comments Celine, watching the two girl\'s interaction. “Too bad I caught the end of it though, but that was still pretty awesome!”
Celine spent the next thirty minutes watching two more Shakra exhibition matches and in her excitement from watching, even cheering as well, she had worked up a bit of a hunger...
“Hmm, mom said the frig was empty, but it\'s a good thing we still packed a few things to eat.” comments Celine, turning off the T.V. as she leaves the bed and the room, heading downstairs.
To be continued