Story: Sextra Terrestrials: The Geelien\'s (all chapters)
Authors: Anime Lover
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Chapter 1
Title: Chapter 1-1
[Author's notes:
Follow the daily life of a teen Geelien and her family lucky enough to be chosen to visit Merkolova as representatives of their race.
For those who care about where in the time-line of the series this occurs, it's exactly four months after the final chapter of 'The Popular Girl N', after the epilogue. It also occurs after 'My Nex Girlfriend'.
- Merkolova, 2012 (earth year equivalent) -
- 4:43 P.M., Nycalus (Monday), second week of February (2) -
It\'s a beautiful, warm sunny day, birds chirping, small animals running through lawns and up trees, even a group of young children out playing. It was the perfect environment for a family to move into a new home as a midnight blue hover car turns into the drive-way of a typical two-floor house.
Shortly after the vehicle lowers to the ground and turns off, four people exit, one adult male Felene, dressed in a white business shirt and black slacks, while the remaining three were a family of Geelien\'s, a mother, father and daughter, a race whose entire body were composed of a light red/pinkish gel or goo-like substance, even their long, thin tails.
They could shift between solid and liquid form at will, while in solid form, they could touch and interact with anything others could and were \'dry\', they wouldn\'t leave everything they touched covered in what they were made of. While in liquid form, they were the complete opposite, literally melting into a pile of goo and leaving what ever they came in contact with wet or at least damp.
Getting out of the vehicle, all three of the Geelien\'s where clothed; the father, who was dressed in a yellow T-shirt and white shorts, was clear to see that the males of the Geelien\'s weren’t as stocky as other males, looking to the arms and legs, there was little to no muscle definition.
The mother, who leaves through the left back door, was dressed in a red sundress decorated in tiny flowers. The mother\'s hair, which was also the same substance as the rest of her body, was styled into a long pony-tail reaching the middle of her back. The mother was also quite well-endowed, at least F-cups.
Their daughter, leaving the remaining right, back door, looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old and a younger version of the mother, her hair just long enough to cover the back of her neck, was dressed in a short, yellow tank-top; revealing her small to moderate B-cup bust and smooth belly, and a pleated, light blue upper-thigh length skirt, clearly the winner of the most \'skin\' revealed.
All three of the Geelien\'s were smiling, though the daughter\'s wasn\'t very big, appearing less excited than her parents, though she quickly sees a small, blonde Tragelian female child ahead of her, no older than maybe seven or eight, staring at her, wearing a pink sundress.
“Well then...” starts the Male Felene. “What do you think?” he adds, looking to the house before to the Geelien\'s.
“Very nice.” replies the mother, before the father adds...
“It\'s actually better than I was expecting.”
“I agree... Sweetie, what do you think?” states the mother, before looking over the vehicle to her daughter and seeing her looking at the small child and a smile coming to her face. “Oh, you\'ve meet a neighbor already!?” the mother adds, walking around the vehicle next to her daughter and looking to the child. “Hello there!”
The small child visibly flinches from the greeting, taking a step back, causing the mothers smile to fade some, though the daughter smiles and takes a step towards her, offer a hand, stating...
“I know we may look strange, but-”
The daughter though doesn\'t finish before the child quickly turns and runs away to the neighboring house, bringing a brief look of sadness to the teens face, but her mother places a hand to her daughters shoulder before the Felene comments...
“Try not to let that discourage you.” Drawing the teens attention. “It\'s only the first day, there\'s plenty of time for your neighbors to warm up to you.”
The teen soon smiles, “Yeah, I know.” she states. “At least she didn\'t run away screaming.”
“Well come on...” state the Felene. “Let\'s get you and your mom and dad acquainted with your new home.”
“OK.” replies the teen as she and her parents walk around the vehicle to the Felene.
“Alright, as you can see...” starts the felene as he and the family of Geelien\'s walk towards the house. “What you have here is a typical two-floor house that the previous owners took very good care of, so very little maintenance was needed before it was available to welcome a new family.”
Retrieving the house keys from his pocket, the felene unlocks the front door and allows the group of three to enter first, whom looked quite pleased with the inside, which was quite spacious, the living room was the first room they stepped into, the stairs to the second floor to the right and dining room in clear view straight ahead.
“As you were informed...” starts the Felene walking into the house. “The rooms are fully furnished and as you requested, all the furniture, tables, beds and carpet have been treated and waterproofed.”
“Wonderful.” comments the mother, walking further into the living room and running her hand along one of the couch cushions, while the father and daughter also walking further into the home, the father walking to the dining room while the daughter staying in the living room but checking out the TV, turning it on and asking...
“Is there cable?”
“Of course.” replies the felene. “Everything currently in the house is yours to use however you want, any additional things would need to be paid for yourselves of course. The basic necessities for your people will be covered.”
“So only the premium things will come out of our pocket, right?” asks the father.
The daughter quickly comments, happily, “I\'m gonna check out the bedrooms!” before hurrying up the stairs.
“Ok.” answers back the mother.
“Well then...” starts the felene, walking ahead. “Let\'s see if the kitchen is to your liking.”
Upstairs, the daughter walks down the hall, seeing four rooms total, and with all the doors open, the teen could see that the bathroom was at the end of the hall, which wouldn\'t get the usual amount of use since their kind didn\'t require toilets. The first left door lead to a very large room, clearly the master bedroom and the teen knew her parents would claim that room as their own, so that left her with the two rooms on the right to choose.
After a quick peek into each room, the room of choice was clear, the second one, while both rooms had much of the same in it, the second was slightly larger and had a T.V. mounted to the wall. So, claiming the second room, the teen inspects it more thoroughly; There were two windows, allowing plenty of the sun in, the bed was a normal twin size, the teen walks to and opens the closet, smiling when she finds it empty, just a few empty hangers greeting her.
“Well that\'s not a surprise. The closet is pretty big though, I\'ll be able to fit all the clothes I brought inside.” she comments.
Closing the closet, the teen turns around and walks to the small nightstand to the right of the bed, a single lamp rests on, which she turns on and off a couple times, before opening the couple drawers, also empty.
Her attention soon turns back to the bed, before completely removing the neatly placed cover and placing her hands down on the mattress, first testing it\'s firmness before moving her hands across, smiling and stepping back.
“Well then, let\'s see how waterproof you are...” comments the teen.
Lifting her right foot, the teens shoe, as well as sock drops to the floor as her foot seemingly melts, but the red/pinkish goo in her sock and shoe removes itself from it\'s confines and lifts up to the teens \'severed\' limb and her foot reforms, before lowering her foot and doing the same with her left foot. In just seconds, she had removed her shoes and socks and takes a couple more steps back with a grin.
“I\'ll only approve of you if you can pass my test!” she declares, with a giggle, before quickly jumping towards the bed, lifting her knees in a cannonball pose.
The moment the teen lands, she seems to explode with a very large pinkish/red splash, not only covering the bed, but reaching a wide distance around it, the wall near the bed, the nightstand, the closed door of the closet and even reaching to the dresser on the other end of the room.
However, the teen\'s clothing didn\'t stay on the bed, with the teen\'s liquified form splashing everywhere, her clothing went for a short ride. The small tank-top, revealed a white bra as the two separate and while the tank-top managed to remain on the bed, the bra didn\'t, reaching towards the closet. Her skirt ended up on the floor next to the bed, but a flash of white told of her panties being flung towards the open door and nearly out of the room.
In short, the room was a total mess, however, moments after everything settled, the teen\'s scattered liquid form began to quiver and move. Gathering near the discarded shoes, growing into a tall \'tower\' before the teen\'s form slowly returns, completely nude. Revealing her attractively smooth body, perky B-cup breasts and equally smooth lower lips with a smile on her face and hands to her slightly curving hips as her tail flicking around excitedly.
Aside from the fact that her body was slightly transparent, revealing a lack of internal organs or bones, the teen\'s body was very typical of an average girl her age, slender frame, womanly curves just starting to show themselves and an eye-pleasingly rounded rear.
“Hehe, you certainly pass the test!” declares the teen happily, stepping to the bed and seeing the pinkish beading on the bed. “Heh, more like water repellent than proof, but that\'s just as good.” she adds, placing a hand to the mattress and causing the \'beads\' to move to her hand, before she picks up her tank-top and skirt, dropping them to the floor before making up the bed.
Satisfied with the bed now looking the way she first saw it, the teen turns and spots her bra and panties.
“Ah, there you guys are.” she comments, retrieving her underwear, putting her bra then panties on, before walking back to her tank-top and skirt. Pulling on her top, the teen walks towards the dresser with her skirt in hand, looking into the mirror that rests on top of the dresser, briefly brushing some of her hair from her face before undoing the clasp of her skirt.
The teen starts to put on her skirt before someone enters the room, causing her to gasp, quickly releasing the skirt and placing her hands over her covered crotch, as her body suddenly started dripping, appearing to slowly melt like ice. Her \'intruder\' though, she quickly realized, was her mother.
“It\'s just me.” comments the mother with a smile.
“O-Oh...” replies the teen, as her form solidifies again as what dripped from her returns through her feet as she uncovers herself and reaching down to her skirt and putting it on. “I thought you were the guide.”
“He\'s still downstairs showing your father around.” answers the mother, “So what were you doing in here that you didn\'t need your skirt for, hmm?” adds the mother with a grin as she walks towards her daughter.
“I wasn\'t doing anything like that.” comments the teen with a smile, knowing what her mother was implying. “I was just testing how water-proof the bed was.”
“I see, that\'s good, you shouldn\'t mark the room before your father and I sign the contract.” replies the mother, walking behind her daughter, placing her hands gently to her daughters exposed \'skin\' the short tank-top reveals.
Looking into the mirror at their reflections, the similarities in their appearance was even more apparent, though the teen soon gasps as the mother\'s hands enter her daughters sides and moves up under her top to her chest.
“S-Stop mom...” groans the teen with a small smile, grabbing her mothers exposed arms. “You\'re gonna make me drip. You said I shouldn\'t mark the room yet anyway.”
“Hmm, true, I did just say that...” replies the mother, before her daughter sighs as she removes her hands from inside her, before placing her hands to her daughters shoulders. “So, is this the room you\'ve chosen?”
“Yeah, it\'s the bigger of the two and it has a T.V..” answers the teen.
“Yeah, I noticed that.” comments the mother, before turning and looking to the bed. “And how\'s the bed? Do you like it?”
“Yep, it passes the test.” answers the teen with a smile, before walking to the bed and laying down on it, looking to the ceiling.
The mother soon joins her daughter and sits on the bed, smiling gently as she places a hand to the teens lower right leg. “How are you feeling so far?”
For a moment, the teen only smiles, but answers, “Aside from the event outside, I\'m better.”
“I know you were against the move and you didn\'t want to leave your friends behind, but I really think it\'s important that we visit other places and expose ourselves to different things.” comments the mother, caressing her daughters leg.
“I know.” sighs the teen, rolling to her right side, towards her mother. “Just about everyone is afraid of us though. The thought of being in a classroom full of people afraid of me is depressing and I\'m going to be the only Geelien there as far as I know, so I\'m going to be alone for awhile too.”
“Yes, there are obstacles ahead of us but the fact that we\'re even on the planet means the people are willing to give us a chance. So let\'s show the people of Merkolova they have no reason to fear us.” states the mother with a smile.
“Heh, sure mom.”
“Ok then.” states the mother with a smile and leaning over her daughter and kissing her cheek, before patting her hip and standing. “The house looks great, I\'m positive this will be our new home, so you can go get your things and start unpacking.”
“Ok.” replies the teen, sitting up.
“And afterwords, we can mark this room together.” adds the mother with a grin, bringing only a chuckle from the teen as she leaves the room.
Shortly after, putting on her socks and shoes, the teen leaves the room and the house, heading to the car and opening the trunk, revealing a number of suitcases. After pulling out one of her own though...
“Excuse me...” comes a female voice.
The teen looks to her right and was surprised to see the child that ran, but joined by whom was assumed to be the child’s mother, dressed in a tank-top and jeans.
“Yeah?” answers the teen.
“Sorry to bother you while you\'re busy, but my daughter has something she needs to tell you.” replies the mother, before looking down to her child and commenting in a lower tone “Go on.”
The child takes a nervous step forward and states, “I\'m sorry for running from you.”
“That\'s ok.” replies the teen with a smile, before squatting down so the little girl wouldn\'t have to look up at her and ease the child’s worry as she made herself shorter. “I know I look weird, but I\'m really nice.”
“Really?” asks the little girl.
“Yeah.” replies the teen with a smile. “I left all my friends back home and don\'t have any here, I\'d love it if you were willing to be my first friend here.”
The little girl smiles, before looking up to her mother, who only smiles at her, before the little girl looks back to the teen.
“Great! Let\'s shake hands and make it official!” replies the teen with a smile and offer her right hand.
The little girl looks at the offered hand for a moment, before lifting her right hand and grabbing the transparent one and smiling with a giggle.
“You\'re so warm!”
“I sure am.” replies the teen, shaking their hands a couple times. “My name\'s Celine, what\'s yours?”
“It\'s Becky.” answers the little girl with a smile.
“Well it\'s very nice to meet you Becky.” states Celine. “You just made my day a lot better.”
“Hehe, it\'s nice to meet you too Celine.” replies Becky.
Celine then stands before Becky\'s mother introduces herself.
“My name is Hazel.” she greets, offering her right hand and Celine taking it.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Celine!” calls the teens mother. “What\'s taking you so- oh!” she adds, walking behind her daughter before seeing the mother and daughter. “Well hello there.”
“Hello.” greets Hazel. “My daughter Becky told me about her first meeting with you and so I decided to have her apologize and properly introduce herself, me included and to welcome you here.”
“Oh, I see.” replies the mother with a smile, before offering her left hand. “Well my name\'s Eda, Eda Kellen.”
“Hazel Tran.” greets Hazel, taking Eda\'s hand.
“I\'m quite relieved you\'re welcoming and open to us being here.” states Eda. “It\'s a very good start to our first day here.”
“Well as long as you don\'t cause any intentional trouble, I don\'t have any problem welcoming you guys to the neighborhood. I\'m sure the neighbors feel the same.”
“I can assure you...” states Eda. “We mean no one any harm or trouble, our goal is to expand our knowledge, experience new things and teach others about us. This is our first trip from our home planet to another.”
“Oh really!?” asks Hazel excitedly. “That\'s wonderful! I hope you enjoy yourselves here on Merkolova. Well then, we\'ll let you get back to unpacking. If you have any questions or need help with something, your free to come visit, we live next door.”
“Seeya.” adds Celine.
The mother and daughter say their good-byes before walking away, before Eda places a hand to Celine\'s shoulder, smiling.
“Well that was very nice of them, I\'m sure that cheered you up huh?”
“It sure did.” replies Celine, with a big smile.
As Celine turns to take out a second suitcase though, Becky quickly comes running up to her.
“Hey Celine!”
“Yeah?” answers Celine.
“If you have time, would you like to play with me later?” asks the little girl with a big smile.
“Sure, I\'d love to.” answers Celine with a smile of her own.
“And can I shake your hand again?” asks Becky, extending her right hand.
“Sure.” answers Celine, taking the little girls hand, who giggles from the contact, before lifting her other hand, poking and squeezing Celine\'s hand.
“You\'re really soft too.” comments Becky.
“Like a pillow.” adds Celine with a giggle, before the little girl\'s mother calls to her and Becky leaving towards her mother.
“Seems she really likes you already.” comments Eda.
“I hope the majority are as nice as them.” replies Celine, before pulling out a second suitcase, picking up the first and heading into the house, followed by her mother, who also took out two suitcases.
Celine had brought three suitcases full of her stuff, so she had to make one more trip before she began to unpack.
Two of the cases held only clothing and Celine decided to unpack that first. While she intended to fill up the closet, Celine quickly realized she hadn\'t packed a single hanger, so she was left with only the few that were already in the closet and settling on placing the rest in the dresser drawers.
After deciding that the coats and jackets had closet priority, but one hanger short, Celine moved to the dresser, pulling the suitcases closer.
The first drawer was going to be for underwear she decided; taking out an armful of her bra\'s and panties of various colors, nearly all that she had packed, Celine opens the top drawer and was surprised to see an actual piece of paper. Given paper was pretty much obsolete nearly everywhere, especially here on Merkolova and the fact that the piece of paper was folded up, was quite odd to Celine as it was clearly put there on purpose.
Celine drops her armful of underwear, takes out the paper and unfolds it, causing her eyes to widen as the paper turned out to be a small note, which the teen quickly read...
“I hope you enjoy your new home and this room, I sure did.”
The little message brings a smile to Celine\'s face, but there was more, though the rest of the message looked to be written in reverse. Celine glances to the mirror before the thought dawned on her and lifts the note to the mirror and the second message was readable.
“P.S. - Right corner closet, carpet loose.”
A smiling face ended the little clue and now, curiosity well peaked, Celine put unpacking on hold and went searching, hurrying the short distance to the closet and getting to her hands and knees. Reaching to the right corner of the closet floor and pulling at the carpet, which true to the note, was loose, Celine was able to pull it away just enough to see that a rectangular piece of the floorboard was loose. Quickly removing it, Celine smiles when she saw the treasure, a foot-long purple dildo wrapped in plastic.
“Hehe, now that\'s an unexpected welcoming present.” comments Celine, taking the toy and replacing the floorboard and carpet. “I wonder what kind of person lived in this room. Heh, I probably would\'ve liked her if she leaves dildos as gifts for the next person.”
Celine only briefly looks over the toy before standing and tossing it to the bed before heading back to the dresser.
“Well I\'ll get to that later, gotta finish unpacking.”
Celine quickly places her underwear into the drawer, closing it and moving down to the next and looking down to the open suitcases.
“Ok, the second one will be... shirts.” she comments, before taking out a couple neatly folded shirts and placing them into the drawer, and repeating the process a few more times until Celine had placed all the shirts in the second drawer.
“OK, that leaves pants and skirts for the third.”
Celine only manages to open the third drawer before she sees her father step into the room.
“Hey.” he greets with a smile. “Your mother says you like the room.” he adds, before taking a quick look around.
“Yeah, I do, I even found a note from the rooms previous owner saying they hope I like it.” replies Celine, starting to transfer her pants and skirts from the suitcase to the drawer.
“Oh, well that\'s nice. Your mother also told me you two met one of our neighbors.”
“Yeah, the little girl that ran and her mother.” replies Celine. “They introduced themselves and welcomed us. It really made me feel a lot better.”
“Wonderful, I\'ll need to go introduce myself too.” states her father. “Anyway, after your mother and I sign the contract, we\'re going to go out shopping since the refrigerator is empty and pick up a few more things. Do you want to come or stay here and look around?”
“I\'ll stay here, thanks.” replies Celine.
“Ok, we\'ll be gone for at most, two hours.” states her father.
Shortly after her father leaves, the two suitcases were now empty, all the clothing in the dresser drawers, even the extra jacket she didn\'t have a hanger for was a temporary residence of the bottom drawer.
After putting the empty suitcases in the closet, Celine picks up the smaller, third suitcase and placing it on the bed before opening it, which contained various other things she decided to bring with her.
The first thing she takes out is her own little toy, easily double the length of the gifted dildo and noticeably thicker. Taking both dildos, Celine opens the drawer of the nightstand and places them here, bending the longer one for it to fit.
The other few things removed was a couple bags of jewelry, such as rings, necklaces and earrings, a few metal combs of various sizes. The biggest thing removed, aside from the dildo, was what looked like a large comb, which, in a way, it was, though it wasn\'t for her hair and instead of the \'teeth\' normal combs had, this one had a mesh-like netting. This comb was used to strain her body of dirt and other small debris that would stick to her.
Minutes later, with her unpacking finished, Celine happily relaxes on the bed.
“Done!” she declares with a smile, hands under her head. “Coats and jackets in the closet, clothes in the drawers, dildos, jewelry and combs in the nightstand and all alone in a new house on a new planet.”
With things in their places, Celine relaxes for a few minutes in silence, hearing the giggles of kids outside, though Celine looks to the T.V. and quickly sits up.
“I wonder what kind of stuff Merkolova has on T.V...” she comments, looking around for the remote and seeing it on the top of the dresser and removing herself from the bed to retrieve the TV remote and turning on the T.V.
Celine was quickly surprised when what greeted her eyes and ears was an adult video currently depicting two nude females, an adult Tragelian and Nex in a sixty-nine position on a bed and moaning.
“Heh, nice.” chuckles Celine. “A hidden dildo and leaving the T.V. on an adult channel, I\'m liking the previous owner of the room more and more.” she adds, before changing the channel.
After a few moments of channel searching, seeing things she was familiar with back home, such as cartoons, drama and game shows, even a couple sports programs. One particular sport program caught the teen Geelien\'s attention, as she sees a crowded arena and a raised circular area in the center, where two figures were, fire and ice projectiles being flung by the two and Celine\'s eyes widen as a smile comes to her face.
“A Shakra match!” declares Celine happily. “I finally get to see one!”
Celine excitedly increased the volume as she eagerly watches as the camera zooms in on the fighters, revealing them both to be teen females of similar age and fully covered in the protective gear, protecting their chest, elbows, wrists, knees and ankles.
The girl with the ice Shakra, who was currently on the offensive, had short, green hair, dressed in a white leotard. The other fighter, who had blonde hair pulled back into a pony-tail and dressed in a pink tank-top and matching pleated skirt, was currently dodging the icy projectiles, even blocking a few with a few fireballs. The blonde soon fails to dodge in time, getting hit in the chest and knocked off her feet, before the ice-wielding girl quickly following up by freezing the blondes feet to the ground and running towards her to finish the fight.
The blonde quickly recovers though as the icy shackles explode with a burst of fire, before spinning her body, legs spread, flashing her white panties and creating a ring of fire around her. Causing the green-haired girl to stop and retreat from the flames, before she was shocked as fireball emerges from the flames and connects, knocking her to her back.
As she quickly recovers though, the view zooms out enough to see the blonde fly into the air with fire shooting from her hands and feet before diving towards the other girl. Seeing the attack coming, the green-haired girl quickly lifts her arms up in time to guard, covered in ice before a large fiery explosion occurring as they meet. The defending girl comes shooting from the explosion with a scream, her smoking body skipping along the ground a couple times before reaching the end of the fighting platform and soaring through the air before slamming into the guard wall hard to her back before falling to the grassy ground, face-down.
“Geez!” cringes Celine. “That blonde is vicious! Did she really need to hit her that hard?” she adds, as the crowd cheers as the green-haired girl lay motionless and a count began. Celine was a little concerned for her, before seeing the blonde run to the edge of the area and see her speak towards her downed opponent.
Celine couldn\'t hear what she said, but her concern for the downed girl was relieved as she sees a thumbs up gesture from her, before rolling onto her back and the blonde smiles.
“They must know each other.” comments Celine. “But why would the blonde be so mean to her though?” she adds, before a count of ten was reached and the blonde, Sakura Bragou, was declared the winner.
The blonde happily waves to the cheering crowd in celebration for a few moments, before hopping down to the green-haired girl and helping her to her feet, the loosing girl\'s pain was obvious as she rubs her lower back, before she also waves to the crowd before the two girls begin to leave the area together.
“Guess they do know each other.” comments Celine, watching the two girl\'s interaction. “Too bad I caught the end of it though, but that was still pretty awesome!”
Celine spent the next thirty minutes watching two more Shakra exhibition matches and in her excitement from watching, even cheering as well, she had worked up a bit of a hunger...
“Hmm, mom said the frig was empty, but it\'s a good thing we still packed a few things to eat.” comments Celine, turning off the T.V. as she leaves the bed and the room, heading downstairs.
To be continued
Chapter 2
Title: Chapter 1-2
After meeting her new friend again, Celine's first day on Merkolova brightens even more when she gains another friend.]
Walking straight to the kitchen, Celine opens the refrigerator and true to her mother's words, it was empty, except for the five bottles of protein drinks that her mother had brought. Celine takes one of the bottles and leaves the kitchen as she opens it and begins to drink it.
The fluid is visible entering her body, though it quickly disperses as Celine walks to the front door, opening it and looking out to her new front yard, seeing a couple kids running around on the other side of the street.
Celine soon smiles when her new young friend, Becky, runs into view, giggling as a similar aged female friend of her own chases her down the sidewalk, her pony-tailed hair pink in color, the two wearing only their panties as they carry small water-guns and squirting each other. Celine was a little surprised by how little the two were wearing, so exposed out in public with their tiny nipples in clear view for all to see. Celine quickly figured it was normal though, after all, she was on a completely different planet, even if she wanted to, walking around naked or nearly naked on her home planet wasn't something that was allowed, even if they all were pretty much the same.
The two girls stop in front of the house circling each other, giggling as they continued to squirt water at each other, getting wetter and wetter. Given how wet the two already were, their panties clinging to them and partially transparent, their small water-guns wasn't the only source of water that they had available.
Becky soon declares, “Ah! I'm empty!” as she giggles and squirms from her friend continuing to squirt her before she ran empty as well shortly after, though quickly running pass Becky declaring, “Gotta reload!”
“Me too!” adds Becky before starting to chase after before Celine gasps a little as she sees Becky look towards her direction, seeing her and quickly waves towards her. “Hey Celine! I thought your were gone!”
Celine smiles as Becky quickly runs towards her and she exits the house.
“My mom and dad left to go shopping and I decided to stay.” answers Celine as Becky stops in front of her.
“Oh, well come play with me and my friend! We fill these guns with water and squirt each other.” offers Becky happily.
“Heh, sure.” replies Celine before taking a large gulp from the bottle and Becky looking on in amazement as she sees the liquid enter Celine body.
“Ohhh, that's so cool!”
“What is?” asks Celine.
“I can see what your drinking!”
“Oh, right.” replies Celine with a smile.
“What is that your drinking?”
“It's protein.” answers Celine. “Us Geelien's need lots of protein and water.”
“Oh, so you can only drink your food?” asks Becky.
“No, we can eat just about anything you can, a protein drink is just more convenient.” answers Celine.
“Oh.” replies Becky, before...
“Becky!” calls the other girl. “Where'd you go!?”
“I'm at the new neighbors place!” calls back Becky.
The other girl quickly returns, though she immediately stops in shock upon seeing Celine, who could see fear in her eyes, which hurt her a little.
“Whose that?” asks the girl.
“Celine.” answers Becky. “The one I told you about.”
“She looks weird, what is she?” replies the girl.
“Don't say that! You'll hurt her feelings!” quickly states Becky, bringing a smile to Celine's face at Becky's defense of her. “She's a... a uh...” adds Becky, before looking to Celine and asking, “What were you called again?”
“Geelien.” answers Celine.
“Yeah! She's a Geelien and she's a nice person.” comments Becky.
“A Geelien?” questions the other girl. “You mean the ones that can turn to liquid and absorb stuff?”
“Yeah!” answers Becky, before gasping and looking to Celine. “I forgot you can absorb stuff!”
“Heh, yeah, I can.” replies Celine. “First things first though, would you mind introducing me to your friend?”
“Oh! Right! Celine, this is my friend Samantha, but everyone just calls her Sammy.” states Becky, before walking to her friend and pulling her closer, who was a bit resistant to it.
“Well then...” states Celine. “Nice to meet you Sammy.” before extending her left hand.
Sammy looks to the offered hand for a moment, before Becky comments, “Go ahead, she's really warm.”
With Becky's encouragement, Sammy lifts her left hand to grab Celine's and smiles.
“Wow, you're right, she is warm, and soft.” comments Sammy, before shaking hands a couple times and releasing, looking to her hand and seeing no residue. “And dry, I thought Geelien's were wet.”
“We are.” replies Celine. “But in our solid form, we're not very wet at all.”
“So that's why your clothes are dry.” comments Sammy.
“Well, that and our clothes are water-proof.” replies Celine.
“Wow, really?” asks Sammy, before Becky adds...
“All your clothes? Even your underwear?”
“Yep, even my underwear.”
“That's really cool.” replies Becky.
“Yeah it is.” comments Celine. “So then, is it normal to be outside in nothing but your panties around here?”
“Yeah! It's totally fine!” declares Becky happily. “It feels a lot better wearing no clothes!”
“Yeah...” adds, Sammy, before Becky gasps and she squirts her with her full water-gun, “Especially in a water fight!”
“Ah! No! I still need to reload!” declares Becky, before running away giggling and Sammy chasing after her.
Celine also giggles before quickly finishing off her drink and running after the two.
“Hey Becky, let me reload you!” states Celine catching up and running besides her.
“How!?” asks Becky, giving the empty toy to Celine, who gasps as she felt a squirt of water hit her back and Sammy calling to her...
“If your helping her then your fair game too!”
What was once two sets of giggles was now three as Celine had joined in on the little girls game, laughing and running around while Celine opens the small hole in the toy and placing a finger to it before her own pinkish/red fluid fills it and handing it back to Becky.
“Oh cool!” declares the little girl before turning a squirting Sammy who gasps in surprise.
“No fair! Did Celine just reload you with herself!?”
“Yep, and she's all mine!”
“Ok then, new game, Catch the Geelien!”
“What?” gasps Celine, giggling before seeing Becky, her partner squirt her and declare...
“The one who catches you gets a free reload!”
“I don't even have a gun!” giggles Celine, beginning to run from the little girls continuing to squirt her.
Over the course of a rapidly passing thirty minutes and Celine getting her own water-gun from Becky's mother discovering she had joined her daughters game, the trio had a very fun time, Celine in particular.
The three were currently taking a small break, laying on the front lawn of Becky's home, the two little girl's on their backs breathing quickly, dripping with water and giggling, while Celine sits between them with a satisfied smile on her face, also wetter than she was when she started, beads of water on her tank-top and skirt, but ultimately dry thanks to them being waterproof.
“That was fun.” comments Becky.
“Sure was.” adds Sammy.
“I really enjoyed playing with you two.” states Celine, before noticing now, the excitement of the water-fight fading, the two girl's panties thoroughly wet and completely transparent now, allowing their young lips to be clearly visible beneath the wet fabric as it clings to the hairless mounds. “You should probably start drying off though.”
“Why?” asks Becky, sitting up with a smile.
“Well your panties are completely drenched, I can see right through them, the sight is pretty nice though.” replies Celine with a grin.
“That doesn't bother us.” replies Becky with a grin of her own, before Sammy sits up with a grin as well, adding...
“If we were allowed, we'd even go naked!”
“Really?” asks Celine, surprised at the statement.
“Absolutely!” answers Becky, “It's silly how we can be topless outside but not bottomless. I want the sun to touch every part of me! Even the naughty places!” she adds as she and Sammy giggle.
“Hehe, so you two are a couple of exhibitionists.” comments Celine with a smile.
“Our moms call us that a lot.” states Sammy. “We love being naked!”
“Yeah! What about you Celine!?” asks Becky excitedly.
“Do you like being naked?” clarifies Becky.
“Well yeah, but not in public.” answers Celine.
“Hey!” states Sammy, getting to her hands and knees and crawling closer to Celine. “Do you have naughty places or is it just smooth?”
Celine couldn't help but chuckle from the question, it was something only a little kid would ask.
“Ohhh, yeah!” adds Becky, crawling close to Celine as well, who briefly looked a little nervous with the two girl's advancing on her. “You have underwear, so you must have things to cover, right?”
“Hehe, yeah, I have a 'naughty place', as you call it.” answers Celine feeling a little embarrassed, but comfortable with the innocent questions.
“Can you show us?!” asks Sammy happily.
“W-What!?” gasps Celine.
“Yeah!” declares Becky. “Show us your naughty place! I wanna see what a Geelien's naughty place looks like!”
“U-Uh, I don't think so.” replies Celine, her body starting to drip, which quickly drew the girls attention.
“Whoa, you're melting!” states Becky.
“Have you been in the sun too long?” asks Sammy.
“O-Oh, no, that's not it.” replies Celine. “When we Geelien's get embarrassed, or if were sad or aroused, our bodies start to drip, it's the same thing as blushing for you guys.”
“So your embarrassed about showing us your naughty place?” asks Becky.
“Of course, I'm not going to expose myself out in public.”
“So you'll show us inside then!” declares Sammy happily, it was a statement, not a question, as Celine quickly discovers as Sammy stands, along with Becky.
“Ok, let's go inside then!” adds Becky.
“Hey, wait a minute!” gasps Celine as the two take an arm and pulls her to her feet and towards Becky's home.
“Don't worry.” states Becky. “We'll go to my room and we can have even more fun there!”
With a sigh, Celine decides not to fight, after spending time with them, Becky and Sammy were pretty nice little girls and were just curious, as long as they had privacy, Celine didn't have much problem going along with it.
“Ok.” replies Celine, smiling as she thinks, 'This is certainly better than them being afraid of me.'
“Mom!” calls out Becky as she, Sammy and Celine enter the home. “We're going to my room with Celine.”
“OK.” replies Hazel before coming out of a doorway in front of the three and seeing them, before chuckling at the sight with Sammy and Becky each holding one of Celine's hands. “Well, seems they've become attached to you already.”
The two little girls just giggle before leading Celine upstairs as the Geelien giggles and comments...
Out of sight from Hazel, the woman calls to them...
“Don't be too rough on her you two.”
“We won't!” chimed both, Becky and Sammy in unison.
“Wait, what?” comments Celine.
Giggles is Celine's only response before she reached Becky's room. Once her hands were free, Celine sees the two girls remove their wet panties, now standing completely nude, presenting their little bodies to Celine, who smiles at the sight before Becky states...
“Ok, now you take your clothes off.”
Although a little embarrassed, Celine complies, lifting her tank-top up and over her head, revealing her bra, before removing her skirt though, Celine quickly asks...
“Wait, can you go get a towel or some plastic? So I won't get anything wet.”
“I'll go!” declares Becky, before running out of the room.
Celine resumes undressing and unhooks her skirt, letting it drop to the floor around her feet before kicking it away and removing her socks and shoes the same way she did earlier, bringing a gasp from Sammy.
“Whoa! That was cool!”
“Heh, I guess, much quicker than pulling them off.” replies Celine. “Hey, I got a question, how close are you and Becky?”
“What do you mean, how close?” asks Sammy.
“Well, you two are Tragelian right? Do you two do naughty things with each other? I've heard Tragelian's love to have sex all the time.”
“Oh! Yeah, all the time! We really, really, like being naughty!”
“I see, so that's why you two are so comfortable being naked around each other.” comments Celine.
Sammy giggles before Becky returns, declaring, “I'm back!” carrying a bath towel, before unfolding and laying it on the floor, near the bed.
Though the little blonde was surprised when Sammy steps to her, placing her hands to her shoulders and kissing her fully on the lips for a few moments, enough for a little tongue from the slight movement of their jaws before pulling back and looking to Celine, who was a little surprised herself.
“See?” comments Sammy smiling.
“I never said I doubted you.” replies Celine with a smile.
“What was that for?” asks Becky.
“She wanted to know if we're naughty with each other.” states Sammy.
“Ohh, we are!” declares Becky. “I like it when Sammy licks my clitty, she can lick it real good!”
“And I like it when Becky sucks on my cerick.” states Sammy.
“Cerick? I've heard about that.” replies Celine. “This is my first time away from my home planet and I've rarely seen any other races.”
“Really?” asks both, Sammy and Becky.
“Yeah, so as much as you're interested about me, I'm interested about you guys too and the Felenes, Vehens, Nex and all the other races.” replies Celine.
“So do you wanna see it!?” asks Sammy excitedly. “My cerick?”
“Sure.” replies Celine with a smile. “It's a trade, you show me yours and I'll show you mine.”
“Ok, deal!” declares Sammy, before sitting on the floor, joined by Becky and Celine and spreading her legs, then her prepubescent labia.
Celine quickly “Ohhh's” as she sees a pink, ribbed tentacle-like organ emerge from Sammy's pussy about two feet in length.
“Hehe, pretty cool huh?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, it is.” replies Celine, looking on in amazement. “How much control over it do you have?”
“I can move it around how ever I want.” states Sammy, before a giggle comes from Celine as she sees the organ twirl around, move side-to-side, up-and-down and a waving motion. “I can even grabs things with it.” she adds.
“Wow, that is cool, I can grab things with my tail too, but only small stuff.” states Celine. “Is it true that only Hybrid Tragelian's have cericks?”
“Yeah.” replies Sammy.
“The best part though...” starts Becky, “Is sucking it!” she declares, before quickly lowering her lips down to the exposed organ and taking the tip in her mouth with a giggling gasp and moan from Sammy.
Moments into the act, Sammy lays back and Becky, repositions herself with her lower lips above Sammy's face, who quickly lifts herself to lick at her, bringing a moan from Becky, along with a brief giggle.
After a few more moments, Celine, although getting turned on from the sight in front of her, felt a little uncomfortable as her body began to drip once again, quickly moving herself over the towel, before commenting...
“Uhh, you two know I'm still here right?”
Becky soon removes her mouth from Sammy's cerick with a giggle.
“Hehe, sorry about that, mmm, do you want to join us?”
“U-uh, well...” replies Celine, further embarrassed and dripping a little more from the unexpected question, before Becky gasps out much louder, soon laying down on top of Sammy.
“My Clitty! Ohhh, yea, right there!”
Becky quickly takes Sammy's cerick in her mouth again as the two small lovers moan through their actions, leaving an embarrassed and slightly confused Celine to watch.
Looking around nervously, Celine didn't quite know what to do, Sammy and Becky were clearly absorbed in what they were doing and Celine didn't want to interrupt, even if Becky had invited her. Celine did noticed the door to the room was wide open and decided, to ease her own embarrassment at least, to close the door and return to the towel.
Feeling her arousal growing though, Celine had the increasing urge to touch herself from watching the sight in front of her, her tail flicking around nervously. With the two occupied with each other, Celine decided to indulge herself, reaching her dripping right hand under her panties to cup her own lower lips, before a low moan comes from her as she sinks her middle and ring fingers into her pussy, her eyes never leaving the two girls in front of her.
Celine had barely started thrusting into herself before seeing Becky pulling her mouth free and declare, “I'm gonna come!” before groaning shortly and gasping out with a long moan and trembling before quickly returning her lips around her friends cerick.
Watching Becky climax turns Celine on even more and began to trust her fingers faster, bringing a louder moan from her.
Shortly after, Sammy's muffle moans increase in volume before Celine sees a bulge travel through Sammy's cerick and Becky's cheeks quickly bulge before removing the cerick from her mouth and allowing Sammy's honey to shoot out, drenching Becky's face with a giggle from the blonde.
A surge of embarrassment soon comes over Celine as she sees Becky look to her and grin, causing Celine to stop her self-pleasure, but her hand remains in her panties.
“I said you can join us.” states Becky, before crawling towards Celine, who made a brief motion to back away, before Sammy, her face covered in Becky's honey, looks over to her and smiles, before crawling to her as well.
“Yeah, join us.”
Celine quickly realized something was wrong, the two girls had changed somehow, it was their eyes, they were faded.
“Wait you two, what's up with your eyes?”
Celine was answered with grinning, faded stares as the two advance on her, Becky was the first to reach her, grabbing at her bra and pulling it, which was quickly removed as it passes right through Celine's body, bringing a giggle from Becky.
“Hehehehe, cooool!” she states, before looking to Celine's exposed breasts and grabbing at them with a gasp from the Geelien. “Hehe, your boobies are soft too.”
“What's wrong with you two?” asks Celine, before gasping as she felt a tug on her panties by Sammy, causing her butt to slide forward and end up on her back, before her panties also were pulled through her hips much like her bra.
“It's so easy to take your clothes off!” declares Sammy, before Celine gasps again as she felt her legs spread and Sammy's gasp.
“Ohh, so this is what you look like, the same as us.” states Sammy.
“Let me see!” quickly replies Becky as she joins her friend down between Celine's legs, who sits up enough to see the two looking at her dripping crotch. “Wow, it is the same.” adds, Becky, before Celine flinches upon Becky poking her lips.
“Hey, she has a butt-hole too.” comments Sammy, reaching her hands forward and spreading Celine's cheeks a little to reveal her anus.
Celine felt even more embarrassed from the two so closely examining her, before gasping in shock as Becky shoots her face between her thighs, licking her pussy and causing Celine to fall back to her back.
“Do you use the bathroom?” asks Sammy, moving to Celine's right side, before grabbing at her breasts, bringing another gasp from her.
“Ahhh! N-no, we Geelien's don't need them.” answers Celine, before seeing Sammy straddle her and messaging her breasts.
“Cool.” comments Sammy, before lowering her lips down to Celine's, kissing the surprised Geelien.
A realization soon comes to Celine though as she thinks, 'I think I get it, I think this is the trance I've heard about, Tragelian's will suddenly get super horny and masturbate or have sex with the closet person.'
Realizing why this was happening didn't change anything though as Celine moans into the kiss from the combined actions of Becky between her thighs and Sammy massaging her breasts.
Moments later, Sammy pulls her lips away, tongue and lips dripping with Celine's liquid body, before licking her lips.
“Hehe, you're so drippy now.” comments Sammy, smiling at Celine's seemingly gradual transition from solid to liquid, but she still retained her form, though a wide puddle seemed to be spreading from her. “You taste a little funny too.” she adds, before returning her lips to Celine's.
“You're right...” adds Becky, briefly pulling her mouth from Celine's dripping labia. “She doesn't taste bad though.”
Although moaning more from Becky's continued licking of her pussy, Celine could feel Sammy not only kissing, but sucking, purposely taking more of the Geelien into her mouth, before Sammy lifts her lips, smiling as Celine's pinkish/red fluid drips from her mouth before Celine sees her swallow.
“Mmm, I'm gonna eat you up.”
“Hehe, mmm, you're free to try.” moans Celine, before Sammy lowers her lips again.
Giving in to the trancing little girls; Becky between her thighs eagerly teasing her with her tongue and Sammy, messaging her breasts and literally eating her up through the kissing, Celine decided to have her a little fun and reaches her hands around Sammy's rear and pushing a couple soft fingers into the little girl's rear, with a noticeable flinch and gasp from her.
Only the sound of moaning filled the room as the three pleasured each other. Becky moves a hand to her pussy to finger herself while Sammy began to thrust herself against Celine's slippery fingers. Shortly after, Sammy gives a surprised gasp as she felt her drooling pussy tickled by something. With a few trusts back though, she quickly realizes that her thrusts back were meeting Becky's head, it was her hair that was tickling her.
Rather than moving herself further up, Sammy used this to her advantage and began to hump and thrust herself against Becky's head and hair, whom, upon realizing what was repeatedly bumping her, not only didn't mind, but attempted to contribute to her friends pleasure as she lifts and lowers her head in a slight nodding gesture, still able to continue teasing Celine, though had to settle for just her clit.
Which brought an immediate muffled gasp from the Geelien, though her gasp was soon freed as Sammy lifts her lips from Celine to moan out herself from the combo of pleasure from Celine's fingers in her rear and Becky's hair tickling her pussy.
“Your hair feels so good Becky!” declares Sammy, humping herself harder against Becky's head since she was no longer leaning over to kiss Celine.
Thanks to Becky's focused attention to her clit, Celine could feel her first orgasm on this planet coming and states, “I'm about to come!”
The Geelien quickly gasps out in pleasure as Becky's tongue suddenly increased it's pace in teasing her clit and Celine's gasp shifts into a loud moan as felt her climax hit. Becky suddenly found her mouth flooded with Celine's... cum? It looked and tastes the same as Celine's body, but came out when she climaxed.
Becky didn't bother thinking about it much though as she eagerly attempts to draw out the Geelien's orgasm, at the same time, feeling her own moment nearing again.
Sammy beat her to it though as she soon adds her own moan to Celine's and Becky felt her head now drenched in her friends honey as Sammy humps Becky's head intensely, fueled by her orgasm.
A few eager thrusts later, Becky finally brought on her own body quaking climax, her honey exploding from her young pussy and pooling on her floor with loud, wet squelches from her climaxing pussy from her still thrusting fingers.
To be continued
Chapter 3
Title: Chapter 1-3
The fun continues as Becky and Sammy learn more of what Celine can do.]
Moments later, with all three girls spent and Sammy laying on top of a very 'melted' Celine, Sammy soon lifts herself to look at the Geelien and gasps at the sight of her. The Geeline's looked considerably younger, smaller and her breasts were nearly gone, Celine looked closer to their own age.
“Whoa, what happened to you!?”
“Huh?” replies Celine.
“What? What happened?” quickly asks Becky, lifting herself up on her hands and knees and crawling to Celine's left side and gasping as well. “You got smaller!”
“Oh, right.” replies Celine with a chuckle. “Yeah, I'm sure this is a shock.”
“Now it makes sense why I was bumping into Becky.” replies Sammy.
“Yeah...” states Celine. “The more mass we Geelien's lose, the smaller and younger we get in appearance.”
“Wow, that's pretty cool.” comments Becky.
Sammy then looks around them and sees a quite sizable puddle below herself and Becky.
“Hehe, your mass is all over the floor.” comments Sammy, giggling as she moves to Celine's right side, though the Geelien's gasps and sits up.
“The towel!”
All three look and see the untouched towel near the bed, quite a distance from the three as they were near the wall, even Celine's puddle didn't reach it.
“Hehe, oops.” giggles Becky. “We tranced and forgot all about it.”
Taking a moment to look to the two girl's eyes, Celine sees that they were normal again. “Well it's not that big of a deal.” comments Celine, before Becky and Sammy gasp as the puddle shrinks as Celine reabsorbs it into her body, which grows back to it's original size, along with her breasts returning. “There'll just be a damp spot.”
“Whoa! That's so cool!” declares Sammy.
Celine only smiles, before lifting a hand up towards Sammy's mouth, who looks puzzled for a moment before giving a heave and coughing up a pinkish fluid before throwing up more of the fluid to the floor, which quickly moves into Celine's leg.
“Did you just take that from my stomach!?” gasps Sammy.
“Hehe, well I don't want to be responsible for you getting sick eating me.” replies Celine.
“Well I would've liked a warning before you make me throw you up.” replies Sammy.
“Hehe, good thing I didn't try eating her.” comments Becky with a smile.
“Yeah, well, what other stuff can you do?” asks Sammy.
“Well there's not much else, I can absorb things.” replies Celine.
“Oh that's right!” gasps Becky. “That's how you eat things right?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine.
“So...” starts Sammy. “Any part of your body can absorb stuff?”
“Then why were you drinking that juice earlier through your mouth?”
“I prefer eating and drinking things through my mouth.” replies Celine. “Especially here on Merkolova, people would probably freak if they saw me absorb a piece of meat with my hand or arm or some other part of my body.”
“Oh, I wanna see!” declares Becky. “Would you mind if I go get something for you to eat without your mouth?”
“Hehe, no I don't mind, just make sure it's something organic, something that goes bad if not eaten soon enough.” replies Celine.
“Ok.” states Becky, standing and leaving the room, still naked and her head covered in Sammy's honey.
“So there are things you can't absorb?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, inorganic things, stuff like metal, glass, concrete, certain kinds of candy.”
“Wow, so, basically, if we can eat it, you can too?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, basically.”
“Oh!” gasps Sammy, smiling and repositioning herself to sit on her rear and spreading her legs. “What about my honey? Can you absorb that?”
“Hehe, sure.” replies Celine, moving her right foot to the little girl's labia, who giggles upon feeling a tingling sensation around her lower lips where Celine's foot touches, before the older teen pulls away.
“Wow, cool.” comments Sammy, running a couple fingers over her labia, while a little damp, they weren't sticky with her honey.
“Unfortunately, you didn't have much there.” comments Celine. “Although, I had a nice taste when you came earlier.”
“How?” asks Sammy. “I came on Becky's head.”
“Well not all of your juices landed on her head, the rest fell around my hips.” answers Celine, circling her waist.
“Oh, well that does explain why I don't see my honey anywhere on the floor.” comments Sammy, looking around before spotting Becky's puddle of honey. “Oh but there's Becky's! Absorb it!”
“Heh, ok.” replies Celine, standing and stepping towards spent arousal juices and placing her right big toe in.
Sammy immediately gasps in amazement as she looks on, seeing the small puddle shrink as particles of it traveled up Celine's foot before disappearing at her ankle.
“WHOA! I can see it going up inside you like that drink you were drinking!”
Celine chuckles at Sammy's amazement and within seconds, the puddle of honey disappears before Becky returns.
“I'm back!” she cheers, her head still wet with Sammy's honey and carrying a plate of sauce-covered meatballs. “My moms making spaghetti and meatballs and she had extra meatballs!”
“Hey Becky!” happily starts Sammy, getting to her feet. “Celine just absorbed your honey that was on the floor with her foot!”
“Aww!” pouts Becky. “You already started absorbing stuff without me!?”
“Hehe, sorry.” replies Celine.
“Well fine.” replies Becky.
“By the way...” starts Sammy, circling Celine once as she looks her over. “I never bothered to look since I was trancing, but now that Celine's naked, you're really pretty.”
“Heh, you really think so?” asks Celine, with an embarrassed smile.
“Hey your right.” comments Becky, standing in front of the Geelien and looking her up and down. “Celine is pretty, she's so smooth.”
“Yeah, she is.” comments Sammy. “She's just nice to look at.” she adds, before kneeling down to look squarely at Celine's crotch, which causes the Geelien to cover her crotch, along with her breasts as she began to drip again.
“It's kinda embarrassing having you two look at me like that.”
“Hehehe...” giggles Sammy. “And now she's drippy again!”
“Hehe, ok then...” starts Becky, before picking up a meatball and offering it to Celine. “Eat a meatball without your mouth.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, uncovering her breasts and reaching a hand out to the food before Becky places it in her hand and the two little girls gasp as they see the meatball, sauces and all, sinking into Celine's hand, particles of it traveling up her arm and within a couple seconds, not a trace of the meatball was left. “That was pretty good.” comments Celine.
“That's SO COOL!” declares Becky excitedly. “Have another!” she quickly adds, placing a second on Celine's hand, which also began to be absorbed.
“So you can taste it too?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah.” answers Celine.
After the second meatball had disappeared, Becky gasps, “Oh! Oh! What about your chest!?” she declares, picking up a third meatball and placing it between Celine's breasts and holding it there as she giggles, seeing it, like it's two previous, dissolving into the Geelien. “Hehehe, wow, any part of you really can absorb stuff huh?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine, smiling. “You can keep feeding me if you want, those meat balls are good.”
“Oh!” gasps Sammy, taking another meatball. “How about HERE!?” she declares, kneeling again and quickly inserting the meatball between Celine's lower lips with a gasp from her.
“I would've liked a warning for that one!” comments Celine.
However, nether girl pays her any attention as they see the meatball inside Celine's pussy began to dissolve.
“So cool!” declares the two in unison.
What proceeded over the next two minutes were Becky and Sammy amusing themselves by feeding Celine, placing meatballs to various parts of her body; her arms, each breast, the stomach, a few more even in the Geelien's pussy and one actually found it's way up Celine's rear through her anus.
“So what other kinds of things can you absorb?” asks Becky, she and Sammy happily standing in front of Celine.
“Well, the only thing I haven't mentioned I think is absorbing more complex life, like you guys.”
The two little girl's eyes went wide at the statement and they both declare...
“You can even absorb us!?”
“You can absorb people too!?”
“U-Uh, yeah...” replies Celine, feeling a slight pang of concern at the two girls excitement and taking a step back, but the two girls took two steps towards her.
“Do it!” declare Becky.
“Yeah, absorb us!” adds Sammy.
“I-I'd rather not, sorry.” replies Celine.
“Why not!?” asks the two in unison, looking quite disappointed.
“Well it's something we Geelien's take seriously, after-all, it involves breaking down every part of your body and trusting me completely, plus, you two are still too young for me to absorb you without your parents permission.”
Both girls give a pout and Becky's states...
“The 'too young' excuse? You're really gonna use that?”
“Yeah!” adds Sammy. “Especially after the naughty fun we had!”
“Hehe, yeah, I'm sorry, but I just can't without your parents permission, even then-” replies Celine, before Becky cut in...
“Fine!” she states as she heads towards the door. “I'll go get permission then!”
“Wait!” declares Celine, hurrying to towards the door, but immediately stops upon remembering she was naked, looking back towards her clothes, Celine sees Sammy using her Comm. “What are you doing?”
“I'm calling my mom to ask her permission for you to absorb me.”
Celine could only sigh and slump her shoulders in defeat, before seeing a window pop up above Sammy's Comm and a woman's voice answer.
“Hey mom.” greets Sammy with a smile. “I'm at Becky's and we made a new friend, she's a Geelien and-”
“A Geelien!?” gasps the voice of the woman. “Didn't I tell you I wanted you to keep your distance from those things!?”
The reality had suddenly hit Celine again as she looked to the floor, with Becky and Sammy so accepting of her, she had forgotten about the negative view people had of her race.
Sammy though sees the hurt look on Celine's face and looks back to the screen with her mother.
“Don't say that mom! Geelien's arn't bad at all! The one I met is really nice! I was afraid at first, but once I got to know her, I really like her!”
“Samantha!” gasps the woman.
Celine was shocked, she barely knew the little girl and Sammy was defending her against her own mother.
“You've never even meet a Geelien before!” declares Sammy. “You just believe what other people tell you without any proof!”
Celine didn't hear a reply from the mother for a few moments, but soon hears...
“Is this Geelien there with you right now?”
“Yeah.” answers Sammy.
“Let me speak to her.”
Celine was dripping bullets upon hearing the statement, but quickly tried to collect herself as Sammy looks to her and walking towards her, standing beside her and moving her Comm screen in front of Celine, who sees the older woman, who looked at her with a frown.
“What is your name?”
“Celine.” answers the teen.
“I don't know what you've done with my daughter, but, if she says your a good person, I'll give you a chance, but if you ever hurt her in any way, you will regret it. Are you familiar with Shakra?”
“Yes.” answers Celine.
“Well, my Shakra is fire, and if what I know about Geelien's and fire is true, you really don't want to make me angry when it concerns my daughter, do I make myself clear?”
“Y-Yes, absolutely!” replies Celine, dripping uncontrollably now.
“Good, Samantha, I want you home before dark.” states the woman, before the window closes and Sammy gasps...
“Dang-it, I didn't ask her for permission for you to absorb me.”
“Hehe, I don't think she would've approved anyway.” replies Celine.
“Yeah, you're probably right...” comments Sammy sadly. “But what was my mom talking about with you and fire?”
“Well, us Geelien's are weak to extreme temperatures. Cold can freeze us, but fire is lethal for us since it melts us.”
Celine soon soon gets another shock as she sees Becky and her mother, Hazel, walk into the room, Celine gasping out and covering herself.
“Oh my!” gasps Hazel with a smile and looking away as Celine quickly grabs the bath towel on the floor and covers herself. “Sorry, I didn't know you weren’t dressed.” she adds, before glancing back and seeing Celine was covered. “Anyway, I just came to tell you myself that I will not approve of you absorbing my daughter.”
Becky stands with her arms folded with a pout, muttering, “I would've told the truth.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine. “I was also against doing it myself.”
“Well, that's very responsible of you.” comments Hazel, before turning and heading out, though turning and giving the parting comment, “Oh, and if you'd like, I have food downstairs your free to eat.”
“Ok, thanks.” replies Celine.
Although, being left alone with two pouting little girl's unable to have their way, Celine was a little concerned, but quickly thought up an idea.
“Oh, how about instead of absorbing you two, I put part of myself into you?”
“Huh?” replies Sammy.
“What do you mean?” asks Becky.
Relieved at peaking their interest, Celine uncovers herself.
“Ok, what I mean is, I can put my hand into your pussies and push some of my mass into you.”
“Ohhh, so our bellies get big?” asks Becky, before Sammy gasps at the statement.
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “From what I know about you Tragelian's, your wombs can expand when you have a lot of eggs to lay.”
“You're right!” replies Sammy excitedly. “Last week Becky had a ton of eggs to lay and her belly was really big!”
“Yeah!” adds Becky, grinning. “It felt SOOOO good to lay them, we had so much naughty fun that day!”
“Heh, ok then, so you want part of me inside you?” asks Celine.
“Yeah!” declares Becky.
“Fill our bellies with your goo!” adds Sammy.
“Hehehe, ok then, let's get on the floor...” replies Celine, lowering herself to the floor, sitting on her legs.
Becky and Sammy quickly follow, positioning themselves in front of Celine, sitting down and spreading their legs.
Celine moves herself a bit closer to the two before reaching each of her hands to the little slits presented to her and easily pushing her entire hand into the little girls, which brought a giggle from both and a comment from Becky...
“Wow, you can put your whole hand in so easy and it didn't hurt.”
“Well I have no bones after all.” replies Celine with a smile, “I can move through the smallest things.”
“I bet your awesome at Hide and Seek.” comments Sammy.
“Heh, I am.” replies Celine rather proudly.
Becky and Sammy soon gasp upon feeling Celine's fingers reach their cervix and a quick moaning follows as they feel Celine's hand loose form and pass through the opening and into their womb.
“O-Ohhhh, hehehe, that feels weird.” giggles Becky.
“Hehe, yeah, but it's nice though.” adds Sammy.
Only a few moments pass, before the little girls giggle again, each placing a hand to their abdomen and Sammy first commenting...
“I'm already filled up, I can feel her stretching me now.”
“Me too.” adds Becky, poking her abdomen.
The two soon look to Celine and giggle as they notice her shrinking, while not as drastically as before, Celine was noticeably shorter and breasts smaller, in the A-cup range.
“Hehe, your shrinking again!” giggles Becky.
“Of course.” replies Celine with a smile and before Celine herself moves, Becky and Sammy move themselves closer to Celine to compensate for the Geelien's reduction in size, thus her reach.
It was seconds after that each of the girls give another moan and laying on their back as their bellies began to noticeably bulge and Becky placing her hands to her belly.
“It's starting to feel really good!” moans Sammy.
“How much more do you two think you can hold?” asks Celine, appearing closer to the two girls age.
“More!” declares Becky.
“Yeah! Fill us up more!” adds Sammy.
Celine happily indulged the girls, bringing out more of their moans as their bellies grew bigger while the two squirm with pleasure. When Celine finally stopped, Celine herself appeared Becky and Sammy's age and height, flat chest and narrow hips. Though the two girls both, whine and moan in disappointment, caressing their bulging bellies, both looking a few months pregnant.
“Why'd you stop?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah!” adds Becky.
Pulling her hands free from the blushing little lips, allowing some of Celine's goo freedom as it oozes from the girl's slits, Celine smiles.
“Well it's all I can afford to put in you.” states Celine, poking each of the girls bellies, bringing a moaning from them as they scissor their thighs together. “I didn't expect how much your wombs could hold, especially with you two being so small. Hehe, so how does having a part of me in you feel?” she adds, caressing Becky and Sammy's bellies herself, bringing more moans from the two as the pinkish goo continues to ooze out from them occasionally spreading their legs.
“Really good!” declares Sammy.
“Yeah, my belly is so tight!” adds Becky.
A few moments of rubbing the two girl's bellies, an idea comes to Celine with a smile.
“Hey, I'm going to try something, tell me if it hurts, it shouldn't though, I don't think.”
“Ok.” replies Becky and Sammy, continuing to moan.
“Here I go...” states Celine, before lifting her hands straight up and immediately bringing a gasping moan from the two. “How was that?” asks Celine.
“Amazing!” declares Becky
“You can still move your goo around in side us!?” asks Sammy.
“Hehe, of course.” replies Celine, smiling. “I could pull it from your stomach, I'm just moving it around now...” adds Celine, before the two girls gasp out again as Celine gently pulls her fluid up towards her hand, before Becky and Sammy began squirming and scissoring their thighs together as Celine began to move her hands in a circular motion.
Just seconds into the unique manner of pleasuring the two, Celine grins in delight of the two girl's squirming and moaning on the floor from her moving her mass around inside their womb. Celine's younger looking body began to drip again, this time from arousal as she amused herself, varying her motions and the two girl's squirms and moans as she alternates between circling her hands and simply lifting and lowering her hands. Even circling one hand over one belly and lifting and lower her other hand over the second belly.
What proceeded was a sort of 'song' of moans, the slower Celine would move her hands, the lower and longer the moans would last, on the other hand, the quicker she moved, the louder and sharper the moans would be. Celine had her own little musical instrument.
Becky was the first to add her orgasmic moan to the song, which Celine delightfully drew out as she slowly rises her hand higher and higher above her belly, the little blonde even lifting from the floor a bit. Shortly into Becky's orgasm, Sammy adds her own climax-induced moan to the melody.
Even after the two had come down from their cloud of bliss, Celine didn't let up as they lay temporarily limp, legs spread, allowing more of the pinkish fluid, mixed with a little of their own honey from their climaxes, freedom as Celine lifts and lowers her hands.
Quite amused, Celine was content to continue and the two girls didn't ask for a break, so Celine continued the 'song', bringing each of the girls to multiple orgasms over the course of about fifteen minutes.
By the end, the two were clearly exhausted, breathing rapidly as a combined pool of Celine's fluid and their cum rests between their thighs. Celine now rests her hands on Becky and Sammy's belly, quite the satisfied smirk on her face, before the smirk grows when their bellies quickly deflate as her pink goo, mixed with a large amount of the two girl's honey floods from them and surrounding Celine herself.
Celine lowers her hands, from the two girl's bellies, briefly teasing their puffy, aroused labia's with a soft moan from them before reabsorbing the fluid and the girls cum back into her body and returning to her original size. Celine's body was a little clouded from the additional honey, but it slowly began to disperse as she absorbs it into her body.
“Hehe, have I managed to tire out two Tragelian's?” asks Celine with a smile. “I'd say that's quite an accomplishment.”
“Just...” starts Becky, panting. “Gimmi a few minutes...”
“Same here.” adds Sammy.
“Sure thing.” replies Celine, soon occupying herself and placing her right hand between her legs to rub herself and lifting her left hand to her left breast and squeezing it as she takes in the sight of the two naked, tired girls, tending to her own arousal.
Celine is soon interrupted from her self-pleaure as a knocking comes from the closed door and Hazel speaks through it...
“Celine, I just want you to know your parents are back and your mother came by, I told her you were here playing with Becky.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine. “Thanks.”
“You're welcome.”
Celine removes her hand from herself and placing her hands back to Becky and Sammy's labia, teasing the blushing, puffy mounds and fingering the warm slits, looking to them with a smile.
“I should be getting back, I really had fun with you two.”
“Come play with us again later.” replies Becky, smiling.
“Heh, sure thing, maybe you could introduce me to your other friends.” replies Celine.
“Yeah!” states Sammy. “The more the better!”
Celine smiles and stands, licking her fingers of the two girls juices and bringing a brief giggling from them as she places her foot to each of their blushing lower lips, absorbing what little honey had remained, before retrieving her clothing and putting them on.
“See you two later.” states Celine.
The two girls decide to follow Celine downstairs to the front door and happily waving her good-bye, Celine gladly copying the action as she heads next door to her home.
To be continued
Chapter 4
Title: Chapter 1-4
Returning home, Celine leaves one sexual environment for another as she and her mother 'mark' the teens room, before a rather unique three-some arises.]
“I'm back!” announces Celine.
“I'm in the kitchen.” answers back Eda.
Celine quickly heads to the kitchen, seeing her mother putting the last few groceries in the refrigerator.
“Hey Celine.” greets Eda, closing the frig door. “You didn't need to come right back, you could've stayed and enjoyed yourself.”
“Well I wanted to come back.” answers Celine. “...And help you with the groceries, but it seems I'm too late.”
“Heh, that you are.” chuckles Eda.
“Where's dad?”
“Upstairs, checking out the rooms.” replies Eda.
“Oh, well, how was the shopping? What were the reactions like to you being there?” asks Celine.
Eda gives a small smile, before commenting, “Is that why you wanted to stay here?”
“W-Well, partly...” answers Celine lowly, averting her gaze from her mother.
“It went well.” replies Eda. “There was some stares and whispers, but no one was negative towards us that I could see. A few people even walked up to us wanting to learn about us.”
“That's good.” states Celine with a small smile.
“Yes it is, well then, how was your time here?” asks Eda.
“Well, Becky introduced me to one of her friends and now I have two new friends.” comments Celine, her smile growing.
“That's wonderful!” declares Eda with a big smile. “So what did you three do?”
“Well we started with a water-fight, then we moved to Becky's room.” replies Celine, smiling.
“And what happened there?”
“Well... stuff...” vaguely answers Celine, grinning and avoiding eye contact.
Eda though, grins with assumption, “Ohhh, I see...” she comments, walking to her daughter and placing her hands to Celine's shoulders briefly before moving to her cheeks as the teen began to drip. “Did your new friends make you come?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine, soon looking up to meet her mothers gaze, smiling.
“Did you make them come?” asks Eda, lowering her right hand down to Celine's side, bringing a gasp from the teen as Eda's hand enters her once again.
“Yes...” moans Celine, briefly closing her eyes before Eda places her lips to her daughters, who lifts her hands up to her mother's cheeks as the two enjoyed the intimate moment, before Celine gave a muffled moan as their lips meld together momentarily before Eda pulls back, thick strings of their combined bodies appearing and separating before their lips reform, Eda smiles as she also began to drip.
“We should continue this in your room.” comments Eda.
“Ok.” replies Celine with a smile.
Celine gives a breathless sigh as her mother removes her hand from her side before the two leave the kitchen and head upstairs to the teens room, meeting the husband and father on the way, whose name was Avery and Eda commenting that she and Celine were going to have a little fun, which the man, just smiles and gives an 'ok'.
Once the two had entered the room, the very first thing they did was undress, quickly, Eda pulling her dress off to reveal she lacked any underwear, her ample breasts and smooth, curvy figure free to the air. Celine only manages to strip down to her panties before she's stopped from going further as Eda steps to her, placing her left hand to Celine's cheek and her right to the small of the teens back as she resumes their kiss, which Celine quickly began to return fully.
Lifting her hands up to her mothers shoulders, their dripping bodies seem to meld at the point of contact as they move their hands along each others bodies, gooey strings connecting them to each other as they occasionally pull their hands and arms away, even their lips as Eda pulls back with a smile.
“How far would you like to go?” asks the woman, using her left hand and brushing some of Celine's hair from her face.
“I'm in a really good mood, so all the way.” answers Celine, smiling as well.
“Wonderful.” comments Eda, before moving her right hand to Celine's belly and the teen gasping out again as Eda's hand enters her and moves down to the waistband of her panties, though shown by another gasp from Celine and her thighs trembling a little, Eda's arm may have stopped, but not her hand inside her daughter, whom felt her mother caressing her from the inside out as the crotch of Celine's panties shown the imprint of fingers.
After a few moments to get accustomed to the pleasure, Celine lifts her left hand to to her mothers breasts, palming the large orb for a moment before her hand slowly melts into Eda's breasts with a moan from the woman before Celine gasps as her arm was suddenly swallowed up to her elbow.
“Hey! Not so quick!” quickly states Celine.
“Hehe, ok.” giggles Eda, before Celine gasps into a moan from Eda's continued rubbing of her pussy from inside her.
Celine does though remove her trapped arm, quickly reforming her lower arm and hand before commenting...
“I want you to do it slow.”
“That was my intention.” comments Eda, grinning. “I just wanted to have a little fun.”
“Ok then...” replies Celine, before it was Eda's turn, gasping as her arm inside her daughter was also swallowed up to her shoulder, causing the surprised woman to drop to her knees from the rapid pull.
Though the woman quickly pulls back and reforms her arm with a chuckle, as Celine lowers herself to her knees with her mother.
“Now we're even.” comments Celine.
“OK then.” replies Eda, returning their lips to each other before actually moving her right hand under Celine's panties to tease and rub Celine's lower lips with a moan from her.
By now, a small puddle of their combined fluid surrounds the two, Celine though didn't let her mom be the only one giving pleasure as she moves her right hand to Eda's own lower lips, stroking them, bringing a moan from her mother.
This exchange of pleasure continued for a couple of minutes with Celine's moans quickly growing before the teen broke off the kiss with an orgasmic moan from her as fluid floods her panties.
“Well that was quick.” comments Eda.
“S-Sorry.” replies Celine, before leaning against her mother. “I stopped mid-way before I came back, so I didn't come.”
“I see...” replies Eda with a smile. “You came back ready to pop.”
Chuckling briefly and leaning against her mother, Celine gives a moan as she could feel herself joining with her mother, who moans as well, the teens legs rather quickly melting into the combined puddle. Eda and Celine's entire front melds together, though the panties Celine still wore was trapped between their joined fronts. Celine still had her left arm and hand available, her right having been swallowed between their bodies, but Celine moves her left hand around to Eda's rear, teasing her mothers anus before commenting...
“Wait, I wanna come again before you finish.”
“Let's come together.” comments Eda, her right hand emerging from the puddle between Celine's thighs towards the teens covered crotch yet to be absorbed and with a shocked gasp from Celine, Eda pulls the crotch of the panties aside and inserting her whole hand into her daughter's dripping pussy.
“Heh, forgot about that.” giggles Celine, before removing her left hand from her mothers rear and lowering her hand into the puddle and her hand reemerging in a similar position between Eda's thighs and pushing her hand into her mothers pussy with a moan from her.
What proceeding for the next couple minutes was a unique form of sexual activity only Geelien's could do as the mother and daughter pair moan in dual pleasure from the thrusting of their hands into each other's pussy from the puddle of their combined fluid.
Celine was the first to groan and Eda stops her thrusts before asking, “Mmm, you're close?”
“Y-Yea, you?” replies Celine.
“I can feel it coming, go faster.”
Celine quickly does and increases the pace of her thrusts, before groaning and moaning from Eda's resumed, but slow thrusts.
Shortly after, although Eda began to groan from her approaching climax, Celine quickly moans out, declaring, “Do it!” as she climaxed, fluid gushing out around Eda's thrusting hand.
Immediately after, Celine's moan increases in volume, along with Eda moaning out as Celine's entire waist, panties, climaxing pussy, tail and all quickly melds into Eda's, the panties momentarily trapped inside the woman's body as she gives her own climaxing moan as Celine's orgasm brought on hers and the two combined into one more powerful climax as fluid floods out of Eda's pussy.
Joined at the waist, Celine and Eda's moan's briefly harmonize before the rest of the teens body merges into her mothers, finishing with her head swallowed into her mothers chest and the woman lays on her back grabbing at her left breast and fingering her climaxing pussy intensely as a large puddle surrounded her.
Celine, inside her mother, could also still feel the combined pleasure of their orgasm, along with the pleasurable and comforting warmth of this most intimate embrace, no limbs, no body, just pleasure surrounding her, enveloped by it, even becoming it for her mother.
When the combined pleasure of the climax passes, Eda continued to pleasure herself and Celine sharing in the sensation, but not quite as intensely, though she did reabsorb much, but not all of the goo surrounding her. Eda seemed to be continuously melting, but able to balance out the rate of her mass loss with reabsorbing it, allowing a persistent puddle to remain under her.
After absorbing her daughter, Eda's body had changed a bit, a little taller, a foot at most, hips wider, but most noticeably, were her breasts, much of Celine's mass being transferred to them and were considerably larger, easily at least double and more the original F-cups, very easily allowing Eda to suck her own nipples without the need to move her head as she fingers her dripping pussy which seemed to flow like a faucet and produce loud wet squelches from Eda's fingers moving in and out.
“Ohhh, Celine, you make your mothers breasts so much better!” declares Eda, before moving her hand from her pussy to pinch and pull the nipple of her neglected right breast and she resumes licking and sucking her left breasts nipple.
“I'm glad you like'em.” states Celine in Eda's mind. “I wouldn't want my breasts that big.”
“Ohhh, you don't know what your missing!” comments Eda, before pinching and pulling her left nipple now and rubbing her thighs together.
Shortly into Eda's self pleasure, the husband walks into the open door of the room, briefly smiling at the sight, before commenting...
“Hey you two, I found a written note in one of our dresser drawers.”
“Oh really?” asks Eda, getting to her feet and turning to her husband with a grin, continuing to tease her nipples with a moan, though Celine comments.
“I found a note too, heh, it lead to a dildo.”
“Oh...” comments Eda, before walking to Avery, leaving a melting trail behind her before pressing her breasts against her husbands chest. “Celine says she found a note too, it lead to a dildo.”
“Really?” asks the man with a smile, as he places his hand to Eda's waist, before the woman coos as his right hand enters her and he pulls out Celine's panties from her and tossing them towards the bed. “Perhaps we should see what the owner left us.”
“Heh, it can wait.” comments Eda, lowering her hands to Avery's shorts, unbuttoning, unzipping and letting them fall to the floor, revealing Eda wasn't the only one going commando as his currently unaroused cock was revealed. Eda gently began to fondle the organ as she continued, “We already marked Celine's room, how about we do ours next?”
“Absolutely.” replies Avery. “Not just our room, let's mark the whole house.”
“Lovely!” declares Eda, kissing her husband for a few moments before pulling back with a grin and happily hurrying towards the their room, her sizable breasts bouncing with each step.
The man chuckles at Eda's gleeful horniness as she enters the room giggling, Avery steps out of his shorts and picks them up before heading towards their room.
His smile grows when he sees Eda sitting on the side of the bed, one foot on the floor and the other lifted onto the bed, presenting herself to him as she teases her flowing pussy with one hand and her right nipple with the other.
“Come on...” urges Eda, grinning. “What's taking you so long, give us that that cock. Our pussy is getting impatient.”
“Well I can't have that, now can I?” replies Avery, pulling off his shirt and walking towards Eda, who quickly lifts herself fully onto the bed, laying back as her husband joins her on the bed and leans over her, smiling and grabbing at her large breasts with a moan from Eda.
Her moan was soon muffled as her husband kisses her, though only briefly as he lowers his lips to her chest, licking the valley between her breasts before claiming her right nipple in his mouth with a gasping moan leaving Eda.
The woman though, soon places her hands to her husbands head and lifts him from her nipple.
“Mmm, no... no teasing, Celine already got me warmed up, we want that cock. Fuck us already!” declares Eda with a grin, caressing the mans cheeks, who smiles and sits up.
“You always get so horny when you absorb Celine.” he comments, before Eda's grin grows when she sees her husbands penis suddenly double in length to two feet and girth doubling. “You want this?” he asks, grabbing his larger cock with a bigger smile.
“Yes!” declares Eda eagerly. “We want it!”
“Does Celine really want it too?” he asks, leaning over Eda and placing his cock to her pussy but not pushing in, causing Eda to coo and squirm her hips, teasing herself against the cock-head.
“Yeah, Celine wants it too.” answers Eda, before Celine, quickly assuming what was about to happen, comments...
“Come on! Not again!”
Shortly after, Eda's entire upper body widens, even her head, soon a third, much smaller breast forms to Eda's left, before a second emerges as Celine's head splits from Eda's, the two girls upper-bodies literally conjoined at the side, still retaining one set of legs and arms.
Celine though groans in embarrassment and quickly comments, “You two know I don't like doing this!”
“You know though I don't like you taking the easy route and speaking through your mother.” states her father, smiling. “So say it yourself, do you want this cock?” he adds, pushing a little of the head of his cock into their eager hole with a moan coming from both, Eda and Celine.
“Y-Yes...” answers Celine lowly.
“Yes, what?” teases Avery as a gasp leaves Eda and Celine as the head of his cock fully slips into their pussy.
“I-I want your cock!” declares Celine a little louder than her first answer, though closing he eyes. “Give us your cock dad, p-please.”
“Yes.” adds Eda. “Please, give it to us, fuck our shared pussy!”
“Gladly!” declares Avery as he suddenly thrusts all two feet of his cock fully into the pair, his length visibly reaching into their belly, just under their breasts as a loud gasp comes from Eda and Celine.
“Yes!” exclaims Eda. “Go all the way through our pussy!”
“More!” declares Celine, using her control over the left arm and hand to grab at the bed under them. “Deeper!”
Avery said nothing, only grinning in delight at the mother/daughter moans and gasps as his cock visibly grows, reaching a little deeper, reaching into their chests.
Eda and Celine's moans and gasps suddenly grow in volume again as the lengthy, thick cock retreats, though not fully before returning into them.
This quite unique manner of sex, the man fucking both, his wife and daughter's shared body and pussy with his now nearly three-foot cock, reaching depths impossible or at least fatal for any non-geelien race continues over the course of a very quick fifteen minutes. Eda and Celine sharing multiple heightened climaxes as their moans fill the room and travel throughout the house.
Avery gave a slight groan and moan, but continues to thrust without stop as Eda and Celine moan out louder yet again as the man grabs each of their breasts, pulling and teasing their nipples as more orgasms quickly follow.
Celine and Eda's mass continue leaving them, Eda's breasts being the most noticeable thing to shrink in size as the bed overflows with their liquid falling off the sides and their limbs drip rapidly, their toes and fingers seeming to meld together, their hands and feet appearing more like mittens and socks.
It was minutes later, the man's increased groaning told of his moment nearing and it was Celine, not Eda, who was the one to eagerly declare as yet another climax reaches them...
“D-Do it dad! Ahhhhh! F-Fill us up! Fill us upppppp! Drown our bodies in your cum!”
Eda and Celine didn't have to wait long at all before he gives a loud moan as he buries cock into them as a darker fluid bursts from the head of his cock and into their chests, briefly swirling around inside them with a quickly harmonized moan from Eda and Celine before a slighty darker pinkish fluid burst out of Eda's body between her and Celine's heads to the bed.
After the first lengthy ejaculation, the man pulls back as his penis begins to shrink in length, allowing following lengthy ejaculations to remain inside Eda and Celine's body.
When the man's climax had finally ended, his cock had returned to it's normal length inside Eda as the darker fluid forms a swirling, tapering column inside her towards the penis, which Eda and Celine smile at seeing.
“So much to absorb...” comments Eda, moving her right hand into her chest and swirling it around even more.
Celine soon separates herself from Eda, pulling her upper-body free and allowing her the use of her right hand, though her mother whines as her breasts fully shrink back to normal.
“Aww, you're leaving already?” asks Eda, smiling, as Celine separates their lower bodies, and stands to the right of the bed, smiling as well.
“Shouldn't we move on to another room now?” asks Celine.
While Celine had separated from her mother, the teen still shared some of her fathers cum in her body, slowly moving throughout as it gradually began to disperse.
“Hmm, you have a point.” comments Eda, before sitting up and grasping her husbands cock. “At least one orgasm a room.”
“I'll follow you two.” replies the man, smiling as he gestures with his hands for Celine and Eda to lead.
“Let's go to the other bedroom.” declares Celine, heading out of the room.
Eda happily follows her daughter, her tail flicking excitedly, while Avery brings up the rear.
“Oh! I have an idea!” declares Eda with a smile as the trio walks into the room, before the woman turns to her husband and drapes her arms around his shoulders, kissing him lovingly for a few moments as she wraps her right leg around him. “Let's join up.” suggests Eda. “I'd like to borrow that cock of yours and fuck Celine real good.”
Celine, only smiles at Eda's comment, walking to the bed and sitting down, though lowering her right hand between her legs to tease herself, bringing out a soft moan as she slowly fingers herself.
“Sure.” replies Avery, smiling and wrapping his arms around Eda's waist and kissing her.
The two quickly moan as the man begins to meld and merge into Eda, taking only seconds before Eda was the only one standing with a moan, lifting her hands up to her breasts, caressing them as they quickly grow to their previous size.
Turning around, Eda grins at Celine, who smiles, leaning back slightly on one hand and spreading her legs as she continues to tease herself, giving a moan as she rubs her clit, her pussy drools with a thin stream leaving her. Celine's smile grows when an erect cock, her fathers cock, grows out just above Eda's pussy and grows to two feet in length and two inches in girth. Like the rest of her body, the new appendage drips as well.
“You want this cock Celine?” asks Eda, grinning, stroking her new appendage.
“I've already answered that.” comments Celine.
“Well you wont have a problem answering again then, right?” asks Eda, walking in front of her daughter, her cock level with Celine's mouth.
“Heh, you two always want me to say it.” comments Celine with a smile.
“It's nice to hear. So do you want it or not?”
“Yes.” answers Celine, before bringing a coo from Eda as she leans forward and licks the head of the cock. “I want it, I want it so bad mom.” adds Celine, smiling, before briefly sucking on the head of the cock, causing her mother to moan. “I want you to stick it in and fill me up till I overflow with your cum.”
Eda grins and places a hand to Celine's head.
“To be resistant to it, you're very good at asking for our cock when you do.” comments Eda, before placing her other hand to her daughters head and bringing a brief, muffled gasp from the teen as Eda thrust her hips, forcing all two feet of her thick cock into Celine's mouth and out through the back of her head. “Mmm, you ask so well I can't help but give it to you!”
Eda gives two more thrusts through Celine's head before pulling her cock back fully.
“Will you suck our cock?” asks Eda.
“OK, but make sure you come in my pussy, ok?” replies Celine. “It'll be a waste if you come in my mouth and it shoots out the back of my head.”
“OK, but remind me just in case.” states Eda, smiling.
Without further delay, Celine lifts her hands up to her mother's cock, holding it steady before leaning in and licking at the head, bringing another coo from Eda, before a moan follows when Celine began to suck and lick the head of the cock.
For about the next minute, Celine brought her mothers moans out only from her focused sucking on the head of the cock, but Eda adds to her pleasure as she lifts her hands back to her breasts, squeezing them as she also moves her tail between her legs to tease her dripping pussy.
Celine earns herself a lengthy moan from her mother as she began to take more of her mother's sizable cock into her pliable mouth. After just a few back and forth motions though, Eda was quickly disappointed when Celine pulls her mouth away, though the teen comments...
“Soften up some.”
The cock immediately reduces in firmness, but still erect enough to stand at attention own it's own. Moaning quickly resumes from Eda as Celine takes the cock into her mouth again, more of it as well, instead of going through the back of her head though, the cock bends down into her throat as Celine began to swallow the length of the cock, bringing a long moaning from Eda as Celine soon reaches the base of the cock, placing her hands to her mother's hips.
The retreat brought an equally long moan from Eda.
“Ohhhhh! Yes! Swallow our cock!” she moans as Celine pulls the cock nearly fully out, before making the return trip.
A very quick seven minutes pass as Celine deep-throats her mothers cock, never fully leaving her throat and with the woman’s increased moaning and comments of praise, Celine knew her mother was close and pulls her cock free of her mouth with a whine from the woman as Celine smiles at her, though slowly stroking her cock.
“I'm close!” declares the woman.
“Did you forget already?” asks Celine. “I want you to cum in my pussy.”
“Oh, that's right.” comments Eda.
“It's a good thing I was in control...” replies Celine, before releasing her mother's cock and turning herself around with her back facing Eda and leaning forward on her hands and knees, presenting her rear and pussy to her mother. “Now fill this hole with all the cum you want-Ah!”
Celine barely finishes her statement before feeling her mother's hands grab her waist and bringing a sharp gasp of surprise from her as she felt the sizable cock easily stretch her pussy as the cock suddenly filled it, but only one foot of its length.
Celine's gasp quickly shifts to a pleasurable moan as Eda begins to thrust quickly.
Within a dozen or so thrusts, Eda moans out as she comes, joined by Celine as the darker fluid jets deeply into Celine's body, very briefly seeming to fill up an internal organ from the neat circular outline before the darker fluid suddenly expands out, gathering in the teens belly, swirling around with further streams of cum into her body and mixing into the nearly dispersed cum of her father.
Eda's climax, lasts just moments, but a large, swirling, dark 'cloud' now occupied Celine's body, who lowers her head to the bed with a smile on her face.
Removing her still erect cock, Eda strokes herself with a smile, gazing at Celine's dripping body, specifically her labia and anus.
“You're not tired, are you?” asks Eda.
“Of course not.” answers Celine.
“Good.” replies Eda, reaching her left arm around Celine's chest and lifting the surprised teen up on her knees before a gasp leaves her as she felt all two feet of the cock fully bury itself into her through her rear opening. “Have you forgotten what you said? I'm going to fill you up till you're overflowing.”
“Heh, you don't have enough mass for that, even with dads help.” comments Celine.
“True, but that just means you have to lose some...” comments Eda, before Celine gasps into a moan as her body began to shrink and appear younger, as Eda began absorbing her, stopping at around the visible age of seven or eight. As a result, the shrink in size caused the two foot cock to take up much more space inside Celine, reaching into her chest, nearly into her neck and the cum inside her also took up much more area, almost her whole torso.
Size wasn't the only change though, with a gasp, Celine sees her arms shrink to nothing, along with her legs, the teen-turned-child was now just a torso, though Celine still retained her tail. Melded to the waist of Eda, Celine appears to trade places with the cock, though with it visible inside Celine and Eda pulling her hips back a little only to thrust into her daughter with a moan from the teen, shows that she still had the cock.
“Yes... this will do nicely.” comments Eda with a grin and holding her daughter at the waist.
“Really?” asks Celine with a chuckle. “My arms and legs?”
“Well this way, you certainly won't be able to hold all the cum I fill you with.” comments Eda, moving herself onto the bed, turning Celine around on her cock to face her before placing Celine on her back and bringing out her moans as she began to thrust her two=foot long cock through Celine's anus and into her shrunken, limbless body.
Her responses limited, Celine could only moan and squirm her torso in pleasure as Eda thrusts into her rapidly, with the sole purpose of orgasm and filling her daughter's body with her cum. Celine though did manage to reach a single climax, her body arching in pleasure, moaning out loudly as fluid gushes out of her pussy.
As Celine comes down from her moment, continuing to moan and squirm from Eda's persistent thrusting, the woman soon declares...
“I'm gonna come!”
Within seconds, Eda moans out loudly in orgasmic bliss as her cum rockets from her cock, easily and quickly reaching into and filling Celine's head with a moan from the teen. During her climax, Eda remains aware enough to control the depth of her thrusts as she sees more of her cum filling her daughters body.
Within the span of about eight seconds, every remaining inch of Celine's body was darkened, even her hair, with her mothers cum, who continued to fill her as she moans, thrusting herself fully into Celine again and grinning when she sees her cum shooting out from Celine's head.
“You're all filled up! You can't hold anymore!” moans Eda as cum shoots through Celine's head a couple more times before Eda sighs with relief, shrinking her cock to nothing. After the large amount of mass being transferred into Celine, Eda's body had noticeably changed, she and her breasts were slightly smaller.
Separating herself from Celine, Eda smiles when she sees Celine groan briefly, her arms and legs starting to reform before giggling and going limp as a large, dark puddle suddenly spreads out around her entire body resting on the bed.
“Hehe, it's too much to absorb at one time with my body like this, at least give me back my arms and legs.” declares Celine with a giggle.
“Hehehe, you look so cute being overfilled.” comments Eda, lifting her daughter up off the bed and seeing the excess cum quickly draining from her body like a faucet.
- Later that night -
Walking into her moon-lite room, Celine was completely naked with a smile on her face.
“Today was a really good first day.” she comments happily as she walks to and crawls into her bed, laying on her stomach and closing her eyes, ready to sleep.
Her mind quickly began replaying the days events; Celine really didn't want to come to Merkolova for fear of the peoples attitude towards her. The responses weren't as bad as she thought it would be though, their first official meeting of the neighbors, went better than she ever thought it would and made two very good friends, Becky and Sammy.
The two little girl's really made her day, so accepting of her. The only thing she regretted being with the two was not learning more about them, spending much of their time together fooling around pleasuring each other. Celine would've liked to have known the two a bit more before doing what they did, but it didn't bother her too much.
This was a whole new world with different customs and rules, plus Sammy and Becky were Tragelian's after-all, it just proved the rumors she heard true, rather than getting to know the person first then get more physical, Tragelian's behavior was reversed, sex was first and getting to know them came after, at least it seemed to be the case.
Celine couldn't help the chuckle from leaving, commenting to herself, “I think the only thing I know about those two is that they would run around outside naked if they could, Becky likes Sammy to lick her clit and Sammy likes Becky to suck her cerick. Oh and I did find out the trances are true, but that applies to all hybrids. Oh well, I'll just have to make a point to learn more about them tomorrow.”
Thinking about her time with the little girls though, Celine smiles as she moves her tail between her legs to tease her lower lips.
“I really did have fun with them though.” she comments, turning over, spreading her legs as she adds her right hand between them along with her tail as she lifts her left hand up to her left breast, teasing herself with a moan. “Heh, they'd probably like it if I told them I played with myself while I thought about them. Hehe, mmm, I would like to absorb them though, I bet they'd like being inside me. I wonder what effect absorbing them would have on me since their Tragelians...”
Moments into her self-pleasure, Celine gasps and she quickly leans over towards the nightstand and opens the drawer, revealing the two didoes and a smile coming to Celine's face.
“Almost forgot about you two. Time to put you guys to work.”
Chapter 5
Title: Chapter 2-1
[Author's notes:
Waking up to her first morning on Merkolova, Celine and her parents work on fully settling in...
- Kellen home -
- 10:43 A.M., Next day, Telios (Tuesday) -
Celine, still sleeping, but now on her back, with the bed cover down around her legs from her unconscious movement, revealed most noticeably that the naked teen seems to have partly melted into the bed as she lay in a large puddle of her liquified mass, though not large enough for it to fall off the sides of the bed from the depression of Celine's body. The two dildos were also a part of her, the smaller, gifted one inside Celine's stomach while the longer one was halfway inside her pussy.
This was the sight that greets a nude Eda as she opens the door to her daughters room. Smiling, Eda walks to one of the windows and opens the blinds, allowing the sunlight in and drape across Celine naked body, causing a few twinkles of light to come from her body. The teen frowns a little from the light hitting her face before turning away from the light.
“Time to get up Celine.” declares Eda, smiling and walking to the bed, behind Celine, seeing the dildo inside her and reaching a hand through Celine's back, with a groan from the teen before Eda removes the toy.
Shortly after, the puddle surrounding Celine shrinks back inside her before she rolls to her back again and opens her eyes to look up at her mother, who smiles.
“Good morning.” greets Eda.
“'morning...” replies Celine, with a smile, before quickly looking around and sitting up on her elbows. “This isn't my room!”
“We moved here yesterday.” reminds Eda.
“O-Oh, yea, hehe.” replies Celine with a chuckle before laying back. “It's all still new to me.”
“Same for your father and I too.” replies Eda. “I woke up super early, most likely from the combination of being in a new place and the change in time.”
“What time is it?” asks Celine, before reaching between her legs and pulling out the dildo from her pussy and sitting up.
“Almost eleven.” answers Eda. “Didn't want you sleeping too late, so get cleaned up and come eat breakfast.” she adds with a smile and sticking the dildo she still held into Celine's chest, before heading towards the door.
“OK.” replies Celine, smiling and removing the toy before removing herself from the bed, retrieving the large mesh comb from the nightstand drawer and walking towards the window her mother opened, into the path of the sunlight and looking down at her body and arms, seeing tiny glints of light sparsely dotting her body.
Holding the comb in her right hand, Celine extends her left arm in front of her and places the metal mesh of the comb into her arm at her shoulder and moving the comb down her arm and through her hand. There were a few more glints from her arm and she repeated the process two more times until her arm was clear. Looking to the comb, Celine sees a small gathering of tiny crystals stuck to the mesh of the comb, before heading out of the room.
Entering the bathroom, Celine walks to the sink, turns on the faucet and moves the comb under the water, rinsing away the crystals, before resuming her cleaning, repeating the process with her right arm; then moving to her head, down to her chest, stomach, back, tail, waist and legs.
After ten minutes, Celine's body was as clear and transparent as it was yesterday. Just to make sure though, Celine returns to her room and walks into the sunlight, using it's bright light to look for any other glints she could see. After seeing none, Celine smiles and places the comb back into the nightstand before leaving her room, still nude.
Entering the dining room, Celine sees her mom and dad, who were also naked, sitting at the table eating breakfast, which was quite different from the usual, the two each had one of the protein drinks and on the plates in front of them were two, rather large, uncooked drumsticks and a couple cooked sausage patties.
Avery went with the literal 'eat-with-your-hands' method, grabbing one of the drumsticks by the meaty end and it shrinking as particles of it travels up his arm and into his body. Eda's method wasn't too much different, grabbing on of the drumsticks by the bone and sticking the meat portion of it into her chest.
“Good morning Celine.” greets Avery.
“G'Morning.” replies Celine, before entering the kitchen and seeing a couple more sausage patties in the skillet on the stove and retrieving a plate, then looking into the refrigerator see the pack of drumsticks that her parents were eating and taking just one, placing it on the plate and putting it in the microwave, just long enough to take to chill off before retrieving the plate and taking the remaining sausages, then one of the protein drinks and joining her parents in the dining room.
Celine's method of eating was more 'normal' compared to her parents, pulling the meat from the bone and putting pieces into her mouth.
Moments into the family breakfast, Celine decides to break the brief silence with a question...
“So, what's the plan for today? There's still stuff that needs to be done, right?”
Avery and Eda briefly look to each other to decide who was to answer. After a short moment, they both start with “Well...” bringing a chuckle from Celine as well as themselves, before Avery comments, “Go ahead.”
“OK, yes.” replies Eda to Celine. “There is still some things that need to be done, specifically, I want to check the status of your enrollment to the local school and find out how soon you'll be able to attend.”
“Oh...” replies Celine lowly, not looking particular excited about that piece of information.
Seeing the saddened expression Celine had, Eda gives a small smile, before Avery comments...
“Your mother and I also need to start looking for jobs soon.”
“Right.” adds Eda. “Our guide called us earlier and said he was going to be visiting around one o'clock to see how we're settling in and answer any question we have. Also, I'd like us to get out and meet the neighbors and get acquainted with the surrounding area, driving around the city.”
“You want me to come with you guys, don't you?” asks Celine, clearly not liking the idea.
“Of course.” replies Eda. “You can't hide from everyone, you ARE going to school here after all, you have to get comfortable in your surroundings. Your father and I didn't have much problem when we went shopping.”
“She's right.” adds Avery. “I know you're afraid of how people here will respond to us, but the reactions were very good yesterday.”
“Yeah... mom told me that yesterday.” comments Celine, before sighing. “I just have to push through this fear.”
“Right.” replies Avery. “It's not like they can hurt us after all.”
“Yeah, you're right.” comments Celine. “I guess the absolute worse that can happen is turning into liquid and ending up naked in front of a group of people... I... I think I'd be able to handle that if it happened.” she adds, with a small smile, though dripping a bit.
“That's a good way of thinking about it.” says Eda. “Think of the worse thing possible and would you be able to handle it. Being naked wouldn't bother me very much though, especially if it's the worst case scenario.”
“Hehe, of course it wouldn't bother you.” comments Celine with a bigger smile towards her mother. “You like being the center of attention.”
“I certainly do.” replies Eda, using her left hand to caress her left breast, “I would need to teach others about us after-all, that means my beautiful, naked body as well!”
After chuckling at her mothers display, successfully brightening her mood, Celine takes a drink of the protein before commenting...
“Sometimes I really wonder how I didn't end up more like you mom, I know your nervous too about this, but your so good at pushing through it and be so open to completely new and alien things, I would've liked to have shared some of that confidence in the unknown.”
“Well I have time on my side sweetie.” comments Eda, reaching her left hand to Celine's head and stroking her hair briefly. “You're young, what your feeling is natural. Also, look on the bright side, you've already made two friends, Becky and her friend, remember?”
“You're right.” replies Celine, smiling. “That reminds me, I want to learn more about Becky and Sammy.”
“Really?” asks Eda.
“Yeah, a majority of my time with them, we just fooled around.” adds Celine, dripping a bit. “I know very little about them actually.”
“Oh, so it's true that Tragelians would rather have sex before getting to know a person?” asks Eda.
“That's the way it seems from my experience with Becky and Sammy.” replies Celine.
“Hmm, interesting...” comments Eda. “Well we also need to learn the customs and laws here. We know that Tragelians are a very sexual people.”
“Oh!” gasps Celine. “Becky told me that walking around outside naked wasn't allowed but as long as you wear panties, it was fine.”
“Really? Well that seems odd.”
“Yeah, Becky and Sammy didn't like it.” replies Celine.
“I wonder why that rule is like that.” comments Eda.
“Hey...” starts Celine, looking to her dad and mom. “So we've met Tragelians, Felines, Canines and Vehens, but no Nex, did ether of you meet a Nex when you went shopping?”
“A Nex?” questions Eda, looking to Avery, who looked intrigued as they both looked in thought for a moment before Eda comments... “Nex are the ones with wings, right?”
“Yeah, and their a lot smaller than normal and look really young!” replies Celine excitedly, which Eda smiles at.
“Well, well, your certainly excited.”
“O-Oh, well, I saw a Nex on T.V. yesterday and thought they looked really cute, I'd really like to meet one in person.” replies Celine, smiling.
“I see, well that means getting out into the public.” comments Eda, lightly teasing her daughter. “Anyway, I don't recall meeting a Nex while we were out shopping, though a very young looking family were the first to walk up to us and start up a conversation. I don't recall seeing any wings though.”
“We're they shorter than all the other people?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, I'm quite sure they were.” replies Eda. “The two mothers actually looked to be in their late teens.”
“They probably were Nex!” declares Celine happily.
- 12:48 P.M. -
After the family breakfast was over, Celine returns to her room, spending her time waiting for the guides visit by watching T.V., the teen quickly found herself attentively watching another Shakra program.
Such a sport was non-existent back on her home planet, and the moment she heard rumors about it, she was already hooked and wanted desperately to see it for herself and now she had that chance being on Merkolova.
The rumors she heard didn't do the sport justice! It was so fast-paced and violent, so many elemental powers, or Shakra, at play with various effects. Fights could last lengthy spans of time, up to twenty minutes with the fighters trading blows, or end within seconds of the bell ringing.
Some Shakra were more visually impressive than others, Fire could create large, loud explosions, propelling the opponent away; Water could make beautiful, reflective ice walls and bind an opponent to one spot; Electricity seemed particular vicious to Celine, it's user able to conjure up lighting with loud, thunderous cracks throughout the air, any opponent struck was immediately paralyzed long enough for a follow-up attack.
It was such an awesome, impressive sport, one that Celine could never participate in for obvious reasons, but it was perhaps the very reason Geelien's couldn't participate that drew Celine towards it, watching with amazement at the current match playing out on the screen, currently two Fire Shakra users.
Being naturally fearful of fire, that fear combines with amazement as she sees the two fighters repeatedly connecting with fireballs to the others body. Celine could only imagine what would happen to her if she was hit with such fire, she could probably survive one impact, but two would likely end her life. There was no risk watching though, which Celine happily did.
As the fight continued, Celine gasps and cringes from the hits. One fighter had gained momentum and was pushing their opponent closer and closer to the edge of the arena. Combined with the announcers commentary, Celine felt the suspense growing.
With one final fireball, the opponent was propelled out of the arena and into the guard-wall, however, Celine was shocked when the would-be loser propels themselves from the wall with a fiery explosion from their feet, lifting them up into the air, over their surprised opponent and sending a fireball to their back, knocking them off the side and directly to the grass below.
“Whoa! That was awesome!” declares Celine, before hearing the that the recovering fighter was declared the winner. “Guess touching the ground is what counts, not the wall.” adds Celine. “But it's weird though, the first match I saw yesterday had a fire user flying, I haven't seen any other fire users fly. The few matches I have seen though, the ones that are always in the air are... what was it... force users I think. Maybe that girl is the only fire user that can fly, I wonder why if that's true.”
About a minute into the next exhibition match between a level four pink-haired teen Electric Shakra user by the name of Amu Hinamori and a level five blonde water Shakra user called Utah, both of whom Celine was surprised to find out that they were declared as two of the top ranked fighters in the league, the teen soon groans when she hears the doorbell, it could only be one person visiting, interrupting what Celine knew was going to be a good match.
“Aww, did he have to come now?” complains Celine, looking to the slower paced fight playing out on the screen.
“Celine!” calls Eda.
“Coming!” answers back the teen, “Well at least it isn't a live match.” she adds, removing herself from the bed and quickly getting dressed, very briefly considering going without underwear, but deciding just as quickly against it and putting on her underwear and a similar set of clothing that she wore yesterday, only a change in colors, a matching white, belly-revealing tank-top and a upper-thigh length pleated skirt.
Arriving downstairs, Celine sees her parents and the guide from yesterday occupying the living room, currently standing near the front door. Eda and Avery were also dressed, Eda wearing a tank-top, bra-less, barely containing her breasts and a knee-length jean skirt. The Feline was dressed in his same business attire, a white shirt and slacks, he also carried with him a small shoebox-sized box.
“Well...” starts the Feline. “Now that everyone is here, let's begin. Can we sit?”
“Sure.” replies Avery, before the group head to the two couches, the Feline sitting in one and Eda, Avery and Celine sitting in the other.
“Ok...” starts the Feline. “As I informed you two on the phone, unless a problem arises, this will be my last meeting with you three. I'm here just to see how things are going, give you some final pieces of information and to answer any questions you have. But firstly, I'd like to give you these...” explains the Feline, opening the box to reveal three watch-like devices and handing each one to the three Geelien's.
“I'm sure you've seen just about everyone with similar devices on their arms or belts.” Comments the Feline. “These are Communication Devices, simply called a Comm. They're multi-purpose, able to communicate with others, access The Net, atomize and store things, and download programs to expand it's functionality.”
As the Feline speaks, the three Geelien's slip on the devices, Celine and Avery placing it on their right wrist, Eda on her left.
“The ones you have though are the basic model.” continues the Feline. “They are able to call anyone whose contact information you have, access the Net and have limited storage capability. All Comms are also waterproof and shock-resistant, so you don't need to worry about it getting wet, their designed to work even if fully submerged.”
Celine presses a button on her Comm, briefly surprising her as a blue screen pops up, showing a set-up menu.
“Cool.” comments Celine.
“Well then...” states the Feline with a smile. “How was your first day here?”
Eda was the one to answer first, “It went very well. My husband and I went shopping and while we received some understandable stares, no one was negative towards us and a few people even came up to us wanting to learn about us.”
“That's great.” comments the Feline. “So you didn't feel uncomfortable being out in public?”
Eda and Avery briefly look to each other before the man replies, “We were a little, but as we spent more time interacting with people, we got more comfortable.”
“Good, and what about you Celine?” asks the Feline, looking to the teen, who was occupied with getting herself accustomed to her Comm, though quickly looking towards the Feline when he spoke her name. “How was your time here while your parents were gone?”
“Oh, uh...” replies Celine, quickly replaying the events with Becky and Sammy in her mind and dripping a bit and averting her gaze with a smile. “Well, it went really good, better than I ever imagined it going. I played with two kids who quickly accepted me as their friend.”
“Well that's great.” comments the Feline. “First day here and you've already made two friends. It seems everything is going smoothly for you guys.”
“It sure is.” replies Eda. “We plan to start introducing ourselves to the neighbors today.”
“Good, well I have one more necessary piece of info to share with you, Eda and Avery.” comments the Feline, lifting the Comm of his right hand up and bringing up a window. “We've found a few employment options that would be willing to offer you a job. You're not bound to these choices though, your free to look for any job you'd like. Will one or both of you work?”
Avery answers first, “I'll be the one to have a job.”
“Down the road, I'll get one too.” adds Eda. “But for now I'll just be the Homemaker.”
“Ok, these suggestions are available for the rest of the month, I'll transfer the list to your Comms.” replies the Feline.
After taking a few moments to teach Eda and Avery, as well as Celine how to accept transfers with their Comms, Eda looks to the list and a quick smile comes to her face.
“Erotic entertainment?” Questions the woman. “One of our options is to get paid for sexual activity?” she adds.
While Celine said nothing, the teen drips noticeably.
“Hehe, well it's just one of many options.” replies the Feline. “Jobs in erotic entertainment are quite popular and are always looking for new themes or people.”
“And I'm guessing a Geelien would be quite popular, at least initially.” comments Eda, smiling.
“Mom...” groans Celine, looking to her mother with a frown.
“Hehe, ok, ok...” chuckles Eda.
“Well then...” starts the Feline. “Any questions?”
“Oh, yeah.” replies Eda. “I'd like to check the status of Celine's enrollment to the local school. The sooner she can start going the better.” she adds, before a low groan comes from the teen.
“Ah, yes, your daughters enrollment...” comments the Feline, accessing his Comm again, going through a few screens for a moment, before, “It looks like everything is good; tenth grade, her classes... yep, everything checks out, Celine can start as soon as tomorrow if you like.”
“Tomorrow!?” gasps Celine, appearing to melt rather than drip as as two puddles form, one under her rear on the couch and the other at her feet. “That's way too soon!”
“Hmm...” thinks Eda. “Yeah, that is a bit sudden.” she adds, bringing a relieved sigh from Celine as the teen reabsorbs her lost mass.
“Ok, then the next opportunity for her to first attend is Shakrus (Friday).” replies the Feline.
“That's better.” comments Celine. “That way I have the weekend to recover.”
“It's settled then.” states Eda. “Celine will begin school at the end of the school week.”
- 1:54 P.M. -
Shortly after the guide leaves, Celine may have avoided one nerve-wracking situation with attending school the next day, but encountered another she couldn't avoid.
“Aww come on!” whines Celine, standing in the living room looking at her parents standing at the front door.
Eda quickly replies, with some sternness coming to her voice now, “Celine, I told you, you're not going to hide here in the house. We're going out as a family; This will help you when you attend school later in the week, you'll be accustomed to the people here.”
“But we aren't even going anywhere!” complains Celine.
“That's the point.” replies Eda. “We're just going out to mingle with the various people of this planet. After-all, you say you want to meet a Nex, that won't happen if you stay in the house.”
“...” Celine says nothing, but looks away from her parents.
A frown soon comes to Eda's face as the woman states firmly, “Celine! We are going together, right now! If I have to repeat myself, you'll be coming in the box.”
Celine gasps and looks to her mother, stating, “But you didn't bring it!”
“We bought a suitable replacement while we were out yesterday.” answers Eda. “So ether way, you ARE coming.”
“Fine!” retorts Celine angrily. “But I'm changing clothes!” adds the teen, hurrying up the stairs.
Once Celine was out of sight, Eda sighs, before Avery places a hand to her shoulder.
“She's just scared.” comments the man.
“I know...” answers Eda. “All of us are.”
“Well, maybe you are.” teases Avery, causing Eda to playfully push him.
Moments later, Celine returns, bringing a sigh from Eda.
“Oh come on Celine, really?”
“I'm not going out into the unknown all exposed.” replies Celine, now covered up, wearing a long-sleeve shirt and jeans, along with a cap.
“You're being silly.” comments Eda.
“Are we going or not?” asks Celine, arms folded in front of her
Eda turns and opens the door with a sigh and the trio leave the house and enter the car they were given to use.
Pulling out of the drive-way and heading down the street, Celine sat in the back seat, quite angry with a frown, arms folded across her chest. The teens attitude was very similar, or more appropriately, mirrored her behavior the previous day as they leave the old house of her home planet.
Deep down though, Celine knew her parents were just trying to help prepare her to be around and interact with the people of this planet, she knew she couldn't stay in the 'safety' of her new home, but it was only the second day they were here! Celine wanted more time to adjust; Becky, her mother and the little girl's friend Sammy, three new people, it was a pace Celine was comfortable with, not going out into the public with the expressed purpose of having people look at them, starring and whispering.
Minutes into the trip though, Celine's anger was slowly fading in place of fear as her frown shifts to an expression of concern. Celine was confident she could handle a small group of people with negative responses to her, but a crowd? Short of being exposed to fire, which was unlikely, Celine knew she couldn't be hurt, but that left her with the possibility to be humiliated. What if she couldn't maintain her solid form and shifts into a puddle? Attempting to reform would leave her naked, with people surrounding her, she didn't even want to think about it!
Well and thoroughly scared, Celine was dripping considerably, with her choice of clothing though, it wasn't so obvious, but her pinkish/red fluid began to melt over the neckline of her shirt, along with the waistline of her pants.
“Celine...” comments Eda, currently driving her car, looking to her daughter from the rear-view mirror.
“What?” asks the teen, looking to her lap.
“I know your scared, so to make it easier on you, how about you chose our first stop? As long as it's not back home, we'll go anywhere you want.”
“Really?” asks Celine, looking towards her mother as her mood brightens a bit. “Anywhere I want?”
“As long as it's not back home, anyplace you see or can think of, we'll go.” answers Eda.
A smile soon comes to Celine's face, “Ok.” answers the teen, looking out the window for a place to visit.
The teens goal was to pick a place as least populated as possible, they had recently left the residential area and was entering a shopping area, with various small stores and a few larger ones, along with a couple sparsely located fast food restaurants.
Celine quickly came to the decision that a restaurant would be the best choice. Maybe it was the time of the day, but judging by the number of vehicles in the parking lots of the restaurants she saw, they were the least populated places.
“A fast food place!” declares Celine happily. “Let's go to one of those!”
“Ok.” answers Eda. “Any particular one?”
“Not really...” answers Celine, though one restaurant caught her eye, one with two golden arches positioned in an 'M'. “How about that red and yellow one, M C Donalds?”
“Ok.” replies Eda, before after a few moments, stopping briefly at a traffic light, the trio enter the parking lot and soon into a parking space, bringing a sigh from Celine.
“Guess its too much to hope that we'd use the drive-thru...” comments the teen lowly.
“There's very little interaction with that option.” replies Eda. “Now come on...” she adds, as she leaves the car, along with Avery. “Let's see what kind of food they have here at this M C Donalds.”
Following another long sigh, Celine quickly collects herself, in more ways than one before opening the door and stepping out. After a quick look around, Celine didn't see anyone currently out, she notices a few looks from people in their vehicles passing by, but nothing else.
Following her parents towards the building, Celine's nervousness grew rapidly and briefly stopped at the door to fight back her bodies dripping, she wanted to draw as little attention to herself as she could and she knew the sight of her body appearing to melt would draw many more stares.
Looking to her parents though, Celine sees that they were dripping as well, not too much, but it would certainly be noticeable close-up, though they didn't seem to be fighting it.
“You're going to go in there dripping?” asks Celine.
“Well trying to fight it would just make it more obvious.” replies Eda, smiling, before Avery adds with a smile of his own...
“This is who were are, besides, the more you concern yourself with how people will respond, the more nervous your going to get, which means the more your going to drip, so...” states the man, before placing a hand to his daughters shoulder. “Just relax.”
After a moment, Celine's shoulders slump as she looks down to the ground.
“You're right...” replies Celine, before her dripping returns, a little more than her parents. “I'm just setting myself up to be humiliated. As long as I can prevent shifting into complete liquid, I'll be happy.”
“Good.” replies Avery, before pulling Celine's hat from her head and handing it to her. “Now lets go try some Merkolovian fast food.”
“OK.” replies Celine, before the trio walks into the building.
Walking in, it wasn't very populated, one Feline male sitting at a table preoccupied with something on his Comm, a young adult female couple consisting of one Feline and one Vehen sit together across from each other talking and giggling. A third seat was occupied by a Tragelian mother and her small child, a boy who looked about five or six.
The eyes quickly turn to Celine and her parents, which brought a quick pang of nervousness to Celine, causing her to drip a bit more. The teen though averts her eyes from the ones looking at her and follows her parents to the counter to order.
The person taking their order was a young adult, female Feline, whose name was Hanna, from the name-tag she wore, her furry ears twitch noticeably upon seeing them with a smile.
“Hello! Welcome to McDonald's.” greets the woman happily.
“Oh...” comments Eda with a smile. “That's how it's pronounced, we were calling it M C Donald's.” she adds, bringing a chuckle from Hanna.
“I'm guessing you guys haven't been here long, huh?” asks Hanna.
“We arrived yesterday.” answers Eda, smiling. “We're just out to get ourselves familiar with the area and the people.”
“Well it's always nice to meet new races.” comments Hanna. “Your people are called Geelien's, right?”
“You're right.” replies Eda.
“Well then, what will you be ordering?” asks Hanna.
“Hmm...” thinks Eda, looking up to the display of the selection, before looking to Celine. “How about you chose first, since you picked this place.”
While the teen had calmed a bit from Hanna's rather normal response to them, which actually surprises her, Celine was still dripping and looked nervous as she steps closer to the counter.
“Uh...” starts Celine, looking up to the display. “How about... one large size fries and... what's a, McChicken?”
“It's just a chicken sandwich.” replies Hanna.
“Oh, well I'll have that and it'll be it for me.”
“Ok.” replies Hanna, before pressing a couple buttons on the console in front of her, before Eda comments...
“And I'll have, that Big Mac meal, that looks good.”
Avery finishes with, “I'll have the same.”
“Are you gonna eat here or take it to go?” asks Hanna.
“We'll eat here.” answers Eda.
After inputting the trios orders, Hanna tells them their total, a little over thirteen credits and Eda comments, lifting her left arm wearing her Comm.
“I'd like to pay with our Comms, we just recently received them and and I don't know how to use them to pay, that's one of the things I forgot to ask about.”
“OK, it's really simple.” replies Hanna. “There's two methods available, quick payment or exact payment. The quickest and most used option is the quick pay, you just move your Comm into this circular scanner here.” explains Hanna, pointing to a sizable, upright circle to the side of her console. “Once you hear a beep, the transaction is complete. The second option, exact payment is just what is sounds like, you select how much you want to pay from your Comm, before having it scanned, allowing multiple people to share in the cost, instead of one.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Eda, before inserting her Comm into the scanner, before quickly hearing a beep. “Thanks for explaining that.” she adds with a smile.
“No problem.” states Hanna with a smile as well, “I hope you guys enjoy your time here on Merkolova. The majority of people are very open to new races coming here.”
“Really?” asks Celine, with a small smile coming to her face.
“Yeah...” answers Hanna. “The people who are outright against it are the minority. After all, Merkolova isn't called the number one melting pot planet for no reason, it has the most diverse range of races living here than any other planet in the system.”
“Well that makes me feel better.” replies Celine.
“Heh, you're likely to get annoyed by how frequently people ask you guys questions first before you encounter a lot of negativity.”
“Well...” starts Eda with a smile. “I'd certainly like that first option.”
Shortly after, the trios orders arrive, each with their own tray, after thanking Hanna for the great service, Celine and her parents head towards a place to sit and Celine immediately sees the previous costumers looking at them. While the Feline man only gives them a brief look before turning his attention back to his Comm, the female couple and the mother and child's eyes remain on them. Celine could see the couple smiling and whispering to each other, the fact that she didn't know what they were saying worried Celine. The couple did greet them with a wave of the hand though, which Celine and her parents return, but she didn't have any problem understanding the child, who points to them and declares...
“Mommy they look weird! Why do those people look like that?”
The mother quickly shushes her child, before looking back to Celine, Eda and Avery and apologizing.
“I'm sorry.”
“That's ok.” replies Eda with a smile, before directing Celine and Avery to a spot to sit across from the mother and child, though in clear view of the others.
Eda and Avery sat together while Celine sat alone across the table from her parents.
“I don't mind answering your child's questions.” adds Eda, before looking to the boy and commenting, “Our people are called Geelien's, and we look like this because our bodies are composed of a fluid, or gel.”
“So your a mermaid!?” asks the child.
Celine couldn't stop the sudden giggle escaping her, having no clue how the child could guess they were a sea creature, the teen also noticed that the Feline man had apparently finished what he was doing with his Comm and gets up to leave. Eda also chuckles from the little boys comment, but only briefly before answering...
“Heh, no, we're not mermaids, we don't live in the water.”
The child leaves his seat, his mother reaching and failing to catch him before he walks next to Eda and pokes her right arm with a giggle. Eda gives a smile to the mother, silently telling her it was ok.
“You look like your melting, like ice cream!”
“Well, we appear to be melting because we're nervous.” answers Eda. “We Geelien's drip and melt when we're nervous, scared or sad. It's like blushing for you guys.”
“Cool!” declares the child.
“Ok Honey...” states the mother. “Come back and let them eat.”
“OK.” replies the child, returning to his seat.
The little chat Eda had with the boy had actually calmed Celine a bit, she still sees the female couple glancing at them from time to time, but the three were able to eat their food without problem, which they didn't find bad at all. Eda and Avery, unlike earlier in the morning, actually use their mouths to eat.
At least for the first location they visited, Celine found that she was much more worried and concerned than she needed to be. The few people they had encountered were nothing but nice to her and her parents, or at the very least, not negative towards them.
Aside from the little comments from the little boy and Eda happily responding, Celine and her parents where able to enjoy their meal in relative silence. Celine was actually a little disappointed when the mother and child leave, the Feline and Vehen couple being the only ones left with them.
It was perhaps a minute after the mother and child leaves, Celine and her parents nearly finished with their food, that the couple stands and walks towards them with a smile, the Vehen was the first to greet them with a “Hi” and a “Hello” from the Feline, Celine and her parents return the greeting, before the Vehen asks...
“I have a question, if you don't mind.”
“Not at all...” replies Eda. “Go ahead and ask.”
“Ok, I don't know if what I'm going to ask is considered rude to you, but if it is, I'm sorry.” comments the Vehen.
“All I can do is say yes or no.” replies Eda.
The Vehen smiles and looks to her friend, stating, “Told you.”, to with the Feline gives a little pout and replies...
“Well I think it's a rude question.”
Celine smiles from the little exchange, apparently, the couple were debating asking the question.
“Anyway...” starts the Vehen, looking back to Eda. “Can I stick my hand into you?”
“Hmm...” thinks Eda with a smirk. “Considering we don't know you, that is somewhat of a rude question.” she adds. “However, I'm willing to offer a compromise; instead of your hand, I'll give the ok for you to use a finger instead.”
“OK!” replies the Vehen with a smile. “Would your shoulder be ok?”
“That's ok.” replies Eda, before the Vehen places her index finger to the woman's right shoulder, before pushing her finger in, actually taking a bit of pressure before the Vehen's finger plunges into Eda's shoulder, bringing a bigger smile to the Vehen.
“Heh, that's so weird and cool at the same time.” comments the Vehen, moving her finger around in an up and down and circular motion, before pulling her finger back and looking at the digit, it was wet, but not dripping. “What does that feel like for you?”
“It's just a pressure.” answers Eda. “We Geelien's don't feel pain.”
“Wow, well, I guess that makes sense, since you're bodies are like goo.” replies the Vehen.
“I got a question.” comments the Feline. “Is it true that when you absorb someone, you gain their traits?”
“Yes, it's true.” replies Eda. “If I absorb my husband here...” she adds, leaning against him and hugging his arm, with a smile, and him as well. “I have access to his wonderful-”
“Mom!” gasps Celine.
Eda giggles, before continuing, “Well, let's just say, I can properly satisfy both, men and women.”
Celine groans with her mothers answer, that wasn't particularly better. Seems she should have worried less about other people and more about her mother.
To Celine's utter surprise, the rest of the outing went great. The family visited a grocery store and while they received the expected stares and the occasional obvious avoidance by some, Celine was completely shocked by how nice and open people were and frequently coming up to them and asking them questions about themselves.
Celine was even lucky enough to meet a Nex family and the two exchanged questions, Celine in particular was very happy asking and answering questions from the Nex teen she talked with, each of them examining parts of the others body, Celine focusing her attention on the Nex's small wings.
To be continued
Chapter 6
Title: Chapter 2-2
[Author's notes:
After returning home, Celine and her parents officially meet and greet Becky, Sammy and their parents.
- 4:21 P.M. -
Now back home, Celine seemed to be a different person from the change in mood compared to when she left, she was quite happy and not a single part of her body was dripping.
Currently watching TV in the living room, the program of choice being a rerun of a Shakra event, Celine lays on her stomach on the couch, dressed in her previous clothing; a matching white, belly-revealing tank-top and a upper-thigh length pleated skirt, while her tail lays lazily off the side of her body and the couch.
Eda soon walks into the room, completely nude, carrying a bottle in her right hand and joining her daughter on the couch, who lifts her feet to give her mother more room.
“So, is this the Shakra sport you've been talking about?” asks Eda.
“Yeah it is!” answers Celine happily.
Eda soon 'Ohhh's' with a frown as she sees one of the fighters is slammed viciously into the arena floor before the attacker follows up and hits the downed fighter hard enough to cause them to skip along the ground before slamming into the wall and fall to the grass outside the arena.
“Wow, it's a pretty violent sport.” comments the woman.
“I know.” answers Celine with a smile. “It's awesome!” she adds, her tail now moving a bit from her excitement.
While Eda didn't particularly care for the sport from the violent first-impression she got, she smiles at her daughters delight in finding something she was very into here on this new planet and home.
After taking a drink from the bottle, Eda lowers her left hand down between Celine's legs and places her hand to the back of her daughters upper right leg, just below the hem of her skirt and caresses her for a moment. Celine's only reaction to the contact was moving the tip of her tail to her mothers hand and guiding her tail up and down Eda's arm and hand, silently approving of her mother's action.
“I'm glad you found something you're interested in here.” comments Eda, continuing to rub her daughters leg.
“I was interested in it ever since I heard about it.” replies Celine, before feeling her mother's hand move under her skirt to her panty-covered rear, massaging the soft mound of her right cheek.
“Ah, that's right, you were.” comments Eda, before with a flick of her hand, flips up the back of Celine's skirt, exposing the back of her white panties, before pulling them down; with Celine's aid as she lifts her hips for a moment to allow her mother to pull the underwear down just enough to reveal Celine's naked rear and pussy.
“It's too bad it's not something I could do.” replies Celine, feeling her mother using a couple fingers to tease the crevice of her rear for a few moments before focusing on her anus. “If I somehow could though-Ah...” adds Celine, giving a small gasp as she feels two fingers push into her rear.
Eda says nothing in reply, only smiles as she briefly rests her middle and ring fingers inside Celine's anus, before beginning to pull them back and pushing back in, slowly, bringing a coo from the teen as her body began to melt.
While Celine says nothing further, she continues watching the TV and the current Shakra match play playing out. Her attention to it though was soon interrupted as the pleasure of her mother's finger thrusts causes her to close her eyes and give a lengthy, but quite moan.
“Want it deeper?” asks Eda, smiling at Celine's relaxed pleasure.
“This is fine.” answers Celine, with a smile of her own, before looking to the TV again.
Eda lifts the bottle she still held to her lips, but it never makes contact before a grin comes to Eda's face, before stating, “Lift your butt up some.”
Celine silently complies, lifting her waist up off the couch and her rear in the air as her mass drips from her back down to the couch. The teen gives a very small groan of disappointment when she feels the complete retreat of Eda's fingers, before a gasp follows as she soon feels something cold and hard replace the fingers inside her rear and a cool fluid enter her.
It didn't take long for Celine to realize that Eda had inserted the open end of the bottle that she had, into her. While the bottle did feel good...
“I'dve preferred your fingers.” comments Celine.
“They'll return.” replies Eda, smiling. “I just felt like sharing, that's all.” she adds, before bringing another gasp-turned-moan from her daughter as she slowly pushes the entire bottle through Celine's easily spread anus and into her body about an inch or two, just far enough for Eda's middle and ring fingers to return to their previous location and the teens soft moans return from the resumed, slow thrusts.
Except for Celine's soft moans, the next few moments between the two were silent as Eda delightfully toys with her daughters anus. Soon, Celine no longer cared about what was on the TV as she closes her eyes, focusing on the steady, repeated thrusts of her mothers fingers, her mass falling off the side of the couch as her tail lightly wraps around her mother's wrist.
About two minutes into the pleasure, with Celine's slightly increased moaning, the teen begins to push herself against the thrusts and Celine gives a long 'Ohhhhh' when she feels the steady movement of the fingers increase in speed.
Very soon into the quicker thrusts, Celine's pussy began to 'melt' much more noticeably as a continuous stream flows from the lips themselves. The teen didn't neglect her pussy for long as she moves her right hand under her to briefly palm the lips, moaning a little louder as she rubs them, before sinking her middle and ring fingers into herself and beginning to thrust.
Now with two points of stimulation, Celine's moans were not so quite now as with Eda's help, she urges herself closer to that moment of bliss that was slowly being built from the anal teasing for the past few minutes.
A quick minute later, Celine moans out as her peak hits, her tail moving erratically and quickly as fluid gushes out around her fingers continuing to thrust into her climaxing pussy.
Eda, grinning from seeing her daughter orgasm, continues the steady movement of her fingers in Celine's clenching anus.
With the combined stimulation, Celine's climax grows in duration and strength. Her moaning, starting out relatively low for an orgasm, increases in volume as her body briefly melts at a faster rate, her left lower arm disappearing into her puddle on the couch. Soon, the bottle inside her begins to drop, meeting the waistband of her skirt and taking the clothing with it, pulling it through her body before the bottle slips free and into her puddle while part of her skirt remains inside the teens body.
This didn't effect Celine's climax either way as she continued to ride the pleasure for it's lengthy duration. When the pleasurable peak finally drops off, Celine's right hand drops limply from her still melting pussy, while a low moan come from her as Eda continues the teasing of her anus.
Celine enjoys the post-climax tease for a few moments before sitting up, causing her mothers fingers to leave her anus, but not her body as her hand moves up into her back before the teen turns to face her mother with a smile and lean her melted body into her and placing her lips to Eda's and the two enjoy a few moments of kissing and moaning as their bodies began to meld together.
Soon, Celine pushes against her mother, pushing the woman's back against the armrest of the couch before Eda began to give a louder moan as the woman's legs seem to melt quickly like heated butter. Much of their combined mass end up on the floor rather than the couch, before Celine pulls back some, enough to sit up with a big smile and her breasts noticeable bigger, in the range of a C-cup and she herself looks slightly older, while Eda seemed to look younger.
Celine's growth seems to stop at around the nineteen or twenty age range and Eda, reverting to look very similar, almost as if the two were twins, at least in facial similarities, since Eda retained a larger breast size.
“Hehe, it's still weird to me to see you looking like me.” comments Celine.
Eda smiles and lifts her hands up to Celine's cheeks and replies, “When you're a little older, we'll be able to look like twins.”
“Hehe, that's gonna be freaky.” giggles Celine, before lowering her her lips back to her mothers.
The two share a few more moments of kissing and merging, the two only retained their body from the waist up, before the doorbell rings and Celine lifts her lips with an...
“Who could that possibly be?” comments Eda, before calling out, “Who is it?”
“It's me and my mom!” declares the familiar, happy voice of Becky, before an equally happy Sammy adds...
“Me too! My moms here too!”
Hazel, Becky's mother, quickly adds, “At least say your name; It's Hazel and my daughter Becky is with me. My friend Erin is also here with her daughter Samantha. We just figured we'd pay you a short visit and officially get to know you guys, are you busy?”
“No.” answers Celine. “We just need a moment-I-I mean, just a second!” she adds, before looking to her mother, who smiles, placing a hand to her cheek and briefly kisses her before commenting lowly...
“We'll just continue later.”
With that, the two separate and reabsorb their mass, both returning to their original sizes and 'age'. Celine adjusts her clothing, pulling up her panties and pulling her skirt from her body and around her waist, while Eda walks towards the door, but continues pass it to head upstairs to get dressed.
Celine is the one to open the front door and greet the four and letting them in.
Hazel was dressed in a white sundress and her daughter Becky wears a matching pink tank-top and pleated skirt. Sammy was actually dressed similar to Celine, her yellow tank-top revealing her belly and wore a thigh-length pleated skirt. Erin, Sammy's mother, who Celine remembers meeting briefly through the call from yesterday and the helpful 'warning' about not hurting her daughter in any way, wears a yellow T-shirt with black form-fitting pants, revealing at least from the waist down, her shapely long legs.
Celine did find it odd that Erin, who was so serious looking on the phone, looked happy seeing her, perhaps not quite as happy as her daughter, but the woman was smiling, Celine also noticed she was staring at her. Recalling Sammy mentioning that her mother had never seen a Geelien, Celine quickly realized the woman was staring out of wonderment, so it didn't bother her too much.
“My mom had to go take care of something real quick.” comments Celine, before directing a hand to the couches of the living room. “You can sit and wait for her and my dad to come.”
While the parents take Celine up on the suggestion, Becky and Sammy remain standing and Becky quickly asks, happily...
“Hey Celine, show us your room!”
“Yeah! What does your room look like!?” adds Sammy.
“Hehe, we can go to my room later...” answers Celine, smiling. “I think all of us should meet each other as a group first at least. After all, I don't think my dad has met ether of you, especially your moms.”
“She's right you two.” comments Hazel. “Let's all meet and introduce ourselves, then you can go have fun with your new friend.”
“Come on...” adds Erin, patting the spot to her left.
The two little girls give a low whine before sitting at their mother's side, Becky and Sammy actually sitting next to each other and between their moms.
Celine walks to the other couch and was about to sit, before she quickly thought of something.
“Oh, would any of you like something to drink? It's only our second day here so we haven't fully stocked up yet, but we have Milk and Orange Juice.”
The two mothers decline, but Sammy declares, “I'll have some orange juice.” but her mother quickly comment...
“You just had a big glass of soda before we left.”
Celine could notice an odd blush rising on Sammy's face before the little girl replies, “But she's offering.”
Her mother sighs and adds, “Fine...” before looking to Celine and continuing, “A small cup though.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, before looking to Becky. “What about you, Milk or Orange Juice?”
“I'm fine.” answers Becky, before Celine sees Sammy poke her side, the two share a brief look before Becky's eyes widen and she gives a small “Ohhh... Yeah, I'll have some juice.”
The two were definitely up to something, Celine didn't know what, but gives an OK and heads toward the kitchen, while hearing her mother comment...
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
So Celine hurries to get two cups of Orange Juice and return to the living room, seeing her mother and dad sitting on the other couch, Eda now wearing her previous attire, though she now wore a bra under her tank-top containing her breasts much better and a knee-length jean skirt. Avery wears a T-shirt and pants.
Celine hands Becky and Sammy their juice, who quickly began to drink as the teen joins her parents on the couch.
“OK then..” starts Eda with a smile. “Now that we're all here, we can start the official introductions; My name is Eda Kellen.”
Avery next introduces himself, “I am Avery Kellen and Eda and I are married, for five happy years.”
Hazel and Erin give a brief celebratory clap and congratulations, before Eda grins and kisses Avery's cheek, adding, “...and I hope for many years to come...”
Celine hoped her parents didn't start making out in front of their guests and happily found they settled for wrapping their arms around each others waist, before the teen introduces herself.
“And I'm Celine, their daughter.”
The two mothers then introduce themselves next, starting with Becky's mother...
“My name is Hazel Tran, and this is my daughter Becky.” states the woman, placing a hand to Becky's shoulder.
“And I'm Erin Saunders...” introduces Sammy's mother. “Samantha here is my daughter, she often goes by her nickname Sammy though.”
Celine briefly wondered if the two women were single parents, but that question was quickly answered by Sammy...
“Our moms are girlfriends!”
The random declaration brings a shade of red to the mothers cheeks and a giggle from Celine and her parents.
Erin seemed more flustered by the comment than Hazel and it was Hazel who adds, “Heh, yes, Erin and I are a couple.”
“Well that's nice.” replies Eda. “How long have you two been together?”
“It's nearing one cycle I think.” answers Eda, looking up in thought, before Erin adds...
“It'll be a Cycle in one month.”
“Oh, well congrats.” replies Eda.
Becky and Sammy soon finish off the rest of their orange juice and Becky asking, “Can Celine show us her room now that we said our names?”
“Heh, sure.” states Hazel. “But don't cause any trouble for Celine.”
“That goes for you too Sammy.” adds Erin.
“OK.” chimes to the girls, before standing and Celine stands also, commenting...
“I'll put the cups away for you.”
“We'll go with you.” states both girls in unison, prompting a giggle from them before they walk to Celine's side.
“Well, ok.” replies Celine, before walking to the kitchen with the two girls, Becky, upon entering the kitchen, asks...
“Can we get a refill of juice?”
“But you just finished the juice you drank.” replies Celine.
“Pleeeeeease!” requests the two with a big smile.
“Fine.” replies Celine with a chuckle, before opening the refrigerator and taking out the jug of orange juice and filling each of the girls cups, who giggle excitedly, before quickly drinking the entire cup within seconds, then handing the empty cups to Celine, who rinses the cups out in the sink.
“Now take us to your room!” declares Becky happily.
“Ok, ok.” replies Celine with a smile. “What's got you two so excited?”
The girls only giggle, before Celine leads them out of the kitchen, through the living room where their parents were talking between each other, but going oddly silent when they walk by, obviously, they were talking about something they didn't want to be overheard.
Entering her room, Celine wasn't surprised with the lackluster response from the two girls seeing her sparsely, or rather, not at all decorated room.
“Heh, yeah, I know there's not much to look at right now.” states Celine.
“I've never see this room so empty before.” comments Becky, walking around the room, while Sammy sits on the bed, bouncing on it a bit.
“You've been here before?” asks Celine.
“Yeah.” replies Becky, “Me and Sammy knew the neighbors here before you guys came.”
“Oh, well what was the owner of this room like?” asks Celine, before Sammy happily answers...
“She was really fun and nice! We'd come over almost everyday and have lots of fun playing video games and naughty games.”
“Yeah!” declares Becky. “One of my favorites is a naughty version of hide and s seek!”
“We called it Naughty Seek.” comments Sammy. “The way you play is you hide somewhere and start masturbating. The person who has to find you has to do it by hearing you making naughty sounds. You can't stop playing with yourself until the person leaves and if you're found, you can't masturbate anymore, even if you're really close to coming and you have to find another person before you can start masturbating again.”
“Hehe, that sounds fun.” replies Celine.
“It is!” declares the two girls happily, before Becky continues. “When I try not to make any noise, I can come so hard and the wetter you are the more noise your pussy makes, so the longer the game goes on, the harder it is.”
“Oh!” gasps Sammy. “Did you find the present? She said she was gonna leave a present for the next person who gets the room.”
“Hehe, yeah, I got it, it was a dildo.” replies Celine.
The two girls giggle before Becky comments...
“All this naughty talk is making me horny.” before pulling her tank-top off and revealing her bare chest. “Let's have fun like yesterday!”
“Yeah!” declares Sammy, as she also begins to undress.
Becky was already in just her panties, a matching pink with the rest of her clothing, with a tiny pink bow in the front and Sammy pulling her skirt off, before Celine quickly stops them.
“Whoa, whoa you two! Don't you think your jumping into the naughty stuff to quick?”
“No, why?” asks Becky, gripping her panties, ready to pull them off, while Sammy adds...
“Don't you wanna be naughty too?”
“Well sure, but we hardly know anything about each other.” replies Celine. “I prefer knowing a little more about the people I be naughty with.”
“Like what?” asks Becky, while Sammy pulls her skirt off, revealing her blue and white striped panties.
“Like, how old you two are, or your favorite or least favorite food, do you guys have any talents, stuff like that. You can ask me questions too.”
“Oh, ok!” replies Becky happily, before Sammy agrees as well.
“Ok then.” comments Celine with a smile, walking to her bed and sitting at the head, while Becky and Sammy sit next to each other at the foot of the bed.
“I wanna start!” declares Becky, lifting a hand.
“Ok, the turns can go Becky, me and Sammy.” suggests Celine.
The two girls approve of the rotation and Becky begins...
“How old are you?”
“I'm five cycles old.” answers Celine, bringing a gasp from each of the girls.
“Five!?” questions Sammy, before Becky continues...
“You're five cycles old!? We're older than you!”
“Hehe, yeah, I figured my age would be a pretty big shock.” replies Celine with a smile. “The reason I'm so young, yet look like a teenager is because of the way us Geelien's reproduce.”
“You mean how your guys have babies?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah.” replies Celine. “We Geelien's reproduce by cloning ourselves.” she adds, bringing an 'ohhh' from the two girls. “Thing is though, the clone can range from being an actual baby, which are really cute, their always between solid and liquid form, to being as big as a teenager. Also, the clone can retain the memories and knowledge of the parent at the age that the clone ends up.”
Celine could see the lost look on the two girls face and tries to simplify what she said...
“Well, for example, say in a few cycles when I'm an adult, and have the ability, I clone myself, and I want the clone to be the 'age' I am now, my clone would have all the memories and knowledge that I have right now, so my clone would remember my time with you two but nothing after that.”
Celine sees the 'click' happen in the two girls and they both 'Ohhhh's', before Becky comments...
“So it's like saving your place in a video game.”
“Uhhh... well, yeah, I guess.” replies Celine, smiling in amusement at the comment.
“Wait...” comments Sammy. “So you're a clone of your mom?”
“Yep.” answers Celine.
“So does that mean you'll look just like her when you're older?”
“Yeah, I'll look exactly like her, it also means my mom looked they way I do now when she was my age.”
“Wow, cool.” replies Sammy.
“But what about your dad.” asks Becky.
“Hehe, this is probably gonna blow you guys mind, but a male and female Geelien don't have sex to make babies, the males can clone themselves too.”
“Whoa!” gasps both girls. “Really?” adds Sammy. “Then why is your mom and dad together if they don't need to be to make babies?”
“The same reason your mothers are together, they love each other.” answers Celine.
“Oh, that's right.” replies Becky with a giggle from her and Sammy, who asks...
“So all Geelien's are clones of each other?”
“Yep, but we don't clone our personality, that develops though personal experience, an adult clone and her mother could have completely different personalities. A good example is me and my mom, she doesn't look nervous at all about being here does she?”
“Nope.” replies Becky, before Sammy adds...
“It doesn't look like it.”
“But she is.” states Celine. “She's just good at pushing through it and not having her nervousness show, but I'm not so lucky with that. I didn't even wanna come here.”
“Why not?” asks Becky.
“Because I was scared of how people would react to me, but after meeting you two and after going out with my parents, I found out that people here are really open to us, so I'm much happier now.”
“That's great!” declares Sammy. “It would suck if you were sad being here.”
“Hehe, yeah, but I don't have to worry about that now, though I'm still nervous about my first day of school later this week. Anyway... your question was how old was I, so, what about you two, what's your ages?” replies Celine.
“I'm eight.” answers Becky with a smile.
“And I'm eight and a half.” states Sammy, before adding, “Now it's my turn to ask a question; Do you like boys or girls?”
“You mean like, boyfriend or girlfriend?” asks Celine.
“Yeah.” answers Sammy.
“Well, that's kind of tricky to answer. Technically, I'm into girls. But I have no problem with another girl having a penis.” answers Celine.
The comment brings a look of wonderment to the girl's faces, before Becky comments...
“But girls don't have those.”
“Oh right...” replies Celine with a smile. “I need to explain, us Geelien's can absorb each other and share each others traits, so if I was to absorb a boy Geelien, I could use his penis. It goes the other way around too, if a boy Geelien absorbs me, he could use my pussy and breasts.”
“That's so awesome!” declares both girls, before Sammy adds. “So you could have a penis and your pussy at the same time and use both of them?”
“That's so cool!” comments Becky. “What would happen if you absorb us? Would you be able to use our cericks?”
“Probably, but I'm still not going to do it, so don't bother asking.” replies Celine with a smile, bringing an 'Awww' from both girls. “Anyway, to clarify my sexual orientation, I lean heavily towards girls, but not completely. I'd much rather be naughty with another girl than a boy, same goes for if the girl has absorbed a boy and using his penis. Actually, I'd rather the penis belong to the girl than the boy. Anyway, I'm just talking in circles, I'm into girls, what about you two, which side do you lean?”
“Girls all the way!” declares Becky happily, before Sammy adds...
“Yeah! Boys can't do what another girl can! Their too rough too.”
The answers bring a smile to Celine's face, before Becky comments...
“Ok, my turn again; What does it feel like to absorb something?”
“Well, it depends on what I'm absorbing, if it's something like food, it's sort of like a relief of pressure, since the object I'm absorbing takes up space inside me, it's kinda hard to describe. If I'm absorbing another Geelien, that feels much different. Because I'm absorbing a lot, there's a feeling a filling up or growing, it also feels good. There's also a feeling when I'm being absorbed, it feels like an intense, but pleasurable pressure that envelops me, but the moment I'm fully absorbed, the pressure I feel immediately goes away. I no longer have a body then, but I'm still aware and it's like... how do I describe it... it's like, I become sensation or feeling for the one who absorbs me. Like say for example, if the person who absorbs me starts to masturbate, I'd feel nothing but the pleasure from it, I'd actually become that pleasure, in a sense.”
It was a lot info for the girls to take in and Celine knew she probably wasn't explaining it correctly for them to fully understand, proven by the two giving a simple, 'Ok', causing Celine to smile at the failure of an answer she gave them. Celine did notice Sammy placing her hands between her legs, but Celine thought nothing of it.
“Well, to simplify, absorbing stuff and being absorbed feels good.”
“I got another question.” comments Sammy. “I know it's not my turn, but I really gotta ask.”
Following this, Becky also places her hand between her legs.
“It's ok, ask.” replies Celine.
“Can you absorb pee and poop?” asks Sammy.
“U-Uh, well, yeah, why?” replies Celine, completely caught off guard from such an unexpected question.
“We wanna see you absorb our pee!” declares Sammy happily.
“W-What!? I'm not doing that! Is that why you two wanted two cups of juice?”
“Awww, come on!” urges Becky.
“Yeah!” adds Sammy. “All the stuff I drank is making me really have to pee now!”
“I said no.” replies Celine. “Just because urine is a fluid doesn't mean I'm going to absorb it, there's no benefit for me to absorb it anyway. I don't want to end up smelling like pee after all.”
“You'll smell like pee?” asks Becky while the two girls squirm a little.
“Well, probably not just absorbing the pee from the two of you, but if we Geelien's absorb a lot of something that has an odor, we can end up taking on that smell. It also works with being surrounded by the smell, so say for example if I was at a place where the food of choice was pizza, after awhile, I'll end up smelling like pizza.” explains Celine.
“Ohhh...” smiles Sammy. “So if you absorb a ton of strawberry’s, you'd smell like strawberry’s?”
“You'd taste like strawberry's too?” asks Becky.
“Probably, I dunno about that one.” answers Celine, before seeing the two girls groan and close their legs around their hands. “Our bathroom has a functioning toilet, so you two can go use it.”
“But we wanna see you absorb our pee!” replies Becky.
“Well I'm not gonna do it, so stop asking and go to the bathroom.” states Celine.
“Pleeeeeeeeease!” begs both girls, causing Celine to grow increasingly annoyed, before Sammy adds, “If you absorb our pee, we won't ask you to absorb us until our parents say you can.”
This additional comment causes Celine to consider the offer, but regardless of how much the two begged, even though she wanted to, she wasn't going to give in and absorb the two, there was too much trouble that she could get into from her parents and the two girls parents. In comparison, there was no real downside to absorbing their pee, it wouldn't be enough to make her smell, but still, it was a waste product of the body.
The two girls could see the wavering look on Celine's face and continued their plea...
“Please! Please! Please! Pretty Pleeeeease!”
“Ok fine!” declares Celine, bringing a large smile to the girl's faces. “BUT! I'm doing it just this once, and don't you dare ask me to absorb your poop after this, got it?”
“Ok!” replies Becky and Sammy happily.
“Ok, so how to do this without making a mess...” thinks Celine. “Ah, take your panties off.”
The two girls eagerly and quickly remove their panties, sitting on the bed, with the legs under them in just their socks and placing their hands back between their legs with a giggle and Sammy commenting...
“I'm so excited it's getting hard to hold it in!”
“Me too!” adds Becky.
“I'm gonna do Becky first.” states Celine, moving a little closer to the girl. “Move your hands.” Becky does so and Celine places her index finger between the girl's lower lips with a giggle from her, along with a brief moan as Celine moves her finger to locate the opening to the girl's urethra. “I'm gonna go in your pee-hole and absorb your pee through there, so you don't wet the bed.”
“Ohhh, ok!” replies Becky, before Sammy adds..
“OK, here I go, it shouldn’t hurt, but tell me if it does.” comments Celine, before Becky immediately gasps as she feels her urethra widen as Celine threads some of her her body into the tiny opening.
“Ohhhhh! That feels so weird!” comments Becky, before groaning hard and gasping. “Ah! I can't hold it!” she adds, before groaning again and quickly grabbing Celine's wrist.
“Does it hurt?” asks Celine.
“N-No, I'm trying to pee, but it's not going anywhere, it's so much pressure, hurry and start absorbing it! I feel like I'm gonna bust!”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine.
Another gasp immediately comes from the little girl, quickly followed by the familiar sigh of relief as she releases Celine's wrist and leans back on her hands as she and Sammy look down to Celine's wrist and seeing a darker fluid traveling through Celine's hand and up her arm to her elbow before dispersing and the two girls gasps at the sight.
“Whoa, that's so cool!” declares Sammy.
“You're really absorbing my pee!” adds Becky.
“Yep, I really am...” replies Celine, not sounding very excited like Becky and Sammy were.
“What does my pee taste like?” asks Becky.
“Well, it's kinda bland, but there's really not much of a taste.” replies Celine.
“That's weird, I thought pee had a taste.” replies Becky. “We know a couple friends who like to drink their pee and they say it taste sweet.”
“Well I hear the taste can change based on what you eat.” comments Celine, before Becky gives another sigh of relief and Celine pulls her finger from the girl's urethra and Becky lowering her hand to her pussy and rubbing it a little, commenting...
“My pee-holes all tingly now. Hehe, hey, maybe you could fill my pee-hole with your goo like you did our bellies yesterday.”
“Yeah!” declares Sammy. “That would be awesome!”
“Well it's your turn now.” comments Celine, looking to Sammy.
“Oh wait! I got an idea!” declares Sammy. “We saw you melt, but not totally, can you turn into a puddle of goo?”
“Yeah, I can.” replies Celine.
“Oh!” Gasps Becky. “Turn into a puddle and Sammy can pee on you!”
“Yeah!” adds Sammy.
The idea brings a smile to Celine's face.
“That's actually a good idea, I should've thought of that.” replies Celine, removing herself from the bed, joined by the two girls and Sammy clutching herself firmer and bouncing a little with a giggle.
“Hurry! I so excited I can't hold it anymore!”
“Hold it in a little longer, lets go to the bathroom and I can change in the tub.” replies Celine, quickly removing her top and skirt, leaving on her bra and panties before heading out of the room, followed by Becky and Sammy.
To be continued
Chapter 7
Title: Chapter 2-3
[Author's notes:
The fun continues as Becky and Sammy find themselves in a sticky and filling situation.
Once in the bathroom, Celine removes her underwear and steps into the tub.
“Come in with me.” comments Celine.
“Ok.” replies Sammy, quickly pulling off her socks and stepping into the tub with Celine, who smiles.
“OK, now you see me solid and then...” starts the teen, before Becky and Sammy gasps in shock upon seeing Celine's body suddenly loose form and fall into a pool of goo in the tub, Sammy now standing in Celine's mass, lifting and lowering her feet a couple times.
“Whoa!” gasps the two girls, Becky getting to her knees at the side of the tub and placing her right hand into the warm puddle while Sammy squats down and does the same.
“It's so weird.” comments Becky.
“Yeah it is.” adds Sammy. “Can you still see and hear us Celine?”
The two receive a massive scare when Celine's face suddenly appears in the goo directly below Sammy, between the girls legs with a smile.
“Yep!” answers Celine.
“AHHH!” scream both girls as they fall back.
A quick spurt of pee leaves Sammy and onto Celine's face from the scare as she falls back in the gooey softness of Celine's liquid body, Sammy's pussy fully submerged in Celine's goo and releasing a few more shocked spurts of pee into the Geelien's body before regaining her hold.
“Don't do that!” gasps Sammy, with a brief giggle, though with a frown on her face. “You made me pee a little!”
“Hehe, I couldn't help it.” replies Celine. “...and you are supposed to be peeing remember? On or inside, it doesn't matter where. Actually, I have an idea...”
Sammy looks on in surprise when she sees Celine's goo beginning to travel up her arms, legs and waist.
“Hey, what are you doing?” asks Sammy, lifting her hands, but unable to escape Celine's adhering goo before it had completely enveloped her legs and reached towards her chest.
“Instead of me absorbing you, I'll do the next best thing and give you a taste of what it's like, I'll envelope you. You can be inside me without being absorbed.”
“Really?” asks Sammy, before gasping as she began to feel Celine's mass enter her pussy, a lot of it, stretching her open, causing her to release another stream of pee before feeling Celine's mass enter her urethra and began to directly access her pee, causing the little girl to slump back into the goo enveloping her, now up to her neck were it seemed to stop, while her body from the neck down was now in the warm embrace of Celine's body.
Meanwhile, Becky looks on in envy.
“Awww, you're so lucky Sammy, I wanna be inside Celine too.”
“You can join in too.” replies Celine.
“Really!?” asks Becky happily.
“Yep, while I'm in this form, and in this small space, I can envelope you too, so come join us.”
Becky immediately accepts the invite and removes her socks before stepping into Celine's liquid body, the teens face now disappearing and when Becky lowers herself to sit, she giggles when she sees and feels Celine's mass begin to envelope her, even reaching between the crevice of her rear.
“Hehe, you're so sticky!” comments Becky, testing how far she could move her arms and Celine's body remain clinging to her, it was as if she was in a pool of thick honey or syrup.
Before she knew it, Becky's entire body, up to her neck was enveloped into Celine's body before she gasps as she feels Celine enter her pussy.
“This feels so good!” declares Sammy, before lifting herself up in the goo and hugging Becky as they kiss, before Sammy pulls her back, returning to her back as Becky rests atop her while they both moan out from Celine's mass filling their young pussies and before long, began a thrusting motion.
Being horny since arriving at Celine's room, it didn't take long at all for the two girl's to climax, though they never break from their kissing, moaning as two large white clouds of their honey jet from their spread pussy and into the goo thrusting into them.
This event repeated twice more over the next few minutes and a now almost obscuring white cloud of the two girl's honey surrounds their hips before their kissing was finally broken as they each feel their anus widen to accept Celine's goo entering their rectum deeply and begin to thrust as well.
One more climax and cloud of honey leaving them later and Becky moans out as her eyes began to get clouded...
“You're making me trance Celine! More! Make me come more!”
Becky's request was answered on both girls as they moan out feeling their pussy and anus spread wider and now their bladders were being filled with the goo.
“I'm gonna coooome!” moans out Becky quickly after the increase of stimulation and a large, lengthy white cloud jets from her gaping pussy.
Sammy follows suit shortly after with another climax from her.
Minutes into the pleasure and three climaxes from a trancing Becky and two from Sammy, a white cloud began to form around the two little girl's chests as honey began to leave through their nipples from the amount of pleasure Celine was giving them.
For the next thirty, very vocal minutes, the two girls were treated to orgasm after orgasm from Celine's liquid form and the entire pool of goo had completely changed from the red/pinkish color to a very pale coloration from the amount of honey the two girls had released from their multiple orgasms.
The two girls now rest on each other breathing quickly from the blissful orgy of orgasms, though they give a whine as their pussy, anus and urethra shrink back to normal from Celine leaving the well used orifices; although, there were a few dark objects that leave the girl's anus, before Celine reforms her upper body with a smile, the same very pale red the rest of her body was, she was more white than red.
“Hehe, I think I may have gotten carried away there.” comments Celine.
From reforming her upper body, Celine's goo no longer envelopes the two girl's body completely, Becky's upper body was uncovered while Sammy's shoulders and nipples were exposed.
“Why'd you stop?” whines Becky, looking back and Celine could see her eyes faded, proof that she was still in her trance.
“Yeah, we want more.” adds Sammy.
“Geez, even after that you still want more?” asks Celine, before Becky giggles.
“Hehehe, you're all white from our honey.”
“Heh, well I can't selectively absorb things.” replies Celine. “I can't absorb you guys cum without absorbing you too, along with a couple 'gifts' you guys left in me.”
“Huh?” questions Becky.
“What gifts?” adds Sammy.
Celine lowers her hand into her liquid body and pulls out an impressively thick log of poop.
“This gift.” state Celine, bringing a giggling 'Ewwwwwwww!' from the two girls. “Heh, yeah, that's why I said I think I got carried away, I went so deep inside your butts that your poop came out when I pulled out. I'm certainly not going to be absorbing your poop.”
“So our poop is in side you right now?” asks Becky.
“I'm holding one arn't I?” replies Celine with a smile.
The two girl's quickly attempt to leave the tub, but find it impossible as Celine's goo acts like thick glue, not allowing the two to get to their feet to leave, even attempting to climb out of the tub proved difficult as the goo would simply pull them back into the tub.
“All fun and games till poop is involved huh?” comments Celine with a giggle.
“Let us leave!” declares Becky with a giggle.
“Yeah, poop is nasty!” adds Sammy.
“Maybe I should return the gifts.” comments Celine.
“How?” questions Becky, before Sammy states...
“She's going to put our poop back inside us!”
“You can do that!?” gasps Becky.
“I sure can.” replies Celine, before the two girls gasp as they feel their anus spread again and the two once again scramble to leave the tub, though finding that they could now with a giggle from Celine as they literally fall out of the tub and onto each other. “Hehehe, just kidding.” teases Celine. “It's partly my fault for going so deep anyway.” she adds, before reforming her body and standing, her entire body a white-ish, pale red. “Do me a favor though you two, because of all your cum in me, I can't see any of your poop, so go to my room and look inside my nightstand by the bed and take out the biggest comb you see in there.”
“Ok.” replies Becky, as the two girls untangle from each other before leaving the room, while Sammy sits in front of Celine, smiling.
Becky returns moments later with the large mesh comb.
“Is this the one?” asks Becky.
“Yeah, that's the one.” replies Celine, before taking the comb from Becky and beginning to run the comb through her body, causing the two girls to look on in amazement as a number of poop logs is separated from her body and fall to the tubs floor.
“Wow, that doesn't hurt?” asks Sammy.
“Nope.” answers Celine. “It actually feels good. We Geelien's use combs and other devices like these to separate dirt and crystals from our body. A clear body is what we Geelien's think of as pretty.”
“Crystals?” questions Becky.
“Oh, yeah, over time, our bodies develop crystals, it can happen throughout the day, but lack of movement over a long period of time causes them to grow much more quickly. A perfect example is while we sleep. So it's kinda like a shower that you take to clean your bodies. Everyday when I wake up, I strain out the crystals that have developed during the night.”
“Ohh, cool.” replies Sammy. “Are the crystals worth money?”
“Uh, I dunno.” replies Celine. “The crystals are considered a waste product like pee or poop to us, so the thought of them being worth anything never crossed my mind.”
“I bet they are!” declares Becky. “What do you do with the crystals, do you save them?”
“Of course not, their like pee and poop to us.” replies Celine. “I wash them down the sink or throw them away.”
“Aww.” whines both girls.
Celine, after being satisfied that no more poop was left in her, gathers up the rather small pile of poop on the tub floor and steps out to the toilet and dropping the waste in by melting away her hands, and reforming them, free of any lingering residue and flushing the toilet.
“Now then, I can absorb all this yummy honey you girls have given me.” comments Celine with a smile, before the two girls look on in amazement yet again as the white of Celine's body began to fade and dissipate. “Mmm, fresh honey is so good!” she comments, bringing a smile to each of the girls face, before Becky asks...
“Have you ever absorbed poop?”
“Once...” admits Celine, looking embarrassed to answer. “When I was younger.”
“What does poop taste like?” asks Sammy.
“Um... it had a kind of sour taste to it, it wasn't horrible, but it's a waste product of the body and I don't absorb waste, I have standards after all.”
“So you don't feel pain?” asks Becky
“Nope, instead of pain though, we feel pressure, which can be uncomfortable.” answers Celine. “Same thing if I were to lose a limb, I'd feel I brief pressure, but no pain and I can just reform my limb.”
“Cool.” replies Sammy.
“Oh hey...” starts Celine, smiling. “I know something you can do that'll be entertaining for you...” she adds, before turning her back to the girls. “Grab my tail.”
Oddly, at this request, the two girl's looked wary.
“What's wrong? Grab my tail.” comments Celine, waving her tail in front of the two.
“You're not going to fart at us, are you?” asks Becky.
“What's a fart?” asks Celine.
“Smelly air that comes out of your butt.” answers Sammy.
“Oh, well Geelien's don't fart.” answers Celine. “Just grab my tail one of you.”
“Ok.” replies Becky, before she grabs the end of Celine's tail.
“Now pull.” states Celine, smiling.
The wary look returns to the girls faces and Celine adds, “I'm not going to do that fart thing, I couldn't if I wanted to, now pull.”
Becky and Sammy look to each other for a moment before Becky give a tug on Celine's tail.
“Harder, really pull, like your yanking something to you.” comments Celine.
“Ok.” replies Becky, before with a harder tug, she gasps as she pulls the Geelien's tail right off and Becky falls to her butt as Celine's tail melts in her hand.
“Your tail” gasps Sammy, looking to Celine's tail-less back.
“Oh no! I'm sorry!” gasps Becky.
“Hehe, it's ok, it's ok.” replies Celine with a giggle, before to the girls surprise, Celine's tail grows back and moves around. “See? I told you, I can loose a limb and reform it.”
“That's so cool!” declares Sammy.
“Yeah it is!” replies Becky, getting back to her feet.
“Can I pull your tail off too?” asks Sammy.
“Sure.” answers Celine, directing her rear to her.
With a grab and pull, Sammy giggles as the detached appendage quickly melts from her hand and Celine's tail reforms, before the Geelien turns to them and extends her left arm out to her side and presents the large comb to the girls.
“Wanna try cutting off my arm?”
“Oh me!” declares Becky, quickly grabbing the comb, lifting it and bringing it down on Celine's extended arm, severing it and falling to the floor with a splash before Celine's arm reforms.
“COOOL!” declares the two girls.
“Me next!” adds Sammy, taking the comb and taking aim at Celine's extended arm and slicing it off, before it reforms again.
“What if I cut off your head?” asks Sammy, and Becky 'oooh's' at the question.
“How about you do it and see?” replies Celine, smiling.
Sammy excitedly pulls back and quickly swings the mech comb at Celine's neck, sending the Geelien's head flying to the tub as her body suddenly turns to a puddle at the girls feet, ooohing and giggling at the sight, before the mass began to rise and the goo coming from the tub, up and over it's side to join it's larger mass before Celine reforms in front of the two girls.
“Ta-da!” comments Celine.
“Awesome!” declares Becky.
“Hehe, feel free to hack away.” replies Celine with a smile.
The two girls quickly proceeded to happily do so, for the next ten minutes or so, taking turns cutting and hacking off parts of Celine's reforming body. Both girls were breathing quickly from the energy they were putting into the swings and Becky currently had the comb and lowers the comb from another prepped swing to ask...
“Hey, if you can't feel pain, how do your parents punish you?”
“Yeah...” comments Sammy. “That's a good question.”
“Heh, well...” starts Celine with a nervous smile, lowering her arms. “There's not a lot of options for punishment, but what options there is, there very effective, the most common method is being confined in a box.”
“A box?” questions Sammy, while Becky looks puzzled as well.
“Yeah, as punishment, a Geelien would be forced into a small, water-tight box. For us Geelien's, we're so used to being free to change our form that being confined like that is just horrible since no matter how we change our body, it doesn't do anything in such a small space.”
“Have you ever been put in a box?” asks Becky.
“Yeah, a couple times, but I really try to avoid it. Hey, let's go back to my room.” replies Celine.
“Ok.” replies the two girls before they pick up their socks and leave the bathroom and Celine follows them out and to her room, where they return to their previous locations on the bed, having tired of cutting Celine up, though don't bother putting their clothing back on.
To be continued
Chapter 8
Title: Chapter 2-4
[Author's notes:
The naughty fun continues and Celine finds out just how naughty Becky and Sammy are.
“I got another question.” states Becky. “If you're in a water-tight box, how do you breathe?”
“I don't.” answers Celine, smiling as she sees the wide-eyed gasp from the girls. “Well, I should clarify, Geelien's don't breathe, but we still require air for our bodies to function properly. For example, if I was to enter a room and the air started to be sucked out, I wouldn't be able to maintain solid form and be locked into my liquid form until the air returned.”
“Weird.” comments Becky.
“If you think that's weird...” starts Celine, smiling. “I actually have organs.”
“Really!?” gasps Sammy.
“Hehe, well, even us Geelien's don't know why, it's a mystery to us. You can't see them just looking at me, but if I was to get an X-ray, you'd see partial organs, a little lung, some intestines, a rectum and even a uterus. Actually, if you were to stick your hand in my pussy and reach deep enough, you can feel my cervix. But since it and my uterus is the same as the rest of my body it can be easily pushed right though. So I could stick a two foot dildo through my pussy and right through my uterus and into my stomach.”
“Wow, that is weird.” comments Becky.
“Yeah.” adds Sammy.
“Well, I got a question for you two now.” states Celine. “When you trance, how much control of your body do you have?”
“Well...” starts Becky. “That depends on how strong the trance is.”
“Trances come in different intensities?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, totally!” answers Sammy. “A trance can be weak, it just makes us horny and wanna be naughty even if what we were doing wasn't naughty at all.”
“Yeah, then a trance can be so strong that all you can do is play with yourself or find someone else to be naughty with!” adds Becky.
“Wow, so it's possible to do normal things while you trance?” asks Celine.
“If it isn't too strong, it is.” replies Becky. “But why would we want to?” she adds, before Sammy actually answers.
“Wait, I think she means if were in a place that we shouldn't be naughty at.”
“Yeah.” replies Celine. “Can you resist the trance?”
“If it's a weak one, yeah.” answers Becky.
“OK, one more question, how aware are you when you trance?” asks Celine.
“What do you mean?” asks Sammy, while Becky adds...
“Well, what I mean is... are you aware of your surroundings while you're in a trance and can react?” clarifies Celine.
“Oh, yeah.” replies Becky. “If it's not too strong. Remember back in the tub? I was trancing, but when you said that there was poop in the goo, I wanted to leave.”
“You're right.” comments Celine, smiling at the memory. “So if there's something you have an aversion to, it'll override the urges of your trance.”
“If it's not a strong one.” adds Sammy.
“You two gave that answer to all my questions.” comments Celine. “It depends on the trances strength.”
“Well it's true.” answers Becky.
“Yeah.” adds Sammy. “A trance can be so super strong that we don't care about what's around us and there's no way possible to fight it. The trance can make us come without us even touching ourselves and sometimes, we don't even remember what we did if the trance is super, super strong, we just wake up tired and covered in our honey and our pussy and butts throbbing so good!” explains Sammy happily.
“Wow, sounds like it can be a real annoyance.” replies Celine.
“It's not annoying at all!” declares Becky.
“Yeah! It's awesome!” adds Sammy.
“Well then...” starts Celine with a smile. “If trances are so awesome, what's the naughtiest thing you've ever done? Trance or not.”
The two girls 'Ohhh' happily at the question, before Becky declares...
“Me first! The naughtiest thing I've done is with my mom! We were both trancing and we filled our tub up with our honey, enough that it would completely cover me if I lay down in it! After the tub was filled, my mom got one of those squirting things and stuck it in my butt and pushing the honey in my butt until my belly got big like it did yesterday! Then we switched and I filled her butt up then we took turns eating the honey out of each others butts. Then after that, I wanted my mom to fill all my holes with our honey, there was honey in my butt, deep in my pussy and even in my pee-hole! My belly was sooooo big then!”
“Wow...” comments Celine, in shock at what she heard. “I certainly wasn't expecting to hear something like that. You're body makes enough honey to fill a tub?”
“Well I had my moms help.” replies Becky, smiling.
“Still though, only two people can fill a tub, that's impressive. Where does all that honey come from?”
“My mom says it comes from these two ball things inside me.” replies Becky, pressing her fingers to the two locations on her abdomen Celine was familiar with.
“Oh, the ovaries.” comments Celine.
“Yeah! That's what the balls are called!” declares Becky. “Mom says that when I trance, they go into overdrive or something. All I know is that they make tons of honey when I trance!”
Celine then looks to Sammy and comments, “So what's your naughtiest thing?”
“Well it's not as naughty as Becky's, but mine is when I wasn't trancing.”
“That probably makes it more naughty since you were fully aware of what you were doing.” comments Celine, smiling, bringing a giggle from Sammy.
“Hehe, well, I had just laid some eggs, four of them I think and I was still super horny from laying them and I had the idea to put them in my butt, so I did and I loved it! It was my first time doing it, so I didn't know when you put the eggs you lay in your butt, they give off a really weird energy for some reason that feels REALLY good! So I started masturbating with my eggs, I stuck three of them in my butt and started pushing the last one in and out of my pussy. It felt so good I started coming over and over and it made me trance. It was one of those trances that I don't remember what I did though, which sucks, causes when I woke up, I woke up in an orgasm, rubbing my cerick and my eggs shooting out of it and covered in honey.”
“Wow, you had put your eggs in your cerick?” asks Celine.
“Yep, after my eggs came out, I started sucking on my Cerick, drinking up all my honey when I would come.”
“Wow, you two are more naughty that I ever thought!” Comments Celine with a smile, bringing a giggle from the two.
“What about you?” asks Becky. “What's the naughtiest thing you've done?”
“Oh yeah!” adds Sammy happily. “How naughty are you Celine!?”
“Hehe, well, let's see...” comments Celine, placing a finger to her chin in thought. “Hmmm... I dunno if I have anything that I would consider really naughty.”
“Aww come on!” replies Becky. “You gotta have something!”
“Yeah, with your gooey body, I'm sure you got something!” adds Sammy.
“Hmm, maybe I'm just thinking about it wrong.” comments Celine. “Something that would be normal to me might be really naughty to you... Ok, let me think... Oh, I got it! It's something I like doing with my parents.”
“Ohhh, so you get naughty with your mom and dad too?” asks Becky.
“Yep, all the time. My mom and I were being naughty when you guys came.” answers Celine, before gasping as her body suddenly started dripping.
Celine was getting so comfortable with the girls she was letting embarrassing things slip, the girls didn't need to know she and her mother were having sex when they came.
“Ohhhh, really!?” asks Becky and Sammy happily, before Sammy adds, “What were you two doing?”
“U-Uh, I'd rather tell you about my naughty thing I was going to say.” replies Celine.
“Aww come on!” urges Becky. “Tell us both! What were you and your mom doing!”
Celine slumps her shoulders with a sigh, she had already let it slip out, no point in trying to retract it now...
“Fine.” comments Celine with a smile. “Before you guys came, I was watching T.V.-”
“What were you watching?” asks Becky.
“A Shakra competition.” answers Celine with a smile. “I've been a fan of it ever since I heard about it and I really love it after seeing it on the T.V.”
“Cool! We love Shakra too!” declares Sammy.
“Yeah! What's your favorite Shakra?” asks Becky.
“Well I don't have a favorite, at least not yet.” answers Celine. “But I do like the fire one.”
“I thought fire was bad for you though.” comments Sammy.
“It is?” asks Becky.
“Yeah.” replies Sammy. “Yesterday at your place, when we wanted Celine to absorb us, I called my mom for permission and she basically threatened Celine that she'd use her Shakra on her if she ever hurt me.”
“Wow, why is fire bad for you?” asks Becky.
“It's lethal to us.” answers Celine.
“Wow, really?” asks Becky.
“Yeah, fire can melt us to a point that we can't reform and if we lose too much mass, we die.” replies Celine.
“Wow, then why do you like Fire Shakra?” asks Becky.
“I dunno really. It's probably the dangerous aspect of it and the fact that a person can have complete control of it and seeing people getting hit with fireballs and explosions that would likely kill me with one or two hits just amazes me.”
“Wow...” comments Becky and Sammy adding..
“Can ether of you use Shakra?” asks Celine.
“We both can!” answers Becky happily.
“Yep!” adds Sammy.
“Wow, so what Shakra do you use?” asks Celine.
“Mines Water.” answers Becky. “Level two, I can move water around.”
“And mines Force.” adds Sammy. “I'm a level two too, and I can move things without touching them and I can fly!”
“You can fly!?” gasps Celine.
“No she can't!” declares Becky with a smile.
“Yes I can!” retorts Sammy with a pouting face.
“Hovering isn't flying.” replies Becky.
“Yes it is! I'm not touching the ground, so I'm flying!”
“Show me!” quickly comments Celine with a big smile.
“OK!” replies Sammy happily, before to Celine's shock, the sitting girl lifts right off the bed about a foot.
“Whoa!” gasps Celine, moving forward on her hands and knees and moving her right hand under the floating girl, encountering no obstructions. “You can really fly!”
Sammy giggles proudly and crosses her arms over her chest, though Becky comments...
“She can only float about two feet from the ground.”
“You're just jealous cause you can't fly!” answers back Sammy, sticking her tongue out at her friend.
“Whatever...” replies Becky, before looking to Sammy with a grin and moving her left hand under her floating friend. “Although, it does let us get into nice positions...” she adds, before Sammy gives a gasp as Becky pushes two fingers into her hovering friend's pussy, causing Sammy to fall back to the bed and her body weight causing Becky's fingers to reach deeper.
“Ah! No fair! My pussy was completely defenseless!” declares Sammy, before reaching her right hand between Becky's legs to finger her pussy with a giggle from her.
Celine watches in amusement as just a couple seconds into their teasing of each others pussy, the two quickly reposition themselves for better access to the others wet slits, turning to face each other, spreading their legs and returning their hands to each other pussy as they began to kiss and moan.
Although, Becky soon pulls back with a gasp and looks to Celine.
“Wait, we can't leave Celine out.”
“I don't mind...” replies Celine, shaking her head. “I have no problem at all watching.”
This brings a giggling from Sammy, who comments...
“You wanna watch us be naughty?”
“Joining us would be funner.” adds Becky, smiling.
“Maybe I will join you, but I wanna watch for now.” replies Celine. “Afterall, I never got around to telling you what me and my mom where doing before you guys came and my naughty thing.”
“Oh, that's right!” comments Becky.
“Ohhh, tell us while we play with each other!” declares Sammy.
“Yeah!” adds Becky. “Tell us naughty things while we be naughty with each other!”
“Hehe, sure.” replies Celine, before seeing the two girl's return their lips to each other and their moans returning as the movement of the fingers resume. “Well then, I left off on I was watching T.V., ok, then my mom comes into the room and sits on the couch with me, oh, and she had a bottle with her, that's important for later...” starts Celine, before the two girls give a louder moan as they lift their other hand to tease each others nipples, before they break their kissing and Becky lowers her lips to Sammy's neck, bringing a gasp from her.
“Sammy likes her neck licked.” comments Becky, as she licks, for a few moments before their lips return to each other.
“Shortly after my mom sits...” continues Celine, lowering her right hand to her own dripping pussy as she watches the two little girls. “She starts to rub my leg, then up the back of my skirt and she starts rubbing my butt.”
Becky and Sammy soon end their kissing again, before Sammy brings a gasp-turned-moan from Becky as she leans down to her chest and licking at Becky's left, erect nipple while she pinches the other with her fingers. The slight change in position had caused Becky's fingers to slip free of Sammy's pussy.
“After my mom pulls down my panties...” continues Celine, beginning to finger herself. “She sticks two fingers in my butt and starts to move them in and out.”
Becky soon after gives a gasp as Sammy closes her lips around the nipple and sucks, while her right hand continued to tease Becky's pussy as the small blonde leans back on her hands, enjoying the pleasure of Sammy's mouth and fingers.
Celine could no longer remain watching and moves closer to the two and places her hands to the girls butts, caressing them for a moment before slipping her fingers between the crevice of their cheeks to their anus.
“For the next few minutes...” continues Celine. “My mom just moves her fingers in and out of my butt at one steady pace while I watched T.V...” she adds, before a soft moan comes from the two as Celine's pushes two fingers into the girls tight, rear opening. “Just like I'm going to do with you two.”
“Go deeper!” moans Becky, before a sharp gasp comes from her as with one squeeze of her exposed nipple by Sammy, a quick spurt of honey leaves her nipple and with a moan soon coming from Sammy, suggests that honey began coming from the nipple in her mouth.
“Nope.” answers Celine simply with a smile. “Just short, slow thrusts...” she adds, bringing a whine from Becky before a wet squelching sound is heard and Becky gasps out...
“I'm gonna come!”
The blonde moans and the squelches increase in volume as Celine sees Sammy's hand between Becky's legs begin to rapidly thrust, soon bringing a groan from the blonde before Celine felt the little girls anus tighten around her fingers as she releases a loud, orgasmic moan, her body trembling vigorously under the pleasure. While Celine didn't move her finger deeper into the girl, she did add to her pleasure as she slips her other two fingers in, widening the clenching hole and bringing more of Becky's moans out.
When Becky's bliss ends, the blonde breathes heavily for a few moments before Sammy's pulls her lips back, lifting her honey-drenched hand and licking it, with a smile from Becky and without Sammy saying anything, Becky leans forward to resume their kissing as she returns her hand between Sammy's legs and bringing an immediate moaning from her as Becky's teases and strums her clit.
“Oh!” gasps Celine. “I still need to continue my story!” she adds, briefly forgetting what she was previously doing from watching Becky's climax. “Eventually, my mom pushed the bottle she had into my butt and started fingering my butt again while it was in me.”
The comment brings a giggle from the two as they kiss, though Sammy's moan quickly interrupted it as Becky's teasing of her clit continued.
“Soon after...” continues Celine. “My pussy needed attention so I started to finger myself until I came. After that, I turned to my mom and started kissing her like you two are doing now...”
After a particularly loud moan from Sammy, Celine widens Sammy's anus like she had done with Becky and the little girl suddenly lifts herself up on her knees, separating her and Becky's lips with a moan.
“She's gonna come!” declares Becky happily and quickly moving her fingers side-to-side over Sammy's clit, with a slur of naughty, wet sounds.
Sammy groans for just a few seconds before her moment reaches her with a loud moan as her honey gushes out of her and down her thighs from Becky's rapid hand movements spreading it all around. Sammy gave a few involuntary jerks of her hips, each movement causing smaller amounts of honey to be released.
Coming down from her high, Sammy's rear meets the warmth of her honey covering the bed under her, before the two girls interlock fingers, close their eyes and kiss, with a few giggles and moans leaving them from Celine's continued slow thrusting of her fingers in their spread anus.
Although, moments later, Celine sees the two girls turn their heads to look at her and opening their eyes with a smile, and Celine could see both girl's eyes were clouded.
“What?” asks Celine with a smile. “Are you two trancing?”
“It's your turn.” states Becky.
“Yeah...” adds Sammy as the two girls turn their bodies towards her and pushing Celine onto her back as they loom over her with smiles. “You've made us come so good but you haven't come at all.”
“We need to fix that.” comments Becky.
The two girl's earn a quick gasp from Celine as they each claim a nipple, licking and sucking, but not forceful enough to suck the Geelien up.
“A-Ah... h-hey, wait, I haven't finished telling you two about what me and my mom were doing.” declares Celine.
“I don't care about that anymore.” answers Becky, before Sammy adds...
“Me neither.”
The two resume teasing Celine's nipple with their tongues and lips before bringing another gasp from the teen as they both use their legs to spread Celine's and lower their hands between Celine's thighs, each fingering the Geelien's wet, gooey pussy. Soon, a lengthy moan comes from Celine as the two girls focus on a specific spot, Becky moving her fingers in and out of Celine's melting pussy while Sammy teases and rubs her clit.
Both nipples and now her pussy and clit, with four points of stimulus and the girl's seemingly expert ability of their actions, Celine was reduced, literally, to a squirming, moaning and quickly melting puddle on the bed under the pleasure of two little girls.
Celine still retained the form of her teen body though, so Becky and Sammy still had places to tease, but much of the bed was covered in a wide puddle of Celine's mass and the two girls, sucking on Celine's nipples now started to taking in Celine's melting body into their mouths. The two don't swallow though, both choosing to more lightly tease Celine's nipples with their tongues more than their mouths.
Regardless though, with her interrupted fun with her mother and the sexual conversations and acts with the two little girls without coming at all and multiple spots of constant, incoming pleasure, it was no surprise to Celine when she felt herself speeding towards a rapidly approaching climax.
Which comes with a pleasure-filled moan from Celine as fluid gushes out of her pussy and Becky and Sammy speeding up the actions of their hands to her pussy and clit, further heightening her pleasure and lengthening it's duration.
To Celine's mild surprise though, as she started to come down from her cloud of bliss, the two girls continued their actions as if she hadn't come, slowing a bit, but still faster than when they first started.
“O-Ok you two, I came, mmm, y-you can stop now.” comments Celine, smiling and moaning from the continued pleasure.
The teen sees the two girls open their clouded eyes and look at her with a smile as they continued to tease her nipples and her pussy and clit for a few moments, before stopping their nipple tease and Becky commenting...
“One's never enough!”
“Yeah...” adds Sammy. “Coming over and over is the best!”
“We're gonna make you come over and over!” declares Becky, before the two girl's return their tongues and lips to Celine's nipples.
“Ohhh, ok then...” moans Celine, before reaching her hands to the girls rear and teasing their anus again.
Over the next fifteen minutes or so, words were a rarity as moans and gasps fill the room. The two trancing nymphets manage to bring their Geelien friend to orgasm three more times, before the two were surprised as Celine suddenly gained the upper hand on them as she shifts into liquid before reforming behind the two and a shocked gasp leave them as Celine inserts her entire hand and part of her lower arm through the girl's anus and reaching deep into their rectum before beginning to thrust.
The two were face down and butts up as they moan in pleasure from Celine's soft limbs painlessly and pleasurably stretching their holes. Just moments into her thrusting, Celine could see fresh honey ooze from the two girl's hairless, blushing slits and flow out of them steadily.
Becky was the first to come, although not announcing it, her louder moan from her climax was clear, along with two large 'globs' of honey spreading her pussy open briefly before wetly falling to the bed as a large volume of honey briefly flows from her clenching, climaxing pussy.
Sammy was quick to follow, declaring, “I'm cominnnnng!” before a large gush of honey ejects from her as her quivering labia clenches repeatedly in pleasure, larger amounts of honey being released with each orgasmic clench of her pussy.
“So much honey...” comments Celine with a grin at the amount the two girls release from their climax and the increased flow coming from them. “Do you ever run out? I bet you two still want more huh?” she adds, pulling hands from their now mildly gaping anus before palming their hot, oozing labia's, absorbing what flows out of the slits as she caresses the puffy mounds and brings soft moans from Becky and Sammy.
“Well you guys are certainly having fun!”
“AH!” gasps Celine in shock upon hearing Hazel's voice, quickly pulling her hands from Becky and Sammy as she turns to see Hazel and Erin standing at her wide open door, both women blushing and smiling.
Celine nearly shifted to her liquid form from the embarrassing shock, instead, only loss enough mass to shrink to her child form.
“H-H-How long were you two there!?” quickly asks Celine, before Becky and Sammy gain her attention again as they whine about why she stopped and Celine sees them wiggling their rear at her, with honey still oozing steadily from their eager slits.
“Not very long.” replies Hazel, with one arm under her breasts and her other hand on her cheek, Erin meanwhile, caresses her upper right thigh, quite close to her crotch, she looked restless as she adds...
“We're just getting ready to leave and came to get our daughters.”
“Nooooo!” whines Sammy, before Celine gasps as Sammy drapes herself over Celine, who then falls to her back as Becky joined her and adds...
“We're not done yet!”
“I can see that.” replies Hazel, smiling. “But you two both know we were only visiting for a short while. So get dressed and come meet us downstairs.” she adds, before she and Erin leave.
“Awwww...” whines the two girls, their eyes showing that they were still under the effects of their trance.
“Hehe, well, looks like we have to start this up again later.” comments Celine, quickly reabsorbing her mass and returning to her teen form.
“Make us come again!” declares Sammy, wrapping her legs around Celine's and rubbing her oozing, puffy labia against Celine's leg.
“Yeah, one more orgasm before we go!” adds Becky.
About seven minutes later, downstairs, Eda, Avery, Hazel and Erin stand near the front door waiting on Becky and Sammy when the two little girls come down the stairs, along with Celine, fully dressed. While no longer in their trance state, the girls were still clearly horny as they each rest a hand under their skirts. Masturbating in clear view with giggles and soft moans leaving them.
“It was very nice meeting you two.” comments Avery and Eda adding with a smile...
“And your daughters, for the little time that they were with us.”
“It was very nice meeting you three as well.” replies Hazel, before Erin adds...
“And thank you for welcoming us into your home, and correcting my wrongly held view of your people.” Erin then looks to Celine before continuing, “I owe you an apology for the way I spoke to and about you yesterday, I'm sorry.” Extending her right hand, Celine smiles and reaches her hand to Erin's.
“Apology accepted. You're behavior was understandable though, you were just concerned about Sammy's safety.”
“Heh, your mothers right.” comments Erin with a smile.
“What?” asks Celine.
“You are more mature than your age, I don't think many other teens would say something like that.”
“Oh, hehe...”
With that, the four leave, Becky and Sammy giving a happy good-bye and waving their free hand, their other still busy under their skirts.
“Well...” starts Eda as she closes the door and looks to Celine with a smile. “Seems Becky and Sammy have really gotten attached to you.”
“Hehe, yeah...” embarrassingly replies Celine, before her father adds, with a grin...
“Seems you have too, given the the moans we all heard.”
Celine suddenly lost a considerable amount of her mass at that comment.
“Y-You could hear us!?”
“Of course we could.” replies Eda, smiling and placing a hand to Celine's cheek and briefly kissing her on the lips. “You three were quite vocal, Becky and Sammy in particular, also, you seem to have a very sweet smell, what have you been absorbing?”
With a gasp, Celine suddenly recalled absorbing the large amount of Becky and Sammy's honey, particularly in the tub, she was so into it, she never even thought about taking on the smell of the girl's honey.
Chapter 9
Title: Chapter 3-1
[Author's notes: (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL
Celine faces her first day of school on Merkolova.]
Over the next few days, Celine and her parents get to know their surroundings more, along with meeting more of their neighbors, who happily welcomed them.
To Celine's surprise, one of their neighbors was a Nex family across the street from them; The couple only had one child, a one cycle old baby, whom Celine found very cute with her tiny wings; The baby also took a liking to Celine as well, specifically her tail.
Two of their new neighbors were a family of Felenes, one, were an elderly male and female couple, who had children, but were grown and had their own life, though the couple did express delight in frequently looking after their grandchildren.
The other Feline couple were a younger male and female in their forties. The couple had three children, a nineteen year old daughter, a fifteen year old son and twelve year old daughter. All three children were intrigued by Celine and her parents and were the source of the majority of the questions they answered.
Another family they meet, Celine found interesting; it was a mixed race family, consisting of three parental figures, all females, one Vehen, Felene and Hybrid Tragelian. All three were young, none over the age of thirty; the Vehen being the oldest at twenty-nine, the Felene at twenty-five and the Tragelian being the youngest at twenty. The family had four children, all also girls, an eight-cycle old Vehen, who was the daughter of the Vehen adult and the three other children being adopted, one fifteen-cycle old Felene, a twelve-cycle old Hybrid Tragelian, and ten year-cycle old Canine.
Celine, along with her parents were shocked to learn that the twenty-cycle old Tragelian parent was once the Vehen and Feline's child, or rather, is their fifth adopted child, but while not married to her parents, had joined them in the role of parent for the four others.
After the meeting of the neighbors, Becky and Sammy decided it was time to introduce Celine to their friends, which consisted of just about every other kid and teen in the neighborhood and Celine having meet many. There was a group of them that frequently played together though.
From the younger Felene couple, the twelve-cycle old girl, who was introduced as Brandi, Celine quickly found mirrored Becky and Sammy's naughty behavior, but she was much more easily satisfied.
All four children of the mixed race family were part of the little group. Kali was the name of the eight-cycle old Vehen; Patricia, or 'Patty', was the fifteen-cycle old Felene, who was the self-proclaimed leader of the group; Janice being the name of the Twelve-cycle old Hybrid Tragelian and Rachael was the ten-cycle old Canine, who had a more than a sisterly love for her older sister, Patty.
Becky and Sammy surrounded themselves with the girls of the neighborhood, very like-minded girls, as while the group could entertain themselves with quite 'normal' activities, like video games, watching movies or playing outside, even helping each other with their homework; though Celine was only told that last piece of info, not shown. The group was a gathering of naughtiness all feeding into each other!
Celine had only officially met the group for not even twenty-four hours before she was in Becky's room, moaning loud and long from numerous fingers, tongues, tails and cericks teasing her as she was the main course of a teen and pre-teen orgy. Celine seriously wondered, despite what they'd told her and seen, that the little girls did nothing but naughtiness.
But Celine didn't complain at all...
- Three days later, Shakrus (Friday) -
- 6:46 A.M. -
- Celine's Room -
Now though, despite all the stresses and concerns, unwillingly moving here, meeting various strange new people, exposing herself to the public; Celine now faced her biggest problem yet...
What to wear for her first day of school!
“Ohhhh, I have no clue what to pick!” declares a nude Celine as she faces her open closet, presented with her various clothing; shirts, tank-tops, blouses, skirts of varying lengths, a few pants and even a couple of dresses.
“Should I go with covering up or how I usually like to dress?” thinks aloud Celine, before starting to pace back and forth in front of her closet. “It's my first day, so what I wear is just as important as my attitude in my first impression... If I'm covered up, they might think I'm trying to reject meeting people or seem timid, but if I go with less, they may think I'm trying to be suggestive...”
The teen soon comes to a stop and placing her hands to her head with a groan before squatting down.
“Neither of those would be true though! Ok, I might be a little timid, but I do want to meet others and I don't dress the way I do to be suggestive, I just like it. But wait... If I dress the way I usually do, I have to think about what kind of underwear I wear in case my skirt flips up... I'd probably be able to get away with any color but black though, so I'm good there.”
After a moment, the teen looks back to her closet and stands up, looking through the selection.
“But what to pick though? I got my underwear figured out, but I still need to pick something to wear over it... some kind of middle ground would be great-wait!” comments Celine, before gasping as she pulls aside a shirt to reveal a couple dresses and a smile coming to her face. “That it!” she declares, pulling out out two dresses. “One of these would be perfect, I'm covered, but I still have the comfort of a skirt... Wait...” she adds, her smile fading.
“What would they think if I come to school in a dress? They might think I can't make a decision. Ahh, I'm back where I started!” declares Celine in frustration as she drops to her knees and sits back on her legs.
Shortly into her frustration though, Celine hears the familiar sound of her mothers giggling and looks towards her open door.
The woman reveals herself, stepping from the left side of the door, nude as well and continuing to giggle a bit.
“Hehe, I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to listen in on your problem.” comments Eda, smiling and walking to her daughter and joining Celine on the floor.
“Well, I'm open to any suggestions.” replies Celine. “I can't decide at all and I still need to decided if I want to do anything with my hair and if I should wear any jewelry! This is my first day and I don't want to screw it up!”
Eda could easily see Celine was quickly getting worked up and places her hand to her daughters shoulders.
“Ok, ok, now calm down, you're making yourself a nervous wreck.”
Celine sighs and leans against her mother, placing her head between Eda's breasts.
“What should I do?” asks Celine.
“Well, first of all... “ starts Eda, stroking the teens head. “I don't think you should wear any jewelry, as nervous as you are, you'd probably overdue it. If you just have to have something, I suggest a pair of small earrings and that's it. For what to wear...” she adds, before pushing Celine upright and looking her in the eyes with a smile. “Wear what you feel comfortable wearing and dress for yourself, not other people.”
“But-” replies Celine, before Eda places a finger to the teens lips.
“But nothing, dress for you, not others. If people don't want to talk to you because of what you're wearing, then their not worth your time, right?” comments Eda.
“...Yeah.” replies Celine, with a small smile.
“Good...” adds Eda, briefly kissing Celine on the lips. “After-all, if you wear what YOU want and not what you think other people would like, you'll start in a better mood. Now then...” comments Eda, getting to her feet and helping Celine up. “What do you WANT to wear?”
“Well, I'd like to wear what I usually do.” replies Celine. “A shirt and skirt, but-” she adds, before a finger returns to her lips.
“Then that's what you should wear, no buts.”
With a sigh and a slump of the shoulders, Celine answers, “You're right.”
Eda smiles and brushes some of Celine hair from her forehead and briefly kisses her there.
“It's gonna be fine Celine, as long as your yourself, you have nothing to worry about.”
“OK.” replies Celine, looking up to her mother with a smile.
“Good, well your father and I are going to get dressed.” comments Eda, patting Celine's shoulder before turning and walking out of the room.
Moments after her mother leaves, Celine looks into her closet and places the two dresses back in, before gives a sigh...
“Dress for me...” she comments.
- 7:17 A.M. -
Eda and Avery were currently in the living room, sitting on the couches, watching the morning news, when they see Celine come down the stairs and a smile coming to Eda's face when she sees what her daughter wears.
A belly-revealing tank-top and a mild-thigh length pleated skirt, a few twinkles of light at her ears revealed she opted to wear a pair of small earrings. Her hair was the same, but without her bangs, revealing her forehead. The teen though was dripping considerably.
“You look very nice.” comments Avery.
“Thanks.” replies Celine.
“You sure do Celine.” adds Eda. “...and I'm sure you feel better than if you were to pick something else.”
Celine gave a nervous chuckle, before Eda stands and walks in front of her daughter and places a hand to Celine's shoulder and leaning towards her left ear.
“Are you wearing underwear?” Eda whispers.
“W-What? Of course I'm wearing underwear.” replies Celine.
“Are you sure.” adds Eda, leaning back with a smile.
“Of course I'm sure, I wouldn't-” replies Celine, placing her left hand to her crotch, immediately stopping herself with a gasp, dripping even more before lifting her right hand up to her chest, but it was easy the see the lack of bra straps.
“W-What the!?” gasps Celine.
“Go put your underwear on.” comments Eda with a smile.
Celine immediately turns and hurries up the stairs, before Eda giggles.
The teen returns shortly after with an embarrassed frown on her face.
“Thanks.” she comments to Eda, still standing.
“No problem, wouldn't want you facing that kind of embarrassment your first day.” replies Eda.
“Why'd you ask me if I was wearing underwear anyway?” asks Celine.
“Heh, it happened to me when I was about your age and it was my first day to a new school.” replies Eda, smiling.
“Really? You went to your first day of a new school without any underwear?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Eda, “It may have been around other Geelien's, but it was still really embarrassing. With as frustrated as you were getting, I thought that you might repeat my mistake.”
“Thanks mom.” replies Celine with a smile. “If you hadn't said anything, I would've been humiliated.”
- 7:24 A.M. -
- Local School -
“Do you want us to go in with you?” asks Eda, as the car stops in front of the school, behind an unloading bus.
Looking out, the distance between her and the door of the school was considerable and students filled it, causing Celine to quickly think that they should have came much earlier. But, there was nothing she could do about it now, so, with a calming sigh and dripping a bit, Celine answers with a smile...
“No, I'm good.”
“OK then.” replies Eda. “Good luck and have a great day.”
“Thanks.” replies Celine, before opening the door and stepping out of the vehicle.
After exchanging good-bye waves, Celine walks towards the school, quickly seeing numerous heads turn and eyes staring at her and whispers among them. Celine though did her best to ignore the obvious attention she was attracting and looks straight ahead to the school as she walks.
Celine was a little surprised when a couple of students, girls, walk pass, looking back at her and greeting her with a smile, which Celine quickly returns with a smile of her own.
'So far, so good...' thinks Celine.
Once she walks through the doors and into the school, Celine found herself presented with two hallways and a crowd of students talking and walking where ever they needed to be, small groups even gather around lockers.
Walking in, the stares return and Celine briefly pauses from the shock of so many eyes on her. She felt herself dripping much more.
'Ok Celine...' thinks the teen. 'This is it, get it together, just gotta get to the office.'
After a sigh, Celine continues walking, directly ahead, hoping to meet an adult to tell her where the office was. Along the way though, as she walks through the crowd of students, Celine hears a varying range of comments clearly directed and referring to her.
A couple brings a smile to her face, such as some comments about how pretty or cute she was, even compliments on her tail.
It wasn't all positive though, one comment in particular hurt to hear...
“Eww, another one of those dripping weirdo's.”
Although the comment hurt, it intrigued Celine.
'Another?' she thinks. 'Does that mean I'm not the only Geelien here!?'
The negative comment actually brings a big smile to Celine's face at the idea that she wasn't alone. To her surprise, Celine manages to find the school office without any aid, to the left at the end of the hall she was walking.
Entering the room, where a small group of people occupied, walking around and working with transparent screens above their desks, Celine walks up to a desk, where a Felene woman stands.
“Can I help you?” asks the Felene.
“Yeah, today's my first day and I was told to come here to get my list of classes, my name's Celine Kellen.”
“Oh, ok.” replies the Felene, tapping the desk to her left and bringing up and smaller screen and tapping a few selections before the window disappears and a small glass-like object materializes and the Felene takes it and hands it to Celine, who sees a list of five classes and a smile coming to her face when she sees her first class, Math; The others being Science, Racial History, Physical Education and Foreign Languages.
“Nice, Math is my favorite subject.” comments Celine.
“Good.” replies the Felene. “Do you have any questions?”
“Yeah, I do actually.” answers Celine. “Are there any other Geelien's here beside me?”
“There is.” replies the Felene, bringing a big smile to Celine's face.
“Yes.” replies the Felene with a smile. “Two actually, a brother and sister. They arrived Vevorus (Wednesday), I don't think their in your grade though.”
“That's ok, I'm just happy that I'm not alone! Thanks!” comments Celine happily.
“No problem.” replies the Felene. “By the way, you can find your classes with the three-digit number beside the name. The halls have number ranges listed, so just match your classes number with what's listed on the hall and your good.”
“Ok, thanks.” replies Celine.
“The seven-thirty bell should be ringing any second now...” comments the Felene, before a bell rings for a moment. “There it is, that's the ten minute warning before classes start at seven-forty, there's another five minute bell. Since this is your first day, you'll be excused if you're late, but even so, try to make sure you're in class by the third bell ok? Best to start on time.”
“Ok.” replies Celine with a smile, before turning and leaving the room and out into the fading crowd of students, her tail swaying side-to-side quickly from her renewed, happy mood.
Matching her math rooms number with the hall she needed to take, Celine easily finds her first class.
While still in her cheery mood, Celine's smile wavers a little as she nears the door and sees a few students entering the room, glancing at her. Celine still continued forward though and enters the room herself; seeing a scene that was quite familiar to her, students talking among themselves, some sitting at desks, others standing. Even the teacher was part of them; a Felene woman sitting at her desk at the head of the classroom, wearing a knee-length yellow dress, talking to a couple of students.
Looking to the long white-board, Celine sees the familiar math problems written out.
Still though, just seconds upon walking into the room, the conversations died down considerably as the students turned their attention to the new girl. The focused stares cause Celine to begin dripping once again.
“Excuse me...” comes a girls voice as Celine sees a blonde Nex walk by her and into the room, causing Celine to gasp and step aside.
“O-Oh, sorry.” quickly replies Celine, moving away from the doorway she was blocking.
After moving out of the way, Celine hears the talking among the students start up again, a few comments about herself were heard again as well, things like...
'Hey, it's another Geelien.'
'I wonder if she's nice.'
'She's kinda cute.'
'She looks really nervous.'
There were no negative comments, which brings a smile to Celine's face.
“Celine?” asks a female voice to her right.
The teen turns to face the teacher, who smiles at her.
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “Celine Kellen.”
“We've been expecting you, my name is Erin Quest, but I will only answer to Mrs. Quest. Would you be ok with introducing yourself at the start of class?” asks the teacher.
“I don't mind.” replies Celine.
“Good, you can go take a seat at my desk while we wait for everyone to arrive.” comments the teacher, placing a hand to Celine's shoulder and leading her to the desk and sitting at a smaller chair near the teachers larger one.
So far, aside from the small about of negative comments from when she first stepped into the building, Celine was pleasantly surprised by how well it was going, she wasn't dripping very much and she continued to hear positive comments from the students, a couple entering the room even took the time to walk up to her and greet her, though the teacher quickly shoos them away, telling them they would have time to say their greetings at the start of class.
With the five minute bell coming and going, the students continued to file in, some even rushing into the room as time started to wind down. A surprising, but mildly amusing scene soon takes place when the final bell rings and Celine suddenly sees a female student with short, pink hair, suddenly appear halfway between the teachers desk and the door with a small swirl of air briefly surrounding her, causing the skirt she wears to flutter and briefly flash her nude lower half and the small pink bush of her pubes.
“Made it!” she declares with a smile, before the bell stops ringing.
“No, you did not.” comments the teacher flatly. “You have to be in the room BEFORE the bell, not during it and you know using your shakra during school isn't allowed.”
“Aww, come on!” whines the girl. “Can't you make an exception this once? If I get another tardy, I'll have detention!” pleads the girl.
“Then learn to be on time...” replies the teacher. “Now go sign-in at the office.”
“GO!” repeats the teacher sternly. “Unless you want me to add disrupting the class to your tardiness.”
“Argh! You're so mean!” declares the girl angrily, before disappearing as quickly as she appears.
Celine smiles at the little scene, it was a familiar sight back on her own planet and she herself have fell victim to a strict, rule-enforcing teacher.
The teacher waits until the tardy girl returns, walking through the door this time with an obvious look of anger on her face and not saying a word as she walks to her seat. With the class assembled, the teacher stands and asks Celine to stands beside her, which she quickly does as she now stands at the front of the class, all eyes solely on her now and beginning to drip again from her nervousness.
“Before we begin class...” starts the teacher, gaining the students attention and the lingering whispers stopping and the teacher placing a hand to Celine's shoulder before resuming... “As you can see, we have a new student. I expect you all to help her feel welcomed and treat her nicely. She'll now introduce herself and answer a few questions if she feels comfortable enough.”
A moment after the teacher walks by her and returns to her desk, Celine felt her nervousness grow a few levels as she was left alone at the front of the class, all the expectant eyes on her, waiting.
'OK, this is it.' thinks Celine. 'My first impression starts now.'
“H-Hi.” greets Celine, with a smile as she nervously grabs at the front of her skirt. “My name is Celine Kellen and, as you can obviously see, I'm a Geelien. I'm five cycles old, I have one mom and one dad and I don't have any brothers or sisters. I-I didn't want to come here at first, because I was afraid of how people here would respond to me, but the few days I've been here and meeting my neighbors, I'm starting to like it. I-I h-hope I can make a lot of friends here...” states Celine, fiddling with her skirt more, she felt like she was rambling, but she was so nervous, she couldn't stop and her gaze had lowered slightly to the floor in nervousness, not to mention the considerably amount of mass that was pooling at her feet, which the teen knew was the source of a few giggles. “I'm a really nice person, if you give me a chance I'm sure you'd like me...”
Celine gasps at her last comment.
'No! That sounds like I'm begging them to be my friend!'
“N-No! That came out wrong!” declares Celine. “You don't have to give me a chance- I-I mean, I'd like you to, but I'm not asking, I... Ohhhh.” groans Celine as she sees a number of students smiling and giggling, it had started out so well, a simple introduction, she was screwing it up so badly!
“Ahem, Ms. Kellen.” comments the teacher.
Celine, turns to look at the teacher, who points to her and states...
“You're skirt.”
“Huh?” replies Celine before looking down and gasping as in her nervousness, she saw the reason for the students smiling and giggling, she had pulled up the front of her skirt, failing to release it as she lifts her hands, exposing her panties to the entire class, which Celine quickly rectified as she pulls down her skirt, before her comm falls through her arm and to the floor from the fluidity of her melting body.
Very embarrassed now and her opportunity to give her best first impression ruined, Celine was seconds away from running out of the room, before she hears a clapping; looking up, she sees a girl with long purple hair, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, standing nearing the middle of the room and clapping her hands, before commenting...
“It's ok, you did good, right guys?”
“Yeah.” replies another girl, clearly the first girl's twin, standing in a row beside her sister and clapping as well, with shoulder-length hair and wearing a blouse and pleated skirt. “It could've been worse, at least you're wearing panties.”
Shortly after, the majority of the students stand and clap their hands, not all were part of the attempt to cheer her up, but Celine was very confused, she had just flashed the entire class her underwear, but no one was pointing and laughing at her, they we're clapping, trying to cheer her up.
If Celine had the ability, tears would be rolling down her cheeks right now, instead, she continued to drip as a smile comes to her face.
Celine soon sees the teacher return to her side and pick up her Comm and offer it back to her, taking it and placing it back on her wrist before looking out to the class as their clapping slowly comes to an end as they return to the seats.
“Thank-you.” comments Celine, with a big smile.
The girl who first started the clapping quickly stands and declares, “And I'll happily offer to be your friend! My name's Alma Hons.”
“Me too!” adds her twin, lifting a hand. “I'm her sister, Lina Hons!”
“Me three!” declares a blonde Tragelian. “Reni Bragou at your friendship service!”
'Bragou?' thinks Celine to herself, before asking, happily. “Is your sister Sakura Bragou!?”
“Hehe, yep.” replies Reni.
“You're related to a famous Shakra fighter!?” asks Celine happily.
The question and Celine excitement brings a few giggles from the class and a Vehen girl comments...
“I think we have another member to the fan-club.”
“Ok, ok, you guys...” states the teacher. “You can get more acquainted with Celine later, it's time to start class. Celine, you can choose one of the empty seats.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, with a smile and moving from the front of the room to join the class, surprised yet again at how nice the people of Merkolova were.
Given math was universal across planets and the fact that it was Celine's favorite subject, the teen didn't have any problem at all in joining the class on today's lesson. While Celine was still a little too nervous to volunteer giving answers to math problems the teacher written out on the white-board, the teacher made Celine's nervousness a moot point as she calls on her a couple times to answers the displayed math.
Mrs. Quest certainly didn't let the fact that Celine was a new student let her off easy, once her rear met the seat, she was part of the class and expected to participate. Celine actually thought that it was because she was a new student that the teacher frequently picked her, aiming to test her knowledge.
In the end, Celine flawlessly made it through the teachers little test, earning herself a few 'Ooooh's' from the students, and a Felene boy commenting lowly, 'Cute and smart'. An embarrassed chuckle is Celine's only reaction from the comments.
Unfortunately, even with all the positivity towards her, it was during one of the quite moments in the class, with the students working on an assignment and the teacher at her desk, that Celine encounters not so positive actions towards her.
Silently going through the math problems on the screen above her desk, Celine felt something suddenly poke her upper right arm and looking revealed a small stylist was stuck in her arm.
Removing it, Celine knew it had been thrown at her, looking around, Celine could see no one that stood out to be the culprit, so she warily returns to her assignment, knowing her first bully wasn't going to stop there.
A couple minutes later, Celine feels the poke again, this time in her neck and quickly looks towards were the second stylist came as she removes it, this time though, she was confident in locating her bully; the tardy girl from earlier, whose name Celine found out at the roll call was Gina Stance, who sat one row across from her and a couple seats back. The girl was the only one to be suppressing a giggle.
Gina looking at her after a moment confirmed it with a smirk at her, before Celine sees the girl materialize another stylist from her Comm and in plain sight of her, take aim at her, before...
“Gina!” declares the teacher sternly, causing the teen to quickly pocket the stylist and look to the teacher. “I know you're not throwing things again are you?”
“No Mrs. Quest.” answers the teen, turning her attention back to her assignment.
Celine didn't have a clue why Gina had decided to pick on her, but now she knew Gina was the problem student of the class, just about every class had at least one back on her home planet and it seemed no different here.
Celine was able to finish the rest of the assignment without issue and a few minutes later, other students beginning to speak to each other suggests the others were finishing up their assignment as well and with Celine looking towards the clock on the wall, there was about ten minutes left of the class before moving on to the second and Celine figured the teacher allowed the students to converse with each other near the end of class, proven as she feels a poking of her right shoulder from behind and a girls comment...
Turning around, Celine sees the blonde Nex she moved away from before the start of class, she didn't remember her name though.
“Hi.” replies Celine.
“I'm wiling to be your friend too.” comments the Nex with a smile.
“Thanks.” replies Celine with a smiles as well. “You all have been so nice to me.”
“Well you've given us no reason to be mean to you.” comes a boys voice to Celine's left and turning back around to see a Vehen boy standing at her side, though Celine was quickly surprised when she finds that a small crowd had gathered around her, all smiles and willing to get to know her.
“Yeah...” adds a Tragelian girl with short blue hair. “Having a new student is always good. How do you like Merkolova so far?”
“Well...” starts Celine with a smile at the cheerfulness surrounding her, “I'm starting to like it a lot. My neighbors are really nice and helped me get over my concern about being here.”
“Do you like sports?” asks another girl, a Felene.
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “But my favorite, ever since I heard about it back on my home planet, is the IPSL! Even though it's not something I could participate in, it looks so amazing!”
The small crowd giggles with Celine's excited response, before...
“What a weirdo...” comments Gina, remaining at her seat. “You're in love with a sport you can't even do. Meet a water or fire user and your dead, literally.”
Gina was quickly berated by the other students for the uncalled for comment, which brings a smile to Celine face and encouraged her to join the comments and add...
“If you're going to tease me, at least get your facts straight, I wouldn't die If I'm frozen, I just wouldn't be able to move.”
Gina frowns and folds her arms over her chest, looking away and muttering something under her breathe.
With Gina silenced, the others turn their attention back to Celine and Alma was the next to ask...
“So do you have a favorite Shakra?”
Celine smiles at the familiar question.
“Yeah, fire.” answers Celine. “Even though fire is lethal for me, it just amazes me that someone could have complete control of it like that, even covering their whole body in it. Even people getting hit with the fireballs amaze me.”
“Hey...” starts a Tragelian boy. “Whats surprised you the most since you've been here?”
“It's how nice and open people are here that was really shocking to me.” answers Celine. “I was expecting the worse. I could count on one hand the amount of people that have responded negative towards me though. Even with me screwing up my introduction, you guys wanted to cheer me up, I wasn't expecting that at all, thanks again.”
“Nice stripes by the way.” comes Gina's teasing remark.
While Celine looks to the girl with a frown, the majority of Celine's potential friends ignore her and Celine hears another question and turns her attention back to the people around her.
To Be Continued
Chapter 10
Title: Chapter 3-2
Celine continues to experience positive responses, along with gaining many friends and meeting a few famous people. Celine also encounters her first conflict.]
- 8:41 A.M. -
With the bell ringing, Celine leaves the classroom in a very cheerful mood, quite confident that besides Gina, she had gained a classroom of new friends. Revealing that her next class was Science, a few of her new friends shared that they had the same class and invited her to follow them to the next hour of school, Alma and Reni being part of that group.
“Oh yeah!” gasps Celine, looking to Reni. “What's it like being related to a famous person? What's your sister like?”
“Hehe, Sa-chan's pretty normal.” replies Reni with a giggle. “She's not a jerk about being famous, or thinks she's better than anyone else. She's nice and considerate of people, I'm sure you'd like each other.”
“Yeah, she's funny too.” adds Alma. “...and she's quick to help out her friends.”
“Enough about my sister though.” states Reni. “You're the new student, we want to know more about you.”
“Yeah!” adds a felene with long, blue hair. “The other Geelien's arn't in our grade, and they've only been here for two days, so we've hardly even meet them, but now we have our own Geelien to answer our questions.”
“That's right.” comments Celine. “I'm not the only Geelien here.” she adds, before Alma asks...
“Is it true that you can absorb a whole person?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine, before Alma adds...
“How many people can you absorb at one time?”
“Well, it depends on how big they are and how much mass they have.” answers Celine. “I can absorb three times my own mass. So using you guys as an example, I can absorb two of you, I wouldn't be able to stay in my solid form though, I'd be dripping and melting a ton.”
“I thought you said you can absorb three times your mass?” questions Reni. “You just said you can only absorb two of us.”
“Yeah, three time my mass.” confirms Celine. “But your bodies have much more mass than mine does, with your internal organs and bones.” she adds.
“Oh, well that makes sense.” comments Reni, before Alma asks...
“What happens if you try to go pass your limit?”
“Well I can't.” replies Celine. “I just won't be able to absorb anymore.”
“What kind of stuff do Geelien's eat?” asks Reni.
“Well, we can absorb just about anything you can eat. Anything organic we can absorb, but protein and liquid is the most important thing to us.” answers Celine, before the felene asks...
“So stuff like metal you wouldn't be able to eat?”
“Yeah, and certain kinds of candy, like the hard kind that you guys suck on.”
“How do you keep your clothes from being drenched?” asks Reni.
“Well, while I'm in my solid form, I'm not very wet at all, when I'm not dripping or melting, I can maintain a damp or even dry form, you can touch my arms if you want and see...” replies Celine, extending her arms in front of her a short distance for her new friends to touch and grab. “And all the clothes we wear are water-proof or resistant.”
“Wow...” comments the felene. “Water-proof clothes, that's pretty cool, even your underwear?”
“Heh, yeah, even my underwear.” replies Celine. “Yanno, I'm surprised you guys haven't asked me about my dripping when I introduced myself.”
“We're not completely clueless about Geelien's.” comments Reni with a giggle, before the felene adds...
“Yeah, Geelien's drip and melt when their nervous, scared or horny, right?”
“Hehe, yeah.” replies Celine, before Alma states...
“We're here.”
Celine sees them near another classroom.
“Well we'll pick up our talk later.” comments the felene, walking ahead and into the room, shortly joined by Alma, Reni and herself, before the girls separate.
The following two classes proceed as smoothly as the first, the students all too willing to get to know her and Celine was quite happy to talk with them and answer questions. Celine found it embarrassingly silly how much she had been dreading this day, besides Gina, who was the only one to actively pick on her for whatever reason and while she still hears the occasional mean remark, the amount of positivity that surrounded her easily overtook the negativity.
- 10:40 A.M. -
- Cafeteria -
Celine found lunch time particularly interesting, with her previous school on her home planet not having a period of time solely for eating, since Geelien's themselves didn't require eating frequently if they weren’t very active.
The idea of 'lunchtime' wasn't alien to her though and she very much looked forward to it, giving her the opportunity talk with many more people.
Holding a full tray of food, consisting of Mac and Cheese, a couple strips of chicken breasts, some red colored jello, which Celine amusingly noting that it matched the color of her body and a small bottle of milk, the teen leaves the lunch line, seeing the crowd of students, sitting at the numerous tables. The room was loud with the chatter of the students, Celine found herself in a dilemma of where to sit, although, that was quickly solved for her, when she sees Lina hurry to her from the second lunch line, holding her own full tray.
“Hey, you need a place to eat right?”
“Yeah...” answers Celine before giggling. “Hehe, I think I may have gained too many friends. I'm probably going to be flooded with requests to hang out with people.”
“Hehe, that's a pretty good problem to have.” comments Lina with a smile, before the two share a chuckle. “Well, how about you hang out with me and my friends? One of them is Sakura.”
“Oh, ok!” replies Celine happily. “I'd love to meet Sakura!”
“Great, follow me.” comments Lina, as she starts walking and Celine follows. “By the way, so you don't freak out, I'm friends with two more well-known Shakra fighters, Amu and Utah, you know of them, right?”
“Oh I do!” replies Celine, “Wow, so three famous Shakra fighters go to this school?”
“There's a lot more than three, but I'm only friends with three of them.” answers Lina.
Celine soon arrives where she assumes Lina was leading her as she see a set of circular tables, one where she sees Alma sitting with two Felene girls sitting on ether side of her and a Vehen and Tragelian girl. The other table, she sees Reni and she immediately recognized her sister, Sakura, sitting beside her, along with Amu and Utah, Celine also sees another, unfamiliar girl with long, raven hair.
“Here she is guys!” declares Lina happily. “I got to her before anyone else!”
Both groups of girls happily greet her and Celine gives a nervous return greeting. Although, while Celine was already excited to be meeting not only Sakura, but Amu and Utah as well, people she had seen on T.V., she was even more exited when she sees a group of small, winged female creatures sitting at the middle of the table, five in total, all sitting around a napkin and all eating some food from it, one even had beautiful, white, feathery wings, along with a shining halo and one of them lacked any clothes.
“Are those Fisers!?” gasps Celine happily and hurrying to the table as the tiny people look to her.
“Yeah.” replies Lina, walking to the the table and placing her tray down in front of one of the remaining empty chairs. “You know about them?”
“Yeah!” answers Celine happily. “I've heard about small winged companions that the people of this planet sometimes have. I heard they were rare, I didn't think I'd actually meet one, let alone a group of them!”
“Well grab a seat and join us.” comments Sakura. “We can all introduce ourselves.”
“OK.” replies Celine, seeing that there was plenty of room for her, the table wasn't packed, it just lacked a free chair, so she placed her tray down next to the raven haired girl and walking to the table Alma sat and with their ok, takes one of the free chairs and moves it to join Sakura and the others, before the raven-haired girl beside her comments...
“How about we do the introductions by saying our names, then our fisers introduce themselves?”
“Ok.” replies Amu, “Us first!” she adds with a smile. “My names Amu Hidamori.” before a near nude fiser stands, with fire-red short hair, tiny black, bat-like wings and a heart-tipped tail, wearing a small red tube-top and and a matching, tiny thong.
“And I'm her fiser Lilith, I'm a Succubus-type fiser.”
The long-haired blonde Celine knew as Utah introduces herself next, lifting her left hand a little.
“I'm Utah.” comments the blonde, before the white-winged fiser stands, who was dressed in a white dress that reaches her knees, whose hair was a bright silver.
“I'm an Angel-type and I belong to Utah, my name is Eru, and it is a pleasure to meet you.” says the fiser cheerfully, with a small curtsy.
The introduction brings a smile to Utah's face and a giggling from the other fisers before Lilith grins at her and comments...
“Laying it on kinda thick, arn't you?”
“I am not! I'm just being polite!” replies Eru
“I wonder how long you'll be able to keep up that impression you're giving.” comments Lillith, before looking to Celine and adding. “Eru's a huge hypocrite, just so you know.”
“I am not!” declares Eru angrily. “Don't spread lies about me you horny Jezebel freak, spreading your legs for any- AH!” she adds, before gasping and placing her hands over her mouth and looking up to Celine with her face flaring red. “Hehe, I must apologize, Lilith manages to bring the worst out in me, hehehe...”
“Oh please...” chuckles Lilith. “You act all prim and proper, just because your an Angel, but what kind of angel...” she adds, before grabbing Eru's dress and lifting it, revealing that the angel was naked under her dress, her slim figure and hairless mound revealed for all to see. “Wears nothing under her dress!?”
“AH!” gasps Eru, quickly snatching her dress from Lillith's hold to cover herself, before tackling Lillith, who giggles as the two small girls roll around on the table, before Utah removes Eru from Lilith.
“Ok you two...” comments Utah, “Let the others speak.”
Celine giggles from the little scene, before Eru returns to her previous spot with a giggle and Sakura resumes the introductions.
“I'm Sakura Hanna Bragou.”
The next fiser that stands wears a green, leafy dress, with short blonde hair and a thin pair of transparent wings.
“Sakura's my master!” she declares happily. “And my name is Nina, I'm a Fairy-type.”
“Heh, I'm not your master anymore.” comments Sakura.
Lina and Reni reintroduce themselves, before the raven-haired girl to Celine's left finishes the circle...
“And I'm Lila Drenet, I was Sakura's retriever.”
“Retriever?” questions Celine.
“I'll explain later.” comments Sakura. “It's not that important.”
The second to last Fiser then stands, also a fairy-type, who wears a purple leafy dress and whose skin was a near ghostly-pale, also with thin, transparent wings.
“I'm Lali.” she states with a smile, before looking to Nina and smiling. “And Nina's My Little Fairy.” which brings a blush to Nina's face.
“Aww come on...” replies Nina with an embarrassed smile. “We were just supposed to say our names.”
The comment brings a giggle from Lali, along with Celine, who found it odd that after everyone introduced themselves and their fiser companions, there was still one fiser left, another fairy with thin, transparent wings who looked quite young, reminding Celine of Becky and Sammy, the young fiser was the only one nude. The young Fiser soon gets to her feet with a smile, revealing her flat chest and hairless mound between her legs.
“And I'm Cora!” greets the small girl happily. “And Alma is my friend!”
“Wow, I didn't know you had a fiser too Alma.” states Celine, looking to Alma at the other table beside them, who smiles.
“Yep.” she comments, before the felene to Alma's left comments...
“Guess it's our turn now, my name is Katty Lanne, and I'm Alma's girlfriend.”
“So am I.” adds the felene to Alma's right. “I'm Crissy Langstan.”
Lastly, the Tragelian and Vehen girls introduce themselves.
“I'm Lisa.” greets the Tragelian.
“And I'm Xene (Zeenee).” finishes the Vehen.
“Guess that leaves me.” comments Celine with a smile. “My name is Celine Kellen and it's great to meet you all!”
Lila then comments, “I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say it's great to meet you too.”
“Yeah.” adds Sakura. “I've only met the other Geelien's between classes and spending like only five minutes with them during lunch.”
“Wait...” comments Celine. “So their in this area?”
“Yeah.” answers Amu. “All the grades share lunch time, so if they've come to school today, they should be here somewhere.”
“It'll be nice if I can see them.” comments Celine, standing and looking around the room.
Amu and Sakura also help Celine in her search and the blonde manages to find them, pointing her finger.
“There they are, on the other side of the room.” states Sakura. “Their sitting at one of the circle tables with some other people.”
“I see them!” declares Celine with a big smile, spotting the Geelien siblings across the room, sitting with their own group of friends, talking and laughing. “Looks like they have plenty of friends.” adds Celine, happily, before sitting back down.
“Yeah...” comments Sakura. “From the brief time I met them, they seemed really nice.”
“Hey...” starts Celine, looking to Sakura. “I got a question for you.”
“OK, ask away.”
“I've watched plenty of Shakra matches while I've been here, but your the only fire user I've seen that uses your Shakra to fly, why does no other fire user fly like you?”
“'Cause their not as awesome as I am!” declares Sakura cheerfully, before giggling. “Hehe, but seriously though, flying uses up a ton of energy, so that's why others don't do it. I've practiced it though, so it's not that much of a hit to my energy levels, but I still only use it in short bursts.”
“How long can you fly if that's the only thing you do?” asks Celine.
“About seven to ten minutes.” answers Sakura.
“Wow, you could still cover a lot of ground in seven to ten minutes.”
“I got a question Celine.” comments Utah.
“Does Water Shakra have any effect on your body?”
“Actually, it does.” replies Celine. “One of the neighborhood kids I'm friends with is a water user and tried lifting me, she's a level two if it matters and all she managed was pulling me in two at the waist.” she adds, bringing a giggling from the others, as well as herself. “It was pretty amusing.”
“Hey...” starts Amu. “How does electricity effect your body? Are you resistant to it?”
“I don't actually know.” replies Celine.
“Would you mind if I send a small current through your arm?” asks Amu.
“Go ahead...” replies Celine, presenting her left hand to the pink-haired teen, who places her right index finger to the back of Celine's hand, before her hand briefly forms numerous, small spikes and the Geelien giggles and comments, “Hehe, that tingles! Do a stronger one.”
“Heh, ok.” replies Amu, before the spikes travel up Celine's arm to her shoulder with a giggling shudder from her.
“O-Ohhhh! Hehe!”
“Guess you're not resistant to electricity then.” comments Amu, pulling her finger away.
“Guess not.” replies Celine, smiling. “Taking a direct hit of lightning would probably kill me though.”
- 11:30 A.M. -
- Gym Class -
- Girls Locker Room -
Of the group, Celine found that Sakura, Reni, Alma and Katty also had Gym class, learning along the way that students change into gym clothes, Celine was a little nervous and embarrassed at the idea that she needed to undress in front of other people; until her new friends inform her that, while connected, girls and boys had separate rooms.
Still a bit embarrassed, Celine didn't have any problem with following the rule. Although, Celine didn't have any gym clothes, but that was quickly solved before Celine even reaches the lockers when, in a small office connected to the room, with large windows, allowing a clear view in and out, the teen sees a young, blonde Felene woman call to her.
“Hey, new girl! Come here a sec.”
Celine complies and walks into the office with the Felene, who was dressed in what Celine assumed to be the girls gym clothing; A white T-shirt, trimmed in red and red shorts with a white line down the side. At first glance, Celine thought the woman was just wearing panties until she saw the white lines down the side.
In comparison to what Celine was currently wearing; A top that revealed her stomach and a rather short skirt, there was likely equal amounts of exposed 'skin' between the two, but the bottom of the uniform revealed a lot more leg than her skirt was and Celine felt a little more embarrassed that she'd be wearing, in her opinion, such a revealing uniform.
“Yeah?” replies Celine, walking in front of the Felene, but her attention was briefly averted to the other girls in the locker room undressing.
“You need to pick out your gym clothes...” comments the Felene, reaching under a desk and taking out a small, white suit-case, placing it on the desk and opening it, revealing a variety of gym clothing, though Celine was a little puzzled when she sees what are clearly pants as well, red with a white line going down the side. The Felene looks to her and adds, “Hmm, you look like a medium...” before looking through the clothing, though Celine quickly comments...
“The size of the clothing doesn't really matter for Geelien's.”
“Well you still have a recommended size, right?” asks the Felene with a little smile, checking the tag on one shirt and removing it from the case and on the desk beside it. “Otherwise, you'd look funny with uneven proportions squeezing into something small.”
“Hehe, yeah, you're right.” answers Celine, with a chuckle, before a girls giggling gasp catches her attention and looking out to the other girl's, most down to their underwear, a wide variety of underwear, some wearing the unusual, plain white; other with colors, some with polka dots and stripes, a couple with lacy or lingerie-type underwear and a few even having no underwear at all.
Celine could see Sakura and Alma, the blonde Tragelian was part of the few with lacy underwear and Alma wore a matching pink and white striped bra and panties. Unfortunately, Celine could also see Gina as well, her unprovoked bully was one of the few that was nude.
“Here you go.” states the Felene, regaining Celine's attention, who sees a pair of shorts and pants joining the shirt.
“Pants too?” asks Celine, picking up the three articles of clothing.
“Yeah.” replies the Felene, “It's up to the student which they choose to wear.” she adds, before reaching to a small pile of white, numbered cards, picking up one and handing it the teen. “And here's your key card for your locker, you'll keep this with you for as long as you have this class. Only the first ones free, so don't lose it.”
“Ok, thanks.”
Leaving the small room, and matching the number on the card to her assigned locker, Celine was relived to find that she didn't share a locker near Gina, who Celine sees look at her for a moment and give an unsettling smile. She wasn't done messing with her, Celine knew it.
Celine did share a locker between two other girls, one was a familiar face, Katty Lanne, the Felene who was Alma's girlfriend and a pink-haired Nex. Katty was nearly dressed, wearing the pants and was in the process of placing her regular clothes in the locker, while the Nex was dressed in only a pair of pink panties, no need for a bra with her young looking body.
“Hi again.” greets Katty with a smile.
“Hey.” replies Celine with a smile as well, before opening her locker and placing the pants inside, deciding to go with the shorts in the end, she didn't particularly care for pants in general anyway.
Placing her shirt and shorts down on the small bench behind her, Celine pushes through her slight embarrassment and began undressing, removing her shirt first, then her skirt, revealing her white bra and blue and white striped panties for all to see as well as her slight dripping as she places her clothes in the locker.
Celine wanted to hurry and get her gym clothes on, taking her shirt, but before putting it on, she pauses from a comment from Katty.
“What?” asks Celine, seeing her new friend looking at her exposed body.
“You have a nice figure.” replies Katty, putting on her shirt. “I could kinda see it before, but without clothes on, it's really noticeable.”
“Oh.” replies Celine, smiling.
“You're so smooth...” comments the Nex beside her and Celine looking to her, before seeing the Nex reach her left hand towards her and stroking her right arm.
“Thanks, it's a bit embarrassing being nearly naked with a group of people also nearly naked, some of them actually are, so I'm not really that smooth right now.”
“I like your tail.” comments Katty.
“Really?” asks Celine with a giggle at the unexpected compliment, looking to the Felene, before looking back to her own tail and lifting it.
“Yeah.” adds Katty. “It's long and pretty.”
“Thanks.” replies Celine. “Your tail's pretty too.”
Now dressed in her gym clothing, which she felt just as embarrassed as she thought she'd be with all of her legs exposed; the couple complements Celine received on her smooth, clear legs, didn't help much. There was nothing she could do about it though, between the pants and the shorts, Celine would rather wear the shorts.
Entering the gym, Celine quickly found that, while not unfamiliar, the 'class' was more of a 'recess' or 'free-play' type period as students happily occupied themselves with activities, some running around or having foot races, others playing with balls and tossing them at round hoops connected to a glass backing. Not all the students were active though, some gathering at the bleachers talking, a couple appearing to be working on school work.
Seconds into walking into the room, Celine notices Gina run pass her and pick up a ball before dribbling it and turning to look at her with a smile, which Celine quickly prepared herself to fend off another round of teasing.
“Hey...” comments Gina, walking towards her and Celine clearly taking a defensive posture.
“What?” replies Celine.
“Whoa, whoa, no reason to get all tense like I'm going to do something.” answers Gina with a smile and lifting her free hand. “I'm going to start up a basketball game and I was wondering if you'd like to join.”
“Why are you suddenly being nice to me?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, sorry about this morning, I was in a bad mood.” replies Gina, before sighing. “The bitch has no mercy, I make an effort to be on time, but she doesn't care and now I have fraking detention because of her.”
While Celine still felt a little wary of Gina, her bully did seem to be trying to right what she did wrong.
“OK...” replies Celine. “How do you play?”
While Gina smiles at the answer, she also looked a little surprised.
“You don't have Basketball on your planet?”
“Nope, never heard of it.” answer Celine.
“Well it's really simple...” replies Gina, before holding the ball she was dribbling. “There's two teams and you use this ball here and try to get it into your teams net. I'll explain the rest as we gather up anyone who wants to play with us.”
Gina was able to quickly gather six other students, four girls and two boys, totaling eight players, two being Sakura and Katty, along with a very convincing cross-dressing Tragelian boy with long purple hair, who wore the panty-like shorts, introducing himself as Takeda and Sakura happily declaring that he was her boyfriend, which was the only thing that told Celine that the 'girl' she met was actually a boy.
A fact that Sakura playfully teases her about, asking if she found Takeda attractive when she though he was a girl.
With the teams chosen, Celine was still a little wary as Gina was part of her team, though Sakura and another boy joined them.
After learning more of the rules of Basketball, Celine was able to pick it up quite quickly, though she had a bit of trouble with the 'traveling' rule, frequently forgetting to dribble the ball.
After a about ten minutes, the game was going very good, although her team was behind two points, Celine was enjoying herself quite a bit. The game was a bit more physical than Celine thought, as she sees a couple shoves, enough to knock the players down, but not enough to cause injury, even Celine fell victim once from Katty.
Celine did though manage to take the ball from Takeda once when the boy attempted to push her back and his hand pushing into her shirt and into her body. Giving a giggling apology, Celine used the brief moment of shock on the boys face to swat the ball from his hand and gain possession, though it lead to her missing the net.
Although, shortly after Sakura successfully makes a shot and gives them the lead. Celine hears Gina call her name from behind and turns to look and only has enough time to gasp as she sees the ball in mid-flight rocketing towards her, hitting her in the chest, quite hard, enough to push right through her, taking her shirt and bra with it as Celine gasps again as she was left topless before immediately covering herself as she started to drip.
Looking to Gina, Celine could see a clearly satisfied grin on her face.
“Ohh, sorry about that!” comments Gina, quickly walking towards her with a giggle.
“Like crap you are!” declares Celine angrily. “You did that on purpose! You threw the ball way too hard!”
“Hey come on...” replies Gina. “It was a mistake.” she adds, placing a hand to Celine shoulder, who quickly moves away.
“Don't touch me you liar! You think I'm stupid enough to believe you!?”
“Hey Celine...” comments Sakura, hurrying beside her and handing her shirt and bra to her.
“Thanks.” replies Celine, taking her shirt and bra, covering her chest, before Gina comments.
“I dunno why you're getting so upset, you chose to play even after I explained the rules, you should know the specific risks for you Geelien's.”
“The risk!?” gasps Celine, seeing that they had gathered a small crowd, though Celine was too angry to care, before stepping towards the grinning girl and Sakura quickly holding her back, grabbing her left arm and shoulder.
“Celine stop, just let it go, everyone knows Gina can be a jerk sometimes.”
“No! I'm not going to let it go!” declares Celine. “I've dealt with bullies before back home and their all the same, no matter where you are and I'm not going to let Gina just get away with it!”
“Really?” asks Gina, crossing her arms over her chest and walking in front of Celine. “And what are you gonna do then, huh? You're here representing your race, are you sure it's a good idea to pick a fight your first day of school?”
Gina though was soon shocked as Celine tosses her clothing to the floor and grabs her by the neck and the Geelien shoves her free hand down her throat, bringing a shocked, muffled gasp from the teen as she lifts her hands up to Celine's arm going down her throat and trying in vain to pull her arm free, but her hands simply pass through the Geelien's arm.
“Are you sure it's a good idea to make a Geelien angry!?” declares Celine.
Gina soon gives up on pulling the arm free and grabbing at the hand around her neck, giving desperate, muffled screams as her eyes started to roll up and her eyelids flutter as the suffocating teen verges on passing out.
Moments later, Gina drops to her knees and her hands fall limply at her sides as she loses consciousness, before falling back with Celine's goo trailing from her her mouth.
Celine was very tempted to do what she was thinking, her bully would know for a fact that she wouldn't let herself be treated wrongly- along with everyone else, quite possibly losing the friends she made because they were scared of her. Gina was right though, she was here to represent her race and assaulting another student was certainly not a good idea, not to mention, Gina could simple use her Shakra and teleport free.
“Like I thought, nothing!” declares Gina, before poking Celine in the shoulder, pushing her finger into her. “You can't do anything to me if you want to stay on this planet and not make your whole race look bad.”
Celine clenches her fists, holding her shirt against her chest tightly, which Gina smiles at seeing.
“Ohhhh, you really want to hit me don't you? But you know I'm right.”
“Ok Gina, that's enough!” declares Sakura, with a frown of anger and stepping in front of Celine. “Celine's been nothing but nice and you're picking on her for no reason.”
“Yeah...” adds Takeda, walking to Sakura's side. “You're just taking out your anger at having detention out on Celine cause she's new here.”
Celine was soon surprised when the two teams all came to her side in defense of her and Katty commenting...
“You can go somewhere else, we'll find someone else to replace you.”
Gina frowns at the uneven odds and retorts, “Tch, fine, but don't think for a second Celine, this means I think you Geelien's are scary, I'm not scared of you at all! You're lucky my aim was off, I was aiming for your head, so you'd really give us a show.”
With Gina walking away, Celine felt relived that Gina's aim was off, instead of being embarrassed, she would have been humiliated shifting into a puddle, which would be humiliating enough, but even more so if she attempted to reform, leaving her naked.
“You ok?” asks Sakura as she and the others face her.
“Yeah.” answers Celine, with a small smile at everyone coming to her aid. “Thanks guys.”
“Gina isn't always like that.” comments Katty. “She's actually a nice person when you get to know her.”
“I find that hard to believe...” replies Celine, with a small frown, before turning and walking back towards the locker rooms to put on her bra and shirt.
After returning, Celine found out that Gina's action earned her another detention and a trip to the office for further disciplinary action.
- 1:34 P.M. -
- Parking Lot -
“So how was your first day?” asks Eda, as Celine enters the car with her mom and dad.
“It was really good.” replies Celine happily, before Eda began to leave the parking lot with the other vehicles. “It started out a bit rough with my introduction, I flashed the entire class my panties.”
“Really?” asks Eda with a chuckle.
“Yeah, it's a good thing I was actually wearing panties.” adds Celine, before Avery asks...
“You make any new friends?”
“Yeah, I made a ton of new friends!” answers Celine happily. “Although, there was one girl who didn't like me for some reason and was picking on me in the very first class.”
“Well that's unfortunate.” replies Eda. “She didn't cause you too much trouble did she?”
“Well, we really got into it during gym class when she embarrassed me by throwing a ball at me really hard and causing my shirt and bra to come off.”
“What!?” questions both adults and Eda stopping the car and looking back to her daughter. “Did this girl do it on purpose?”
“Yeah, she actually said she was aiming for my head...” replies Celine, seeing the further shocked expression on her parents face, Celine quickly adds, “But you don't have to worry, although she made me really mad, everything turned out ok, the new friends I made came to my defense and she left me alone. It was the only negative experience I had though, the positivity that I had really out weighed it.”
Celine sees her parents look at each other for a moment and Celine adds...
“Come on guys, I can handle one bully. I was expecting much worse, so you don't need to worry.”
“Well, ok.” replies Eda, giving a smile. “If you say you can handle it, then I'll let you.” she adds, before Avery comments...
“But if this girl does something like that again-”
“Dad, I can handle it.” states Celine, with a smile.
Smiling also, Avery smiles and give an “Ok.”
“Well then...” starts Eda, as she begins moving the car again. “You want to tell us about some of your new friends?”
“Sure!” replies Celine happily.
Chapter 11
Title: Chapter 4-1
A day after her positive experience at her new school, Celine does what has become normal for her, having a naughty fun time with three of her neighborhood friends. ]
- Next day -
- Vivius (Saturday), 4:12 P.M. -
- Celine's room -
“Ohhhhh! Hehehe!”
Moans and giggles were the only responses from a twelve-cycle old, brown-skinned Felene with shoulder-length, black hair, laying naked on her back. Small breasts just starting to develop, legs spread in front of an also naked, dripping Celine, in her younger form. Sitting on her legs with a smile on her face as she uses her right hand to caress the Felene's bulging belly while her left hand teases the young girl's aroused, puffy labia as Celine's goo gradually oozes from her.
“Feels good, don' it!?” happily asks Becky, positioned to the right of the Felene on her hands and knees, flicking her tongue over the squirming girl's erect right nipple.
“Your belly's so big Brandi!” declares Sammy to the Felene's left, also tongue teasing her other nipple, but added teasing her friend's left furry ear. “You look like your gonna have a baby!”
While the young Felene's belly was quite distended, it wasn't as much as the two eight-cycle old Tragelian's bellies were when Celine filled them up, even if she was older and bigger, her womb just didn't have the stretch Becky and Sammy's had. Regardless though, the bulge of Brandi's belly was still quite impressive and obvious.
“There's so much pressure!” happily comments Brandi, using her hands to caress the sides of her belly. “And Celine moving it around feels so good!”
Becky and Sammy giggle in response and return their tongues to the cat-girl's budding breasts and nipples, bringing out more of her moans. Celine continues smiling, circling her right hand around Brandi's belly, swirling her mass around inside her womb as her left hand leaves the blushing lips of her labia and teases Brandi's erect clit peeking out of its protective hood with her index finger, bringing a delightful coo and squirm from the brown-skinned girl.
With a tight, bulging belly, the contents of her womb being pleasurably stirred, her clit being teased and her nipples surrounded by Becky and Sammy's flicking tongues and soft lips, the young Brandi was in her own little heaven under the pleasurable actions of her friends, squirming and moaning.
While the occasional giggle leaves the two eight-cycle olds, Brandi was currently the only vocal one of the three and the two Tragelian's lick and suck eagerly at her nipples. Minutes later, a gasping moan leaves Brandi as Celine's left hand teasing her clit changes up its action and lightly gripping the tiny nub between her index and thumb and beginning to slowly squeeze and roll it, before moving her right hand from her belly and gently inserting her index and middle fingers between the puffy lips of her labia and into her wet, eager pussy and slowly thrusting them.
Brandi's speech was reduced to pants and moans for the next few minutes, it wasn't long before groaning joined her moans, evidence that she was nearing her limit.
“About to come?” asks Celine with an expectant smile.
“Ohhh, yeah... mmmmngh, I'm gonna come.” moans Brandi.
“You gonna come for us?” repeats Celine, before with a slight upward curve of her fingers inside her, the young Felene gives a hard flinch and gasp. “This pretty little pussy?”
“Yes!” gasps Brandi, quickly groaning. “Nnnngh! M-My naughty little pussy's gonna come, all filled up with your goo!”
“Come then.” comments Celine, smiling, before squeezing Brandi's clit a little harder, bringing a hard groaning from her as her body trembles on the verge of climax. “Let this naughty pussy come, all filled up with my-” adds Celine, before Brandi cut her off with...
The tense Felene's hold finally failing as she climaxes powerfully, thrusting her hips up as her pussy spasms around Celine's still trusting fingers, who could feel the small bulge against the tips of her fingers continuing to stroke the area. Celine knew it wouldn't be long and seconds into Brandi's orgasm, the young girl's moan jumps in volume as a clear, forceful spurt of cum shoots from her urethra and hits Celine in the face, bringing a giggle from her.
Celine's continued stroking of the swelled area urges two more just as forceful, orgasmic spurts from the twelve-cycle old before Brandi's rear drops back to the floor as her body trembles vigorously, though Celine didn't let up on her thrusting and stroking, traded squeezing her clit for flicking it with her finger rapidly.
Through Brandi's pleasurable moaning and squirming, the young girl moves her hands down to Celine's, attempting to push them away before another gasp leaves her as while Celine's mass began to gush from her around the Geelien's fingers, a few more hard spurts of cum leave her urethra, the involuntary jerks of her hips causing the spurts to shoot up in the air, nearly reaching Celine's face again.
Brandi moans loud and long, her squirting not completely stopping before attempting to push away Celine's insistent fingers again.
“E-Enough!” requests Brandi. “I can't t-take it anymore! NNGH!”
Celine giggles before stopping the stroking of the shrinking bulge, pulling her hand from Brandi's clit, though her fingers remain inside her spasming pussy, very slowly moving them in and out as a few weaker spurts of cum escape. Brandi though, even puts a stop to the slow thrusts, as well as Becky and Sammy's continued teasing of her nipples as the Felene lowers her hands down to cover her throbbing pussy and and lean to her left side, lifting her knees up with a low moan as her body trembles from the lingering ripples of her orgasm while more of Celine's mass oozes out of her.
Sammy playfully pokes the shaking girl in the shoulder, commenting...
“Hehe, can't handle all the pleasure huh?”
Celine was quite happy seeing Brandi nearly curled up in a ball. It was a nice change from the insatiable Becky and Sammy, despite all she'd done to the young Tragelian's neither of them ever declared they couldn't take it or pushed Celine away.
However, Brandi did, which delighted Celine greatly, with her pleas for mercy and moving to escape the pleasure that had risen to levels she couldn't handle.
Now was no different, seeing Brandi curled up on her side, hands between her legs, soothing her puffy, sensitive labia with slow rubs from her fingers while Celine's red mass flows out of her and the occasional involuntary jerk of her body and tail from the fading pleasure.
“You're so cute...” comments Celine, grinning as she leans towards the young Felene, who flinches and gasps when Celine places her left hand to her upper thigh, caressing her for a few moments, moving down to the left cheek of her butt as well. “Too much pleasure for that naughty pussy to handle, huh? No, wait, too much for you to handle, your pussy wanted more...”
Celine continues to caress the Felene's thigh and butt, before moving the back of her right hand to Brandi's shielding her pussy, causing her to flinch and press her hands against herself harder, which Celine smiles at, Brandi didn't want to be touched there yet, still too sensitive.
Although Celine knew she could slip through her fingers, she moves her hand away, towards the young girl's unshielded anus, which clenches tightly with a gasp from her as Celine's index finger touches it.
“That won't do at all...” adds Celine, beginning to circling her finger around the clenching ring. “...Not at all.”
Celine looks up to Becky and Sammy with a smile, the two girls with a hand between their legs.
“We need to take you pass your limit, so your pussy can have it's fill.” states Celine, looking to her two grinning friends, who easily get the hint as they pull their dripping fingers from themselves and placing their hands to their curled up, still moaning friend.
Sammy reaches her left hand to Brandi's tail, stroking it, though it quickly wraps around her wrist, while her right hand strokes Brandi's arm and shoulder while lastly, moving her face down and kissing and licking at her friends back.
Becky, meanwhile, reaches her left hand to Brandi's head, petting her and teasing her furry ears, she couldn't find anything to do with her right hand, so she returns it between her own legs.
With her helpers at work, Celine slows her caresses of Brandi's thigh and butt, while focusing more on her wavering anus, beginning to clench less and less the more she teases it, while the Felene's moans begin to grow once again.
“Nooo...” Brandi moans. “Too much...”
“There's no such thing!” declares Sammy, her area of licking and kissing expanding to her friends arm and shoulder.
“Yeah...” adds Celine, continuing to insistently tease the moaning Felene's anus. “That naughty pussy of yours wants more, don't you want to give it more?”
“Y-yeah, but, I can't take it.” answers Brandi.
“I'm sure you could if you try.” replies Celine, starting to apply pressure to the teasing of her anus. “You're friends with Becky and Sammy after all, I'm sure you'd like to give your pussy all it wants, just like them.”
“We've tried before.” states Becky. “But when Brandi says she's done, she'll get violent if you try touching her after.”
“Really?” asks Celine with a smile, before Brandi gasps as her anus' resistance wavers and allows Celine's finger to slip through. “Ohhh, well, since she hasn't become violent yet, I guess she isn't done yet, huh?” She adds, before Brandi give a long moan as Celine slowly pushes her finger as deep as her one finger could go. “We need to bring Brandi to that point and push her past it, what do you guys think?”
“Awesome!” declares Becky.
“I'm in!” adds Sammy. “With you, I'm sure we could do it! A kick to the stomach won't bother you.”
“Nooo...” moans Brandi.
Although, mentally, Celine briefly wavers from hearing Sammy's comment, she thought Becky was exaggerating when she said Brandi got violent, if the Felene was really that against being touched when declaring she was 'done', Celine certainly didn't want to cross that line.
However, Brandi hadn't declared she was done yet, so Celine quickly decided she'd continue.
Without a hitch, Celine proceeded, bringing more moans from the young girl curled up as she began to slowly move her finger in and out of her anus, which clenches weakly around the intruding digit.
“Yes...” comments Celine, smiling, “We're going to give that naughty pussy all it wants, starting first, with your nice, tight little hole here. Although your older, it must not get much use, it's a lot tighter than Becky and Sammy's, but that's not a problem for a Geelien...”
Brandi suddenly gasps as Celine easily threads her middle finger through the tight ring, reforming her finger and spreading it a little wider.
“Yeah... we'll go one finger at a time...” comments Celine, slowly moving her fingers in and out, gradually loosening the tight ring. “I'll give that naughty pussy what it wants through your butt.”
“Nnngh...” Brandi's groaning was the only response from Celine's continued, anal finger thrusting, not to mention the light, but added stimulus from Becky and Sammy, particularly, Becky's left hand petting her and teasing her ears.
Over the few, slowly passing minutes, Celine could feel Brandi's anus had loosened enough to add a third finger, before she did though, the Felene removes her right hand from her crotch, lifting it up towards her chest in a fist as she moans.
“Ohhh, one hand left.” comments Celine, before a gasp leaves the young girl as Celine's third, ring finger slips into and stretches her anus a little more. Celine lowers her left hand from Brandi's thigh and down to her hand covering her pussy and rubbing her fingers before adding, “How about it? I'm sure your pussy's eager for some more attention after the break it's had.”
Brandi's remaining hand doesn't move, or rather, not away, as Celine's smile grows when she sees a slow caressing of her hand over her labia.
“Well that works.” comments Celine, bringing a slight groan from the Felene as she wriggles her fingers inside her rectum.
“Since you getting into it again...” comments Becky, removing her dripping fingers from her pussy and grabbing Brandi's free hand and pulling it toward her honey oozing slit. “Let's put that hand to work.”
Becky quickly feels Brandi begin to finger her, before Sammy reaches to Brandi's left knee and spreading her legs while she pulls her friend to her back again.
“And let us reach more of you!” adds Sammy, before, with her chest and now slightly bulging belly exposed again, Sammy reaches her right hand to Brandi's right nipple, pinching and pulling it, while Becky takes advantage of the position change and lowers her lips to Brandi's, kissing her as the two moan, from the kiss itself and the pleasure they were feeling.
Celine, although she didn't have quite the same view of Brandi's anus, her access to it didn't change while her fingers remained inside. Moments into the change of position, Celine sees Brandi's hand covering her labia began to move a bit faster. Perhaps a minute into it, her fingers slip between the aroused lips and into the oozing, hidden hole.
“There ya go...” comments Celine. “Give that naughty pussy what it wants.”
Once again, with so much stimulus focused on her; Brandi was in her own personal heaven, Becky's teasing her ears and kissing, Sammy's pinching and pulling of her right nipple, Celine's toying with her anus and her own fingering of her pussy, Brandi was moaning and squirming in delightful, renewed pleasure under the actions of her three friends.
Celine had yet to finish, she still had two fingers left, her pinkie and thumb, her pinkie finger easily slips in, but it was her thumb, that was soon to follow seconds later that brings a small groan from her, as Celine finally had her whole hand inside the Felene's rectum.
“There we go, all in...” comments Celine. “Now the fun can really start...” she adds, before reabsorbing the the mass that had left Brandi's pussy, partially returning her to her original form, before Brandi gasps into the kiss as Celine began pushing her mass deep into her rectum, though the Geelien soon sees Brandi's fingers in her pussy move a bit quicker.
“Ohh, you like that, huh?” asks Celine. “You like me going in deep, don't you?”
“Mm-Hmm.” answers Brandi.
“Well then, how about this?” questions Celine, before pulling her mass back, retreating from the depth she had reached, before quickly returning.
The resulting deep thrusts brings an immediate, loud moan from Brandi, enough to briefly break off her and Becky's kissing, who giggles before returning their lips.
Soon after, Sammy quickly trades Brandi's fingers thrusting into her pussy for her own, moving her hand under the Felene's, pulling her fingers out and replacing them with hers. Brandi didn't seem to mind, but Sammy's fingers move much quicker than Brandi's were, bringing naughty squelches from her pussy and another loud, though longer, moan from the Felene.
“There ya go!” declares Sammy gleefully. “You were just teasing it! We're gonna make you come so hard!”
With near intestine-deep thrusts from Celine and Sammy's rapid finger thrusts of her pussy, Brandi became much more energetic in her squirming, quickly moving left and right, Becky and her lips no longer able to remain connected with her squirms of pleasure.
It was clear that Brandi was reaching her moment, proven as Brandi began groaning hard.
“She's gonna come!” declares Sammy. “That naughty pussy's gonna come!”
Just seconds from Sammy's declaration, the Felene gives a loud scream-like moan as she lifts her hips, trembling vigorously, as Celine feels the pulsing clinches of her anus.
“There's she goes!” cheers Becky.
“She's coming!” declares Sammy, continuing to thrust her fingers rapidly.
Smiling, Celine continues her deep thrusting, shortly into Brandi's pleasure, the young girl lets out a louder moan as Celine could hear her cum squirting from her, but Sammy's thrusting hand blocked it's path, causing the watery fluid to stream down to Celine's arm and to the floor.
Although, shortly into Brandi's squirting, Celine sees her reach her free hand to grab Sammy's thrusting hand, showing no signs of stopping.
“S-Stop! That's- Ahhhhnngh... e-enough!”
“It's never enough!” Declares Sammy. “More! More! More! Come more, let your pussy come all it wants!”
“AHHHHH! NNNGH! N-NOOOO! STOP!” moans and begs Brandi, before another gasps leaves her and Celine could hear and see more of Brandi's cum squirt from her.
Just seconds after though, Brandi begs again.
Celine started to slow her action, beginning to feel a little bad that Brandi was begging for them to stop and they weren’t.
“More!” states Becky. “You're almost there!”
“PLEASE!” repeats Brandi, before Celine sees her moves her right hand from between Becky's legs and towards Sammy's hand, but she never reaches it as Becky grabs her arm, before Sammy pulls Brandi's left hand away from her thrusting fingers, and the Felene gives a pleading...
Before another gasping moan leaves her, there was no squirting this time, but Celine now sat in shock, completely stopping her action.
“NO MORE! P-PLEASE!” begs Brandi.
She was begging for Becky and Sammy to stop, but the two girls were merciless, holding back their friends arms as Sammy forced her pleasure higher and higher.
“Hey you two, maybe we should stop.” requests Celine, pulling her hand from Brandi's mildly gaping, though rapidly clenching anus, the retreat itself adding to the Felene's unwanted pleasure. “She's begging.”
“No!” declares Becky and Sammy at the same time, before Sammy adds. “She's almost there! Just a little more!”
“Almost where?” questions Celine.
“The best feeling ever!” adds Becky.
“No more! P-please!” begs Brandi, no longer screaming, which concerned Celine, the two were wearing her down, Celine also recognized the sound of crying. “I can't-Nngh, take it... AhhhhHHHHHHHH!” she adds, before her screaming returns, starting low and growing louder.
“Just a little more!” happily states Becky.
Celine was conflicted, clearly, Becky and Sammy were, by definition, raping Brandi, their friend, which Celine had the understandable urge to stop, but they both were very excited about their friend reaching some great moment or point in her pleasure which intrigued her.
It was this wonderment that overpowered Celine's urge to stop this obvious rape, as Brandi's scream of, pleasure? Grows louder and louder before it abruptly stops, which actually startles Celine as at the same time, Brandi arches her back up off the floor, like some sort of gymnastic show of flexibility. In the very brief silence only the rapid squelches of Sammy's unstopping fingers quickly moving in and out of Brandi's abused pussy was heard, before Becky declares...
“She's there!”
Brandi's sudden scream was so loud, it startles Celine once again, before a very impressive sight soon follows as Sammy snatches her dripping fingers from Brandi's well worked pussy. A thin stream of cum jets from the Felene's urethra, leaving with such force and pressure, that it arcs clear over Celine head and hitting the wall behind her. As impressive as it was, it was made even more so as the stream remained sustained for at least three full seconds.
The show wasn't over there though as once the stream comes to an abrupt end, Brandi falls back to the floor, her body undergoing intense convulsions, specifically, her hips, rapidly thrusting up and down while her squirting starts up again, sputtering out of her and Celine, currently between Brandi's legs, gets hit fully with each sputtering ejaculation.
As soon as Becky and Sammy release her arms, Brandi immediately shoots her hands over her wildly squirting and climaxing pussy and returns to her side as her body quivers and trembles, though her pleasure didn't seem to be waning at all, going as strong as when it first started, long, loud moans leaving her.
“What did you two do to her?!” asks Celine, watching, still in shock at Brandi's seemingly persistent orgasm.
“Only the best thing ever!” declares Becky.
“Yeah!” adds Sammy.
“Would you two mind informing me about this great thing?” asks Celine. “Brandi's gone from begging you to stop, to seemingly coming nonstop with no one touching her.”
“That's basically it!” states Becky.
“Huh?” replies Celine, before Brandi gives a loud moan, hearing and seeing her squirting forcefully against her hand, before perhaps from Celine's actions, a number of sizable logs of poop quickly leave her anus with a couple wet farts, bringing a giggling 'Ewww' from Becky and Sammy.
“Orgasms are fine and all...” starts Sammy. “...but there's a whole 'nother level to orgasms that feel SOOOOOOO good! But to get there, you have to screw yourself silly!”
“Yeah!” adds Becky. “You have to go pass the point you think your going to go crazy! It's so amazing!” she continues, before reaching her hands between her legs with a moan. “Getting there the first time is easy, it didn't take long at all for Brandi to reach it, but gets harder and harder the more you reach that wonder next level of orgasm!”
“Wow...” comments Celine, before looking to Brandi, still well within the pleasure, though it seemed to finally be fading, before to Celine's surprise, Brandi appears to pass out, going limp and her moaning stopping, though her body continued to tremble in the orgasmic pleasure flowing through her. “Hey, did she just pass out?! She looks like she's still coming too!” she adds, reaching a hand towards her, though Becky and Sammy quickly declare...
“Huh?” asks Celine.
“Don't touch her right now!” replies Sammy.
“Yeah.” adds Becky. “W-While she's like that, her whole body is s-super sensitive, mmm, even a poke could make her start coming really hard again.”
Becky soon gives another moan before leaning down on her right side, continuing to finger herself.
“Wow.” comments Celine.
“Brandi's going to be just fine.” replies Sammy. “She'll wake up in a few minutes.” she adds, placing a hand between her legs.
“So, you two have reached this 'next level' orgasm before?” asks Celine.
“Mmm, yeah.” moans Becky.
“A bunch.” adds Sammy.
“It's sucks though, 'cause it gets harder and harder to get there.” comments Becky.
“Why?” asks Celine.
“'Cause...” starts Sammy. “Once you reach it one time, you're not really afraid to get to that same point, but that place isn't there anymore, you have to have more to get there.”
“So... it's like a drug, were you have to take more for the same effect over time.” comments Celine.
“Yeah!” gasps Becky. “That's a good way to describe it!”
“But it also sucks because we can't reach that wonderful place alone.” replies Sammy.
“Why not?” asks Celine.
“Cause it's, Nngh... s-super, super, super hard to force yourself pass the p-point your body doesn't want to go.” states Becky, before moaning from an obvious orgasm.
“It's like a reflex.” adds Sammy, grinning at Becky's climax, before a moan comes from her as her hands movement speeds up with a few audible squelches. “Mmm, you'll automatically stop yourself if you don't, like, tie yourself down.”
“Enough talking...” comments Becky, rolling onto her beck and looking up to Celine as her hands continue. “Let's keep doing what we were doing!”
“But what about-” starts Celine, before Sammy interrupts as she crawls towards her.
“Brandi's gonna be fine, I told you, she's going to wake up with the biggest smile on her face.”
“Oh, well, ok...” replies Celine, with a smile slowly returning to her face. “Well you two seem to know what you did to her, so if you say she's going to be fine, I'll believe you.”
“Good...” comments Becky, rolling over and lifting herself on her hands and knees and crawling towards Celine, grabbing her left hand and placing it to her oozing pussy, an action that was repeated by Sammy. “Fill us up again.”
“Yeah...” adds Sammy. “Fill my pee-hole too.”
“Hehe...” giggles Celine, before beginning to tease the hot, oozing slits in her hands, bringing a giggling moaning from the two. “You two are insatiable, we've been at this for at least an hour, I've lost track of how many times you've come, you've knocked out Brandi by forcing her to come her brains out and you STILL want more!”
“So do you.” replies Becky with a grin, before Sammy adds...
“Yeah, you're still giving us what we want, you're not satisfied ether. You wanna make us come over and over.”
“Hehe, you're right.” comments Celine with a smile, before bringing a delighted gasp from the two as she sinks all four of her fingers into their slippery holes. “I'm just as bad as you two. I want these naughty pussies to come hard for me.”
“Ohhhh, they will!” moans Becky, lifting her hands up to her nipples and pinching them. “Our naughty pussies will come just for you!”
“Ohhhh! You're even more fun now Celine!” declares Sammy, leaning against her.
Celine smiles at understanding what Sammy meant, their first few times together, Celine was quite nervous and embarrassed, but after the ample time spent with them, and their friends, along with her very positive school experience the previous day, Celine had grown very comfortable with them, proven with her growing eagerness and much more naughty talk with them, which the two girls clearly liked.
“Fill us with your goo!” request Sammy. “Stir us up like you did before!”
Although, a thought suddenly comes to Celine with a gasp and to the girl's disappointment, pulls her hands away.
“Oh, hey! Just remembered something I wanted to try with you two! It's super naughty!”
“Ohhh! What is it!?” asks Becky excitedly.
“Do it! Do it!” adds Sammy happily, before quickly lifting a hand. “Ohh! Me first!”
“Aww!” whines Becky. “I wanna go first!”
“Hehe...” giggles Celine. “Well, since Becky was the last to come, I'll do Sammy first.”
“Yay!” cheers Sammy.
Becky immediately grumbles with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Ok, here's the idea...” starts Celine. “Ovary stimulation.” she adds, before grinning as she sees the wide-eyed stares from the two. “Heh, whaddya think?”
“You mean...” starts Becky, looking down at herself and poking her index fingers to her side. “...teasing those little balls inside us that make our honey?”
“Yep.” answers Celine. “Super naughty, huh?”
“So naughty it's awesome!” declares Sammy happily, bouncing up and down on her legs. “Ohhh, I wonder how it'll feel!”
“Still wanna go first?” asks Celine.
“Yeah!” quickly answers Sammy, moving within a foot of Celine sitting up on her knees and spreading her leg. “Do it!” she adds eagerly, honey oozing out of her eager slit.
“Ok...” replies Celine, placing her left hand to Sammy's hip, though before inserting her right hand into Sammy, Brandi's poop catches her attention. “Oh, wait, we can't leave Brandi's poop there stinking up the room.”
“Oh yeah.” replies Becky.
“I forgot all about her poop.” adds Sammy.
“I'll get rid of it...” states Celine, moving from Sammy and scooping up the few logs and walking to the small trash can near her door and dropping the waste there before returning to her previous spot and Sammy eagerly presenting her oozing pussy to her and Celine resuming.
Placing her left hand to Sammy's right hip as she easily inserts her entire right hand into the girls pussy with a squelch and giggling moan from her, Celine comments... “If it hurts at all, tell me and I'll pull out.”
“Ok.” replies Sammy, grinning with anticipation, while Becky returns her hands between her legs as she watches and waits her turn.
With a slight groan coming from Sammy, Celine moves her mass into the small gap of the young girl's cervix.
“OK, I'm in your womb, just gotta find one of the holes...” comments Celine, before Sammy suddenly flinches with a giggle as Celine's formless hand taps and rubs the walls of her uterus.
“Ahh! Hehehe! T-That tickles!” declares Sammy.
“Heh, sorry, searching blind here.” replies Celine, smiling.
Searching the right side of Sammy's womb, though the young girl's left, continuing her giggles, Celine's tentacle-like hand locates a depression, applying a brief pressure, Celine found she could push her mass into it, not very deep, but it was enough to bring another gasp.
“Ohh! That feels a little funny.”
“Found it.” comments Celine. “It doesn't hurt does it?”
“No, it kinda tickles but it kinda doesn't, it's weird.” replies Sammy.
“Well then, I'm going to push in, ok?” comments Celine.
However, before Celine does so, the group hears a groan from Brandi.
“Nnngh, ohhhh... what happened?” questions the Felene groggily as she removes her hands from her crotch and lifts herself up on her hands with another groan, before turning and sitting on her butt. “I feel so tired and my pussy's throbbing...” she adds, returning one hand back between her legs.
“Heheh, see!?” comments Becky with a smile, looking to Celine. “Told you she'd be ok.”
“Huh?” replies Brandi.
“We made you come over and over till you reached the next level!” answers Becky happily. “It felt better than you thought it would, huh?”
“I remember...” comments Brandi, before a frown comes to her face. “You jerks, I was begging you to stop! I was coming so hard!”
“Hehe, but you loved it though, didn't you?” replies Becky, smiling and leaning against the Felene and causing her to fall to her back as Becky lightly hugs her. “You finally reached that wonderful place!”
“T-That's not the point!” declares Brandi.
“But I'm right though, hehe.” comments Becky, before moving her right hand down between Brandi's legs, who gasps and pushes Becky off her and quickly punches her in the shoulder as she covers herself again, bringing a pained gasp from the blonde as she rubs her shoulder. “Ow! Geez, you get so violent when you have a good come.”
“And you know I don't like being touched for awhile after.” comments Brandi, caressing her pussy, “I get so sensitive it almost hurts.” she adds, before looking to Sammy and Celine, the Geelien having stopped her action when the Felene woke up, though her arm remains in Sammy's womb. “What did I miss while I was out? What are you guys doing?” she asks, which Sammy quickly and happily answers.
“Celine's gonna tease my ovaries!”
“Wow, really!?” gasps Brandi. “Wouldn't that hurt though?”
“I dunno, it might feel really good though.” replies Sammy. “Celine was just about to do it when you woke up.”
“I'm next!” declares Becky. “So you're last if you want a turn.”
“I'll decide after seeing if it's painful or not.” replies Brandi, before Celine comments...
“Well, I'm starting again.”
“Ok.” replies Sammy.
Resuming, the eager young girl quickly groans as Celine began threading her mass through her fallopian tube. Celine could feel that while there was some give to the tubs walls, allowing it to expand a bit, it was still a very tight hole, but Celine knew she could reach the end, but with the growing groan from Sammy, Celine wasn't sure if she should.
“You ok?” asks Celine, pausing her advance. “Does it hurt?”
“N-No...” groans Sammy, placing her left hand to her side. “It's just a lot of pressure!”
“Heh, well I'd imagine so.” replies Celine with a smile. “I'm sure this is the only place that hasn't had anything naughty happen to it.”
The comment brings a giggle from Sammy before Celine adds...
“Well, I'm gonna start again.”
Sammy's groan quickly returns as Celine resumes her slow journey into the deepest reaches of Sammy's pussy. After just a few seconds more though and with a gasp from Sammy, Celine declares...
“I think I'm through, I reached the exit. Now I just have to find the little honey-maker...”
Just seconds later, Celine feels something smooth and Sammy suddenly let out a shocked gasp, clutching her side and leaning forward on her other hand.
“What!?” gasps Celine, in shock and pulling away from what she touched, causing Sammy to gasp and relax a bit. “What's wrong!?” she adds, as Becky and Brandi looked concerned as well.
“Did it hurt!?” quickly asks Becky.
Sammy pants and trembles a little before answering, “N-No...” answers Sammy. “I-It doesn't hurt.”
“Want me to pull out?” asks Celine.
“No, it's ok, I just wasn't expecting that feeling at all!” answers Sammy, lifting her head with a smile.
“What did it feel like?” asks Brandi.
“Amazing!” declares Sammy with a big smile. “It was like... like... um, an instant orgasm!” she adds.
“Really!?” gasps Becky.
“Yeah! But it was different, I mean, it was like an orgasm but not, it's hard to describe, it made my whole pussy tingle so good!”
“Wow.” comments Brandi, as Becky smiles wide, before Sammy looks to Celine happily.
“Again! Touch it again! Don't stop until I say!”
“OK.” replies Celine, with a smile, before lowering her tentacle-like finger to the smooth organ again and Sammy immediately gasping out again as she she shoots her free hand to her side to join the other and clutching herself.
“O-OHHHH... c-crap! It's amazing! Just touching it makes it throb so much! It throbs so good!” declares Sammy, her body shaking and jerking.
Becky and Brandi look on in amusement, each of them with a hand between their legs.
Celine took it upon herself begin caressing the sensitive organ, which brought the expectant louder moaning from Sammy, who quickly removes her right hand from her side and grabbing at Celine's left upper leg tightly, too tightly as Sammy simply forms a fist inside the Geelien's leg. Celine could feel that the organ was quite large and much of it was smooth, more oval shaped than circular. Applying a bit of pressure to it, bringing out even more of Sammy's moans, Celine could feel that the organ was quite, plump, or swollen. Sammy withstands the sensations of Celine's touching and poking of her ovary for a few seconds more before...
“Ok stop!”
Celine immediately does so and Sammy shudders hard with a groan before adding...
“Pull out! Hurry!”
Celine quickly does so, the retreat being much easier, before Sammy gives another loud gasp before Celine, Brandi and Becky look on in shock as a massive flood of thick honey is expelled from her pussy as if a faucet had been turned on full.
The pool of honey grows rapidly under the moaning girl, but just as suddenly as the flood began, in just seconds, it comes to an oozing stop as Sammy pants breathlessly, lowering her left hand from her side and to the floor in front of her, stopping herself from falling face-first to the floor on shaky arms.
“S-So much....” pants Sammy, looking below her to her massive pool of honey between her legs. “...Honey. I feel... empty...”
“That...” comments Becky, wide-eyed. “...was amazing! I've never seen so much honey come out at one time!”
“Me next!” declares Brandi, lifting a hand.
“No I'm next!” quickly states Becky. “I told you that earlier!”
Sammy soon leans over to her side, commenting...
“I'm done.”
Which get's all three girls attention.
“Whoa!” gasps Brandi. “Celine only did what she did for a minute! A minute and a half at most!”
Becky and Brandi quickly began begging to be next, which amuses Celine quite a bit, before the group hears what is quite obviously, Celine's parents loud moaning from their room.
“What's going on over there?” comments Celine.
Becky soon gasps.
“Hey! Our moms were hanging out with your parents, maybe their having their own naughty fun!”
Sammy quickly sits up with a smile, though still obviously weak.
“Let's go check it out!”
“I'm game.” replies Brandi with a smile. “I wonder what kind of naughty stuff you guys parents are doing.”
The three young girls get to their feet and head to the door, causing Celine to gasp as she quickly chases after themselves
“Hey wait, you can't just barge in on them!”
“Their making so much noise though!” comments Becky happily and the four leave and head to Celine's parents room and opening the unlocked door.
To be continued
Chapter 12
Title: Chapter 4-2
After discovering their parents having their own naughty fun with Celine's parents, Becky and Sammy finally get their wish for Celine to absorb them.]
- Eda and Avery's room -
What greeted them was quite the sight, though it was a normal scene for Celine, but for Becky, Sammy and Brandi, all three girls gasp.
Celine's parents were on the floor, clearly in the middle of a very vocal act of sex, Avery on his back while Eda straddles his waist, bouncing energetically with a loud moaning from them both as a large pool of their combined mass surrounds them and their continuously melting bodies. Celine could also see the evidence of her fathers previous orgasms swirling around inside Eda's chest.
As much as the two appeared to be melting, Eda's breasts were quite large and would have been bouncing wildly if not for Avery grabbing the large melting orbs, though like the rest of their body's where they met, Avery's hands appear to meld into Eda's breasts.
With the groups arrival though, Eda stops her bouncing with a smile and looks to their visitors.
“Ohh, hello girls, sorry about the volume...” comments Eda, before lifting her hands up to her dripping breasts and squeezing them with a moan as she gyrates her hips on Avery's, bringing a moan from him as well. “Mmm, it just feels SOOOO good!”
The strung about clothing surrounding them, some covered in the wide pool of goo, was easy to see and Becky was the first to comment...
“Where's our moms?”
“Wow...” adds Brandi.
“Yeah...” comments Sammy. “Our moms would've said something if they left.”
Celine, smiling, knew where Becky and Sammy's parents were the moment she saw her parents and answers...
“Your moms are still here, their in this room.”
“Where?” asks Becky, looking around the room and walking further into it.
“I don't see them ether.” adds Sammy.
Eda, grinning, comments...
“Would you two like a hint?”
“Ok.” replies Becky, before Avery answers...
“Ask us something only your moms would know.”
At this comment, Brandi's eyes widen before quickly commenting...
“No way! Are they... did you two absorb them!?”
“WHAT!?” gasps Becky and Sammy.
“Hehe....” giggles Eda. “The kitty's right.” she adds, before moaning as she lifts herself from Avery's impressive two-foot cock, which brings a look of surprise to each of the three girls faces as Eda presents her very well endowed, melting form to the girls, while Avery only sits up, though it was enough for Becky, Sammy and Brandi to see the additional pussy he had below his cock. It was also the first time either of the three girls had seen the two nude, let alone having sex.
“Your mother is wonderful Becky!” continues Eda, lifting her left hand to her breast and fingering her pussy with her right. “I knew Tragelian's increased our horniness, but I never imagined it would be so drastic! Celine, you just HAVE to try it!”
“Heh, well I certainly-” starts Celine with a smile before Becky and Sammy interrupt happily and speak at the same time...
“So Celine can absorb us now!?”
“We got permission!?”
“Well...” begins Avery, getting to his feet, stroking his impressive cock with one hand and teasing his pussy with the other. “The agreement, was that your parents would decide after we separated and all body parts accounted for.”
Brandi soon asks, “Are they really inside you guys?”
“They certainly are.” answers Eda, before Becky excitedly asks...
“Can you guys separate so Celine can have permission to absorb us!?”
“Yeah!” adds Sammy, before hugging Celine. “I wanna be inside Celine so much!”
The comment brings a smile to Celine's face as she drips a bit, she was quite eager as well to absorb the two and were just moments away from it likely being approved.
“Aww...” whines Eda. “I wanted to enjoy your mom for a little longer, but I guess we can take a break.” she adds, before looking to Avery, who replies, “Ok.” with a smile.
Avery takes a step from Eda, before, to the three young girl's eyes, see the melting woman's upper body widen, her head as well until a second head emerges, Hazel's head, though briefly the same melting, gooey form that Eda was. Hazel was still very much aware as she looks to her daughter Becky with a smile and comments...
“Hi honey.”
“Wow, your really inside her and your gooey too!” gasps Becky.
Hazel giggles before her gooey form melts away to reveal the woman's hair and normal flesh as the rest of her body slowly splits off from Eda, soon standing nude, revealing her lack of pubic hair as Eda's body shrinks to appear similar to Celine, which the three girls “Ohhh” at, before Eda reabsorbs the loss mass on the floor, though she didn't quite return to her initial form, not quite as tall and breasts not quite as large.
Hazel quickly runs her hands along her wet body, briefly fondling her breasts and fingering her pussy before commenting...
“Looks like everything's here.”
Avery then takes his turn to separate from Sammy's mother, though first commenting with a smile...
“There's more than one way for us to separate, you'll like this one.”
Becky, Sammy and Brandi quickly gasp as Avery's male form shifts into Erin's female form.
“Whoa!” gasps Sammy, quickly walking in front of Avery. “You can change into my mom!?”
“Yep.” answers Avery, though in his voice, not Erin's, “We Geelien's can take the form of anyone we absorb as long as their in us.” he adds, before Erin's form, like Hazel's, begin to slowly melt and reveal Erin's actual naked form and Avery's body melting into a puddle before quickly reforming beside her. Unlike Hazel, Erin had a well trimmed patch of pubic hair above her labia.
“Hehe, well that was interesting.” comments Erin, with a blushing smile, before inspecting her body much like Hazel did, though she added extending her cerick from her pussy about a foot. “Everything checks out.”
Becky and Sammy quickly begin poking their respective mothers with a giggling, before Becky asks...
“How did it feel?”
“Yeah!” adds Sammy. “What was it like being absorbed!?”
“Hehe, well...” starts Hazel, looking up in thought briefly, before towards Erin, who looks at her as well and commenting...
“It's uh, kinda hard to describe.”
“The only way I could even start to describe it...” starts Hazel. “...would be, the most relaxing sensation ever, but surrounded by a pleasurable feeling that sorta... becomes you.”
“Yeah...” replies Erin. “That sounds about right.” she adds, before Celine comments.
“You become pleasure itself, the source of it.”
“Yeah, that's it!” replies Hazel
“Wow...” comments Becky and Sammy with a big smiles, before Becky adds, “That sound amazing!”
“Can Celine have permission to absorb us, PLEEEASE!?” begs Sammy's excitedly.
“PLEEASE!?” adds Becky as well. “We wanna be part of Celine so much!”
Hazel and Erin, giggle at their daughter's plea, before Erin looks to Avery and asks...
“Is there any side effects we should be aware of?”
“None that are negative.” answers Avery.
“What's that supposed to mean?” asks Hazel.
“Well...” starts Eda. “If you have a scar, it would be gone when your body is reformed, or if you have a illness, it would be gone as well. Us Geelien's don't get sick, so if we absorb someone that has an infection, our body would destroy the bacteria, leaving the person feeling better after they've returned to normal.” explains Eda.
“Wow, that's nice.” comments Erin. “Though some people have a special attachment to their scars.”
“Well then...” starts Hazel, looking down to Becky's smiling face, before towards Celine. “Celine, you have permission to absorb Becky.”
“YAY!” cheers Becky, before quickly turning and hugging Celine, before Erin adds...
“I'll also approve of you absorbing my daughter.”
Which prompts Sammy to happily mirror Becky and hug Celine. While the two girls were very excited, they weren’t so much that they forgot about their friend Brandi and Becky quickly comments...
“Hey Brandi, call your mom and dad and see if they'll let Celine absorb you, then we all can be part of Celine!”
“Uh, I'll pass.” replies Brandi with a smile. “The idea of being absorbed doesn't feel right to me.”
“Aww, why?” asks Sammy, before Celine comments to the two...
“It's ok, if she isn't comfortable with it, you don't need to pressure her.”
“I'll watch though.” replies Brandi with a smile.
“Ok!” replies Becky, before she and Sammy, turn Celine around and pull her out of the room, adding, “Let's go back to your room and you can absorb us!”
“Whoa! Hold one!” gasps Celine as her arms are nearly pulled off from the two girls excitement.
Brandi follows them out, closing the door behind her, leaving the adults to giggle at the display, before Hazel and Erin turn to Eda and Avery and Hazel asking, with a smile...
“Shall we continue?”
“Absolutely!” replies Eda.
“Let's switch.” suggests Erin with a smile. “I want Eda to absorb me next.”
“Ok.” replies Hazel.
- Celine's Room -
“Absorb us! Absorb us!” requests Becky and Sammy happily as the four girls enter the Geelien's room and the two eight-cycle olds quickly hug Celine, pressing themselves against her as if trying to make Celine absorb them.
Clearly, the two were VERY eager to be inside her and while Celine was as well, she had to push them away.
“Ok, ok, I know you two have been waiting for this since we met...” starts Celine, prying the girls from her and pushing them to arms length with a smile. “I'm eager to as well, but I can't just absorb you two without making sure you two know what you're requesting.”
“It's safe isn't it?” asks Becky.
“Yeah, but still, I want you to fully understand what's going to happen when I do this, as much as this is for fun, this is also serious for me, you're literally trusting me with your life.”
“We could die if you absorb us?” asks Sammy.
“Well...” starts Celine, lowering herself to sit on her legs, which was followed by the three girls. “Yes and no, there's a very brief moment in the process that you stop living.”
“Really?!” gasps Becky and Sammy, while Brandi's eyes widen in surprise.
“Yes, but you don't need to be too worried though!” quickly replies Celine. “Have you guys ever used a teleporter?”
“Yeah.” answers Becky, Sammy and Brandi.
“From what I know about teleporters...” starts Celine. “You're briefly killed while your body is in the brief transition from matter to information, to matter again.”
“We are?” asks Becky.
“We are!” gasps Brandi. “I learned about that in school! When you use a teleporter, your body is transformed into information and energy that's sent to another teleporter or the place that you want to be and the information and energy is transformed back into matter that makes up your body. In that in-between stage of your body being information and energy, you're technically dead.”
“Wow.” comments Sammy. “We didn't know that at all!”
“But it's kinda cool though!” replies Becky. “We die and come back each time we teleport somewhere.”
“I guess...” comments Sammy, though not quite as excited, learning that they die each time they teleport somewhere.
“Another thing you guys need to know...” starts Celine. “Is that, there is a point in absorbing you that you can't back out or I can't stop, and that it when I reach your chest or, if I absorb you head first, once one of those happen, I have to absorb you completely or else you really would die.”
“So...” starts Becky. “You could just absorb my arms and legs and then reform them without having to absorb me completely?”
“Right.” answers Celine, “...As long as you're still connected to me that is. So say for example if I absorb one of your arms up to the elbow, and you pull your arm back, you wouldn't feel any pain, but my body would still be attached to the end of your arm. Actually, as you saw with your parents, the process we Geelien's use to absorb you is, we briefly transform your body into what ours is, so you very briefly become a Geelien as we absorb you.”
“Now that's cool.” comments Sammy.
“Yeah it is.” adds Becky, before Sammy comments...
“Anything else? I really want to be inside you!”
“Yeah!” adds Becky.
“Heh, ok, ok, oh! One more thing! This is more to ease my mind, but it's important for you to know too. This will be my first time absorbing such complex life such as you guys.”
“What!?” gasps the two eight-cycle olds, before Sammy adds.
“You've never done this before!?”
“Good thing I didn't join you two for Celine's first time.” comments Brandi with a chuckle.
“It's ok you two, don't worry!” quickly replies Celine, dripping in embarrassment now. “True, this will be my first time, but I've practiced a lot with animals back home, absorbing and reforming them, I'm perfect at it now.” she adds, before Brandi gives a smile and comments...
“That implies you weren’t at one time.”
What Brandi's comment itself implied, brings a shocked, wide-eyed gasp from Becky and Sammy.
“I really am perfect at it now you two.” states Celine, now trying to convince the once very eager girls. “I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, I really like you guys. It would be wrong of me to keep it secret that this'll be my first time with something with as much mass as you guys. I hope you two can trust me, I can give you my guarantee that you'll be fine.”
Becky and Sammy briefly look to each other, before back to Celine and Sammy answering...
“But you absorb us one at a time.” adds Becky.
“Ok!” replies Celine happily.
“Becky can go first!” declares Sammy.
“W-What!?” gasps Becky.
“Celine was your friend first.” comments Sammy with a smile. “So it makes sense for you to go first.”
Becky quickly gives a pouting expression at her friend.
“Fine.” answers Becky, before looking to Celine. “So, how do we do it?”
“Well, there are three ways...” replies Celine. “First, is head first, it's the quickest way for your consciousness to be inside me, but you don't have the enjoyment of seeing your body slowly melt into me, or being able to climax just before I absorb you, another downside that may or may not be important to you, is, once your head is absorbed, the rest of your body will assume your dead and you'll likely pee and poop yourself.”
“Hehe, it'll be a nice show for us.” giggles Sammy, while Brandi giggles as well.
“What are the other two?” asks Becky, frowning at her two friends.
“The second one is absorbing you feet first, you'll stand on me, whether I'm in liquid form or not and you'll slowly sink into me as I absorb you.” replies Celine.
“That one sounds pretty cool.” comments Becky. ”What's the last one?”
“The last one, is I absorb you while we have sex with you laying on top of me, your arms, legs and front of your body would melt into me.”
“Ohh, I like that last one.” replies Becky. “Let's do that one!”
“Ok.” comments Celine with a smile, before much of her mass leaves her puddles around her and she melts into her younger, flat-chested form before laying back and extending her arms out to Becky. “Come 'join' me.” she adds with a giggle.
Becky didn't have to be told twice and quickly crawls on top of her Geelien friend, who lifts her left hand to the back of Becky's head, lifting hers and joining their lips in a kiss while her right hand moves down the young girl's back, between the cheeks of her butt to tease her anus. The moans, from both, began quickly.
Sammy and Brandi, look on eagerly, not quite pleasuring themselves yet, though both move a hand towards themselves, Sammy moves her left hand to her upper left leg, stroking herself, while Brandi moves her right hand to her belly, near her crotch.
Within moments of starting, and Celine beginning to finger Becky's anus, Celine pulls her lips back and comments...
“I'm gonna start.”
“Ok.” smiling from eagerness and the fingers in her butt.
A brief moan comes from the young girl as she felt a tingling from her arms and legs, from the elbow and knee down. Looking to her arms resting in Celine's goo, Becky quickly “Oooh's” as she sees her lower arms melting into the Geelien's goo. Her arms and legs had yet to be fully absorbed before Becky could no longer feel the lower limbs. Instead of supporting herself up on her elbows and knees, Becky found herself supported up on just the stumps of her arms and legs, which were slowly shrinking as Becky's sees herself lowering down onto Celine.
“Wow, this feels so weird.” comments Becky, having the brief benefit of seeing parts of her disconnected hands and skin melting into Celine's mass, as she moves her shrinking stumps up a bit, seeing Celine's mass dripping from the end, even seeing a small area above where her limbs ended, being transformed into Celine's red mass as it drips from her.
“It doesn't hurt at all!” declares Becky.
“That's so freaky...” comments Sammy, moving to Becky's right side to get a closer look while Brandi moves to her left.
“Can you still feel your hands and feet?” asks Brandi.
“Nope, I can't.” replies Becky, before the front of her near limbless body now rests on Celine, her stumps too short now to support herself from Celine.
“You can still back out.” comments Celine. “From this point on, if I start absorbing you, I'll have to go all the way before I can reform you.”
“Ok, but I wanna come before you finish.” replies Becky, moving her dripping stumps around with a giggling. “Hehe, if you can, I want you to absorb my pussy when I come, would that make you come too?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine, before she moves her left hand from Becky's head to join her right at Celine's crotch, where her pussy oozes eagerly with her honey, before Becky gives a delighted moan as she felt Celine's fingers sink into her pussy, before the fingers of Celine's left and right hand began alternating thrusts of her anus and pussy.
“Ohhhh! This feels a lot better for some reason!” moans Becky as her stumps wriggle around.
At this point, Sammy and Brandi began to tease themselves, the sight in front of them too arousing not to, each finger their young pussies, though Brandi added teasing her nipples as well.
Becky, shortly into the finger thrusts, attempted to add to her pleasure and with a gasp, quickly succeeded as she began to wriggling and move her lower torso, managing to thrust her hips in such a way to brush her erect clit against Celine's smooth, wet body. Becky's extra act to pleasure herself brings a smile to Celine face, not quite expecting the young girl to think of such an action.
Celine decided to reward Becky's effort and began to thrust her fingers quicker, bringing naughty, wet squelches from Becky's oozing pussy as she moans out.
It didn't take long before Becky began groaning from an approaching orgasm and she quickly comments...
“I-I'm about to come! Hurry and absorb my pussy!”
“Ok!” quickly answers Celine with delight as she pulls her fingers from Becky's clenching holes and placing her hand to the young girl's rear and pressing her lower torso into into her own before before Becky moans out from her climax reaching her, a moan which quickly jumps in volume and joined by Celine's as Becky's honey-spewing pussy and the rest of her lower torso began to be absorbed into Celine's body.
Sammy and Brandi look on in amusement as they see Becky's lower body and pussy fading away. Though the white cloud of her honey continued to be ejected into Celine's body for a few seconds after Becky's pussy was completely gone.
Very quickly, while sharing in the pleasure of Becky's orgasm, it fueled the speedy arrival of Celine's own orgasm, as fluid gushes out of her pussy, adding the pleasure of her own orgasm to their shared pleasure as they moan out loudly.
Celine was shocked, she had yet to fully absorb the young girl, though her pussy and waist was completely absorbed, leaving just the eight-cycle olds upper body left, but Celine receives a massive surge of desire and horniness. It was just as her mother said, Celine quickly figured the source of the massive surge was Becky's ovaries she had absorbed shortly after her pussy, but whatever the reason, Celine found herself having to briefly focus on maintaining her solid form.
“You're amazing!” declares Celine, hugging Becky's upper body against and into her, which began to be absorb as well, only Becky's head remained untouched for the moment, allowing the absorbed girl to continue moaning. “Your body make me feel so good! I haven't felt so horny in my life, even after absorbing three other Geelien's!”
“Ohhhh! Finish it!” declares Becky. “I wanna be inside you!”
“Gladly! Come inside!” quickly replies Celine, pushing Becky's head into her chest, which is quickly absorbed with a pleasure-filled moan from Celine as Sammy and Brandi, who were quickly fingering themselves eagerly from the sight, panting and groaning, has the treat of briefly seeing part of their friend's brain floating in Celine's chest before the last evidence of Becky's eight-cycle old body is absorbed into the Geelien, who moans and squirms, palming her flat chest before quickly lowering her right hand down between her legs and immediately fingering her melting pussy.
Becky, suddenly found herself conscious, the fact that she no longer had a body was not even part of her thoughts as she felt overwhelmed by a unimaginably wonderful sensation. It was nowhere and everywhere at the same time, she had no body, but she could feel it, it came to her, it came from her, it was as if she was right in the middle of the source of the pleasure, emanating and receiving it at the same time, it was her, Becky had really become pleasure itself. It was everything about her, it was her existence.
“My mom was right!” declares Celine, masturbating eagerly.
Shortly after, Sammy and Brandi bring themselves to orgasm, moaning out loudly as their young pussies spasm pleasurably around their thrusting fingers.
“T-That's amazing...” moans Brandi as she looks to Celine. “Becky's whole body is inside you.”
“Can you talk to her while she's inside you?” asks Sammy, reaching her free hand towards Celine and teasing her neglected nipple, bringing more moans from her.
“Ohhh, yeah...” moans Celine. “We can talk to each other, but Becky's a little overwhelmed at the moment, mmm... w-with all the sensations she's giving me and feeling. I k-know I should stop and- Ohhhh! G-Give her time to adjust, but Becky's making me feel so good! You Tragelian's are like tight, concentrations of pleasure! I don't think I could handle more than one of you at a time.”
“Wow...” comments Sammy. “So everything your feeling, Becky's feeling too?”
“Yeah, but it's even more intense for her since she doesn't have a body.” answers Celine, before moaning out as she climaxes again, fluid gushing from her pussy around her thrusting fingers. “Becky's feeling every little bit of the sensation that would be spread throughout her body!” declares Celine.
“Wow...” adds Brandi, with a soft moan as she had lifted both hands to her breasts while she moved her furry tail between her legs to tease her wet lower lips and clit. “That sounds amazing.”
Celine soon groans as she pulls her hand from her pussy and sits up.
“I don't wanna stop, but I have to.” comments Celine, sitting with her legs spread wide as the shape of her labia had disappeared from the melting appearance they had, appearing that Celine lacked a vagina at all. “I have to give her time to adjust.” she adds.
Celine reabsorbs some of her pooled mass, but not all of it as she as she was in a constant melting state. She didn't completely stop teasing herself though as Celine lifts her hands up to her small breasts.
With the more intense sensations fading, but still present, conscious thought began to return to Becky and the very first thing she realized was, although she no longer had a body, she didn't miss it; she couldn't see, but she didn't miss it. There was nothing to miss, her body had been striped away till only her consciousness, thought, remained. It was as Celine had said, she had become pleasure, conscious pleasure, nothing else mattered.
'So how is it?' came a voice, a familiar voice, it was Celine, it came from all around her.
With no mouth, no in-between for her brain to send the signal to speak, Becky's thoughts were immediate with no filter at all and her first response to Celine's question...
'Soooooooooooooo goooooooooooood! It doesssssssssn't stooooooooooooooooop!'
'Heh, yeah, it's overwelming your first time, I know.' comments Celine.
Celine forces herself to removes her hands from her breasts with a groan/moan mix.
'How's that?' asks Celine.
Becky didn't know why, but the sensation fades even more, it never leaves, but compared to what it was before, it may as well had gone completely away.
'Noooo! Why's it stopping! I want more!' declares Becky.
'I'd love to, trust me, I'm fighting against doing just that.' replies Celine. 'But I want you to adjust to the change you've gone through.'
'But I don't want it to stop! I want more!' repeats Becky desperately.
Celine could only giggle from Becky's begging, before looking to Sammy and commenting...
“I stopped touching myself and she's begging for the pleasure to come back.”
Sammy and Brandi giggle at the comment before Brandi replies, “That sounds just like her.”
“So you talk to her through your thoughts?” asks Sammy.
“Yep.” answers Celine. “And once she calms down from her begging, even if I REALLY want to give it to her, she can hear your guys to and I could speak for her.”
Brandi quickly leans towards Celine's ear and declares, “Calm down Becky! Stop begging!”
The comment brings a giggle from Celine, before replying, “She heard that.”
“Hey Becky!” declares Sammy, leaning to Celine other ear. “How does it feel being inside Celine!?”
“You guys talking to her is helping.” replies Celine. “She's calming down.”
'Oh right...' thinks Becky. 'I'm inside Celine.'
'That's right.' comments Celine. 'You're inside me, you're finally where you wanted to be so badly. How does not having a body feel?'
'Weird, but so good at the same time! I can't feel anything at all but the wonderful pleasure surrounding me and coming out of me! Is this what it's always like being pleasure itself like you said?'
'Yep, it feels like that all the time.' replies Celine. 'You don't have a body getting in the way of the pleasure, you feel it all, unfiltered.'
'This is amazing!'
Becky suddenly hears Sammy again, asking, 'Hey Becky, how does it feel being inside Celine?'
“She says it's amazing.” answers Celine, before lifting her left hand up to her breast again with a moan quickly coming form her. “Ohhh, now that Becky's had a moment to adjust, I can't hold back anymore.” she adds, before leaning back on her back before lowering her right hand between her legs and quickly thrusting her fingers in her dripping pussy again, bringing a louder moaning from her. “Ohhhh, hehe, Becky's moaning out again.”
“Can I help you feel good?” asks Sammy eagerly.
“Sure, we'd like that.” answers Celine.
Sammy quickly moves and positions Celine's head between her thighs, honey dripping from her aroused pussy and down to Celine's face, before leaning forward on her hands. Facing Celine's fingers thrusting into her, though the Geelien's pulls her fingers free, allowing Sammy to replace them with her right hand, rapidly thrusting her fingers, while teasing Celine's clit with her tongue, bringing an even louder moaning from the Geelien.
A moaning soon comes from Sammy though as well as Celine wraps her arms around Sammy's waist, her left simply holding her, while her right hand moves between the young girl's cheeks to tease her anus as she lifts her head to tease Sammy's clit and pussy as well with her tongue.
Brandi, unfortunately, was left out of the revolving moans of Celine and Sammy's sixty-nine position, and was left to her own body as she continued her own masturbation as she watched, pinching and pulling at her erect nipples, and moving her tail back and forth across her blushing, sensitive lower lips and clit.
The Felene wasn't too bothered though, after her previous experience, she'd much rather not be overstimulated again, she wanted to stay conscious for the fun after all.
Not yet a minute passes before Celine moans loudly into Sammy's oozing pussy as she quickly climaxes again, more of her mass gushing from her spasming pussy as her body briefly loses her solid form as she suddenly looses a large amount of her mass and shrinking to her younger form and Sammy finding that her fingers thrust into Celine's melting pussy like warm butter, no longer feeling the form of the Geelien's pussy as a couple thrusts found her whole hand entering Celine's crotch.
Celine manages to prevent shifting completely to her liquid form, remaining in her young, flat-chested form as she continued to tease Sammy's anus, pussy and clit.
Seconds after Celine's climax comes to an end, Brandi was next to add her orgasmic moan to her two friends as the movement of her tail abruptly stops as her body shutters from the pleasure traveling through her. Closing her thighs and trapping her tail pressed against her quivering lips, Brandi continues pinching her nipples.
Although, just seconds into closing her thighs, Brandi spreads her legs again as she brought an uncontrollable orgasmic jerking of her body as she resumes her tails movement against her sensitive labia. The growing pleasure soon, knocks her to her back, before the teen manages to endure the pleasure her wet, furry tail gives her pussy for a few long moments before she closes her thighs around her tail again, stopping its movement, though continuing the teasing of her nipples as she slowly brings herself down from her pleasurable high and giving her sensitive labia and throbbing pussy the break it needed as she moans and squirms on the floor.
A minute later, it was not Sammy, but Celine who climaxes once again, though she manages to keep part of her attention on Sammy, who comes shortly after, moaning out as her pussy releases a large amount of fresh, warm honey, falling and dripping onto Celine's face and with a bit of adjusting, into her open mouth.
Minutes later and after a couple more quick orgasms from Celine and one more from Sammy, Brandi recovers from her climax enough to return to the fun, not wanting to be left out this time and after asking for a position change for her to join in, Sammy quickly agrees and repositions herself between Celine's thighs to continue pleasuring the Geelien's pussy, allowing Brandi to straddle Celine's head and Brandi got her turn to feel Celine's tongue, teasing not only her pussy, but anus as well.
A rapid thirty minutes of moans and climaxes pass, Celine easily leading the count, Sammy in second and Brandi coming in last. There was one more position change on Sammy's part, turning her back to Brandi and using her Shakra to lift her hips up and present her oozing pussy to the Felene. Who quickly places Sammy's legs over her shoulders and leaning her face between the young girl's thighs to lap up her flowing honey and pleasure the blushing, puffy lips and tensing wet hole that they hide while Sammy continues teasing Celine's pussy.
“Can it be my turn now!?” asks Sammy eagerly as she now sits between Celine's legs with a big smile.
Celine now sits up with a smile of her own, still in her younger form, teasing her pussy, while Brandi, lay on her side to Celine's right, in a near fetal position with her tail between her legs, moaning softly.
“I guess I should swap you guys out now.” comments Celine, before giggling. “Hehe, Becky doesn't want to leave.”
“Well tough!” replies Sammy with a smile. “Becky's been inside you long enough, I want my turn.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, before reabsorbing much of her mass, dripping considerably, but now in her original form. “Time to switch...”
“Hey wait!” gasps Sammy. “Can you separate like your dad did? Change into Becky first!”
“Ok.” replies Celine, before Sammy 'Oooh's' in delight as Celine's form quickly shifts to Becky's image.
“Hehe, cool! Is that easy for you to do?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “You could think of my body as a sort of computer, I've absorbed Becky's whole body, so I have all the information about her, even her memories, it's just a matter of using that information.”
“Wow, you have her memories too!?” gasps Sammy.
“Tell me one of Becky's secrets!”
“Heh, can't do that.” replies Celine.
“Why not?”
“For one, Becky really doesn't want me to, second, that would be disrespectful of Becky's trust. I'll never reveal any secrets about the people that trust me enough for me to absorb them. Though if I absorb both of you, then you will share each other memories, so it's something to think about if you two wanted me to absorb you two at the same time.”
“Wow.” comments Sammy.
“Well then, switch time.” comments Celine.
Like her father, Celine began to slowly melt, uncovering Becky's normal body.
“Awww, “I wanted to stay inside longer.” she whines, once her head is reformed
“Well you gotta share.” comments Sammy.
“Fine...” replies Becky, before her shoulders, upper arms and chest was uncovered and within moments, the rest of her body as Celine's body is briefly liquid before reforming in a sitting position to Becky's side.
“Well that was fun!” comments Celine happily. “And I successfully separated from you.”
Becky though gives a groan of disappointment before leaning over on her left side.
“I feel so... trapped having a body now, I felt so free inside Celine!” comments Becky, placing her hands between her legs and teasing herself.
“Now it's my turn to be free!” declares Sammy happily. “I wanna go head first!”
“OK.” replies Celine, moving closer to Sammy, before the young girl suddenly giggles.
“Hehehe, I just had a really funny thought!”
“What?” asks Celine.
“You remember when you said you wouldn't absorb our poop?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, 'cause I have standards, urine is where I draw the line with you guys.” replies Celine with a smile.
“Well, since you're absorbing our whole body, that means you're absorbing everything inside us, including our poop! So you're absorbing our poop anyway!”
A wide-eyed look of shock immediately comes to Celine's face.
Chapter 13
Title: Chapter 5-1
[Author's notes: (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL, SHOUJO-AI
A week into her new life on Merkolova and after the weekend to process her first day of school, Celine settles comfortably into her new life as she attends her second day of school and reluctantly gets to know her bully, Gina, a little more.]
- Two days later, Nycalus (Monday), third week of February (2) -
- Celine's room -
- 6:29 A.M. -
“Hmmm, which to pick...”
Compared to the morning of her first day of school, a nude Celine calmly stood in front of her bed, with two choices presented before her, two sets of shorts. Everything else had been decided on, a light-blue tank-top and matching white bra and panties lay to the right, at the head of the bed, Celine decided against any jewelry.
Her current two options though, both shorts were quite small, the Earth term, 'Short-shorts', would fit appropriately. Much more of Celine's red, transparent legs would be revealed compared to a skirt, not to mention, more of her figure, similar to the gym shorts she found a little embarrassing to wear. What made the shorts not embarrassing though, was the fact that they were actual shorts and didn't have the shape of underwear, like the gym shorts had.
Both options were a light shade of blue, matching the tank-top, but each were made of different material. The left pair of shorts were made of an elastic material and had a slight gloss or shine to them; The right pair were made of denim and while they didn't have the stretch of the other pair, they also weren’t water-proof, but that fact wasn't much of a concern to Celine, even if she did happen to drench them, they wouldn't become transparent and show everyone her underwear.
“Hmmm, I like'em both...” Comments Celine. “The denim ones not water-proof, but it has enough bulk to it that it shows enough of my figure without feeling like I'm too exposed, like the stretchy ones...” she adds, before picking up the elastic pair and placing the contracted shorts against her waist, before lowering them and moving her legs into them and pulling the shorts up over her hips, which hug her like a second skin, before shrinking her tail and threading it through the hole in the back.
“Hmmm...” comments Celine with a smile as she twists her body left and right, lifting and lowering her legs a couple of times, feeling the elastic material find new places to cling to. “Heh, they certainly feel nice clinging to me, but I feel so exposed too though, even though I'm covered, I don't think they'd leave anything to the imagination.”
Walking to the full-body mirror, Celine couldn't help giggling at how true her words were.
“Wow, I can totally make out the outline of my pussy.” comments Celine, as the impression of her labia were clearly seen through the elastic material. If the shorts were red, it would have been as if Celine wore nothing at all.
“It probably wouldn't be so obvious if I had panties on, but then, the lining of my panties would most likely be seen just as easily...” adds, Celine, before moving her hands and fingers over the impression of her labia through the shorts for a few moments.
“Yeah... buying these was a mistake, I don't wanna be flashing my pussy to everyone in school. They'll be nice to wear when I'm with Becky and the others, but that's it.” comments Celine with a smile.
Pulling the shorts down, proves how closely they hugged her as the shorts turn inside-out as they move down her legs.
“Yep, reserved for naughty fun.” comments Celine, correcting the shorts before tossing them on the bed and getting dressed in her decided choice of clothing, matching light-blue bra and panties and light-blue tank-top with the blue denim Short-shorts, before returning to the mirror and smiling at her appearance.
“Yeah, this is good, same as my first day, a little more of my legs are showing, but I don't have to worry about my panties showing.”
Quite happy with her appearance, Celine finished with taking her Comm from her nightstand and putting it on as she leaves her room, heading downstairs.
- 6:37 A.M. -
Arriving downstairs, Celine sees the usual sight of her mother, Eda, sitting at the dining room table nude, reading from a screen above her comm on her left hand, while her right held a bottle of liquid protein, which Celine guessed to be her mothers choice for breakfast.
“Good morning.” greets Celine as she walk towards her mother.
“Good morning Celine.” replies Eda, briefly looking over her shoulder with a smile as the teen walks by her. “I see you were able to pick out your clothes without problem this time.” she teasingly adds.
“Heh, yeah.” briefly chuckles Celine.
“Did you remember-”
“I'm wearing underwear this time!” quickly interrupts Celine, with a slight frown of embarrassment at the memory.
“Hehe, ok, wouldn't want you humiliating yourself.” replies Eda with a giggle as Celine heads towards the kitchen.
“Yeah, like you did?” comments Celine with a smile as she enters the kitchen and her smile growing a little when her mother didn't answer back.
Celine decided to pass on a sit down breakfast and opted to mimic her mother and take a bottle of protein from the refrigerator to drink and leaves the kitchen.
“Hey Celine...” starts Eda, looking to the screen above her Comm, before towards her daughter. “Did you know the punishment for rape here on Merkolova is quite severe?”
“Really? What's the punishment?” asks Celine, walking to her mothers side to look at the screen she assumed her mother was reading the information.
“There's two options, one is removal of the genitals and sexual sensation and the other is death.”
“Wow! Seriously!? Why's the punishment so harsh? Removal of genitals or death!?”
“I was shocked too.” replies Eda. “Apparently, here on Merkolova, sex and sexual behavior is so freely expressed and available that the act of rape is seen as so against the sexual freedom here and so heinous, given how available sex is to everyone, the punishment is that severe to detour people from doing it.”
“Wow, well what if kid rapes another kid, would they suffer the same punishment?” asks Celine.
“As shocking as it is, yes, they would, but children are given slightly more leniency, unless the act is violent or planned, the child wouldn't have the option of death hanging over them.”
“So they'd have their genitals removed!?” gasps Celine.
“Yes.” answers Eda. “Though I also read that the victim of the rape has input on the rapists punishment if they'd like it.”
“Geez, I guess Merkolovian justice is really blind, but how does the genital removal work? Plus you said they remove sexual sensation.”
“Yeah, I read some of the details about that...” replies Eda, scrolling through the text on the screen with her right hand, quickly reaching a section with a few pictures, displaying what Celine saw as the bare, smooth crotches of males and females, there was nothing but skin, there was also a picture of anus, which looked to have a plug.
“Here we are...” comments Eda. “The pictures reminded me of the details.”
“Wow, there's nothing there!” states Celine. “How does the person urinate? There's not even a hole for that.”
“Well, they surgically relocate the urethra to the anus, which has a tube inserted, keeping the offenders anus open and preventing them from masturbating with their anus. Their given a plug for their anus as well to prevent soiling themselves.” explains Eda.
“Plus, nipples and all breast tissue is removed.”
“Geez, with that kinda of punishment, I can't believe rape even exists here.” comments Celine.
“It actually does.” replies Eda. “There's an average of eleven rapes a year here on Merkolova.”
“So that's about five rapes a cycle.” comments Celine. “That's pretty darn low. What's the ratio of deaths though?”
“Hmm, let's see...” states Eda, searching through the text. “It says here; on average, for every four rapes, one results in death for the offender.”
“So one out of four.” comments Celine. “I guess that's good, their not kill-happy with their rapists.”
“Maybe they should be though.” comments Eda.
“Seriously?” questions Celine, surprised by her mothers comment.
“Yeah, rape is a horrible thing, it doesn't matter what race you are. The punishment should be as outrageous as possible to detour people from doing it.”
While the two continued to talk on the subject, they were surprised when Avery greets them from behind.
“Good morning.”
The two both gasp and look back to see the Geelien man walking towards the dining room, wearing a white, short-sleeve business shirt and light-blue slacks.
“Good morning.” answers back Celine. “You going somewhere special dad?”
“Yeah.” replies Avery. “My first day of work.”
“Oh!” gasps Celine. “That's right, you got accepted for the job you applied for two days ago.”
“Right, I'll be taking you to school a little early, I want to be be extra early for my first day of work.”
Eda then gives a sigh before commenting...
“With Celine at school and Avery at work. “I'm going to be here all alone, with nothing to do.”
“I'm sure you'll find something.” comments Celine with a smile. “By the way, about me being driven to school, I was thinking... I wanna try riding the bus.”
“Really?” asks Avery with a smile.
“Yeah.” adds Celine. “I've meet all the neighbors and their kids and we get along great, plus I remember the spot they were waiting at last Shakrus (Friday), so I thought I'd join them.”
“That's wonderful Celine.” comments Eda.
“Do you remember what time the bus came last time?” asks Avery.
“Yeah, it comes at about 7:10.” answers Celine.
Eda looks to her Comm and comments. “Well you should be leaving in a few minutes, it's six fifty-one.”
“Really!?” gasps Celine, quickly looking to her Comm, seeing that it was in fact, about ten minutes to seven o'clock, before heading towards the front door and opening it, seeing a couple of her new friends outside walking towards the spot they waited for the bus.
“Their already outside!” gasps Celine, before quickly lifting the just over half-full bottle to her mouth, drinking and absorbing it's contents and hurrying back to the kitchen and disposing of the bottle and rushing pass her parents. “See you guys later.”
“Have a great day!” replies Eda and Avery with a smile.
“Ok.” answers back Celine before leaving the house and joining her friends, who numbered three at the moment.
- 6:53 A.M. -
- Bus Stop -
“Oh, hey Celine!” cheerfully greets the fifteen-cycle old Felene, Patricia, or 'Patty' as she was often called. The Felene was one of the few teens in the neighborhood who was the same 'age' as Celine and nearly the same height. Patty had about one or two inches on her and her chest was a noticeably larger C-cup though in comparison to Celine's B's. “Decided to join us huh?” she adds.
The Felene had long, pink hair pulled back into a pony-tail that reached her lower back. The teen was dressed quite similar to Celine, a light pink-tank-top with matching short-shorts. The shorts were actually the same brand as Celine's but a different color. The Felene's legs weren’t completely exposed though as she wore pink thigh-high stockings.
Patty's delight at seeing Celine was obvious and the Geelien's smile grows when she sees the Feline's furry ears twitch noticeably a few times. A detail Celine particularly liked about Felene's; happy or mad, a Felene's ears would twitch in response of the emotion, or sound if their cat-ears were dominant.
“Hehe, yeah.” replies Celine.
“Did you two call each other before getting dressed?” teases another Felene, a fifteen-cycle old boy by the name of Iven and the older brother of Brandi.
The teen had short, black hair and wore a long-sleeve shirt and baggy jeans.
“Well at least we're wearing different colors.” replies Celine with a smile.
“Yeah...” adds the forth current member of the group waiting on the bus, a red-haired Nex wearing a purple blouse with a matching pleated skirt over lighter purple stockings. “If you guys came wearing the same color too, that would've been really funny.”
The Nex's name was Ellen and lived around the corner to the right of Celine's home. She was also fifteen-cycles old, but had the flat chest and narrow hips body frame and size nearly the same as Becky and Sammy, a little taller than the two eight-cycles old kids, but not quite as tall as Brandi, who was twelve.
Ellen was one of the few neighbors Celine hadn't seen naked though, so she didn't know exactly how similar the Nex's body was in comparison to Becky and Sammy. She could only use the similar aged Nex classmate she'd seen nearly nude in gym class last Shakrus (Friday) to guess that her Nex neighbor had very small, budding breasts in comparison to Becky and Sammy's completely flat chests.
For the next few minutes, Celine continued chatting with her friends as a couple more teens join them, totaling six, before the school bus arrived and the group filing in, with Celine being the fourth in line.
Although, while Celine had grown more comfortable as the school day went on last Shakrus (Friday), entering the bus and seeing the number of students all talking, Celine briefly felt the same fear and embarrassment she had upon entering the school that she had entering this confined space.
Quite a few comments were about her, but with so many people talking, Celine couldn't focus on what they were saying and she didn't even realize she had stopped moving until she felt a hand to her left shoulder and Patty call her name.
“H-Huh!?” gasps Celine, looking back to the Felene.
“You ok? You just suddenly froze, and you're melting a little.”
“O-Oh.” replies Celine, quickly collecting herself. “Y-Yeah, I'm fine, sorry.” she adds, before continuing to walk into the bus.
Celine wasn't fine though, this was her first time riding a bus and she didn't realize how confined it was, the stares from the students and a couple pokes to her sides and legs, causing her her gasp, didn't help.
Celine chose an empty seat about a third of the way back and quickly sees Patty join her.
“Hey, are you sure you're ok?” whisper Patty. “You look super tense.”
Looking down to her lap, Celine slowly shakes her head.
“This was a mistake... I don't like confined spaces.”
“Oh...” replies Patty, before looking around the bus. “I guess I can see how a bus is confining, plus there's all these people here and I saw them poking you.”
“Well how about this; when we get to school, let's wait till everyone leaves and we'll leave last. It won't feel so confined and there won't be anyone to pick on you.”
“OK.” replies Celine with a smile, looking to the Felene, before Patty places a hand to Celine's left hand.
After a few minutes riding in the bus, Patty looks to Celine, who was looking out of the window to her right, before asking...
“So, the confined spaces thing, is it a Geelien thing or personal?”
“Just about all Geelien's don't like confined spaces.” answers Celine, “It makes us feel restricted or trapped.” she adds, continuing to look out the window.
“Hmm, I think I could understand that.” replies Patty, “Geelien's can freely change their form after all, so being locked in a small box would be horrible for you.”
“Yeah.” replies Celine.
“If you don't like confined spaces, what about when your in a car?” asks Patty.
“It's not so bad, plus I don't have the pressure of strangers surrounding me and staring.”
“Ah, I see. So does looking out the window help? I noticed you don't look so tense since you've been staring out the window.”
“Yeah, it helps calm me down a lot, so I'm not trying to be rude by not looking at you.” answers Celine, briefly looking towards Patty.
“Heh, it's ok.”
- 7:17 A.M. -
- Local School -
As Patty suggested, upon arriving at the school, they wait until the bus was nearly empty before standing and walking down the isle, being the last two to leave the vehicle.
“Thanks.” comments Celine as the two walk towards the building.
“For what?” asks Patty.
“For helping me on the bus.” answers Celine. “You probably didn't think it was that big of a deal, but talking to me so calmly when I froze really helped, I likely would've embarrassed myself by running away or melting where I stood and my clothes falling off.”
“Well you didn't.” replies Patty with a smile, before draping her right arm across Celine's shoulders. “We're friends after all, I'll help in what ever way I can, even if you just need someone to talk to.”
“Thanks.” repeats Celine with a smile.
- 7:20 A.M. -
- Math Class -
Back in the familiar 'comfort' of her first class of the day and the positive memories she had, Celine had not only calmed down, but sat in her seat with a smile, looking forward to her second day of school going as smoothly as the first.
Along with the teacher, few of her classmate and friends entering the room took the time to greet her, the twins, Alma and Lina Hons, along with Reni Bragou happily did so. Reni in particular, greeted her with such enthusiasm and volume that Celine could only chuckle in slight embarrassment as they were, if only briefly, the center of attention.
Shortly into the growing class chatting with each other; which Celine could hear a few topics of conversation being sports, particularly, Inter-planetary Shakra League or IPSL matches, T.V. shows and movies, even over hearing one girl discussing about how she should style her pubic hair or cut it all off.
While smiling at the wide ranging topics of conversation, a look of annoyance comes to Celine's face when she spots Gina at the threshold of the door, wearing a pink shirt and matching pleated skirt.
Besides being on time, the pink-haired teen was clearly in a good mood as she giggles and Celine soon sees the reason as her eyes widen in surprise as another girl walks beside her, another Tragelian, holding Gina's hand and briefly kissing her on the lips, who had long black hair that reached her butt, wearing a light green T-shirt and form fitting jeans.
'Wow, even a jerk like her has a girlfriend.' thinks Celine.
Celine sees the raven-haired girl moves her free hand against Gina's crotch, her skirt separating flesh from touching and Gina giggles and asks her girlfriend to stop, though makes no effort to stop her herself.
Only when the teacher comments, “Take it somewhere else you two.”
The two decide to stop and fully enter the room and Celine felt a little nervous as her and Gina's eyes meet. Oddly though, there was no mischievous smile from her, rather, a look of annoyance and a frown before heading towards her seat.
Gina doesn't make it to her destination though before Celine sees the raven-haired girl look to her and smile before grabbing Gina's hand again and ask, clearly audible to Celine...
“Is that her?”
Gina didn't answer, but looked even more annoyed, which Celine found quite puzzlingly, it was as if Gina wanted nothing to do with her now.
Celine though felt her nervousness rise when she sees the raven-haired girl quickly hurry towards her, pulling a clearly resisting Gina along.
Celine didn't know what to expect, if this girl was Gina's girlfriend, a lover to the person that treated her so badly, it wouldn't be wrong to assume this raven-haired girl was the same.
“Hi!” greets Gina's girlfriend happily as she stood in front of Celine's desk, while Gina looks away with a pout. “I'm Helani, it's nice to meet you!”
Celine was reluctant to introduce herself to this potential bully and remained silent, with a slight frown on her face.
Helani's smile faded only a bit from Celine's cold response.
“Yeah, I guess I should've expected that kind of response after what Gina did to you.” she comments.
“So she went bragging to her girlfriend huh?” retorts Celine. “I bet you loved hearing how she embarrassed me huh? I'm sure you're as much of a A-hole as your jerk of a girlfriend!”
Gina then quickly spoke up, “Hey! Don't you talk to her like that! I'll strip you naked right here in-Owww!” before gasping in pain as she shoots her free hand towards her hand held by Helani.
“It was actually the opposite.” comments Helani as she continued to squeeze Gina's hand with a small smile. “I didn't hear about it from Gina at first and I was quite mad at her. What Gina did was wrong and I would like to apologize for the way she treated you.” explains Helani before she does a slight bow.
Celine was quite shocked by Helani's explanation and apology, it was like Helani was a parent apologizing for her child.
“I realize my apology may not be enough...” continues Helani, before Gina gasps as her hand was freed and rubbing it with her other hand. “So Gina has agreed to apologize as well.”
“Really?” asks Celine, finding the statement hard to believe after Gina's fake apology before.
“Yes.” replies Helani. “And I realize it may be hard to believe, but Gina did feel bad about what she did.”
“You got that right.” comments Celine. “I do find that hard to believe.”
Helani, then looks to Gina...
“Gina, what are you waiting for, say you're sorry.”
“Do I have to do this now?” whines Gina, with her arms folded over her chest and looking away. “It's not like she'll believe me anyway, so there's no point.”
“Yes, you do have to do it now.” replies Helani, before the seven thirty bell rings. “Best to start the day at least attempting to right what you did, plus, you said you would, you know how much I hate it when you lie to me.” she adds, with a smile as Celine sees and hears the currents of electricity travel along her left arm, the sound of which causes Gina to flinch noticeably.
Clearly, Helani was the dominate one in the relationship.
“O-Ok, ok, fine...” replies Gina, unfolding her arms and taking a step from Helani, though gasping when Helani quickly grabs her hand, stopping her from going too far, before looking to Celine, who noticed an odd look of nervousness on Gina's blushing face. “I'm... s-sorry for the way I treated you and trying to humiliate you in gym class...”
“And tell her why you acted the way you did.” comments Helani.
“W-What!?” gasps Gina, blushing brighter. “We didn't agree to that!”
Celine was now quite intrigued, what possible reason would Gina have to act the way she did, that she evidently found embarrassing.
“She should know the reason why you were so mean to her.” states Helani. “Even if you want nothing to do with her after this, you owe her that much.”
“F-Fine...” replies Gina, before looking to Celine and quickly averting her eyes from her. “T-The reason, I acted the way I did, was... because... b-because...” states Gina, before trailing off.
“Nether of us could hear that.” states Helani.
“Lani please!” begs Gina. “Don't make me say it in front of her!”
Celine smiles at Gina's plea, she already liked Helani, seeing this side of Gina was a very welcome and entertaining change.
'Where was this girl my first day here?' questions Celine in her mind.
“Fine then...” states Helani, bringing a smile to Gina's face, before... “Gina's afraid of Geelien's.” declares Helani.
Gina's entire body went a bright red as she whines, “Laniiiiiiiiiiii!”
“You're afraid of Geelien's?” asks Celine.
Celine was then surprised as Gina clearly looked scared and moves behind Helani, who answers...
“She is, though rather than avoiding what she's afraid of, Gina tends to face it head on and aggressively in an attempt to hide the fact that she's afraid from others.”
“I see.” replies Celine, recalling Gina commenting, rather boldly, that she wasn't afraid of Geelien's when her friends defended her.”
“So I hope now that the truth it out...” replies Helani. “You'd give Gina another chance, she's really nice when you get to know her.”
Celine thought about it for a moment, Katty also commented that Gina was nice once you got to know her and now that she knew the reason behind Gina's actions, Celine could kinda understand it.
“Ok.” replies Celine. “One more chance.”
“Awesome!” comments Helani happily, before looking back to Gina. “Isn't that great Gina?”
The hiding girl gave a low whine in response.
“My name's Celine by the way.” states Celine, reaching her right hand towards Helani. “Nice to meet you.”
“Same here.” replies Helani, taking the offered hand. “I hope we can get along from here on.”
“Me too.” comments Celine, before glancing to the clock and adding... “Shouldn't you be heading to class? You're gonna be late.”
“This is my class.” answers Helani. “I was sick for a couple days last week.”
“Oh, so you feel better now?” asks Celine.
“Yep!” replies Helani happily, before hitting her chest a few times. “As humans would say, I'm as healthy as a horse.”
“Heh, what's a horse?” asks Celine with a smile.
“Oh, it's a large, four legged animal that you can ride.” answers Helani, before the five-minute warning bell rings and she adds. “Well, we'll leave you alone now and thanks for hearing me out.”
“You're welcome.” replies Celine as Helani and Gina, who looked all too eager to leave, walk away.
Celine did though see Gina give a brief, nervous look back, causing the Geelien's smile to fade.
'So...' Celine thinks. 'She's afraid of me... I guess it's a good thing. Now that she knows that I know she's afraid of me, she probably won't pick on me anymore. But, that almost feels worse, I could deal with it if she just didn't like me...'
Celine sees Gina return to her seat and sees her once bully glace towards her before quickly looking to her desk. In an ironic turn of events it was now Gina who was on the receiving end of teasing as a couple students verbally tease her about their public conversation and about Helani revealing the reason behind Gina's actions. Helani, who sat near Gina, said nothing to stop the teasing of her girlfriend.
'I wonder why she's afraid of Geelien's.' thinks Celine. 'Did she have a bad experience with one, or-'
Celine's thought was interrupted as Reni and Alma walk to her side.
“Hey.” states Reni. “I didn't know Gina was scared of you.”
“Are you really gonna give her another chance after what she did to you last week!?” asks Alma.
“Yeah...” replies Celine with a little smile, before glancing to Gina and adding in her mind, 'If she lets me.'
“Man, you're a better person than me.” comments Reni. “If someone treated me like that and tried to apologize, I'da told them to frak off.”
“Well it's thanks to Helani that I gave her another chance.” comments Celine.
After class was over, Celine decided to try and get to know Gina a little between classes, however, once Gina sees Celine heading towards her, she quickly leaves the room. Helani also followed her out and Celine chased after her, calling to her, though was quickly answered with “Leave me alone!” from the pink-haired girl.
Celine felt more hurt by Gina's fearful rejection of her than the bullying, but her attention was soon drawn from Gina as Reni arrives at her side.
“Hey, just forget about her. You have friends that actually want to be around you.”
“Still though, I don't want her to be afraid of me.” comments Celine.
To be continue...
Chapter 14
Title: Chapter 5-2
[Author's notes: (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL, SHOUJO-AI
Chapter Summery: Despite Reni's opposition, Celine gives Gina a third chance and comes away quite surprised, before meeting the Geelien siblings.]
- 10:39 A.M. -
- Cafeteria -
Stepping from the lunch line with Reni, Celine soon sees Helani quickly walk towards her with a smile.
“Hey Celine, would you mind come sitting with me and Gina for a little while?”
“Just let it go.” comments Reni. “Celine doesn't want to deal with her.”
Helani's smile was joined by a slight look of annoyance, the first sour expression Celine saw her make.
“I'm sorry...” comments Helani. “Your names not Celine, now is it? I wasn't speaking to you.”
“But Celine-” starts Reni, quickly getting annoyed, before Celine interrupts.
“I intended to join Reni and the others.”
“I see.” comments Helani. “Then just give us a few minutes. Gina's willing to talk with you and tell you why she's afraid of Geelien's.”
“Really?” asks Celine.
“You can't be serious Celine!” states Reni. “Sure, Helani may be nice, but Gina was a total bitch to you your first day here!”
“And I agreed to give her one more chance this morning.” replies Celine, before looking to Helani. “Ok, I'll come.”
“Great!” declares Helani happily.
Reni gives an obvious sigh of annoyance, before walking away, commenting...
“If you get humiliated, it's you're own fault this time.”
Briefly looking towards the departing teen, Celine follows Helani towards the middle of the room where long tables were positioned and an increasing number of students sat. Celine could see Gina sitting at the table, opposite of where she would sit, facing each other. The pink-haired teen makes eye-contact only briefly before looking away with a frown.
A smile did come to Celine's face when she sees the Geelien brother and sister to her left, sitting at the same circular table near the wall of the room that she remembered them sitting at before, their back was to her though, so Celine had no idea if the two knew of her. Celine did though see that the brother wore a T-shirt and shorts and the sister wore a T-shirt and skirt with her hair styled into a pony-tail.
Celine though turns her attention to sitting down in front of Gina, with Helani sitting to her left.
“Hey Gina.” greets Celine.
Gina though responded with a groan, spooning some mac and cheese into her mouth.
“Gina...” comments Helani. “You said you'd talk to her.”
“Yeah, after you bug the frak out of me!” declares Gina, looking to Helani with a frown. “You're always playing the fraking peace-maker!”
“I wouldn't have to if you behaved yourself!” comments Helani, getting annoyed.
“And stop talking to me like you're my mom!” states Gina. “You're my girlfriend, so act like it!”
“I will when you stop acting like a little kid!” declares Helani with frustration, quite a change from her calm attitude from this morning.
Celine had quickly become uncomfortable, she was supposed to be talking with Gina, not be the unwilling audience to a lovers spat, even hearing a sighing comment from a student beside her about Gina and Helani fighting again.
“You think I like having to always clean up after your mess!?” asks Helani.
“Then don't, I never asked you to!” declares Gina.
Unwilling to hear more, Celine tries to intervene.
“Hey! Hey! You two, why are you fighting, you're a couple right?”
This seems to stop the two, Gina looking away and stuffing more food into her mouth while Helani sighs.
“I'm sorry you had to see that.” comments Helani. “I invite you to sit with us only to see Gina and I fight.”
“There she goes...” comments Gina lowly. “Being Mother Helani.”
Celine sees Helani's left eye twitch for a moment in suppressed aggravation.
“Gina...” starts Helani calmly. “Isn't there something you need to tell Celine?”
“... Fine, 'mom'.” retorts Gina, before looking to Celine with a frown, though it slowly fades for a look of worry and averting her eyes. “How... How old did you say you were again?” asks Gina.
“Five cycles.” answers Celine. “Did you have a bad experience with a Geelien to make you afraid?”
“No...” replies Gina lowly, poking the couple pieces of macaroni left on her tray with her spoon. “I just... heard things, scary things, about you guys.”
“Oh...” comments Celine. “Well I'd be happy to answer any questions you have and correct any false information you've heard.”
“Really?” asks Gina, meeting Celine's eyes with a small smile appearing.
“Yeah, I've answered plenty of questions from my neighbors, so I'm used to it. I'd also like it if you weren’t afraid of me too, so ask away.” replies Celine with a smile.
“Ok, well...” starts Gina. “Are you guys immortal, I mean, aside from outside forces, do you live forever?”
“Heh, no, we're not immortal.” replies Celine. “Geelien's do die of old age, we just live a lot longer.”
“How much longer?” asks Gina, looking to be growing more comfortable.
“About two hundred years.”
“Wow, that's a long time.” replies Gina. “Do you stop aging at a certain point?”
“Yeah, about thirty cycles is were we stop visibly aging.” answers Celine. “Actually, I have a goal of when I'm older, I want to be a scientist and solve the problem with our lifespan.”
Gina and Helani looked intrigued and it was Helani who asks...
“There's a problem with the Geelien lifespan?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “In theory, us Geeliens should be able to live forever, but the problem comes from the parasite in our body. In each new generation of Geeliens the parasite's lifespan shortens just a little and since our life is currently tied to the parasite, eventually, over hundreds or thousands of years, if nothing changes, Geelien's will become extinct.”
“Wow.” comments Helani. “So you want to basically save your race from extinction?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “Currently when us Geelien near the end of our life, the parasite in our body dies, but we don't immediately die with it, we keep living for about a year or two, but we gradually lose control of our bodies, unable to maintain solid form or melting constantly, until eventually, the dying Geelien becomes locked in their liquid form until they gradually liquify and fade away, like a pool of water soaking into the ground, their considered dead then.”
“Geez, sounds like an awful way to die.” comments Gina. “Is it painful?”
“We don't feel pain.” answers Celine. “But the point is, after the parasite dies, we still live for a short while. There has to be a reason, something we're missing that allows us to live without the parasite. The current theory on a solution is a core of some kind, like a heart, that would keep us alive indefinitely.”
“Interesting.” comments Helani. “A core huh?”
“Yeah, hopefully, I'll be alive when the solution is found or maybe even be credited for finding the solution! Hehe, anyway, enough of my future goals, you have more questions, right Gina?”
“Ok...” replies Gina, soon looking unsure before asking, “Um, I heard that, if a Geelien gets really angry with someone, they'll absorb them.”
“What!?” gasps Celine. “That's a complete lie! Where did you hear something like that!? We would never absorb someone without their permission, especially a non-Geelien!”
“Really?” asks Gina, immediately looking as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders as she smile. “That's not true at all?”
“Of course not. After the way you treated me in gym before, I'm surprised you would even believe that.” replies Celine.
“W-Well...” starts Gina, briefly averting eye contact. “I was using the fact that we were surrounded by other people, after-all, I didn't pick on you when you were alone.”
“No you didn't...” comments Celine, with a small smile. “You made my embarrassment public.”
“Yeah...” lowly adds Gina.
“So, any other questions?” asks Celine.
“Yeah... why do Geelien's bother to wear clothes? You guys don't have anything to cover.”
Celine was genuinely shocked and at a momentary loss for words.
“W-What? Of course Geelien's have things to cover. Why would you try to strip me if you thought I didn't have anything?”
“So you actually have nipples and a pussy?” asks Gina.
“Of course I do.” replies Celine.
“But Geelien's reproduce asexually right?”
“Yeah, but we still have nipples, pussy and cocks.”
“I thought it was weird the way you reacted when I threw the basketball through you.” comments Gina.
“What other reason would you have for stripping me if you thought I didn't have things to hide?” asks Celine.
“Well I told you, I was aiming for your head.” replies Gina, before gasping as Helani gasps.
“What!? You didn't tell me that!”
“H-Heh, well, I heard that if a Geelien's head was knocked off or somehow separated from their body, they would turn into a puddle, I wanted to see that.”
“Wow.” comments Celine, not quite sure if she should be mad or glad with Gina's honesty.
“Would that have happened if I wasn't off on my aim?” ask Gina.
“Yeah, and you would've humiliated me and we most certainly wouldn't be having this conversation right now.” replies Celine with a slight frown.
Gina looked hurt by the reply, before asking...
“Would it really have been that humiliating?”
“Absolutely, not only would I have been naked when I reform, but shifting into liquid form like that without it being on purpose, would be like you wetting or pooping yourself, or both, in public with everyone watching.”
“Wow, if that happened to me, I don't think I could return to school.” replies Gina, before smiling at Celine. “I'm glad my aim was off.”
“Me too.” replies Celine.
“Celine...” starts Gina, briefly looking away before looking the Geelien in the eyes with a smile.
“I'm really sorry for the way I treated you, I was letting rumors I heard control my behavior towards you and didn't give you a chance, that was wrong of me and I hope you can forgive me.”
Smiling, Celine reaches her left hand across the table. “Apology accepted and I forgive you.”
“Really!?” asks Gina happily, extending her hand to grab Celine's.
“Yep.” replies Celine.
“Wow, thanks...” comments Gina, before a blush rises on her cheeks. “I'd, uh, also like it if we can be friends.”
“Sure.” answers Celine with a smile.
“This is just great!” declares Helani, before bringing a small gasp from Celine as the raven-haired girl suddenly hugs and squeezes her soft body. “Enemies have becomes friends!”
Celine and Gina shared a chuckle at the comment, Celine certainly didn't think she'd be befriending Gina today.
“There's another rumor I heard.” comments Gina.
“Ok, what is it?” asks Celine.
“I heard that if a Geelien parent doesn't like their kid anymore or is disappointed in them for some reason, they'll absorb them and start over. That not true either, is it?”
“Uhh...” comments Celine, quite taken aback from the comment, like a deer in headlights, Celine sat speechless as her body began to very noticeably drip and melt.
“Hey, what's wrong?” asks Gina, while Helani adds...
“You're melting!”
“W-Where did you learn that?” asks Celine.
“I read it on a message board on the Net.” replies Gina. “Wait a minute, is that actually true!? Geelien's eat their young!?” she adds, gaining a number of interested head turns to the Geelien.
“Uhhh...” comments Celine, not quite sure what to say, Celine knew enough to know that all races had things about themselves that was best not to spread and this 'rumor' Gina read was one of them. “It's uhhh, part true, if you let me explain, it's not quite what you think!”
“Ok.” replies Gina.
“Explain.” adds Helani.
“Ok...” comments Celine, collecting herself. “Here's the thing, it's true that Geelien parents have been known to, occasionally, absorb their kids...” she adds, quickly hearing whispers from the other students. “B-but it's only after they clone themselves. If the parent isn't happy with their clone for some reason, they'll reabsorb them. It's not a common thing though.”
“So...” starts Gina, glancing to Helani. “You're mom wouldn't reabsorb you?”
“Of course not.” replies Celine.
“Is there a law against it?” asks Helani.
“Uh, it's not exactly against the law, but it's considered a really bad thing to do after a couple days of the cloning.”
“So there's no punishment for killing your own kid for Geelien's!?” asks Gina.
“There's a social stigma against it.” replies Celine nervously. “This really isn't a conversation I'm comfortable having.”
“Oh, well, ok.” comments Gina.
“Pretty shocking though.” comments Helani.
“So...” starts Celine, trying to think of another topic. “How did you two get together?”
It was a genuine question after witnessing the verbal fight the two had.
“Well...” comments Gina with a smile and light blush on her cheeks. “It's kinda amusing. We got together about two cycles or a year ago. We're neighbors though, for five cycles now I think, so we knew of each other, but we didn't really hang out together. We actually meet face-to-face in middle school.”
Helani quickly adds, “We meet in the schools office, Gina had gotten into trouble for calling a boy names and making him cry.”
“So you were always getting into trouble.” comments Celine, looking to the pink-haired teen.
“Hey, in my defense, that boy started it, I just finished it.” replies Gina.
“So what was Helani at the office for?” asks Celine.
“Some kinda award or something.” answers Gina. “I don't remember.”
“It was an attendance award.” replies Helani.
“Oh that's right.” replies Gina. “It was an award for perfect attendance for never missing a day of school for as long as you were there.”
“Wow, really?” asks Celine. “Not a single missed day of school?”
“Nope, not one.” replies Helani proudly, “Even if I was sick, as long as I wasn't bed-ridden and can walk, I went to school, I just wore a mask and I was good.”
“That's dedication.” comments Celine with a smile.
Gina immediately sighs...
“Ohhh, you don't know the half of it! When people talk about perfect students, they may as well be talking about Lani, she's the perfect example of a perfect student.”
“Really?” asks Celine with a smile as she looks to a blushing Helani.
“Yeah.” states Gina. “Have you ever had a student in your old school remind the teacher to give the class homework?”
“Ugh, I hated that!” declares Celine. “Except math class, I like math.”
“Well Lani's THAT student.” comments Gina.
“Really!?” gasps Celine.
“I don't do that anymore.” replies Helani with a growing blush.
“Lani's the A+ student whose studying all the time too! Any free moment she has, she's ether working on class work or reading something for a class, even when she's taking a bath, once, I even caught her trying to study when she was masturbating, I mean, who does that!?”
“Really?” asks Celine, looking to Helani, whose entire face was red and averting her eyes from the two, though commenting...
“We're getting off-topic, Celine wanted to know how we got together.”
“Hehe, fine.” giggles Gina. “Where was I?”
“You stopped at we met in the office.” states Helani, before adding, “I was leaving the office when I saw her sitting on the bench they had and she was crying.”
“I wasn't crying.” states Gina. “I was angry.”
“No, you were definitely crying.” replies Helani with a smile. “I remember cause I asked you what was wrong and you said that you were going to be in big trouble with your mom and dad for getting in trouble at school again.”
“Oh, right...” comments Gina with a blush now appearing on her face.
Helani then looks to Celine.
“After Gina told me that, I sat with her trying to make her feel better and that was the start of our friendship that would grow into love and I even convinced her to apologize to the boy she was fighting with.”
“So, I wasn't the only one that you've apologized to for Gina's behavior?” asks Celine.
“Nope, you're not, and you're not going to be the last, I'm sure.” replies Helani, looking to Gina with a smile, who blushes brighter.
“As much as I hate it...” starts Gina. “That Lani acts like my mom sometimes...” she adds, with a sigh before looking to the raven-haired girl across the table with a smile. “To be honest, it's that mom-like attitude she has with me that I like about her. I know it sounds weird, I have a good relationship with my own mom, but it's just, Lani has that mother-like quality that I'm just drawn to.”
“I keep her in check.” comments Helani. “Or at least try to, and she likes that.”
“Well that's sweat.” replies Celine with a smile.
“So...” starts Gina. “We may get into fights now and then, but it's nothing a day or two apart can't help fix, and most of the times, I'm the one in the wrong.”
“Well, seems like Helani can do no wrong.” comments Celine. “A+ student, studies all the time, can deal with Gina, I've heard nothing bad about you. Do you have any flaws at all?”
“Heh, well...” comments Helani, with a a blush and averting her eyes.
“She may be a perfect student...” starts Gina with a smile. “But she's not a perfect person, Lani has her flaws alright. She has a bit of a control issue, which is part of the reason why I also don't like the way she acts like my mother, she goes way too far into it sometimes, it's the little things that annoy the frak out of me, like telling me not to slouch in a chair, or saying I shouldn't talk to someone with gum in my mouth; plus she has a bit of an anger issue, especially around test times.”
“I can let my anger out on you though.” comments Helani.
Celine could only giggle at the thought of how perfect Helani and Gina were for each other, Gina liking Helani's motherly behavior towards her and Helani being able to take and give back the amount of anger and frustration Gina gave, going by their earlier fight.
“What about you?” asks Helani, looking to Celine.
“What do you mean?” asks Celine.
“Do you have a boy or girlfriend?” asks Helani.
“Oh, heh, no I don't have anyone special at the moment.” replies Celine. “And I'm into girls by the way.”
“Would you be open to a non-Geelien girlfriend?” asks Gina.
“Hmm, I never thought about it.” replies Celine. “I guess I'd be open to it. If a non-Geelien was interested in me and they were my type, I'd be interested in having a relationship with them.”
“What is your type?” asks Gina, smiling. “Maybe we could introduce you to a couple girls.”
“Heh, thanks, but I'd rather you not.” replies Celine. “I'm not very good with set-ups, I get too nervous.”
“Oh, ok.”
“My type isn't too specific, I'd want my potential girlfriend to be a nice person with a lot of energy.” replies Celine.
“You're right...” comments Gina. “That isn't specific at all. Do you like short or tall girls?”
“Um, my height or shorter I guess.” answers Celine, before Helani asks...
“Which of the races do you find more attractive?”
“Ohh, that's a good one!” declares Gina.
“Hmmm...” thinks Celine, going through all the races she had meet so far in her mind. “It would be a tie between Felene's, Canjin's and Nex. Felene's and Canjin's have tails like us Geelien's.” she adds, her tail flicking about happily. “But Nex are really cute and I love their pretty wings!”
Celine though quickly began dripping with slight embarrassment as she sees a Nex sitting a few students to Gina's left, briefly look at her with a small smile and blush, before returning to lunch.
Helani and Gina shared a chuckle at Celine's mild embarrassment.
“So...” comments Helani. “Felene's, Canjin's and Nex. There's plenty of them here, so I'm sure you'll get one if you try.”
“Heh, t-thanks.” replies Celine, before noticing to her left, where the Geelien siblings were, the brother stands, picking up his tray and his sisters, along with two of their other friends trays and walking away, clearly leaving to depose of them. “Oh, hey, I really enjoyed talking with you guys, but there's something I've been meaning to do and no offense, but I don't want to run out of time.”
“That's ok.” replies Gina.
“Yeah, you have to join your friends, after all this was supposed to be just a few minutes talk.” adds Helani.
“Well I'll talk to you guys later.” replies Celine, removing herself from the table and looking down to her own tray and seeing that only the carton of milk was left.
“You can leave the tray here.” states Helani.
“Ok.” replies Celine, taking the milk and heading towards the other Geelien, the brother had yet to return and from the others at the table looking at her, the Geelien sister turns to look at her, who smiles.
“Oh, hi!” greets the Geelien with a smile, which Celine returns with her own and could see that while this Geelien didn't look too much older than her, being only a grade higher, she did have a noticeably bigger chest than Celine did. “I heard another Geelien was here.”
“Me too.” answers Celine. “I felt so relieved when I found out I wasn't the only one here, I'm Celine.” she adds, extending her left hand.
“Abignal.” replies the Geelien as she reaches her left hand to Celine's. “You can call me Abby though if you want. How old are you? I'm sixteen.”
“I'm five.” answers Celine.
“Hey!” declares a guys voice and Celine looks to her left to see the Geelien brother hurries to her side. “So this is the other Geelien. Nice to meet you, I'm Tel'm.” he greets, extending his right hand, which Celine happily grabs.
“Hi, I'm Celine.” replies Celine. “I'm five cycles old.”
“Oh, nice, I'm six.” comments Tel'm.
One of the Geelien siblings friends at the table, a male Vehen, asks...
“So it's normal for Geelien's to tell there age when they meet another Geelien?”
“Generally, yeah...” answers Abby. “...but it's not required.”
Another friend, a green-haired Nex, then comments...
“By the way, we heard about what happened to you last week, are you doing ok?”
“Oh...” replies Celine, smiling in slight embarrassment. “Uh, what did you hear?”
Abby then answers, “That some girl attacked you and striped you naked.” before her brother adds...
“Stuff seems to spread around this place in an instant.”
“Oh, heh, well, I wasn't really attacked.” answers Celine. “And I wasn't striped completely naked, just topless.”
“I can't believe someone would do that though!” declares Abby. “If that happened to me, I would've showed that girl what a Geelien could do when we're angry.”
“Heh, I wanted to...” replies Celine. “But the friends I made came to my defense. Plus, it's all been worked out, I'm even friends with the girl who was bulling me.”
“Wow, really?” asks Tel'm.
“Yeah, turns out she's afraid of Geelien's so that's why she acted like that towards me.”
“Still though...” comments Abby. “I'd have a hard time accepting an apology for something like that, guess that's the advantage you younger ones have over us, always willing to give someone a second chance.”
“Hey, I'm not like that!” declares Celine with a slight frown, though she knew Abby didn't mean anything negative, it still annoyed her. “I didn't want to give her another chance, but the girls girlfriend convinced me to.”
“Hehe, ok, ok.” replies Abby. “Well would you like to join us, we can get to know each other more.”
“I'd like to, but I should be getting back to my friends, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to you two.” replies Celine.
“Ok.” replies both Geelien's, before Abby adds, “If you ever need some away time from everyone and need some Geelien attention, most times, I'll be willing to give it.”
“Heh, ok, thanks.” replies Celine.
“After-all, we Geelien need to stick together..” adds Abby, with a smile as she extend her right hand.
Celine only smiles nervously and doesn't lift her hand.
“Not in public huh?” comments Abby, lowering her hand. “I understand, seeya later.”
“Seeya.” replies Celine, before walking away.
To be continued...
Chapter 15
Title: Chapter 5-3
[Author's notes:
Celine rejoins Reni, her sister and groups of friends.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Shugo Chara!, Which appear in this work of fiction.
“Hey!” greets Alma happily, along with her other friends as she walks towards them, in particular; Sakura, Katty, Lina and Cora, the fairy even leaving the smaller group of Fisers sitting at the table, absent of Nina and Lali, to fly near Celine and greeting her up close.
“Hi Celine!”
“Heh, hi to you too.” replies Celine to the happy fairy.
“Finally decided to join us huh?” asks Sakura with a smile.
The group was positioned at the same spots as before, Alma sitting with her Felene girlfriends Katty and Crissy, along with her two other friends Tragelian Lisa and Vehen Xene at one table. While Sakura, Reni, Lila, Amu, Utah and Lina sat at the other table, which Celine joins, sitting to the right of Lila, with Sakura directly across the table from her, Reni and Lina at the right side and Amu and Utah and the left. The Fisers were also gathered at this table, Lilith, Eru and Cora all sat around a small saucer with a small amount of food.
“Yeah.” replies Celine.
“So what's up with you and Gina.” asks Sakura.
“We're actually good now.” replies Celine. “We were able to work everything out and we're friends now.”
“Awesome!” declares Sakura.
“Seriously!?” gasps Reni. “You're friends with that jerk now?”
“Yeah, and she actually is nice when you get to know her, like Katty said.” answers Celine, which the mentioned Felene quickly adds...
“Told ya.”
“Well I think it's great.” states Lila to Celine's left. “The best way to get rid of a bully is to be friends with them.”
“That's just not something I could do.” comments Reni.
“Anyway...” starts Celine. “Weren’t there more Fiser's here last time?”
“Nina and Lali are at home.” answers Sakura.
“Oh.” replies Celine, before Cora happily comments...
“They live in the forest!”
“Really?” asks Celine.
“Yeah...” replies Lila. “Every type of Fiser lives at specific places in the word. When we lay their eggs, they briefly live with us before returning.”
“Wow, I though information about Fisers was rare.” comments Celine, before Amu adds, happily.
“That's why we're together! I started a group after I laid Lillith's egg and most of the members have Fisers.”
“So, you gather and share information you find about Fisers?” asks Celine.
“Exactly!” replies Amu. “I started this group for fun cause I was curious about all the various types of Fisers, I'm even thinking about making it an official school club, but I'm not so sure I want the responsibility of it being a school-recognized club and the official leader.”
“Wow, well how many are in the group?” asks Celine. “Is this everyone?”
“Nope, there's a few more.” replies Amu. “I try to 'recruit' anyone who has a Fiser. There's Rima, who has an Frost fairy; Yaya, who has a pixie, Ikuto...” she adds, looking to Utah with a grin, causing the blonde to looking away with a blush. “He has a cat-boy Fiser and and there's Nadia, she has a Forest fairy.
Sakura then teasingly adds, looking to Amu, “Don't forget Tadase.”
The comment brings a bright blush to Amu's cheeks.
“H-He's not part of the group!” quickly replies Amu.
“Not 'officially'.” adds Sakura with a grin.
Celine smiles as she could easily guess Amu liked whoever this Tadase was.
“A-Anyway...” comments Amu, before looking to Celine. “That's our whole group at the moment.”
“You guys have a pretty big group.” states Celine.
“We sure do.” replies Amu.
“So, Forest fairies live in the forests...” starts Celine. “Then that means a Frost fairy lives somewhere cold?”
“Right.” replies Amu.
“So what about...” starts Celine, looking to Lilith. “I'm sorry, I don't remember your name, the red-haired Fiser.
“Lillith.” answers the Fiser, “And I live near a fire spewing mountain!” she adds excitedly.
“A volcano.” clarifies Amu.
“Wow, a volcano? Really?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Lillith.
“Then what about...” starts Celine, looking to Eru. “E...Eri?”
“Heh, it's Eru.” answers the Angel Fiser with a smile. “And I live in a sunny, flower-filled plain, though there's forest nearby, so you could say I live in the forest too.”
Amu comments...
“We've gathered a lot of useful information, one is that forests are a common place most Fisers live. Even Lilith, she says she lives near a volcano, but it's actually a forest that's near a volcano. One major piece of information is that most Fisers have a connection to their master.”
“Friend!” declares Cora, bringing a giggle from Amu.
“Heh, yeah, or friend. Some Fisers don't like the term, 'Master'.”
“What kind of connections are there?” asks Celine.
“It varies.” comments Amu. “But some of the main ones are personality, sexuality or it can be as minor as sharing a favorite food or even a combination or in Utah and Eru's case, have totally opposite personalities. I actually find it strange and something I haven't been able to figure out, but they get along really well though.”
“How are they different?” asks Celine.
“Well...” starts Amu. “Utah prefers to avoid conflict, while Eru goes right into the middle of it.” she adds, before the Angel Fiser comments...
“Well I can't just ignore a problem when I see it, I have to try and stop it.”
Lilith then teasingly comments, “Yet, you're most liking doing it too...” before looking to Celine. “Like I warned you before, she's a hypocrite.”
Eru quickly groans, though before the two could get into another fight, Utah comments...
“Ok, you two, no fighting this time.”
“Fine...” retorts Eru with a frown.
“Here's my current theory on Utah and Eru...” comments Amu. “Both of them are on opposite ends of the same stick and them being together helps balance each other out. In the past, Eru has convinced Utah to try and stop a conflict and Utah frequently stops Eru from getting involved in every conflict she sees.”
“Interesting...” replies Celine. “So, if the other two Fisers are at a forest, how do they get here?”
“Oh! I'll answer that one!” declares Sakura happily. “All Fisers have the ability grant their friend or master a single wish.”
“Whoa! Really?” gaps Celine.
“Yep.” answers Sakura. “Once they grant your wish though, they return to where they lived. I wished for Nina to be able to visit me anytime she wants, so now, she can teleport from the forest directly into my womb and back again.”
“She teleports into your womb?” asks Celine. “Why there?”
“Dunno, probably because her egg was there the first time I laid her egg.” answers Sakura. “But the best thing about Nina's teleport ability, is that she can teleport more than just herself, so that's how Lali comes here too.” she adds, before Cora comments...
“I sometimes visit Nina and Lali at the forest too.”
“Wow...” comments Celine, with a brief giggle. “Seems like your womb get's a lot of use.”
“Oh, wow, your second day here and your making jokes already!” comments Sakura with a smile.
A giggle soon comes from Reni, before adding...
“Celine has a point though, you're uterus is like a toll bridge, people come and go through it all day.”
“Oh shut-up!” retorts Sakura with a frown.
The group shares a giggling at Reni's comment and Sakura's rather weak come-back for a few moments, before the teased blonde gasps and lifts her Comm...
“Oh! Before I forget...” she adds, before materializing three small tickets and handing them to Celine. “Here.”
“Thanks, what are these?” asks Celine.
“Their admission tickets to my upcoming Shakra match this Vivius (Saturday).” answers Sakura. “So bring your mom and dad.”
“Really!?” gasps Celine happily. “These are free!?”
“Yep, I get a ton of them and I give them to my friends.” replies Sakura. “You don't have to watch just me fight ether, you can stay for the whole event.”
“Awesome! Thanks a lot!”
“Don't mention it, just one of the perks of being my friend.” states Sakura happily.
“Who are you fighting?” asks Celine.
“One of my IPSL buddies, a level five Earth Shakra user, Sammy Daylin, heard of her?”
“I don't think so.” replies Celine.
Sakura smiles and glaces to Amu with a smirk, “Sammy took the championship title from Amu two tournaments back and has held on to it ever since.”
The pink-haired teen said nothing but frowned at Sakura.
“Wow, really!?” asks Celine. “Are you trying for the title?”
“Nope, it's an exhibition match, but it's gonna be like a title fight though. If I happen to beat her, it opens her up to having someone request a title fight without it being a tournament.”
“Wow, so title holders have a lot of pressure not to lose even in a non-title fight.” comments Celine. “Have you ever been a title holder?”
“Nope, not yet, but I know I will someday!” answers Sakura excitedly.
“Have you fought this girl before?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, twice before.” replies Sakura. “Once sparring and the other in a match, which I lost. She's a tough one to fight, although she's a level five, she's not too strong of an attacker, her fighting style mainly revolves around defense and countering. She uses the ground around her to cover herself in armor, so it's like fighting a tank when she really armors up, you have to blast off chucks of her armor before you can actually hit her.”
“But couldn't you just hit her with your strongest attack?” asks Celine.
“You'd think so, but if you do that, while you might be able to blast off all her armor, the amount of power it would take to do that, would leave you exhausted, I said she focuses on defense, remember?” replies Sakura.
“Oh, right, guess it would be a pretty weak defense if it could be broken through easily.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, plus my long-range fire attacks aren’t very effective when she has her armor on.” states Sakura. “So I'm gonna have to be close to do any good damage, but I have to watch out for her counter attacks then, plus her regular attacks, since she doesn't just sit in one spot.”
“Sounds like a lot of stuff you have to think about.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, it is, but that what makes it fun!” answers Sakura excitedly. “You always have to be on your toes, even a low level Shakra user can beat a high level if their not taking a fight seriously.”
“Oh, well, do all you guys participate in Shakra matches?” asks Celine.
“I don't.” answers Reni with a frown. “I”m not 'allowed' to, but I still spar sometimes with everyone.”
“Oh, well what kind of shakra do you have?” asks Celine.
“I'm a level three Earth user.” answers Reni.
“Oh, the same as Sakura's opponent.”
“Yeah, but she's a level five though, plus, she's defensive, I'm a ranged offensive-typed fighter.”
“Oh, so it wouldn't be very helpful for Sakura to train with you then, huh?” asks Celine.
“Nope, although I could mimic Sammy's fighting style, I'd suck at it, so I'd probably hurt Sakura more than I'd help.”
Lila then answers...
“I can't manifest my Shakra, so that's why I can't participate.”
“I thought everyone could use Shakra here.” comments Celine, quite surprised at Lila's comment.
“Well ya thought wrong.” answers Lila with a smile. “Some people just can't manage to manifest their Shakra and I'm one of them.”
“Oh, well that sucks.” comments Celine.
“It's no big deal, you don't have to feel sorry for me...” replies Lila. “I may not be able to manifest my Shakra into one of the abilities, but I can still use Shakra energy for things like listening to my body, so I could sense when my period is gonna start, or if it's gonna be light or-.” she adds, before Utah quickly comments with a frown...
“Come on, we're eating here! I don't wanna think about something like that!”
“Hehe, sorry.” replies Lila.
Although a couple girls chuckle, Celine was confused.
“Your period? What's the ending of a sentence have to do with your body?”
Celine suddenly felt nervous when all the girls look to her with shock on their face before bursting into a round of laughing, which made Celine feel embarrassed at not understand why they were laughing and causing her to drip some.
Lali though soon manages to calm everyone down when she notices the embarrassed look on Celine's face and her melting.
“Sorry about that.” comments Lila, as a few more giggles leave her. “I guess a Geelien wouldn't know what a period is. It's not something a lot of people like talking about while eating, so one of us will tell you later, ok?”
“Ok.” replies Celine, smiling, relived that it was something that wasn't common knowledge to a Geelien.
Cora suddenly gasps and excitedly flies in front of Celine.
“Hey! Would you like to meet the other Fisers!?”
“Oh!” gasps Amu. “Duh, I tell you about our other members but I forget to introduce them, though you've probably met them in other classes.”
“Well sure.” replies Celine. “I love to meet the other Fisers and the other members of the group.”
“I'll go get them!” happily comments Cora, before flying away, before Sakura comments...
“Celine, you've met Yaya, she has Gym class with us. She was the girl that was really excited to meet you.”
“Oh, that blonde girl.” comments Celine.
“Yeah.” comments Sakura with a smile.
“I'm back!” declare Cora happily as she returns, as two female Fisers had joined her, both of whom brought a wide-eyed look of amazement to Celine's eyes.
One, which Celine assumed to be a Frost fairy, with her blue tinted skin, icicle-like short hair and long, thin blue wings, it was obvious, she also wore what looked to be a dark blue leotard or swimsuit and looking to be of similar age to Lilith and Eru.
The other Fiser, clearly attracted the majority of her attention. The Fiser had the small body of Cora and was completely nude, but her wings were much larger, shorter than the others, but wider, like the wings of a butterfly. They were pink in color and produced quickly disappearing sparking particles from their movement.
“You're so cute and pretty!” declares Celine to the glitter-winged Fiser. “What kind of Fiser are you!?”
The small Fiser giggles at the compliment before replying...
“I'm a Pixie and it's nice to meet you. My master Yaya told me about you. My names Pepe.”
The Frost Fairy then introduces herself with a smile...
“My names Kusu, and as you can obviously see, I'm a Frost Fairy. My master is Rima, and she's on her way here.”
“Well it's great meeting you both.” replies Celine, smiling.
Shortly after, a shorter girl with very long, blonde hair walks up to Celine's left side.
“Hi Celine.”
“Oh, we've meet already.” replies Celine, looking to the new girl. “We have our second class together.”
“Yep.” replies the long-haired with a smile. “Though we haven't met face-to-face; I'm Rima.” she adds, extending her right hand, which Celine takes.
“Aside from certain classes...” starts Lila. “Like Gym, our Fisers arn't allowed to be out and flying around the room, so that's why you didn't meet them before.” she adds, before Pepe comments...
“And I was doing my own thing at the time when you met Yaya.”
“I'm gonna go now.” replies Rima. “I just wanted to introduce myself face-to-face.”
“Ok.” replies Celine.
“Although...” comments Rima with a smile. “I will warn you, don't hang around this bunch too much or they'll suck you in and before you know it, you'll be joining them for lunch every single day. If our class together is anything to go by, you have plenty more friends than these guys.”
“Heh, thanks.” replies Celine, before Rima walks away, leaving the two other Fisers, who join the others, though Amu comments...
“You make it sound like a bad thing.”
“You don't deny it though?” asks Celine with a smile, which brings a giggling from a few of them.
“Quick question Celine...” comments Sakura.
“Do all Geelien's wear clothes that reveal a lot of their body?”
“Oh!” gasps Celine, smiling with a slight embarrassment as she drips a little more and looks down to her lap briefly, seeing her small blue-jean short-shorts she wears and reminded of the matching tank-top.
“You don't have to be embarrassed.” comments Sakura with a smile. “I think it looks nice, I was just wondering, since your first day, you was dressed in similar clothes and the other Geelien's were wearing just about the same the days that their here, at least the girl was, her brother was wearing shorts.”
“Uh, well, yeah...” replies Celine. “Geelien's prefer smaller clothes, although we will wear pants and long-sleeve shirts, we tend to avoid them since we'd feel restricted in them. We Geelien's don't like tight spaces and that includes clothes too.”
“Oh.” replies Sakura.
“Interesting.” comments Lina, before Lila adds...
“So Geelien's are naturally claustrophobic?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that.” replies Celine.
“What's the least amount of clothing you've worn?” asks Sakura with a smile.
“Heh, does naked count?” asks Celine with a chuckle, bringing a gasp from Lina.
“You've been out in public naked!?” she asks with a smile.
“W-What! No!” gasps Celine in shock, quickly losing enough mass for her Comm to fall through her wrist, causing her to gasp again and quickly collect herself and reaching down to pick up her Comm and putting it back on. “I meant in my own home, I'd never go outside naked! Not even on my home planet!”
“Oh.” replies Lina with a chuckle. “Sorry.”
“Yeah...” comments Sakura with a smile. “I meant in public, what's the least you've worn.”
“Well, pretty much what I'm wearing now is the least I've worn in public.” replies Celine. “Well, unless stripping down to my underwear in gym class counts.”
“Oh!” gasps Sakura. “Speaking of gym, what kind of swimsuit did you bring?”
“Swimsuit?” questions Celine, before gasping. “Oh, that's right! The Gym teacher said the class was going to the pool this week! I totally forgot about that! I didn't bring a swimsuit!”
“Well don't worry.” comments Reni. “There's clean school swimsuits you can use. Actually, everyone is given a school swimsuit.”
“Hey...” starts Amu. “How does that work anyway, a Geelien and a pool of water? Would you just dissolve?”
“Oh, no...” replies Celine. “Pools are quite safe for us under normal conditions. Heh, though we tend to swell up a bit. I'm a pretty good swimmer too and since I don't breath, I don't have to worry about drowning.”
“Normal conditions?” questions Sakura.
To be continued
Chapter 16
Title: Chapter 5-4
Gym class becomes Swim class, with a little more than swimming and later at home, Sammy joins Celine with a surprise.]
- 11:41 A.M. -
- Gym Class -
- Pool Room -
Normal conditions...
Aside from the fact that she was the only Geelien in class, the current situation was quite normal. Every student was currently in the large swimming pool, splashing around, dunking their friends, laughing and generally playing around.
Celine though, wasn't part of the crowd, the Geelien sat alone against a wall, hugging her knees up to her chest. Forgetting bringing her own swimsuit, Celine was left with wearing the school one, a rather modest one-piece, red with a white line down the sides.
To her benefit however, Celine, being a Geelien, didn't have to strip naked in the locker-room like the other girls when changing. Simply putting the swimsuit on over her underwear and then pulling the two pieces of clothing through her body, which brought some amusing comments from her classmates.
However, Celine quickly found this didn't help her at all as Katty mentioned that when she went to change back to her regular clothes, she'd be left naked anyway, effectively 'shooting herself in the foot' since her underwear was waterproof.
An amusing and slightly embarrassing situation also came to Celine's mind; as the swimsuit should, it clung snugly to her body, revealing her smooth Geelien figure. It wouldn't have been much of a problem until Gina delightfully mentioned that the swimsuits red color had a near perfect match to the color of Celine's body, giving the illusion that the Geelien was completely naked, though lacked nipples or labia. Only the white stripes down the side of the swimsuit was the proof that she wasn't.
Now though, it wasn't the fact that she'd have to strip naked when changing to her normal clothes, or the fact that the swimsuit gave the illusion of her nudity that caused Celine to sit alone, it was concern. The pool was quite large...
“Hey Celine!” declares Gina, the pink-haired teen swims to the side of the pool. “What are you sitting there for looking all worried for? You can swim right?”
“Yeah.” replies Celine with a smile. “I can swim.”
“So come on!” declares Gina, climbing out of the pool, revealing her light-pink two-piece bathing suit as she walks in front of Celine and reaching down to grab her right hand. “You look weird sitting here by yourself.”
“I'm just...” starts Celine, her smile fading a little. “I'm worried about melting. It's harder to reform in water, and if I lose too much mass and all the movement in the water...”
“Oh come on...” comments Gina, cutting Celine off and she squats down in front of her. “You told me that Geelien's only melt when their ether scared, embarrassed or turned on. I WAS you're only enemy in this class, so you don't have to be scared, there's no reason to be embarrassed and if someone wants to get a little touchy, just tell them you can't do it in the water.”
Gina was absolutely right and Celine found herself giggling.
“Hey, yanno, this morning, I never thought you would be trying to cheer me up.”
“And I never thought we'd be friends.” replies Gina with a smile, before standing and lifting Celine's hand. “So come on, join everyone else.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, getting to her feet and quickly gasping as Gina caused her to walk to the pool a little quicker as the pink-haired teen swats her rear with a smile, before cannon-balling into the pool and Celine diving in after.
- 12:04 -
After about twenty minutes of swimming exercises from the teacher, the class was left to freely swim and 'exercise' on their own for the remainder of the class.
Celine occupied the pool with everyone else and was currently talking with Alma, who wore a one-piece bathing suit. The Geelien's attention was soon drawn away from hearing Sakura's call to her...
“Hey Celine, come're for a sec!”
The blonde Tragelian currently sat at the edge of the pool, with her legs in the water, wearing a solid yellow two-piece.
Parting from Alma, Celine swims towards her friend, stopping about a yard from Sakura, whose legs were spread, but not any unusual amount.
“What is it?” asks Celine.
“Come a little closer.” comments Sakura with a smile, splashing her legs a bit in the water.
“Ok.” replies Celine, closing the distance to about half a yard.
Sakura lifts her left hand and gives a 'come here' motion.
“A little more...”
Wondering what the blonde was up to, Celine moves closer, between Sakura's legs about about a foot from the pools edge, along with the blondes crotch.
“Closer...” adds Sakura with a grin.
Celine's wonderment suddenly gave way to a grin as she assumed what Sakura was attempting.
“Any closer and I'd be doing something I'm sure I wouldn't be allowed to.” comments Celine.
“Hehe...” giggles Sakura. “Doesn't sound like you'd be against it.” replies Sakura with a smile.
“Against it our not, I'm sure we wouldn't be allowed to, plus, you have a boyfriend, right?”
“We have an open relationship and true, we couldn't do it out in the open, but we can if we go back to the locker room.” replies Sakura.
“Really?” asks Celine, genuinely curious, though now realizing the bright blush on Sakura's face. “Students are allowed to have sex here in the school?”
“As long as it's in a private place and doesn't prevent them from being late to class...” replies Sakura, grinning as she brings a little gasp from Celine as she wraps her legs around the Geelien and pulls her against the pools wall, her face just inches from the blondes crotch, close enough to smell her arousal. “Would you like to have some private time with me? I'd really like it.”
“Heh, t-thanks for the offer, but I'm not so sure.” replies Celine, looking up from Sakura's crotch. “I don't just have sex with anyone, I like to get to know them first.”
“You know me though.” comments Sakura, before placing her right hand to her thigh and stroking herself.
Noticing her hand, Celine then notices Sakura's nipples poking against her top.
“Uh, are you trancing right now?” asks Celine.
“Maybe...” answers Sakura with a grin, though Celine sees the blondes eyes looked normal. “Would it change you're mind if I was?”
“Possibly...” replies Celine with a smile. “I've had experience with Tragelian trances back home, two little girls in particular.”
“Ohhh, did you like it?” asks Sakura, before placing her left hand to her crotch and slowly rubbing herself.
With the increasingly sexual behavior from Sakura, Celine could feel herself getting turned on, and moves her hands to Sakura's legs and pulls them from around her.
“Sorry, but it's not safe for me to be in the water while you're doing that.”
“Why?” asks Sakura with a smile, before seeing Celine moves to her left and lifts herself from the pool, aside from the water dripping from her, Sakura sees that Celine's body is also dripping from her and her smile grows. “Ohhh, I'm turning you on, arn't I?”
“I uh... have to go come down.” replies Celine, heading towards the locker room.
“Hey wait!” declares Sakura with a smile, quickly standing and chasing after Celine with a giggling.
Celine manages to make it into the locker-room, before Sakura catches her, grabbing her hand.
“Hey! Hey! You don't have to run. There's no reason.” states Sakura, seeing Celine dripping even more and her mass pooling on the floor.
“I don't want the others to see me like this.” replies Celine, a combination of arousal and embarrassment prevented her from stopping her melting.
“Well we're alone now...” comments Sakura, lightly pushing Celine against the wall. “Just the two of us...” she adds, placing her right hand to Celine's cheek with a smile.
Celine, now seeing the faded look in the blondes eyes, quickly realized what was about to happen if she didn't do anything and quickly comments...
But Sakura seems to ignore her as she placing her hands down to the straps of Celine's swimsuit and brings an embarrassed gasp from the Geelien as Sakura pulls the top of her swimsuit down from her shoulders and exposes her breasts as Celine's arms moves through the pulled-down straps.
“H-Hey!” gasps Celine, quickly covering her chest, before another shocked gasp leaves her as Sakura swiftly pulls the rest of her one-piece down to Celine's feet in one motion, now standing nude.
“You're so pretty.” comments Sakura, smiling a placing her hands to Celine's shoulders.
“Sakura stop!” declares Celine, before quickly pushing her blonde hard, enough to cause her to fall on her butt. “I didn't agree to this!”
Shortly after her rear meeting the floor, Sakura looks up to Celine with surprise, before shaking her head and the faded look in her eyes going away.
“Oh, I'm sorry!” replies Sakura, getting to her feet. “I didn't mean to force myself on you.”
“I know...” replies Celine, looking down a little in embarrassment as she covers her chest and crotch while she melts even more. “Like I said, I'm familiar with Tragelian trances thanks to the two girls in my neighborhood.”
“I really am sorry.” replies Celine, lowering her hand down to her crotch as she looks down as well in embarrassment. “When you ran away, my trancing brain just took that as approval.”
“I forgive you, you don't have to feel so bad.” replies Celine, looking towards the blonde with a small smile.
“Really?” asks Sakura, lifting her head.
“Yeah... to be honest, I would be willing, but the only thing stopping me is, from my experience with my neighbors, when we start, especially when their trancing, we have a hard time stopping and we don't have much longer before the next class starts.”
“Oh, that was it?” asks Sakura with a smile. “Heh, yeah, we don't have enough time to really get into it, thanks for knocking me back to my senses.” she adds, before moving her hands between her legs and rubbing herself with a small moan. “But I'm still really horny and by the looks of it, so are you. So how about a quickie? One orgasm a piece and we'll call it quits.”
“Uh... well... it's a bit embarrassing doing it here in the locker-room.” replies Celine looking around the room.
“Pleeeeease!” begs Sakura. “My trance got me all hot and horny...” she adds, rubbing herself a little quicker and scissoring her thighs. “I can feel it trying to come back, I won't be able to focus in my next class if you leave me like this. You have to take responsibility.” she continues, ending with a cute pout.
“Hehe, seriously?” giggles Celine. “It's my fault now you're super horny?”
“Pleeeeeease!” adds Sakura, wriggling her hips as if she had to pee while continuing to rub herself.
Part of Celine really didn't want to get into a situation that involved the very real possibility of them loosing track of time and the other girls walking in on them, but the aroused part didn't care, there was a very horny girl in front of her begging for release.
“F-Fine, ONE orgasm a piece, then we go back.” replies Celine.
“Awesome!” declares Sakura, reaching her hands towards Celine, though the Geelien quickly grabs them.
“But not here, we're too close to the door.”
“Then let's go to the back!” declares Sakura happily, before pulling Celine further into the room.
“Hey wait, my swimsuit!” replies Celine, pulling free of Sakura before returning to her swimsuit resting in her puddle of mass, taking the swimwear and absorbing what she could of her mass, though she still drips, but at least not leaving a large pool on the floor before rejoining Sakura.
Celine follows Sakura to the back-end of the room, there wasn't much hiding space, but it was away from where they entered and that was enough to calm Celine to the point she was comfortable, before Sakura turns to look at her with a smile and Celine sees, from the blondes eyes, that she had re-entered her trance.
“You're melting is so pretty.”
“Less talking, more doing.” comments Celine. “I don't want anyone walking in on us.”
“Oh no problem there! But your gonna have to uncover yourself.” replies Sakura.
Celine gasps lowly when she realized she's still covering herself.
“Y-You first.”
Within seconds, Sakura was nude, revealing her small B-cup breasts and the small patch of hair above her labia and Celine sees her first direct evidence of just how aroused Sakura was with her bikini bottoms no longer containing her honey, which trails abundantly from her pussy and down her inner thighs.
Celine gives a low groan, 'Of course she wouldn't have a problem taking off her clothes...' she thinks before slowly uncovering herself, dropping her swimsuit, which covered her crotch, to the floor and removing her arm from her chest, revealing her breasts, though Celine clearly looked nervous exposing herself.
“You're really pretty Celine.” comments Sakura.
“T-Thanks.” replies Celine, before taking a step towards Sakura, placing a nervous right hand to the blonde oozing pussy, with a moan from her, before beginning to stroke her before placing her lips to Sakura's, though only for a moment before the blonde pulls her lips away.
“Sorry, but I don't do kissing on the lips.”
“Oh...” replies Celine, caught off-guard from such a comment, especially while Sakura was trancing. “Ok, well, if we can't kiss, we can do each other at the same time.”
“That sounds like a sixty-nine!” declares Sakura happily, before lowering herself down on the floor, on her back. “I got bottom!”
“Heh, ok.” replies Celine, positioning herself on top of Sakura, each of them facing each others uniquely dripping and oozing pussies.
Celine though was quickly surprised as just seconds into getting in position, felt fingers suddenly entering her.
“Oh you're so warm...” comments Sakura, before Celine gasp out again as she felt what she was sure was the blondes whole hand enter her. “Nice, I can push my whole hand inside.”
Well on her way towards an orgasm thanks to Sakura's eager effort, Celine quickly decided to put forth her own effort and put her natural abilities to use and plunges her entire right hand into the blondes oozing pussy with a loud squelching and moan from Sakura as excess honey oozes out around her arm.
“Ohhh, this is a noisy one!” comments Celine with a smile, briefly feeling the same comfort she did with Becky and Sammy, though was quickly reminded of where she was, though with a sudden deeper and quicker thrusting of Sakura's hand and arm into her, brings out a louder gasp from her.
“Ohhhh! So is this one!” comments Sakura.
After a few more thrusts, the pleasure pushed the embarrassment of where they were from Celine's mind as she settles into the pleasure and her actions.
It was only a minute or so later that Celine was mildly surprised when Sakura gives a longer moaning and felt the orgasmic spasm of her pussy as honey oozes out around her thrusting hand.
Celine herself had yet to come though, but she could feel she was close, so instead of stopping, per the one orgasm agreement, Celine continued, bringing Sakura's moaning louder and louder as she continued her action through the blondes orgasm.
It was shortly after Sakura's climax comes to an end that Celine could feel her own nearing from the blondes thrusting arm. The pleasure of her approaching orgasm causes Celine's actions to Sakura to slow to a stop and her moaning to increase in volume.
Just before her blissful moment reaches her, Celine hears a small tapping sound and notices that her Comm had fallen from her arm to the floor. Along with the device hitting the floor though, Celine also realizes that a pool of her mass had surrounded herself and Sakura.
Only her neighborhood friends had seen her in this melting, aroused state and now a new person was. It was embarrassing, a small part of her wanted to get away, but her pleasure and arriving climax easily overtook that small desire before moaning out as her moment arrived.
“Yeah!” cheers Sakura happily as she hears Celine's moan and sees more of Celine's mass gush out around her thrusting hand once and falling onto her face, bringing a giggling from her as Celine moans in pleasure.
Unfortunately for Celine though, the sound of a door opening immediately draws her attention away from the pleasure of her climax and although the two of them were hidden enough where they were, Celine quickly removes herself from above Sakura and sitting against the wall with a small groan from her interrupted moment of bliss.
“Hey come on...” declares Sakura, her voice fully laced with lust as she turns over and crawls towards the Geelien, who was currently in her younger form, but it had yet to register for Sakura. “Don't just stop in the middle-”
“Be quite!” whispers Celine, before gasping as their visitor comments to them...
“Calm down Celine...” it was Gina. “I'm not here to bother you two, I'm just here to lay a couple eggs.”
Although a little relived that it was someone she knew, Celine suddenly gasps as she felt Sakura grab her by the legs and pull her onto her back before lowering her face between her thighs and bringing another gasp from her as Sakura's tongue attempted to stoke the fading and interrupted orgasmic fire in her.
“S-Sakura stop!” whispers Celine with a moan leaving her as she lowers her hands down to Sakura's head, grabbing at her hair, though not quite pushing her away. “W-We're not alone!”
Sakura though clearly, either didn't care or flatly ignored her, quite possibly both. Though the blonde did look up at her as her tongue locates the Geelien's clit and bringing a resistant groaning from her as Celine sees, from Sakura's eyes, the blonde was still in her trance. Short of jolting her out of it, the Tragelian was going to eagerly send her to another orgasm.
With Gina present somewhere in the area though, Celine didn't want to make any sounds and fortunately, Sakura wasn't very loud or vocal in her actions.
So, before Celine even knew it, she found herself submitting, lowering her head to the floor as she groans from the pleasure of Sakura's well-practiced tongue teasing her soft, Geelien clit, focusing on it, bringing a squirming from Celine.
“W-We... Nngh, a-agreed to one orgasm...” groans Celine, her vain attempt at stopping the pleasure she was submitting to.
Yet again, Sakura's only response is the continuing action of her tongue, driving Celine's melting body towards her second orgasm.
It was about two minutes into the pleasure of Sakura's tongue, draping her legs over the blonde back, that Celine groans hard, before gasping out loudly and immediately moving her left hand from Sakura's head, to her mouth, muffling herself as her mass gushes out of her pussy, just below Sakura's chin.
Once her climax fades, Celine feels Sakura's mouth and tongue finally retreat from her clit. Opening her eyes, Celine sees the blonde standing above her with a lustful grin as honey oozes from her pussy and down her thighs, before Celine's eyes widen as she sees Sakura reveal her cerick. The ribbed appendage oozing honey from it's tip before it rises and Sakura grips the organ in both hands and strokes herself.
“Mmm... I'm not satisfied yet.”
“W-Wait!” gasps Celine, before turning over and reaching to her Comm, managing to activate it in time to see the time, before gasping as she felt hands on her hips and lifted before another gasp leaves her as she felt what she assumed to be Sakura thrusting her cerick into her pussy.
“Ohhhhh!” moans out Sakura. “Your insides are so soft and warm!”
“H-Hold on!” gasps Celine, before a couple more gasps leave her as Sakura began to thrust her hips, repeatedly thrusting her currently two foot organ into her, reaching into Celine's womb. “W-We only-Ah! Have a-Ah! A-About ten min-Ah! M-Minutes left! Ah!” repeatedly gasps out Celine in time with each thrust from the blonde.
“Enough time for one more come!” declares Sakura, on her knees behind the Geelien on her hands and knees as she found a rhythm in her thrusting, smiling in further delight as Celine's also dripping tail wriggles and flicks side-to-side. “One more come... one, more, and we can stop!”
“Ah! Ah! Ah! F-Fine... Ah!” replies Celine, gasping with each thrust.
“I bet, mmm, your whole body, feels this good, ohhh... huh?” asks Sakura, pausing slightly with each thrust. “I could frak, your leg with my, nngh, C-Cerick, and it would feel, ohhhh... mmmm, j-just like your pussy, wouldn't it?”
“P-Probobly-ah!” answers Celine. “But-ah! It wouldn't feel-ah! The same-ah! For me-ah!” she add between gasps.
“So... only your pussy...” comments Sakura, before spreading the soft cheeks of Celine's rear, revealing her anus. “And your butt, mmm, give you pleasure, from being fraked?”
“Ah! Y-yeah. Ah!”
“Mmmm, interesting...”
While Sakura's actions did feel good, Celine began to wonder how did she manage to get in this situation and with only about ten minutes of class left, Celine gasps not from Sakura's actions, but from a realization, there was only about ten minutes of class left, but students still needed to change...
'People are gonna start coming in any minute!' thinks Celine.
Just seconds after her thought, Celine's embarrassment suddenly peeks as she hears the door open and a number of girls enter and talking.
“We have to stop!” declares Celine, looking back to Sakura, who looked to be close with a frown on her face.
“J-Just a little longer, I-I'm almost...”
The two of them were still hidden but just barely and Celine knew it wouldn't be long before they were spotted, after all, they were near the lockers, at least one person was going to spot them.
But then...
Celine hears a groan from Sakura as she gives one more thrust, just before feeling her warm honey flooding into her womb, causing a very defined white orb to be visible inside Celine's body as her womb contained the fluid. The containment was only temporary though before the sheer amount Sakura was ejaculating bursts through Celine's womb and the white cloud quickly spreading throughout her torso.
Although happy that Sakura had finished and the pleasure of her honey entering her gave, Celine's fear suddenly becomes reality as she sees a brunette Nex stop in front of her locker, wearing a white one-piece, in plain view of herself and Sakura.
The Nex though smiles and places her index finger to her lips with a wink.
- 1:36 P.M. -
- End of School, Bus -
Sitting in the back of the bus, Celine gives a sigh, or rather, mimicking it, since she didn't breath, there was no air to exhale, so it was silent, as she leans her head against the window.
“What a day...” comments Celine. “I make a friend out of a bully, meet two more Fisers, Sakura gave me and my parents free tickets to a Shakra event and I become a victim of her trance, which ends up in an embarrassing situation. Heh, I should be used to it thanks to Becky and Sammy.”
“Hey Celine.” greets Patty, her neighborhood Felene friend as she sits next to her. “Didn't think you'd get back on after this morning.”
“Yeah, well, my mom and dad have to share one vehicle and I think my dads still at his first day of work, so I didn't want to bother him by having him leave to pick me up.”
“Ah, I see, so how was your second day?”
“Heh, it certainly wasn't boring, that's for sure.”
- 1:49 -
- Kellen residence -
“I'm home!” announces Celine as she walks through the front door.
Hearing no answer, Celine calls out again.
“Hello? Mom? Dad?”
Nothing again.
“Hm, guess mom found something to do after-all.” comments Celine, as she walks towards the kitchen and removing a bottle of protein from the refrigerator, drink/absorbing it as she made her way back to the living room and taking a moment to relax on the couch, taking in all that happen while she was at school.
About five minutes into her relaxation, and her bottle nearly empty, Celine hears a beeping from her Comm and lifts her right arm and answers the call, smiling when she sees her mother.
“Hey Sweetie.” greets Eda.
“Hey mom.” replies Celine. “Where are you?”
“Yeah, sorry about not being there when you came back, one of our neighbors invited me to come shopping with them about an hour ago. Is your father home?”
“Not yet.” answers Celine.
“Oh, well he should be back soon, and I'll be about an hour or so.” comments Eda.
“So how was your day?” asks Eda.
“Pretty good overall.” answers Celine. “That girl I told you and dad about, the one that was picking on me, we were able to work things out and we're friends now.”
“Oh that's wonderful!” declares Eda, before looking to her left as an off-screen woman speaks to her. “Well we'll talk later Celine, I have to go now.”
“OK.” replies Celine. “Seeya.” she adds, before the call ends.
- 2:34 P.M. -
After a few more minutes of just relaxing, Celine decided to head to her room and get to work on her homework. Choosing math first, Celine was able to get through a lot of it rather quickly, a little over half-way through before she hears the ring of the doorbell.
Her father hadn't returned yet, but a smile still comes to Celine's face as her visitor could only be a few people and Celine assumed it to be Becky and/or Sammy.
Heading downstairs and opening the front door, Celine grins as her assumption proved true, though it was one of the two little girls, Sammy. Dressed in a pink tank-top and matching Short-shorts similar to Celine's, though the young girl looked to be in need of a bathroom as she clutches herself between the legs with a smiling blush.
“Hey Celine!” greets the young girl happily.
“Hey to you too.” answers back Celine with a smile, easily assuming Sammy's intention and adding. “I can't play right now though, I'm doing my homework.”
“Awwww, I really wanted to show you something cool!” whines the young girl, before giving a small groan and scissoring her thighs together. “I-I've been holding them in for almost an hour now!”
“Them?” questions Celine, puzzled at the odd mention of what she assumed to be the girl's full bladder.
“Y-Yeah, my eggs.” replies Sammy. “You haven't seen us lay our eggs yet before, and I wanna lay my eggs for you!” she adds happily as she squirms.
“Oh...” comments Celine. “That's right, you guys do lay eggs and I've never seen that... but, I really would like to finish my math homework, how much longer can you hold them in?”
Sammy gives a cute groan as she wriggles her little hips.
“N-Not much longer, probably five minutes. I just want to show you my laying, then you can finish your homework! My mom said I have to be back in half an hour.”
“Hmm, ok fine.” replies Celine, not wanting Sammy's effort to be in vain and since her visit had a time limit.
The young girl happily enters the house.
“Are you here alone?” asks Sammy.
“At the moment, yeah, lets go to my room.” replies Celine, before heading up the stairs, eagerly followed by Sammy.
Once the two enter the Geelien's room, Sammy quickly begins to take off her shorts and underwear together, though keeping one hand pressed against her pussy, which Celine could see Honey oozing through her fingers and trailing down her thighs without her underwear and shots blocking the exit. It did bring a thought to Celine though as she asks...
“So, what would happen if you couldn't hold them in while you were wearing clothes?”
“Well if I'm wearing clothes, my eggs would just crowd into my vagina and be a whole lot of pressure inside and it's really uncomfortable since the exits blocked. If I'm not wearing anything though or if I'm just wearing panties, they'd just shot out really quick or flood my panties and push them out enough for the eggs to spill out.”
“Can I lay my eggs now!?” asks Sammy excitedly, holding herself with both hands again and bouncing happily.
“Heh, sure...” replies Celine, lowering herself to the floor and sitting cross-legged. “Ready when you are.”
Sammy smiles wide, before spreading her legs a bit and squatting, before removing her hands from herself and placing them on her knees, revealing her honey-covered, blushing lower lips.
Sammy gives a relaxing sigh, before quickly groaning into a moaning, and to Celine's delight and amazement, sees the young girl's labia suddenly spread as a large, yellow-jeweled egg; at least double the size of a normal extra large chicken egg, is spat from her pussy with a gasping moan from her as an increased amount of honey oozes from her.
Celine briefly watches as the large egg rolls around, ending up near Sammy's right foot before the young girl gives another groan, before to Celine's surprised, two equally large eggs; one a solid midnight blue and the other, a sparkling green, are spat from her pussy in rapid succession with a loud gasping moan from her as she trembles briefly and more honey oozing from her and from the rhythmic clenches of Sammy's labia, Celine assumed she just came.
“Did you just come?” asks Celine.
“Y-yeah, just a little one though.” replies Sammy, before placing her right hand against her abdomen. “I got a couple more left.”
“You can feel them?” asks Celine
“Yeah, they feel like lumps, you wanna feel?” replies Sammy.
Celine moves a little closer and Sammy reaches to one of Celine's hand to places against her abdomen.
“Push in around there.”
Celine does so and quickly gasps and she feels a couple hard objects.
“Wow, I can feel them.”
“Sometimes, I push and move my eggs around inside to get them in position to push them out.” comments Sammy. “But most of the time I don't have to.”
“Well I guess it's good you have the option to do that.” replies Celine as she pulls her hand away.
Soon after Celine returns to her original position, Sammy changes hers a little, now sitting on her butt with her legs spread wide, as she rests her right hand against her abdomen. After a little pushing, a soft moan leaves her lips before a brief groan interrupts it, quickly followed by a sigh and her moan returning as Celine soon sees; thanks to Sammy's change in position, directing the full view of her honey-covered pussy to her, the lips of her young labia gently spread as her fourth egg emerges into view, another sparkling yellow.
The young girl gives a little louder moan as the egg slowly spreads her open, soon reaching it widest point before slipping free of the honey-covered lips with a gasp from Sammy. Celine has just enough time to see the brief gap of the young girl's pussy before the lips relax closed again and Sammy lowering her right hand down to stroke herself with a moan.
“That's four of them...” comments Celine, quickly counting the eggs that lay on the floor between Sammy's legs. “How many do you think you have left?”
“One more I think.” answers Sammy, lifting her wet right hand back to her abdomen and pressing in a few moments. “Yeah, just feels like one more.”
Sammy quickly repositions herself again after her comment, turning over on her hands and knees, though quickly lowering her head to the floor with her butt and pussy up facing Celine.
“You can really have a good look now.” adds Sammy, before Celine sees her moves her right hand under herself to her abdomen and pressing in, while she moves her left hand back around her butt and teases her anus.
“How many eggs have you laid before?” asks Celine, watching the blushing lips eagerly, honey slowly oozing from her slit.
“Mmm, ten I think...” replies Sammy, swaying her hips a little from the pleasure of teasing her anus and the egg inside. “My belly was really big. Oh, I should've showed you my stomach before I started laying my eggs!”
“That's ok, you can show me later. Anyway, ten eggs? That seems like a lot.”
“They were smaller than these though... Ohhhh-ah.” comments Sammy, before moaning into a gasp before Celine once again sees Sammy's labia spread again, revealing a bright, sky blue egg, which slowly emerged, before stopping just under half-way with a groan from the young girl, though retreating a few centimeters back inside following a visible clench of her pussy. “This ones a little bigger than the others...”
Celine sees Sammy quickly 'resolve' the issue as her right hand moves to her clit and slowly teases the nub, bringing a quick gasp from her before moaning, which steadily grows as Celine sees her pussy bulge out some as the young girl resumes pushing and the egg slowly resumes it's movement.
Reaching it's widest point though, the slightly larger egg briefly stops once again before Sammy moans a little louder as the teasing of her clit increasing in speed as she began to finger her anus.
After a few long tense moments that Celine waited for the egg to slip free, With a sudden, orgasmic moan from Sammy, the Geelien sees the young girl's pussy clench and force the rest of the egg free and dropping with a light thud on the carpet as Sammy's slightly gaping, climaxing pussy oozes honey, flowing out and down her still moving right hand teasing her clit before falling to the floor.
Once spent, Sammy's hips drop to the floor, panting and moaning softly as she continued to slowly tease her clit.
“It may not be ten...” comments Celine, smiling and picking up Sammy's most recently laid egg, feeling the slight weight it had. “But these five are still impressive.”
Sammy soon turns over and sits up with a smile before Celine adds...
“How often do you lay eggs?”
“Every couple days.” answers Sammy.
“That's pretty frequent. What do you do with them?”
“Ether save'em or throw'em away.” answers Sammy. “Besides looking pretty, there pretty useless unfertilized, you can keep them if you want.”
“Sure, I'll take'em.” replies Celine happily. “There pretty cool, your body makes jeweled eggs. What does fertilizing them do and how does it make them useful?”
“Well if girl has eggs in her and she has sex with a boy, the eggs with grow babies in them, but girls can fertilize another girls eggs too though, but two girls don't make a baby. Instead, the egg turns white, like a normal egg and can be cracked open, there's glittery goo inside that you can eat and it makes you're whole body tingle and makes your head all fuzzy.”
“Wow, you can actually eat your eggs?” questions Celine. “Do you and Becky fertilize each others eggs and eat them?”
“Yeah! We do it a lot when we both have to lay.”
“By the way, why isn't Becky with you? This certainly seems like something she'd want to be a part of.”
“Becky got in trouble at school, so she's on punishment.” answers Sammy.
“Really?” gasps Celine. “What happened?”
“I don't really know, I just heard she got into a fight.”
“Wow, was it verbal or physical?”
“I dunno.”
“Well I hope she's ok.” comments Celine. “Have you talked to her?”
“I tried, but she's not answering her Comm and when I went to her place, her mother just said she's not allowed to play, but she did say Becky was ok.”
“Well that's good.”
“Oh! Hey!” gasps Sammy, getting to her hands and knees and moving closer to Celine with a smile. “Can you absorb my eggs!?”
“Hmm, well, they did come from you, so their organic...” comments Celine, before looking to the sky blue egg and after a moment Celine looked surprised. “Wow, I can't absorb it.”
“Whoa, really!?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, I'm trying and nothings happening... weird.”
“Maybe you can't because it's not fertilized.” comments Sammy. “Unfertilized eggs are like rocks, their completely solid, that's why their a little heavier than fertilized eggs too.”
“Maybe.” replies Celine, before sticking the egg into her right upper leg. “I just find it weird that it's something organic that I can't absorb, unless your body somehow makes something inorganic.” she adds with a giggle.
“Well you said you can't absorb hard candy.” comments Sammy. “That's organic isn't it?”
“True, it's just surprising that I found something new that I can't absorb, heh, well, I look forward to trying a fertilized egg.”
“Me too!” adds Sammy happily.
Chapter 17
Title: Chapter 6-1
With Becky still grounded, Sammy invites Celine in joining her at a friends house.]
- Two days later, Vevorus (Wednesday), third week of February (2) -
- Fifteen minutes ago -
- Kellen residence, Bathroom -
- 5:03 P.M. -
Because of the structure of their body, a Geelien can move through the smallest of openings, twist and contort themselves into intriguing and unique positions that would be impossible or lethal to normal flesh and blood life-forms.
These positions would not negatively bother a Geelien at all though, quite the opposite actually and not just for everyday things like reaching a normally hard to reach item, but sexually as well and if two or more Geelien's got together, the various positions were limitless.
Celine and her mother Eda, were currently enjoying one of many possibilities...
Beside the the bathtub, rested five large, empty water bottles and a remaining five full bottles.
Inside the tub however, contained a very intriguing sight; Eda's nude upper body rests in a large pool of her and Celine's combined mass, though lacking her large breasts, rather in the larger B-cup range. However, Celine was not to be seen; or rather, not all of her, as her lower half, a pair of legs, ending above the knees and the junction between them currently being pleasured by Eda's tongue, was the only part of Celine visible.
The disembodied lower halves legs wriggle from Eda's tongue before the Geelien woman lifts her head with a smile, looking down to the melting labial lips which quiver briefly, before the legs flinch as Eda places her right hand to the quivering lips and slowly strokes them with a smile.
“Go on, come for me again.” lowly comments Eda.
Shortly after stroking her palm over the lips, Eda pulls her hand away and leans between the thighs again, though doesn't return her tongue between them, instead, teasing the exposed anus briefly with her tongue as she looks to the melting lips at eye-level before moving her right hand around the disembodied waist to it's front and using two fingers to tease the quivering lips.
“Come on... you can't hold it much longer...” playfully teases Eda as she moves her fingers in a 'U' around the tense lips, bumping the clit with each pass.
Just seconds into the tease, Eda giggles when a sudden gush of mass leaves from between the climaxing lips, hitting her in the face.
“Yeah, there ya go!” declares Eda, briefly seeing the form of Celine's labia melt away, and much of her remaining legs, leaving only the triangular shape of her leg-less waist and crotch, before her labia reforms moments later and more of her mass gushing out of her, but a little less than the initial release.
Eda admires her daughters climax for just a few moments, before placing her mouth over the lips and once again pleasuring them and the hole they hid with her tongue, fanning Celine's orgasmic fire and causing an increased amount of her mass to gush out of her daughter pussy and into her mouth.
Shortly into the resumed tonguing, a mass began to rise up behind Eda, soon revealed to be Celine, her head reforming first, before her upper body, stopping just under her breasts with her arms fully formed before leaning against her mothers back with a smile and reaching her hands towards Eda's breasts and fondling them with a moan from the continued action to her lower-half.
“I want my turn again.” moans Celine.
Lifting her lips from her daughters labia, Eda smiles as she positions herself upright, fingering Celine's melting pussy.
“I have an idea...” comments Eda, looking back to her daughter, placing her free hand to Celine's cheek and briefly leaning down to kiss her on the lips. “Let's both do each other.”
The suggestion brings a smile to Celine's face and she asks...
“The 'normal' way or the Geelien way?”
Eda delays in answering before Celine gives a quick gasp and moan as she felt her mother's fingers teasing her pussy switch to her clit, before Eda replies...
“Which way would you like?”
“Our way...” answers Celine, before Eda was only slightly, but briefly surprised when Celine's lower-half fully melts into their combined pool of mass, before reforming between them, with completely formed legs, which drape themselves over Eda's shoulders. “But I want us to be able to look at each other.” adds Celine.
“No problem there...” replies Eda with a grin, before Eda's adult body shrinks to mirror Celine's teen form and her lower-half forms between them, much like Celine, with fully formed legs that drape themselves over Celine's shoulders.
The mother and daughter 'twins' lower-halves were almost touching, but there was just enough space between them as they quickly wrap their arms around each others lower-halves and lower their heads to tongue the melting lips between the thighs and moans quickly leaving them.
Not yet a minute into the mutual pleasure and low moans, the two lift their gaze to meet each others eyes with a smile as they continue to tongue the others pussy.
Moments into their gaze into each others eyes, a silent challenge was declared.
'I bet I can make you come first.'
Within seconds, the two immediately turn their full focus on each others pussy as they break eye-contact and their moans increasing in volume.
A little over a minute into the challenge, with the mother and daughter moans beginning to level off in volume, Celine made the first additional act of lifting her right hand up to her mother's clit and teasing with a steady stroke of a finger, bringing a muffled gasp and flinch of surprise from Eda.
The mother quickly retaliates though, instead of teasing Celine's clit however, she did something that the teen didn't quite expect, pushing not one, but both of her hands into Celine's waist. It was enough of a shock to briefly interrupt Celine's actions altogether as she lifts her head with a gasp, before moaning out as she felt her mothers fingers begin to thrust into her pussy from the inside.
“N-No fair...” groans Celine, before quickly returning her mouth and tongue to her mothers pussy and resuming the teasing of her clit.
The pairs moans quickly rise in volume again and a few long, pleasurable minutes later, the two were clearly nearing their moment, given the volume of their muffled moans and the addition of groaning, the sound of them attempting to delay their moment.
One had to win though and after a few long seconds...
It was Eda whose face was splashed with Celine's mass ejecting from her pussy as the teen gave a loud, muffled moaning against her mothers pussy.
However, it was just seconds later that Celine's face was coated with Eda's mass jutting from her pussy as the mother also moans into her daughters climaxing pussy.
Both, mother and daughter, moan with pleasurable release into each others climaxing, ejaculating pussies for the next few long moments, prolonged by each other continued efforts.
When their moment had finally passed and their moans dying down, rather than pulling away from their respective labia, Eda and Celine both fully melt into their combined pool of mass, which quivers from their lingering, joined pleasure.
Only about thirty seconds passes before Eda reforms her upper half, still in her teen form, leaning against the end of the tub with a smile, before Celine reforms herself and wraps her arms around her mothers neck, leaning against her with a smile before pressing their lips together and Eda wrapping her arms around Celine.
The two remain in their embrace for a few moments before the doorbell rings, but the two never break from their intimate mother and daughter moment, until...
“Celine!” calls the teens father, Avery. “Your friend Sammy's here for you.”
Celine pulls away with a giggle. “Why am I not surprised?” she comments with a smile.
“At least she didn't come while we were in the middle of making each other come.”
“True...” comments Celine, before looking towards the closed door and answering back. “I'll be right there!” before reforming her lower body, connected to her own, causing the pool to lower considerably before she shares a few more moments kissing her mother.
“Take one of the bottles before you leave.” comments Eda, as Celine pulls back.
“OK.” replies Celine, before removing herself from the tub, revealing while her height remained unchanged, her normally B-cup breasts had shrunk to nearly being flat-chested from her decrease in mass from her and Eda's fun in the tub, her hips were also slightly more narrow, but it wasn't enough that would be too obvious. Picking up one of the bottles of protein, Celine leaves the room with a smile.
Since her visitor was Sammy, Celine didn't bother putting on any clothing and walks down the stairs as she drinks/absorb the protein from the bottle, replenishing a little of the mass she lost with her breasts slowly expanding to an A-cup.
Only half way down the stairs, Celine sees Sammy sitting on the living room couch watching TV with her dad, who was dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. The pink-haired little girl was dressed in a tie-dye tank-top, pink pleated skirt and pink knee-length stockings.
The moment Sammy sees her, the little girl happily stands and rushes to the bottom of the stairs.
“Hey Celine!” she excitedly greets.
“Hey.” replies Celine with a smile, before meeting the young girl at the bottom of the stairs. “So what's up?”
Celine though could easily recognize, despite Sammy's bubbly attitude, that she was squirming slightly, with her hands at her crotch, pressed against herself, but not grabbing as she sways left and right a little with a blush.
Sammy either had to pee or lay eggs and Celine knew she was going to get an answer soon.
“I came to see if you wanna come with me to Patty's to have fun!” answers Sammy.
“Oh.” replies Celine, continuing to smile. “Is it going to be just you and Patty?”
“No, her sisters are there too.” answers Sammy, before squirming a little more and briefly grabbing herself between the legs, though which ever urge she had, didn't seem to be to intense as she continues speaking. “Oh and Becka's there too.”
“So their home alone.” jokes Celine, referencing the fact that Becka, who was the youngest of the three parents of the four sisters, Kali, Patty, Janice and Rachael, was once part of the sisters; which prompts a giggling from Sammy. “Well...” continues Celine, looking to Sammy and her squirming. “Let me guess, you have eggs in you right now and want to show me you laying them again while we're all being naughty, huh?”
“Yep!” happily replies Sammy, before bouncing excitedly and likely, from arousal. “Please say you'll come with me!”
“Hmmm...” hums Celine with a smile and tapping the open end of the bottle she held to her chin. “I just finished being naughty with my mom...”
“Pleeease!” pleads Sammy, squirming her little hips cutely.
“Are you wearing underwear?” asks Celine, grinning.
“Yeah!” answers Sammy, before quickly lifting the front of her skirt and revealing her white panties, the crotch noticeably wet with a small trail of glistening honey dripping down her left inner thigh.
“Good...” replies Celine, before stepping close to Sammy and leaning down a little before bringing a small, but delighted gasp from the young girl as she lowers her free hand and cups Sammy's crotch and slowly strokes her. “I'll come on one condition.”
“What!?” happily asks Sammy.
“You lay at least one egg while your still wearing your underwear. I wanna see it pushing against your panties.”
“O-Ok!” replies Sammy with a little moan and giggle.
“Great!” comments Celine, removing her hand and standing upright, bringing a cute whine from Sammy from the retreat of the hand before lowering her skirt and placing her hands to her crotch again and squirming her hips. “I'll go get dressed and we can leave.”
- Present time -
- 5:19 P.M. -
Celine dressed herself quickly and without much thought, considering she was just going across the street and her clothes weren’t going to be on for long. A simple tank-top and pleated skirt, along with underwear. Returning downstairs, Sammy politely says her good-bye to Celine's father before she and Celine leave the house. Sammy's hands were no longer at her crotch though as the two head across the street, Celine though briefly gazes towards Becky's home before asking...
“Is Becky still being punished?”
“Yeah, but today's her last day.” replies Sammy. “She'll be able to have fun with us again tomorrow.”
“That's good.”
Over the past two days, Celine learned what happened; Becky and a boy had gotten into a verbal argument, the boy starting it by teasing her about liking only girls. The argument quickly escalated into punches and kicks being thrown, although neither really hurt the other very much, both were suspended from school for two days.
Reaching the other side of the street and heading to the four sisters home, Celine sees Sammy briefly lower a hand to her crotch.
“Hey Sammy...” starts Celine. “Have you ever, uh... what would it be called... laid on yourself in school?”
“Heh, yeah...” replies Sammy, averting her eyes briefly in clear embarrassment. “Only once though.”
“Really?” asks Celine with a smile.
Sammy, as well as Becky, were very comfortable with their bodies, it was difficult to embarrass them, so Celine found it quite cute when when a question or comment managed to do so.
“Yeah...” replies Sammy, as the two stop in front of the door to the sisters home and Sammy's hand returning to her crotch and closing her thighs around her hand as she continued with a small smile. “We had a test, the teacher warned us that we wouldn't be allowed to go to the bathroom during it, so she gave us a chance to go to the bathroom before we started. I had eggs to lay, but I didn't want to risk being late, plus I didn't have the urge, so I passed. But during the test time though, my eggs wanted out, I tried begging the teacher to let me go to the bathroom, but she wouldn't let me and I ended up laying in my seat.”
“Wow, well at least you were sitting, they didn't come spilling out like you said they do if your standing.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, but it was really uncomfortable with my eggs packing into my pussy and everyone could smell my honey, it was really embarrassing.”
“Heh, well, that's in the past now.” replies Celine with a smile, before extending her right hand to Sammy's chest and poking her in her left nipple, bringing a giggle from her.
“Hehe, yeah...” giggles Sammy, squirming away from the finger. “I was teased about it for a couple days, but that's all. If I had a choice, I'd rather lay myself than pee or poop myself.” she adds, before looking to the door and ringing the doorbell.
Celine's brief 'Hmm' in reply, brings Sammy to question, “What?”
“Nothing, I was just wondering how accidentally laying your eggs was referred to. So it's the same as peeing or pooping; peeing yourself, pooping yourself.”
“Oh, hehe.” replies Sammy with a giggle. “The way I said it wasn't right.”
“It's not?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, the way I said it, is called, um... grammer-cally not correct, I think...” replies Sammy, looking down in thought with a finger to her chin as her other hand remained between her legs.
“You mean grammatically incorrect?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, that it!” answers Sammy happily. “The right way is saying, 'I laid' or 'I'm laying' but it sounds weird, it sounds better saying 'I laid myself' or 'I'm laying on myself'. I do understand why saying it that way is wrong though; you can pee or poop ON yourself, but you can't lay ON yourself, if I'm wearing pants, the eggs don't come out, they just get packed into my pussy and if I'm wearing a skirt and panties, the eggs will just spill out.”
“I see.” replies Celine, smiling at the little lesson. “So since the eggs don't stick to your body like pee or poop does-” she adds, before the sound of the door in front of them unlocking is heard, before it opens and Becka, the youngest parent of the sisters greet them.
“Hey, sorry about the wait.” greets the Tragelian adult with a smile.
Becka, who had curly shoulder-length, light blue hair, matching her bright blue eyes, was dressed in a white bra, containing her average sized C-cup breasts and a form-fitting pair of blue jeans, was relatively short, only about a foot taller than Celine. Becka had a small, petite body, she could easily be mistaken for an older teen, which wasn't at all surprising given she was twenty cycles old, one cycle out of the teens.
From the full-faced blush reaching down to her chest, Celine smiles at assuming the reason for Becka's delay.
“My fingers were a little occupied.” Adds Becka, lifting her left hand, her fingers clearly glistening, before quickly licking her index finger and stepping aside, commenting, “Come in, their all upstairs.”
“Thanks, Ms. Abon.” replies Celine, stepping into the home.
“I told you before...” comments Becka smiling. “Just call me Becka.”
“Oh, right, sorry.”
Although Sammy giggles at Becka's hint at what she was doing, she passing on greeting her before quickly slipping off her shoes and running pass Becka and towards the stairs, though she doesn't get far before Becka quickly grabs her free hand.
“Whoa, whoa you horny little thing...” she comments with a smile, before pulling Sammy back in front of her. “Arn't you forgetting something?”
“Oh, heh, hi Becka.” greets Sammy.
“Oh yeah.” comments Celine, smiling. “Hi.”
Becka then kneels down in front of Sammy, releasing her arm and places her hand to the little girls abdomen and gives a little push, bringing a flinch and small gasp from her.
“Hmm, got some eggs today?” asks Becka with a smile.
“Yep! This'll be the second time I show Celine me laying my eggs! She wants to see me laying my eggs in my panties.” Answers Sammy happily and from her light squirms and wriggling of her hips, it was easy to see she was very eager and her urge to lay getting stronger.
“At least one, I said.” comments Celine.
“Oh, well...” replies Becka, standing up and briefly running a hand through Sammy's hair, “Make sure you keep at least one egg in you. We can show Celine how we fertilized our eggs.”
Sammy's face immediately lights up in excitement and bounces a few times as she asks.
“You got eggs too!?”
Sammy quickly turns to Celine and asks, “You hear that Celine!? You'll be able to see both of us get our eggs fertilized!”
“Hehe, yep, I heard that.” replies Celine.
“Yaaaay!” cheers Sammy, bouncing up and down more, before gasping and moving her free hand to join her other between her legs and shifting her thighs. “Ohhh, too much jumping, I don't think I'll be able to hold them in much longer with how happy I am, let's hurry!” she adds, before hurrying up the stairs, with her hands between her legs.
Celine starts to follow Sammy, but is stopped as Becka places a hand to her shoulder and comments to Sammy...
“We'll be right behind you, I just want to have a little chat with Celine.”
“Just hurry!” replies Sammy happily, before disappearing up the stairs.
“What is it?” asks Celine, turning to look at Becka.
“Nothing much, just curious how things are going for you and your parents so far.” replies Becka.
“Oh, well we're doing great, my dad even has a job and my mom's been going out with some of the neighbors.”
“And how's school?” asks Becky, before grinning and poking Celine in the shoulder and adding, “Any crushes or advances yet?”
“W-What!? N-No!” embarrassingly replies Celine with a smile as she drips a little. “I-It's only been four days!” although her mind immediately thought of her time with Sakura in the locker-room, Celine knew Becka was referring to something like a girlfriend.
“Hehe, well some people like new things.”
“Well I'd rather focus on gaining friends right now and settling into my school life before attempting to start a relationship.” replies Celine.
“Hmm...” hums Becka with a grin. “So you'd be open to an inter-racial relationship...”
“Y-Yeah, I'd be open to it.” nervously answers Celine.
Seeing that the teen was starting to create a puddle below her, Becka giggles and takes a step back, commenting, “Hehe, well, I'll leave you alone now. You can go meet up with the others.” before walking by Celine. “I'll join you girls a little later.”
“OK.” replies Celine, smiling a little as she reabsorbs the little mass she lost before heading up the stairs.
To be continued
Chapter 18
Title: Chapter 6-2
Sammy doesn't get quite the rescue she was hoping for from Celine, before the Geelien joins in on the girls fun.]
Just moments walking up the steps, Celine giggles a little as she hears Sammy's giggling call to her.
“Hey Celine are you coming!? Hehehe, I really have to- ah, hehehe, l-lay my eggs now! And Kali's t-trying to make, ahaha, hehehe, m-me! Hurry up!”
“Coming!” calls back Celine, hearing giggles and moans coming from the top of the stairs and quickening her pace.
Reaching the room the girls occupied, Celine smiles at the sight that greeted her, it was a familiar one.
Her Felene friend and schoolmate, Patty, the eldest of the four sisters at fifteen with long pink hair pulled back into a pony-tail that reached her lower back, sat completely nude on the end of the closer of the two beds in the room. Her right hand lifted to her right C-cup breast, pinching her candy-pink erect nipple while her left hand rests on the head of her ten-cycle old Canine sister Rachael, petting the top of her head between her ears. Rachael knelt between Patty's spread legs, teasing her older sister with her mouth and tongue.
The Canine young girl had short, shoulder-length black hair and was just as nude as Patty, with smooth, white skin and her evident happiness was clear as her wolf-like bushy tail, wags quickly.
Sammy, who had quickly striped down to just her panties, stood in the middle of the room, giggling and moaning as she was currently being double-teamed by the two other sisters, Kali and Janice.
Janice was positioned behind Sammy, a Tragelian like herself, but four cycles older at twelve with light green, boyishly short hair and nude as well, with small, developing A-cup breasts pressed against Sammy's back.
The older Tragelian currently held the younger one with her arms under Sammy's and her hands on the back of her head, trapping Sammy's hands above her head and left completely defenseless to Kali's actions who stood in front of her.
The fourth sister was the same age as Sammy, eight cycles old and stood at similar height, but that was the extent of their physical similarities as Kali was a Vehen, a naturally strong, highly impulsive, blue-skinned and haired race whose bodies where covered in scale-like armor.
However, being female and only eight cycles old, Kali had very little scales on her body, though also being nude, revealed that she wasn't totally absent of them, a loose line traveled down the middle of her back, following her spine, which stops at her butt where a few scales formed a V-like shape pointing to the crevice of her rear. A broken row of small scales traveled along her outer arms, along with down her outer legs to her ankles. A few scales dotted her inner thighs, an easily countable five scales dotted her chest like freckles and just three near her pubic mound.
The young Vehen's naturally blue hair wasn't quite as long as Patty's but was styled in two pony-tail's that reached the middle of her back.
Kali though giggled happily as she teases Sammy's right nipple with her mouth and tongue, while her right hand teases Sammy's other nipple and her left hand was positioned under Sammy's panties as the sandwiched girl's legs close around the Vehen's hand.
Patty was the first to greet her...
“Hey Celine.”
Before Rachael briefly pulls her head from between Patty's thighs to look over her shoulder and give a simple “Hey.” before returning to the wet treat in front of her and bringing a small moan from Patty.
“Heh, well you guys are busy.” comments Celine with a smile.
“Ahhhh!” moans Sammy before groaning. “Nngh... T-Tell them to stop! I-I can't hold them in much longer!”
“Hmmm...” hums, Celine, grinning as she walks beside Kali and Janice. “I dunno if I should.”
“W-Why!?” gasps Sammy, before gasping and her hands closing into fists while she closes her eyes as well and groaning.
“I wanted to see you laying your eggs in your panties anyway, whether you do it voluntarily or they make you, it's all the same to me.”
“T-That's mean!” groans Sammy.
“Hehe...” giggles Celine, before looking to Kali. “Hey Kali, I wanna see her lay her eggs in her panties, can you stop just before that?”
“Hehehe, ok!” replies Kali.
“A-Ahhhh, n-no!” moans out Sammy. “I, Nngh... I wanna show her on my own. I-AH!” adds Sammy before gasping and leaning forward a little as her legs tremble. “I-I can't, Nnngh... H-Hold them anymore, t-their c-coming!”
“Ok stop!” quickly comments Celine, smiling and leaning over on her knees and looking towards Sammy's crotch as Kali quickly pulls her hand free of Sammy's panties, who quickly scissors her thighs closed with a groan.
“Come on...” comments Kali, lowering herself to her knees and places her hands to Sammy's knees, you've already lost control and it can't feel good with all that pressure.”
“N-No!” gasps Sammy, before Celine sees Kali use her superior strength to spread Sammy's trembling legs.
Kali slowly spreads Sammy's thighs and Celine sees, through Sammy's groans, the bulge of a egg pressing against her panties and quickly grows as her legs spreads.
“Nice.” comments Celine with a smile, before hearing Sammy beginning to pant and Janice stating...
“She's gonna coooome!”
The next event almost went by too quick, with a few more moments of Kali spreading her thighs, Sammy suddenly lets out an orgasmic moan as her thighs were quickly spread wide and Celine sees the egg that was pressing against her panties suddenly shoot out and distend the crotch of the panties about four inches, before another egg presses against it briefly, and stretching the panties more before the eggs slip against each other, causing five eggs, in rapid succession to come spilling out from Sammy's panties as the young girl's body spasms in orgasm as her honey floods from her and spilling out of her panties much like her eggs as her hips jerk and thrust from the orgasmic spasms of her pussy.
The multicolored eggs that rest below Sammy are quickly drenched in the young girl's honey as each orgasmic spasm releases more and more honey to overflow her panties, before her blissful moment comes to an end and slumps in Janice's hold, not before Celine giggles as she sees one more egg slide free of Sammy's quivering pussy and press against her panties.
“Wow, that was impressive.” comments Celine, before Janice carefully lowers Sammy to the floor, the effect of which brings a flinch and shudder from Sammy as she's sat down on her egg, causing it to re-enter her pussy.
“Y-You're all jerks...” comments Sammy, with a little pout as she trembles in the afterglow of her orgasm. “I wanted to keep at least one egg for Becka to fertilize.”
“Well you can still fertilize hers if you want.” comments Janice, sitting on her legs besides Sammy.
“I wanted it to be mine though.” replies Sammy, before Celine asks...
“Couldn't you just put your eggs back in you?”
“It doesn't work that way.” replies Sammy.
“Yeah.” adds Janice, “Once the eggs are exposed to the air, they can't be fertilized, even if you put them back in.”
“Oh, well sorry about that then Sammy.” replies Celine.
After a sigh, Sammy comments, “That's ok, can't do anything about it now.”
“We can start with getting Celine naked!” declares Kali, before the Geelien gasps as the Vehen grabs her tank-top and and bra and pull them through her body, leaving her topless, before Janice adds...
Before the older Tragelian grabs her skirt and panties by the waist and pulls them through her body as well.
The quick stripping had shocked Celine to falling to her rear and dripping considerably in brief embarrassment and a puddle growing under her, shoes and socks the only thing she still wore.
“I love how easy it is to take your clothes off!” declares Kali.
“Yeah.” Adds Janice. “Makes things a lot easier too.”
“Hehe, guess I was a little overdressed.” comments Celine with a giggle, before her attention was briefly drawn to Patty from her relatively quite moaning, in comparison to the other girls as she had laid back on her back with both hands to her sisters head and groaning as she grips Rachael’s hair tightly in a quite climax.
Of all the sisters, Patty was the only one who wasn't very vocal, even when she climaxed, no loud screams or gasps of pleasure, only louder than normal moans and groans that could easily be drowned out by her sisters orgasmic cry’s of bliss.
“So...” adds Celine, turning her attention back to Kali, Janice and Sammy in front of her. “Now that you got me naked, what next?”
“Oh, I know.” answers Sammy, before getting to her feet and removing her panties, causing an abundant amount of honey to come spilling out of her panties and ooze from her blushing, aroused slit. Lifting her left leg to remove the soiled underwear, Sammy giggles as the egg that had been pushed back inside her from sitting, slips free and falls to the floor with a thud as more honey oozes from her before she places a hand over her pussy in a vain attempt to prevent more honey freedom as it oozes through her fingers.
“Absorb my honey.” declares Sammy. “You guys got me all horny and oozing.”
“You were already horny.” comments Celine with a smile and she sits up on her knees and briefly crawls closer to Sammy and grabs her by the hips, before Sammy pulls away her hand, freeing her flowing honey and allowing Celine to place her mouth to the little girl, bringing a giggling from her and placing her hands to Celine's head.
Kali and Janice briefly look on in delight as they see Sammy's honey traveling through Celine's mouth and down her throat, before Janice declares...
“Hey, I got an idea, get on the floor you two, I wanna frak Celine in the butt!”
“What about me?” asks Kali as Celine pulls back from Sammy's still oozing pussy. “That leaves me out.”
“She has a point.” comments Celine with a smile, as she briefly trades her mouth for her right hand and bringing a delighted gasp from Sammy as she inserts her entire hands into the little girl's oozing pussy and began a slow thrusting. “Kali could lick my pussy while you do her in the butt Janice.”
“Fine.” replies Janice with a slight frown. “But before you leave, I want to feel your warm, gooey body around my Cerick.”
“Heh, ok.” replies Celine, before Sammy quickly lowers herself to the floor without Celine's hand leaving her and laying back, before the Geelien removes her hand and her mouth returns to the oozing slit below her as she positions herself up on her hands and knees.
The wide puddle of her mass below Celine didn't bother Kali at all as she quickly lowers herself to the back and moves below Celine's dripping body, between her legs and lifting her head to the Geelien's pussy and extending her tongue to her soft clit.
Janice then took her spot between Kali's spread legs with her hairless, wet, blushing blue Vehen labia presented to her. She may have blue skin but she still blushed red. Rather than her anus, Janice chose the eight-cycle old's pussy as her Cerick emerges from her own, before leaning over, facing Celine's butt, though seeing Kali though the Geelien's body as she directs her cerick to her Vehen sister's pussy and slowly plunging into the warm, tight orifice with a moan from herself and Kali.
With everyone happily participating in the pleasure of themselves and others, words became replaced with moans filling the room.
On the bed, Rachael had crawled atop her sister Patty and the two were positioned facing the others aroused, flowing slits. A revolving circle of pleasure and moans coming from them. Rachael focused her tongue on Patty's erect clit with the occasional sucking on it while her right hand's fingers toyed with her sisters anus, her index and middle fingers slowly thrusting as deep as her fingers could reach.
Patty's actions to her younger sister were similar, her tongue focused on Rachael's clit, but not only did she tease the Canine's anus as well with her left hand's fingers, messaging just the opening, two of her right hand's fingers had found a place in Rachael's ten-cycle old pussy, stimulating the young Canine's G-spot with well practiced action.
It wasn't long before Rachael gives a muffled moan with her mouth pressed against the top cleft of Patty's pussy, with her tail stiffening as a thin, clear stream of ejaculate jets from her urethra and hitting Patty's forehead, bringing a brief giggle from her and lowering her head to the bed. The stream lasts less than a second, before Rachael moans out again, lifting her lips from Patty and moaning out loud as another stream of cum jets from her, this one lasting an impressive four full seconds wetting the bed just above Patty's head.
The stream ends abruptly, along with Rachael's moaning, but both quickly resume again just a second later as the third ejaculation lasts only about two seconds, before Rachael's moan continues as her squirting stops and starts multiple times, thanks Patty's continued stimulation of her swelled G-spot. This stop and go continues for close to ten blissful seconds before stopping with a weak spurt that lacks the range of the previous ejaculations and lands on Patty's face with a giggle before the remaining ejaculate drips out down to Patty's face.
Clearly spent, Rachael limply drops her face down onto Patty's crotch while her hips tremble and her pussy quivers. Patty, smiling, was unstopped in the motions of her fingers inside Rachael, but gave her sister's swollen and sensitive G-spot a break as she moves her fingers from it and slowly thrusts her fingers.
While Rachael was relaxing in the waning stages of their mutual pleasure and the afterglow of a powerful climax; the three on the floor were just getting started...
Their pleasure may not have been a revolving loop, but it flowed none-the-less; Starting with Janice, who pleasured both, herself and her sister Kali as she sat up on her knees, hands gripping the eight-cycle old Vehen's slim hips as she repeatedly thrusts her pink, ribbed Cerick through the small tunnel of Kali's pussy with an audible squelch with each thrust in and out, bringing moans of delight from each of them.
Of course, Kali's moans were a little muffled as she had a mouth-full of Celine's rapidly dripping pussy, the Geelien having reverted to her younger, flat-chested form. With her sisters thrusting Cerick pleasuring her tight inner walls, Kali had to give extra focus on the task in front of her face and not completely submit to the pleasure, the resistant act itself bringing more pleasure to her pussy.
Kali though pushed through it and brings a brief gasp from the Geelien as she plunges her right hand into Celine's anus. However, between the distracting pleasure of Janice's thrusting Cerick and the lack of stability of Celine's aroused body, the anal fisting ends up between the Geelien's anus and labia, a taint fisting.
Celine didn't mind at all though, it wasn't strange at all for something to be inserted into one place in her body and end up at another. The Geelien continued to moan as she still derived pleasure from the fisting, while continuing Sammy's moans as well as she quickly resumed her tonguing of the young girl's honey-oozing pussy.
Celine's tongue wasn't alone in pleasing Sammy as the majority of the Geelien's right arm had taken residence in her rectum, reaching deep into her curvy small intestine.
Only about four minutes into this four-some, Kali and Sammy's moans had noticeably increased in volume, clearly nearing their moment, but with Celine increasing the girth of her arm and spreading Sammy's anus wider, the young girl is the first to declare...
“I'm gonna come!”
Celine pulls her lips back and looks to the blushing lips in front of her with delight, as just a few seconds of Sammy's groaning passes before the young girl gasps and moans as Celine sees a thick expulsion of warm, fresh honey suddenly leave, before an overabundance of honey quickly spreads the quivering lips and oozes thickly from the climaxing depths of Sammy's pussy, forming two growing pools on ether side of Celine's arm that mixes into the Geelien's pooled mass on the floor.
“Hehe...” chuckles Celine. “The way a Tragelian's honey just oozes out when they come...” comments Celine, before bringing a gasp from Sammy and a flinch from her as she teases her erect clit, producing a brief increased amount of oozing honey. “It looks so pretty.” adds Celine, before opening her mouth and places it directly over the flowing orifice and licking it up, before a small moan comes from her from Kali's combined actions.
However, Kali's actions were to come to an abrupt end as she lowers her head to the floor with a brief groan, before moaning out as her moment reaches her.
“Ohhhh! Yeah!” moans Janice, as she increased the pace of her thrusts. “So much tighter! I'm close, keep coming!” she adds as she moves her right hand to Kali's pubic mound and uses her thumb to rub Kali's clit increasing the volume of her moans. “Yeah, yeah, keep coming for your big sister!” she continues, before leaning forward with a groan. “A-Almost... I'm almost...”
Janice gives a lengthy groan and just as Kali was starting to come down from her moment of bliss, Janice abruptly stops her thrusts, before just seconds later, a visible bulge quickly travels the exposed length of her cerick before suddenly moaning out as the bulge enters Kali and immediately resumes her moans as Janice empties herself into her eight-cycle old Vehen sister, much of her honey escaping out around her cerick, but the majority flooding into Kali's young womb.
The sheer amount of honey flooding the small organ though quickly stretches it to it's limit, visible with a slight bulge of Kali's abdomen before the remaining excess comes gushing out.
Even after quickly filling her sister to overflowing, Janice continued to orgasm and resumed her thrusting, filling the excess space in her sister's vaginal canal with her honey as she pulls back before the returning thrust forces the excess out. The action itself brought pleasure to Janice’s sensitive organ and fueled further thrusts until her climax had finally run it's course, leaving a very large pool of her honey on the floor and covering Kali's inner thighs.
Temporarily spent, Janice retracts her cerick, the organ limply swaying between her legs as honey continued to ooze from it's tip as it returns back inside Janice's pussy.
“You filled me up again.” comments Kali, placing her free hand down to the slight bulge of her abdomen.
“Hehehe, yep, I sure did.” replies Janice, poking the slight distention.
Sammy then comments, looking down to Celine licking her with a smile...
“Celine always seems to be the last one to come.”
“Heh, really?” asks Celine. “I have so much fun with you guys, I don't notice.”
“But that's not good at all!” declares Sammy with a little frown as she sits up. “If you're always last to come, that means we arn't making you feel good enough!”
“She's right.” adds Kali between Celine's legs, who sits up on her legs and looks down to Kali briefly before looking back to Sammy with a smile before commenting...
“It's ok, really, after all, before I came, me and my mom were having our own fun, so I'm fine being the last or least to come.”
“But it's not fine with us!” declares Sammy, repositioning her legs under herself and looking quite serious, which Celine just found cute. “We're not doing our best to make you feel good!”
“I agree...” adds Janice, moving herself to Celine's right and allowing Kali remove herself from under Celine, before reaching her hands around to the Geelien's flat chest with a small gasp from her. “Geelien's are a lot different than us, so maybe stuff that's normal for us isn't as effective on Celine.”
“Heh, guys, guys...” states Celine with an embarrassed smile. “I appreciate the uh, concern, but really, I'm fine.”
“We won't accept that!” declares Sammy. “Tell us what makes you feel good that we can do!”
Looking to the two girls, Celine felt very flattered that they would direct their focus on how to please her better and gives a silent sigh of submission.
“Fine, ok.” replies Celine, bringing a big smile to Sammy's face. “The usual stuff you guys do really does feels good, but some extra things you could do is, pushing you hands or feet into parts of my body, it may not give me the same type of pleasure teasing my pussy or chest gives, but it helps...”
“So doing this?” asks Sammy, before placing her right hand into Celine's left leg, before Janice pushes her left hand into Celine's side and moving her hand up and down.
“Or something like this?”
“Heh, yeah, stuff like that.” answers Celine, before giving a little gasp as Kali, who was teasing her flat chest, digs her fingers into her chest until her whole fists were inside and poking her fingers through Celine's nipples. “T-That works too. However, if you want to make me come fast, there is one thing you can do.”
“Tell us!” declares Sammy happily, before plunging her left hand into Celine's right leg and beginning to trust her hands in and out of the Geelien's legs.
“Heh, well, my favorite naughty thing is really deep penetration, like sticking something in my pussy or butt that'll reach all the way into my head or even out of it.”
“Ohh, we can do that!” states Sammy.
“We sure can.” adds Janice.
Celine suddenly had an arousing idea to further encourage the girls and appeared to look embarrassed as she lifts her hands to her cheeks.
“Ohhh, I don't know if I should've have told you guys that! You might try going arm deep in my pussy and butt at the same time. I'd probably come so hard I couldn't control my body and shift completely into my liquid form from the the pleasure.”
Celine's acting wasn't the greatest and the girls knew what she was doing, but gladly took the bait and Sammy first declaring.
“Let's do it! I wanna see Celine turn to liquid from a real good come!”
Within moments, Celine was on all fours, her mass reabsorbed and in her teen form, Kali had taken Sammy's previous spot in front of Celine with her legs spread, presenting her red-tinted, blushing blue lips and teasing her clit.
Sammy and Janice were positioned behind the Geelien, Sammy on the left and Janice on the right.
“Ready?” asks Sammy.”
“Yep.” replies Celine.
Sammy lifts her right hand to Celine's pussy while Janice lifts her left hand to the Geelien's anus and without further warning, the two Tragelian's slowly plunge their hand into their chosen holes, with a moan from Celine and steadily going deeper and deeper. Pass their wrists, their lower arm, Sammy feels and pushed through Celine's cervix before the girls reach elbow deep and Sammy pushes though the Geelien's womb before the two girls had reached shoulder-deep into their friend, who gives a moan of satisfaction.
“Mmm, with two arms in me, I'll come really quick.” adds Celine, before lowering her lips down to Kali's between her thighs and bringing a moan from her.
Sammy and Janice eagerly began to move their arms in and out of Celine's warm, easily accommodating body, resuming her moans, which quickly grow as the two girl's abruptly sped up their thrusts, very briefly causing Celine to lift her lips from Kali's to freely moan out before returning between the young Vehen's thighs.
“I bet she's gonna come real quick!” happily states Sammy as she and Janice's thrusts began to move out of sync, one would be thrusting in and the other pulling back. “We stopped in the middle of Kali licking you.”
“Oh your right.” comments Janice, smiling. “Let's make her come even quicker!”
The older Tragelian soon adds her right hand and pushes into the Geelien's right cheek of her but and simply moves her hand and fingers around. Sammy quickly copied her friends action, remembering Celine telling her that she liked such actions.
The girl's additional efforts were quickly rewarded with a louder, but still muffled moan from Celine and a big smile comes to each of the Tragelian's as they see Celine's body melting rapidly, her mass pooling below her and her body noticeably shrinking.
“Yeah!” cheers Sammy. “She's melting so much!”
“She's gonna come already!” declares Janice.
While Celine's body had shrunk, so did the area Janice and Sammy were thrusting their arms, not only reaching deeper into Celine; into her chest and near her neck, but Sammy and Janice's arms were bumping into each other. Without even speaking to each other though, the two quickly met hands and thrust as one into their friend.
The two giggle when Celine moans out...
“Ahhh, o-ok you two, you don't have to be that into it, ease up a bit, I'm about to come!”
Janice quickly replies, “Hehe, you've hung around us long enough to know that just means more, more, more!”
“Yeah!” declares Sammy before the two increase their thrusting arms speed again, more like punching into their dripping friend.
The intense fisting brings a moaning wail from the Geelien, before a gasp interrupts it as Sammy and Janice giggle as Celine's mass ejects from her crotch and onto the two girls. The two eagerly continue feeding Celine's orgasm as two more ejections of Celine's mass drenches them before Celine declares...
“O-ok that's enough! A-Any longer and I won't be able to-”
Although Celine doesn't get the chance to finish as not only Janice and Sammy, but Kali as well were surprised when Celine's body suddenly shifts to liquid, the Geelien's form falling away from Janice and Sammy's joined hands, briefly thrusting into empty air and Celine's head splashing over Kali's pussy as the three sat in Celine's pooled body.
“You guys did it!” comments Kali, with disbelief in her eyes and lowering her right hand down to her pussy, still covered in a little of Celine's body.
“We did.” comments Janice with a smile.
“We did it!” cheers Sammy, briefly hugging Janice. “We made Celine come so good she turned to liquid!”
The three girls look down to the pinkish pool and sees it quivering, bringing a giggling from Kali.
“Hehe, I think she's still coming.”
“I wonder where her pussy's at.” comments Patty from the bed, she and Rachael had changed positions once again, Patty sitting facing the others with Rachael sitting between her legs while Patty fingers her with one hand and teases her left nipple with the other.
“Hehe, here...” comments Sammy, poking one spot of the pool. “Or maybe here...” she adds, poking another area.
The quivering pool soon calms though, before Becka enters the room, still wearing a bra and jeans, but carrying two water bottles.
“Hey guys, the fun your having sounds too good to pass up any longer.” comments the adult with a smile, before noticing Celine. “Ohh, what happen to Celine?”
“A good come!” declares Sammy.
To be continued
Chapter 19
Title: Chapter 6-3
After a brief break, Celine gets the opportunity to see how two Tragelian's fertilize their eggs and share the treat that it produces.]
“Oh, hehe...” giggles Becka, before the puddle moves from between the girls and behind Sammy and Janice before Celine reforms herself with her hands on the girls heads.
“Heh, I should've known they weren’t going to let up.” comments Celine with a smile.
“Well...” comments Becka, walking towards Patty and Rachael and handing each of them one of the bottles of water. “Break-time before round three?”
“Pee-break for me.” states Kali, getting to her feet and leaving the room.
“Me too.” adds Rachael, removing herself from the bed and following her sister out.
“I gotta go too.” states Janice, leaving as well, bringing a giggle from Celine.
“Well, guess lots of coming makes you have to go to the bathroom. Arn't you two gonna go?” states Celine to Patty and Sammy.
“I don't gotta.” replies Sammy, before Becka quickly questions...
“You don't gotta?” Eying the young girl.
“I mean...” replies Sammy. “I don't have to.”
“That's better.” comments Becka, before Patty answers...
“I went just before you came.” Taking a gulp of water after.
“Oh.” answers the Geelien.
“Celine...” starts Becka, with a smile and placing a hand to her abdomen. “I'm sure you'll be happy to know, my eggs are starting to get restless.”
“Let me fertilize them!” happily declares Sammy, getting to her feet.
“Hehe, ok.”
“How does that work again?” asks Celine, before Sammy turns to face her.
“I put my cerick deep in her pussy and cover them in my honey, when she lays them, they'll be all white like regular eggs, then we can crack'em open and eat the goo inside.”
“Oh.” replies Celine, smiling. “Well, this'll be two firsts in one for me. I haven't seen any adults having sex since I've been here.”
“Really?” comments Becka with a smile and a little color coming to her cheeks. “You got me a little nervous now.”
“Sorry.” replies Celine with a giggle.
“That's ok.” states Becky, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans before pulling them down, revealing a plain white pair of panties. “I get- or rather, Sammy and I get to show you something you've never seen before.” she adds, removing her legs from her pants and tossing them near the foot of the bed Patty sat on. “That, in and of itself is arousing to me.”
“Hey!” suddenly starts Sammy, walking next to Becka and placing a hand to the young woman's abdomen. “Show Celine the bulge you're eggs make in your belly.”
“Heh, well I don't have much of a bulge...” comments Becka, turning her left side to Celine, who could see only a slight bulge, if not for Becka turning to the side, she wouldn't have even noticed it. “I don't have that many eggs today, but it does feel like there's a big one in there.”
“Aww...” whines Sammy. “I wanted Celine to see it. My stomach was sticking out but I forgot to show Celine again and Kali and Janice made me lay.”
“I'm sure I'll have another chance to see it.” comments Celine.
“Yeah...” states Sammy. “I just gotta remember next time!”
“Well...” starts Becka, placing a hand to Sammy's shoulder, “Ready to fertilize my eggs?”
“Yea!” answers the young girl happily.
Becka then removes her panties, revealing she opted for a smooth, hairless pubic mound and labia. Lowering herself to the floor and spreading her legs, revealed Becka's labia were puffy and plump with arousal, a rather small trail of honey oozes from her slit.
Either adults didn't produce an overabundance of honey, or Becka simply wasn't as turned on as Sammy or Janice, though Celine assumed the latter.
Without a word between them, Sammy quickly lowers herself to her knees between Becka's legs and Celine sat behind the young girl; in time to see her own blushing lower lips spread as her cerick emerges, with a moan from her. The tip of the ribbed organ drips briefly before Sammy leans over Becka and directs her Cerick to the woman’s waiting pussy and a moan comes from them both as Sammy pushes herself through the warm, soft walls.
“Mmm, now...” moans Sammy. “I push into where her eggs are...”
The dual moans resume as Celine watches Sammy's Cerick extend deeper into Becka, stopped only briefly before suddenly slipping further in with a sharper moan from Becka, before the woman adds...
“Now she fraks me till she comes.”
“Hehe, I like this part.” comments Sammy, before lowering her lips down to Becka's right nipple and her right hand to Becka's other breast before she begins to lift and lower her hips, thrusting her Cerick in and out of her adult friend.
Celine's gaze was locked on the sight of Sammy's Cerick thrusting into Becka's pussy, an eight-cycle old girl having sex with a twenty-cycle old adult woman. It certainly wasn't the first time she had seen a younger person having sex with a older person, but they were Geelien's, this was the first non-Geelien intercourse she had seen and Celine was transfixed.
Each thrust of Sammy's Cerick into Becka's pussy caused honey to be forced out and brought a wet squelch with each thrust and retreat. Celine was also reminded of her time with Sakura, on her hands and knees with the blonde thrusting her Cerick into her, which brings an interesting thought to her, a female Hybrid Tragelian's Cerick allowed them to have sex like a male, no need for a strap-on.
It wasn't long at all since starting that Sammy seemed to be nearing her moment already as her moans increase in volume, and brought Celine to question...
“You're gonna come already Sammy?”
“Yeah!” declares Sammy through her moans, before Becka adds...
“Mmm, our c-cerick, alone, is really s-sensitive, mmm. Add frakking a w-warm, soft pussy, and you won't last-ohhh, too long.”
“I see.” comments Celine, before...
“I'm coming!” declares Sammy.
Celine sees, rather than thrusting all the way in, pressing their clits together, Sammy actually lifts her hips up high, extending her legs as she moans out in orgasm. Celine though knew the cerick could be extended though and assumed Sammy had simply extended the organ to allow her to lift her hips and keep it as deep as Becka's womb.
The extension did allow Celine to see a quite obvious bulge quickly travel the length of Sammy's exposed Cerick and into Becka, before the woman moans from the flow of Sammy's honey flooding into her womb.
Well familiar with the sight of Sammy's cerick ejecting honey at the moment of orgasm, Celine quickly imagined the arousing image of Sammy's cerick filling Becka's womb with her honey and her eggs floating around.
Once spent, Sammy slumps down down on top of Becka, the exposed, slack amount of Sammy's cerick laying on the floor.
“All done.” comments Sammy with satisfaction.
“Yep, filled me up good.” adds Becka, wrapping her arms around Sammy's small body and briefly running her hands through her hair.
“Wow...” comments Celine. “That was certainly arousing.”
“Hehe, thanks.” replies Becka. “Glad you enjoyed it, sorry it didn't last too long.”
“That's ok.”
While Sammy takes a brief rest, hearing a moan from Patty, Celine only now notices that Patty had been masturbating to the scene in front of her, rubbing her clit and it wasn't long before Patty closes her eyes with a silent groan before Celine sees a couple spurts leave the Felene's pussy, before sighing as she slows the rubbing of her clit.
“You're way too quite Patty.” Comments Celine with a smile, which brings a small giggle from the Felene. “Even when your coming.”
“I think it's a good thing.” comments Patty, before lifting the bottle of water to her lips and laying back on her back and strokes her labia.
The other girls return soon after, Rachael returning to the bed with Patty, sitting to the Felene's left side and teasing her right nipple with a smile and her tail wagging.
Janice only steps in to comment, “I'm going to get me a snack.” before leaving.
Kali, seeing Becka and Sammy on the floor, asks... “What did I miss?” and was answered by Patty.
“They showed Celine how they fertilize their eggs.”
“Oh!” replies Kali with a smile and quickly sitting to the side of Sammy and Becka. “Can I have one of your eggs when you lay'em?”
“Sure.” replies Becka, bringing a light giggling from Sammy as she runs her fingers along the young girls sides. “I'll lay them as soon as Sammy recovers.”
Following this, Sammy lifts herself up away from the tickling and moves herself back, removing her Cerick from Becka, the tip of the organ oozing honey before the young girl grabs the organ with both hands and lifts it to her lips and licking it with a moan before looking to Celine at her right and commenting...
“Mmm, feeling my honey moving through my cerick feels really good.”
“Heh, so that's why you lifted your hips.” states Celine.
During their brief exchange, Becka had lifted herself up to a squatting position, her and Sammy's combined honey steadily oozing from her.
“Ready to see an adult lay her eggs?” asks Becka with a smile.
“Sure.” replies Celine.
“Thanks to Sammy filling me with her honey, it won't take long at all.” comments Becka, before resting her hands on her knees and sighing.
Almost immediately, Celine sees much more honey ooze from Becka's pussy, before a soft moan leaves her, followed by the first egg spreading her labia and easily slips free, with more honey oozing down on it.
“There's one.” comments Becka.
“Wow...” comments Celine, reaching to the pure white egg, it was a little bigger than Sammy's current biggest egg that still lay on the floor, a little over double the size of an extra large normal egg, which wasn't too surprising, Becka was older and bigger. “It really is white like a normal egg.”
“Pretty too, huh?” asks Sammy.
“Yeah, can you really eat this?” replies Celine, before Becka gives another moan and the Geelien watches as a second white egg of similar size slips out of her pussy and covered with honey, which Sammy quickly grabs.
“Yep.” answers the young girl, before lightly tapping the side of the egg on her knee, cracking it before separating the too halves, causing an excess of a white, sparkling goo to fall to her lap before presenting the two halves of the eggs to Celine. “See? This is the goo inside that you can eat.” adds Sammy, before lifting one half to her lips and letting the substance flow into her mouth and swallowing, before giggling and moaning with a shudder, her cerick, which was still exposed laying on the floor, oozes more honey from it's tip shortly after.
“Let me have the rest!” asks Kali, reaching out a hand to Sammy, though Becka comments...
“You can have the next one on it's way out.”
Following a brief groan and another moan, Celine sees a third egg emerge, though this one didn't leave quite as quickly as the others, evident from the increased size.
“Ohh, the big one I was feeling...” comments Becka with a smile.
“Aww...” whines Sammy.
“Yay! Lucky me!” declares Kali, before reaching her hands under Becka to catch the egg as it soon after, with a few more moans from Becka, slips free with a gasping moan from her and what seems to be the rest of Sammy's honey flooding out and covering the egg and Kali's hands.
Kali happily holds the quite sizable egg, comparing it to a chicken egg would no longer be appropriate, it's size more comparable to a mini ostrich egg, about half the size.
“Ohhh, I think that was the last one.” comments Becka, lowering a hand down to her oozing pussy and adding, “It almost made me come.”
“Wow!” comments Celine. “That's a big one!”
“Sure is.” comments Becka. “The bigger the eggs, the less of them we lay. I've laid even bigger ones before.”
“Whoa! Really!?” gasps Celine. “That ones huge! How are you able to push out something even bigger!?”
“Heh, with a lot of effort, that's how.” answers Becka with a smile, sitting down as she continues to tease her oozing pussy. “Mmm, it would've taken more effort to push that one out if Sammy hadn't filled me up with her honey.”
“I don't want to waste any of it.” comments Kali, before placing the large egg on the floor and standing and heading to the door. “I'mma get a bowl.” she adds as she leaves the room.
Briefly looking to the large egg, Celine looks to the smaller one she still held.
“Well?” states Becka. “Are you going to eat it or not?”
“Hehehe...” giggles Celine nervously, she found it weird that Becka's body, with Sammy's help, had just produced something that was evidently edible. “Um, can I?” she adds.
“Sure!” answers Becka with a smile. “The quicker you eat it, the better it tastes.”
“Oh, so it can spoil?” asks Celine, looking to the white egg.
“Yeah.” replies Becka. “It's only good for about an hour, after that, the shell gets darker and the goo inside starts to solidify and tastes horrible and can even make you sick.”
“Wow, well I guess I better take advantage of it being fresh then.” comments Celine, before looking around to Sammy's laid eggs and taking the closest one and was about to use it to crack open the fertilized egg before Sammy stops her.
“Hey wait!”
“What?” asks Celine.
“Instead of cracking it open, absorb the whole thing!”
“Oh, heh, right.” replies Celine, remembering her failing to absorb Sammy's unfertilized eggs.
Holding the egg in her right hand, unlike the previous attempt, Sammy smiles wide as the egg quickly began to melt into Celine's hand. Celine though, immediately felt the effect of the egg, an 'Ohhhh' leaving her as a rippling travels up her arm and into her body and rapidly melts, reverting to her younger form.
“W-What the...” comments Celine, feeling a pleasurable tingling in her entire body, that seemed to gather at her pussy.
“Hehehe, feels good, don't it!?” happily asks Sammy.
“Y-Yeah, the way it's effecting my body is-Ah!” replies Celine, before moaning out, only a third of the egg absorbed before her body shifts to her liquid form again as the rest of the egg melts into her quivering, liquid body.
“Wow..” comments Becka. “Didn't expect it to make you come so good you couldn't control your body.”
Sammy giggles again and empties the goo of the second half of the egg she still held, onto Celine's liquid form, whom absorbs it as well and continues to quiver.
Shortly after, Kali returns, along with Janice, the young Vehen carrying a small bowl.
“I'm back!” declares Kali and placing the bowl beside the large egg, before looking to Celine. “Wow, what happen to Celine?”
“My egg...” states Becka. “Made her lose control of her body.” she adds, bringing a giggle from Kali, before Janice gasps at the side of Becka's egg and sitting beside it.
“Whoa, that is a big one!”
“Yep, and we can all share it.” replies Kali before picking up the large egg and cracking it on the edge of the bowl and emptying it's sparkling white goo into the bowl, nearly filling it before Kali quickly runs a finger through and sticking into her mouth with a moan.
Janice quickly gets her a finger-full, before Sammy moves to join them, as well as Rachael removing herself from the bed with Patty as the four girls all giggle and moan from the warm, yummy treat. Becka though got a few finger-licks in as well before Celine reforms her body in her younger form, sitting in a pool of her mass as she places one hand between her legs.
“Ohh, that was something, I'm gonna avoid that stuff.” comments Celine.
“Why?” asks Kali, before Sammy adds...
“Yeah, why? It tastes good and it made you come!”
“Heh, it's too intense of a sensation for me.” answers Celine. “And I'd rather not absorb something that's going to cause me to loose control of my body.”
“More for us then!” declares Janice.
“Maybe you just absorbed too much.” comments Sammy. “You did absorb the whole thing.” she adds, before getting a finger-full of the goo and offering it to Celine. “Here, try a little bit.”
“Well, you do have a point...” comments Celine, before leaning towards Sammy's dripping finger and taking it into her mouth before pulling back and absorbing it.
Another moan leaves the Geelien as her body ripples again, though not as intensely as before. Celine form wavered, appearing to melt like ice cream, her legs seeming to meld together and her arms and hands doing the same to the parts of her body they made contact with.
Celine felt the same tingling sensations travel though her body and gather at her pussy, but pass just seconds after starting, teasing her without bringing her to orgasm, before commenting...
“Well that was better.”
“See? Just a little is still good.” comments Sammy.
“Heh, well you did tell me to absorb the whole thing.” replies Celine, bringing a giggle from the young girl. Celine though notices that Patty was the only one not sharing in the mysterious goo as she remained on the bed, still lying on her back, lightly teasing her pussy with the fingers of her right hand, but not enough to bring herself to orgasm. “Hey Patty, why arn't you eating the stuff?”
“I don't like the taste.” answers Patty, sitting up and pulling her hand from herself. “I'll get the high, but the taste is too strong for me to enjoy it.”
“Oh, well that sucks.”
“Yeah, it does, but there's nothing I can do about it.” replies Patty, laying back again and returning her fingers to her labia.
“So...” starts Celine, watching the four giggling and moaning girls rapidly emptying the bowl. “Does eating that stuff not make you guys come like it did to me?”
“If we're not already playing with ourselves, it doesn't.” answers Sammy, before Janice adds...
“But it can make us Tragelian's super honey or even make us trance if we eat a lot of it at one time. Most of the time though, you only get a small amount.”
“So...“ states Celine. “It makes your pussies ooze, then what about non-Tragelian's like Kali and Rachael, how does it effect you guys?”
“It makes me horny too.” answers Kali. “And it makes my body and pussy tingle, hehe.”
“Yeah.” replies Rachael. “The effect is reduced, but we still get the high.”
“The high?” questions Celine. “So, that stuffs like a drug?”
“Sure is.” answers Becky, smiling. “A completely legal one that our bodies create. At least, it's legal here on Merkolova. Ill-legalizing something your own body creates is just stupid, I don't understand it.”
“What about males?” asks Celine.
“What about them?” asks Becka.
“Can they fertilize eggs like two girls can?”
“Oh, absolutely!” replies Becka. “The goo will even have a slightly different taste and have an even stronger effect. Having a guy fertilize our eggs is more risky though. The fertilization process us girls do is just the first step to creating life. Males can obviously go pass that step, so having a guy fertilize our eggs for the purpose of eating them runs the risk of getting pregnant.
“Wow.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, the eggs will have to be removed immediately after the guy comes, if not, with the presence of eggs and a guys sperm, our womb will seal closed, preventing the eggs from being removed.”
“Wow, so, how does the goo effect guys if they eat it? Do male Tragelian's even have trances?”
The question brings a brief chuckle from Becka, Sammy and Janice and it was Janice who answered...
“Trances are pointless for boys.”
“Hehe...” giggles Celine. “Well you could say trances are pointless for girls too, afterall, only Hybrid Tragelian's have trances, right?”
“You're right.” answers Becka, “And guys do have trances, though their not as obvious as us girls, their cocks will stay rock-hard and they'll be oozing cum and they tend to stay in control of their actions better than us girls.”
“Interesting.” comments Celine, before a brief giggle leaves her, “Heh, yanno it's weird, I've learned plenty about the female Tragelian's, but I don't know much about the guys.”
“Well you can always ask them.” replies Becka. “You have some guy friends at school, right?”
“Yeah, a couple, heh, but most of my friends are girls.” answers Celine, before gasping at a thought and looking to Sammy, the girls finishing off the last amount of goo left in the bowl. “Oh, hey Sammy, since you like the IPSL, do you know a fighter called Sakura?”
“You mean Sakura Bragou?” asks Sammy, turning to face Celine as she licks her fingers.
“Yeah, heh, guess her last name would be important to mention.” replies Celine.
“Yeah, I know her.” answers Sammy with a smile. “She's one of my favorites and she's really nice.”
“You've meet her?” asks Celine.
“Of course!” replies Sammy, “She lives around here, one block away.”
“Wow, really!?” gasps Celine. “You guys live near a well-known IPSL fighter!?”
“Yep!” answers Janice, before adding. “Amu Hinamori lives around here too.”
“Wow.” comments Celine. “Heh, that's so weird, Sakura and her friends were one of the first to be friends with me at school. Sakura even gave me tickets for me and my parents to watch her match this weekend.”
“Ohh, awesome!” declares Sammy. “Can you ask her for more, I wanna see her fight too!”
“Me too!” adds Kali, along with Janice and Rachael, bringing a nervous chuckle from Celine.
“U-Umm, I'm not sure that would be too polite of me.” answers Celine.
The girls started to beg, but Becka quickly reins them in...
“Ok you girls, Celine's right; It would be rude of her to ask Sakura for more when they haven't even known each other a week.”
The girls give a reluctant “Fine.” and “Ok.”
Moments later, Kali announces that the bowl was empty before adding being really horny.
“Me too!” declares Sammy, spreading her legs and lowering both of her hands to her clit and pussy, before Janice crawls the short distance to Celine and comments...
“I haven't forgotten about you and my cerick.”
To be continued
Chapter 20
Title: Chapter 6-4
Janice gets her turn with Celine and the Geelien has PLENTY of honey to absorb.]
“Heh, right.” replies Celine with a smile. “You want me like this or in my original form?”
“Either is fine with me.” replies Janice, before briefly closing her eyes with a moan and Celine sees the ten-cycle old's cerick emerge under her body. “I wanna see you suck it first.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, lifting her right hand to the pink, ribbed organ and extends her tongue to lick it, but Rachael hurrying back to the bed with Patty catches her attention. “Hey Rachael, how about switching partners once and awhile?”
“For what?” Asks Rachael with a smile, before she and Patty, return to a sixty-nine position with Rachael on top and quickly moaning a little as Patty began to tease her. “Mmm, I love being with Patty.” she adds, before lowering her head between Patty's thighs as her tail wags.
Janice then comments, “Good luck getting her to switch when Patty's here. Now suck my cerick, hehe.”
With the organ wriggling in her hand, Celine smiles and replies, “Fine.”, before reaching her other hand and grabbing the organ and taking it into her mouth with an immediate moan from Janice, before beginning to trust it in and out of her mouth.
“Ohhhh, yeah, like that.” moans Janice, soon sitting up and and pinching her nipples, bringing more moaning from her.
Celine hadn't started long, but Janice could see the Geelien had taken about six inches of her currently, four feet or so of Cerick. Janice was quickly disappointed when Celine removes the organ from her mouth, but before she could question why, the young girl was shocked into a pleasurable gasp and moan as Celine pulls away her left hand only to plunge it into her Cerick up to her elbow.
The insertion brought a loud squelch from the organ as a small amount of excess honey found freedom, along with a lengthy moan from Janice as the young girl's body shudders and honey oozes from her erect nipples.
The reaction brings a smile to Celine's face.
“Yeah, thought you'd like that. Remember, I'm a Geelien, I have different ways to make you feel good.”
“Ohhh, forget about me fraking you, I want you to frak my cerick!” declares Janice. “Frak it til I come!”
“No problem there!” replies Celine happily before starting to thrust her arm, going a little deeper than her elbow as the bulge of her arm could be clearly seen repeatedly advancing and retreating through Janice's lengthy organ.
The result of the thrusting brought a constant moaning from Janice as she continued to pinch and pull at her nipples, urging more of her honey from then. However, moments later, the young girl abandons her oozing nipples and moves her hands down to her cerick, closer to her pussy and directly adding to her pleasure as she began to move her hands up and down the warm, wet organ, quite literally 'jacking off' like a guy and thanks to her honey around her Cerick, the sound was mirrored as well, while Celine thrusts her arm into the organ, occasionally meeting Janice's moving hands.
“Ohhhh! Yeah!” declares Janice as she eagerly and quickly thrusts her hands up and down along her cerick, the naughty, wet schlick, schlick, schlick sounds only growing in volume the quicker Janice's hands moves. “This feels amazing!”
With the double-teaming of her sensitive organ, Celine smiles as she could only imagine the pleasure the young girl was feeling. The Geelien quickly stifles a giggle as she sees Janice's face scrunch up and her tongue start to protrude from her open mouth a little, shortly followed by small string of drool from the tip. Celine wasn't at all surprised, given how quick Sammy had come having sex with Becka, when Janice was clearly nearing her moment as she tightly closes her eyes with a groan, returning her tongue in her mouth.
“Wow...” smiles Celine. “You're gonna come already? I don't think it's even been a minute.”
Soon after, Janice gives an orgasmic wail as she leans forward a little, but as Celine pulls her arm free of the organ, which stood stiff like a penis, the Geelien sees Janice tighten her hands around her cerick, causing a VERY visible bulge to grow behind her hands as she groans hard.
“Whoa, that can't be comfort-” starts Celine, before Janice very quickly states...
“Y-Your mouth! I-wanna-come-in-your-mouth!”
The rapidly building pressure of her backed-up honey obviously becoming more than her hands can hold back as a brief, thick gush of honey ejects from her cerick and hits Celine in the face with a wail from Janice as she quickly moves her right hand, the one holding back the flood, above her left, only slightly and briefly relieving the pressure with more area to fill.
“Oh, ok!” quickly replies Celine, reaching her hands to the organ, her very touch bringing another wail from Janice and another thick gush of honey hits Celine in the face before sticking it into her mouth and down her throat.
Not a second later, the pressure becomes too much for Janice to bare any longer as she loosens her rapidly fading grip and it was Celine's turn to be surprised as the backed-up torrent of orgasm-fueled honey rockets through the organ with an open-mouthed, tongue-out wail of pleasure from Janice as her nipples briefly became tiny geysers of honey, while Celine quickly became overwhelmed with the sheer amount and force of the torrent as the honey rockets down into her body and spills out below her into the pool of her mass.
Celine's body did nothing but direct the orgasmic flow downward, the torrent even retaining a neat, visible column rocketing through her body.
Only seconds into her orgasm, Janice falls to her back as her small body shakes and convulses in the intense pleasure. The torrent of honey comes to an abrupt stop moments later as Janice's body continued to react to her still running climax. Her nipples no longer tiny geysers, but still oozes honey slowly, as Celine pulls the now limp cerick from her mouth and admires Janice's convulsions of pleasure for a few moments before looking below her and chuckles.
“Heh, so much for containing it.”
“Impressive...” comments Becka, who now occupied herself, or rather, her hands, with Sammy and Kali's also climaxing pussies in front of her as the two girls lay on their back moaning and squirming.
Celine could only giggle in response.
A full three minutes pass before Janice's spasms and convulsions die down to a reasonable degree and it was two minutes after that before Janice could manage to talk again, still trembling as she now lays on her right side in the fetal position with her four foot Cerick still exposed and laying limp on the floor, laying in a combined pool of Celine's mass and her honey.
“Heh, back to reality?” comments Celine, smiling as she pets and strokes the young girl's cerick, which tenses with each touch as small amounts of honey continues to ooze out.
“T-That...” pants Janice. “Was o-one... o-of t-the... s-strongest comes... I've e-ever... had...”
“Wow, really?” asks Celine, “Well that certainly makes me feel better.”
“I'm...” starts Janice. “g-gonna need a... little b-break.”
“Well...” comments Celine with a smile. “That's twice I've sexually tired out a Tragelian, I wonder who's gonna be the third.”
The comment brings a weak giggle from Janice, before Sammy, who was moaning softly in the afterglow of her own orgasm and Becka's continued teasing of her pussy, gasps and removes herself from the fingers and turns to face Celine.
“Ohh! Hey Celine, I just got an awesome idea!”
“Well what is it?” asks Celine, smiling.
“Do what you did to me, make Becka come by teasing her honey-makers!”
“Ohhh, nice idea.” replies Celine, before Becka questions...
“Wait, what? Tease my honey-makers? You don't mean my ovaries do you?”
“Yeah!” declares Sammy. “A little while ago Celine reached all the way in my pussy and teased one of my honey-makers.” she adds, pressing her left hands index finger to the spot where she guessed her left ovary was. “It felt SOOOOOOOOO good! A ton of honey came out when I came!”
“Wow.” comments Becka. “I would think directly touching those wouldn't feel good at all.”
“But it does!” declares Sammy happily. “You come super quick too!”
“Well then...” comments Becka, pulling her fingers from Kali's wet pussy and licking them as she looks to Celine. “I'd like to experience getting my ovaries touched and teased.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, before she absorbs her excess mass and Janice's abundant honey, clouding her body as she chose not to absorb the fluid, as she moves closer to Becka.
The adult repositions herself on her butt and leaning back on her elbows as she spreads her legs and presents her own oozing pussy. Celine moves her right hand towards Becka, before the woman comments...
“So, your gonna stick your hand into my womb and move through one of the fallopian tubes to my ovary?”
“Yeah.” replies Celine. “Don't worry, I can thread my way though, so it won't be my entire hand.”
“Hehe, I hope not!” giggles Becka.
Giggling a little as well, Celine quickly found that, she and Becka were the current focus as not only Sammy, Janice and Kali all sat around watching, but also Patty and Rachael sitting at the edge of the bed attentively looking on to the proposed manner of sexual pleasure.
Celine soon plunges her hand into Becka's larger pussy, in comparison to the younger girls, with a soft moan coming from her, along with a brief squelch.
The Geelien quickly discovered that Becka's cervix wasn't as tight as Sammy's was, though wasn't too surprised by the fact, but she was a little surprised as the woman's cervix had a small gap, allowing an easier entry into the spacious organ.
“I'm guessing laying lots of eggs over the cycles gives your cervix a permanent gap?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Becka. “But nothing huge, unless your having constant, womb-deep sex all the time, that'll really widen you out.”
“Is there a downside to it?” asks Celine, as she begins to thread her mass into Becka's left fallopian tube, which brings a cringe from her.
“Ohhh, yeah, that's not very comfortable at all going through the tube.” comments Becka with a frown, before Sammy quickly adds...
“But it's worth it!”
“Does it hurt?” asks Janice.
“No, just uncomfortable, like trying to put a dildo that's too big in.” answers Becka, before giving a little gasp and flinch, before Celine comments...
“I'm through.”
“Good.” replies Becka with a smile, “Ready when you are.”
“Oh!” gasps Sammy. “I forgot to tell you, the first touch is a big shock.”
“Well thanks for the warn-AH!” replies Becka, before gasping out in shock and her hips jerking up once as she shots her right hand down to Celine's arm, who smiles at the reaction the touch to the organ produced as she pulls her tentacle-like digit away.
“Told ya.” giggles Sammy.
“W-Whoa!” comments Becka panting a little. “That was like a jolt of electricity! I can even feel my ovary throb.”
“Hehe, just wait till Celine starts teasing your honey-maker without stopping!” declares Sammy.
Becka chuckles a little, before releasing Celine's arm and returning her arm to the floor, before giving a few breaths.
“Ok, I'm ready.”
“You sure?” asks Celine with a smile.
“Yeah, do your worse, lets see how quick you can make me come.”
“Thirty seconds!” declares Sammy. “I bet you'll come in thirty seconds!”
“Wow.” comments Becka, “Not even a minute?”
“Hehe, you have no idea what your in for.” comments Sammy, smiling.
“Fine then...” replies Becky, looking to Celine. “Start and lets see what I'm getting.”
Celine returns her tendril to the oval-shaped organ, immediately resuming Becka's gasp and cringe, which only grew in volume as Celine began to caress the smooth organ, feeling it throb from her touch.
“Ohhhhh, f-frak!” moans Becka, her eyes tightly closed and her hands clenched into fists.
Becka though said to do her worse and Celine decided to do more than she did with Sammy and one tendril became two as the defenseless organ was double-teamed, caressing each side of it.
“AHHHHHH! W-What the frak!?” moans out Becka, dropping to her back and moving her right hand to her left side where her teased ovary was as she tried to close her legs, but Celine's body was in the way.
Between the two tendrils, Celine could feel the organ rapidly swelling, a little over ten seconds of starting and Becka was already about to come. Having only just started though, Celine wanted to do a little more and began to add lightly squeezing the swelling, highly sensitive organ between her two tendrils along, feeling how engorged it had become.
The additional actions brought an energetic squirming from Becka in addition to her moans and groans, before a little amusing event followed, Becka's free left hand began blindly searching around, soon finding Sammy's right hand and the young girl gasps in pain as Becka immediately squeezing her hand.
“OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! That's my hand!” declares Sammy, vainly attempting to pull her hand free.
“I-I-don't-believe-it! I'm-gonna-come-already!” rapidly declares Becka, before moaning out loudly and lifting her trembling hips.
Celine feels the organ suddenly quiver, before Becka began to groan and knew what was coming.
“Pull out!” declares Becka.
Which Celine quickly did, immediately after, Becka's loud moaning resumes as a torrent of thick honey spews out of her pussy like a broken dam and pools on the floor. In the span of just seconds, a large pool of thick honey surrounds Celine and nearly surrounds Becka's body as well, before her hips drop into the pool with a splat as she trembles and Sammy finds relief as Becka releases her hand as she lowers both of her hands to her quivering pussy and turns to her right side, lifting her legs up, but not quite in the fetal position.
“Wow...” comments Celine, seeing the massive amount of honey on the floor, before absorbing it into her body with Janice's, becoming even more clouded with the additional honey. “Well there's no doubt now, adults make a lot more honey.”
“Well duh.” Comments Janice with a giggle.
“Wow though... states Patty. “Sammy was right, she came in less than thirty seconds.”
“A-Amazing...” pants Becka. “I feel so... empty now.”
“I did too.” replies Sammy, shaking her pained hand.
“I think...” states Becka. “You actually managed... to temporarily drain my ovary of honey.”
“Wow...” comments Janice. “I didn't even think that was possible.”
“I'm gonna, need about a ten minute break.” states Becka, which brings a smile to Celine's face.
“And Becka's number three!”
“You've got a dangerous weapon on your hands.” comments Patty with a giggle, which brings one from Celine as well, before a light snore is heard from Becka, bringing a giggle from the other girls.
After a few moments, Kali soon asks...
“Hey, can you do me next? I wanna see what it feels like.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, moving from the napping Becka and towards Kali, who leans back on her elbows like Becka did and presents her wet, blue labia to the Geelien.
“Hey...” starts Janice. “I wonder if the effect will be the same on a Vehen.”
“Yeah.” states Sammy, “You've only done it with me and Becka and we're Tragelian's.”
“Well...” comments Celine. “Let's find out.” she adds, before inserting her right hand into Kali's small pussy with a moan from her, before cringing as Celine pushes her way through the cervix into her womb. “Have you ever had anything in your womb before?” asks Celine.
“I tried one time.” replies Kali. “But it hurt too much, but you can change your shape and move through the even the tiniest holes. It doesn't hurt when you do it.”
“Oh, well it still isn't comfortable, right?” asks Celine.
Kali though quickly flinches with a giggle as Celine began to search for the opening of Kali's left fallopian tube.
“Ahh-hehehehe! That tickles!” giggles Kali as she squirms her hips.
“Really?” comments Celine with a smile as she briefly puts locating the hole on hold as she teases the walls of Kali's uterus, bringing even louder and more intense giggling from the young girl as she falls to her back and places her hands to her abdomen, where her womb was located below as she giggles and squirms.
“Ahahaha-hehehehe! S-Stop! It's t-too-Heheheh-Ahahahaha!”
Celine brings Kali to a giggling fit for about fifteen seconds before stopping the tease and letting her calm down as lingering giggles leave her.
“Hehehe... I gotta, hehe, catch my breath now.” comments Kali.
“Well, I did locate one of your tubes while I was teasing you.” states Celine. “I'll wait till you calm down before I start again.”
A few moments later with the last giggles leaving her, Kali gives Celine the OK to continue, bringing another cringe from her as she feels Celine begin to thread part of herself through her left fallopian tube.
“Ohhh, B-Becka's right, that doesn't feel comfortable at all.” comments Kali.
Being only eight-cycles old, it didn't take long for Celine to travel the entire length of the tube and Kali gasp as she felt Celine emerge from the other end.
“I'm through.” declares Celine. “Now to find your honey-maker-or uh, I guess that would be incorrect for you.”
Sammy and Janice giggle at Celine's comment and Janice states...
“Yep, only Tragelian's ovaries make honey.”
“Well then...” comments Celine, moving her tentacle-like finger to Kali's ovary.
Kali gave the expectant gasp and flinch, but it wasn't anywhere near the intensity of Sammy or Becka's, a giggle had also joined in.
“Ohhhh, hehehe, that feels funny.” comments Kali.
“That's it?” asks Celine, before starting to tease the small organ, stroking it's length and bringing a giggling from the young girl, though not as intense as her previous round of giggling.
“Hehehe, y-yeah, it just tickles a lot.” giggles Kali.
“Well that's interesting.” comments Celine. “I wonder if you'll come if I tease it long enough.”
“I-I don't know if I'll be able to handle that much tickling!” giggles Kali as the intensity of her giggles began to grow as Celine continued to tease the small organ.
While Celine didn't double-team Kali's ovary, the young girl lasts much longer than Becka did from the ovary teasing, easily more than a minute and headed towards two before...
“Hehehe, S-Stop! Heheh, I-I can't breath! That's-hehe, e-enough!”
Smiling, Celine does so, she could feel the small organ throbbing though, assuming Kali probably would come given enough time teasing her ovary if she could take the ticklish pleasure.
“Want just a break or want me to pull out?” asks Celine.
“Hehe... you can pull out.” answers Kali, which Celine does, with a brief cringe from her, before her light giggling returns and lowers her hands down to her pussy and caresses herself as she closes her thighs.
“Well...” starts Patty. “A dangerous, Tragelian weapon.”
“We don't know that for sure.” comments Celine, looking to the Felene with a smile. “I have to try all my options.”
“Hehe, I'll pass.” replies Patty. “I don't feel like laughing my head off or being sexually incapacitated like Becka there.”
“I'll go next!” announces Rachael and Janice in unison, the Canine removing herself from the bed to sit next to Celine, who grins and comments...
“Wow, I actually managed to get you away from Patty.”
The comment brings a brighter blush to the Canine's cheeks.
Celine chose Rachael first and the reaction she got was quite different from Kali, while there was a little giggling, much of Rachael's response was a soft moaning, as if she were simply receiving a massage. Rachael also added to her own pleasure as she teases her nipples.
All the girls were surprised when the Canine lasted the longest to the ovary stimulation, a little over five minutes, before she came to a sudden climax, moaning out a little louder and squirming lightly as a few spurts of cum leaves her urethra.
After Celine removes her hand from inside her, Rachael commented that the sensations of the tease wasn't super pleasurable like Becka's experience, who had awoken from her short nap in time to see Rachael's orgasm. Rachael compared the sensation to slowly rubbing her tail against her unaroused labia, a little ticklish at the start, but growing more sexually pleasurable over time.
Janice's turn at the ovarian stimulation brought the expectant reaction of mirroring Becka's and lasting a similar length of time, leaving a large pool of honey on the floor with Janice exhausted and unable to move.
To be continued
Chapter 21
Title: Chapter 6-5
After learning an unusual fact about Tragelian's, Celine tries out an unusual way of controlling one of her friends.]
“Well then...” comments Celine with a smile and looking to Patty on the bed.
“Still a no.” replies the Felene with a smile back.
Becka positions herself behind Janice's, before with a bit of aid from the tired Tragelian, lifts Janice's head up onto her lap as she strokes the young girl's cheeks for a moment before lowering one hand down to Janice's chest and lightly teasing her nipples, bringing a soft moan from her.
“I think I figured out why teasing our ovaries to orgasm has such a draining effect on us Tragelian's.” comments Becka.
“So what's the reason?” asks Celine.
“As Tragelian's...” starts Becka. “Our ovaries, along with being the primary source for our honey, produces a constant and very high concentration of hormones that fuel our sex drive. So by teasing our ovaries to orgasm, your causing it to drain it's supply of hormones, which leaves us sexually exhausted and our desire temporarily drained, similar to the effect of a lengthy and intense Trance. Your method though drains our ovaries of hormones super quick compared to a Trance.”
“Interesting.” comments Celine. “So the source of a Tragelian's sex drive is the ovaries?”
“Yep.” replies Becka, as Janice gives a soft moan from the light petting and tease before she turns to her left side, resting her head on Becka's lap. “And like you Geelien's, after lengthy sexual sessions, or even during it, we have to re-hydrate and re-fuel our bodies with liquid and food from the amount of fluids we loose through our honey.”
“Well that makes sense.” comments Celine. “You Tragelian's certainly produce tons of honey.”
“And our ovaries are at least twice the size of human females.” adds Becka.
“Really?” asks Celine.
A tired giggle comes from Janice before commenting, “Heh, we have bigger balls than even human guys.”
The comment brings a round of giggles from the girls, before Becka adds...
“But because our ovaries are so much larger and produces such high amounts of hormones, us Tragelian's- Hybrids anyway, are in a constant state of semi-arousal, the slightest thing could make us start oozing honey, which can be pretty annoying and is the primary reason for those rectangular strips that you've probably seen some girls wear over their pussy.”
“Yeah...” replies Celine. “In Gym, I've seen girls with those, even on their nipples.”
“Yeah...” comments Becka. “We Tragelian's my be the most sexual of the races, but that doesn't mean we want sex all the time or want to be horny twenty-four-seven. Plus, if we don't at least masturbate ourselves to orgasm once through-out the day and drain off a little of our hormones, Honey will just start flowing out towards the end of the day, sometimes even overwhelming those strips if it's a cheap, small one that starts slipping against you, making you even more horny or just falling off if your not wearing anything and creating a mess. The abundance of undrained hormones could possibly even trigger a trance to force the draining of excess hormones.”
“Wow...” replies Celine. “I think I'd get tired of HAVING to have an orgasm everyday.”
“Yeah, well it doesn't have to be a big one.” comments Becka. “Even a small one would drain enough hormones that you'd be fine without any sexual activity for the rest of the day.”
Sammy quickly adds, “A morning come feels really good and helps wakes me up.”
“I guess right after waking up would be the perfect time.” comments Celine, before Patty asks...
“Hey Celine, there's something I've been wondering since yesterday. How do you see the world around you?”
“What do you mean?” asks Celine.
“Like, since your entire body, even your eyes, are one color, do you see everything in red?”
“Oh, heh, no.” replies Celine with a chuckle. “I see in color, I can see Kali's skin and hair is blue, Sammy has pink hair, Becka's is blue, my body is paler thanks to all the honey that's inside me.”
“Oh.” replies Patty, before Kali asks...
“What about when you close your eyes, do you still see through your eyelids?”
“That's a good question.” comments Celine. “I actually can see through my eyelids.”
“How do you sleep then?” asks Kali.
“Well, the simplest way I can describe it is, hmm, I sorta, remove my eyes.” answers Celine, which brings a unanimous “Huh?” from the girls, causing Celine to giggle a little before adding. “I'll show you what I mean.”
Following the comment, the others 'Ohhh' as they see Celine's eye fade and disappear, she was literally eye-less.
“This is how Geelien's close their eyes.” comments Celine, “This is what happens to my eyes when I lower my eyelids.” she adds before her eyes reappear, and Patty asks...
“Then what's the purpose of your blinking then? If you can see through your eyelids, what's the point?”
“It's just a natural action that was retained before we Geelien's became what we are today.” replies Celine. “If I focus, I can stop myself from blinking at all though.” she adds, before Kali asks...
“So you blink to fit in more?”
“Heh, well, yeah...” replies Celine, looking a little nervous. “I'm sure non-Geelien's would be uncomfortable around me if I didn't blink. It's why I eat through my mouth too and not other parts of my body, but I told Sammy that one before.”
“Well it would be pointless to get into a staring contest with you then.” comments Patty with a giggle, before Sammy adds...
“Oh, hey! Us Tragelian's see everything glowing.”
“Really?” asks Celine.
“Yeah.” replies Becka. “If you've ever played a game where there's a glow to things, it's called a bloom effect, our eyes have a small bloom effect to our vision.” she adds, before Sammy continues...
“If it's really sunny and bright outside, sometimes it's hard to see stuff.”
“Wow, that's interesting.” comments Celine. “Unfortunately though, certain types of games, like VR games don't work for us, it doesn't recognize our presence.”
“Awww...” replies Sammy. “There's some really cool VR games though.”
“Oh, I should add...” starts Becka. “The glowing vision only effect Hybrids, pure bloods don't have it.”
“Oh, well what other differences are there?” asks Celine. “I know only Hybrids have cericks.”
“There's not many differences.” comments Becka. “Aside from the eyes and cericks, pure bloods don't have to come everyday, I think it might be one every three days before they get really horny and oozy... anyway, pure bloods don't have trances either.”
“Really?” asks Celine. “I thought all Tragelian's had trances.”
“Nope, only Hybrids.” replies Becka. “It's a side-effect of the mix of human and Tragelian DNA.”
“Well I guess that makes sense.” comments Celine. “Hybrids are just that after-all, a mix of two species.” she adds, before gasping, “Oh! I just remembered, there's something I've been wanting to try for the last couple of days-”
Sammy immediately raises a hand, declaring...
“Oh me! Pick me! Try it on me!”
“Heh, at least give me a chance say what it is.” replies Celine.
“OK, but pick me!” comments Sammy happily.
“Heh, well, I'd like to see if I could envelope one of you and control your movement.
“So...” starts Kali. “You mean one of us would wear you and make us move around and stuff?”
“Yeah, exactly.” states Celine. “I just wonder if I have the strength to move a person's limp body like that.”
“Me! Me! Me!” declares Sammy as she quickly gets to her feet. “Try it on me!”
“No other volunteers?” asks Celine.
“I'll try.” replies Kali, before Patty adds...
“Me too.”
Sammy quickly declares, “Let's play rock, paper, scissors!”
“Ok.” replies Kali and Patty.
The three girls extend a hand and Sammy soon groans as she looses the first round, the second ends with Kali as the winner as she cheers and quickly walks to the short distance to Celine, who was now standing.
“Interesting game.” comments Celine.
“It's really easy to play.” replies Kali. “I'll tell you after you try controlling my body.”
“Ok.” states Celine, before the Geelien shifts to her liquid form and and Kali 'oooh's' as she sees Celine's mass move below her and moving up her legs.
“Hehe, it kinda tickles.” comments Kali, as Celine's mass reaches above her waist, encompassing her labia and the crevice of her butt before continuing to travel up her body, pass her belly, to her chest and spreading out to her arms. Kali's head remained uncovered, and a considerable pool of mass still rested on the floor.
“Hehe, it's so weird...” states Kali. “I'm covered with Celine's body.” she adds, lifting and lowering her legs and twisting her upper body.
The young Vehen got a scare though as Celine's head forms on her left shoulder.
“Hey, do you-”
Celine doesn't get far before Kali gasps out and falls to her butt, still covered in Celine's mass and surrounded by it as she other girls giggles at Kali's scare, except Janice, who had fallen asleep as Becka continues to guide her fingers through the young girl's hair.
“Don't do that!” declares Kali.
“Heh, sorry.” replies Celine, before her head disappears and the Geelien's face appears on Kali's stomach. “Is this better?”
“Hehehe, cool...” replies Kali, poking Celine's nose a few times.
“Well I'll take that as a yes.” comments Celine. “Anyway, I wanted to ask, can I put my excess mass inside you so it won't be all on the floor?”
“Ok.” answers Kali.
The young Vehen soon 'oooh's' and giggles as her labia and urethra visibly spread as she feels Celine begin to fill her bladder, pussy and womb, quickly filling the the young girl's small bladder and womb to it's limit, a two distinct bulges visible at her abdomen as she soon groans...
“Ok, that's enough, my pussy can't fit anymore.” comments Kali, before getting to her hands and knees. “Put the rest in my butt.”
Celine immediately took Kali up on the offer and the Vehen gives another moan as she feels Celine's remaining mass fill her through her spread anus, reaching not only into her rectum, but very deep into her small intestine, nearly the entire length of it given Kali was still a kid.
While there was no longer a pool of Celine's mass on the floor, the result of the filling brings a groan from Kali as she sits on her legs with her hands to her now clearly bulging belly, feeling the weight of her filled intestines pushing against her filled womb and bladder. The eight-cycle old Vehen looked a couple months pregnant, which brought a smile from Patty and Becka and giggle from Sammy and Rachael, who comments...
“Hehe, you look like your having a baby.”
The Canine crawls the short distance to Kali and pokes her belly, who moans and leans away.
“I feel so stuffed.” groans Kali. “...and I felt like I have to take the biggest poop ever.” she adds, before Sammy comments...
“But Celine's completely inside you. I'd love to have Celine inside me! I could pretend I'm giving birth.”
“It is pretty amazing.” states Patty. “A whole person is inside of you.”
“Heh...” chuckles Kali, before standing shortly, causing her belly to jiggle a little before sitting herself on the end of the second bed in the room. “Being filled like this isn't very comfortable, I keep wanted to poop Celine out.” she adds, before Celine comments...
“Well let's see if I can control you, lay back and go as limp as you can.”
“OK.” replies Kali, as she lays on her back.
Sammy and Rachael stand to get a better look, while Becka carefully picks Janice up in her arms and carries her to the bed Patty sat, before leaving the room commenting that she was getting a snack.
“Ready.” states Kali.
“Ok, I'll start with the arms.” replies Celine.
Kali soon giggles and the other girls 'ooh' as Kali's right arm slowly rises, lifted towards the ceiling, before her left arm mirrors her right.
“That's so awesome!” comments Sammy.
“Hehe, it's feels weird.” states Kali, before her arms lower to the bed and Celine adds...
“Good, now the legs...”
Like her arms, Kali's right leg, below the knee, lifts and fully extends, before her leg lifts up from the bed a short distance, before the action was repeated by her left leg.
“Nice...” comments Celine. “I figured the arms and legs would be the easy part though, now for the real challenge. Kali, I'm gonna try and lift you up into a sitting position.”
“OK.” replies the young Vehen, smiling at the odd sensation of her limbs moving without her control.
Following the approving reply, Kali feels her upper body start to lift up, slowly, she could feel the pushing force against her back. The progress was slow, until Celine directs Kali's hands to help out and push against the bed and help her sit up, easily succeeding.
“Awesome!” cheers Celine as Kali giggles as her arms lift in a cheer, before Patty asks...
“You gonna try and walk?”
“Yep, that's going to be the hardest part, I'm going to have the added challenge of balancing the weight of Kali's body.”
“Hurry and try!” comments Kali happily. “I want you to walk me.”
“Ok then.” replies Celine. “I'm gonna stand you up and try and take one step.” she adds, before her face disappears.
The usual simple act of standing turned out to be an amusing event as while the previous test motions were quite smooth, Celine attempting to stand Kali's lax body up appeared more stiff and robotic as she leans her upper body forward and appearing to rock slightly, before Kali's rear starts to lift from the bed.
However, as Kali's rear began to rise, her upper body remained leaning forward, quickly throwing off her balance and Kali gasping as she immediately took control her body to prevent falling to her face and she falls to her hands and knees. The error brought a round of gasps and giggles from the other girls
“Oh, sorry about that!” gasps Celine, her face reforming on Kali's bulging belly. “I forgot to lift your upper body. Let me try again.”
“Ok.” replies Kali, before returning her rear to the end of the bed and relaxing her body again and letting Celine have control.
“Round two...” comments Celine, her face once again disappearing, before Kali's upper body leans forward as she her rear slowly lifts from the bed again.
This time, Celine began to lifts Kali's upper body before gravity pulled her forward; However, Celine lifts Kali's upper body up too much and ends up leaning back and coupled with Kali's knees still bent, Kali giggles as she falls back to the bed.
“Dang-it!” groans Celine, her face reforming. “This is trickier than I thought, I have to time the movements better.”
“I have an idea.” comments Patty. “How about Kali stands herself up a couple times? It should give you an idea of the timing of what to move when.”
“That's a good idea.” replies Celine. “You mind Kali?”
“Nope.” replies the young girl, before sitting up, then standing, before sitting back down.
Kali repeats the stand and sit about five times, before Celine comments...
“Ok, I'm pretty sure I got it, let me try again.”
“'K.” replies Kali, sitting down.
This time, after the examples of Kali's movement to stand, Celine realized she was lacking the unified movement of Kali's entire body in one motion.
Taking what she learned, Celine makes another attempt, leaning Kali's upper body forward and lifting her rear, this time, while a little slower than Kali, Celine manages to lift the young girls upper body as she lifts Kali's rear up and extends her legs, successfully standing Kali up.
“Yes! I did it.” declares Celine.
“Now walk!” states Rachael happily as her tail quickly wags.
Celine happily lifts Kali's right leg, but this time, with one of her legs being lifted without her control, Kali felt the sense of her balance being thrown off and attempts to regain control and lower her foot to the floor, but feels Celine lock her foot in place and her balance was really thrown off as she gasps out and seems to trip over nothing and falling face-first to the floor.
While she couldn't throw her hands out in time to catch herself, Kali's bulging belly saves her from hitting her head too hard on the carpeted floor as her belly took the force of the fall. As a result, Celine's mass ejects from the young Vehen's pussy and anus, before melting from Kali's body and Celine reforming herself in her kid form behind Kali, between her legs as more of her mass continues to leg from Kali's rear, before the young girl groans and her anus widening as she pushes out more of the Geelien's mass, along with a few visible dark objects.
“Why'd you move?” asks Celine.
“Nnngh... It felt like I was, nngh, l-loosing my balance.” answers Kali as she continues push out the rest of Celine's mass and solid contents of her intestines.
- 7:21 P.M. -
- Outside Celine's home -
“Seeya later Celine!” calls Sammy from the other side of the street, fully dressed once again and waving her right hand as she walks down the sidewalk towards her home.
“Seeya!” answers back Celine, also dressed again as she walks to her home.
“Becky will be able to play with us tomorrow!” adds Sammy.
“I look forward to it!” replies Celine, before entering her home.
Seeing the living room empty, but the TV on, Celine guessed at least one of her parents were still here.
“Anyone here?” calls out Celine. “I'm back.”
“Your father went out about ten minutes ago.” answers Eda as she walks down the stairs, mirroring Celine's appearance, though with breasts at least double the size of Celine's and wearing a very familiar tank-top and stretchy short-shorts. “Have fun with your friends?”
“Heh...” chuckles Celine lightly with a smile as she sees her mother, who doesn't fully come down the stairs, leaning on the railing as her tail flicks back and forth. “Yeah, I did, and what your wearing looks an awful lot like my clothes.”
“Really?” asks Eda, looking surprised and standing upright quick enough to cause her breasts to bounce, before looking down at her clothes and grabbing her breasts. “I thought the chest area was a little tight...”
Celine only groans at the remark, before walking through the living room and towards the kitchen.
“Hey, hey!” adds Eda, rushing down the stairs and to Celine side. “Yanno I'm only teasing.”
“Yeah.” comments Celine. “Just don't stretch out my shirts.”
“Kaaaaaaay.” replies Eda cheerfully, before bringing a gasp from her daughter as she sticks her right hand into her side, who quickly pulls away.
“Sorry, but I'm a bit sexed out at the moment, maybe later, I just want something to eat.”
“Awwww...” whines Eda with a pout. “Fine, I'll just go back to playing dress-up with your clothes.” she adds, before skipping back to the stairs, bringing a chuckle from Celine.
“Heh, she's happy for some reason.”
After retrieving a bottle of protein from the refrigerator, Celine was suddenly reminded of Sammy mentioning that she knew Sakura Bragou and she lived close by. Also remembering that Sakura had given her, her contact info, Celine decided to call her new friend, her first call using her comm, which she found quite easy and before she knew it, the default ringing tone sounded from the device.
Just seconds pass before a window suddenly appears showing Sakura's face, who smiles and Celine guessed, judging by what was behind the blonde, that she was in her room.
“Oh hi Celine, what's up?”
“Heh, hey, nothing much.” greets Celine. “I just had a question I wanted to ask you.”
“OK, ask away!”
“Do you know two little girls called Sammy and Becky?”
“Sammy and Becky? I know a couple Sammy's and Becky's, what's their last name?”
“Ah, right, it's Becky Tran and Sammy Saunders, or rather, Samantha Saunders.” replies Celine, before Sakura gasps with a smile.
“Oh! Those two! Yeah, I know them. So you've met them too? Heh, their definitely full of energy all the time.”
“Hehe, yeah, their actually my neighbors.” replies Celine, leaving the kitchen.
“Really!?” gasps Sakura. “Wait, YOU'RE the Geelien's that moved into that house near them!?”
“Heh, yep.”
“We live in walking distance of each other!” declares Sakura. “I can't believe it! We have to hang out sometime soon!”
“Sure, I'm up for that.” replies Celine with a smile, sitting on the living room couch.
“Hey, waaaait a minute...” starts Sakura with a knowing grin, as a light blush rose on her cheeks. “Becky and Sammy were the kids you were talking about at school nycalus (monday) wasn't it? The ones that got you used to us Tragelian's.”
“Hehe...” chuckles Celine as she drips a little. “Y-Yeah, their the ones.” she adds, opening the bottle and taking a drink.
“Hehehehe... I'm sure they didn't give you time to be embarrassed your first time with them, huh?” giggles Sakura. “They like to team-up on their victims, hehe.”
“Heh, no, they certainly didn't.” replies Celine with a smile at the memory.
“Outside of sex, those two are really nice though, but I don't really visit them much, I should sometime this week, especially since you live near them. Have you met their other friends?” asks Sakura.
“Yeah...” replies Celine, dripping a little more at what she intended to say. “It hasn't been long since I came back from a two hour orgy with Patty, Janice, Rachael and Kali.”
“Ohh, hehe, those adopted sisters? I bet your all sexed out now huh?”
“I sure am, they gave me plenty of honey too.” replies Celine.
“I bet they did.”
“Oh, by the way, Sammy showed me her laying for the first time nycalus (monday).”
“Nice, what did you think of it?”
“It was definitely interesting.” comments Celine. “It's amazing that your bodies create jeweled eggs.”
“Yeah, we're pretty awesome.” replies Sakura with a smile.
“Oh, today, Sammy showed me how two Tragelian's fertilize their eggs.”
“Ohhhh! Really!? Did you eat one of her eggs!?”
“It was actually Becka's egg, but it made me come hard enough for me to loose control of my body.” answers Celine, finding herself getting comfortable with the sexual talk, but still dripping a bit.
“Hehe, wow, so it makes a Geelien come, that's interesting.”
“Yeah, well, I just wanted to ask you about Becky and Sammy...” states Celine, before suddenly remembering Sammy asking her to ask Sakura for a ticket to her upcoming Shakra event and Celine quickly deciding against asking. “I don't really have anything else at the moment I can think of to talk about.”
“Oh, ok, you can call or text me any time, seeya tomorrow.” replies Sakura.
“Ok, seeya later.”
Celine smiles as the window closes, before sitting back on the couch, taking another drink from the bottle as she watches the current channel on the TV, some random talk show.
The teen soon hears the faint giggling of her mother upstairs, causing her to get to her feet and head towards the stairs commenting to herself...
“I better go see what she's up to in my room.”
Upon walking to the open door of her room, Celine smiles as she sees her mother, still in her younger form that mirrors her own, top-less with her larger breasts in clear view and wearing one of Celine's pleated skirts, but pulled up enough to reveal her bare butt and lack of underwear as she was currently twirling, before stopping and facing Celine, who comments...
“You're acting a little more excited than normal, did something good happen while I was gone?”
“Nothing in particular, just happy.” replies Eda, lifting her skirt to fully reveal her younger labia as she smiles and and walks towards her daughter with her tail flicking side to side. “Why don't you join me?” she asks, stopping within a foot of Celine and placing her hands to her daughters shoulders and swaying her hips.
“Heh, I told you, I'm all sexed out at the moment.” answers Celine, smiling at her mothers little dance.
“Well how about dress-up? Come on!” comments Eda, taking Celine by the hand and pulling her into her room, spinning her once before stepping close to her daughter and wrapping her left arm around Celine waist and taking Celine's left hand in her right as she took the lead in a brief Tango, simply moving back and forth.
“Dress-up? Their my own clothes.” declares Celine, though giggling a little as she spins her mother once and returning close to her.
“So?” replies Eda. “You did buy a couple new things you haven't worn yet. It'll be fun, dress-up with your cute, older twin sister.” she adds, before dipping Celine, who giggles.
“Heh, fine, fine...” replies Celine with a smile before returning upright and dipping her mother. “But I'm the cuter one.”
Chapter 22
Title: Chapter 7-1
Celine gets some very unexpected attention at school. ]
- Two days later, Shakrus (Friday), third week of February (2) -
- 10:54 A.M. -
- Cafeteria -
With only a couple hours left until the end of her first week of school, Celine had settled quite comfortably into her new school life. There was an odd tease or remark here and there, nothing she couldn't ignore or even laugh off, but the occurrences were rare and Celine found herself with plenty of friends. She knew she wasn't going to be liked by everyone, but no one was outright mean to her, at least not yet and Celine was happy about that.
One thing that did surprise her was how quickly the excitement around her began to die down, during the last two days of the week, the attention she drew had dropped significantly compared to what it was the previous days. Celine could actually walk the halls alone without other students frequently stopping her to talk.
Celine was actually relived by this, recalling the fast food worker she meet two days into moving that she'd probably get tired of the people asking her questions frequently, than the amount of negativity she'd receive and that comment was very true. Positive attention was nice, but even that had its limits.
Now though, Celine sat with her classmates, Helani and Gina at the longer lunch tables in the middle of the room, eating and chatting, but unknown to her, she was about to receive some very unexpected attention...
“So...” starts Gina, sitting across the table from Celine and spooning some Mac and Cheese into her mouth. “How was your first week here?” she adds, the pink-haired Tragelian wears a tie-dye, loose tank-top, the impression of her nipples under the fabric just one piece of evidence of her lacking a bra, the other being the loose fabric occasionally allowing one of her B-cup bare breasts to be seen.
Celine learned very quickly into getting to know Gina that the teen liked 'going commando' as she said, expressing she liked the breezes and sense of freedom, along with the arousing thought of occasionally revealing her bare chest and crotch.
“It's pretty good.” answers Celine as she spoons some red jello into her mouth. The Geelien was dressed in her unusual clothing and similar to Gina; a belly-revealing tank-top and mid thigh-length skirt, though the straps of Celine's bra were easy to see. “I met a ton of nice people and already have a lot of friends. It's almost too good to be true.”
“Heh, too bad we can't pinch you.” comments Helani, smiling and poking her right hands index finger into Celine's shoulder.
Compared to Gina and Celine, the raven-haired Helani was the most conservatively dressed, not showing as much skin, but showing off her teen figure as she wears a form-fitted light blue tank-top, confidently showing off her average B-cup breasts and matching hip-hugging jeans.
“Why would you pinch me?” asks Celine, before Gina answers.
“It's something us flesh and blood types do to see if we're dreaming. If you're dreaming and you pinch yourself, it doesn't hurt, but it does if you're not dreaming. So someone could say 'I can't believe this is happening! Someone pinch me!'”
“Oh, hehe, that's funny.” replies Celine.
“And hey-” starts Gina, before the teen sees the other female Geelien, Abignal, or Abby, walk up behind Celine, dressed nearly the same as Celine, but wearing short-shorts instead of a skirt.
“Hey, excuse me.”
“Yeah?” asks Celine, looking back to her fellow Geelien.
“Would you guys mind if I borrow Celine? I need to speak to her in private.”
“OK.” replies Gina.
“Well that's up to her.” adds Helani.
“Awesome.” replies Abby, before reaching to Celine's left hand. “Come with me.”
“OK.” replies Celine, removing herself from the table, wondering what Abby needed to talk to her about in private.
Briefly into their walk, Celine could see Abby were leading them out of the cafeteria.
“Where are we going?” asks Celine.
“The bathroom.” answers Abby. “Evidently, the bathroom is the best place to go during lunch if you want privacy.”
“Really?” asks Celine. “Doesn't seem like it would be a good place for privacy, especially during lunch.”
“Yeah, it's weird, I know, but that's what my friends said.”
Following Abby out of the cafeteria and into the the nearby girls bathroom, Celine was a little surprised when she felt the Geelien start to absorb her hand, causing her to quickly pull away.
Abby only looks back to her with a smile, saying nothing about the event, before walking to one of the open stalls, silently offering Celine to walk in first.
“What do you want to go in the stall for?” asks Celine.
“Added privacy, duh.” answers Abby.
“OK...” replies Celine, feeling a little wary of her fellow Geelien, recalling their first meeting, Abby attempted to absorb her hand in a silent communication and just a moment earlier, attempted to do it without her permission.
Celine didn't really think anything bad about her, just figured Abby was the type to more openly absorb her friends, Celine was a bit as well, but she wasn't very comfortable doing it around so many new people, plus, aside from being a Geelien, Celine knew nothing about Abby, she didn't absorb strangers after all.
Following her into the stall, closing the door and locking it, Abby looks to Celine with a slightly more serious expression, placing her hands to her hips and asking...
“Why are you hanging around those Fleshies so much?”
“H-Huh?” replies Celine, shocked by the very unexpected question.
“You introduce yourself to me and my brother and don't pay us anymore attention!” states Abby, with a slightly whining tone. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
“No, I don't.” replies Celine, before narrowing her eyes at her fellow Geelien and questions... “Are you seriously asking me why I'm not around my own kind?”
“That's exactly what I'm asking.”
“This conversation is over.” flatly states Celine before attempting to move around Abby, but she quickly blocks her path.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute!”
“It's Geelien's like you who are part of the reason why others think negatively of us.” declares Celine.
“Ok, I'm sorry.” replies Abby, lifting her hands up. “I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just really blunt with the way I speak. I should've said what I did differently, I'm sorry.”
Giving a silent sigh, Celine returns to her previous spot. “Fine.” she comments, before sitting on the toilet.
“So...” starts Abby, appearing to think for a moment. “Since, you're an only child, you only have your parents to be around, so that's why I was wondering why you weren't talking with me and my brother more when there are so many Fleshies around.
Although slightly annoyed by the terminology Abby was using, Celine said nothing on the matter and answers...
“Let me answer your question with a question, 'why did you come here?'”
“I thought it would be fun!” answers Abby with a smile. “I've never left our home planet and I was excited to meet other races!”
Celine couldn't stop the smile on her face from Abby's reply and looks away.
“I didn't want to come, my parents wanted to and they forced me to come with them.”
“Really?” asks Abby.
“Yeah, I was scared.”
“Oh, heh, well I was a little scared too, but I had my brother with me.”
“Yeah, it was just me.” comments Celine. “But my experiences the first week arriving helped me relax. I had much more positive experiences than negative and it helped me realize that the people here arn't so bad or scary. So, to answer your question of why I'm not around my own kind; I've been around my own kind my entire life, so it's interesting to me to be around so many non-Geelien's and see how they live. To be honest though, I do feel a little sad sometimes when me and my parents are the only Geelien's when we go out.” explains Celine, before looking up to Abby with a smile. “The fact that you and your brother are here though is a help, you're the only other Geelien's I've seen here.”
“Ah, I see... hehe...” replies Abby with a smile as she leans over with her hands behind her back and her face close enough to Celine that the sitting Geelien felt a little uncomfortable. “We're pretty similar, I'm glad we got to know each other a little more.”
“Uh, me too...” replies Celine, leaning back.
“I'm gonna be blunt with you again...” comments Abby, moving her right hand's index finger to Celine's left leg and drawing figure eights.
Celine briefly felt a little worried given Abby's bluntness earlier, but that concern faded for wonderment as she felt Abby teasing her leg and the Geelien's slight melting.
“I like you.”
“W-What!?” gasps Celine, suddenly starting to melt, much more than Abby.
“You heard me, I like you.” repeats Abby, lifting her left hand to Celine's cheek.
“U-uh... a-as a friend, or...”
“Heh, definitely 'or'...” answers Abby before Celine was shocked as Abby leans in and briefly kisses her causing Celine to quickly remove herself from the toilet and her back against the stall door, dripping rapidly and her excess mass pooling at her feet.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” declares Celine. “This is too big of a change in topic, where is this even coming from!?”
Abby giggles as she had fallen over the toilet from Celine's rapid retreat, before returning back to her feet, stepping to a tense Celine and places her hands to her shoulders as her tail flicks left and right.
“I've been attracted to you since you introduced yourself.” answers Abby.
“Yeah, you're super cute. Heh, it's why I was so bothered why you didn't come talk to me and my brother again after you introduced yourself.”
Celine quickly gasps when Abby moves her hands down to Celine's exposed arms and begins to meld her hands to Celine's arms, before trying to stop her, lifting her hands to pull Abby's from her, but gasps once again when her hands began to be absorbed into Abby's arms.
“S-Stop! Wait a minute!”
“Let's get to know each other even more.” declares Abby.
“Is this why you wanted to talk?” asks Celine. “To confess!?”
“Hehe, got me!” replies Abby, as Celine pulls her hands free, though Abby wraps her left arm around Celine's exposed waist and caressing her cheek with her right hand as she presses her melting body against Celine's and presses her right leg against Celine's crotch. “You're just so cute I want to absorb you.”
“B-But you can't!” gasps Celine, pulling Abby's hands from her and pushing Abby back at arms length.
Abby's happy expression briefly shifts to one of wonderment before grinning and asking... “Ooooh... are you a Solid?”
“W-What, no, of course not!” quickly replies Celine.
“So, since you don't have any brothers or sisters, is it your mom or dad?” asks Abby, smiling. “I bet it's your mom, isn't it? It's almost always the clone and parent.”
“T-That's none of your business!” declares Celine.
“Then what's the problem?” asks Abby, before quickly removing her shoes by briefly melting her feet before pressing her body against Celine's again and her leg against Celine's crotch. “If you're not a Solid, then we arn't doing something you're unfamiliar with.” she adds, before moving her body up and down against Celine.
“We're still in school.” answers Celine, getting increasingly more embarrassed from Abby's sexual advances. “We can't do this here, people could come in.”
Abby grins and whispers, “Someone could already be in here, but keeping silent.”
“That's even more of a reason to stop this!”
“Hey...” declares Abby. “I bet your younger form is even cuter. Show me!”
“No, you have to stop!”
“Geez your so resistant...” comments Abby with a playful pout. “If you wanted to to get away so badly, nothing's stopping you.”
“I...” starts Celine, before averting her eyes from Abby's, who looked on with a wondering grin.
“Ohhh, are you actually a submissive who likes being dominated? Is that why you won't leave?”
“Well then, let's see what's stopping you...”
“No, don't!” suddenly gasps Celine, before gasping again when Abby plunges her right hand into Celine's head, bringing a groan from her and a moan from Abby.
Only seconds into the event, with her hand still into Celine's head, Abby 'Ohhh's' before commenting... “I see now...” before removing her her hand from Celine's head, allowing her to relax.
“You're supposed to be older than me.” comments Celine, looking away with a frown. “Does respect and personal privacy mean nothing to you?”
“Hehe, sorry.”
“You can't just do something you know is wrong and just say you're sorry.” declares Celine, looking back to Abby. “You wouldn't like it if I suddenly read your mind without your permission.”
“Do you want to?” asks Abby with a smile.
“No, I don't.”
“Still though...” starts Abby. “The reason you're not leaving is pretty silly.”
“It's not silly, no means no. I shouldn't have to run away.”
“But you're so cute!” declares Abby, throwing her arms around Celine's shoulders and kissing her again, but Celine quickly pushes her away.
“Geez, come on. If you really like me so much, then listen to what I'm saying and respect it.”
Abby frowns as her shoulders slump.
“Geez, you young ones act so mature.”
“That's not really the issue here.” replies Celine. “There's a number of reasons why what your trying to do shouldn't happen here. The main one is I barely know you.”
“Reeeally?” comments Abby with a grin. “You didn't know Sakura.”
“T-That's!” gasps Celine, suddenly melting enough to revert to her younger form, bringing a big grin to Abby's face as Celine's Comm falls to the floor, along with her skirt and panties dropping from her hips to her pooling mass at her feet, revealing her nude lower half, causing Celine to gasp and use her hands to cover herself, her tank-top too short to use.
“Ohhh, I was right!” declares Abby. “You are cuter!”
Celine could see Abby about to throw herself on her again and this time, she had no choice, she needed to get away from this girl.
Abby suddenly found herself grabbing empty air and running her face into the stall door. She pulls back enough to see Celine's clothing on the floor surrounded by her pooled mass, which quickly moves under the stall door. Opening the door, Abby sees Celine quickly reform her now nude body, covering herself.
“Geez, calm down!” declares Celine, though seeing Abby quickly advance on her again, she adds. “I don't like you!”
The additional comment stops Abby in her tracks as she looks shocked.
“I don't like you.” repeats Celine. “You're not listening to a word I'm saying. I keep saying 'no' and 'stop' and you just keep going, at this point you're trying to rape me.”
“I-I'm sorry.” replies Abby, looking hurt as she melts a little more.
“I don't believe you.”
“I really am.” states Abby. “Ok, I tend to get carried away when I'm excited.”
“More like loose control.” replies Celine.
“Yeah... but can't you give me one more chance? It would suck so much if you didn't like me for the rest of the school year because of this. We're the only Geelien's here after all.”
“Under the condition that you don't try to rape me again, we can be friends.” answers Celine.
“Oh thank you!” declares Abby, her smile returning and attempting to hug Celine again, only to be stopped by Celine grabbing her hands and keeping her at a distance, “Heh, sorry, you probably guessed, I'm a hugger.”
“Yeah...” comments Celine, before keeping Abby at arms length as she returns to the stall with her clothes and picking up her Comm and removing her cleaning comb.
“I'm sorry you had to get dirty on the floor because of me.” replies Abby.
“Well it's a good thing no ones come in.”
At Celine's comment, and while her back was to her, Abby took a step back to give a brief look under a couple stalls and smiles when she sees a pair of small shoes to the left of the stall Celine was in, starting to clean her body.
“H-hey, how about I help you?” asks Abby, taking a couple hopeful steps forward.
Celine looks back to Abby with a little frown, causing her to quickly reply...
“I promise I won't try anything, I swear. It's always better for another person to clean you anyway.”
“...Fine.” replies Celine, offering the comb to Abby. “I'm only giving you permission to clean me, nothing else.”
“Thanks.” replies Abby, walking into the stall, taking the comb and closing the door, before beginning to run the comb through Celine's body, starting at her head.
Within just moments into allowing Abby to clean her body, Celine knew her fellow Geelien was going much slower than she needed to, clearly taking her time to admire her body. Celine's concern grew when Abby reached her butt and tail, seeming to take extra care to her tail, the one part of her body that could be cleaned in seconds, one pass of the comb and Abby was going on a slow two as she carefully handles it with her free hand.
However, other than her pace, Abby was true to her word, she wasn't doing anything inappropriate. Celine did wonder if Abby's willpower would hold out when she turned around, which after the slow, detailed cleaning of her back and legs, Abby commenting, “Ok, other side.”, Celine warily turns to present her nude front to Abby. Because of Abby's kneeling position, she was eye level with Celine's crotch, who see's Abby's face light up with excitement, causing her to place a hand over her crotch.
“Abby...” warns Celine.
“Ok, ok.” replies the older Geelien, standing upright and beginning to run the comb down Celine's face, then chest.
Abby's slow process remained as she combs through Celine's chest and stomach, eventually kneeling again to focus on her crotch, which Celine felt herself getting a little turned on from Abby's detailed focus, now on her crotch. The mesh of the comb running though her womb, vaginal cavity and pussy, teasing her.
“Y-You sure are taking your sweet time.”
“Well I have to make sure you're completely clean.” answers Abby. “A Geelien's beauty is measured by how clear their body is. I want you to be as pretty as you are cute.”
Celine smiles from the compliment, and felt herself starting to drip, from Abby's now focused attention to her crotch, increasing her arousal further by Abby's flirting.
The last thing Celine wanted was to lead her on...
“Abby, stop.” states Celine, lowering a hand down and pulling the comb from her crotch and squatting down to look her admirer in the eyes. “I'm flattered that you like me, really, I am. I wasn't expecting anyone to like me like that at all, but I'm just not looking for that right now.”
Abby smiles and answers, “Yeah, I know. I'm not THAT crazy, hehe.” As she briefly looks down to the comb in her hands, seeing the rather small amount of dirt and debris that had collected on it.
“Well that's good.” replies Celine, before reaching to grab the comb, though Abby was reluctant to release it.
“Wait, I wasn't done.”
“You already got my legs.”
Abby says nothing in reply, but does look a little embarrassed as she releases the comb.
“I gotta ask though...” starts Celine. “Why do you like me? I don't think we even talked for five minutes when I introduced myself.”
“Heh, well, I just got this feeling when we met. I just got the sense that you're a really nice, sweet person and your cuteness only helps.”
“Heh, you really think I'm cute?” asks Celine, smiling.
“Absolutely! Your younger form is even cuter!”
“Well you're not the first person to say that.” replies Celine, before gasping and dripping some as she hears a group of girls enter the bathroom, causing her to quickly gather her clothing and standing, with Abby.
Placing her clothing on the toilet, Celine quickly begins to dress herself, getting her bra and panties on before she got a shock as she hears one girl comment...
“Good, only two of the stalls are being used.”
Looking to Abby with shock, the other Geelien only stifles a giggle. But Abby did reach to Celine's right hand and lift it to her cheek. Celine knew what she was suggesting and melds her hand into Abby's cheek, with a soft moan from her
'Did you know we weren’t alone this whole time!?' thinks Celine.
'No, not at the start at least.' replies Abby in her thoughts. 'It was near the end when you started to clean yourself, I noticed the stall to your right was occupied.' she adds, causing Celine to look to the wall to her right.
'So she heard everything! Argh, this is so embarrassing!'
'At least she stayed quiet.' replies Abby.
'That's the worst part! I didn't hear ANYTHING from her, it's creepy.'
Abby takes a step towards Celine, looking into her eyes with a smile as they continued to share the mental link.
'Maybe she just didn't want to interrupt us.'
'Likely, but her silence is creepy. Not even a small moan, or sound of her masturbating?'
Abby fights back a giggle as she thinks... 'Your first thought is that she's masturbating?'
'You're naughty, hehe.'
Celine gives a low grown, before a silent gasp as Abby presses her body against Celine's once again, faces nearly close enough for their noses to touch as they look into each others eyes.
'Thank you for not hating me.' comments Abby.
'Well thank you for not raping me.' replies Celine with a smile.
Celine though suddenly received the faint image of Abby in her room, naked on her bad with her right hand between her legs, while the Geelien in front of her averted her eyes and drips a little.
'There's something I want to share with you in exchange for me reading your mind without your permission.' states Abby as the scene became clearer in Celine's mind. 'What you're seeing is the night of the day I met you, I was thinking about you while I was doing this.'
'Oh...' replies Celine, feeling very embarrassed at Abby sharing the personal moment with her, with herself being the reason for it. 'I'm... flattered.'
For the duration that the group of girls were in the room, Celine continued to watch the memory Abby shared with her. While the girls were leaving the room, Celine watches as Abby brings herself to orgasm, while the Geelien in front of her lowers a hand between her legs and shifts her thighs.
To Be Continued...
- Bonus scene -
- Girl's bathroom, just before Celine and Abby enter -
Bursting through the doors, a pink-haired Nex rushes into the room, wearing a T-shirt and skirt with her left hand pressed firmly against her butt.
“Come on! Come on! Come on!” quickly declares the young looking teen as she rushes into one of the stalls, quickly locks the door, turns her back to the toilet and hurriedly pulls her skirt and panties down as she simultaneously drops her rear to the cool seat.
Not a moment too soon, the rapid 'plunk, plunk, plunk...' sound bounces off the walls of the stall, along with the constant sound of water meeting water as the young girl sighs happily in relief with a big smile on her face as her small wings flutter.
“Made it! That was dangerously close.” she comments, before the constant 'plunks' briefly stops with a thunderous expulsion of gas in the toilet, followed with a slight groan from the Nex before a heavy 'thunk' and splash is heard before she relaxes back. “Ahhhhh, sweet relief...” she adds as a few small 'plunks' are heard.
The Nex was able to enjoy the bliss of relief for about a minute, feeling herself getting close to the end, before hearing the bathroom door open...
'What do you want to go in the stall for?'
'Added privacy, duh.'
A smile comes to the Nex's face upon hearing the exchange.
“Ohhh, relief and a show.” thinks the Nex, as she lowers her right hand between her legs and cups her unique, clit-less labia.
The Nex hears the two girls enter the stall to her left, before hearing...
'Why are you hanging around those Fleshies so much?'
Which quickly caused her to guess it was the two girl Geelien's that had recently arrived.
“I wonder if 'Fleshies' is a good or bad word for us.” thinks the Nex as she slowly strokes her sensitive lower lips, fighting back a small moan, while she moves her left hand to her belly, to the small vertical strip that covered her secondary vulva and teases it through the strip.
The Nex continued to listen, quickly getting disappointed as it seemed she assumed too much given one of the Nex seemed to get very upset with the other from a comment about being around their own kind and the offended Geelien telling the other off.
The Nex soon settles on the fact that the two weren’t going to do anything and was about to resume voiding her bowels, until...
'I like you.'
The quickly followed, 'What!?', immediately renewed the Nex's hope as she returns her right hand back to her lightly aroused labia between her legs and beginning to stroke herself again as she hears the confessed-to-Geelien now clearly embarrassed, trying to piece this development together.
She soon hears a rapid movement and a light rattle of the stall door and the Nex's imagination was at work on what could be happening in the stall beside her as she begins to finger herself, quickly placing her free hand up to her mouth to muffle a sudden moan, before she hears...
'I've been attracted to you since you introduced yourself.'
While the embarrassed Geelien was clearly trying to talk her way out of the seemingly impended sexual encounter, the Nex sat with her skirt and panties at her ankles quickly thrusting her fingers into herself with her hand over her mouth. There was no telling how long or short the scene was going to last and the Nex wanted to get off while it was still happening.
However, as she worked herself up, the Nex began to hear her pussy making perverse sounds and quickly puts a stop to it as she pulls her wet fingers from herself and pauses as she breathes a little quicker...
'Ooooh... are you a Solid?'
'W-What, no, of course not!'
'So, since you don't have any brothers or sisters, is it your mom or dad? I bet it's your mom, isn't it? It's almost always the clone and parent.'
'T-That's none of your business!'
“Good, they didn't hear me...” thinks the Nex, cupping her blushing, sensitive labia. “I wonder if 'Solid' means 'virgin' for Geelien's.”
The Nex could hear the Geelien admirer getting increasingly aggressive while the other one seems to be loosing the fight, which only aroused the Nex more as she was nearing her moment, until she hears one comment from the submissive Geelien...
'No, don't!'
The following groan and rattle of the stall door was all that was needed to fuel the Nex's imagination as she quickly fought back moaning out in orgasmic bliss scissoring her thigh together as her labia quivers and clinches while her potent cum drips from her climaxing lips as her body shakes and shutters and her wings flutter.
Continuing to caress her extra sensitive, climaxing labia, during the bliss, the Nex could recognize a commotion from the two, before hearing...
'I don't like you!'
From outside the stall and managing to see, through the gap in the bottom of the stall door, a pair of bare red feet.
The aggressive Geelien was now trying to apologize for her actions, however, the Nex no longer cared, she had her climax and relaxed back as she soothes her wet labia, spreading her sticky cum over them as a few lingering, pleasurable flinches come to her.
The two Geelien's eventually return to the stall and the Nex heard them mention something about cleaning, but nothing sexual seemed to be happening before hearing a group of girls enter the bathroom.
Pulling her right hand from her labia, the Nex licks her cum from her palm as she waited for the girls and Geelien's to leave before finishing what she came into the room for in the first place.
Chapter 23
Title: Chapter 7-2
Celine and her parents play with Sammy and Becky. ]
- 4:23 P.M. -
- Kellen Residence, Kitchen -
Skipping happily into the kitchen, a near naked Becky hums a tune as she opens the refrigerator. Wearing only her white panties, which a darkened, damp spot in the crotch could be easily seen, along with small trails of honey down her inner thighs, the young girl giggles briefly from feeling the chilled air of the refrigerator tickling her exposed skin.
Retrieving a heavy carton of milk, Becky closes the refrigerator door with a combo of her right foot and butt with a little giggle before heading to the sink, placing the milk on the counter and rinsing out her previously used cup in the sink before pouring herself a full cup of milk and begins drinking it.
After gulping down half the cup, Becky places it down on the counter to return the milk back into the refrigerator, before returning to her drink. However, grabbing the cup, Becky pauses, before giggling with a light blush coming to her cheeks and briefly looking back to the kitchen entrance, before lowering the cup between her legs and using her free hand to pull the crotch of her panties aside, exposing her aroused, blushing lower lips.
A little honey drips into her milk, before Becky inserts two fingers into herself, spreading herself open and causing a little more honey to ooze from her and into her milk. Becky though takes a few moments to tease her pussy, fingering herself and continually spreading herself open, working up more of her honey and allowing larger amounts to ooze out and drop into her milk with a few audible thunks.
After about a minute of adding her own special ingredient, Becky covers her oozing pussy with her panties again and lifts the cup up as she licks and sucks her fingers clean, before swirling her cup of milk and drinking the rest of it with a moan and giggle as she tastes the sweetness of her honey.
While rinsing out the cup, Becky suddenly hears Sammy call to her, she sounded troubled...
“Becky we have to leave!”
Declares her friend before rushing into the kitchen, completely nude, though having clearly stopped in the middle of some naughty fun as honey trails out of her nipples and her blushing, aroused pussy continually oozing fresh honey as it trials down her inner thighs and drips to the floor.
“Why, what's wrong?” asks Becky as she turns to face her excited friend.
“Celine and her parents!” adds Sammy, quickly grabbing one of Becky's hands, the nude girl was clearly panicked. “Their going crazy!” she adds, before pulling Becky out of the kitchen.
“Huh? What do you mean their going crazy?” asks Becky as she let herself be lead out of the kitchen, though a little smile forms on her face.
“They want to absorb us!” answers Sammy.
“Oh, awesome!” replies Becky.
“No! Not awesome!” declares Sammy, stopping and turning to her friend. “Not this time, they want to actually eat us this time! We won't come back!”
“What!?” gasps Becky. “Why?”
“I dunno, but we have to leave!” replies Sammy, as she continues to hurry with Becky to the front door.
However, the two fail to reach the exit as they see Celine and and her parents arrive down the steps, all three nude, but also joined together, melting continuously as only their upper halves were formed and move along their pool of combined mass. Eda was positioned in the middle, lacking arms as Celine was attached to her left, with her left arm usable and Avery to her right, with his right arm usable.
The three really did look like some sort of creature or monster.
“How noble of you Sammy...” comments Eda as the three advance on the two girls with Celine and Avery reaching out their hands to them. “Choosing to save your friend and not just yourself.”
“W-What's going on?” questions Becky as the two girls back away.
“Noble...” starts Celine. “But stupid.” she adds, before Avery continues...
“You both will be part of us now, forever.”
“Becky run!” declares Sammy, quickly pushing her towards the way the came.
However, the Geelien's speed was too much and Becky hears a gasping “No!” from Sammy and immediately stops to look back and sees Sammy on the floor, on her stomach as Celine and Avery had claimed her feet as the rest of their body began to slowly envelope her.
“Sammy!” gasps Becky, quickly returning to her friend and grabbing her hands to help free her. “Why are you guys doing this!? I thought we were friends!”
“We are.” replies Eda, before Celine adds...
“Let's be friends forever.”
“No!” declares Sammy as she vainly kicks her feet through the Geelien's body.
Soon though, both Sammy and Becky gasps as Becky's pulling results in her falling to her butt, though looking, Becky was shocked as she sees Sammy's lower legs, below the knees had been absorbed, her severed limbs visible inside the Geelien's and being dissolved.
“My legs!” gasps Sammy.
“Stop this!” declares Becky as she gets to her feet and begins to pull Sammy along the floor. “Please!”
“Becky, safe yourself!” states Sammy.
“No! I won't leave you!”
“You're just going to to get caught trying to help me!”
“Aww...” comments Eda. “Self-sacrifice, how cute.”
“Well then...” starts Celine. “If she's given up, there's no point in dragging this out any longer.”
“You're right.” replies Eda.
Becky then gasps as the three joined Geelien's combine into a large blob, which towers over them before falling towards them as Becky gasps as the blob falls completely over Sammy, causing Becky to back away in shock.
Becky though looks on in shock as the blob lifts up, lifting Sammy up along with it as if she was attached to fly-paper. Sammy's vain struggling as clear as she calls to Becky...
“Hurry and run!”
Before her body began to sink into the blob.
“Sammy no!” declares Becky as she quickly gets to her feet and grabs Sammy's right hand and pulls against the sucking force pulling Sammy into the combined Geelien's. “Don't do this!” pleads Becky as she sees Sammy's body, except for her still held hand, had completely occupied the blob as Sammy's shortened legs were spread, along with her pussy.
Becky was soon forced to release Sammy's hand as she began to be pulled in as well.
“Stop it please!” declares Becky as tears brim her eyes.
Soon though, to her horror, Becky sees her friends body begin to be devoured, still struggling in vain as her limbs shrink to her torso, before seeing the white cloud of honey ejecting from Sammy's pussy before her torso began to be absorbed next, first her pussy, up to her stomach and chest, until only her head remained floating in the mass.
“Please!” cries Becky, pressing herself against the mass, looking into Sammy's still open eyes. “Don't do this!”
Becky watches in shock as she sees Sammy's head quickly devoured, not a trace of her friend left. Falling to her knees, the tears began to flow from her.
“You monsters...”
Celine's face appears in the blob and looks down to Becky with a smile.
“Have you give up hope? You don't have to be so sad, Sammy is happy now, all she knows is pleasure, you can join her.”
With tears rolling down her face, Becky looks up the monster that had taken her best friend with a frown.
“You have to be stopped.” she comments, getting to her feet and wiping her tears away.
“Really?” asks Celine. “You're just one little girl, and you can't hurt us, what can you possibly do?”
“I can do enough.” declares Becky, before placing her hands together and appearing to open an invisible set of doors with a groan.
“Heh, and what are you-” starts Celine, before stopping as a small depression appears in the middle of her blob form and slowly going deeper. “Oh no you don't...”
Becky suddenly gasps when the blob lunges at her, it happens so quick, all she could do was watch as she was quickly enveloped. Ending up upside-down inside the mass, Becky desperately attempts to right herself, however, Becky's helped in moving upright as she feels her body repositioned. Feeling her limbs being tugged at though, Becky quickly began to resist, groaning as a thin barrier begins to form around her body, shielding herself from contact with mass.
Seeing what she was doing was actually working, but requiring all her power to maintain, so much so that the barrier began to quickly weaken as she felt the pressure around her hands and feet, Becky pulls her arms and legs in, mimicking the fetal position and reducing the area she needed to form the barrier.
“You're only prolonging the inevitable...” comments Celine.
Becky could feel her strength fading, she couldn't keep this up much longer.
'Maybe I can...' she thinks, before groaning as she began to use her Shakra to push her forward, struggling against Celine, Eda and Avery trying to keep her in place.
Her strength rapidly fading, Becky desperately put all her power into the act and with a few moments of hard groaning, her body was suddenly propelled out of the blob as it was pushed back some. Although free and the front door in view, Becky was exhausted, laying on the floor.
“Wow...” pants Becky, shakily getting to her hands and knees. “I can't believe that actually worked! It used up all my Shakra though.”
“Impressive.” comments Celine, causing Becky to gasp and look back to Celine, seeing a rapidly closing hole in the middle of her formless body. “But it looks like that took a lot out of you.”
Scrambling to her feet, Becky tiredly rushes to the front door, closely stalked by Celine. Becky was shocked when the door was locked though, she knew she didn't have the time to unlock it with Celine rapidly closing in and rushes up the stairs.
“Still running huh?” comments Celine. “You're only delaying the inevitable, there's no escape.”
Not having time to recover from her exhaustive Shakra use, by the time Becky made it to the top of the stairs, she was reduced to crawling, however, she couldn't stop the momentary giggles as she crawls towards Celine's room.
“C-Come on, keep it together, heh, this is going so awesome, I gotta stay in character.”
Crawling into Celine's room and reaching the bed, laying her upper body face-down onto it, Becky smiles.
“I didn't expect to be so tired though. Hehe, it would be even more awesome if my escape leveled my Shakra up.”
“Beckyyyyy...” calls Celine. “Where'd you gooooo?”
Tiredly looking back to the open door, Becky sees Sammy's melting Geelien form greet her, but Celine's voice.
“There you are. Are you finally giving up?” asks Celine, as she walks into the room, followed by Eda and Avery, who look on with satisfied smiles at cornering her.
“N-No...” replies Becky, getting to her feet, breathing heavily. “I'll fight till the end.”
“Heh, you can barely stand.” comments Celine, before caressing her body that mirrors Sammy's. “Sammy's happy.” she adds, advancing to Becky. “She wants you to join her, you can be with her forever.”
“NEVER!” declares Becky, using the little energy she had managed to regain and charging forward. Managing to push pass Celine before Avery catches her, grabbing her by the waist, lifting her over his shoulder and walking into the room and dropping her onto the bed, on her back.
With the rapid rise and fall of her chest, Becky had completely run out of steam and now lay defenseless on the bed as the three predators surround her.
“That was all you had left, huh?” comments Celine, crawling onto the bed and looming over Becky, caressing her cheek, before briefly lowering her lips to Becky's. “Heh, I have an idea, how would you like it if my dad absorbed you?”
“Anything but that.” pants Becky as she turns her head left and right to further express her denial.
“It's not up to you though.” replies Celine, tracing a finger along Becky's lips. “You've lost, but don't worry, he's not going to put his cock in you.”
Celine give Becky a quick peck on the lips, before removing herself from on top of her.
“Ok dad.”
Seeing the man joining her on the bed, Becky makes a vain and tired attempt to escape as she moves further up the bed.
“Shhh...” shushes Avery, smiling as he crawls his dripping form over the small girl, and caressing her cheek. “It's gonna be ok, you're gonna be happy once you're inside us.” he adds, before lowering her body down onto her as Becky vainly calls out...
“No! I don't want to die!”
Lifting her hands up against Avery, her hands simply push right through him. Becky gives a final wail, “Noooo!” as she felt Avery's melting form rest over her as he hugs her against him, her head and torso, along with her panties, entering his body, only her lower legs and arms still exposed.
Her legs kick out desperately as her hands continue the vain attempt to free herself, Becky soon feels the the familiar tingling around her head and torso.
Visibly, the moment Becky's head, along with the rest of her engulfed body began to fade into Avery's body, her kicking legs and moving arms abruptly come to a stop and fall limp as her consciousness leaves her body.
“Yeah, it's all gonna be better.” comments Avery, as Becky's hands sink into his back as her body is slowly absorbed into his, before Eda, helps and pushes Becky's exposed lower legs into Avery's body to complete the process and within seconds, not a trace of the young girl was left.
“Mmm...” moans Avery as he sits up and strokes his Geelien cock. “Thanks for inviting me to join you guys, I had fun.”
“The fun's not over yet.” comments Celine, joining her father on the bed and positioning herself on her back with her legs spread, before Eda drapes herself over Avery's back.
“She's right, there's one more thing left...” comments Eda, before moaning as she melts into Avery with a moan from him, before he moves over Celine and lowering himself and sinking his cock into her pussy with a moan from them both before they both melt into a similar blob as before.
Becky and Sammy, completely absorbed now and with all three Geelien's absorbed into one mass, are flooded with pleasure. Along with the pleasure though, they could sense each other presence and shared their memories with each other.
'That was so much fun!' declares Sammy.
'It sure was!' adds Becky, before Celine comments...
'You guys can act really well.'
'Hehe, playing pretend is one of our favorite games!' replies both girls at the same time, which causes them to giggle at the same time as well.
Being only the second time the two had been absorbed together, the two girls still weren't very accustomed to their consciousness' occasionally joining, causing them to think and speak as one.
Eda then asks, 'Were we getting too real though? It looked like you were really crying before.'
'Nah.' replies Becky. 'I was just really getting into it.' she adds, before she and Sammy continued together. 'I felt the tears coming and thought, 'Awesome!''
Sammy then comments, 'You guys can act really good too, that three person idea was nice.'
'Well then...' comments Celine. 'Now that you girls are here, we're all going to make you feel really good!'
'We were already feeling good!' replies the two girls in unison again.
Immediately after though, the girls consciousness were treated to a flood of pleasure coming from then.
Outside, the blob-like mass now rests on the floor, shaking and quivering, a silent containment of pure, unfiltered and unrestrained pleasure few flesh and blood beings would experience.
Becky and Sammy though were part of that few.
Time seemed to not exist in this embodiment of pleasure, Becky and Sammy's consciousness moaning out from the continuous, overwhelming orgasm-level and more, pleasure. When they thought it couldn't go higher, it did, when they thought it couldn't possibly feel anymore like Heaven it did. It was the benefit of no longer having a body to get in the way, limiting the Heavenly Bliss they were feeling.
Bodies were so restricting, Becky and Sammy couldn't believe the seemingly limitless pleasure they were experiencing, as if their very souls were climaxing, which could have very well been the case. What ever the cause or reason behind this pure, ceiling-less pleasure, the two girl's consciousness didn't care, they just wanted it to continue.
They really could stay like this forever, never getting tired, never needing a break, they were pleasure itself.
Bodies were so limiting.
However, as soon as the pleasure began, it seemed to have just as quickly fade, before Celine comments to them...
'Someones at the door.'
'Ignore them!' declares Becky and Sammy as one.
'Hmm, it's been an hour since you two were absorbed.' comments Celine.
'Already!?' asks the two. 'It's seems like it's just been a few seconds! A few super long, awesome seconds!'
'Hehe, it's certainly been an hour.' replies Celine. 'I don't want you guys to suffer any mental issues being inside us too long, we probably should put a time limit on how long you're inside us.'
'Noooo!' whines the two girls. 'Time limits suck!'
Outside, the quivering mass shrinks as it splits off into three separate masses, two of them shifting into Becky and Sammy's forms, laying on the floor, on their backs, before their Geelien forms melt away, revealing their physical forms, before the three masses quickly reform their body; The mass that left Sammy forming into Celine, Avery reforming from Becky as Eda returns to her original form, with Becky's panties in her chest, which she pulls out and drops to the floor.
The two little girls though give a groan and lean to their sides, facing each other as they lower a hand between their legs.
“Having a body sucks.” whines Becky.
“Yeah.” adds Sammy.
The comment brings a giggle from the Geelien's, before Avery heads out of the room, commenting...
“See you guys later and thanks for the fun.”
“Seeya.” replies Celine, before Eda walks to the two little girls and lowers herself to her knees between them and caresses their heads, before Celine hears a beeping from her Comm and heads to her nightstand and answers it, causing a screen to appear, revealing Sakura.
“Hey Celine.” she greets with a smile. “Are you home?”
“Yeah, is that you ringing the door-bell?” asks Celine.
“Yeah, sorry about coming over unannounced though.”
“That's ok, sorry about the delay, just give me a minute.” replies Celine.
However, before Celine ends the call, Becky lifts herself up on her hands and knees, asking...
“Is that Sakura?”
Sammy soon joins her and sits up.
“Sakura's here!?” she adds, before Sakura giggles and asks...
“Is that Becky and Sammy I hear? Sorry I interrupted.”
“We needed a break anyway.” comments Celine with a smile, “I'll be right there.” she adds, before ending the call.
“Yay!” cheers Becky and Sammy. “Sakura's come to play with us!”
The two quickly get to their feet and head towards the door, before Celine quickly stops them by grabbing their hands.
“Whoa, whoa you two, at the very least, put your panties on!”
Eda giggles as she sits on the bed and comments, “It's ok Celine, they seem to know each other.”
“It's embarrassing though.” replies Celine. “Sakura didn't come here to see us in the middle of what we were doing.”
“Heh, ok, ok, you heard her you two.” states Eda with a smile. “Make yourselves presentable.”
“Awww...” whines Becky and Sammy, before they reluctantly retrieve their panties, while Celine dresses herself, putting on her tank-top and skirt.
“You get dressed too mom.” states Celine, as she leaves the room.
“Ok Sweetie.” replies Eda with a smile.
To be continued...
Chapter 24
Title: Chapter 7-3
With Sakura visiting, it isn't long before Celine finds herself embarrassed by her mothers actions as they introduce themselves.]
Returning downstairs, Celine was a little surprised when her two half-naked friends quickly follow her, aside from their visibly erect nipples, the two were clean of any honey, bringing a sigh from Celine.
“Is there anyone you two would be embarrassed meeting like that?” asks Celine with a smile.
“As long as their friends, we don't care!” declares Becky happily.
“Yeah!” adds Sammy.
“Heh, right, friends are ok.” comments Celine, before opening the door and greeting Sakura on the other side.
“Hey guys!” greets Sakura with a smile, the blonde Tragelian wearing a white T-shirt and light pink skirt, a hoverboard was also strapped to her back.
“Hi.” greets back Celine with a smile as well, opening the screen door before Sammy and Becky cheer and quickly hug Sakura, bringing a small chuckle from her.
“Heh, good to see you guys too.” replies Sakura, placing a hand to the little girls heads.
Celine was actually a little embarrassed by how calm Sakura was greeting the two half-naked girls.
'Guess this is just normal to her.' thinks Celine, before commenting, “Ok you two, let Sakura step in the house before you try and rape her.”
“Hehehe, ok!” chimes the two, before they each take one of Sakura's hands and pull her into the house, before Becky adds...
“We just had a lot of fun playing with Celine and her parents, they were monsters trying to absorb us!”
“Yeah.” replies Sammy. “You should play with us!”
“Whoa, whoa you two!” declares Celine. “Sakura's a classmate of mine, I haven't did anything like-” she adds, before stopping as she immediately recalled the memory of Sakura and her having sex in the locker-room, causing her drip. “U-Uh, I don't just absorb anyone!”
Sakura smiles knowingly at Celine's altered comment, before looking to the two little girls and stating...
“While I'd be all for joining you guys, that's not what I came here for, I came to meet Celine's parents and introduce myself since I live close by.”
“Aww.” whines Becky.
“Then maybe later?” asks Sammy.
“Heh, maybe, if I have Celine and her parents ok.”
“Yay!” cheers the little girls as hug Sakura again and Becky adds, “That means yes!”
“Well, well...” comments Eda as she walks down the stairs, dressed in a simple spaghetti-strap thigh-length dress. “Those two are certainly attached to you arn't they?”
Celine, sees Sakura oddly staring at her mother walking down the stairs, as if she was transfixed for some reason.
“Sakura?” calls Celine. “Something wrong?”
Becky and Sammy look up to Sakura and they look towards where she was looking and they both immediately grin and Sammy comments...
“She sees something she likes.”
“What?” questions Celine. “My mom?”
“Hmm?” hums Eda as she makes the final step from the stairs and stands to Celine's left.
Becky quickly comments, “It's something bouncy, bouncy.” before she lifts her left hand pokes Sakura's cheek, snapping her out of her staring with a gasp and rapidly blinking her eyes and a blush arose on her cheeks as she averts her eyes.
“What just happened?” asks Celine, before Eda grins and lifts a finger to her lips and comments...
“I think I see what's going on.”
“What?” asks Celine.
Eda chuckles before moving her arms under her sizable, F-cup breasts, supporting and lifting them up a little.
“Your friend here is a breast girl, arn't you?”
“U-uh...” replies Sakura, her eyes darting to and from Eda.
“She can appreciate a large pair of breasts.” states Eda with a smile.
“Yep!” declares Becky. “Sakura likes big boobies!”
“Oh...” replies Celine with a smile. “Really?”
“Fine...” sighs Sakura, folding her arms over her smaller B-cup breasts. “Yeah, I like breasts ok? Sorry for staring...” she adds, looking to Eda, or rather, her chest, before looking away. “Their just so, big and... pretty...”
“Well thank you!” replies Eda cheerfully. “Would you like to see them in all their glory?”
“MOM!” gasps Celine. “Geez, you haven't even introduced yourself and you're offering to show your breasts to her!?”
“Hehehe, well she's your friend, that's good enough for me.” replies Eda.
“Ugh...” groan Celine pressing her right palm to her forehead. “Can't we just have a normal introduction? I don't want you flirting with everyone of my friends that I introduce.”
“Hehe, fine, fine.” replies Eda, before walking behind Celine to the couch. “Let's get comfortable then.”
Sammy and Becky happily lead Sakura to the second couch and sit with her while Celine sits with her mother.
“Hey...” starts Sakura. “Where's your dad Celine?”
“On my way.” comes a male voice from the stairs before Sakura sees Avery, who soon joins Celine and Eda on the couch, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. “Formal introductions huh?”
'Yeah.' thinks Celine. 'Best way to have a normal introduction around here.'
“Yeah.” comments Celine.
“Well then...” starts Sakura. “My full name is Sakura/Sara Hanna Bragou, Sara is my Earth name and I'll answer to it if I know that's the name you'll use for me. I have four parents; One mom and dad from here and one mom and dad from Earth, I have a sixteen-cycle old sister, I'm fifteen cycles old and a natural blonde. I love spicy food, the hotter, the better! I'm a former model and currently a participant in the IPSL.” explains Sakura with a smile.
“Ohh, interesting...” comments Eda. “You have two sets of parents?”
“Yep.” answers Sakura. “It was a bit of a pain at first. I'd get punished twice for the same thing. But now it's just once since their working together, heh.”
“Well...” starts Eda. “My name is Eda Kellen and as I'm sure you can guess...” she adds, before bringing a gasp from Celine as she hugs her. “I'm Celine's very loving mother!”
“Hehe, you guys are certainly lively.” replies Sakura. “You remind me of my mom- my Merkolovian mom, you'd probably get along well.”
“Really? Well I look forward to meeting her.” replies Eda.
“So, how old are you?” asks Sakura. “Are you like Celine, younger than you actually look?”
“Nope, though I am forty-six cycles young.” answers Eda.
“Wow!” gasps Sakura, “You're forty-six!? You don't look it at all, I thought you were in your late twenties or early thirties!”
“Well thanks.” answers Eda. “We Geelien's have a long lifespan, but we stop visibly aging sometime in our third decade of life.”
“Yeah, Celine mentioned something like that before.” replies Sakura, before Avery next introduces himself...
“Well then, I'm younger than Eda at thirty-two, I however, look my age currently. My name's Avery Kellen.” he greets, before hugging Eda much like she's hugging Celine. “And I am Eda's loving husband!” the comment brings a giggle from Eda and a groan from Celine.
“You guys are embarrassing me!” declares Celine.
“Male Geelien's look kinda weird.” comments Sakura. “No offense.”
“None taken.” replies Avery.
“I mean...” starts Sakura. “Your bodies aren't built like a typical male, well, I guess it wouldn't since Geelien's arn't the same as us, but even the guys are smooth like the girls.”
“Well thanks.” replies Avery. “Comments like that are considered a compliment to us.”
“Yeah.” comments Sakura. “Celine told me that, Geelien's think of beauty as a clear body. You three look very pretty.” adds Sakura with a smile, bringing a bigger smile to the three and Eda replying...
Although they hadn't been long since greeting and talking, Sammy and Becky were getting a little restless and although they didn't verbally complain, they each grab one of Sakura's hands and slide into their panties with a giggle.
While Sakura gives a little chuckle at the two silently suggesting what they wanted from her, which she obliges as she slowly fingers their wet slits, bringing a little moan from them, Sakura looks back to the Geelien's with a slight blush, before Celine comments with a sigh...
“Geez you two, can't you behave yourselves for ten minutes?”
“It's ok!” replies Becky happily, before Sammy adds...
“Yeah, we're with friends. This is normal for us, so if your parents don't have a problem with it, it's all good.”
“Mom...” groans Celine, looking to her mother, who smiles.
“Heh, well we were having our own naughty fun before your friend came to visit.” comments Eda. “And she seems perfectly fine with Becky and Sammy's behavior.”
“Come on Celine...” states Sakura. “Loosen up, hehe.”
“Ha, ha, very funny.” retorts Celine with a frown. “I just wanted a normal introduction.”
Avery then comments, “I think that's a little much to ask for within minutes of us all having an orgy.”
“Yeah...” sighs Celine. “I guess you're right...” she adds, before smiling at Becky and Sammy enjoying the light fingering of their pussies by Sakura. “Especially when Becky and Sammy are involved, once they get started, their insatiable.”
The ending comments brings a giggle from the two, along with Sakura, who adds...
“They certainly are, especially when their Trancing...” before pulling her glistening fingers from the two girl's aroused pussies, bringing a quick whine of displeasure from them, before Sakura stands and the two girls chasing her around in a tight circle, pleading for her fingers.
The little event brings a smile and chuckle from Eda and Avery and a little more of an embarrassed smile from Celine.
Sakura soon ends the little game of keep away as she suddenly turns to face her chasers and sticks her wet fingers into their mouths, causing them to immediately stop with muffled giggles as they lick and suck their honey from Sakura's fingers.
“Sakura...” starts Eda, getting to her feet. “Do you have anything planned for the the next thirty minutes or hour?”
“Not really.” replies Sakura. “I wanted to show Celine around the neighborhood and were her other friends from school live, but it can wait.”
“Good.” states Eda. “Would you like to join us in our little orgy?”
“Mom!” gasps Celine, quickly standing.
“Oh come on...” replies Eda, looking to her daughter with a smile. “The introductions are over, and besides, it's not like you and Sakura haven't had your own naughty fun in the gym locker-room.”
“B-But that was...” comments Celine, dripping considerably in embarrassment, before Sakura asks...
“You told your mom about that?”
Eda answers with a smile, “We share memories when we absorb each other, so I know everything you two did.”
“R-Really?” asks Sakura, clearly a little embarrassed. “Guess sharing memories would make you super close.”
“It certainly does.” replies Eda, placing her hand to Celine's head. “So, wanna join us?”
“Sure.” replies Sakura, pulling her now clean fingers from Becky and Sammy's mouths as they cheer while Sakura pulls her hoverboard from herself and leaning it against the nearby couch before Celine asks...
“Did you ride that here?”
“Yeah, it's my main mode of transportation when I'm outside, it's a lot funner and portable than a bike.”
“Can I try riding it later?” asks Celine.
“Sure.” replies Sakura, before Becky and Sammy take a hand again and lead her up the stairs as Becky comments...
“We're naughty in Celine's room!”
Eda cheerfully follows the three and following a sigh, so does Celine. However, before leaving sight of him, Sakura sees Avery the only one staying behind and heading towards the dining room, likely the kitchen, causing her to stop and ask.
“Hey, Celine's dad, you're not joining us?”
“Oh no, I don't really participate when Becky and Sammy are here, since their not into guys, but it doesn't bother me.” replies Avery, turning to face her.
“Aww, but that's no fair!” declares Sakura. “Everyone's having fun and your all alone!”
“Heh, really, it's fine, I don't mind.” replies Avery with a chuckle. “After all, they invited me to join them in their game earlier.”
“Well then, I invite you to join us!” declares Sakura. “No one should be left all alone when there's an orgy!”
“Heh, well unless you want me all to yourself, I'll need Becky and Sammy's OK.” replies Avery.
“I'll take you for myself.” answers Sakura with a smile, which brings a whine from Becky and Sammy, causing her to look to the two girls with a smirk. “Heh, unlike you two, I don't discriminate, I like both cock and pussy. After-all, I've had my taste of female Geelien's, I wanna see how different a male is.”
“Awww...” whines the two girls.
“Heh, but don't worry, I won't ignore you two.” adds Sakura, which brings a smile to Becky and Sammy's faces, before Sakura looks back to Avery. “So come join us.”
“Ok then...” replies Avery, heading to the stairs. “I'm all yours.”
Upon walking into Celine's room, Sakura quickly noticed a lack of something...
“I thought you guys were having an orgy, I don't smell much of Becky and Sammy's honey.”
The two girls giggle before Becky answers, “That's because they absorbed us.”
“Ah.” replies Sakura with a smile. “That's right, heh, guess there wouldn't be much of a smell if there's nothing to smell.”
“Hey...” starts Sammy. “You should ask one of Celine's parents to absorb you! It feels super awesome! You don't have a body anymore and the pleasure just keeps going higher and higher! You never come, but it's like orgasm-level that keeps going higher and higher forever!”
“Wow, really?” asks Sakura with a smile.
“Yeah!” declares Becky. “We're hooked on it.”
“Well I'd certainly be willing to try it-wait...” replies Sakura, before stopping herself. “Celine, your mom said absorbing you causes you two to share your memories, right? Would that happen with me too?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine, heading to her bed and sitting, before Becky quickly joins her, draping herself over Celine back and asking...
“Absorb me again Celine, I wanna be inside you!”
The plea was also joined by Sammy, hopping herself onto Celine's lap and hugging her, sandwiching the Geelien between them.
Along with Celine, Sakura chuckles at the little scene, before commenting...
“Hmm, well I just met you guys, I'm not ready to share my memories that soon.”
“That's ok.” replies Eda, sitting beside Celine, Becky and Sammy. “As long as you understand the risks, and you have permission from your parents, I'll be willing to absorb you.”
“Same here.” adds Avery.
“OK.” replies Sakura, before Eda continues...
“Oh, I just had a wonderful idea, me and Celine will absorb these two insatiable girls while you and Avery have your fun until you feel like swapping, everyone's doing something-or rather, someone, heh.”
“Yay!” cheers Becky and Sammy.
“Ok.” replies Sakura, before quickly adding, “Oh, can I watch you absorb them?”
“Sure.” replies Eda.
“Awesome!” states Sakura, before quickly undressing herself, stripping down to just her bra and panties in seconds, before the last two articles of clothing were removed as well, revealing her nude teen body, small B-cup breasts and erect pink nipples, along with the small, neatly trimmed patch of blonde pubic hair crowning her smooth labia, which were covered by a familiar white strip.
With Sakura undressing, the others followed, Becky and Sammy, quickly slipping out of their wet panties and Sakura eyes briefly locks onto Eda's sizable, exposed breasts.
Celine was the last to undress, she knew she shouldn't be, but she still felt a little embarrassed with how quickly Sakura was willing to take off her clothes. Nervously taking off hers, her body dripping, Celine exposes her fully nude body to her schoolmate for only the second time since she'd known her.
Sakura smiles seeing Celine's embarrassment, but says nothing, before looking to Avery and gasping as she saw his crotch was bare of anything, like a doll...
“What the, Geelien guys don't have cocks?”
Avery chuckles before answering...
“We do, but it would be a bother having it there and not using it, so I-”
“So you can make it disappear!?” gasps Sakura with a smile. “That's so cool!” she adds, before looking to Celine and Eda. “Can girls do the same, make their pussy disappear?”
“Yep.” answers Eda, before lifting a leg up onto the bed and spreading her legs to expose more of her pussy before it melts away. “See?”
“That's pretty awesome.” comments Sakura.
“I can change my breast size as well.” adds Eda, before her sizable breasts reduce to half their original size.
“Heh, nice, can you do that too Celine?” asks Sakura.
“Yeah, but I don't like huge breasts.” replies Celine.
Becky and Sammy quickly grow impatient as they whine..
“Absorb us already, come on!”
“Hehe...” chuckles Eda, before standing. “Ok, ok.” she adds, before Celine stands as well, still dripping a little, whiles Becky and Sammy eagerly await their pleasurable fate and they stand next to Eda and Celine.
“How do you two wanna go this time?” asks Celine, before Becky quickly answers...
“Eat me whole!”
“Me too!” adds Sammy.
“Ok.” replies Eda, before Becky quickly adds as she hugs Sammy...
“Oh! Absorb us together!”
“Alright.” states Eda, briefly looking to Sakura before back to Celine and adding, “Oh, I have an idea. Celine, since Sakura is your guest, how about you show her you absorbing them?” as she lightly hugs her daughter from behind.
Melding to her, Celine hears her mothers thought, 'Yanno, show her how much you change when we're together.'
'OK.' replies Celine with a smile, before looking to Sakura. “Me and my mom are going to join and absorb them.”
“Really?” asks Sakura with a smile. “Absorbing your mom would make you look older right, with bigger breasts?”
“Yeah, if I wanted, I GUESS I can show you if you want to see.” answers Celine with playful sigh, which brings a smile to Sakura's face.
Seconds later, the older blonde “Ohhhh's'” as she sees Eda melting into Celine. It was as if they were two sticks of sun-warmed butter, with Eda being the hotter one as a large pool of excess mass pools on the floor at Celine's feet. The process only took a few seconds before Eda had disappeared, though not completely Sakura figured, since there was a large pool of excess mass on the floor. Celine didn't look very different though, perhaps a few inches taller, slightly larger breasts and wider hips that Sakura could notice, but that was until Celine absorbs much of the pooled mass on the floor.
“Whoa...” comments Sakura as she sees that Celine had visibly aged about five or six cycles she guessed, about a foot taller, along with her hair growing the same length, her breasts a full cup larger and her figure had more curves, not counting her constant melting.
Celine though chuckles nervously and places her hands over her breasts.
“You think I look weird huh?” she asks.
“No, of course not.” replies Sakura. “Well, a little, since I'm used to your original look, but you really do look a little older and your breasts did grow, but to be honest though, I was expecting something like what your mom has.” she adds with a smile.
“Ugh, my moms breasts are way too big.” groans Celine.
“But could you make'em that big if you wanted now that your mom is inside you?” asks Sakura.
“Can you do it just this once then, please?” asks Sakura with a big smile.
“Yeah!” declares Becky as she removes herself from Sammy. “Make your boobies big!”
“Fine...” sighs Celine with a smile. “You guys and big breasts...” she adds, before lowering her hands from her already larger breasts and Sakura “Oooh's” again, her eyes widening as Celine's breasts slowly expand. They soon mirror Eda's large F-cup size breasts, perfectly shaped with only a slight sagging, bringing a groan from Celine as she supports her large breasts with her arms. “I seriously fail to see the fascination with huge breasts, their such an annoyance and heavy. Geelien's don't even breast-feed.”
To be continued...
Chapter 25
Title: Chapter 7-4
[Author's notes:
Sakura has the treat of seeing Becky and Sammy being absorbed, before turning her attention to Celine's father, Avery.
NOTE: a very large part of this chapter has straight sex.
Celine was a little shocked when she looks to Sakura and the naked teen was nearly drooling, staring at her breasts with her hands lifted as if wanting to grab the large orbs.
“Those look even bigger than your moms!” declares Sakura.
“Heh, you really are a breast girl, arn't you?” asks Celine with a smile.
“Yes I am!” proudly declares Sakura, before taking a step towards her. “Can I squeeze'em once?”
Celine gives it a brief thought before, “OK, but that's all, I'm sure Becky and Sammy are tired- Ah!” she replies, before gasping as Sakura quickly grabs each of her large breasts, giving them a couple squeezes.
“Ohhh, their so soft...” comments Sakura.
Celine gives another gasps as a giggling Becky and Sammy began to grab and grope her breasts as well.
“H-Hey, come on, I only have two breasts.” states Celine.
“There so big though!” replies Sammy.
Celine gives a low grown as she allowed her friends to grope her. As big as her breasts were, they weren't very sensitive to the contact, but with three pairs of hands, she began to get turned on.
A little over a minute and a half, Celine had enough and all three girl's whine in disappointment as her sizable breast melt away to her initial C-cup range.
“Alright, that's enough.” comments Celine.
“Seriously...” starts Sakura with a little frown. “The wrong people get to have big breasts.”
The comment brings a smile to Celine before adding, “You and my mom would get along well.”
“By the way...” states Sakura. “Speaking of your mom, is she aware of everything that's happening?”
“Yeah, she can hear everything.” answers Celine, before looking to Becky and Sammy. “You two ready?”
“Yep!” happily answers the two girls at the same time, before hugging each other again, chest-to-chest.
Celine then looks to Sakura again and comments with a smile, “This is what you have to look forward to in the future, at least, what it looks like from the outside.”
However, while Celine planned to shift to her liquid form and envelop Becky and Sammy, the fact that this would the first time Sakura had seen her like that causes her to hesitate, it was another level to exposing herself.
“Something wrong?” asks Sakura, noticing the delay in Celine's action.
“N-No, it's nothing.” replies Celine, before thinking. 'Come on, she doesn't know shifting to my liquid form is another step of exposure.'
'Unless you tell her.' comments Eda in her mind.
Sakura again “Oooh's” as she sees Celine's form fully melt and pool on the floor, before the mass moves below Becky and Sammy, who briefly giggles and lift their feet a couple times, before the two begin to kiss. While muffled, the two continue to giggle a little as Celine began to advance slowly up their legs.
“What does that feel like you two?” asks Sakura.
Becky and Sammy briefly pull their lips away before Becky first answers...
“It tickles a little too.” adds Sammy. “Especially around our pussy.”
The two immediately giggle as Celine and Eda's combined mass had reached their waist, lightly teasing their labia before their lips meet again as the mass continued up pass their bellies, to their chest and around their arms.
Their heads, for the moment, remain free as they soon moan into their kiss as Sakura's eyes widen as she notices Becky and Sammy's feet seeming to dissolve.
“Whoa!” gasps Sakura as she kneels down to look more closely to Becky and Sammy's disappearing limbs, their feet had quickly been absorbed while Sakura see's their legs getting shorter and shorter, along with their height as they were slowly absorbed. “That doesn't hurt at all!?” asks Sakura.
“Mm-mm...” answers the two, continuing to kiss.
“Amazing...” comments Sakura as she watching in amazement at the unique scene unfolding in front of her.
The two didn't simply sink into nothing though, Sakura watched as the two stop sinking when their legs had been completely absorbed, though leaving their pussies untouched, for the moment, their bodies ending in a 'V'. Sakura though soon sees their arms shrinking much like their legs. The two girls were quickly left with just their head and torso, still kissing and moaning as Sakura assumed, correctly, that they were still only able to kiss thanks to Celine keeping them together.
Sakura marvels at the sight of her two young friends limb-less torsos for a few moments before seeing their heads finally covered. However, before the final step began, as Sakura assumed, she comments...
“Hey wait, Celine if you can hear me, can you make them come like that? I'd really like to see that.”
Becky and Sammy's mouths and noses are soon uncovered before their moans follow. Sakura couldn't see much happening with their pussy, though did notice, thanks to them lacking legs, that their pussies were spread and being manipulated from what Sakura guessed to be a thrusting motion. The most noticeable and obvious change were Becky and Sammy's belly had expanded, appearing just a few months pregnant.
It didn't take very long though before the two girls moan much louder into their kissing before Sakura has the delight of seeing a cloud of honey quickly eject from their pussies and swirl around in the mass that had surrounded them. A few more expulsions of thick honey leave their climaxing holes before they relax.
“Nice...” replies Sakura with a smile at the sight.
Soon after, Becky and Sammy's nose and mouth are covered again, before Sakura watches as the absorption process resumes and the girls pussies are finally claimed, along with their honey they had released, though more honey was briefly freed from their disappearing pussies before it was absorbed as well. Sakura watches as their torso is steadily absorbed, until only their heads remain, which to Sakura's shock, could see from Becky and Sammy's lip movement of their kissing, they were still conscious.
Finally, Sakura had the unique treat of seeing their heads dissolving, leaving only their brains floating in the mass. Their physical bodies now gone and only the physical representation of their consciousness remain, before even that is absorbed, no trace of Becky and Sammy left that Sakura could see.
“Wow...” comments Sakura, as the mass melts into a puddle again, before reforming into a roughly spherical, quivering mass. “That, is pretty amazing...” adds Sakura, reaching her right hand out and poking the mass. “Their gone...”
“Well, not completely.” comments Avery, who was sitting on the on the bed.
“Yeah, but, they were just standing there a minute ago and now their whole body is inside this small space.” replies Sakura, looking to the quivering mass.
“Those two are completely conscious though.” states Avery, “If not for how much pleasure they must be feeling right now, they'd still be able to hear us.”
“But, without a body, how do they feel anything?” asks Sakura. “I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that.”
“Hehe, yeah, I guess it would be difficult to understand for flesh and blood beings. Let's see if I can explain it more simply... Hmmm, ah, something universal, you could say they feel it through their souls.”
“Wow, really!?” asks Sakura, wide-eyed. “Having your soul getting pleasure...” she adds, lifting a hand to her chest. “You Geelien's are amazing, you can completely break down a person's body into your own, then reassemble it with the person perfectly fine. You're like living teleporters.”
“Heh, well, we don't break down the persons body completely.” replies Avery, “Almost, but no, absorbing a person for recreation or pleasure, is just one step away from absorbing for nourishment of our body, which we can't reverse. When we've absorbed someone, Geelien or not, we can't absorb anything for food while their inside us or we'd absorb them for food as well.”
“Wow, so you guys actually are eating us, I guess you just don't swallow, huh? Heh.”
“Hehe, nope, we don't swallow.”
“Even with your explanation, it's still amazing that your bodies can retain a person's consciousness, that's because of the parasite right?” comments Sakura. “I read that it's the reason it preserves the absorbed persons life.”
“Yep.” answers Avery, “How about we can continue this discussion later though? While those four have their fun, what about us?”
“Oh right, hehe.” replies Sakura, looking to the Geelien man with a smile. “I was so amazed I forgot all about me inviting you to join us.”
Sakura then stands and faces Avery, “So what do you do when you're not joining the others?”
“Just the usual, ether watch T.V., eat or go out for awhile, or if Eda's not with them, we'll have our own fun.” answers Avery. “It's not like I'm completely left out though, just when Becky and Sammy are here. I respect their choice in sexual partners.”
“Their loss then.” replies Sakura before skipping once closer to Avery. “Hey, I read that male Geelien's come their own mass and can come a ton, is that true?”
“Yep on both of those.” answers Avery. “Actually, if I wanted, once I reach orgasm, I can continue for as long as I have mass.”
“Ooohhh, really!? So you could come yourself into a puddle if you wanted?” asks Sakura excitedly.
Sakura steps between Avery's legs and quickly lowers herself to her knees, looking up at him before asking...
“Do guy Geelien's like blow-jobs?”
“I certainly do.” replies Avery with a smile. “Are you offering?”
“Yep, blow-jobs are one of my favorites.” happily answers Sakura. “I love hearing a guy moan and watching his face as I blow him, Especially my boyfriend, he has a cute O'face.”
“Oh, so you have a boyfriend?” asks Avery.
“Yep, he's a cross-dresser. Heh, he's more like a girl with a cock though.”
“Well then, speaking of cocks...” starts Avery, before Sakura smiles as she sees the mans bare crotch suddenly grow a fully erect, foot-long, thick penis, though lacking balls. “Let's start off with something small.”
“Small!?” gasps Sakura, wide-eyed, briefly looking up to Avery before locking her eyes to the penis in front of her. “A foot-long, deliciously thick cock is small to you?”
“It most certainly is.” replies Avery with a grin. “Like females of our race with their breasts, males can change the length and thickness of our cocks.”
“Seriously!?” gasps Sakura.
“Heh, want a visual taste of what I can do?”
“Absolutely!” declares Sakura eagerly.
The fifteen-cycle old teen was soon amazed as she sees Avery's cock grow and lengthen to at least two full feet and it's girth expand to what looked to be her upper arms thickness. However, that was only the start as Avery places his hands under his sizable cock, supporting it as it continued to grow, soon towering over Sakura as it had grown to at least four feet and as thick as her thigh.
Sitting with her with her legs under her, as Sakura looks on with eyes wide and mouth agape, the strip over her labia suddenly falls away, allowing a large, abundant amount of blocked honey freedom and pooling below her.
“T-That's... that's...” comments Sakura in shock.
Avery, with as much mass as he sent to his cock, looked noticeably younger, looking near his teens as he chuckles with Sakura's look of shock, before his cock shrinks back to it initial length and girth as he returns to his original form.
“Sorry, didn't mean to traumatize you.” teases Avery.
“T-That... e-even with another Geelien, that monster cock wouldn't fit!” declares Sakura.
“Perhaps not, but some Geelien's like it when a giant cock sticks out the back of their head, or goes from their pussy or ass through the top of their head.”
“Wow...” comments Sakura.
Avery chuckles before noticing the growing pool between Sakura's legs.
“Seems you sprung a leak.”
“O-Oh...” replies Sakura, feeling herself oozing and briefly looking down between her legs. “Seeing such a massive cock built up too much honey to hold back anymore.” she adds, before reaching her right hand into the pool and pulling out the strip that had failed to hold back the flood. “It was a cheap one anyway.” she comments before licking the back of the strip clean of her honey and slapping it to her right thigh and it sticking. “Seeing your wife's breasts didn't help either, hehe.”
“Would you mind?” asks Avery, as he lifts his right leg and places is foot into Sakura's pool of honey.
“What?” asks the teen.
“I absorb your honey?” answers Avery.
“Oh, go ahead, hehe...” replies Sakura, leaning back on her butt and spreading her legs, revealing honey was still oozing from her blushing slit. “I'm certainly not using it.”
“Thanks.” replies Avery, before Sakura sees her pool of honey shrink as it travels up Avery's foot. “A Tragelian's honey is quite delicious.” he adds.
“Sure is.” agrees Sakura with a smile as the majority of her honey, aside what was still oozing from her, was absorbed and Avery returns his foot to Sakura's left side before she returns to her initial position, sitting on her legs between Avery's. “Can I start blowing you now?” asks Sakura as she leans forward, closer to Avery's foot-long cock.
“Go ahead.” replies Avery with a smile as he reaches to his cock and directs its tip to Sakura's mouth, whom leans in to take the erect, but soft, slightly dripping organ into her mouth.
Avery smiles as he removes his hand from himself and Sakura lifts her right hand up to grasp the cock, stroking it a bit as she take more of it into her mouth.
Just a few moments into the act, with Sakura currently maintaining a slow in and out pace, she soon giggles before pulling back and freeing the cock from her mouth and lifting her free hand up as Avery's mass falls from her mouth.
“Hehe, your melting cock is filling my mouth.” states Sakura. “Is it safe to swallow?”
“Not really.” answers Avery. “But any mass of mine you do, I can pull out of your stomach. So it won't be there long enough for it to harm you.”
“Ooh, really? I wanna try.” replies Sakura, before quickly taking much of Avery's cock into her mouth, eagerly thrusting her head, while Avery himself looks on to her with a smile and small moan.
Seconds into resuming though, Sakura briefly pauses and breathes in deeply through her nose before lowering her hand from the Avery's member and taking all of the pliable cock into her mouth and down her throat, pulling back only slightly, keeping the head of Avery's cock in her throat before advancing again.
“Ohh, wow...” comments Avery, placing a hand to Sakura's head. “A deep-throater, I'm impressed.”
Sakura gives a muffled moan, before looking up at the Geelien man as she continued to deep-throat the soft cock for nearly the next minute before Sakura pulls the cock free of her mouth with a gasp of air as some of Avery's mass falls from her open mouth.
“Hehe, I can't call myself a blow-job lover if I can't deep-throat.” comments Sakura with a smile as she lifts a hand to stroke Avery's cock.
“You certainly love what you do huh?” asks Avery, before stroking her head, bringing a giggle and moan from her as she closes her eyes.
“Mmm, I love being pet on the head, especially when I'm sucking a cock or licking a pussy.”
“Well then, I'll be sure to continue.” replies Avery.
Sakura giggles, before Avery lowers his free hand towards Sakura's mouth, who was briefly puzzled, before feeling something coming up her throat and heaving as Avery's red mass come out of her mouth and to the floor.
“Wow, that felt weird...” comments Sakura, lifts her free hand up to her throat. “Hey, Geelien guys can come multiple times right?”
“Yep, we can.”
“I wanna blow you till you come, see what I can expect before we frak.” declares Sakura happily.
“Ohh, you plan to have sex with me?” asks Avery with a smile.
“Of course! My pussy's oozing for some of your gooey cock!”
The comment brings a chuckle from Avery before he replies, “Ok then, my cocks getting a little cold.”
Sakura giggles before promptly taking Avery's cock back into her mouth, eagerly thrusting the melting cock in and out of her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, as well as the tip when Sakura focused her attention on it.
The next few minutes into Sakura's happy efforts, Avery encouraged her with moans and words of praise, along with petting her head.
Watching her though, so happily doing what she was, briefly pulling the cock free to giggle and stroke the cock as she dances her tongue around it, looking up at him, Avery smiles as the young, cheerful teen he had meet just a little while ago was so sexually free and comfortable with herself.
Avery wondered 'how' sexually open the teen was...
“You're such a naughty young girl.”
“Ohh, we're doing dirty talk now?” asks Sakura happily, before licking the length of the melting cock. “Yeah, I'm super naughty, I'm the sluttest one here!”
“Really? A pretty young girl like you?” asks Avery.
“The pretty ones are the best sluts.” declares Sakura, briefly sucking on the cock for a few moments. “I'll gladly have all my holes filled with big, thick cocks filling me with their warm, sticky cum.”
“I guess loving gang-bangs are just part of being the slut you are, huh?” comments Avery.
“Yep! I'm my gym classes cum-dumpster!” declares Sakura happily as she eagerly resumes sucking Avery off.
“Mmm, Cum-dumpster? I don't think I've heard of that term, mind explaining it?”
“I let the whole class use me as their frak-toy, filling me with all the cum and honey they want, leaving me exhausted on the floor covered in cum and honey and sometimes, pee. I'm one of the dirtiest girls you'll ever meet! I don't kiss though.”
The sexual mood had suddenly broken as Avery laughs out loudly.
“What?” questions Sakura.
“Heheheh, s-sorry, sorry, it's just; you're saying how slutty and dirty you are, yet you say you don't kiss? You should've kept that to yourself!”
Sakura's blush was now one of embarrassment as she gives a little pout.
“Hmph, well I'm a slut with standards, I can't kiss people I don't love!”
“Heh, a slut who doesn't kiss? That's something I never thought I'd hear.” teases Avery.
A groan had joined Sakura's pout, before Avery pets her head, causing her to avert her eyes.
“Ok, ok, I'm sorry, will you please keep sucking my cock?” asks Avery with a smile.
“Fine, but only 'cause I love sucking them so much.” replies Sakura with a frown before returning the thick cock into her mouth.
While just a few moments later, Sakura was once again eagerly sucking Avery off, however, the dirty talk had come to an end.
Sakura was in her second round of deep-throating Avery's cock before the man gives a small groan and warns...
“I'm close.”
Sakura quickly pulls the cock from her throat and mouth and uses both hands to quickly stroke it.
“Come all over my face!” declares Sakura happily.
After a lengthy groan from Avery, Sakura is given just what she asks for as he comes with a moan and a large torrent of mass ejects from his cock, spraying and covering Sakura's entire face and head. The initial ejaculation lasts much longer that Sakura was used to, causing her to turn her face from the thick stream of Geelien cum, until she remembered Avery commenting he could come as long as he wanted.
“You can stop coming now, hehe!” giggles Sakura, before she feels the torrent die, allowing her to wipe her eyes clear and looking down at herself with another giggle as she sees her front covered with Avery's mass. “Hehehe, wow.”
“It gets even better.” states Avery, with a smile, before Sakura gasps as all the mass that covers her, is pulled away and back into his body, before the last is taking from Sakura's stomach again. “I can reabsorb it all.”
“Heh, talk about recycling!” declares Sakura.
“Yep.” adds Avery.
Sakura briefly looks over to where Celine, Eda, Becky and Sammy were and sees the same quivering mass.
“Hey, are they stuck in that form?” asks Sakura.
“No.” replies Avery, before Sakura sees the mass begin to change form.
Celine and Eda's bodies reform, both positioned with a leg between the others legs and humping themselves against the other with a moan as they kiss for a moment before Eda comments...
“It's just one of our favorite forms to take when we've absorbed two or more people, a ball of pleasure.”
“Oh, right...” replies Sakura, “You can still hear.”
“Sure can...” comments Celine with a giggle. “Slut who doesn't kiss.” she teases, which brings a full-body blush to Sakura.
“G-Geez! It's not that big of a deal!” declares Sakura, folding her arms over her chest.
“Pretty funny though.” comments Celine.
“Oh go back to your pleasure ball!” retorts Sakura, before turning over onto her hands and knees, directing her butt and oozing pussy to Avery and wagging her hips. “My pussy has a date with your dads delicious cock.”
Celine and Eda giggle as they retain their forms and continue to hump themselves against each other, while Avery removes himself from the bed and lowers himself to his knees behind Sakura and grasping her hips.
The blonde teen didn't have to wait long before moaning out in delight as she felt Avery's erect, but soft cock slowly plunge into her pussy and seem to fill every little crevice of her vagina as she felt his cock bottom out inside her.
“Ohhhh! You're stiff but soft at the same time...” moans Sakura as she wriggles her hips on the cock. “And you're filling my pussy better than any other cock has!”
“Heh, and that's a good thing, right?” asks Avery with a smile, before leaning his body over the teen, placing his hands down near hers, as he slowly begins to thrust.
“Ohhh, yeah.” moans Sakura, quickly beginning to lean forward as Avery retreats and moving back to meet his thrust with a wet phwap as she met his waist.
“Tell me something...” comments Avery, in a lower tone as he lowers his lips towards Sakura's right ear. “Does this slut like bondage?”
“Mmmm, yep, my safe word is candy.”
“Wonderful...” comments Avery, before Sakura sees Avery grab her hands and wrists and cover them as his hands melt over hers, which she quickly found that she couldn't move her hands, before feeling a warmth around her knees down and looking under herself, seeing that Avery had bound her legs to the floor as well with his legs. “Has Celine ever told you how long we Geelien's can have sex?”
“No, mmm...” answers Sakura, moaning as Avery continued to slowly thrust into her.
“As long as we have access to water and/or protein, we can frak indefinitely or until we get bored, 'Cause we don't get tired.”
“R-Really?” asks Sakura, briefly wondering what she may have gotten herself into.
“Really...” answers Avery, before whispering into Sakura's ear. “I wonder how long you'll last for me, you'll be the first flesh and blood person I've ever fraked.”
“U-uh...” stutters Sakura, before gasping out as she feels Avery's thrusting speed suddenly increase.
Bound as she was, there was no way she could escape, however, escape was the last thing on Sakura's mind as she delightfully welcomed Avery's increased pace.
With Celine and Eda keeping to themselves, moaning quietly, Sakura's pleasured moans dominated the room as she was locked in place with Avery's foot-long, thick cock repeatedly and quickly thrusting into her welcoming teen pussy.
Having been turned on and aroused since arriving, it was no surprise when Sakura climaxed rather quickly, about four minutes into Avery's thrusts, moaning out in orgasmic bliss through the building pleasure of Avery's continued action as while some of her honey gushes out around his cock, much of her honey swirls around inside Avery's thrusting cock.
“Coming already are we?” comments Avery, while he himself was melting considerably, a pool of his mass below them as he looked a little younger. “Well I guess that's to be expected of a slut. You'll come easily for anyone.”
“Ohhhhh! Y-Yes!” moans out Sakura. “I'm a slut! Oooohhh! Stick anything in my pussy and I'll come for you! I'll come over and over for you!”
“Then get to it slut!” declares Avery, before quickly lengthening and thickening his cock, punching through Sakura's cervix with each thrust with a louder moan from her. “Start coming on this Geelien cock!”
“Ahhhhh! O-Ok! I'll come! This slut's gonna come as much as you want!” declares Sakura.
With the addition of Avery's cock reaching into her womb, it didn't take long at all, a little over a minute before a second orgasmic wail comes from her, more honey gushing out around the thrusting cock as it had nearly turned completely white from Sakura's honey while it had also traveled into Avery's waist.
“More slut!” declares Avery. “Come quicker than that!”
“O-Ok! Ahhhhh-Nngh! I'll c-come quicker! I'll come!”
True enough, only about thirty seconds passes from the end of Sakura's last orgasm before she climaxes again, a growing pool of her honey forming below her to join Avery's mass.
“Very good slut, keep coming like that and you'll get a reward.”
“Ohhhhh! O-Ok! I'll come l-lots for you!” declares Sakura.
In the span of just twelve rapid minutes, Sakura manages to come nearly back to back, some within seconds of each other, but most between thirty seconds to a minute. It was the next five minutes after that Sakura's rate of climaxes began to drop off considerably, her pussy needing a brief break that it wasn't going to get.
“What's going on?” asks Avery. “Is this slutty pussy starting to give up?”
“N-No, it-Nngh... It wants more!” declares Sakura. “Oohhh, G-Give it more and it'll come!”
“I see, it's getting greedy. Well give me one more good slutty come and I'll fill you up with my own cum.”
“O-Ok!” quickly replies Sakura.
Embarrassingly, for the next minute, while Sakura was moaning from the pleasure of Avery's cock, she was unable to reach orgasm, that minute even reached to two, before Avery comments...
“Come on, what's the matter? The pussy really has given up huh? I'm all ready to come, I won't until you come though, don't you want me inside you?”
“I-I do!” declares Sakura, before feeling her body starting to get hot and felt a familiar swirling of pleasure around her pussy as the pupils of her eyes began to cloud over. “I-I'm starting to Trance, frak my pussy more and I'll come!”
Avery's thrusting was unstopped as just seconds into her Trance, Sakura gives a loud wail of pleasure as her long delayed climax reaches her as her erect nipples became tiny geysers, squirting honey from them to the floor.
“Very good slut! Here's your reward!” declares Avery, before burying his cock into her womb as he let's himself come and flood her uterus with his mass, bringing another wail from Sakura as the organ was rapidly filled and began to expand, pressing against and distending her belly while her climax was still going strong. Honey swirling around Avery's mass filling her womb as more honey was added from the openings of her fallopian tubes repeatedly squirting fresh honey into the filled space.
Sakura's womb was stretched nearly to it's limit before Avery ended the flow, leaving Sakura with a hanging belly that resembled a late term pregnancy.
“Mmm...” moans Avery, before beginning to resume his thrusting as he frees Sakura's limbs, allowing her to lower her head to the floor while she moans and groans as her expanded belly jiggles and sways. “I think I like the term cum-dumpster, your womb has some nice stretch to it. I hope you're not done already though...” he adds, before Sakura gasps as her womb rapidly shrinks as Avery reabsorbs his mass through his cock. “I'm not.”
“Hehe...” chuckles Sakura, before looking her faded eyes back over her shoulder to Avery. “I'm Trancing now, I can go as long as you want.”
“Let's see about that then, shall we?” replies Avery with a grin.
- Later than evening, 8:21 P.M. -
- Celine's room -
'Quite the sight.' Celine thought with a smile, as she sits at the end of her bed, seeing her three friends sprawled out on the floor.
Becky and Sammy were napping in each others arms, with a leg between each of their thighs, pressed against their oozing young pussies while Sakura lay on her back, also out cold with her left hand between her legs and two fingers managed to stay inside her pussy while her chest rises and falls calmly.
“Hehe, guess Sakura will have to show me around sometime tomorrow after her match if she's not too tired.” comments Celine with a smile.
Chapter 26
Title: Chapter 8-1
The day Celine eagerly waited for is here, Sakura's shakra match! However, while happily attending her very first live IPSL event, Celine comes face to face with a very negative experience that threatens to destroy all the positives she's had.]
- Next Day, Vivius (Saturday), 1:34 P.M. -
- IPSL arena parking lot -
Quickly stepping out of the car, Celine was literally dripping with gleeful excitement as she looks ahead to the large circular building containing the Inter-Planetary Shakra League arena.
The light, warm breeze of this perfectly sunny day flutters the young Geelien's belly-revealing tank-top and mid-thigh length skirt, flashing a little of her blue and white striped panties. However, the wind flashing her panties to whoever happened to be behind her was of no concern to her as she giddily jogs in place.
“OOOOHHHHH! I can't believe it!” she declares. “I'm actually going to see a Shakra match in person!”
Eda and Avery, stepping out of the car, both smile at their daughter's excitement, Avery was dressed in a T-shirt and shorts while Eda dressed herself in a spaghetti-strap, knee-length dress, who comments...
“I think this is the happiest I've seen you since we've been here.”
“Why wouldn't I!?” replies Celine happily, before rushing to her mother and grabbing her hand and briefly hopping up and down. “I've been wanting to see a Shakra fight live since I've heard about it and I have the chance! This is the best day ever! Come on!” she adds, before pulling her mother towards the arena, bringing a giggle from her and Avery, who follows behind.
“Hehe, I think you should calm down a little sweetie...” states Eda. “You're dripping.”
“I don't care! I'm just so happy!”
So happy in fact, Celine began to skip, her tail flicking left and right, bringing yet another giggle from Eda before joining her, swinging their held hands as they go.
“It makes me happy to see you so happy.” comments Eda.
Skipping along, Celine sees various other people and families heading towards the building, some looking at them. With as happy as she was though, Celine wasn't concerned at all about what they thought of her, just eager to enter the building and see the fights.
Eda and Avery, didn't particularly care for the violent sport, but they wanted to share in their daughter's enjoyment, plus, it was their first invitation to a public event, no sense turning it down.
Entering the circular building, Celine could see that while it wasn't super crowded, there was a high enough concentration of people near the entrance to brush up against a couple. Aside from the crowd though, the entrance area was very spacious and from the view, it seemed the area wrapped around the entire building, with the arena further in, through multiple sets of entrances. Lining the inner walls were various concession stands to buy snacks and drinks.
“Certainly a lot of people here.” comments Avery.
“There sure is.” replies Eda, looking to Celine. “Are you gonna be ok?”
Celine looks to her mother with a gleeful smile.
“I'm too happy to care about that now!” she answer happily, before looking towards on of the concession stands, points it it and adds... “We still have about fifteen minutes before it starts, let's get a snack!”
“Sure.” replies Eda with a smile.
Maneuvering through the crowd to one of the stands, Celine decided to get just a large cup of juice, while Eda and Avery opted for just water, but Eda also got a very large bucket of an interesting-looking snack called popcorn they could all share.
With drinks and snacks in hand, the trio head to one of the many arena entrances, where one of the ticket masters were, along with the sounds of a large crowd down the hall. After handing over their tickets and receiving a stub, the three head towards the arena, with Celine eagerly rushing ahead.
What greeted her upon reaching the end was a bright, ceiling-less arena filled with the loud sounds of the crowd as a large, packed stadium circled the area. In the very center was the elevated circled fighting ring Celine had seen on the TV a number of times, surrounded by a relatively soft, grassy area ended by a tall wall circling the arena, except for one open end where the fighters would emerge.
Celine stood in slack-jawed awe and amazement.
“This, is so, awesome!” declares Celine, excitedly hopping up and down. “I know I said it before, but I'm finally here! I'm gonna see a shakra match in person!”
The excited Geelien was getting a little too excited as some of her juice began to escape from her lid-less large cup, causing her to gasp and stop her jumping, quickly absorbing the juice that had covered her hand.
“Don't get too excited now...” comments Eda with a smile as she and Avery catch up to Celine. “You're gonna jump yourself right into a puddle.”
“Hehe, probably, but I'm just SOOO happy to be here!”
Avery steps beside Celine and places a hand to her shoulder, commenting, “You sure are, how about we find ourselves a place to sit before the rest of your drink finds the floor?”
“Hehehe, ok.” replies Celine.
With their ticket stub stating their area they could sit, it turns out they had to head to the right of were they entered, passing two sections before heading down one section, ending up in just the third section from the first, not too close, but not too far back and up either, the very large eight-sided screen above the arena would also display the action as well.
“Sakura gave us nice seats too.” comments Eda as she, Avery and Celine carefully move by the other visitors.
A Felene man sitting with two empty chairs to his right and one to his left, spots the trio and stands, commenting...
“You three want to sit together?”
“Oh, no, you don't need to get up.” quickly comments Eda.
“I don't mind.” replies the Felene. “I only sat down a minute ago.”
“Well if you insist, thank you.” answers Eda, before the Felene allow the three to sit next to each other, Avery sitting to the right of the Felene man, with Eda to his right and Celine to hers.
Celine could see a pink-haired teen Tragelian sitting to her right, similar to her own visible age, dressed in tank-top and skirt, occupied with something on her comm, so she didn't bother interrupting her with a greeting and sat eagerly awaiting the start of the event.
A few minutes pass before an announcer began speaking, welcoming the crowd and listing the planned fights to take place; eight exhibition fights, five of which are 4th class, newcomer fights, those not long starting their IPSL career or making their debut, the fights would last only ten minutes. The next three fights being 3rd and 2nd class fights, with a Main Event being a 2nd class Title Release match between Sakura Bragou and Sammy Daylin, all four lasting fifteen to twenty minutes.
With the event underway, Celine attentively listened to the announcer, before hearing... “What the...” to her right and looking to the pink-haired Tragelian, who looked surprised seeing her.
“You're Geelien's.” comments the teen.
“Yeah.” replies Celine with a smile.
“But what are Geelien's doing here? Isn't this like the last place you'd want to be?”
“Not really.” answers Celine. “I like the IPSL, I've really been looking forward to seeing it in person!”
“Wow, you guys sure are weird.” comments the teen with a little smile, turning her attention back to her Comm.
“How does that make me weird?” asks Celine. “Sure, I can't participate, but I like watching.”
“Well I don't try to understand you things anyway, just don't bother me and we'll be cool.” states the teen, looking to her Comm.
“W-What?” asks Celine, quickly getting irked by the Tragelian's words.
Eda, hearing the little chat, immediately looked a little concerned as she gave a brief gaze to the two.
“Don't bother me and we'll be cool.” repeats the Tragelian.
“No, before that.” states Celine.
“What?” asks the Tragelian, looking to Celine.
“You called me a thing.” clarifies Celine, clearly looking upset.
“So? That's what you are.” comments the Tragelian. “What else would I call you?”
Celine was getting increasingly agitated from this girls comments.
“How about a person, that works.” retorts Celine.
“A person!?” gasps the Tragelian, before giggling, which only upsets Celine more. “You'd have to actually BE a person first!”
“I can't believe you just said that!” declares Celine angrily. “Of course I'm a person!”
Eda had kept quite, but the teens latest comment had crossed the line with her and she was about to turn to give the young girl a piece of her mind but felt a hand on her left and looks to Avery, who also looked upset by what he was hearing, but shakes his head before commenting in her mind...
'Let her defend herself, we can't be around her all the time.'
As much as she didn't want to, Eda understood Avery's intention, they couldn't intervene in every conflict Celine had, she needed to be able to defend herself without the aid of her parents. Eda's held hand clenches into a fist, frowning up as she hears the argument continue at her side...
“That's such a load of bull!” replies the Tragelian. “You things arn't people, you're just random collections of memories you've absorbed from people!”
Such an awful comment had clearly hurt Celine deeply, more than any physical wound as her body quivers and began to melt considerably.
“T-That... That's not true at all! I AM a person! I have feelings!” declares Celine with an angry and hurt frown.
“Really? Then who the frak are you!? Do you even have any memories that are your own? You're kind are just blank slates wanting to be filled, using other peoples memories and saying that their yours. Hell, your just a collection of your own mothers memories, and her mother, and her mother, on and on, you're just copies, that's all the frak your kind are!”
The series of increasingly hurtful comments were too much for Celine to handle as she cries out, “You're a horrible person!” before leaning over and crying against Eda's shoulder, who quickly held her melting daughter.
The moment the Tragelian's eyes meet Eda's, the teen's smile of satisfaction immediately fades as a chill traveled down her spine from Eda's angered glare.
“Listen here you little racist bitch!” declares Eda. “I don't know where you got your information about us, but while I may be a clone of my mother and the same with my daughter, we are much more than just clones! We Geelien's are not just a collection of various memories, we have and make our own! Sharing our memories brings us closer than you could ever hope to be! We're not blank slates wanting to be filled, we are individuals with unique personalities! You may be able to make my daughter cry, she's young, but that racist attitude will not bring a single drip from me. It'll only make me angrier and if you think me representing my race will prevent me from teaching a small, pathetic little bitch like you a lessen, say another mean, racist remark and you will personally experience the anger of a Geelien mother defending her child!”
The teen starts to say something, but quickly looks away fearfully, looking scared to even look at Eda, before quite a few people around clap at Eda's defense of her daughter, a few even verbally praising her.
“That's what I thought!” declares Eda, holding her sobbing, melting daughter a little tighter, before speaking to her mind... 'You want to leave for a little while to calm down?'
'Yeah...' cries Celine.
Eda and Celine slowly stand and leave the arena, the crying Geelien leaving a trail of her melting mass, before Eda locates a nearby bathroom. Entering and walking into a stall, Celine sits on the toilet, her melting mass pooling below her.
“W-Why would someone say something like that!?” cries Celine.
“I don't know.” replies Eda, kneeling down and hugging Celine against her chest. “Unfortunately, there are people like that. On the plus side though, people like that are the minority.”
“But it's people like that I was afraid of!” cries Celine. “So much hate and they don't even know me!”
“You've had such positive experiences here so far.” replies Eda, beginning to drip, starting to cry from how hurt Celine was. “Don't let that girl take it all away.”
Eda allows Celine to cry into her chest for a few moments, the teens clothing getting a little too big for her as Celine's form shrinks to her younger one before Eda continues...
“She is just one negative in a sea of positive, think of your first day here, how nervous you were; then you met Becky and Sammy, so accepting of you, the same with their friends. There was a small bump your first day of school, but you made plenty more new friends, even your bully became your friend later. This girl likely won't be, but you'll probably never see her again after today. You've had so much fun with your new friends here as well, Becky and Sammy come over almost everyday, just to play with you and they enjoy themselves so much.”
Shortly after Eda's words of encouragement, Celine pulls back, her crying dying down to a light sobbing.
“You're right...” comments Celine, briefly meeting her mothers gaze. “But what she said hurt so much.”
“But it's not true.” states Eda, placing a hand to Celine's melting cheek with a smile. “You know that.”
“I know, but...”
“It's not true.” repeats Eda softly. “I know what she said hurts, but it's not true.”
“Yeah... you're right.” replies Celine, looking down, but not for long before Eda lifts her head up, smiling at her and bringing one from Celine. “I'm glad you guys came with me.”
Eda stands and helps Celine to her feet, causing her skirt and panties to fall to the floor, before hugging her daughter once again, with Celine returning the embrace.
“Well we want to share in your enjoyment, this is a special day for you after all, attending your first live IPSL event.”
“Yeah...” comments Celine, before a low, brief chuckle leaves her and adding... “For a second though, when you were defending me, I thought you really were going to attack that girl.”
“I would've, someone hurts you like that and I'll have a hard time controlling myself. That girl was one comment away from experiencing my anger.”
“I'm glad you didn't...” replies Celine, pulling back to look at her mother with a smile. “I like it here.”
“Me too.” adds Eda, before kneeling and giving Celine a quick kiss. “You ready to go back and watch the show, or do you need a little while longer?”
“Yeah...” replies Celine, reabsorbing her lost mass, returning to her original form and pulling up her panties and skirt. “I'm good to go back, I don't want to miss the very first fight.”
- 2:07 P.M. -
Returning to the arena, Celine found that the first fight was just about to begin as the fighters were being introduced, a fifteen-cycle old Tragelian female with long purple hair pulled back into a pony-tail, with a level 2 Water Shakra, facing an equally aged Felene boy with black hair and a level 2 Earth Shakra. Both were wearing the mandatory full protective gear called Void Armor, which consists of wrist, elbow, chest, knee and ankle guards which helped prevent serious injury by absorbing a portion of an attacks force. The armor came in just one color, black and was quite form-fitting and light enough to not interfere with movement, so there was little reason for the fighters to not use the armor.
“Awesome, they haven’t started yet.” comments Celine with a smile as she and Eda make their way back to their seats.
Reaching their seats though, Celine sees her dad had taken her spot next to the mean girl, who looked more annoyed than fearful as Avery calmly speaks to her, before noticing Celine and Eda's return.
“Hey, can I have my spot back?” asks Celine.
“Are you sure?” asks Avery.
“Yeah.” replies Celine, before placing her hand to her dads and adding in her thoughts... 'I can't avoid people like her, so I need to learn to deal with them.'
The comment brings a smile to Avery's face, before standing and stating, “Ok.” the two swap spots and Celine sits next to the girl, who attempted to ignore her.
With Eda and Avery returning to their seats and Celine's mood quickly lifting as the fight began, the two adults were still a little on edge, especially Eda, fearing a recurrence of the argument. However, minutes into the fight, Eda's concern began to fade as she noticed the girl to Celine's right was also getting into the fight playing out.
The event with the girl had become a distant memory to Celine as she excitedly watched her very first live Shakra match. Being newcomers, the fighters weren’t too aggressive, like the more experienced fighters, but Celine still watched attentively and happily.
The fight ended with time running out and the Felene boy being declared the winner.
“That was awesome!” declares Celine, before looking to her mother, who smiles.
“It sure was, they wern't very aggressive, but that's probably because their new at this.”
“Yeah, it's just gonna get better and better with the later fights!” replies Celine.
There was a brief pause between the first and second fight, the arena being cleaned of rocks and smoothed out. In the brief downtime though, a beeping comes from Celine's comm, causing her to lift her right wrist and answer the call, smiling when she sees Sakura's smiling face.
“Hey Celine!”
“Hey Sakura!” greets Celine happily. “I saw the first fight and it was awesome!”
“Heh, yeah, I like watching the newbie fights, reminds me of when I first started.” replies Sakura. “I was so used to practicing with my friends that I froze up in my first fight with such a huge crowd.”
“Really?” asks Celine, with a giggle.
“Yeah, you can find the video on the net if you search for it, it's kinda embarrassing though.” replies Sakura with a rising blush on her cheeks.
Celine suddenly felt like she was being watched and looked to her right to see the girl next to her looking at her, with some surprise before gasping with a blush and looking away. Although puzzled, Celine said nothing to her.
“Something wrong?” asks Sakura.
“No, it's nothing.” replies Celine. “So where are you right now?”
“I'm in the waiting room with the other fighters waiting for their fights.” answers Sakura. “Hey, you wanna say hello to Sammy, the girl I'm gonna mop the arena with?”
“Sure.” happily answers Celine as another girl off-screen cheerfully comments...
“You're gonna what!? Who are you telling that lie to?” before a smiling, long-haired brunette girl's face moves into view. “Ohh, is that your Geelien friend you were talking about?”
“Hi.” greets Celine with a smile.
“Yep.” states Sakura. “And it's not a lie! I'm gonna win and release that title and beat you again for it!”
“Ohh, that's some big talk for someone who hasn't beaten me before!” teases Sammy as she pokes her finger into Sakura's cheek.
“Today's gonna be that day!” declares Sakura.
Celine giggles at the friendly competitiveness before hearing the announcer signaling the start of the next match and seeing the two fighters in the arena and shaking hands.
“Oh, it's nice meeting you Sammy, but the next match is about to start.” comments Celine.
“Ok.” replies Sakura. “Talk to you later, after I win!”
“Such and li-” starts Sammy before the call ends, bringing a giggle from Celine.
“They sound like good friends.” comments Celine. “I wonder if it's hard to fight a friend.” she adds, before feeling eyes on her again and looking to the girl to her right and seeing her looking at her. “What?” asks Celine, clearly annoyed.
“Nothing, freak!” retorts the girl, looking towards the arena.
Groaning in aggravation, Celine turns her attention to the arena as well just before the start of the fight was signaled.
The second fight immediately started more lively than the first; Two teen girls, a fourteen-cycle old Felene with a level 2 Fire Shakra, versus and fifteen-cycle old Vehen with a level 2 Force Shakra.
The Felene starts the match aggressively, rushing forward, firing off a series of fireballs, while the Vehen dodges most of them in a zig-zag as she hops back with a brief floating, deflecting two with a wave of her hands before the Felene reaches striking range and swings her right fist towards the Vehen. The Blue-skinned teen quickly leans back to avoid the hit, followed by a second, before suddenly jumping over the Felene, dodging a third swing by her. The Vehen lands behind the Felene and delivers a quick, spin-kick to the Felene's unprotected side, knocking her her to the ground and sliding a few yards.
The exciting start, coupled with the announcers commentary, had quickly brought a cheer from Celine, she was part of only a few around her to jump up from their seats as well in excitement. Eda's smile at Celine's excitement only grows.
The Felene didn't stay down though, as she quickly gets to her feet, with a hand to her side, wincing in pain. The Vehen takes the offensive and rushes towards her opponent, propelling nearly invisible balls of air towards the Felene, which seem to find their mark as the Felene is pushed back repeatedly despite her defensive position. Clothing fluttering wildly, before the Vehen reaches striking range and prepared to thrust a fist towards the Felene's gut, however, at the last second, the Felene dodges to her right, enough for the fist to graze her before swiftly lifting her left knee up to the Vehen's unprotected stomach.
Briefly gasping out from both pain and the loss of breath, the Vehen fails to recover before the Felene quickly lowers her left elbow to her back, knocking her to the ground. The Vehen though manages to see the Felene pulling back her right leg to follow-up and just barely rolls out of range before thrusting her right hand towards her opponent and propelling the off-balance Felene a few yards away with a blast of air.
Celine's scream of excitement was even louder than before from seeing the quick exchange, before they both get back to their feet. These fighters clearly had a little more experience.
The next couple fights only continued Celine's excitement, amusingly, more than once, both Celine and the unfriendly girl to her right had cheered out in excitement, the first time, they shared a brief gaze, quickly looking away from the other.
To be continued
Chapter 27
Title: Chapter 8-2
After a small encounter with the unfriendly girl next to her, Celine happily watches Sakura's anticipated fight, will she win?]
- One hour and ten minutes later, 3:10 P.M. -
“And we have a winner!” declares the announcer.
Celine sits back down in her chair with a big smile on her face as she sees the current fights winner, a level four lightning Shakra wielding teen Tragelian girl, helping her defeated opponent, a level three lightning Shakra using teen Tragelian boy, to his feet.
“Man, those higher level fights are really something when you see them in person!” comments Celine excitedly, unable to sit still.
“Heh, yeah, they sure are...” comments Eda, not looking nearly as excited as Celine; actually, she looked a little worried, while Avery seemed more amused.
“Something wrong mom?” asks Celine, noticing Eda's look of concern.
“No, not really. Like you said, it's really something in person.” replies Eda, with a smile.
Celine knew her mother well enough, for obvious reasons, to know something was bothering her.
“Are you not enjoying it?”
Eda smiles, she knew she couldn't hide anything from Celine...
“Sorry, it's just a little too intense for me, the fighters are just so violent with each other.” replies Eda.
“Oh, if you didn't like it, you didn't have to come.” states Celine, looking a little saddened for not realizing her mothers lack of enjoyment from how preoccupied she was with her excitement.
“It's ok sweetie, I wanted to come and see you enjoying yourself, which you certainly are.” replies Eda, placing her right hand to Celine's left. “I probably won't come again, but seeing how happy and excited you are makes me really happy.”
“Oh...” comments Celine with a smile, briefly looking to her mothers hand on hers. “Well thanks for supporting my enjoyment of this awesome sport. I know it's weird for someone like-”
“Don't you dare!” suddenly declares Eda with a little frown as she grips Celine's hand. “You're free to like anything you want!”
“Heh, yeah.” replies Celine, smiling. “Sorry about that.” she adds, before looking to her dad. “Hey what about you dad? Is your reason for coming the same as moms?”
“At the start is was.” answers Avery. “But I think I'm starting to see why you like this sport so much.”
“Really!?” gasps Celine with a big smile.
“Yeah, I don't think I could be as into it as you are, but so far, I'm liking what I'm seeing. The way the fighters can control their abilities and use them in the ways they do, it's quite amazing.”
“Awesome!” declares Celine, before Eda gives a playful pout...
“Hmph, guess I'm the odd one then.”
“Hehe, all the matches are done...” comments Celine. “So Sakura's should be next, I really hope she wins!” she adds, before the announcer confirms it as he states...
“Our final match-up will be the Title Release match between level four Fire Shakra user, Sakura Bragou and our three time Championship Title Holder, level five Earth Shakra user, Sammy Daylin, defending the release of her title, allowing it to be at risk outside of a tournament setting if she loses...”
As the announcer continued to hype the match and growing cheers from the crowd, Celine felt a couple pokes to her right upper arm and looks to the girl to her right with a frown.
“What!?” she asks sharply. “I'm trying to enjoy the show!”
Although averting her gaze and frowning, the girl's face was completely red.
“Well what is it!?” presses Celine as the girl delays in answering, though after a moment she groans and briefly lifts her gaze to Celine and speaks...
“H-How... do you know Sakura?”
“Huh? What's that got to do with anything?” asks Celine.
“F-Forget it!” quickly declares the girl looking away.
Although, a few moments after turning her attention away from the girl, a realization occurred to Celine. It was only after Sakura's call that this girl seemed to be interested in her again and now, she seemed to be embarrassed to speak to her. It was only speculation, but a grin quickly forms on Celine's face as she assumed the reason for the girls turn in behavior towards her.
“Ahhh, I see now...” comments Celine confidently as she looks directly at the girl. “You're feeling really stupid now huh? I know a famous Shakra fighter and now your too ashamed to speak to me about it after what you did!”
The girl crosses her arms over her chest with a frown in response to Celine's accusation, which confirmed Celine's assumption.
“Well let me answer your question...” continues Celine with a smirk. “I go to school with Sakura, I get to see and talk to her everyday, I've even seen her naked.”
“So?” retorts the girl, not making eye contact. “Everyone's seen her naked, you're not the first. She's one of the biggest known sluts of the IPSL. She even got pregnant and got rid of the egg 'cause didn't care about it! That's the kind of person your friends with.”
Although shocked by what the girl said, the combo of herself having the upper hand and the fact that what the girl said could very well be a lie to shift the discussion in her favor, Celine ignores it and continues on.
“Geez, you'll even talk bad about someone you'd like to meet?” questions Celine with a smile. “Or are you just mad that I'm your closest link to Sakura?”
“F-Frak off, freak!” retorts the girl.
“Ohh, hit the mark, didn't I?” replies Celine. “I actually happen to have Sakura's number, maybe I should give her call-” adds Celine, lifting her Comm on her right wrist, before feeling a hand on her left and looking to her mother, who shakes her head, with a stern look on her face.
“Why not!? After what she did to me-” Starts Celine, quickly getting upset before Eda cuts her off.
“Don't you lower yourself to that level and involve Sakura into something that has nothing to do with her, she has something more important to focus on right now.”
She had the perfect opportunity to get back at the girl who was so mean to her, but Celine knew her mother was right. No matter how much she wanted rub the fact that she knew Sakura into the girls face, she also knew she would feel bad for doing it later, using Sakura to make herself feel better now, her friend had a fight to focus on after-all.
The double-edge sword of being more 'mature', thanks to the shared memories and experiences of being a five-cycle old Geelien 'teen', was one of the few annoyances that Celine regretted having right now, she couldn't be immature and act, then think about it later, a simple reminder from her mother caused her to be mature and think first.
So, very reluctantly, Celine backs off the girl, folding her arms over her chest.
“You're so lucky.” comments Celine to the girl as she looks towards the empty arena.
“...Says the freak who has her mother fight for her.” mutters the girl.
Celine gives an audible groan from hearing the remark, before feeling her mothers hand on her left shoulder and speaking to her mind... 'Don't let her ruin this experience for you, just ignore her.'
The two teens were silent with each other, but Celine's sour attitude quickly brightens as Sakura Bragou and Sammy Daylin walk out together and towards the arena, amiss the cheer of the crowd and the two greeting their audience with a wave of their hands.
Aside from their identical Void Armor coverage; elbow, wrist, chest, knee and ankle-guards. Sakura seemed to be wearing just a pleated pink skirt as her chest guard covered what she wore underneath, a sports bra. Sammy's skin exposure was even more than Sakura's as her chest guard also covered her upper clothing, while she wears navy blue panty-like shorts, opting for complete freedom of movement, short of being completely nude. Sammy's long brunette hair was also pulled back into a free-flowing pony-tail that reached the middle of her back.
“I bet this is gonna be the best fight of all!” declares Celine happily.
The two walk to the middle of the arena, taking a few more moments to wave to the crowd, before Sakura speaks out...
“You guys ready to see me kick her ass!?”
A large part of the arena cheers out, which Celine was a part of, before Sammy laughs.
“Hehe, your fans are gonna be sorely disappointed when you're going to be the one under my foot.”
The reply brings another cheer, before the two fighters met hands and give each other a friendly handshake.
“Let's see then.” comments Sakura with a smile.
“We will.” replies Sammy.
The two then walk away, stopping near opposite ends of the ring and readying themselves for the fight to begin, before the announcer speaks...
“The fight time is set to twenty minutes; submission, knock-out and ring-out are the accepted conditions for victory, with signature attacks allowed. Fighters, are you ready!?”
“Ready!” answers the two as they give a thumbs up.
The moment the bell rings, Sakura gives an explosive start, propelling two horizontally arcing fireballs towards her opponent, which she quickly blocks with the arm-guards, pushing her back a few feet as Sakura rockets towards her with flames jetting from her feet. The blonde fires off two more straight fireballs which Sammy swiftly dodges, before Sakura quickly reaches striking range and the brunette just barely avoids Sakura's flame-covered right hook to her head by stepping to the blonde's right as her forward motion carries her forward.
However, even as Sakura passes her, she manages to react, jutting flames from her hands to stop her forward motion and spin quick enough to swing her fiery left foot towards Sammy, who sees the follow-up attack in time, lifts her hands and right leg up to guard, along with a raised pillar to shield her.
The earthen shield seems to do nothing though as Sakura's foot connects with a small explosion, crumbling the wall and hits Sammy with a second, larger explosion, propelling the guarding teen quite a few yards away, skipping along the ground before righting herself on her hands and knees, sliding back before the rising ground at her feet aids her in stopping with dust kicking up around her.
The moment she comes to a stop though, Sammy looks up to see a volley of fireballs heading toward her.
“Oh my!” gasps Eda in shock as Celine cheers out excitedly as explosions, dirt and dust surround Sammy's location as Sakura continues her assault. “She's quite vicious!” adds Eda. “I can hardly believe she's the same sweet girl I meet yesterday!”
About ten seconds into Sakura's continuous attack, she stops suddenly with a fireball in each hand as smoke billows from her area of assault.
“Come on out!” demands Sakura. “I know that wasn't enough to take you out!”
“Hehehe...” giggles Sammy from the cloud of smoke, before Sakura gasps as a boulder comes flying out and she dodges to the side, allowing it to hit the outer wall. “You're quite right.” she adds, before Sammy calmly walks out of the smoke, with earthen gauntlets around her hands and lower arms and earthen greaves. “Wanna try again?” she taunts as she does a 'come-here' motion with her left hand.
Sakura frowns before prepping another large fireball her right hand and lobbing it towards Sammy, who lifts her right hand to block it, successfully doing so, but as the smoke quickly fades, reveals her bare hand, before she lowers it to her side and the ground below her rises and reforms the gauntlet.
“Haven't you learned yet?” asks Sammy. “You're long range attacks don't work on me. You're gonna have to get, close!” declares Sammy, before quickly lifting her right hand over her left shoulder and Sakura gasps as an angled pillar rises and hit her from behind, knocking her forward as Sammy runs towards her.
Knocked off balance and Sammy using the ground at her feet to propel her forward at a higher speed, Sakura had no way of defending herself in time before Sammy's right, rock-covered fist finds her gut, knocking the wind from her before Sammy delivers a spin kick to the blondes right side, knocking her her a few yards away, rolling repeatedly on the ground and coming to a stop, face down.
Coupled with the announcer commenting how much the one-two combo must've hurt, given Sammy's fist and feet were covered in hard rock, with Sakura laying on the ground in pain, clutching her stomach, Celine cringes from the attack.
“Oh wow, I think Sakura's really hurt!” she comments, looking worried for her friend, even more so from the sounds of Sakura's groans of pain.
“Both of them are vicious!” comments Eda, looking worried as well. “Was that really necessary? Punching her in the stomach like that, she doesn't have armor there.”
Sakura clearly struggles to get to her feet, coughing up blood as she holds her stomach with her left hand as she lifts herself up on her right hand and knees.
“Done already?” asks Sammy teasingly as she walks to Sakura's side, before lifting and stepping on the ground forcefully with her right foot and bringing a pained gasp from Sakura as a small pillar shoots up and rams into her gut, the same location she was punched as she coughs up more blood. Sammy though lifts her right foot again before stepping down on Sakura's back, pushing her flat on the ground.
“S-So, you've i-increased your range huh?” comments Sakura with a groan.
“Heh, well specializing in defense only goes so far.” comments Sammy, stepping down hard on Sakura's back repeatedly, bringing a groan and gasp from her with each strike as a small crater grew under Sakura's body with each step. “Besides, I need to keep my opponents on their toes and expand my options of attack and keep the crowd entertained.”
“S-So do I.” replies Sakura, before quickly rolling towards Sammy when she lifts her foot, causing it to come down on empty ground with Sakura between her legs and the blonde quickly lifting both hands and Sammy only has enough time to gasp before receiving a near point-blank double fireball to the face, propelling her up and away from Sakura with her head billowing smoke as the brunette gasps in pain with her hands over her face. Sakura though quickly gets to her feet, briefly holding her stomach with a groan and gasp of her own before reaching down to Sammy's right ankle and bringing another gasp from the teen as Sakura flies up into the air.
“How about I use the ground against you?” comments Sakura with a grin, before tossing a screaming Sammy up above her, the flightless teen flailing her arms and legs before Sakura gives her a few helpful pushes up further with a few fireballs, before Sakura's body is engulfed in blue flames as Sammy falls pass her and propelling herself down to follow, pulling back her right fist.
The two nearly meet the ground at the same time as a large thunderous blue-hued explosion occurs at the impact sight.
“My Goodness!” gasps Eda, as she even felt the impact in her seat. “That looks like it could've killed them both!”
“There not dead!” cheers Celine, standing. “It's just one of Sakura's awesome attacks!”
“Oh, is it her signature attack?” asks Eda.
“I don't think so!” replies Celine. “Sakura only told me her signature attack is embarrassing and she rarely uses it in an actual fight.”
Inside the sizable crater, Sakura giggles as her fist meets hard rock instead of Sammy's soft body.
“Armoring up so soon?” teases Sakura.
“Dying isn't on my list of things to do today.” answers back Sammy, a little muffled.
“Or maybe you just didn't want to lose that quick.” replies Sakura, before flying up and out of the crater, her body no longer aflame, though briefly placing a hand to her still hurting stomach.
Moments later, a rocky figure emerges from the smoke facing Sakura, Sammy covered from head to toe in earthen armor, only a horizontal slit in the head to see from, along with her pony-tail still exposed. The armor was quite bulky, much of her female figure hidden behind a thick layer of rock. A walking tank would be an appropriate term.
“The fight is really getting intense!” comments the announcer. “Sammy has entered her armored form, only a few have managed to fully break her out of it. Others tire themselves out in the attempt, this is only Sakura's second fight with Sammy's armored form, how will she handle it this time?”
“You watch and see!” declares Sakura confidently. “This fight isn't over yet!” she adds, readying herself as red flames cover her body.
“Confident, arn't we?” comments Sammy, before running towards Sakura and throwing a few punches and kicks, which Sakura easily dodges, Sammy's movement was clearly slower than before though.
“I have good reason to be.” replies Sakura, before successfully catching Sammy's swung right foot against her left side, the momentum still pushing her a couple feet before sending her right fist down on it and shattering the armor there with a small explosion, before delivering an explosive spin kick to Sammy's right side and exposing a large portion of her body there, Sammy staggered, but didn't fall, before both damaged parts of Sammy's armor quickly repairs itself.
“Hah!” laughs Sammy. “You're doing the same thing as before! How do you expect to beat me like that? You're just going to drain all your energy again!”
Sakura giggles as she resumes her attack, Sammy confidently allowing the assault without defending as parts of her armor is repeatedly shattered, but quickly repairs itself almost as soon as it is broken. Sakura though gasps as one punch is deflected and an armored punch to her protected chest sends her flying away, skipping once before rolling to a stop and quickly getting to her feet, breathing heavily from the hit as sweat trails down her face.
“I'm disappointed in you Sakura, you've learned nothing from our last fight!” declares Sammy as she runs towards her.
Sakura though grins, dodging a swung fist from Sammy, before resuming her gradual picking apart of Sammy's regenerating armor. Sakura is soon countered again, though only pushed back a few yards, relatively unharmed as Sammy's armor now slowly repairs, though with a quick spreading of Sammy's arms, Sakura gasps out in pain as the ground she stands on pulls her legs in opposite directions, forcing a painful split, before another gasp of pain comes from her as Sammy lifts a hand and a rounded pillar swiftly rises between Sakura's legs.
Falling back, Sakura's fiery aura fades as she clutches her crotch with a pained groan before seeing Sammy loom over her, between the armored girls legs.
“I'm ending this fight before you further embarrass yourself.” states Sammy, before lifting her right fist.
However, before Sammy lowers her fist, Sakura's quickly lifts both hands to Sammy's crotch and a gasps comes from her as an explosive blast shatters her armor there as Sakura propels herself from between Sammy's legs with fire jutting from her feet.
As Sakura stands and the smoke clears, Sammy had reflexively placed her hands over her crotch, but slowly pulls them away, revealing while Sammy's crotch was exposed, aside from the shorts she still wore, she looked unharmed, before that spots armor began to reform.
“You're just wasting time!” declares Sammy.
“Am I really?” asks Sakura with a grin, though she looked visibly tired as even more sweat falls down her face as a light steam rises from her body. “I've studied your fights since our last one and I discovered something quite interesting...”
While Sammy's face was covered, judging from her body language, Sammy seemed surprised.
“Wanna know what I found out?” asks Sakura, before charging forward punching Sammy in the chest, shattering her armor there and pushing her back a few steps as it slowly reforms. “While your armor is quite strong and makes it hard to directly hit you, your armor makes you slow and it's like my flying, it eats up a ton of energy, repairing it and attacking while it's up eats up even more. Plus, once you armor up, you tend to commit to it until the opponent has tired themselves out, trying to blast it off.”
“Hah!” laughs Sammy. “True, my armor uses a ton of energy, but your doing the same thing as all my other opponents, your going to run out of energy before me, and when that happens, your done! I'll still have enough energy to finish you off!”
“Perhaps I will...” comments Sakura, continuing her attack, though instead of simply taking the hits now, Sammy lifts her hands to block, quickly and repeatedly reforming the armor on her hands. “In fact, I'm counting on it!” as she ends her flurry of punches and kicks as she draws back her right hand, covered in a blue flame before sending her fist towards Sammy and propelling the teen away with a gasp as much of her armor is shattered before falling to the ground.
Soon after though, breathing heavily, Sakura falls to her knees, nearly out of energy as her body billows smoke.
“Heh, perhaps I should've held back a little.” comments Sakura with a chuckle. “My plan won't work if I overheat.” she adds, lifting her hands and seeing them smoking, before producing a small flame in each hand, which flickers.
“P-Plan?” questions Sammy, sitting up with a grown, her entire torso armor gone, along with her helmet, but it slowly reforms as Sammy gets to her feet. “What sort of idiotic plan involves you draining your energy to nothing in a fight like this!?” she adds, as she walk to Sakura's exhausted form. “Your opponent is still able to stand while you're on the ground.”
“Heh, a plan that's going to beat you!” declares Sakura.
With her armor fully repaired, Sammy looks down at Sakura...
“I think your Shakra has fried more than a couple of your brain cells if you think you can beat me in the state your in.”
“Y-you should, nnnever, underestimate your opponent.” replies Sakura, groaning as she slowly gets to her feet on shaky legs.
“Hmph, this fights over!” declares Sammy as she pulls back her right hand and sending it towards Sakura's head, but the smoking blonde quickly lifts her left hand and grabs her fist with a smile as red flames engulf her body once again, this time with a moan. “W-What the!? You don't have enough energy to do that!” gasps Sammy, before sending her left fist towards Sakura and the blonde catches that one as well while the two push against each other.
“Hehe, mmm, you don't know me very well...” comments Sakura with a lustful tone in her voice. “I will do anything within the- Ohh-mmm, r-rules to win. If e-embarrassing myself is what it takes, especially f-for a shot the title, then it's ohhhh so worth it!”
“Embarrassing yourself?” questions Sammy, blushing under her armor from Sakura's seemingly sexual mood.
“She gonna do it!” gasps Celine excitedly.
“Do what?” asks Eda.
“Her signature attack!”
Sammy soon notices a dripping from between Sakura's shaking legs and from the announcers comment...
“Could It be folks!? Is Sakura going to perform her signature attack!?”
“What!?” gasps Sammy, before snatching her fists from Sakura's hold and backing away.
“Ah, ah, ahhh...” comments Sakura, before moaning out as she propels a fireball from her right hand and hits Sammy, shattering her chest armor and knocking her to the ground as more of her armor crumbles from her head and legs, left only with her gauntlets. “Don't try and run now...” adds Sakura with a smile as she shakily walks towards her opponent.
Before Sammy has time to recover, she feels a warm, almost hot, liquid dripping on her face before seeing a darkness come over her closed eyes and a very hot heat surround her head and a pressure pressing her upper arms down. Opening her eyes, she's greeted with Sakura's honey-flooded panties before the the blonde's hot, wet, oozing crotch rests over her face.
“Mmmm, y-you see...” starts Sakura with a moan as she sits on Sammy's face. “When your opponent has r-run out of energy, it ohhhh, m-means your nearly empty yourself.” she adds wriggling her hips and briefly humping herself against Sammy's face with a smile as she uses her legs to pin Sammy's upper arms to the ground, along with holding her armored hands, the last of Sammy's armor is finally shattered with an explosion from each other Sakura's hands. The blonde giggles and moans as she feels Sammy's muffled pleas and vain movement of her head against her and sees Sammy's legs kicking out.
“S-Shakra energy can be a-accessed f-from three sources!” declares Sakura, followed by a pleasurable moan as she closes her eyes with a brief groan. “Ohhhhhh! M-Most fighters only use one source...”
Following this comment, Sammy's struggling rapidly increases as she squirms and kicks her legs frantically.
“NNNnggggh!” groans Sakura, as she shutters and a relatively small explosion comes from below her, briefly fluttering her skirt. “I-I c-can't hold it in, a-anymore... h-here... it... COOOOOMES!” declares Sakura, throwing her head back as a very large, explosive blue blast in produced below her as Sakura moans out loudly in pleasure and her skirt flipping up and fluttering wildly, revealing her white panties for all to see, if not for the obscuring flames.
The attack lasts just seconds, dark smoke rising from between Sakura's legs and around her as she shutters and trembles above Sammy's now motionless body, the two now in a small crater. Sakura's own body was quite red, as if she had been in the sun too long, before Sakura herself limply falls forward, luckily face-first to Sammy's crotch and not the ground as more smoke billows from her oozing and quivering pussy. Hot honey dripping down onto Sammy's darkened face as the entire crotch of Sakura's panties were blasted away and her pussy on display for all to briefly see on the large screens above as it focused on Sammy's unconscious face.
“Whoa...” gasps Celine, watching the display with shock. “I see why she said it's embarrassing. Did she really just blast that girl point-blank in the face with her pussy as she climaxed!? I didn't know that was even possible!”
“Quite the impressive display!” comments the announcer. “Sakura very rarely uses her Signature Attack. Unfortunately though, while it seems to have knocked out Sammy, Sakura needs to stand within ten seconds or the match ends in a draw and she fails to release Sammy's title.”
As the ten count began, with a large part of the crowd counting along, Celine sees Sakura, aside from her trembling, was just as motionless as Sammy.
“We may have a double knock out here!” declares the announcer as the count reached five.
“Come on, get up!” urges Celine.
“And it's a draw!” adds the announcer. “It seems Sakura's exhaustive state was too much for her signature attack and has passed out as well, such a shame, both fighters put up a very good fight.”
“Aww...” sighs Celine. “I was really hoping she'd win.” she adds, as she sees two people enter the arena and pick up the two unconscious fighters and carry them out. “She was so close!”
“Well...” comments Eda. “That was quite an intense fight.”
“Sure was! It was awesome!” declares Celine.
To be continued
Chapter 28
Title: Chapter 8-3
After coming home, still very excited from her very first live Shakra event, Celine shares her experience with a friend, before Sakura visits again.]
- Kellen Residence, 4:22 P.M. -
Entering her home, rather than walking, Celine skips happily into the living room, stopping with a gleeful twirl, facing her parents following her in.
“I still can't believe how awesome that was! It was so much better than I even imagined! I could actually FEEL the impacts and the cracks of lightning were so loud!” declares Celine before running in place with a giggle. “I'm so excited I don't know what to do!” she adds, before turning and rushing towards the kitchen, leaving Eda and Avery standing at the door with a big smile on their faces.
Avery was the first to comment...
“Heh, it's like we're back home, I haven't seen her THIS excited in a while.”
“I know.” replies Eda, though looking a little concerned as she walks to the nearest couch and sits. “It's wonderful.” she adds, but not sounding very happy.
Seeing Eda's unhappy state, Avery sits next to her and comments...
“You're thinking about what happened between Celine and that girl, arn't you?”
“It's just, for a moment, I regretted forcing this move on her. You and I haven't experienced anything like that while we've been here; but Celine, seeing her get attacked like that right in front of me, it hurt just seeing it. Celine's still so young...” explains Eda, beginning to melt.
Avery places a comforting hand on Eda's head, before kissing her cheek, with a smile.
“She's young, but strong, just like her mother. She may have needed a break, but she returned to face that girl, she didn't let it ruin her experience.”
“You're right...” replies Eda, with a small smile, before looking to her husband and lifting her right hand to Avery's on her head and pulling it down in front of her, before their hands meld together. “After-all, Celine said she liked it here, that's good enough for me.”
Skipping out of the kitchen with a bottle of protein in one hand, Celine smiles as she sees her parents, who return the smile, before the teen comments, heading towards the stairs...
“I'm gonna go to my room for a bit.”
“Ok.” replies Eda. “Celine?”
“Yeah?” answers the teen, stopping and looking towards her mother.
“I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.”
“Heh, me too, I just gotta call one of my friends and tell'em how awesome it was!” adds Celine as she continues up the stairs.
Entering her room and seeing her bed, Celine had the sudden impulse to jump on it and quickly places her bottle down on the nearby dresser. Running and jumping the short distance, the teen lands with a splash, as she and her clothing goes flying; much like her first day here. Each article of clothing thrown in a different direction; her shirt, landing on the floor near the closet; while her bra is flung on top of the closet door. Celine's skirt is tossed against the wall beside the bed and her panties are flung up high near the same wall, but hit the window. However, because the panties weren't the liquid-proof 'Geelien-approved' kind, the wet underwear sticks to the window with a splat, before slowly peeling off and dropping to the floor.
The room is once again a complete mess with clothing and Celine's body everywhere. Celine is only spread throughout the room for only a few moments though before beginning to come together on the bed, reforming her nude body sitting with her legs crossed and giggling. Hopping off the bed, Celine retrieves her drink and returns to the side of the bed, sitting and taking a small drink, before lifting her right arm and giggling as she shes her bare arm.
“Heh, oh right...” she comments before looking around her room for the device, finding it laying on the floor of the opposite side of the bed and putting it back on.
“Which friend to call... heh, it would probably be weird to call Sakura and tell her how awesome she was, plus I'm sure she's resting up and wouldn't want to be bothered right now. Oh, I can called Patty!” comments Celine before quickly locating her friends contact information in her Comm.
Three rings in, a window pops up, revealing the pink-haired Felene, she appeared to be in her room from what was seen behind her.
“Hey Celine, what's up?” greets Patty.
“I just came back from Sakura's Shakra match and it was awesome!” declares Celine excitedly.
“Oh right, that was today.” replies Patty with a smile and giggle. “You sure sound excited, you know it's over right?” she teasingly adds.
“Hehe, I know, but I'm still so excited! Seeing it on TV doesn't even compare to being there in person! You can really fell the impacts and loud explosions, the cracks of lightning... Ohhhh, it was so awesome!” repeatedly declares Celine, leaning back and repeatedly lifting her legs before rolling onto her stomach as her tail flicks side-to-side excitedly. “I was already hooked on it, but I'm even more now!”
For the next fifteen minutes, Celine continued to gush about her IPSL experience to Patty, who didn't add much to the conversation with Celine eagerly talking, though the Felene didn't mind, figuring out quite quickly that Celine just wanted to talk about her experience to SOMEONE and she happened to be that someone.
“I can't wait to go again!” declares Celine.
“Heh, I bet you can't.” replies Patty, before seeming to stand. “I have to go to the bathroom right now and since I'm not the type to carry a conversation on the toilet-”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine. “See ya later.”
“See ya, you can call me back in a few minutes if you still want to talk.” comments Patty, before the window closes.
Having gotten a large part of her excitement out through talking, Celine was much more calm, before leaning onto her left side, looking at her shirt on the floor near the closet and her bra on the door.
However, having calmed down, Celine began to replay the fun she had in her head and her smile fads when she reaches the event with the unfriendly girl.
“Why would she say the things she did?” asks Celine to no one in particular. “She seemed nice when we first met... no ones ever called me not a person before.” The Geelien teen lifts her right hand in front of her face before adding... “A collection of various memories...”
Two memories came to Celine's mind; one of Eda, five cycles ago when her mother was 'pregnant' with herself, bringing a smile to Celine as she sees from her mother's point of view, caressing her very large belly as she sits on the floor, moments from her birth.
The second memory was a complete one-eighty, she was standing in an unfamiliar playground with a number of kids laughing at her. The view lowers to a pair of small female legs, wearing a pink skirt with hands pressed against the crotch and a yellow puddle at her feet, before hearing Sammy's voice, “You're all jerks for doing that!” A second pair of legs, move in front of her, standing in the puddle, before her view lifts to see Sammy's smiling face. “Becky it's gonna be ok.”
Celine quickly puts an end to Becky's memory as she rolls over to her stomach again, placing her face against the bed with a groan.
'Why am I giving what she said any serious thought!?' thinks Celine. 'I may have memories that arn't my own, but that doesn't change who I am as a person... does it?'
Rolling onto her back, looking up at the ceiling with wonderment, Celine continues to think...
'We Geelien's don't absorb just anyone though, plus, sharing our memories brings us closer than any flesh and blood person could ever be, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.'
Celine though immediately groans and quickly sits up.
“Argh! This is stupid! I shouldn't even be putting any thought into this!” declares Celine, before removing herself from the bed. “I need a distraction.” she adds, before heading out of her room, still nude. “If I'm alone I'm probably gonna keep thinking about it.”
Heading down the steps, Celine sees her mother heading out of the living room into the dining room.
“Hey mom...” calls Celine as she hurries to towards Eda, who turns to face her.
“I need something to do.” comments Celine.
“Oh, well you could do some of your chores.” answers Eda with a smile, before looking to the floor. “The carpet could use a vacuuming.”
“Uh, yeah, but I was thinking more of something we both could do.” replies Celine, not quite expecting that answer. “I need something to distract me for a little while, if I'm alone, I'm just going to be even more bothered.”
“About what?” asks Eda, before seeing Celine sigh and avert her eyes and Eda assumed the unfortunate reason as she looked a little concerned. “Are you thinking about what that girl said?”
“Yeah.” replies Celine.
“We can talk about it if you want.” replies Eda, placing a hand on her daughters shoulder. “I don't think just distracting yourself is gonna-”
“Please mom.” requests Celine, meeting her mothers eyes again, who sighs after a moment with a smile.
“Ok then, what sort of distraction were you looking for?”
“I wanna be inside you.” answers Celine, stepping forward her hugging her mother. “Being there always makes me feel better.”
“Ok.” replies Eda, before Celine pulls back and Eda removes her dress, revealing her nude body and Celine hugs her again and Eda returning the embrace.
Soon after, they both moan as Celine's body melts into Eda's.
- 5:21 P.M. -
- Celine's room -
In bed, Celine snuggles up against her mother, her face buried between Eda's sizable breasts as the woman holds her daughter close as their legs are intertwined with each other.
With their unique, close relationship, neither needed to speak to understand the other and Eda knew Celine felt many times better than when she approached her for a distraction.
The intimate moment was broken, however, with a beeping from Celine's Comm on the nightstand.
After a few beeps, Celine pulls herself from her mothers comforting embrace and reaches to the device and putting it on her right wrist before answering the call, smiling when Sakura's smiling face greeted her.
“Hey Celine!”
“Hey!” replies Celine happily, before rolling onto her stomach. “It sucks you didn't win your match, but are you ok?”
“Yeah, I'm fine, a little internal bleeding and a few hairline rib fractures, but nothing serious that can't be healed real quick. I am a little sore though and a bit of blood in my pee, but nothing I'm not used to.”
“Wow, internal bleeding and fractures?” gasps Celine, before Eda quietly removes herself from the bed and the room with a smile.
“Hehe, it's not that serious, really.” replies Sakura with a giggle. “Those sort of injuries are normal in the IPSL. I'll gladly take them over the broken arm I got first starting out.”
“You broke your arm and still wanted to do it?” asks Celine.
“Absolutely! The rush of excitement I get fighting is worth the risk of a broken arm!”
“Heh, you're certainly dedicated. Oh, about your signature attack-”
“Yeah, let's not talk about that.” interrupts Sakura with a bright blush rising on her face.
“Come on! Just tell me how that works!” urges Celine. “Do you really shoot fire from your pussy!?”
Sakura groans shortly as she averts her eyes, before answering...
“Fine... yes, I shoot flames from my pussy.”
“Does your attack have a name?” asks Celine.
Sakura groans and looks away again before muttering...
“Vagina Cannon.”
“Hehehe, Vagina Cannon?” giggles Celine.
“It's not the name I wanted!” declares Sakura with a pout. “It's just the name that stuck. Going over the fight in my head, it was stupid of me to use the attack in the first place, I had over heated myself too much, it's not a shock I passed out. Argh! Embarrassing myself like that in front of all those people for nothing!”
“Hehe... So how does the attack work anyway?” Asks Celine. “I think you mentioned sources of energy in your fight.”
“Yeah, there's three sources in our body to draw our Shakra from; the chest, which has the smallest pool of energy but is the most powerful and also more risky to the person using it; the stomach, which has the highest pool of the three and is the most balanced and easiest to draw from; then there's the crotch, or in a girls case, the womb, which is almost as strong as the energy in the chest, but has a bigger pool of energy, but less than the stomach, however, the downside of using it is it causes a high amount of pleasure, which can be very distracting and more of a hindrance because of the pleasure it gives if your using it to fight with.”
“Wow, so your attack caused you to orgasm too!?” gasps Celine.
“Yeah, a massively strong one too, which is why I don't use it, if it doesn't work, the fight's pretty much over for me.”
“So it's all or nothing then.”
“Yeah, anyway, the reason I called, I didn't get around to it yesterday, but you still up for a little tour around the neighborhood and visiting my place?”
“Great, I'll be there in about ten minutes.”
- Ten minutes later -
Partially dressed in her previous clothes, now putting on her skirt, Celine hears the ringing of the doorbell and hurries out of her room.
“I got it!” calls out Celine, heading down the steps and to the front door, where she opens and greets Sakura on the other side, wearing a T-shirt and the same skirt she wore in her fight, with her hoverboard strapped to her back. “Hey.”
“Hey to you too.” replies Sakura.
Celine then calls back in the house, “I'll wait for you guys outside!”
An “Ok.” from her mom and dad answers her back, before Celine joins Sakura outside.
“Well it doesn't even look like you were in a fight earlier today.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, the IPSL have some pretty good healers.” replies Sakura. “Still a little sore though.” she adds, placing a hand to her stomach.
“Hey, it's not gonna take long for my parents to get ready, can I try out your hoverboard?” asks Celine.
“Sure.” answers Sakura, pulling her hoverboard off, the straps retracting back into the board before dropping it, never touching the ground though as it floats about a foot above it. “It's a little tricky trying to balance on it the first time, so be careful.” adds Sakura, reaching and taking hold of Celine's right hand as the Geelien places her right foot on the board.
“Ok.” replies Celine, before lifting her left foot onto the board, immediately wobbling unsteadily. “W-Whoa!”
Sakura quickly takes Celine's other hand and helps her steady herself. A smile also comes to the blondes face as she see's Celine seeming to use her tail to balance herself as well, lifting almost straight up, though the attempt didn't seem to help much.
“Place your feet horizontally on the board.” states Sakura.
Celine does so with Sakura's help and steadies herself a little more, before her wobbling balances out.
“There ya go.” comments Sakura with a smile.
“Hehe, how do I move forward?” asks Celine, smiling as well.
“Just bend your knees and lean forward a little.”
“OK.” replies Celine, pulling her left hand from Sakura, slightly bending her knees before leaning forward, giggling as she immediately began to move forward slowly about a yard as Sakura walks with her, still holding her right hand.
“Ready.” declares Eda as she and Avery walk out of the house.
“Ok-AH!” answers Celine, before gasping as with the assumption that leaning back stopped her movement, Celine does so as she stands up, gasping as the board flies from her feet and the Geelien falls to her butt.
Although Celine giggles from her painless fall, Sakura was immediately, but briefly concerned as she still held Celine's hand.
“You ok!?”
“Heh, yeah, I'm not that fragile.” replies Celine before accepting Sakura's aid to get to her feet, before looking to her left hand and seeing a lot of dirt and small rocks imbedded in her hand, up to her elbow.
Pulling her right hand from Sakura's though, Celine retrieves her cleaning comb from her comm and cleans the dirt from her arm.
“I'm sure that's an annoyance huh?” asks Sakura.
“What?” asks Celine, as a few more passes of the comb cleans the last bits of dirt from her lower arm.
“You guys can get dirty so easily.” clarifies Sakura.
“Oh, heh, yeah, but it's just as easy for us to get clean.” replies Celine with a smile, before returning her comb to her comm.
“Well then...” starts Sakura, before retrieving her hoverboard and looking to Celine and her parents. “Ready for the tour of the neighborhood?”
“We are.” answers Eda.
“Yep.” adds Celine.
“Do you guys mind walking or you want to take your car?” asks Sakura.
“I'm up for a little walk.” answers Eda.
“I don't mind.” adds Avery, before Celine finishes...
“We can walk.”
To be continued
Chapter 29
Title: Chapter 8-4
Sakura and Celine's parents meet and quickly become friends, before Celine gets an unexpected invitation.]
- 6:12 P.M -
- Bragou Residence -
After about a thirty minute tour of the neighborhood, primarily Sakura simply showing Celine, along with her parents, where her other friends lived, not actually going up to the houses to greet the people there, the blonde leads them to her home.
Walking up the walkway to the front door, Sakura points to the house to their right.
“That's Lila's place, she has a brother, Jillian.”
“Well...” starts Avery. “Celine certainly has plenty of friends close by.”
“She sure does...” adds Eda, looking to her daughter with a smile. “You gonna introduce us to them?”
“If you promise not to embarrass me.” replies Celine with a wary look.
“And last but not least...” comments Sakura, as she rushes the short distance ahead to her front door and turns to Celine and her parents. “My home! As I told you before, I have two sets of parents and I have a slightly older sister. My parents are looking forward to meeting you guys.”
“So are we.” replies Eda.
Sakura turns around and opens the door, allowing the group in; although, Sakura gasps as the group sees two blonde women very, sexually engaged. One; the taller of the two, had long, straight hair that reached the middle of her back; pressing a slightly shorter one, who had shoulder-length hair; against the wall directly in front of them, with a moving right hand under the front of her pants. The shorter woman rests one hand under the back of the taller woman's pants and her other up the back of woman’s shirt, while their lips were locked on each others as quite moans leave them both. The two were clothed similarly, aside from their pants, the shorter woman wore a T-shirt and the taller one wore a sleeveless one.
“J-Just a sec!” quickly replies Sakura, red-faced as she closes the door on the three, a brief giggle leaving Eda and a smile coming to Celine's face as they overhear Sakura on the other side.
“What are you guys doing!?” declares Sakura.
“You know very well what we're doing sweetie.” comes a lustful woman’s voice. “Wanna join?”
“No! Have you already forgotten!? I was going to introduce Celine and her parents to you guys!” answers Sakura.
“Oh, that's right.” replies the same woman. “Hehe, sorry, I started trancing and forgot all about it.”
Another woman then comments, “I tried reminding her, but you know how she gets when she first starts trancing.”
There was a groan from Sakura before commenting, “Well just go upstairs then and come down when you finish. I don't want Celine and her parents thinking all we do is frak.”
“Hehe, ok sweetie.” replies the lustful voice before the other woman gasps, “Come my pet, satisfy your masters desire.”
Shortly after, the door opens and a very red-faced Sakura greets the three.
“Heh, sorry about that you guys. You can come in now.”
“That's quite ok.” replies Eda as the three walk in, though Celine adds with a smile...
“I can certainly relate.”
“Thanks.” comments Sakura, before closing the door behind them.
“Although...” starts Celine with a smile. “DO you guys frak all day?” she adds teasingly.
“No! Geez.” quickly replies Sakura, before a mid-thirties man with short, brown hair, walks down the steps, wearing a T-shirt and jeans and sees his guests and greets them with a smile.
The three Geelien's greet the man as he takes his last step from the stairs.
“I'm Sara's father, Kevin Forbes.” he adds, before reaching out his right hand and Avery, Eda and Celine take turns shaking his hand, also stating their names with a shake of their hands.
Sakura quickly adds, “He's my Earth dad.” before asking her father, “Where's the other one?”
“With Reni.” answers Kevin, “They'll be down in a few minutes with Jin and Layn. While we wait though, you guys are free to sit.” he adds, Celine and her parents thank Kevin before they do so, sitting together on one of the two couches, with Sakura sitting on the other. “Would you three like something to drink?” he asks, before looking puzzled and adds, “Uh, do you guys drink, or...”
“Yes, we drink.” answers Eda with a smile. “Anything would be good.”
“Ok.” replies Kevin before heading towards the kitchen, leaving Sakura with their guests.
There was only a few moments silence before Eda begins to comment, “Well, your home is-” that's as far as she gets though before rapid footsteps come down the stairs and the Geelien's see Sakura's slightly older sister come down the steps, dressed in a tank-top and shorts, a little red in the face with shoulder-length blonde hair, which seemed to be in slight disarray, as if stopping in the middle of a physical activity without bothering to comb or brush it.
“Hey-Ohhh...” she greets before gasps as she looks to Celine's parents and walking towards Sakura. “Grown-up Geelien's look a little funny.”
“Reni!” gasps Sakura, before her sister gasps again.
“Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything bad by that!” quickly adds Reni with a deeper blush rising on her already red cheeks, before Avery replies...
“That's quite alright. Are we the first adult Geelien's you've seen?”
“In person, yeah.” replies Reni, before sitting next to Sakura. “Anyway, my names Reni, I'm Sa-chan's older sister.”
“Only by half a cycle.” adds Sakura.
Eda and Avery smile at the addition by Sakura, before introducing themselves to Reni, starting with Avery...
“My names Avery.”
“And I'm Eda, I assume you already know Celine?”
“Yep, we have our first hour of class together.” replies Reni, before Kevin returns, carrying three cups of a pink juice and handing them to Avery, Eda and Celine, before sitting next to Reni.
“The others should be coming down shortly.” states Kevin. “Although Sakura did say she as going to introduce her new friend and her parents to us, things here can sometimes get a little out of hand.”
“I'm sure they can...” replies Eda. “With two sets of parents living in one house.”
“Heh, yeah.” states Kevin. “It was a little rocky adjusting, being from Earth, we had different moral and disciplinary views than what's accepted here, but we were able to adjust and find a middle ground. My wife, Jin and I offered to find a new place to live once we were settled in with jobs, but Layn and Gene insisted that we stay with them.”
“I'm curious...” starts Eda. “What-” she adds, before a number of footsteps come down the stairs and the groups look to see the second father and the two mothers come down.
The second father, who also had short, brown hair and a clean shaven face, was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, greets the three as he walks down and takes a moment shake their hand.
“Hello, I'm Gene Bragou.”
Avery, Eda and Celine, greet and introduce themselves the same as they did Kevin, before Gene sits next to Sakura, the couch now only having enough room for one more as the two women arrive down the steps, though the face of the taller, slightly more endowed woman was still red as they both introduce themselves, starting with the taller one...
“Hello, my name is Layn Bragou and I apologies for earlier if you were at all offended by what you saw, I simply lost track of the time.” comments Layn with a quite happy smile.
“That's quite alright.” replies Eda as she, Avery and Celine shake Layn and the other woman's hand, who then greets them.
“And I'm Jin Forbes.”
Jin sits next to Gene while Layn sits on the armrest next to Jin, a small blush rises on her cheeks as Layn briefly strokes her hair before caressing her right shoulder, before Layn comments...
“It's very nice meeting you all.”
“Same here!” replies Eda cheerfully. “We've been here for about two weeks now and it's still very nice to meet more of our daughters growing list of new friends and for my husband and I to meet more adults here to spend time with.”
“I agree!” states Layn. “It's always nice meeting new people! If you and your husband would like, we can go have an adults night out sometimes next week and we can get to know each other more.”
“Oh, that sounds wonderful!” declares Eda happily. “I'm always up for a night out!”
Everyone else smiles at the two women, having become instant friends it seems. Before the two get much further into their new friendship, Celine comments...
“Before you guys start ignoring your surroundings, how about we spread the conversation around?”
“Ah right.” replies Eda with a smile, as Layn chuckles briefly, before Jin comments...
“I do have a question for you, uh, Eda. I can see the similarities of you and your daughter, but is she really a clone of you?”
“Yes she is.” answers Eda, smiling as she wraps her right arm around Celine, who didn't look too embarrassed by the embrace. “We will be twins when she's older.”
“Wow...” comments, both, Jin and Kevin, in unison, which brings a brief giggle from them before Jin adds, “That's amazing. So Geelien's really reproduce asexually.”
“We do.” replies Eda, before Kevin looks to Avery and asks...
“Do you have any sons?”
“No, I don't.” answers Avery. “But we have given it some thought.”
“Really!?” gasps Layn happily and looking to Celine. “What do you think of that? Would you like a brother?”
“Yeah, I'm very much for it!” answers Celine with a smile. “I'd love a little brother.” she adds, before Eda comments...
“It won't be for awhile though if we do decide to have a son.”
“Interesting...” comments Jin. “It would be your husband to, I guess, 'birth', the child, yet you speak of it as a unit.”
“Well we are married afterall.” comments Eda, taking Avery's left hand in her right. “Celine may be my clone and child, but she's also Avery's child as well.” she adds, before Kevin asks...
“Couldn't you and your husband create a child together though?”
“Unfortunately, no.” replies Eda. “Because the process in which we clone ourselves, we have to fully absorb food, and if we do so while one of us is inside the other, we would be fully absorbing one of us into each other, which is irreversible and would lead to death of one of the parents.”
“I see.” replies Kevin, though Jin adds...
“But that doesn't sound like a no though. From what little I know of Geelien reproduction, technically, if one parent was willing to-”
“It's not possible!” quickly interrupts Eda, with a sudden seriousness in her tone of voice and expression. “Not for us.”
“I-I'm sorry.” replies Jin, looking a little surprised by Eda's sudden shift in emotion. “I didn't mean to offend.”
Following a sigh, Eda's expression relaxes, with a small smile.
“No, I'm sure you didn't. Sorry about that. Yes, technically, two Geelien's could produce a clone with traits from both parents, however, such a method is borderline criminal and the clone, who is innocent would be treated like an outcast.”
“I see, I'm sorry for bringing it up.” replies Jin.
“That's ok, you didn't know.” replies Eda, before Avery comments...
“I think it's our turn to ask a question now. Earlier, Kevin mentioned he and his wife, had a difficult time adjusting here because of differing moral views, Eda and I are curious, what were those differing views?”
“Well...” starts Kevin, he and Jin briefly looking to each other, before continuing. “One of the biggest differences is the view on sex. On Earth, where we came from, sex is a more complicated issue. Sexual imagery and language is everywhere, in TV, movies, music, not blatant intercourse mind you, but while sex is everywhere, there's also a very strong taboo associated with it. Sex and relationships between same sex couples is a very big deal, such couples often have a harder time, being treated differently or even assaulted. Also, while children are often times sexualised, some to disturbingly acceptable levels on certain TV shows, sex between an underage child and an adult, regardless of even if the child was the aggressor is a VERY serious crime for the adult.” explains Kevin.
All three Geelien's look shocked by the mans statement and Eda asks...
“Really!? How is sexual imagery and language accepted as you say, with children also being sexualized, yet children seem to be banned from enjoying such an experience if their willing?”
“That's really weird!” adds Celine. “I couldn't imagine not being allowed to share something so wonderful with my mom, or dad.”
“Heh, right.” replies Kevin. “So it was quite a shock for us to find out just how open and freely sex was expressed here on Merkolova. Even incestuous relationships between child and parent wouldn't even get a second look if it was consensual. If anything, it was praised.”
Layn then picks up the conversation, bringing a gasp from Jin as she lowers her hand from her shoulder, down to her right breast, cupping and massaging the mound as Jin lifts her hands to Layn's hand on her breast with a heavy blush on her cheeks.
“Heh, it took a little while, but eventually, we rid them of their Earthly inhibitions and morals. I've taught my cute pet well, she has no problems fraking her daughter Sakura senseless.” the ending comment brings a blush to Sakura's cheeks as well. “She can give as good as she takes.” adds Layn, before Jin sighs as Layn pulls away her hand and caresses the woman's lower jaw and cheek.
“Well.” starts Avery. “Seems you guys have adapted quite well with each other.”
“We have...” replies Jin, with a little smile.
- 7:18 P.M. -
The group happily continued to chat, laugh and learn about each other. Sakura and Reni began to tire of the of the conversation though, as the adults were talking more than they were and Sakura was in the middle excusing herself and Reni, offering Celine to come to their room to play a video game, before they hear a tiny voice from the stairs...
“What's going on down here.” asks the fairy Fizer, Nina, flying down the stairs, completely nude and gasps as she sees Celine's parents, whom of which, a big smile quickly comes to Eda's face.
“Oh my! Who and what are you, you cute little thing!?”
The fairy giggles from Eda's excited comment before flying to the small table between the group, facing Eda as Sakura comments...
“Oh right, I forgot to mention Nina, she's one of my bestest friends, she's a-”
Though the fairy quickly cuts Sakura's off as she comments...
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I can introduce myself.”
Before flying up to eye level with Eda.
“My name is Nina and I'm a Fizer, fairy type, nice to meet you!” greets Nina, extending her tiny right hand to Eda, who reaches a finger out to Nina, the fairy grabs the digit and shakes her finger.
“Wow, it's very nice to meet you too, you little cutie! My name is Eda.” replies the Geelien woman cheerfully as Nina giggles again from Eda's delight in meeting her, before Avery introduces himself.
“I'm Avery.” he states, reaching out a finger to shakes Nina's hand as well
“Nice to meet you.” replies Nina. “Nobody told me Celine and her parents were going to be visiting, I would have been here earlier.”
“Considering everything else I know from Celine, I'm surprised I knew nothing of you.” comments Eda, before Celine comments...
“Sorry, I forgot to mention it, I met so many new people though, I can't remember them all so quick.”
“Well then...” starts Sakura, standing, “ guys can keep talking, Celine, you wanna come with me and Reni to our room?”
“Sure.” replies Celine, standing and looking to Sakura and Reni's parents. “It was very nice meeting you guys.”
The four adults return the comment, before Celine follows Sakura and Reni up the stairs while the parents and Nina continue to talk.
“You were right about our moms getting along Sakura.” comments Celine as she enters her friend room, seeing two beds.
“Yeah...” replies Reni, sitting on the right, closer of the two beds, “Our mom can get along with just about anyone, dad too.”
“So...” starts Sakura, kneeling down to a game console. “What sort of games do you like?”
“So we're really just going to play video games?” asks Celine smiling, sitting next to Reni, to her left.
“I told you...” replies Sakura with a smirk. “We don't frak all day everyday, that was just bad timing.”
Though Reni adds, leaning against Celine with a smile, “We could though if you want. Sa-chan had her fun with you, I'd like my turn.”
“Hehe...” lightly giggles Celine, dripping a little. “Uh, maybe later. We probably won't be here too much longer.”
“You could ask to spend the night here.” asks Reni. “I'm sure our parents would let you and we can do more than just frak, since it's the weekend, we can stay up late, eat snacks and watch movies, play games and talk.”
“Heh, that does sound nice.” replies Celine with a smile. “It would be the first sleep-over I've had since I've been here.”
“Great, then let's go ask!” replies Reni happily as she stands and pulls Celine to her feet again and pulling her out towards the stairs.
“W-Whoa! Wait, I just said it would be nice, I didn't agree to it yet. I just met your parents anyway.” states Celine.
“That's ok, doesn't hurt to ask.” replies Reni.
The two quickly arrive back down the stairs where their parents were still happily chatting, with Nina sitting on Eda's right shoulder.
“Hey mom.” comments Reni, causing Layn to looking towards her.
“Can Celine spend the night?”
“Oh...” replies Layn, looking a little surprised by the question, though smiling. “Of course, but she'd need her parents permission as well.” she adds, looking to Eda and Avery.
“I'd be ok with it.” answers Eda.
“Your first sleep-over here, that's wonderful.” adds Avery.
“Well that's that.” replies Layn, smiling, before looking to Jin, Kevin and Gene. “Do you guys have any objections?” all three gave their approval. “Well then Celine, your free to spend the night.”
“Awesome!” declares Reni, before attempting to pull Celine back up the steps, but Celine is resistant as she looks to Layn.
“Wait, but this is your first time meeting me, why would you agree to let me spend the night here so easily?”
Layn takes a moment to simply smile at Celine, before answering, “Well you've given me a very nice first impression of yourself, along with the fact that you're already friends with my daughters and I'm getting along very well with your parents. Plus, the fact that you would even ask me that shows me how mature you are. So I have no reason to have any concerns, unless you have some deep, dark horrible secret you've been keeping.”
“Heh, no, I don't, thanks.” replies Celine with a smile, before heading up the stairs with Reni.
“She's here all night!” declares Reni as she and Celine return to the room, with Sakura now sitting on the left bed, which Celine assumed to be hers as she held a controller in her hands.
“Awesome, now we don't have to worry about time.” replies Sakura with a smile. “You like action games Celine?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “Just about any game but sport games.”
“Well..” starts Reni, picking up two controllers from the floor near the game console and handing one to Celine. “Take a controller and let's officially start this sleep-over!”
“Ok.” replies Celine with a smile.
- 8:23 P.M. -
However, the sleep-over didn't really 'officially' start until Celine had returned home with her parents to get an extra set of clothing.
“Have fun Sweetie.” comments Eda from the car as Celine walks up to the Bragou front door, with a clean shirt and skirt under her left arm.
“I'm sure I will, seeya tomorrow mom.” replies Celine with a smile, waving her mom off before ringing the doorbell.
The door opens soon after, greeted by Sakura, dressed in what was clearly her pajamas, a solid pink silk two-piece set, with pants and a short-sleeve buttoned-up shirt.
“Welcome back.” greets the blonde, letting Celine in and closing the door behind her, who sees Kevin sitting on one of the couches, watching TV in his sleepwear, a T-shirt and light pants.
“Nice to be back, looking forward to my first sleep-over.” replies Celine.
Layn soon walks out of the kitchen, carrying a small cup and wearing a solid purple, full-length silk robe tied closed.
“I hope you enjoy your night here Celine.” comments Layn as she walks towards her. “If you need 'anything' at all, don't hesitate to ask, I'll be more than willing to help in anyway I can.” she adds with a lustful tone and lifting a hand to Celine's cheek, bringing a nervous giggle from her before Sakura comments with annoyance...
“I'm just having a little fun.” replies Layn with a smile to her daughter before looking back to Celine. “But seriously though Celine, if you need something, just ask.”
“Ok, thanks Mrs. Bragou.” replies Celine, before Sakura leads her up the stairs.
“Heh, your mom is certainly open with her sexuality.” comments Celine as she reaches the upper floor.
“Yeah, sorry about that, my mom can come on pretty strong, if it makes you uncomfortable though, she'll stop if you tell her.” replies Sakura.
“I don't mind.” states Celine, as she enters Sakura's room, though Reni wasn't there at the moment. “She reminds me of my mom.”
“You can put your clothes in one of the dresser drawers if you want.” states Sakura, getting onto her bed and sitting facing her TV.
“OK.” replies Celine, moving to the dresser and opening the top drawer and getting a little surprise when she sees it filled with bra's and panties. Closing it, Celine opens the second drawer and see it filled with skirts and puts her clothes there. “I just met your mom today though.” adds Celine continuing her previous line of conversation and walking to Reni's bed and sitting on the side, facing Sakura. “As long as she doesn't actually try to frak me, I'd be ok with the flirting and stuff.”
“Heh, she'll certainly flirt with you, that's for sure.” comments Sakura.
“What about your other mom?” asks Celine.
“She's not as extreme.” answers Sakura. “She's more reserved and submissive in comparison, but she and Layn like to swap roles with each other. Today, my Earth mom may be Layn's 'pet' but tomorrow, it could be reversed.”
“Well that's nice, they go back and forth.”
Reni then walks into the room with a satisfied sigh, wearing an oversized white T-shirt, big enough to hide her panties.
“Man, anal makes pooping sooo much easier! The poop just falls out!” she comments, before gasping as she sees Celine. “Oh! Heh, sorry for the TMI.”
“That's ok.” replies Celine.
“Oh hey!” happily adds Reni, hurrying to her bed and hoping on to it and looking squarely into Celine eyes. “Now that your here for the night, time for some gossip! There's this rumor that you have an admirer.”
“W-What!?” gasps Celine as she immediately began to melt. “How did that get out! School was half over Shakrus (Friday)!”
“So it's true!?” gasps Sakura, with a smile and turning to face Celine.
“U-uh, w-well...” starts Celine, nervously.
“Rumors spread around school super quick.” replies Reni. “It could be the final hour of school on a Shakrus (Friday) when something juicy happens and on Nycalus (Monday), anyone whose interested in the latest rumors will know about it and most of the school would know about it the day after.”
“Geez.” comments Celine, before recalling her time with Abby and remembering their silent guest and groaning. “Ah frak, that girl in the stall! She must've started it! Whatever you guys heard, nothing happened, well, nothing to get so worked up about it.”
“What did happen then?” asks Sakura, smiling wide.
Seeing both eager faces looking to her, Celine sighs in defeat as she realizes she wasn't going to be getting out of this.
“What does the rumor say happened?” asks Celine, before Reni answers...
“That the other Geelien, Abby, trapped you in one of the bathroom stalls, confessed her love for you before fraking you.”
“That's only partly true.” states Celine. “She did confess her feelings for me, but she didn't frak me, she tried repeatedly, but it never happened.” clarifies Celine.
“Aww.” whines Sakura. “That's disappointing. Is it true you shot her down too?”
“Uh, yeah.” answers Celine.
“Why!?” gasps Reni. “The two Geelien's who left their planet, becoming a couple, it has to be fate!”
“Hehe, I dunno about fate, but, I'm just not looking for that sort of relationship right now.” replies Celine, smiling.
“Well that sucks.” comments Reni.
“Sorry to disappoint.” states Celine.
“Oh well...” sighs Sakura. “I do have a slightly related question, is 'Fleshie' a good or bad term?”
“Ah, well, it's a little complicated...” states Celine, with a nervous smile. “It's not really good, but it's not bad either, depends more on how the person uses it. It's a blanket term for non-Geelien's, although I understand it's purpose, I won't use it when referring to you guys.”
“Well as long as you don't mean it negatively, I don't mind.” replies Sakura.
“Me neither.” adds Reni.
“Thanks, but I'd prefer not to.” replies Celine with a smile. “It's not a word I like.”
“Ok then.” comments Sakura, before Reni comments to Celine...
“By the way, you should change into your pajamas, no since in keeping your normal clothes on.”
“Heh, uh, about that.” replies Celine with a slightly embarrassing giggle. “I don't actually wear pajamas.”
“Oh, so you just wear your normal clothes until you go to bed?” asks Reni.
“Sometimes, or I strip down to my underwear, but most of the time, I just walk around the house naked.” comments Celine with a little smile, melting some.
“Oh.” replies Reni with a smile of her own. “Well I guess that makes sense, you said yourself that Geelien's like to wear a small amount of clothes and in the privacy of your own home, going naked is just the obvious next step.”
“Yeah.” agrees Celine.
“How about you change anyway?” suggests Sakura removing herself from the bed and heading to the dresser.
“But I only brought a change of regular clothes.” comments Celine.
“That's ok.” replies Sakura, opening one of the dressers and pulling out a large white shirt, before walking to Celine and offering it to her. “You can borrow one of my shirts.”
“Are you sure?” asks Celine, taking the shirt. “It'll get wet if I wear it.”
“That's alright.” replies Sakura. “This way, you don't have to feel weird wearing your regular clothes while everyone else is in their pajamas and you don't have to sleep naked in a strangers house.”
“Heh, thanks, but you guys aren't strangers.” comments Celine with a smile, before standing, placing her gifted shirt behind her on the bed before removing her own shirt, then skirt, revealing her bra and panties.
Celine drips from embarrassment at disrobing in front of her friends, but the two didn't seem very interested in her during her change, no expected stares or remarks, the two allowed her to put on the slightly oversized shirt in peace. Her panties were nearly completely covered, the shirt covered the front, but her tail caused the back of the shirt to lift and expose her rear, until she lowers her tail, before sitting back on Reni's bed.
“I'm surprised you two actually let me change without trying to jump me.” comments Celine, she knew she was tempting fate, but she had to comment on it. “I'm just so used to being attacked by Becky and Sammy, hehe, it's nice to have a non-sexual moment.”
“Hehe...” giggles Sakura and she laying on her stomach on her bed, facing the TV. “Well like I said, we don't frak all day here. There's plenty more to do than just sex.”
“Yeah.” adds Reni, before draping herself over Celine's back and wrapping her arms around her in a light hug. “Besides, your spending the night, we have plenty of time to get to the sex.”
“Heh, well I guess I can completely relax around you two, I probably don't need to wear this shirt either.” comments Celine, before Sakura replies with a smile...
“I never said I wasn't tempted though, so you probably 'should' leave the shirt on.”
“Ah, right.” answers Celine, smiling, before Reni comments with a playful pout...
“You weren’t relaxed around us?”
“Not really, I was expecting one or both of you to attempt to frak me.” replies Celine. “But now I don't have to worry about it- It's not like it would be a bad thing though.”
“I know.” replies Reni, smiling, removing herself from Celine and sitting to her left. “You can get tired of sex after awhile.”
“Wanna watch a movie?” asks Sakura.
“Sure.” answers Celine happily.
- 1:23 A.M. -
Retrieving the movie disk from it's player, Sakura manages to place the disk back in it's case before a lengthy yawn comes from her and she stretches her arms.
One person was already fast asleep, Nina, the fairy, sleeping quietly on her stomach in a small, cotton-filled, upturned box lid on the nightstand near Sakura's bed, with a pair of panties used as a cover.
“Man, three movies back-to-back.” comments Sakura, walking to her bed and falling face-first to it's soft mattress, before looking to Celine, sitting with her knees up against her chest at the head of Reni's bed, though the bed's owner currently in the bathroom. “I'm too sleepy to even want to frak now. Maybe tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I had a lot of fun watching the movies with you guys.” replies Celine removing herself from the bed.
“Me too.” replies Sakura, sitting up with a smile, though her eyes clearly droopy from evident sleepiness. “I noticed you crying during the second movie.”
“I-I wasn't crying!” gasps Celine, though her embarrassed dripping betrayed her statement.
“Hehe, Geelien's only drip, if their aroused, scared or sad. There was nothing arousing or scary about the scene you were dripping from.” states Sakura with a smirk.
“F-Fine...” retorts Celine with a little pout as she heads towards the door.
“Where are you going?” asks Sakura.
“To get a towel I can sleep on the floor with.” answers Celine. “I'll only partially retain my form while I'm sleeping and I don't want to create and big wet spot.”
Sakura suddenly frowns.
“You can't be serious.” comments the sleepy blonde. “You're not sleeping on the floor, you'll sleep with me or Reni.”
“Heh, thanks for the offer, but-”
“It's not an offer.” quickly comments Sakura, getting off her bed and walking to Celine and taking her hand. “It's a rule, unless there’s no room, guests don't sleep on the floor. Our beds have plenty of room.”
Celine soon sighs with a smile.
“I'm not going to win this one, am I?”
“Nope.” replies Sakura, before another yawn escapes her. “You're in our house, you follow our rules.”
Reni then returns, seeing the two near the door.
“What rules?” she asks, before Celine answers her.
“The rule that guests don't sleep on the floor apparently.”
“That's right!” declares Reni. “You can sleep with me if you want.”
“I'll be a mess to sleep with though.” comments Celine. “Literally, I'll partially melt while I'm asleep.”
“As long as you don't drown me, I'm ok with that.”
Another smiling sigh comes from Celine. “Fine, I give up, let's just go to sleep.”
After Reni closes the door, and turns off the lights, with moonlight being the only source of light, the three return to their beds, Sakura quickly making herself comfortable under her cover while Reni strips completely nude.
“You don't mind if I'm naked do you?” asks Reni.
“No, I was actually going to ask you the same thing.” answers Celine, as she pulls off her shirt. “Wearing anything while sleeping is pretty pointless for a Geelien.”
“Well I certainly don't have a problem with it.” replies Reni, before moving under the covers of her bed and pulling them back, inviting Celine to join her.
Celine smiles and removes her bra and panties, briefly standing nude in front of Reni before climbing into bed with her, facing the blonde as she giggles a little from snuggling up to Celine.
“Mmm, you're warm.” comments Reni.
“So are you.”
“Oh, by the way.” starts Reni. “I'm a little grabby in my sleep.”
“Well as long as you don't try and rape me in your sleep, I'm fine with it.” comments Celine.
“Heh, you don't have to worry about that.”
The two soon hear a light snore from Sakura.
“That was quick.” comments Celine.
“Yeah, well she did have a fight today.” replies Reni.
“Oh, right, well that's understandable.”
A yawn then comes from Reni, before commenting...
“Well, good night.”
“Good night.” repeats Celine, before the two close their eyes and wait for sleep to claim them.
Chapter 30
Title: Chapter 9-1
[Author's notes: (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL, YURI, ANAL
After waking up to a mystery, Celine spends her brief time in bed with a talkative and horny Reni.]
- Next day, Solaris (Sunday), Fourth week of February (2) -
- Bragou Residence, Sakura and Reni's room -
- Early that morning, 4:56 A.M. -
Only having been asleep for a few hours, Celine was awakened by a constant movement and talking. Opening her eyes, in the darkness, Celine could see Reni's sleeping face and felt her clutching her partially melted body. However, Celine could quickly recognize Reni's sleeping was disturbed, her sleeping face frowning up.
'A bad dream?' thinks Celine.
“Stop... no...” mutters Reni.
Celine was soon shocked as with a little movement from Reni and her face moving into the faint moonlight shining into the room, tears were visible in the corners of Reni's closes eyes and tears trailing down the side of her face.
“Daddy... hurt... you're... me... stop... please...”
'She's dreaming of her dad hurting her!?' thinks Celine, shocked. 'But their dads were so nice. Why would she dream something like that?'
While Reni's talking seems to stop, fresh tears stream from her eyes and Celine feels Reni's hold on her tighten, too much as her arms simply pass right through the Geelien's body to hug herself. However, Celine just couldn't lay there and do nothing, so she wraps her arms around Reni, attempting to comfort her, which seemed to work a little, until Celine herself falls asleep again.
- 9:21 A.M. -
Waking up, Celine was a little surprised when a wide-awake Reni lay staring at her with a smile, supporting her head with her right hand.
“U-Uh, good morning?” greets Celine.
“Morning.” answers back Reni. “Do you know you talk in your sleep?”
Celine instantly felt embarrassed, but was also reminded of her moment early in the morning.
“U-Uh, yeah.” replies Celine with a little smile. “My mom told me. I didn't say anything weird, did I?”
“Not really. It was more mumbling than talking. I didn't understand a thing you said, but it was cute.” answers Celine.
“Well that's good, I think...” replies Celine.
“By that way...” comments Reni. “You don't breathe.”
“Yeah, I mentioned that before.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know; It's just, I mean, I didn't really pay attention to it, but watching you sleep, and seeing you just lay there, like a statue, heh, a melting statue, was just weird.”
“Ah, sorry if that creeped you out.” replies Celine, now embarrassed for a less than positive reason.
Reni quickly attempted to cheer her up, “Oh, no! That not what I meant! You weren’t creepy, it's just odd, I've never met someone who doesn't breath.”
“Oh, well, ok then.” replies Celine with a smile.
“So, do you dream when you sleep?” asks Reni.
“Yeah, I dream.”
“Do you dream memories?”
“Sometimes, heh, if your asking if Geelien's have weird dreams, like being sucked up in a giant straw, then yeah.”
The comment brings a giggle from Reni, before she states, “Ok, one more question; I'm sure you'd rather not be interrogated right when you wake up.”
“I don't mind.”
“OK, so, what's it like having lifetimes of information, but being so young? How many lifetimes of knowledge do you have?”
“Heh, it's not as awesome as you may think.” replies Celine with a smile, as she briefly recalled the event with the girl at the IPSL arena. “It can stop you from doing something you really want to, like attacking someone or really hurting their feelings, but you know how wrong it would be.”
“Wow, so you're more self-aware of your actions.”
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “It's because of the knowledge I have that a tend to have a more mature view on things. My knowledge isn't infinite though. It's different for each Geelien, but I can only recall up to five generations.”
“Wow, that's still amazing, you have the knowledge of five people in you?” asks Reni.
“Heh, not quite, let me explain; The further back I go in my previous lives, the less I can remember, it becomes fuzzy and hard to remember. I can recall all of my moms memories up to the point I was born clearly, but starting with my grandma, it starts to get a little hazy, even more with my Great grandma, and more with my Great, Great grandma and I can barely recall even a single memory of my Great, Great, Great grandma.”
“Wow, so, what CAN you remember of your Great, Great, Great grandmother?”
“Um...” replies Celine, searching through her memories, before a hazy image comes to her. “I think it's one where she's sitting on a couch.”
“Just sitting on the couch? That's kinda disappointing.”
“Heh, sorry, it's not like a can choose what memories get passed on to me, after all, I can only remember what my mom already knows, and she can only remember what her mom knows, on and on down the line.”
“Ahhh!” gasps Reni with a smile. “I get it, so it's like writing over the same word over and over, the original word is still there, but almost impossibly to see.”
“Uh, yeah, I guess.”
“Still though, I guess just remembering your Great, Great, Great grandma sitting on the couch is an awesome thing.”
“Heh, yeah, it is.” replies Celine with a smile, though it slowly fades as she recalls the early morning scene.
“Something wrong?” asks Reni.
“Um, do you mind if I ask a personal question?” asks Celine.
“Depends, you can ask, doesn't mean I'll answer.” replies Reni.
“Fair enough... do you're dads hurt you?”
“Huh?” replies Reni with a smile. “Of course not, unless I want them to, hehe.”
“Why would you ask me that?”
“Um, well, it's just that, earlier this morning, I woke up and it seemed you were having a nightmare where your father was hurting you and you were crying in your sleep and...”
Celine trails off as Reni's cheerful expression quickly sours, she clearly looked angry.
“Just drop it, don't say another word about that.” comments Reni.
“O-Oh, ok then, sorry.” replies Celine.
Reni sits up in the bed, revealing her topless upper body and small breasts and from Celine's line of sight, the teens bare butt.
“I-If one of your dads is hurting you though-” starts Celine.
“I said drop it!” yells Reni, looking down to Celine.
“O-Ok, s-sorry.” replies Celine, concerned that she had brought up a painful topic, looking to the bed, but soon hearing Reni sigh and lay back down and looking at her with a little smile.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It's just a touchy subject for me that I don't deal with very much. My dads treat me great. Just forget what you saw this morning and don't bring it up.”
“Ok.” replies Celine, with a little smile, before feeling Reni hug her.
“Thanks for the concern though.”
Celine returns the embrace, but she couldn't help but wonder what Reni was hiding, Reni was clearly dreaming her one of her fathers hurting her, getting very upset mentioning it, but denying that ether of them did such a thing.
However, the mystery was sent to the back of mind as she felt one of Reni's hands grab her partially formed right butt cheek.
“Hehe, where's your ass?”
“Heh, I told you yesterday, when I'm sleeping, I'll partially melt.”
“Well how about returning to your original form and we can have a little morning fun?”
“I dunno...” replies Celine with a smile. “Isn't Sakura still sleeping?”
“Sa-chan's a heavy sleeper the day after she fights.” answers Reni, before rubbing herself against Celine's partially melted form. “We can be almost as loud as we want and she won't wake up.”
“Fine then...” comments Celine, before reabsorbing her pooled mass and returning to her original form, bringing an 'Oooooh' from Reni as she squeezes the Geelien's right butt cheek. “If we wake up Sakura, I'm blaming you.”
“Hehe, fine by me.” replies Reni.
It was Celine's turn to moan with delight as she feels Reni's other hand move down to her other butt cheek and wedging her left leg between the Geelien's legs and pressing her thigh against Celine's bare labia.
“Ohhh, your wet.” adds Reni, bringing a giggle from them both, before Celine lowers her right hand down to Reni's back, teasing the crevice of her butt with her middle and ring fingers, bringing a delighted moan from the blonde teen.
“Do you like your butt played with?” asks Celine.
“Do it!?” declares Reni happily, looking into Celine eyes with sparkles of delight in her own. “I love it! I treat my ass like another pussy!”
Although a little more than surprised by Reni's enthusiastic reply, Celine smiles...
“Well that's awesome for the both of us. Thanks to two little girls, I've developed a delight for playing non-Geelien butt-holes.” replies Celine, as she lowers her hand between the cheeks of Reni's butt and caressing the blondes plump anus, bringing an immediate coo and moan from Reni as Celine also felt the small ring of sensitive flesh spread a little, as if asking more of her fingers.
“Ohhhh, yeah. I'll let you play with my butt-hole all you want!”
“Mmm, well then, thanks for the invite, I certainly will...” replies Celine, slowly circling the plump ring and bringing a light shutter from Reni. “Nice, plump little butt-hole you have, I bet it gets lots of use doesn't it?”
“Mmmm! It sure does.” answers Reni, wriggling her butt and causing Celine's fingers to rub her anus a bit more. “I even like to sleep with stuff in my butt and I have this special alarm clock I use a lot. I stick it in my butt and when it's time, it vibrates hard enough to wake me up. If I don't pull it out, it'll make me come really quick, over and over.”
“Such a naughty little ass you have.” comments Celine with a smile, before bringing a louder moan from Reni as she sticks her entire, pliable hand through her friend's anus. “Let me give you a taste of what I can do...”
Just seconds after her moan from Celine's insertion of her hand, Reni moans the loudest yet as Celine slowly widens her hand, spreading her anus open quite far, until Celine hears a quick groan from Reni and felt her anus clinch hard around her hand, quite nearly pinching her hand off inside her while Reni moans and shutters against her and the blondes anus spasms.
“Wow...” comments Celine with a smile. “Coming already?”
“H-Hehe... j-just a small one...” answers Reni through her orgasm, trembling a little. “I certainly wasn't expecting you to do that.”
“It's not all I can do.” replies Celine. “If you want more, you should start moving that leg you have between my legs.”
“Oh! Right, heh, I got so wrapped up in my pleasure, I forgot about yours.” comments Reni, before starting to move her leg against Celine's crotch, but stopping shortly after and adding. “Hey, how about you put your leg between mine and you can absorb my Honey?”
“Good idea...” replies Celine, before moving her left leg between Reni's and pressed against the blonde's already oozing pussy. “Sex and breakfast in bed.”
“Hehehe, I'll serve you the best I can.” comments Reni with a giggling.
“Too bad you spilled the first helping.” adds Celine with a giggle as she began to widen and shrink Reni's still quivering anus with a moan from her.
“T-That's your fault, not mine.” replies Reni, before beginning to rub her leg against Celine's crotch, who also did the same, absorbing Reni's fresh honey that would ooze from her pussy as she toyed with her well used anus.
For the next five minutes or so, Reni was clearly the more vocal of the two, Celine only giving quite moans as they each hump themselves against the leg of the other and Celine expanding and shrinking her hand inside Reni's anus, which produced three full climaxes and a few smaller ones that Reni made a point to distinguish.
All the while though, while the humping didn't bring Celine off, she did have access to Reni's honey continuously oozing from pussy, it was an unending flow of nourishment. A Tragelian's honey seemed to have everything a Geelien's body needed, lots of liquid and some protein, with a few other unneeded minerals. The amount of protein may be low, but the sheer amount of honey a Tragelian produced more than balanced it.
Coming down from a smaller climax, wriggling her hips from Celine's hand in her stretched butt and rubbing her oozing pussy against Celine's soft, smooth, but melting leg, Reni gives a whine...
“Ooohhh, I want more, you said you'd give me more if I do my share!”
“Mmm, yes I did, here's your treat for the wonderful breakfast you've been serving me...”
An immediate, shuttering moan comes from Reni as she feels Celine's hand shrink a little, but was more than made up for as she felt her hand and arm travel VERY deep within her, bending twice and traveling partly into her large intestine.
“Hehehehe.... Coming so quick after the last one?” giggles Celine as Reni shutters strongly against her and she felt a flood of fresh, warm honey coat her leg that she eagerly absorbs.
“H-H-Holy, f-fraking, hell!” gasps out Reni, moving her left hand from Celine's butt and moving it to her stomach as she leans against the Geelien and pulls her leg from between Celine's and trembling as she fed Celine more and more of her honey from her climaxing pussy. “Y-You can go in SOOOOOOO deep!”
“I can even go into your small intestine, if I wanted. With that kind of reaction from you though, I can't wait to play with your greedy little butt more, I've only just went in, I haven't started thrusting yet.”
“P-Please do!” eagerly requests Reni with hearts in her eyes, still well within her climax. “Frak my ass deep!”
“This is gonna be fun and satisfying.” replies Celine with delight, before pulling back her hand and arm.
The retreat brings the same shuttering moan from Reni and Celine felt an increased amount of honey flood from her, it was almost too much to absorb with just her leg.
Reni's orgasmic moan continues as Celine began the return trip deep into Reni's large intestine as she began to thrust her mass in earnest.
“Oooohhhhh! Y-YES! Frak m-my ass! Frak it deep! K-Keep me coming!” declares Reni.
Celine was quite delighted with herself, such a simple action in her opinion, was giving Reni such great pleasure. A pleasure so great, Celine found the things Reni were saying quite amusing...
“I-I'm coming so hard! OOOOOOHHHHH! NNNNNGGHHH! YESYESYES! My ass! Frak my ass! Wreck it! Wreck my ass! My ass is all yours! I-I'll be you're anal slut!”
'You don't have to go that far.' comments Celine, though only in her mind.
It was this high amount of amusing pleasure the reminded Celine of an event Becky and Sammy told her, the 'Next level' of orgasm. Instantly, Celine set herself a goal: take Reni to that next level.
So, Celine widens her thrusting arm and reaches even deeper, reaching the very end of Reni's large intestine, any deeper and Celine would be entering her friends small intestine.
The changes were immediate on Reni, her moaning getting even louder and the amount of honey she was producing became more than the position of her leg could absorb.
“You're getting a little too loud Reni...” comments Celine with a smile as she reaches her left hand up and covering Reni's mouth, muffling her orgasmic moans a bit.
“Wanna be my anal slut huh?” asks Celine, looking to Reni, who opens her slightly teary eyes to look at her as she moans into Celine's hand. “Well I'm gonna keep you coming till you reach the next level.” Reni's eyes widen. “Heh, yeah, I know about that, would you like me to take you there?” Reni eagerly nods her head, before her eyes close and her moans loader against Celine's hand. “Good.”
For the next few blissful minutes for Reni, she was lost in her world of Anal Heaven, Celine no longer cared about feeding herself on Reni's honey as she pulls her leg away to focus her attention on thrusting into Reni's large intestine.
It was after about five minutes and over a dozen or so orgasms, small and large, that Reni's constant moaning dies off rather quickly and Celine sees the glint in Reni's eyes fading in and out, as if she was going in and out of a Trance. Celine could also feel that the blonde's anus had fallen lax from the pleasurable assault.
“Ooohhh, are you almost there? You're getting all quite like Brandi did. Do you need just a bit more?”
Reni faintly nods her head.
“Hope you're ready...” adds Celine, widening her arm yet again.
After just a few seconds, the small addition causes Reni to groan and stiffen up.
“I think you're there.” comments Celine happily, with delight at her first successfully attempt to take Reni to the 'next level' of pleasure.
After a few quite seconds, Reni's moans out loudly against Celine's hand as she shakes and bucks in the spasms of her higher level of pleasure.
While still thrusting her arm, Celine quickly remembers Becky and Sammy being very direct when saying that she shouldn't touch Brandi while she was in this state, but she was too curious to stop, she wanted to know what would happen if she continued...
However, through Reni's frantic cry’s of pleasure and thrashing around, the result of her continued deep thrusting was rather disappointing, Reni abruptly passes out, going limp. However, her body continued without her, continuing to thrash around, which still amused Celine. She did stop her thrusting though.
“Well it's no fun if she's unconscious.” comments Celine with a sigh, before starting to pull her arm out, but stopping, recalling the many times she had toyed deeply in Becky and Sammy's butts and the result of more than just her arm leaving.
“Well, this is a slight problem.”
'Need some help?'
“Ah!” gasps Celine from the very unexpected comment from Sakura, the result of which causes her to revert to her younger form, before craning her head back to see Sakura sitting on on the side of her bed, still in her pajamas, facing her, with a smile on her face and her hair disheveled from sleep as the hair on the right side of her head was partially standing up. “You were awake!?”
“Of course I'm awake. I'd have to be dead to sleep through that noise.” answers Sakura, before standing and walking around Reni's bed, behind Reni and in front of Celine. “You even woke up Nina.”
“Oh, sorry about that. I got a little too into it.”
“That's ok- Hey, you look weird, did you get younger?” replies Sakura, before realizing Celine's change.
“My younger form isn't new to you.” replies Celine, “You saw me like this when you had your way with me in school.” she adds with a little smile.
“Ah, well I was trancing at the time too. But still, can you change into that form whenever you want?”
“Yeah, and if I get really surprised.”
“Nice, anyway, what was your problem?”
“Oh, uh...” replies Celine looking down to Reni, who was still unconscious and twitching and trembling and somehow, despite all her thrashing, Celine was still covered from the shoulders down and Reni, from the waist down in the bed cover, so Sakura could see Celine's arm down towards her sister's butt. “Well, Reni wanted to have some morning fun, one thing lead to another and I gave her a next level orgasm by fraking her butt all the way into her large intestine. Now though, going by pass experiences, if I take my arm out of Reni's intestine, more than just my arm is going to be coming out.”
“Wow... So your arm's... wow.” comments Sakura.
“Yeah, so, my arm's basically stuck.”
“That's quite the problem.” comments Sakura. “But, Reni does tend to keep herself cleaned out, so you might have your arm up her butt for no reason. Even if she isn't cleaned out, if she flooded the bed with her honey, the sheets are going to get washed anyway.”
“Oh, so, I should just pull out anyway?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” replies Sakura, reaching and pulling away the cover, bringing a gasp from Celine as she and Reni's nude bodies were revealed, with her arm inserted into Reni's butt and the Geelien melting a bit more from the embarrassment, which was made even more-so from Sakura's additional comment. “Hey, you're sparkling a little.”
“U-Uh, I-I have to clean myself.” replies Celine.
“Clean yourself of what?” asks Sakura.
As she answers, Celine reaches her left hand over her right into the quite large pool of Reni's spent honey on the bed, absorbing it, not wanting it to go to waste if more than her arm leaves Reni's butt.
“L-Lack of movement causes crystals to form in a Geelien's body. As I told you before, a clear, clean body is what we find attractive. And no, the crystals aren't worth anything, we see them as a waste product like pee and poop.”
“Wow, well they may be worthless to Geelien's but other races may like them.” replies Sakura, smiling. “It's like with us Tragelian's and our eggs, their worthless to us, since every Tragelian makes them, but the humans love'em and they pay a lot of money for them, especially a real big one.”
“Well, I never thought others would like the crystals... anyway, it's time to free my hand...”
Celine slowly retracts her arm, moving through the bends of Reni's large intestine, which still effected the unconscious blondes body as it begins to shutter and jerk and Celine felt her anus rhythmically tightening, which brings a smile from Celine and a giggle from Sakura as fresh honey oozes from her pussy. Eventually though, Celine at last, removes her hand from Reni's butt, revealing her unblocked, repeatedly clenching, gaping anus.
The two waited for a few moments, but the only thing to leave Reni's gaping hole was an airy fart.
“Looks like she's clean.” comments Sakura.
“Yeah...” replies Celine, before reabsorbing her mass and returning to her original form.
“Aww, can't you stay in your younger form?” asks Sakura.
“Maybe after I clean myself.” replies Celine, removing herself from the bed, though still dripping and clearly embarrassed.
“Ok, heh, I wonder how my parents would react to seeing your younger form. Hey, why are you still dripping? Your not still embarrassed being naked around us after you slept with Reni naked are you?”
“N-No, it's not that, it's just, being seen without a clear body, is really embarrassing for me.” replies Celine, placing her hands over her crotch, and squirming a bit, but it did nothing to hide the glints of crystal in her body.
“Ah, I see.” replies Sakura. “So in comparison, it would be like if I was covered in poop. That's not likely to happen though waking up, and I wouldn't be very embarrassed is I was covered in honey or pee... Oh, I would be though if I woke up with some really horrible bed hair and didn't even realize it.”
With Sakura's ending comment, Celine stifles a giggle, smiling and turning her head from her friend.
“What?” asks Sakura.
“N-nothing...” replies Celine, briefly gazing to Sakura's hair, fighting back another giggle before walking to the nightstand where her Comm rests and removing her cleaning comb. “I'm gonna go get cleaned up.” she adds, heading towards the door with a smile.
“I'll come with you.” replies Sakura, following Celine. “I'd like to see your morning routine.”
“Well it's not worth watching.” comments Celine, stopping next to the closed door, which Sakura opens and walks out, before Celine peeks her head out, seeing no one else in the hallway.
“Well I'll show you my routine.” replies Sakura. “You'd be interested in that wouldn't you?”
“Well, ok.” replies Celine.
Satisfied that she wouldn't be seen, Celine hurries out of the room and rushes down the hall to the bathroom, which Sakura only smiles at before joining Celine in the bathroom, closing and locking the door.
To Be Continued
Chapter 31
Title: Chapter 9-2
Celine and Sakura share their morning routine with each other, before the two are joined by Reni.]
“Hey...” starts Sakura, walking up to Celine. “Would you mind if I clean you?”
“I just thought it would be interesting.” replies Sakura, gently taking the comb from Celine. “I just run the comb through your body until all the crystals are gone, right?”
“Yeah... well, ok, if you want to.” answers Celine, before spreading her legs about a foot and extending her arms at her sides. “It's a normal thing for two Geelien's to clean each other.”
“The same goes for me and my family.” replies Sakura. “So, where do I start?”
“Anywhere you want. I prefer starting at my head and working my way down.”
“Ok, so...” states Sakura, before placing the comb at the top of Celine's head. “I just move it through your head and face?”
“Yeah.” replies Celine with a smile. “Don't worry, you won't hurt me, it actually feels good.”
Lowering the mesh of the comb down, into Celine's head and face, Sakura smiles as just one pass of the comb down to Celine's neck already made a clear difference as the few crystals in the reach of the comb had been cleared out and collected in the comb, before Celine comments...
“One pass is usually enough, but I like to make several, just to be absolutely sure nothing is left behind.”
“Heh, clean freak, huh?” states Sakura with a giggle.
“W-Well clear is beauty.” comments Celine with a little smile as she drips.
“Hehe, well, do I keep going down or do I get the back of your head too?”
“I do my whole head, before doing my front then my back.” answers Celine.
“OK, then I'll do that too.” replies Sakura, walking behind Celine and repeating the process on the back of Celine's head.
“Oh and make sure you clean the comb out in the sink after a few passes.” comments Celine.
“OK.” replies Sakura, before walking to the sink and rinsing away the small amount of gathered crystals.
However, a brief gaze up to the mirror, Sakura gasps out as she sees her hair and her face reddens like a tomato as she lifts one hand up to flatten her hair.
“Hey! Why didn't you tell me about my hair!” declares the blonde as she turn to Celine, who bursts into a round of giggling.
“S-Sorry! I couldn't help it!”
“Hmph! So your also a jerk too.” comments Sakura, before wetting a hand and placing it to her hair to flatten it. “I'll remember this.”
Returning in front of Celine, Sakura takes the Geelien's right hand in her left, lifting her arm a bit before placing the comb into Celine's shoulder and running it through her friend's arm and hand, repeating it twice more, before, satisfied with the cleanliness of Celine's right arm, moves behind her to her left. Repeating the lift of her arm and a few passes of the comb, Sakura returns to the sink to clean the comb before returning in front of Celine.
“I'm liking this.” comments Sakura with a smile. “Kinda calming, like painting a wall.”
“Well I'm glad you like it.” replies Celine, smiling as well as Sakura began to run the comb down her chest and belly, Celine even lifting her arms as Sakura gets her sides as she circles around her.
After cleaning the comb once again, Sakura kneels down in front of Celine, who reflexively places her hands over her crotch briefly.
“Is it the same with this spot too?” asks Sakura with a smile as she looks up to Celine.
“Yeah.” answers Celine, uncovering herself and placing her hands to her sides. “You're just cleaning me, remember?”
“Heh, yeah, yeah, I know.” replies Sakura, lifting the comb into Celine's waist and making a number of short passes through Celine's waist, passing through her pussy.
Seeing her Geelien friend melting more than usual, Sakura grins and asks...
“Does cleaning this area feel better than the others?”
“I-I'm sure you already know the answer to that.” replies Celine.
Sakura giggles a little as she began to move around to Celine's back.
“You clean your tail too, right?” asks Sakura, seeing the Geelien's tail cover the crevice of her butt and hanging between her legs.
“Can I touch it?”
“Of course.”
“Some people have issues with their tail being touched without permission, that's why I ask.” comments Sakura, lifting Celine's tail in her left hand and giving it just two passes of the comb before circling back around to Celine's front, before standing.
“Alrighty! Your pussy is clean, now it's just your legs.” states Sakura, before cleaning the comb and returning in front of her friend and kneeling again.
“Thanks.” replies Celine, smiling.
“No problem.” replies Sakura, placing the comb into Celine's right leg and moving it down.
As Sakura began cleaning the last parts of her, Celine found the thought of Reni's secret coming to her mind. She knew it wouldn't be a very nice thing to do, but she was just too curious.
“Um, Sakura?”
“Yeah?” replies he blonde.
“Uh, did something happen to Reni in her past, something with your dads?”
To her surprise, Sakura abruptly stops what she was doing and looks up to her with wonderment, which causes Celine to quickly add nervously...
“U-Uh, I woke up early in the morning and Reni seemed to be having a bad dream, and she was talking and crying...”
“Did you ask her about it?” asks Sakura.
“Y-Yeah, but she got really angry with me and told me not to bring it up again.”
“Then that's it, if she won't tell you herself, then I can't say anything about it. I will say one thing though, it has nothing to do with ether of our dads, so don't go thinking bad about them.”
“But, that doesn't make sen-”
“Drop it Celine.” cuts in Sakura, with a frown.
Slumping her shoulders in defeat, Celine replies, “Ok.” but she was even more curious, Reni was dreaming about her dad hurting her, got upset upon bringing it up and told, now twice, that neither father had anything to do with it, it was quite a mystery.
“Good.” replies Sakura, her smile slowly returning. “I'd hate to fight over something like that.”
After a few minutes...
“And we're done! Looking clear and pretty.” declares Sakura with a smile as she admires her work, in front of a smiling, dripping and very clear, clean looking Celine, who covers her crotch with a hand.
“Thanks.” comments the Geelien.
“Just in time too, really gotta pee now.” states Sakura, handing the comb back to Celine, before walking to the toilet, turning her back to it and placing her hands to the waist of her pajama pants.
“Hey wait!” quickly states Celine, taking a few steps towards her friend.
“What?” asks Sakura, before grinning and adding... “Want me to pee on you?”
“Heh, n-no, nothing like that. I just, was wondering, if I could watch.”
“Oh...” replies Sakura, a light blush rising on her cheeks with a smile. “Well, if you want.” she adds, before pulling down her pajama pants and underwear as she sits on the toilet.
“It's just, as Geelien's, we have no need for a toilet and I've never actually seen a non-Geelien use one in person.”
“Oh, really?” asks Sakura.
“Wow, well, it's more of a listening experience for the person watching, you just sit and relax.”
“Ok, I'm still interested.” replies Celine, walking in front of Sakura and sitting on the edge of the tub, which brings a little more of a blush to Sakura's cheeks and a little giggle.
“W-Well, kinda makes me a little nervous with you sitting in front of me like that.”
“O-Oh! S-Sorry!” gasps Celine, standing and returning to her previous spot off to the side.
“That's better, anyway, here I go...” replies Sakura.
After just a few seconds, Celine hears the steady sound of a stream of liquid, Sakura's pee, hitting the pool of water in the toilet, which brings a rather big smile to the Geelien's face. A little giggle was added by Sakura as she noticed Celine's clear delight in watching and hearing her as her tail also flicks back and forth.
“Well you're certainly happy.” comments Sakura as she continued to empty her bladder.
“Heh, well this is just new to me, actually seeing a toilet being used for its original purpose. Can you spread your legs so I can see it come out?”
“Well...” starts Sakura with a little smile, before the steady stream ends. “Ok.” she answers and spreading her legs, causing Celine to eagerly return in front of the blonde and kneel to look squarely at Sakura's urine dripping labia, before seeing a stream of pee leave her.
“Wow, so you can stop and start it?”
“Heh, yeah, but once you start, stopping and holding it in only lasts a few moments.”
Celine watches in silence for the next few seconds as Sakura's bladder empties itself, ending with a quick, spurt of pee, before Sakura giggles a little as she kept her legs spread and comments...
“Your interest in my peeing reminds me of the few times Nina would stand on the edge of the toilet seat and watch me pee.”
“Where is she anyway?” asks Celine, getting to her feet. “You said she woke up, but I didn't see her in her bed.”
“She's here...” answers Sakura's pressing a finger to her abdomen. “She likes to hang out in my womb, it's her private little space.”
“Hehe, really? I know you said she appears in your womb when going from her home in the forest to here, but she actually spends prolonged time in there? Isn't it hot and wet in there?”
“Yeah, but she says she likes it and it's quite. She says the outside sounds are almost impossible to hear and she likes the constant sound of my heart beat.”
“So, she's sleeping right now?”
“Most likely, I haven't felt much movement from her.” answers Sakura before gasping with a smile and presenting her right index finger to Celine. “Pull my finger!”
Celine started to do just what Sakura asked, but stopped as she recalled a similar memory with Becky and Sammy and their reluctance to pull her tail, which causes Celine to lower her hand with a smile.
“Heh, Becky and Sammy already told me about that.”
“Aww, so you know what a fart is?” asks Sakura with a little disappointment on her face.
“I didn't at first.”
“Oh well...” comments Sakura before a loud, long, thunderous expulsion of gas leaves her into the toilet bowel, which ends with satisfied sigh from the blonde. “Ohhhh man! Too bad you guys can't know the relief of a good fart.”
The comment brings a giggle from Celine, before Sakura adds...
“This next part though you should probably leave the room for a few minutes.”
“I gotta poop, so-”
“O-Oh! Ok! Right...” replies Celine, heading towards the door, unlocking it.
Upon opening it though, Celine got a surprise as Reni was on the other end, as naked as she was in the bed with honey trailing down her inner thighs.
“Oh, hey Celine, what are you doing in the bathroom?”
“I was going to clean myself and Sakura wanted to join me, and we're basically sharing our morning routine with each other.”
“Oh, cool.” replies Reni with a smile, entering the bathroom, as Celine began to leave the room, though, Reni turns and grabs her hand. “Where are you going?”
“Sakura said she wanted some privacy so she can poop.”
“Oh, well how can she share her routine if she tells you to leave?” replies Reni, with a smile as she pulls Celine back into the room. “The famous Sakura has smelly poops like the rest of us!”
“But if she doesn't want me to be here-” starts Celine, before Sakura cuts in...
“It's not that big a deal, yeah it's embarrassing, but we've already frakked and you've seen me pee.”
“But even I know pee and poop are different.” comments Celine, before turning her back to Sakura. “At the very least, I won't look.”
“Ok, thanks.” replies Sakura, smiling.
With her back to the blonde, Celine sees Reni walk to the sink and began to brush her teeth as she hears three clear plunks from the toilet and a soft moan from Sakura.
“S-So...” starts Celine, clearly the more embarrassed of the three as she drips. “What else do you guys do to get ready for the day?”
Reni answers as she brushes her teeth, “I usually masturbate before I get out of the bed, after, pee slash poop, brush our teeth, ether wash up a bit, cleaning the armpits and pussy and any lingering honey or just take a shower or bath, maybe put a couple pieces of underwear and/or clothes on then eat breakfast.”
“Oh.” replies Celine, before Sakura asks...
“Wanna shower with us?”
“Heh, no thanks, I don't need one.” answers Celine, smiling.
“Come on...” urges Reni. “It'll be fun!”
“Yeah...” adds Sakura. “I cleaned you, you can have a turn at cleaning me.”
“OK, fine.” replies Celine with a smile.
While hearing two more plunks from the toilet, Reni finishes brushing her teeth and turns to face Celine with a smile.
“By the way, thanks for earlier, you were awesome!”
“Heh, you're welcome.” replies Celine with a slightly embarrassed smile.
“I've never been frakked so deep in my ass before.” declares Reni happily, moving one hand behind her to her butt with a giggle. “It's still sensitive and loosened up. It sucks there’s not many of you guys here, you frak so frakking good!”
“U-Uh, thanks, I guess.” replies Celine, before seeing Reni walk towards the tub, commenting...
“Welp, time for our group shower.”
Pressing a couple of buttons on a flat-panal screen in the wall of the shower, Celine was a little surprised just now noticing that there was no shower-head, but the water rained down from the ceiling as she saw the tiny holes in the metallic sheet in the ceiling.
“Ohh, that's cool, I've never seen a shower like that one.”
“Yeah, it is pretty cool.” replies Reni. “I can even change how the water comes out...” she adds, before with a few more button selections, Celine sees the water come from one end of the ceiling and travel towards the other, then back, another pattern consists of both ends coming together and appearing to criss-cross, another was a pulsing, stop and go. “I can play music and the screen doubles as a T.V. too.”
“Nice.” comments Celine with a smile.
Reni giggles a little, before tapping the screen a couple of times, returning the water flow to its initial setting. “Is it ok if the water is hot?” she asks.
Walking to the tub, Celine sees Sakura wipe herself before standing and flushing the toilet. The Geelien reaches her right hand into the falling water.
“As long as I'm not in it for too long, that's ok.” answers Celine.
“Nice.” replies Reni, before stepping into the raining water, her body quickly drenched and her hair matted to her head. “Don't want you disappearing down the drain, hehe.”
“Yeah, that would be bad.” comments Celine with a smile, before seeing Sakura at her right, removing her pajama's and panties, before stepping into the shower.
“Mmmh, a nice hot shower in the morning.” moans Sakura, before she and Reni's look to Celine, who states...
“Well, guess it's my turn.”
Stepping into the rain of water, Celine ends up between Sakura and Reni; Reni behind her and Sakura in front.
Sakura, opening and reaching into a small compartment in the wall beside them, takes out a bottle of liquid bathing soap and face towel before looking to Celine with a smile.
“Would you mind?”
“Heh, no.” replies Celine, taking the soap and towel, before Sakura turns her back to her, though Reni asks...
“Is soap ok for you Celine? Does it effect your body?”
“Soaps fine, it just rolls off like water.” answers Celine, opening the bottle and drizzling the soap onto Sakura's back and quickly placing the towel over it before the raining water would wash it away. “Hey, since you guys are plenty wet already, wouldn't it be better to turn the water off?”
“I can turn it down a bit...” comments Sakura, tapping the screen in front of her and the rain reducing to a light drizzle, before Reni takes another bottle of soap from the wall...
“I'll wash your back.”
“But I don't need it.” comments Celine, looking back to Reni.
“But it won't hurt you ether.” states Reni with a smile before squeezing the soap over the Geelien's back, returning the bottle into the wall and placing her hands to Celine's back and rubbing the soap around. “Just because you don't need it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the experience.”
“Ok, fine.” replies Celine, smiling, before mimicking Reni's action to Sakura's back.
Minutes passed and considering the situation, sandwiched between two Tragelian sisters in the shower, Celine was delightfully surprised how tame the group shower was, so far at least.
Celine felt Reni was getting a little 'adventurous' as once she finished lathering up her back, felt the frisky blondes hand move around to her front, rubbing her belly as Reni herself presses herself against Celine's back. That wasn't all though, as Reni's soapy hands lift to the Geelien's chest, caressing her breasts and gave a few pinches to her nipples, which Celine did her best to ignore with a smile as Reni gave her small breasts ample attention.
Meanwhile, Celine's focus was on Sakura's back, who was clearly enjoying the back rub, specifically, her lower back as the blonde places her hands against the wall in front of her with a moan, commenting out great the rubbing of her sore back was feeling, which reminded Celine that Sakura had her Shakra match yesterday. Upon remembering this, Celine took extra care to rub the spots Sakura pointed out and smiles from her gasps, groans and flinches.
Until a slightly surprised gasps leaves Celine as she felt Reni's hands slide from her chest, down her belly and to her crotch. Reni's index fingers trace the 'V' down and outline her labia, slowly moving her fingers up and down, bringing a small groan from Celine before she felt Reni's fingers slide up, away from her labia and to her hips, before moving down them and few times, but circling around to her front, before gently cupping the Geelien's labia with one hand, then switching to the other, before both hands spread her open a little and briefly caress her inner folds.
Celine was having a very difficult time ignoring Reni's actions, stopping her message of Sakura's back altogether to fight back moaning from Reni's soapy hands, all the while, Reni lightly giggles.
Releasing her labia, Reni's gives them a few more caresses, before moving her hands to Celine's butt and moving herself from her back to grasp her tail.
“Let me guess...” comments Sakura. “Reni's doing more than cleaning, huh?”
“Not true.” comments Reni with a giggle as she strokes the Geelien's tail. “The pussy still needs to be cleaned.”
“Mine doesn't.” comments Celine.
“I've moved on anyway.” replies Reni, placing her hands to Celine's butt and rubbing. “Plus, I'm the one that has made the most progress in cleaning anyone, Celine's still on your back, if anyone's doing more than cleaning, it's Celine.”
“Fine...” comments Sakura. “Celine, you can stop with the massage.”
“OK.” replies Celine, before moving the towel around to Sakura's belly.
“You can lose the towel if you want.” comments Sakura.
Celine's mind quickly guessed Sakura's comment to use her hands would lead to more than just washing and decided against it.
“Uh, I'd rather not.”
“Awww.” comments Sakura with a little giggle, joined by Reni as she lowers herself to rub Celine's legs.
Celine continued her original goal, cleaning Sakura, starting with her belly and moving up to her chest to rub the soapy towel over her breasts, which Sakura wasn't very responsive to like Celine assumed she'd be, but Celine was wary of lowering the towel down pass the blondes abdomen.
“Go on, it won't bite.” states Sakura a smile.
'Screw it...' thinks Celine. 'Like Reni said, it needs cleaning too. Plus, Sakura seems to have more self-control than her sister.'
Lowering the towel, Celine was surprised Sakura didn't even flinch when she cups her toweled hand over her friends labia. Although finding it a bit odd, Celine began to rub the area clean, only a few strokes into the act, Celine hears a single, soft moan from Sakura.
“Mmm... OK, that's good enough.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine, before moving the towel down Sakura's right thigh, moving around her butt and switching hands and moving the towel over Sakura's left thigh as she adds. “I have to say though, you surprise me.”
“How?” asks Sakura.
“Well you're so calm when I cleaned your chest and crotch.” answers Celine, which brings a chuckle from the blonde.
“Heh, you expected me to turn around and jump you from cleaning my pussy?”
“Hehe, yeah, I'm probably hanging around Becky and Sammy too much.”
“Heh, yeah, but like Reni said, the pussy needs cleaning too, I can behave myself with a simple cleaning...” comments Sakura, before looking back to the Geelien with a smile. “Unless your looking forward to some misbehaving...”
“Heh, I'd rather finish with the cleaning before any of that happens.” replies Celine with a smile as well, though Reni commenting as she stands...
“That's not a 'no'.”
“No, it's not.” replies Celine, before Sakura turns around to face Celine, before the Geelien squats down to clean Sakura's legs, like Reni had done with her. “If we do though, I'd like the drain closed.”
“No problem!” declares Reni happily, before begins to clean her own body.
“Oh...” starts Sakura, before lowering her hands down to her labia and spreading herself open. “Wash here too.”
Looking up to Sakura's spread labia, Celine asks, “But didn't I get that area though?”
“No, you just cleaned the outside. Normally, it would be ok cause regular soap can burn, but not the soap we use, so I like to make sure the inside is clean too.”
Seeing a smile and a bit of color to Sakura's cheeks, Celine smiles back, assuming this was the beginning of Sakura's attempt to begin what she had been expecting.
“Fine.” replies Celine as she stands, placing her left hand to Sakura's right shoulder as she places the towel between the blondes labia and beginning to stroke her, which, unlike the rubbing of her labia, brings an immediate reaction from her as she closes her eyes and moans softly.
“Mmm... that's good enough.” comments Sakura after just a few moments, before giving a shudder as Celine, slowly lifts the towel up, it's soapy surface rubbing against the blondes emerging clit. “Hehe, you tease.” giggles Sakura, before grabbing Celine's hand holding the towel and moving it around to her butt as she steps close to Celine, pressing her body against hers as she lifts her hands to the Geelien's shoulders. “All that's left now is cleaning between the cheeks of my butt and I'll be all clean thanks to you.”
Only giggling, Celine moves the towel between the cheeks of Sakura's butt, reaching down to her anus and rubbing her there, bringing a moan from her.
“Do you like anal as much as Reni?” asks Celine.
“Nope, I'd much prefer getting my pussy fraked before my butt.” replies Sakura.
Celine gives a little gasp as she felt Reni press her soapy body against her again.
“I'll take all the anal love you'll give!”
“Heh, I'm thinking the actual cleaning is about done now, huh?” asks Celine.
Sakura pulls back with a smile, reaching back to take the towel from her butt and Celine's hold and dropping it over the drain, before turning her upper body around to reach the screen in the wall and with a tap, the falling water comes to a stop.
“Yeah...” states Sakura, looking to Celine. “The shower's over and the misbehaving begins.”
To be continued
Chapter 32
Title: Chapter 9-3
[Author's notes: (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL, YURI, ORAL
The shower turns to much more than cleaning as Sakura grants a request by Celine, before the Geelien joins the sister's parents for breakfast.]
The comment brings a giggle from both, Celine and Reni, before the Geelien finds herself literally sandwiched between the two blondes.
However, shortly into the two rubbing their bodies against a giggling Celine, the trio hears a couple knocks on the closed door of the bathroom and Layn outside comment...
“I know you girls are probably busy, but breakfast is ready. Come get it before it get's cold.”
“Aww, ok.” answers back Reni, before sighing and adding. “Food or sex? Food or sex?”
Sakura then comments to her sister, “Well you've already had your fun this morning.”
“True...” replies Reni, before removing herself from Celine. “I guess I'll choose food, heh, even though we've made our own strawberry jam sandwich.” she adds, bringing a giggle Celine and Sakura, before removing her dripping body from the tub and retrieving a body towel and wrapping it around her from the chest down. “See ya a little later Celine.”
“See ya.” replies Celine, before Reni leaves the room. “Well that was a little surprising, Reni seemed already worked up.”
“Heh, well food sometimes is the stronger urge, I personally love to eat myself. I'd be fat if I wasn't so active with the IPSL and training.” replies Sakura, before taking a step from Celine. “Wanna put this on hold and go eat?”
“Uh... well...” starts Celine, averting her eyes as she starts to drip.
“What?” asks Sakura.
“W-Well, although I do have fun with my friends, I'm usually the last one to come, or come the least, and I didn't come while I was with Reni earlier, so-”
“Ohhhhhh! I see!” interrupts Sakura with a smile, “You're too horny to go eat.”
“U-Uh, yeah...” answers Celine with an embarrassed smile. “You don't mind, do you?”
“Not at all!” happily replies Sakura, placing her hands to Celine's sides. “The last time we had fun though, I wasn't quite all there, how do I make a Geelien feel good?”
“Well there's no real special method, getting my chest and pussy touched and rubbed still feels good for me.” answers Celine.
“So I can do what I usually do?” asks Sakura.
“Awesome.” comments Sakura, before kneeling, face-to-crotch with Celine.
Before she had the time to get more embarrassed from Sakura's eyes directly on her pussy, Celine gives a little gasp as the blonde gives her a slow lick, a second and third were quickly followed before the fourth ends with a flick of her clit.
“This good?” asks Sakura, smiling as she looks up to Celine with each lick.
“Yeah, that's perfect.” replies Celine with a smile as well as she lowers her hands down to Sakura's head before the blonde resume her licking and Celine moans in delight, before Sakura closes her eyes as she focused on the task in front of her.
Over the next few minutes as the blonde tongue-teased the Geelien's pussy, Sakura found that more and more of Celine's melting mass, specifically, her melting pussy, was flooding into her mouth, which causes her to briefly stop to empty her filled mouth.
Celine felt she was almost there, further encouraging Sakura's efforts with a rubbing of the blondes head and her moans.
“A-A little more, I'm almost there.”
Sakura though briefly pulls her head away, but places her right hand over Celine's melting pussy to continue her pleasure as she asks, “I think I may have asked this before, but is it safe to swallow part of you? You keep filling my mouth and I have to stop.”
“Yeah, it's safe, I can just pull my mass out of your stomach.” replies Celine, before moving her left hand from Sakura's head and pulling the blondes hand from her pussy and using her hand remaining on Sakura's head to push her mouth against her pussy and moaning out as she felt Sakura's tongue again.
With no need for the frequent breaks, Celine's moan grows as Sakura licks and gulps mouthfuls of the Geelien's pussy.
However, moments from Celine's blissful peak, Sakura was a little surprised as she felt Celine pull her mouth from her. The blonde though soon sees the reason as Celine moans out and her melting pussy seeming to explode with a gush of her mass being ejected from her pussy.
Once Celine's ejaculation ends though, Sakura smiles when she sees Celine's teen form melting away to reveal her younger form before a gasp comes from the Geelien as Sakura leans her face to Celine crotch again, successfully prolonging the Geelien's pleasure as Celine once again rest both hands to Sakura's head, grabbing fistfuls of her hair.
Once her blissful moment passes, Celine drops to her knees with a smile, before sitting on her legs and lowering her right hand down between her legs, lightly stroking herself. The Geelien's tail was also lifted and swaying back and forth, which Sakura smiled at seeing.
“Mmmm, thanks.”
“No proble-” replies Sakura cheerfully, before a wide-eyed muffled gasp leaves her as Celine quickly leans forward, placing her left hand to the blonde's right shoulder as the Geelien places her smooth lips against her own.
Sakura though, quickly pushes Celine away at arm's length.
“Whoa! I told you, I don't do kissing on the lips!” quickly states Sakura.
“Oh, sorry about that, I forgot.” replies Celine with a little embarrassed smile.
“It's ok if it was an accident, thanks for not drowning me by the way.”
“Heh, yeah.”
“So do all female Geelien's come like that, heh, with your pussy exploding?” asks Sakura.
“Hey, how about you stay in that form and see how may parents react?”
“I don't have any clothes that'll fit me like this though.” replies Celine.
“You could just wear a big T-shirt, like the one your wore last night.”
“What about underwear? I'd have nothing.”
“I'm sure Reni has a pair in her collection you could wear. Even if she didn't though, it won't be much of a problem to not wear any.”
“To me it would be!” declares Celine with a giggle. “Oh...” she adds, before lifting her left hand up towards Sakura's mouth and the blonde giving a heave, before Celine's mass come up out of her mouth.
“Ohhh, wow, that was uncomfortable.”
“Better than getting sick though.” comments Celine, before re-absorbing her mass and returning to her teen form, then standing. “Well, how about we go eat breakfast?”
“Ok.” replies Sakura, standing as well, before the two leave the tub.
Sakura retrieves a body towel, but unlike Reni, she doesn't simply wrap it around her body, instead, uses it to dry herself. Celine noticed the blonde was quite thorough, taking extra attention to rub her labia dry and placing the towel between her legs and briefly 'sawing' the towel back and forth, before finishing with drying her hair.
Satisfied with her toweling off, Sakura looks to Celine and starts, “You gonna dry yourse-” but the blonde was a little surprised as she sees not a bead of water on the Geelien's naked body, though Celine smiles.
“Water is a Geelien's best friend.”
“Heh, right, I forgot you can just absorb it.” replies Sakura. “Guess you don't need a towel then...” she adds with a smile, before bringing a gasp from Celine as she walks to and opens the bathroom door wide as she walks out.
“H-Hey!” gasps Celine, rushing towards Sakura, quickly dripping as she takes the blondes used towel from her and cover the front of her own body.
“Hehe, everyone's downstairs. There’s no reason to be embarrassed.” giggles Sakura, as she and Celine walk towards her room.
“Maybe, but I don't feel comfortable walking around naked in someones home.”
Sakura doesn't comment as the two enter her room, though as the blonde opens a dresser drawer to pull out a pair of pink bra and panties, a thought occurs to Celine.
“Hey, is Nina still inside you?” asks the Geelien as she stands beside her friend
“Pretty sure she is.” replies Sakura, stepping into her panties and pulling them up over her waist and snapping the sides against her skin. “Why?”
“U-Uh, no reason, it just occurred to me that I haven't seen her since I woke up.”
“Oh, well Nina does like to just stay inside me, even when she's awake.” replies Sakura, putting her bra on.
“Oh.” comments Celine, walking to Reni's bed and placing the towel down on it.
“I can make her come out if you want to talk to her.”
“N-No, you don't need to do that.” replies Celine. “But, how would you get her out?”
“I'd just hit my abdomen a bit. Not enough to hurt, but enough disturb her and tell her to come out.”
“Come're a sec.” states Sakura, before Celine does so and the blonde searches through the sea of panties in the drawer for a few moments, before pulling out a smaller pair of light blue side-tie panties. “I think these'll fit your younger form.”
“Heh, ok.” replies Celine, taking the panties. “Do you have a large box or container I can use to store my excess mass?”
“Oh, um...” replies Sakura, taking a quick scan of the room, before heading to the closet, opening it and lowering herself to the floor. “We don't have many boxes here.”
“Well I'd rather not have my mass just pooling on the floor.” comments Celine. “We can put this little surprise on hold.”
“Just hold on, we do HAVE boxes, just not a lot of them.” replies Sakura, before standing. “I'll be right back, I know we have a couple in the basement.”
“You don't have to go that far.” comments Celine.
“I really want to see my parents faces, I'll just be a sec.” replies Sakura, leaving the room, dressed in just her bra and panties.
Left alone, Celine gives a little smile as she walks to Reni's bed and sits. After a few moments, Celine decided to call her parents, reaching towards her Comm, just to greet them and tell them she was enjoying herself.
“Hey Celine!” greets a happy Eda on the screen that pops up.
“Hey mom, good morning.” replies Celine.
“Good morning to you too, having fun?”
“Yeah, Sakura and Reni are pretty entertaining and their parents are really nice too.” states Celine.
“I'm going to eat breakfast in a little while with them, I just wanted to call and say that I'm ok.”
“Oh, ok, see ya later today.”
“Seeya.” replies Celine, before the call ends and placing the device back to the nightstand.
It was shortly after this that Celine sees Sakura return, carrying a sizable cylindrical container about half her height with a wider top than the base. Placing it at the foot of Reni's bed, Sakura asks... “This big enough?”
“More than enough.” replies Celine, standing and walking towards the container.
“It's actually a trash can we don't use anymore, but it's been kept clean, may be a little dusty though.”
“OK.” replies Celine before carefully stepping into the bin, then quickly shifting to her younger, flat-chested, narrow hips form, causing Celine to be a little more than waist-deep in her mass from her lowered height, which also brought with it, a slight problem. “Umm...” comments Celine with a smile as she looks to her left and right around the container. “I don't think I can get out, hehe.”
“I'll help.” replies Sakura, smiling as well, before walking around and standing on Reni's bed, reaching down to Celine's sides and with Celine pushing herself up, the Geelien is successfully pulled from the bin, before Sakura lowers her to the side of it. “Well, you're not as heavy as I thought you'd be.” comments Sakura.
“Well I did just get rid of about half my mass.” comments Celine, with a smile as she takes the panties from the bed and begins to put them on.
“Awesome, they fit.” comments Sakura, as she sees the side-tie panties stay in place after Celine made the last tie.
Celine though, simply smiled, before retrieving her shirt she wore last night and a giggle leaving her as the extra large shirt was more of a dress on her now with her smaller form, reaching down to her knees.
“Hehe, you look cute.” comments Sakura.
“Welp, let's go eat before it's all gone.” states Sakura, heading out of the room, dressed only in her bra and panties.
Arriving downstairs, Celine sees that nearly everyone was eating, the only exception was Gene, who sat on the living room couch watching the news on TV. While Reni, who was dressed in just a T-shirt and a small pair of blue panties, sat beside her father with a full plate in her lap. The remaining three, Layn, Kevin and Jin, sat at the dining room table eating and chatting.
Layn, wore the same purple robe tied closed and was the one with the least amount of food on her plate, Kevin was dressed in a two-piece pajama set similar to Sakura's, but gray in color, while Jin wears a sleeve-less shirt that reveals a pair of pink boy-short panties.
It was almost expected of Reni and Sakura, but Celine wasn't quite expecting one of their parents, or rather, Jin in particular, since she was human and not Tragelian, to dress so 'comfortably' with herself visiting.
“Good morning.” greets Celine.
A return greeting quickly followed, but so did the confused looks...
“What the!?” gasps Reni.
“Celine!?” asks Jin, wide-eyed.
“What happen to you!?” asks Layn.
While Celine was a little embarrassed, Sakura giggles as Celine explains...
“I can change into a younger version of myself by losing mass, Sakura wanted to see how you guys would react.”
“Oh...” replies Jin, before Layn adds with a smile...
“You look so cute!”
“Heh, I get that a lot.” replies Celine, before she and Sakura head to the kitchen.
Before Celine enters though, Layn quickly stands.
“Celine wait.” she comments, walking towards the Geelien. “Is their anything specific you have to eat?”
“Not really.” answers Celine with a smile. “While we require liquid and lots of protein, we can eat just about anything you can, as long as it's organic, or can go bad.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Layn.
After getting herself a rather small plateful of the last of the morning breakfast; consisting of scrambled and one sunny-side up eggs, sausage patties and a couple of links, a few slices of toast and bacon, along with a glass of milk; Sakura finished up and piled the remaining food onto her plate.
Joining the three at the dining room table and starting on her breakfast, Celine found herself being stared at by Jin and Layn as she places a third sausage patty into her mouth and absorb it into her body.
“Is something wrong?” asks Celine.
“Oh!” gasps the two women with a small blush and giggle, before Layn continues, “Sorry for staring, but, you don't chew your food?”
“Oh, no.” replies Celine. “I don't. Most things are too tough to chew for us, so we either pull or tear what we eat into pieces and put that into our mouth. Or, like my mom and dad, just put the whole thing into some part of their body.”
“Interesting...” comments Jin. “Can any part of your body absorb food?”
“Yeah, but I prefer using my mouth to eat my food.” answers Celine.
“Is there any specific reason?” asks Layn.
“Not really, it's just a preference, but I feel like it does help in me fitting in with other people, to eat like they do.” replies Celine, before Jin comments...
“Well I can understand that. Moving to a completely new planet can be pretty stressful, I can speak from experience, so I think I can relate. As long as you keep trying and be yourself, everything will work out.”
“Thanks.” replies Celine, smiling from the encouragement, before Layn asks...
“So, are you enjoying yourself with us so far?”
“Yeah, more than I thought I would.” replies Celine. “You guys are really nice and I enjoy being around you, even though I've only known you a short time. I got to know Reni and Sakura better too.”
“Well that's good.” comments Layn, before her smile grows a little and asks. “I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's this I hear of you having a girlfriend already?”
“W-What!?” gasps Celine, immediately looking to Sakura as she started to drip.
“Hehe, sorry, I mentioned it before you and your parents came.” comments Sakura.
“W-Well it's not true!” states Celine. “I turned her down.”
“Aww.” replies Layn.
“Why?” asks Jin.
“I'm not looking for that sort of relationship right now, I just want to focus on being comfortable here before I add the possible complications of a relationship.”
“Such a mature answer.” replies Layn, smiling.
Minutes later, with all but Sakara’s plate empty, a few bites of egg and sausage left, Jin asks...
“If you don't me asking Celine, do Geelien's have a religion?”
“Yeah, two actually, but I don't believe in either. I believe in science and proof.” answers Celine.
“Oh, would you mind explaining why you don't believe in your people's beliefs?” asks Jin.
“Well, if there is a so-called God or spirits that watch over and protect us, why would they allow us to become the way we are today? Our race were nearly wiped out from the parasite. The way I see it, it's nature, you can't stop it, you ether adapt or die, and we adapted and evolved. Now, we live in peace with the parasite, or rather, a symbiotic relationship.”
“I see.” comments Jin, before Celine asks.
“So, I guess you're a religious person?”
“I uh....” starts Jin, appearing a little confused. “I was, before coming to Merkolova, my believe was in Christianity, would you be interested in knowing about it?”
“Uh, not really, sorry.” replies Celine.
“Well that's ok.” states Jin.
Celine felt a little bad turning down Jin's offer, but she didn't want to waste the woman's time with talking about something she had no interest in.
Over the next ten minutes, with Sakura and Kevin taking the empty plates to the kitchen, Celine continued to chat with her friends parents, Layn and Jin in particular, as both men, Reni and Sakura leave to head upstairs. Celine, Jin and Layn currently the only ones in the area.
“Celine...” starts Layn, with a smile as she stands and walks besides the Geelien, to her right. “Would you be interested in joining us in our Family Time?”
“U-Uh...” replies Celine, giving a nervous and embarrassed smile as she quickly assumed what 'Family Time' meant. “Family Time?”
'Maybe it's not what I'm thinking.' thinks Celine.
However, that thought was quickly proven wrong as Layn unties her robe with a single pull of the fabric belt, which opens to reveal Layn's nude, curvy adult body, displaying her ample D-cup breast with pinkish nipples and her hairless mound between her long legs.
“I'm quite interested to see how a Geelien has sex.” comments Layn with a smile.
“U-U-Uh...” staggers out Celine as she quickly stands and backs away with a little smile as she drips. “T-Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass.”
“Aww, really?” asks Layn, giving a little pout.
“S-Sorry.” replies Celine, before Jin sighs and stands, walking between the two, facing Layn and pulling her robe closed and tying it.
“For goodness sake Layn, it's only her first visit. It's too soon to start throwing yourself at her.”
“Hehe, I know, just my way of breaking the ice.” replies Layn, before Celine comments lowly, smiling...
“I think you're crushing the ice now.” quickly recalling Sakura telling her that she could tell Layn where she'd like the draw the line, Celine adds... “By the way Layn; I uh, I don't mind the flirting, but I'd feel uncomfortable going much further than that with you.”
“I see.” comments Layn, smiling. “Well that's nice to know. Am I allowed to touch?”
“U-Uh, as long as it's not between my legs.” answers Celine, lowering her hands over her crotch nervously.
“So your chest is fair game?”
“Hehe, you look so cute, all nervous and in that younger form of yours.”
To be continued
Chapter 33
Title: Chapter 9-4
[Author's notes: (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL
Celine joins Reni and Sakura shopping, where the Geelien has an unexpected experience that boosts her confidence.]
The next couple hours of the day proceeded as normal as Celine could expect, aside from entering Sakura's room to get herself dressed and embarrassingly walking in on Reni and her father Gene quite engaged in their own private 'Family Time'.
After that embarrassing event, Celine still wondered about Reni's secret and decided to ask Layn about it...
- 1:32 P.M. -
- Kitchen -
Walking into the kitchen, dressed in her extra set of clothing, a belly-revealing white blouse and mid-thigh-length blue skirt, Celine sees Layn, still wearing her purple robe, standing in front of the sink, washing a single plate.
“Mrs. Bragou?” asks Celine.
“Just Layn is fine.” answers the woman, before turning to face Celine as she drys the plate.
“Oh, well, Layn, there's something I'd like to know about Reni.” replies Celine a little nervously, she knew what she was doing was wrong, but she just had to know.
“Oh? What would you like to know?” asks Layn with a smile.
“Well, early this morning, I woke up to Reni having a nightmare, which seemed to be about her dad hurting her-”
Celine could see Layn's smile quickly fade and a slightly more serious expression come to her face, which actually concerned Celine a little as it was the first serious expression the woman had made since she knew her.
“Did you talk to Reni about this?” asks Layn.
“Uh...” starts Celine, briefly looking away, considering answering with a no. “Y-Yeah, she got mad at me and told me not to bring it up.”
“Then that's it.” replies Layn.
“Celine.” states Layn firmly, stopping the teen. “Just drop it. I'm guessing you mentioned this to Sakura?”
“No one likes a nosy person who doesn't know when to stop.”
“I understand.”
“Do you really?” asks Layn. “I don't want you going around asking other people, you're only going to end up hurting Reni. Unless Reni tells you differently, don't bring this up again.”
Celine left very disappointed, denied an answer three times and now being told to not bring it up to anyone else. Celine didn't want to hurt Reni, but it was such a mystery.
- 2:21 P.M. -
Now, Celine occupied the Living Room with Sakura, both sitting on a separate couch; Celine sat with her legs crossed, while Sakura lay on her stomach. Both were dressed similarly, Sakura wearing the same thing as Celine, only different in color, a matching yellow for each piece.
Celine happily watched the T.V., the current program being live Shakra event, in which Celine became quite energetic and vocal, cheering out frequently. It was during a commercial break that Sakura gives a little chuckle.
“We'll you're certainly into it.”
“After going to a live event yesterday and seeing your fight, I love the sport even more!” replies Celine happily.
“Heh, were you cheering for me?”
“Yeah, I really wanted you to win.”
“Me too.” replies Sakura, smiling. “Can't win'em all though.”
“Yeah, but it's good you're not a sore loser.”
“I can be though, I absolutely HATE it when I lose by ring-out. I feel like it's worse than being knocked-out. You can't prevent yourself from losing consciousness, but you can prevent being knocked out of the ring. So the fact that I would allow myself to be pushed out of the ring pisses me off like you wouldn't believe.”
“Oh, hehe...” replies Celine, not quite sure how to respond.
“By the way...” starts Sakura. “When do you plan to go back home?”
“Oh... uh, I didn't really think about it.”
“Me and Reni plan to go shopping in a little while, wanna come?”
“I'll have to ask my parents, but sure, I'll come. You going for anything in particular?”
“We're going shopping for clothes, I might buy a new swim suit too.”
“Oh, ok.” replies Celine, before lifting her Comm and calling her mother, who answers after two rings.
“Hey Celine.”
“Hey mom.”
“Yanno, Becky and Sammy came by a little while ago, they were pretty disappointed that you weren’t here.” states Eda with a smile.
“Heh, really?”
“Well anyway, I'm calling cause Sakura invited me to join them going shopping for clothes, can I go?”
“Sure, how long do you think you'll be gone?” asks Eda.
“Uh...” starts Celine, before looking to Sakura, who answers.
“About and hour and a half, two tops.”
“Ok.” replies Eda. “Hope you have fun. Oh, Sakura?”
“Yeah?” answers the blonde.
“If you can, I'd like a picture of Celine wearing something sexy.”
“MOM!” gasps Celine, immediately dripping considerably, before the call ends and Celine looks to Sakura, who was smiling. “You don't have to do that!”
“I will if I can.” replies Sakura.
- 3:41 P.M. -
- Shopping Mall -
Following an uneventful car ride, Celine walks into the large building with Sakura and Reni, who wore a light green sun-dress and sandals. The sister's parents also accompanied them, but not for long as the adults and teens split off and head in different directions.
“Where to first?” asks Celine, walking behind the two as she herself was a little nervous, the mall was quite populated and she could see a number of people looking and staring at her, causing her to briefly second guess her agreeing to come, but she was stuck here now until Sakura and Reni had finished.
“Let's check out a few clothing stores first.” replies Sakura.
“Yeah.” adds Reni. “It's the main reason we're here, after we get some new clothes everything else is extra.”
“Ok.” replies Celine.
On the way to their first destination, Celine found that young children with their parents were her biggest 'problem' as they frequently commented at the sight of her. One child in particular, a Felene little boy, managed to escape from his mother and run up to her poking at her legs and asking questions.
Sakura and Reni did nothing to intervene, only commenting that it was funny and cute.
After arriving at their first stop though, about five minutes in, the real 'fun' began, particularly for Reni, for Celine, not so much...
“You like it?” asks Reni, walking up to Celine's left, who stands at an underwear display, causing the Geelien to gasp and flinch in surprise as she sees the blonde, smiling.
Celine briefly gazes back to the matching pair of a pink bra and panties. The panties of the set were almost completely see-through, except for the crotch.
“I-I was just looking!” quickly replies Celine, dripping considerably.
“Looking 'cause you like'em, why don't you try them on?”
“I-I can do that?” asks Celine, before gasping again and quickly adding, “I-I mean no!”
“Heh, you sure can.” replies Reni, ignoring the Geelien's later response, before taking the pair of underwear in her left hand, then Celine's right hand in hers before walking leading her towards the back of the store. “There's dressing rooms in the back.”
“R-Really, I don't need to try them on, I was just looking.” states Celine, getting increasingly embarrassed as she sees a couple of people in the store briefly look towards them, though most were smiling.
“What's the point of looking if you don't try them on?” replies Reni, before the two reach the back of the store and enters a small doorway into a room with five square rooms.
Celine could see that they weren’t alone as one teen Tragelian girl with shoulder-length blue hair, around Reni and Sakura's ages, wearing a T-shirt and black jean pants, sat on a small bench to their left, in front of one of two doors that were closed, which two more girls could be heard talking about their choice of clothing.
Reni walks to the partly open door on their right, were Celine could see a full length mirror on the wall with a small cushioned bench on the other side of the small room, before Reni presents the underwear to her.
“Let's see how it looks on you.”
Celine gasps yet again.
“You want me to walk out in just my underwear!?” she asks, before adding in a lower tone, but still audible. “There's another person here!”
“If it's that big a deal, I'll walk in after you're changed. Now get to it!” replies Reni with a smile as she presses the underwear against the Geelien and pushes Celine into the room, before closing the door.
Shortly after entering the room, Celine hears Reni comment...
“This is her first time.”
Before she and the other girl share a chuckle.
Celine though, groans with her inability to put her foot down and be lead along by Reni. Sitting down, Celine gives a silent sigh as her mass pooled on the bench and floor.
'I'm pretty sure Reni enjoys embarrassing me.' thinks Celine, before looking to down the pair of underwear in her lap and a little smile coming to her face. 'These do look nice though.'
Since she was already in the dressing room, Celine figured she may as well try the underwear on. So, collecting herself, Celine places the bra and panties to her side and stands, removing her clothing, briefly pausing at her underwear as she quickly scans the small room, looking for any camera's. Satisfied that there weren’t any, Celine finishes and removes her underwear, standing nude in a public place, briefly looking to the full-body mirror, a thought that cause her body to drip again, before turning around and picking up the underwear. Before she puts them on though, she calls to Reni...
“Am I really allowed to try these on?”
“Of course. You have to know if they fit good before you buy them. Usually, for underwear though, swimsuits too, you have to wear these little sticker things that cover your pussy and ass; otherwise, you wear it, you bought it. With the way your body is though, you don't have to worry bout that.”
“Oh, ok.”
Outside the room, Reni leans back against the wall in front of the room Celine was in, until...
“Ok, I'm finished.”
“Awesome” replies Reni, before walking to the door and placing her right hand to the door-knob. “Can I come in?”
Entering the small room, Reni smiles as she sees Celine, dressed in the pink bra and panties, standing in front of her nervously and dripping considerably as a growing puddle forms at her feet. The Geelien also places her hands over her crotch with a nervous smile.
“Hmm...” hums Reni.
“S-So, what do you think?” asks Celine.
“Um, your boobs look bigger.”
“Heh, uh, the bra is a bit bigger than the one I was wearing, so...” replies Celine, chuckling nervously.
Reni only smiles, before answers Celine's question, “Well, they look nice, but I don't think that shade of pink works with the color of your body.”
“Well I think it looks nice.” replies Celine, with a little frown. “It's not like I'm planning to display it to anyone.”
“I did say it looks nice.” replies Reni, smiling. “No reason to get defensive.”
“You dragged me into this.”
“Yeah, but I'm not gonna lie to you.” replies Reni, before reaching to Celine's hands and pulling them away from the Geelien's crotch. “Like I said, it looks nice, I just think a different color would be nice. Do a little spin.”
“Just do it.” states Reni, smiling, releasing Celine's right hand and holding her left and lifting her hand up, encouraging the Geelien to spin, which Celine does. “Heh, now strike a pose!”
“Come on!”
“I don't see the point.”
“I'm trying to get you to loosen up, you're so nervous and stiff, which is ironic considering what you are, heh.”
“Ha, ha, very funny. I can't help it that I'm nervous.”
“Then try and loosen up! I'm not letting you leave without striking a pose.” replies Reni, reaching back to the door and locking it.
“Yanno, if I really wanted to leave, you couldn't stop me.” states Celine crossing her arms over her chest.
“You'd leave your clothes behind though.”
“Just one pose, come on.”
“Fine...” sighs Celine, before averting her eyes nervously.
Celine decided to do the first pose she could think of, considering if she put any thought into it, she wouldn't get anywhere. So, she quickly lifts her right hand up to the back of her head, places her left hand to her hip, slightly bending her left leg and puckering her lips.
The sudden pose brings an immediate burst of laughter from Reni as the blonde clutches her stomach. However, while Celine felt quite embarrassed, she herself also joins in Reni's laughing.
“I-I wasn't, hehe, e-expecting that kind of, p-pose from you at all!” declares Reni.
“Y-you don't have to, l-laugh so hard!” replies Celine, before dropping to her knees.
“I-I c-can't help it!” states Reni, lifting her right hand up and wiping tears from her eyes.
The two spent a full minute laughing. As it died down to giggles, Reni remained standing, looking down to Celine, who sat on the floor, looking up at the blonde and commenting...
“T-Thanks for that.”
“No problem.” replies Reni, reaching her left hand down to the Geelien and helping her to her feet, before seeing Celine's tail flicking back and forth behind her, proof of her cheered up mood. “How about another pose?”
“I'll pass, thank you very much.” replies Celine, smiling, before the two hear Sakura outside.
“Hey you two, what's so funny? People in the store could hear you.”
“R-Really!?” gasps Celine, before Reni answers...
“Just cheering and loosening Celine up.”
After leaving the store, with Celine choosing to buy the pair of underwear, the trio continued further into the mall, stopping at a few more clothing shops, before the sisters decided to embarrass Celine by pulling her into a store that sells all things sexual, from creams, to clothing, to toys.
“Geez, I can't believe you two would force me to go into a place like that!” declares Celine, frowning as she walks with Sakura to her left and Reni to her right.
Sakura though smiles and comments, “A couple things caught your attention though.”
“Yeah...” adds Reni. “Like that full-body bondage suit.”
Celine gives a groan before speeding up her walking, moving from the two as Sakura comments...
“Guess there's Geelien's who're into bondage too.”
“Hey...” starts Reni. “Let's stop by the bathroom, I gotta pee.”
“Me too.” replies Sakura.
“I'll wait here for you two.” replies Celine, standing at the door to the girl's bathroom.
“OK.” replies Sakura and Reni, as they enter the room.
Celine walks about two yards to the left of the door, standing with her back to the wall, but not leaning against it.
'Those two certainly are something...' thinks Celine, quickly replaying the time she currently spent here with the sisters.
As nervous and embarrassing as it was, she was enjoying herself quite a bit.
With a renewed smile on her face, Celine noticed, nearly at that last moment, that a pair of teen boys were walking her way; one, a Vehen, wearing a T-shirt and jeans; the other, a Felene with black hair, wearing a tank-top and shorts.
“Hey, it's one of those Geelien's!” declares the Felene with a smile.
Celine immediately felt a pang of nervousness and embarrassment as the two quicken their pace towards her as the Vehen adds...
“Wow, it is, you're the first one we've seen in person.”
The two now standing in front of her, Celine was at a loss for words as she stutters out, “U-Uh, u-um... I-I...”
“Hey, you're pretty cute.” comments the Felene, which brings a further embarrassed smile from Celine.
“You're melting...” adds the Vehen.
“I-I, uh...” stutters Celine, before looking down to the floor, trying to stop her melting. 'Why am I getting so nervous!?' she thinks.
“Hey, I heard about this.” replies the Felene. “Geelien's melt when their embarrassed, scared or horny, heh.”
“Oh, she's probably embarrassed or scared then.” states the Vehen. “Two guys she doesn't know walking up and talking to her, she must be shy.” he adds, before presenting his right hand to her. “Hi, my names Kyle.”
“I'm Jessie.” greets the Felene.
Celine lifts her head from the greetings and a little smile comes to her face.
“C-Celine...” replies the Geelien, before lifting her right hand and shaking each hand.
“Well Celine...” starts the Felene. “Sorry about freaking you out.”
“T-That's ok.” replies Celine.
“You're just the first Geelien we've seen.” states the Vehen.
“Hehe, am I what you thought?” asks Celine, smiling despite the nervousness of being the first Geelien the boys had seen in person.
“You're cuter than I thought you'd be.” comments the Felene with a smile.
“Heh...” giggles Celine, briefly looking down to the floor as her tail flicks back and forth and the Felene gives a little gasp.
“Ohh, so you do have a tail.”
“Y-Yeah, I do.” replies Celine with a small smile.
“Hey.” starts the Vehen with a smile. “There's a question I've been wanted to ask a Geelien. How much weight can you lift?”
“Uh, not that much really.” replies Celine. “The average is about thirty pounds, give or take a few pounds.”
“Interesting...” comments the Felene. “So if you try to lift something really heavy, will your hand just pass right through it?”
“Yeah, so when Geelien's pack things for a move, we use a lot of smaller boxes and containers that we know we can lift when their filled.”
“So...” starts the Vehen. “What are you doing here by the bathrooms? I thought Geelien's didn't need them.”
“We don't, I'm here with two friends of mine, I'm waiting on them.” replies Celine.
“Those two?” asks the Felene, pointing and Celine gasps as she sees Sakura and Reni peeking out of the door towards them, before they gasps and duck behind the door.
“H-Hey!” gasps Celine. “You two were watching!?”
Only the sound of their giggling was heard, which brings a groan from Celine.
“Well then...” starts the Vehen, smiling. “It was nice meeting you Celine.” he adds, before walking into the boys bathroom.
“Y-You too.” replies Celine.
“Same here.” states the Felene, following after his friend. “The first Geelien I meet is a cutie.”
While smiling embarrassingly from the compliment, the smile quickly fades as she rushes into the girls bathroom where she sees Sakura and Reni giggling to themselves.
“W-What the frak you two!?” declares Celine, dripping considerably, before Reni comments...
“They were kinda cute themselves, especially the Felene.”
“Geez you two, you could've at least helped me out.” states Celine, before Sakura comments...
“To be into girls though, you got pretty nervous around them.”
“T-They caught me by surprise...” replies Celine, before averting her eyes from them and adding in a lower tone, “One thought I was cute too...”
“Huh?” questions Sakura.
“N-Nothing!” quickly replies Celine. “Geez...” she adds, before turning and heading out, but being stopped by Sakura, taking her by the hand.
“Hey, hey, we're only teasing, come on.”
“Yeah.” replies Reni. “Sorry.”
Turning to look at the two with a frown, Celine states, “If you promise to stop trying to embarrass me, I'll forgive you.”
“I promise to stop.” replies Sakura.
“Me too.” adds Reni.
“And dripping in front of complete strangers who arn't Geelien's is super embarrassing in itself.” comments Celine.
“Oh yeah, sorry about that.” replies Sakura.
The sisters then double hug Celine, apologizing to her, which brings a sigh from the Geelien after a short while.
“Ok, ok, I forgive you guys.”
“Awesome.” replies Sakura as she and Reni pull back, before Sakura takes her hand again. “Hey, there's something I want you to do.” she adds, before leading Celine towards the stalls.
“What is it?”
“I'll wait outside.” states Reni as she leaves.
Sakura opens one of the stall doors and leads Celine in, the Geelien's back to the toilet.
“How about a little modeling?” asks Sakura.
“I was a model at one time.” states Sakura.
“Why'd you stop?”
“I got pregnant and my mom said I had to stop, I haven't went back to it though.”
With Sakura confirming that she was pregnant at one time, Celine was reminded of the mean girl she met yesterday at Sakura's Shakra fight.
“What happen to your baby? If you don't mind me asking.” asks Celine.
“I don't, I gave her egg up for adoption. I actually had a pretty hard time with it, but I got to meet her new parents and they were really nice, so that made it a bit easier... Anyway, I want you to do a little modeling for me.”
“But why?”
“I may not be a model anymore, but I still know a few people.” replies Sakura, smiling.
“W-Wait...” gasps Celine, dripping once again as she guessed where this was going. “You're gonna see if I can be a model!? I-I-I don't think I could be a model!”
“Oh come on, I think you'd be good at it. Geelien's are currently a rare thing here. So you actually have a good chance.” replies Sakura. “You don't have anything to lose, so just give it a shot.”
While initially very reluctant, hearing that Sakura thought she had a chance, being a model once herself, boosted her confidence quite a lot.
“Y-You, really think I could be a model?”
“I sure do, you're cute, shy, easily embarrassed. Your original form has a nice body, you can change from older to younger, which doubles or quadruples the possibilities depending on what sort of modeling you do, clean or erotic.”
“Heh, and even if you have a green light, you could always turn the offers down. Nothing to lose, but lots to gain.”
“Well... Ok, if you think I'd be good, then I'll do it.” replies Celine, with a little smile.
“Great, I just need three pictures...” states Sakura, lifting her comm and bringing up a couple of windows. “A face shot, body shot and fetish shot.”
“A-A f-fetish shot!?” gasps Celine.
“Calm down, it's nothing too out there.” replies Sakura. “Now, I'll do the fetish shot first.”
“Why do that one first!?”
“Cause we're already in the bathroom.” replies Sakura. “Pull down your skirt and panties and sit on the toilet.”
“Huh!? That doesn't even makes sense, I don't use the bathroom!”
“That's the point.” replies Sakura, smiling, “Contradictions are a popular thing. Like Vehen's having gentle, passionate sex, when it's almost always violent; or buffed up, muscled Felenes, who are thought of to be quick, not strong; Tragelians who are shy about sex, Nex dressed up as guys. Then there's the ultimate contradiction of a Geelien using the toilet. People eat this stuff up.”
“Really?” asks Celine, looking quite confused.
“Yeah, I won't have you expose yourself, you'll be covered.”
“Well how about I keep my clothes on and just pretend I'm using the toilet?” asks Celine, with a little frown.
After a sigh from the blonde, Sakura answers, “Fine, if that the only way you'll do it. I'll show you how I want you to pose...”
Sakura and Celine swap places before Sakura lifts the toilet lid and sits.
“You'll have you legs slightly apart.” states Sakura, displaying the slight spread of her legs, before placing her hands to the front of the toilet seat. “Put your hands here, lean forward a bit and smile like your finally peeing after holding it in for a long time. You can even close your eyes and sigh too if it helps.” finishes Sakura, before displaying the pose she wanted from the Geelien, complete with the closed eyes and sigh.
While Celine found that the pose wasn't as exposing as she thought, she still found the idea a bit embarrassing, but there was one problem...
“Thanks for the display, but I've never had to pee, so I wouldn't know what kind of face to make.”
“Well I'll help you out.” replies Sakura, standing and swapping places with Celine, who nervously sits, spreads her legs a little and places her hands down at the front of the toilet seat like Sakura had done.
“Like this?”
“Yep, perfect so far...” replies Sakura, lifting the window of her Comm up. “Now lean forward a little, close your eyes and smile.”
Leaning forward and closing her eyes, Celine starts to smile, but quickly begins to giggle.
“This is silly.”
“No it isn't.” replies Sakura with a smile. “Hurry and pose while your happy and giggling, those make the best pictures.”
“Ok, ok...” states Celine, getting into position again.
However, Celine quickly began to fight the urge to giggle, but hears, “Got it!”
“H-huh!? But I wasn't ready!” declares Celine, before seeing Sakura looking at the screen above her Comm and giggling a little.
“Ohh, it's perfect!”
“What?” gasps Celine, quickly standing and walking to Sakura side and gasping again as she sees herself clearly, NOT smiling, but frowning. “That's not perfect! I look like I'm taking a crap!”
“It's even better!” comments Sakura.
“No it's not! Delete it! I wanna do it over!”
Shortly after, outside the bathroom, Reni leans against the wall to the left of the girl's bathroom door, before Celine and Sakura leave.
“You better delete that picture before we get back to your place.” states Celine with a frown, which brings a giggle from Reni, who comments...
“I'm surprised you actually agreed to it.”
“Heh, hey Reni, check it out.” replies Sakura, lifting her Comm, before Celine gasps and and quickly covers her hands over it.
“Don't show that to her!”
The rest of the outing proceeded relatively normal, Sakura and Reni weren’t so intent on embarrassing Celine, but the Geelien still found herself in a few embarrassing moments. After satisfying themselves with shopping for clothes, with Celine even buying herself a few, the group spends the rest of their time visiting a couple other stores and finishes with a visit to the food court for a snack, before Eda calls Sakura asking if they were ready to leave.
- 5:35 P.M. -
- Driveway of the Bragou Residence -
After the group leaves the vehicle, Celine comments...
“Thanks for letting me spend the day with you guys, but I think it's about time for me go home.”
“OK.” replies Sakura.
“It was fun having you around.” adds Reni, before Eda comments...
“You want me to take you home?”
“No, I don't mind walking.” answers Celine.
“Ok then, you and your parents are welcome anytime.” replies Eda.
“Oh, one more thing Celine.” starts Sakura. “There's a saying Humans say, 'Fake it till you make it.'”
“What does it mean?” asks Celine.
“Even if your super nervous and embarrassed, pretend that you're not, eventually, you really won't be. It really works, try it next time you're nervous or embarrassed.”
“Heh, thanks, I'll try it if I remember.” replies Celine, smiling from the advice.
After retrieving her other pair of clothing, Celine said her good-byes before leaving the Bragou home and making her way back to her own home, smiling from the embarrassing, but fun time she had with Reni and Sakura, along with their parents.
As she nears her home, a few houses pass Sammy's, Celine smiles as she recognizes her and Becky's laughing and cheers further down the street, along with a few other girls.
“Guess their just fine without me, heh.” comments Celine with a little giggle of her own.
As she advanced, Celine could tell where the source of the fun was, in the backyard of Patty's home, while Celine couldn't hear the Felene's voice in the giggles and cheers, she could hear all three of her sisters, Rachael, Kali and Janice.
“I wonder what they're doing? Sounds like their having a lot of fun over there.”
One clue Celine could hear was the sound of splashing water, a lot of it, which brought her to a realization...
“Oh, right, they have a pool in their backyard, it is pretty warm out. I'll go visit after I put my clothes away and greet mom and dad.”
However, just yards from her homes driveway, the Geelien doesn't make it as she hears Becky...
“Hey, it's Celine!”
Looking towards her, across the street and behind the house off to the side, Celine was a little surprised as she thought the little blonde was completely nude, which seemed to be proven as she sees Sammy and Kali move into view and they also seemed to be nude, especially Kali as all of her blue skin was visible.
“She's back!” declares Sammy.
Celine soon gasps as she sees the three nude eight-cycle old girls sprint towards her happily and without care that they were naked outside. The Geelien quickly smiles though as the street, luckily, was clear of moving vehicles as the three cross it, however, they weren’t slowing down...
“H-hey, slow down, I'm not going-AH!”
Celine doesn't finish before she's group tackled onto the grass, covered in three nude little bodies who giggle excitedly.
“Geez you guys, you only knew I was gone for a few hours.” replies Celine, seeing the three girls hugging her.
“But we still missed you!” declares Becky.
“Yeah!” adds Sammy. “Why don't you spend the night with us!?”
“Or me!” states Kali.
“Hehehe, I'm only one person.” answers Celine, smiling.
Chapter 34
Title: Chapter 10-1
[Author's notes: (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL
Rumors and gossip travel fast, much to Celine's embarrassment and frustration.]
- The next day, Nycalus (Monday) -
- 7:21 A.M, Local School -
Dressed in her usual attire; a matching cream-colored tank-top and pleated skirt, though with the addition of her hair styled in a single, short pony-tail reaching just pass the neck-line of her tank-top; A breathless sigh comes from Celine as she steps out of the school bus and walks towards the school.
The bus stop was the beginning of the Geelien's frustration as she hadn't even entered the bus before her friends flooded her with questions about her 'girlfriend', which was even worse when she entered the bus.
Nothing changed when she stepped out of the transport, as other students noticing her eagerly questioned her.
'I'm sure I got more of this to look forward to today.' thinks Celine as she attempted to ignore the attention.
- 7:27 A.M., Math class -
'Does the whole freaking school know!?' complains Celine in her head as she was feet from her first class.
The Geelien felt like it took forever for her to advance through the cheerful crowd of students all wanting to know about Abby and her. There were too many to answer, so Celine didn't bother speaking, wanting to get to class and away from the crowd as soon as possible.
Entering the room wasn't much better, as while only about half the class was currently present, including Gina, Helani and Alma, the majority of the students turn their attention to her, but Celine was a little relieved as the few that did look to her, began talking among themselves about her.
Making her way to her seat, Celine's rear meets it for only a few seconds before she sees Alma, Gina and Helani quickly head her way and another breathless sigh leaves her as she easily guessed what they wanted to talk about.
'At least it's only the three of them.' thinks Celine.
“Hey Celine!” cheerfully greets Gina, wearing a T-shirt and jean skirt, standing to the Geelien's left.
“Is it true!?” asks Helani, equally as cheerful, wearing a T-shirt and capris, standing directly in front of Celine.
“You have a girlfriend already!?” asks Alma gleefully, wearing a T-shirt and pleated skirt, standing to Celine's right.
“No it's not.” replies Celine. “I don't have a girlfriend.”
“Whaaaat!?” gasps the three in unison as the other students who were interested also replied similarly as they quite down.
“The rumor is a lie.” states Celine, clearly annoyed. “Whatever the rumor has mutated into now, none of it happened.” She adds, before sighing and placing her head down on the desk and thinking. 'I wonder if Abby is having as hard a time as I am?'
“So...” starts Gina, looking disappointed. “You and Abignal didn't have hot, passionate sex in the bathroom after she confessed to you?”
“N-No!” gasps Celine as she quickly lifts her head and dripping a bit, “All that happened, was that Abby confessed to me and I turned her down, that's it.”
A round of disappointed groans came from the students, joined by her three friends, before Gina comments...
“Aww, really? That's all?”
Celine clearly looked a little nervous at the additional question as she knew a little more than just her rejection of Abby occurred.
“Y-Yeah, that's all.” replies Celine, looking down to her desk.
“Hmm...” hums Helani with a smile. “I don't think your being entirely truthful. If you want this rumor to go away quicker, we have to know all the details.”
“But that wouldn't be right to Abby.” comments Celine, bringing a gasp from Alma.
“Ohhh, so something DID happen!”
The comment brings a renewed talking among the students and another sigh from Celine, but it was one of frustration.
“Just leave me alone.” states Celine lowly, looking to her desk again.
“Come on...” urges Gina with a smile, “If we know what happened for real-”
“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” declares Celine in frustrated anger, quickly quieting the whispers of the class, before looking up to her friends. “I can't be the only source of gossip around here! Go annoy Abby if you want to know what happened so bad, I'm sure she'd love to tell you all about how she-” continued Celine, before stopping herself, torn between revealing everything Abby did and possibly making others dislike her, but in turn, lifting a weight from her own shoulders.
'Stupid maturity...' thinks Celine, before stating, more calmly, “Just leave me alone.” before lowering her hand into her arms on the desk.
Shortly after the statement, Celine hears Gina, Helani and Alma apologize, before feeling their presence leave her, though hearing a few whispers about her...
“Well she is new here...” comments a girl. “It's not surprising it was too much for her.”
“I feel bad for her.” states another girl.
“Yeah, the way rumors spread and change around here can be pretty tough on someone.” comments a boy.
Groaning, Celine didn't know which was worse, dealing with an ever-changing rumor, or others sympathy about it. As she demanded though, Celine was left alone for the duration of the class, even during the ten minute free period at the end.
Following the class-ending bell and Celine putting away her school work and book in her Comm, she sees Gina walking up beside her to her right.
“Hey, sorry about earlier.”
“That's ok.” sighs Celine. “Rumors are just part of being in a school. Even in my old school, I didn't handle rumors involving me very well.”
“Yeah, but it was usually just between a small group of my friends, embarrassing, but manageable, nothing seemingly school-wide though.” replies Celine, getting to her feet.
“Well, Geelien's are a new thing here, so you were already the talk of the school, add a possible romance to that and it's like bees to honey.”
“I think that's the first time I've seen you lose it though.” comments Gina with a little smile. “Well, maybe when I bullied you your first day counts...”
“I can get angry like anyone else.” replies Celine with a little smile as well.
“Well, what are you gonna do for the rest of your classes?” asks Gina. “I'm sure you're gonna get the same response you got here.”
“I dunno, probably just keep my mouth shut.”
“That'll probably work. If you don't feed the rumor, that's another way to kill it.”
“That's what I'm gonna hope for.” replies Celine. “See ya at lunch.” she adds, before walking pass her friend with a smile.
“See ya.”
As she expected, Celine's next two classes were a repeat of the first, except for Celine's loosing her temper, simply stating that she wasn't commenting on the rumor. While the students were disappointed with the lack of juicy details, Celine was grateful for a few of her friends, Reni and Alma included, helping her out and getting others not to bother her about the rumor. They couldn’t stop them all though as a few persistent students vainly tried to squeeze what they could from a tight-lipped and annoyed Celine.
- 10:44 A.M. -
- Cafeteria -
A tray of food in hand, Celine sits with Gina and Helani, the raven haired teen to her right and Gina directly in front of her, a sigh leaves the Geelien again, before Gina comments...
“Yanno, it's weird, you don't breathe, so why do you sigh like that?”
“Well...” starts Celine. “About a cycle ago, I read that non-Geelien's sigh to calm or relax themselves, so I figured, I could copy the action for the same effect.”
“Does it work?” asks Gina.
“Yeah, a bit.” answers Celine with a little smile, before Helani asks...
“So, how are things going with the rumor?”
Another breathless sigh leaves the Geelien as she places her left elbow on the table and rests her head in her hand, before spooning some mac and cheese into her mouth.
“It wasn't as bad as my first hour, but I seriously feel like I'm reaching my limit, I just want to scream. People just don't seem to understand 'Leave me alone' I dunno know if I'll be able last the rest of the day without blowing up at someone.”
“Seems you're taking it pretty rough.” comments Gina.
“Yeah, but I'll be able to let off some of my frustration in Gym next, I'm looking forward to that.” states Celine.
“That's good.” replies Helani. “Having a way to de-stress is important.”
“How do you two de-stress?” asks Celine.
“Well...” starts Helani, “I like studying. If something or someone close to me gets on my nerves...” she adds, with a smile as a groan come from Gina. “Concentrating on something school-related actually calms me. But if the thing that's stressing me is school-related, a nice hot bubble-bath just melts all the stress away.”
“If 'someone' is stressing me out...” starts Gina, eying Helani. “ I do one of three things most of the time; a nap, a bath or I masturbate, sometimes all three.”
“Heh, I like naps.” replies Celine. “Or shifting into a puddle, being formless is relaxing too.”
The three shared a few moments of silence as they eat lunch, Gina and Helani though talk among each other, while Celine remained silent. It was during those couple of minutes, that Celine realized no one had bothered her about the rumor. Just seconds into the realization though, Celine hears, “Uh-oh...” from Gina, looking up to her pink-haired friend, Celine sees her looking at something behind her and Celine was about to turn around, but gives a little gasp as she felt and sees a pair of red arms drape over her shoulders.
“Hello giiiirlfriend!” greets Abby cheerfully.
The other Geelien was dressed in a tank-top and jean short-shorts, revealing all of her smooth legs as her tail happily flicks left and right.
Celine however, groans as her left eye twitches in aggravation, Abby was the LAST person she needed teasing her. Celine quickly removes herself from the table, Abby removing her arms from her before Celine faces her with a frown.
“Why are you going along with this!?” declares Celine, nearly yelling.
“Hey, hey!” comments Abby, lifting her hands in surrender with a little nervous smile. “I was just teasing, that's all! I didn't know you were so touchy about it.”
“Touchy!?” gasps Celine. “TOUCHY!? In case you don't know, ever since stepping on the bus today, people have been bugging the frak out of me over what happened Shakrus (Friday)! I've been trying to ignore it, I tell people to just leave me alone, but all the constant questions just keep coming! All because of some stupid girl who can't keep their mouth shut!” declares Celine.
A large majority of the cafeteria's attention were now on the two, but Celine didn't care, all the building frustration had found a target and was coming out.
Abby, noticing the attention, began dripping a bit and tried to calm her fellow Geelien.
“H-Hey, just calm down a little, you're making a scene, I-”
“Good!” declares Celine. “I should've did this in my first hour, I'm gonna end this rumor right now!” adds Celine, before closing her eyes, lowering her head and continuing, “You guys wanna know what happened between us so much, then here it is! Abby confessed her feelings towards me and tried to frak me before I rejected her, she nearly raped me, I got dirty trying to escape her and allowed her to clean me before we agreed to just be friends, that's it! That's all that happened, so all you talking about this rumor can just stop talking about it now. And just so you know, I'm not interested in having a girlfriend, boyfriend or any type of romantic relationship!”
With the last word uttered, Celine felt very relieved, all the frustration, all the stress, gone. However, that relief was short-lived as she realized what she had just done in her frustrated impulse and quickly began to melt rapidly as she began to cry, before opening her eyes and slowly lifting her gaze to Abby, who, while not as much as Celine, was melting as well with a little smile.
Fearfully looking around to the nearly silent cafeteria, seeing Sakura, Reni and her other friends looking towards her, Celine also sees Gina and Helani stand, looking concerned, before Celine looks back to Abby, noticing that she had to look up at her now, before looking down to her shrinking hands, which melt rapidly as a growing pool forms below her and her clothes growing in size on her.
“I-I'm sorry.” comments Celine lowly, feeling herself unable to stop her melting.
“It's ok.” replies Abby, before kneeling down. “I'm not mad.”
With her comm falling through her arm, Celine sees her panties and skirt fall from her waist, luckily, her tank-top covered her lower half, but Celine didn't care, to her, she was already naked as she cries out before shifting into a puddle at Abby's feet, bringing a number of shocked gasps and snickers from those in sight of her.
Abby though, ignoring the attention they had attracted, quickly gathers Celine's clothing and Comm, before placing a hand into Celine's mass and absorbing her into her body, with another round of gasps and comments.
'What are you doing!?' asks Celine.
'Helping.' answers Abby, before standing, melting considerably as she runs out of the cafeteria to the bathroom.
'After I embarrass you like that, you're still gonna help me?' asks Celine.
'What kind of admirer would I be if I didn't? Plus, I couldn't just leave you like that, we're the only Geelien's here, we have to look out for each other.'
- Bathroom -
“Thanks again.” states Celine, sitting on the toilet, fully dressed and looking down to her lap as Abby stood in front of her, handing her Comm to Celine.
“Don't mention it.”
“By the way...” starts Celine. “I know it was wrong of me, but I looked through your memories, j-just today's memories!” adds Celine, looking up to her fellow Geelien nervously.
“That's ok, find what you wanted?” asks Abby.
“You were bugged just as much as I was.” comments Celine, lowering her head again.
“Yeah, I was.” replies Abby, leaning back against the stall door with her arms folded over her chest with a little smile.
“You just told people it was none of their business, but wasn't all the constant questions annoying?”
“It sure was.” replies Abby. “But we're the shiny new thing, add a little hint of romance and the Fleshies go crazy.”
“Yeah, seems so...” replies Celine.
“Well, you want me to stay with you, or are you good by yourself?” asks Abby.
“I should be good, you should go back to your friends. You absorbing me is gonna be the new thing, I'm sure.” replies Celine, lifting her head with a little smile.
“Yeah, well, at least you won't be alone in it.” replies Abby, before unlocking the stall door and taking a step out, but turning and smiling at Celine. “By the way, I'm sure your first girlfriend is gonna be lucky to have you.”
Celine looks down in embarrassment, dripping as Abby leaves. Hearing the door to the bathroom close, Celine's dripping increases considerably as she places her face in her hands, sobbing.
'Why did I have to lose it like that!?' thinks Celine. 'I embarrass Abby and humiliate myself. I'm sure people are gonna avoid me now after what I said. I wish I could just go home right now.'
Just moments after her thought though, Celine, lifts her head, looking to the partly closed stall door.
'But that won't solve anything, it would just give time for what happened to be twisted and changed like the first rumor was. I have to face this head on... but, I don't want to!'
Celine buries her face in her hands again.
'I just want to forget the last ten minutes! But that won't change that it happened!'
Just moments later, Celine stands and quickly rushes out of the stall and running desperately for the door.
“Abby!” calls out Celine.
“W-What!?” gasps the Geelien, who stood beside the bathroom door, before gasping again as a crying, dripping Celine quickly hugs her. “H-hey, what's wrong!?”
“I can't do this alone!” cries Celine, hugging Abby tightly. “I'm not strong enough!”
“You're not alone.” comments Abby, calmly with a smile as she hugs Celine back. “I'm just as much a part of this as you are.” adds Abby, before stroking Celine's head. “Try to calm down some, you're gonna shift again.”
The sounds of Celine's crying dies down some, along with her melting, but she continues to hold Abby, who silently comforts her, stroking her head and back.
A few minutes later, with Celine calmed down, Abby asks...
“Yeah...” replies Celine, pulling away from Abby, looking quite embarrassed, continuing to drip as she looks to the floor. “I'm sorry.”
“For what?”
“I rejected your confession, but I'm going to you for comfort, that's wrong of me to use you like that.”
“You young ones are so conflicted...” comments Abby with a smile, before stepping towards Celine and hugging her lightly. “It doesn't matter that you rejected me, I'll still help you if you need it.”
“But you're doing it because you like me.” states Celine.
“So what?”
“But I have no intention of being your girlfriend.”
“How about this; stop letting your past lives determine your actions, it's OK to be selfish once and awhile. You want to be comforted and right now, I know you better than anyone in this school does. So all those conflicting thoughts you have right now, don't matter, I want to be here with you right now and give you the strength to face what's coming.”
“T-Thanks...” replies Celine, a little smile coming to her face before Abby pulls away.
“Hey!” calls a small girls voice, and the two Geelien's looking towards the cafeteria to see a pink-haired Nex running towards them, wearing a T-shirt and pleated skirt, before stopping a few feet in front of them, red-faced. “I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I didn't know it would lead to what happened!”
A little surprised from the confession, Abby asks, “So you're the girl who was in the stall beside us?”
“Yeah.” answers the Nex, “If Id've known what was gonna happen, I never would have told my friends! I really am sorry!”
“Well you couldn't have known it would turn out like it did.” replies Abby, bringing a little smile to the Nex's face as her tiny wings perk up, but soon fall as Abby adds, “I don't know if Celine will be so quick to forgive though...” looking to Celine, who looked quite mad with the Nex.
“I-I'm really, really sorry.” repeats the Nex to Celine.
Celine though, takes Abby's left hand and walks pass the Nex without a word, the small girl looks a little hurt from the lack of forgiveness.
“Guess I should've expected that.” comments the Nex to herself.
Nearing the entrance of the cafeteria, Celine stops as she looked concerned.
“Do you think I should've forgiven her?”
“You don't have to forgive every person who apologizes to you.” replies Abby.
Celine looks back, just in time to see the Nex enter the bathroom.
“If you want to apologize...” starts Abby. “Wait until tomorrow, when things settle down, you might actually mean it.”
“You're right...” replies Celine. “If I did it now, I wouldn't mean it at all, I'd just be making her feel better.”
- Cafeteria -
As Celine walked back into the large room, holding Abby's hand, she could see the heads turn to her and wanted to turn back. However, following a brief squeeze of her hand by Abby and looking to her smiling admirer and friend, a small smile comes to Celine's face with the reminder that she wasn't facing this alone. Along with that calming thought, a look to Sakura sitting with her friends, who was one of many eyes on her, Celine was reminded of a comment the blonde said to her.
“Fake it till you make it...” comments Celine lowly.
“Huh?” asks Abby.
“U-Uh, nothing, just talking to myself.” replies Celine. 'This would be the best time to put that to the test.' she adds in her mind. 'Just pretend what happened isn't a big deal. Only my friends know how humiliating it was, so if I can just laugh it off-'
“Are you ok Celine?” comes Gina's voice.
So distracted by her thoughts, Celine fails to notice when Abby had led her back to Gina and Helani, who looked quite concerned.
“U-Uh...” replies Celine, dripping in embarrassment, before forcing a smile. “Y-yeah, I'm just fine.” she adds, before pulling her hand from Abby's and sitting in her previous spot. “That was pretty embarrassing though, hehe...” adds Celine with a nervous chuckle.
Gina and Helani looked a little confused by Celine's rather calm response, before Abby sits to Celine's left and draping her right arm over the younger Geelien's shoulder with a smile.
“Hehe, it was pretty embarrassing for me too, rejected twice now and in front of the whole school. It's not the end of the world though.” comments Abby, before mending part of her arm to Celine and adding in her thoughts, 'I know what your doing, it's a good idea.'
Looking to her admirer, Celine only smiles.
“So...” starts Gina, looking to Abby. “Celine publicly rejects you and your still her friend?”
“Of course, besides my brother, we're the only Geelien's here, we gotta look out for each other. It's disappointing I was rejected, but I'm happy just being friends.”
“You're so lucky Celine.” comments Helani. “It's great to have someone of your own race to go to in times like this, they can help better than anyone else could.”
“Yeah...” replies Celine, with a little smile, her dripping settling down a bit as she resumes eating her food, before she's shocked as Abby declares...
“And isn't her younger form super cute!? I knew it would be!”
“H-Hey!” gasps Celine, her dripping starting up again.
'Keep doing what you were.' states Abby in her mind. 'It's gonna come up, playing it down now won't make it such a big thing.'
“You're right.” replies Helani with a smile.
“I didn't know Geelien's could change to a younger form.” adds Gina. “Can you do it on purpose?”
“Y-yeah.” replies Celine nervously.
“What's it like being a puddle?” asks Helani, “Can you see?”
“Uh... it's, relaxing... and yeah, I can still see.”
“What about when Abby absorbed you!?” asks Gina, excitedly. “What did it feel like? That was the first time I've seen a Geelien absorb another person.” she continues, before looking to Abby and adding, “What was it like to absorb Celine?”
The familiar question brings a little smile to Celine's face, she could feel many more eyes than just Gina and Helani on her, but focusing on her tray of food helped calm her.
“It's a sort of relaxing sensation, it feels good too.” answers Celine.
“Same here.” adds Abby. “...but more so on the feels good end of the stick.”
Using the 'fake it to make it' strategy and with Abby's cheerful presence and the occasional private words of praise, while Celine felt embarrassed throughout the remainder of the lunch period, that embarrassment, to her delight, steadily decreased as she and Abby continued to talk about the humiliating event with Gina and Helani and in turn, everyone else who were listening in.
To be continued
Chapter 35
Title: Chapter 10-2
In Gym class, Celine sees a slightly different side of Sakura than she's used to, before a mindset Celine has held, changes.]
- 11:34 A.M. -
- Gym Class -
- Girls Locker Room -
Currently dressed in her tank-top and panties in front of her open locker, Celine notices Sakura enter the room and the Geelien briefly leaves her locker to join Sakura at hers...
“Hey...” greets Celine with a smile.
“Hi.” replies Sakura, smiling as well. “You doing alright?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to thank you for what you told me yesterday, the 'fake it till you make it' thing.”
“Oh, heh, works, don' it?” replies Sakura with a bigger smile.
“Yeah, I was still really embarrassed, but it helped.”
“Well that's good, I didn't know the rumor was effecting you so much though.”
“It's not so much the rumor itself, but the way people acted that made me lose it.” replies Celine, with a breathless sigh.
“Yeah...” replies Sakura, placing a hand to the Geelien's shoulder, “I wasn't a part of the rumor, but the way people were talking about it in my classes, just made me feel bad for you likely being in the middle of it in your own class.”
“Yeah, well, I'm the shiny new thing!” states Celine with an enthusiastic smile.
“Hehe, yep.” giggles Sakura, before patting her shoulder. “Don't worry, soon something new will happen and you'll become invisible to those who aren’t your friends.”
“That time can't come soon enough.” giggles Celine.
- 11:50 A.M. -
- Gymnasium -
As per the attendance taking routine, the students currently sit on the Gym floor, in six rows of five; Celine being second person in the third row, sitting with her knees up to her chest, wearing the white T-shirt trimmed in red and small red Gym shorts.
Following Roll Call, the Gym Teacher, who was young twenty-something red-headed Felene, wearing a belly revealing tank-top and short-shorts, revealing her slim, but toned figure, happily comments...
“Ok you guys, guess what I'm in the mood for!?”
The cheerful Felene's question brings a round of groans from a large part of the class, which puzzled Celine at the evident, group disappointment.
“Running!” declares the Gym Teacher excitedly, bringing a round of complaints, and some outright...
“Nooooo! I hate running!”
Reni and Gina were part of this group.
Although, there were a few cheers, which Sakura, Takeda and Yaya were a part of.
“Oh quit your belly aching.” states the teacher with her hands on her hips. “The weathers great and you'll feel so much better after a good thirty minute run, with the wind in your face and fresh air in your lungs.”
“Thirty minutes!” gasps a large majority of the class.
“I can make it an even forty.” states the teacher with a delighted smile, which quiets the complainers to a mumble. “Good, let's get going.”
Standing with the class and following the teacher out of the gym, to what Celine guessed to be some sort of track to run around, the Geelien didn't understand the complaints about the exercise, since 'free play' was the same thing to her, it just allowed the students to decide how they wanted to be active, or lack there of if they chose.
Shortly after arriving outside and heading to the oval-shaped track a short distance from the school, a surprising event occurred.
Celine was at the tail end of the loose line the class formed and saw ahead of her, Sakura happily skipping along, commenting...
“This is great, I was planning on running a bit today.”
'Of course.' thinks Celine. 'She has to stay in shape for the ISPL.'
However, another blonde Tragelian girl near Sakura, with shoulder-length hair and a light tan, wearing the T-shirt and panty-like gym shorts, comments... “Not everyone in this class has to train for the IPSL, you could be considerate of the rest of us and at least pretend to be against this.”
“Aw suck it up Mindy.” replies Sakura. “It's only thirty minutes.”
“Thirty minutes too long.” retorts the girl, folding her arms over her chest, which was a bit bigger than Sakura's
“You act like such a princess.” comments Sakura. “A little exercise is too much for you...” she adds, before leaning closer to Mindy and whispering something to her, which the girl gasps at and swiftly backhands Sakura, who staggers back a little, lifting a hand to her right cheek.
“You're talking about yourself you slut!” declares the brightly blushing girl. “Don't you dare say something like that to me again, I'm not your friend you bitch!”
Celine was shocked, mainly because Sakura was a famous IPSL fighter, she didn't think anyone would assault her like that; sure, Sakura wasn't immune to a bit of teasing, but Celine had no idea what Sakura said to the girl to warrant the slap.
“Hey!” calls the Teacher sternly, looking back, “What's going on back there?”
“Nothing!” Answers Mindy. “Just some slut trying to start something.” before she disappears and reappears at the front of the line.
Celine quickly hurries to Sakura's left side, the blonde rubbing her stinging cheek as they continue with the class.
“Hey, what was that about!? What did you say to her?”
“Heh, I may have crossed the line a bit.” replies Sakura with a smile.
“But what did you say to her to make her hit you?” asks Celine.
Sakura leans close to Celine's right ear and whispers...
“I said, 'but being on your back isn't huh?'”
“What!? Why would you say that!?” gasps Celine. “Especially if you two aren’t friends?”
“Heh, yeah, it was a bit over the line I guess, but it's not like she doesn't say similar stuff to me, we have a sort of love/hate relationship.”
“So, she picks on you?” asks Celine, clearly intrigued.
“Yeah, why do you sound surprised?”
“Well, you're famous. Why would someone pick on you?” asks Celine.
“Heh, fame isn't all good, there are plenty haters and jealously.”
Just seconds after Sakura's comment, the offended girl reappears in front of Sakura, clearly still angry.
“I'm not jealous of you!”
“So you're a hater then?” asks Sakura with a smirk.
The angered girl groans in aggravation, before calming as a sinister smirk forms on her face and quickly grabs Sakura's shirt and shorts at the waist with her left hand, before the two articles of clothing disappear, and reappear in the girls right hand, leaving Sakura in just her underwear, an average looking white bra, but her lower underwear consisted of a black, lacy G-string thong.
“Ah!” gasps Sakura, quickly covering her crotch and butt as her face reddens. “Give me back my clothes!”
“No.” replies Mindy with a smirk, before teleporting from Sakura's lunge at her and reappearing behind the near naked blonde and quickly snapping the shirt at her exposed rear, bringing another gasp from Sakura, before trying again to claim her clothing but Mindy teleports away to the front of the line.
“If you can catch me, you can have them.”
Celine felt a little conflicted as she watches as Sakura is embarrassed in front of the class laughing and whistling at her as she vainly tries to claim her clothing from the teleporting girl, running up and down the line. Part of Celine felt bad for her friend, but another part felt she deserved it.
However, Sakura's embarrassment, to her relief, was short lived as Gina teleports to the teasing girl after giving Sakura the slip again, taking the clothing from her.
“That's enough.” states Gina, before allowing Sakura to reach her and taking the clothes from her and quickly dresses herself again before looking to her bully angrily, who comments...
“Hmph! Hopefully, you've learned your lesson slut.”
Before teleporting to the front of the class again.
“Yanno...” starts Celine, but Sakura quickly interrupts.
“I shouldn't pick on someone I can't catch, right!?” declares Sakura angrily.
“U-uh... y-yeah.” answers Celine nervously, not wanting to incur Sakura's wrath.
“You were asking for it though.” comments Gina with a smirk, which brings a groan from the blonde and walking ahead of the two.
The class reaches the outdoor track just a few minutes later and began to jog or run around, a few students, Mindy a part of the few, simply walks. Sakura chose to run, quite possibly to run off the feeling of humiliation.
Celine briefly wondered, given Mindy's earlier display, why she was so against the run when she could just use her shakra and teleport around the track, but that was until she remembered Shakra use by students wasn't allowed, and while the Gym teacher was a little more lenient with this rule, she made a point to mention that shakra use was not allowed during the run.
Opted to simply jog, while Celine started alone, she didn't stay that way for long. One lap in, Celine hears a girl call to her from behind before seeing a Nex with shoulder-length red hair run up to her right side.
“Hey Celine.” greets the Nex.
“Hey... Katia (ca-tia)?” replies Celine, hoping she recalled the name correctly.
“Yep, you remembered my name.” states the Nex happily.
“So what's up?”
“Nothing really, I saw you were alone and thought you might wanna to chat.” replies Katia, briefly looking ahead, as Celine watches the Nex jog beside her, her tiny wings rising and falling with each step, which Celine smiles at seeing
“Oh...” replies Celine, looking ahead as her smile fades. “You wanna talk about what happened in lunch, huh?”
“That wasn't my intention, but if you wanna-”
“No, I don't.” states Celine.
“Ok.” replies Katia. “There's something I'm been wondering about with Geelien's, can they get out of shape?”
“Huh?” questions Celine, looking to her jogging partner.
“I mean, I know Geelien's don't get tired.” states the Nex. “At least, not like flesh and blood people, Geelien's have their own form of fatigue, right?”
“Heh, and how did you come to that thought?” asks Celine, smiling.
“It's true, right? Geelien's may not get tired like us, but all living things get tired in some way. A planet that doesn't get sun will droop and looks sad, but perk up in the sun.”
“You're right.” replies Celine. “The length of time I can do something is related to how much mass I have. While I don't get physically tired, if I'm doing something for a prolonged period of time and don't have any liquid or protein, it gets harder and harder for me to retain my form to do what I'm doing.”
“I see, so you Geelien's are like us, just a bit different, you still need food to be active.”
“Yep.” replies Celine.
“What's hunger like for you?”
“H-Huh?” questions Celine at the odd question.
“Hunger.” repeats Katia. “Do you even get hungry or do you just eat to maintain a certain amount of mass?”
“Uh... well, yeah, I do get hungry. Heh, no ones ever asked me that.” replies Celine, smiling. “Hunger, feels like... hmm, a void I guess. I've never had to describe hunger before, heh. I can taste what I eat though, so I do have food I like.”
“Interesting...” comments the Nex. “I know Geelien's don't pee or poop, but you still produce some type of waste, right?”
“Uh, yeah...” replies Celine, a bit embarrassed by the subject of conversation. “Our bodies produce tiny crystals that can grow if not removed.”
“Ohh, yeah! I read about that!” replies Katia excitedly. “The crystals form daily, but increase from lack of movement, like when you sleep, right?”
“Yeah.” answers Celine. “For Geelien's, a clear body equals beauty.”
“Well I can agree with that.” replies the Nex, looking to Celine's body. “You look very pretty.”
“Thanks.” comments Celine, smiling from the compliment.
The two share a few moments of silence between them, though Katia stole a few glances at Celine with a small blush rising on her cheeks, before asking, looking ahead...
“Was it true what you said at lunch, about not wanting a girlfriend?”
“...Yeah.” answers Celine, looking towards the Nex, who continued to look forward.
Celine though could predict where this was leading.
“I don't think you can just deny love though, what if you met someone and just feel that attraction?”
“Ignore it.” answers Celine flatly, which brings a saddened look to the Nex's face. “I'm not looking for a relationship right now.”
“You may not be looking, but you can't stop love.”
“That's debatable.”
Katia quickly stops Celine as she grabs her arm and walks in front of her and looks up at her with a blushing frown.
“I like you!” she declares.
“You don't even know me.” answers back Celine softly.
“If knowing a person is your requirement, then you'll never have a girlfriend!” states Katia, clearly upset.
The comment silences Celine, as she looks down to the ground.
'Maybe I'm in the wrong.' thinks Celine.
“Celine...” calmly states Katia, taking the Geelien by the hand. “I know the thought of developing a relationship after moving to a new planet may be scary, but you just have to try it. You would like to have a girlfriend eventually, right?”
“Yeah...” answers Celine lowly.
“You may not choose me...” states Katia, looking a little saddened at the thought, but smiling. “But you shouldn't push people away.”
Smiling a little, Celine replies, “You're right. To be honest, I've never had a girlfriend, sure, I've had a couple really close friends, but we never considered ourselves a couple. I'm only five cycles old, I may look like a teenager, but I'm still just a kid, with the knowledge of my parents.”
“And that's ok.” states Katia with a smile, before walking back and pulling Celine, encouraging her to resume their jog, which she does. “Even with the knowledge of your parents inside you, you're not perfect, no one is.”
“True.” comments Celine. “I guess I was being pretty stupid, during the process of liking a person, you learn more about them and get to know them better.”
“Right, if you try to get to know the person, then try to be more than friends, you might get friend-zoned.” replies Katia. “...and that never feels good.”
“Yeah, I've heard about that, but never experienced it.” states Celine.
“You don't want to, trust me. Better to get it out in the open early and if you're rejected, it's not that awkward to just be friends.”
The comment brings a smile of understanding to Celine, before commenting to herself, “Abby...”
“Who?” asks Katia.
“O-Oh, it's nothing.” quickly replies Celine with a smile.
“By the way...” starts Celine, dripping a little with a smile. “While we're on the subject of relationships, I think Nex are really cute.”
“Really!?” gasps Katia with a big smile as her tiny wings flutter a bit, which brings a bigger smile to Celine.
“Heh... I'm a really big fan of the IPSL.” adds Celine.
“I love tennis!” replies Katia.
To be continued
Chapter 36
Title: Chapter 10-3
Celine discovers a surprising piece of information about Becky and Sammy, which leads to a violent encounter.]
- Later that day -
- 4:46 P.M. -
- Sammy's room -
“Yeah!” cheers Sammy.
“It's not over yet!” declares Becky.
Occupying the pink-haired little girls room, Celine lies on Sammy's bed, on her stomach nude as she watches her two friends playing a fighting game. Sammy was currently winning and stood in excitement, wearing just her white panties with pink hearts, while Becky sat on the floor, naked with her legs crossed
As the two fighters life bars drained, Sammy was getting increasingly excited and animated while Becky was quite focused, before...
“What! Noooo!” declares Sammy as Becky cheers...
“Yeah! Gotcha!”
As Becky's character blocks one of Sammy's characters special attacks and Becky following with a super attack that connects and drains the rest of Sammy's characters life bar.
“I had you!” declares Sammy.
“My characters standing~ Yours not~” teases Becky sing-songly.
Sammy groans, before stating, “Fine, rematch!” before sitting down besides Becky.
Celine meanwhile, simply giggles.
“Ohh, you two...” sighs Celine with a smile, “You're lucky you have each other, you get along so well. When did you two get together anyway?”
“Huh?” questions to the two girls as they look back to Celine.
“When did you two become a couple?” clarifies Celine.
The two girls look at each other and giggle before looking back to Celine and the two answering in unison.
“She's not my girlfriend.”
“Really?” asks Celine, clearly surprised at the revelation. “I thought you two were in love with each other this whole time!”
“Well we do love each other.” states Becky.
“But not 'girlfriend in love' love.” adds Sammy.
“Oh, well you've certainly fouled me.” comments Celine. “And you've been inside me, I guess I just assumed you two were a couple with how you are around each other and the memories I have from you two just added to my assumption.”
“Hehe...” giggles Sammy, before leaning against Becky and hugging her. “We're just really close friends.”
“Yeah...” adds Becky. “Hehe, really, really close...” continuing before placing her lips to Sammy's and they both moan into the kiss for a few moments, before ending with a giggle.
“Heh, you two may as well call each other girlfriends.” states Celine, smiling at the two. “You do everything else.”
“But we can't.” replies Sammy.
“Why not?” asks Celine, intrigued as to what could come between the two.
“Well...” starts Sammy, appearing to think for a moment. “I wanted to wait until she came for the surprise I told you about, but I'll just say it now, I already have a girlfriend!”
“R-Really!?” gasps Celine, lifting herself up on her hands and knees. “You're telling me this NOW! After all the fun we've had you never even hinted that you had a girlfriend!”
“Hehe, I forgot to tell you.” replies Sammy, looking a little embarrassed.
“You forgot to tell me you had a girlfriend?” asks Celine with a smirk. “I don't think you're a very good girlfriend.”
“I'm surprised though...” states Becky, as she and Sammy pull away. “You've absorbed us, so you should've known about it, I didn't think you'd be surprised.”
“Well, you two may not mind that I can look into your memories, but I still try to respect your privacy.” replies Celine.
“Oh.” states Becky.
“So...” starts Celine, looking to Becky. “Do you have a girlfriend too?”
“No, not really.” answers Becky, though there was a small blush on her cheeks, before Sammy grins and adds...
“But she has someone she likes.”
Becky gasps as her face quickly reddens.
“No I don't!” declares Becky.
“Hehe, her's name's Michelle and she's a Felene.” states Sammy, grinning at Becky's growing blush. “Becky's had a crush on her for a month now, but she's too embarrassed to tell her.”
“Really?” asks Celine with a big smile at the rare moment of embarrassment from Becky, “Becky? Too embarrassed to tell a girl she has a crush on, that she likes her? I don't believe it.”
“Why would you tell her that!?” whines Becky, rather harmlessly punching Sammy in the shoulder, who giggles and lifts her hands up to defend herself.
“Is she cute Becky?” asks Celine.
Becky stops her 'assault' and looks to the floor with a pout.
“S-She's pretty...” replies the little girl lowly.
Smiling from Becky's cute response, Celine's attention turns to Sammy, who asks...
“So what about you Celine? Do you have a girlfriend yet?”
“Maybe.” answers Celine with a smirk. “I've had a couple confessions.”
“Really!? What were they like!?” excitedly asks Sammy.
“That's private.”
“Aww!” whines Sammy, before Becky comments, with a little frown on her still red face...
“Since Sammy wants to tell secrets, it's my turn, Sammy doesn't actually have a girlfriend!”
“Really?” asks Celine. “But she said she does.”
“Sammy's 'girlfriend' is the one that has the crush on her and one day, just claims Sammy as her girlfriend and Sammy's too scared of her to reject her.”
“I'm not scared of her.” states Sammy.
“Then why do you go along with her then when you've told me you don't like her like that?”
“She's my friend and she gives me good comes too, hehe.”
“But she's not your girlfriend.” retorts Becky with a smirk, before Celine comments...
“That would make sense for you forgetting to mention her.”
“Oh whatever.” sighs Sammy, “At least you'll get to met her Celine, I've told her all about you and the fun we've had. She should be here in a little while.”
“Well, girlfriend or not, I don't mind meeting more of your friends.” replies Celine, smiling. “Your girlfriend must not live close by if I'm just now going to meet her.”
“Yeah.” answers Sammy, “She lives in another neighborhood about thirty minutes away. So we don't visit each other as much as we can our other friends close to us.”
“So what's your girlfriend like?” Asks Celine.
“She's funny and nice.” answers Sammy happily. “She's a Felene, she likes to wear dresses, her favorite food is pizza and she's a cycle older than me.”
“Ohh, so you like older girls, huh?” teases Celine, which brings a giggle from Sammy, before the pink-haired girl gasps happily as the doorbell rings
“That's her!” declares Sammy, before standing and leaving the room, wearing only her panties, while Celine quickly leaves the bed and puts on her clothing.
“What are you putting your clothes on for?” asks Becky, remaining on the floor.
“Well I don't want to meet a stranger naked.” replies Celine with a little embarrassed smile. “Even if it Sammy's girlfriend.”
“But she's not really her girlfriend.” states Becky flatly.
“Sammy doesn't seem to mind.” comments Celine. “Maybe she thinks of it like a play-girlfriend.”
“Just so you know, she's a little crazy.” replies Becky.
“Crazy?” questions Celine.
However, Celine just finishes putting her skirt on before hearing rapid footsteps coming up the stairs outside the room and Sammy's comment...
“She's in my room!”
Partly dressed in her bra and skirt and with shirt in hand, Celine stands as Sammy re-enters the room, holding another, slightly taller little girls hand before declaring...
“There she is! She's Celine!”
While a little embarrassed not being fully dressed, Celine smiles as she sees the Felene little girl, dressed in a white sundress that reaches her knees, with a decorative bow visible in the back. Smooth brown skin complimented her big yellow eyes and long, flowing purple hair that reaches her waist, with pointed furry ears which twitch cutely while her furry tail flicks side-to-side.
“Hi.” greets Celine with a smile. “I'm Celine.”
The Geelien reaches her right hand out and takes a step towards the new girl, but was surprised when the Felene hops back with a frown and a hiss as her ears and tail fluffs up, the back of her dress lifting from her tail raising, she clearly looked ready to attack as she lifts her hands, causing Celine to take back the step she made.
“U-uh...” starts Celine in confusion.
“So you're the one!” declares the Felene.
“H-Huh!?” gasps Celine.
“You're the one that's taken Sammy away from me!” declares the Felene before lunging at Celine.
She gets one good swipe at the Geelien's face, which besides briefly removing her mouth and jaw, did nothing but surprise Celine, stepping back and falling on the bed, before Becky and Sammy gasp and pull the angered little girl away before she could pounce on the Geelien.
“What are you doing Tammy!?” gasps Becky.
“Don't attack Celine!” adds Sammy.
The Felene though was furious, trying to wriggle her way free of Becky and Sammy, before, to Celine's shock, fire shoots from the Felene's hands, but luckily, doesn't have the range to reach Celine, but that doesn't stop Celine from quickly moving back to the head of the bed.
“I didn't take Sammy from you!” states Celine.
“You're all Sammy talks about!” declares the Felene, still struggling against her friends. “Celine did this! Celine did that! She makes me come so good! Celine so awesome! I'm sick of it! It's like Sammy's forgotten all about me since you came!”
“I-I'm sorry, I didn't even know about you before today!” replies Celine.
“What!?” gasps the Felene, before turning her angry eyes to Sammy, who giggles nervously and releases her girlfriend and backs away, leaving Becky to hold her back. “You never even told her about me!?”
“I-I didn't do it on purpose, really. Celine's just so-”
“Celine! Celine! Celine! Celine!” declares the Felene. “She's all you talk about!”
The Felene manages to squirm her way free of Becky as Sammy gasps and the Felene begins to chase her around the room.
“You're gonna be so sore when I'm done with you!” declares the Felene.
“Guys! Help me out!” pleads Sammy as she circles the room, bouncing over the bed.
Becky though smiles and crosses her arms over her chest.
“I think you deserve this one.”
“You're so mean!” whines Sammy. “Celine!”
“Uh, I don't think I'll be much help.” replies Celine nervously, truthfully, she was a little scared to the Felene, her shakra didn't seem too strong, but she didn't want to put herself in possible danger with an angered little girl with control of fire.
“Just accept your punishment!” declares the Felene, before she materializes a small rope from her Comm on her right wrist, which surprises Celine and brings a comment from Becky...
“Ohh, she brought the rope, you're really in trouble now Sammy.”
“The rope!?” gasps Sammy, before quickly looking back and confirming that her angered girlfriend held a white nylon rope.
However, looking back and heading towards the bed, Sammy failed to clear the edge of it and falls face-first to the soft mattress.
“Gotcha!” declares the Felene, before jumping on Sammy's back and Celine, who had a front row seat to the action, was shocked at how quickly the Felene manages to tie Sammy's hands behind her back, this certainly wasn't her first time.
“Uh...” starts Celine.
“You shut your mouth!” declares the Felene, looking to the Geelien. “Unless you want to be next!”
Celine lifts her hands in surrender.
“Tammy!” states a squirming Sammy. “Don't do this in front of Celine!”
“Why not? Don't want your new girlfriend to see you get properly punished?”
“Celine's not my girlfriend!” states Sammy.
“Of course not, I AM!” declares the Felene, before taking another rope from her Comm and twisting herself around and just as quickly tying Sammy's feet together, before lifting Sammy's hips, the little girl on her knees with her face on the bed and her butt up in the air, before the Felene pulls down her panties, then looking to Celine. “And I'm gonna show YOU, why!”
The Felene then removes her dress, revealing her near naked brown body, flat chest and perky dark nipples, wearing only a pair of pink panties, before Sammy squirms and asks...
“Which punishment is this!?”
“The one you pretend to hate.” declares the Felene with a smirk as she pulls her panties down to mid-thigh, before materializing an odd dildo Celine had never seen from her Comm, V-like in shape, but with one end shorter than the other and flared a bit with a slightly larger nub at the end. The Felene sticks the shorter, flared end into her own pussy and what remains looks as though she had a penis, but Sammy's squirming immediately increase.
“No! Not that one! Not in front of Celine!”
Celine was a little puzzled at why Sammy seemed to be so against this particular punishment, before Sammy gasps out as the Felene grips her butt and plunges the dildo into Sammy's pussy, Celine then realized why.
“Has that Goo Girl Fraked you like this before Sammy?” asks the Felene, with a smirk as a light blush rose on her brown cheeks, before pulling back and thrusting back into Sammy with a gasp from the bound little girl, followed by a groan.
“N-No...” replies Sammy.
'This is wrong.' thinks Celine. 'She shouldn't treat Sammy like that if she's her girlfriend.'
“Tell Celine why this is your least favorite punishment.” states the Felene, as she steadily began to thrust into Sammy, gripping the bound girls butt.
Sammy though, only groans, turning her head away from Celine.
“Look at her and tell her why you don't like this!” demands the Felene. “Or I'm going to make you come like this!” she adds, before increasing her speed, bringing another groan from Sammy as wet squelches began to be heard.
Sammy soon turns her blushing, teary-eyed face to Celine, who was surprised that Sammy actually seemed to be crying.
“I-I don't, Nngh, l-like this because... Nnngh... I-It's, like it's a boy, d-doing this.”
“That's right.” states the Felene. “You don't like being fraked with a strap-on because it's like a boy fraking you!” she adds, slowing her action, but thrusting harder, bringing gasps and groans from Sammy.
“Hey...” starts Celine, moving a bit closer. “I think you've proven your point.”
“You shut the frak up!” declares the Felene, looking to the Geelien angrily, continuing her thrusts. “I'll decide when I've proven my point! Sammy is MY girlfriend!” she adds, before one hard thrust, brings a groan and flinch from her, before gripping the cheeks of Sammy's butt firmly and continuing her thrusts. “She's... my... girlfriend!” the Felene repeats, with each thrust.
Clearly, the Felene was close to her own moment while Sammy continues to gasp and groan and Celine made another realization, the end of the dildo the Felene had inserted into herself, wasn't just to keep it in, but provide her pleasure as well.
“N-No one else...” starts the Felene. “Nnngh...g-get's to, frak, Sammy, l-like this. Nnngh... O-Only me!”
Watching the Felene dominate Sammy, thrusting her way to her own climax, Celine was a little shocked as she now notices Becky, still standing, but with a hand between her legs and the other teasing her nipples. Her close friend was getting, raped? Yet Becky was masturbating to it.
Just a few moments of hard thrusting later, the Felene gasps out and leaning over Sammy, placing her right hand down on Sammy's head, pushing her into the mattress, moaning out as Celine sees a flood of watery cum fall between the Felene's legs, her tail stiffening straight out for a few moments before she shutters in pleasure.
Moments later, with a sigh, the Felene sits up straight again with a smile, before slowly pulling back with a flinch from both girls as the dildo slips free of Sammy's oozing pussy, before falling out of the Felene's pussy.
Stroking Sammy's back briefly, before untying her hands, the Felene allows the pink-haired girl to lower her hips to the bed, though looks to Celine with a satisfied smile.
“Sammy is mine, not yours or even Becky's, she's MINE!”
“Heh, ok.” replies Celine, with a little nervous smile.
“Good.” replies the Felene, before reaching back and untying Sammy's feet, then rolling the teary-eyed girl over and lowering herself down on top of her. “I don't like punishing you like that Sammy...” she states softly, stroking Sammy's cheek, before lowering her free hand down and bringing a flinch to Sammy as she teases her oozing pussy with a little smile. “OK, maybe I like it a little, but you leave me no choice sometimes.” she adds, before kissing Sammy fully on the lips.
Despite the manner of punishment she had just suffered, Celine was shocked when Sammy lifts a hand up to the Felene's cheek, returning the kiss, before a moan comes from her as she squirms her hips against the Felene's fingers.
It doesn't take very long from the Felene's actions before Sammy moans out in orgasm, closing her thighs around her girlfriends hand as she shutters and shakes.
Celine waits a few moments as Sammy calms down and the Felene pulls her wet fingers away and sticking them in her mouth with a smile, before voicing her confusion...
“Ok, help me out here, what the frak did I just watch!? You say Sammy's your girlfriend, yet you use the fact that she doesn't like boys against her as punishment!? That's just wrong!”
The Felene frowns and replies, “I don't have to explain myself to you!”
“Yes you do!” states Celine, unwilling to back away now. “I care enough to respect Sammy's limits, clearly, you don't.” adds Celine, removing her self from the bed and taking a step towards the Felene.
But the darker skinned girl quickly repositions herself, with her crotch over Sammy's face and on her hands and knees hissing at Celine, ears and tail puffed up again.
“I don't want to fight you.” states Celine. “I just want an explanation.”
“Tammy...” states Sammy, under the Felene. “Cut it out, you're taking this too seriously.”
“You're the one that's not taking it seriously!” declares the Felene, looking down at Sammy. “You you want another punishment?”
Celine was surprised yet again, this time, by Sammy as she flips the Felene over and quickly straddles her hips and pins her hands to the bed looking down at her with a frown.
“I've had it!” declares Sammy, surprising the Felene into silence. “I wanted you to come here to met my new FRIEND, Celine! Yeah, I forgot to mention you, but I remembered and you're here!”
“But nothing! I put up with your crazy side 'cause I like a part of it, but if your going to attack Celine and treat her badly, then I'm breaking up with you!”
“W-What!?” gasps the Felene, clearly looking hurt and near tears.
Celine was shocked, she had never seen this serious side of Sammy, she could also take control of her seemingly abusive girlfriend.
“Be nice to Celine or I'm not your girlfriend anymore.” demands Sammy.
“Y-You've never spoken to me like this...” replies the Felene lowly and averting her eyes as a blush rose on her cheeks and she shifts her thighs together.
“You've never made me this mad with you before.” states Sammy. “I tell Celine your nice and funny and you show her your crazy side.”
“Really?” asks the Felene, looking up to Sammy. “You told her I was nice?”
“Yeah, I want you to like Celine as much as I do.”
“...” the Felene didn't reply as she looks away.
“So you won't attack Celine?” asks Sammy.
“Ok.” replies the Felene.
Sammy releases her girlfriends hands and removes herself from on top of her, allowing the Felene to remove herself from the bed and stand in front of Celine, covering her crotch as she looks to the floor.
“I'm sorry for the way I treated you.” starts the Felene. “I was just so angry with you for taking so much of Sammy's attention.” she adds, lifting her head with a frown towards Celine.
“W-Well...” starts Celine, lifting her right hand towards her. “I forgive you. I wasn't trying to take Sammy away from you.”
“Really?” asks the Felene, eying Celine intently, which Celine smiles nervously from.
“Yeah, really.”
“Good.” replies the Felene, before taking Celine's hand and shaking it, bringing a relieved sigh from Sammy, who removes herself from the bed and stands to the Felene's right.
“I'm glad that's settled.” states Sammy, before smiling. “Now I can introduce you two! Celine, this is my nice slash crazy girlfriend, Tammy-”
Tammy quickly interrupts, looking to Sammy.
“Don't introduce me as crazy!”
“You did that yourself.” comments Becky, who was now sitting on the floor, calmly fingering herself.
The comment brings a groan from Tammy, before Sammy continues her introduction.
“and Tammy, this is my new super fun friend Celine.”
“Nice to meet you.” states Celine, unable to think of any other greeting.
Tammy though, simply groans lowly, before sitting on the bed and Sammy sitting beside her.
“So...” starts Celine. “Would you mind explaining why you treat Sammy like that?”
“She likes it.” answers Tammy simply.
“It didn't look like it.” comments Celine.
“You clearly don't know Sammy as much as you think you do.” replies Tammy with a smirk. “Sammy likes it when I tie her up and do stuff to her, don't you?” adds Tammy, before draping her right arm over Sammy's shoulder and pulling her against her, bringing a nervous chuckle from the pink-haired girl.
“Well, I don't hate it.” answers Sammy, before Celine asks...
“But what about fraking her like a guy? Don't you think that's over the line?”
“She likes it.” answers Tammy. “Maybe not as much as the other punishments, but she does.”
“Is that true Sammy?” asks Celine.
“U-Uh, it's my least favorite one.” answers Sammy with a little smile.
“That doesn't really answer my question.” states Celine. “The whole punishment is based on the idea that your being fraked by a boy, which you'd be against.”
“Yeah, but it's supposed to be a punishment.” replies Sammy. “I'm not really supposed to like it.”
“That doesn't make it right!” quickly states Celine.
“Hey back off!” declares Tammy, with a frown. “It's not like I'm having a real boy frak her!”
“But it's nearly just as bad!”
“Why don't you worry about your own girlfriend! If you even have one!” declares Tammy.
To be continued
Chapter 37
Title: Chapter 10-4
Tammy demands that Celine must prove herself to her, but the Felene discovers she may have bitten off more than she can chew.]
Celine was about to reply, but stopped. Celine never had a girlfriend, what right did she have to tell Tammy how she and Sammy's relationship should be? Not long ago, Celine didn't even know about Tammy, so she knew nothing about the inner workings of their relationship.
Sammy, seeing the concerned expression on Celine face, but mistaking it as her feelings being hurt, pulls away from Tammy and states to her...
“That was a little mean.”
“She right.” comments Celine.
“Huh?” replies Sammy.
Celine kneels down before sitting back on her legs and looks to Tammy with a little smile. “Tammy's right, I don't have the right to tell you how your relationship should be.”
“Hmph!” retorts Tammy with a smirk.
“Wait...” states Sammy. “I don't understand.”
“Sammy...” Starts Celine. “Becky, the true is, I've never had a girlfriend.”
“What!?” gasps the two and Becky getting to her feet and walking closer to Celine and adding, “Really!?”
Though Tammy laughs and adds...
“Ohh wow! You've never had a girlfriend and you're trying to tell ME what I should do!? I'm pretty sure there's a word for people like you.”
“I'm sure there is.” comments Celine.
“You've really never had a girlfriend?” asks Becky.
“Nope, but I've had really close friends, like you and Sammy are, but we never considered ourselves girlfriends.”
“Wow...” comments Sammy. “I was sure you've had at least one girlfriend.”
“Well...” starts Celine with a smile. “Guess we learned something surprising about each other today.” she adds, before looking to Tammy and extending her right hand out to her again. “We both treated each other badly, how about we call it even?”
“Hmm...” thinks Tammy, looking to the Geelien with a little frown, crossing her arms over her chest, but soon looks to Sammy as the pink-haired girl places her left hand to Tammy's right upper leg with a smile.
“Come on.” urges Sammy. “Celine can do stuff that feels so good!”
A small blush rising on her brown cheeks, Tammy answers...
“F-Fine.” states the Felene, before extending her right hand to Celine and shakes her hand again. “A truce, for now.”
“Heh, for now huh?” replies Celine with a chuckle.
“I'm still not convinced you're as good as Sammy says you are.”
“Hehe, really?” asks Celine.
“Yep!” declares Tammy before standing, her bald crotch eye level with Celine. “So show me what you got! Lets see how awesome you are.” demands Tammy, with her hands to her hips.
“Hehe...” nervously giggles Celine. 'What has Sammy been telling her?' she thinks.
Sammy though removes herself from the bed and whispers to Celine's left ear...
“Do that ovary thing!”
“I think that's a little too much to start her off on.” replies Celine.
“Do it!” challenges Tammy, with a blushing smile. “Give me your best shot!”
With Tammy's challenge, Celine quickly recalled her track record with teasing her friends ovaries and couldn't help but smile, the Felene didn't know what she was asking.
Standing, Celine looks down to the little girl with her hands on her own hips.
“Are you sure you want my best shot? You might have trouble standing afterward.”
“Well do it, if you can.” replies Tammy.
“Fine, lay on your back and spread your legs.”
“Ok.” states Tammy as she walks around to the foot of the bed, sits and lies on her back, spreading her legs, presenting the blushing lips of her labia to the Geelien, before Celine lowers herself to her knees between the Felene's legs.
“You can still back out.” warns Celine with a smirk.
“I'm not backing out of nothin'!” replies Tammy.
“Ok then...” states Celine, before moving her right hand towards Tammy's aroused, brown lips.
“Wait.” states Becky, before lowering herself at Tammy's head and pulling the Felene's hands above her head and pinning them to the floor.
“H-Hey, what are you doing?” asks Tammy.
“Making sure you don't try to escape.” replies Becky.
“Oh!” gasps Sammy with a smile. “I got a better idea!” she adds, before taking one of the ropes Tammy used earlier and tying the Felene's wrists together. “Now grab her legs Becky.”
“Ohhh, I see!” replies Becky, before reaching over Tammy's body and pulling her legs up and over her body, lifting her butt in the air.
Though Becky soon offers Tammy's right leg to Sammy, before moving to the Felene's left side and the two girls display Tammy's flexibility as they spread the Felene's legs to nearly a full split
“W-What are you two doing!?” asks Tammy, squirming in vain as her face reddens brightly as the lift and spread of her legs fully exposes her pussy and anus to Celine.
“The same position all the time is boring.” states Sammy. “Plus, this way, when you come, your come will shoot up in the air like a geyser!”
“Yeah.” adds Sammy, looking to Celine. “Tammy's a squirter!”
“I noticed earlier.” comments Celine with a smile as she moves herself a little closer to Tammy's lifted body.
“Aww, geez you two. I didn't want my pussy right in her face.” complains Tammy, before her tail lifts up and covers her exposed pussy and anus.
Celine though smiles at the futile attempt to cover herself, before grabbing the Felene's tail in her left hand and pulling it away.
“You have a pretty little chocolate pussy though.” teases Celine, smiling before patting the Felene's puffy lips with her right hand a few times, before stroking them, bringing a small flinch and groan from the little girl. “Sammy, you wouldn't mind if I warm your girlfriend up a little more, would you”?
“H-Hey!” states Tammy. “You're just supposed to be doing that one thing!”
“Well you're not really in a position to demand things right now.” comments Celine with a smile, before releasing Tammy's tail and using both of her hands to tease the Felene's labia, stroking, spreading and squeezing them together, messaging the lips for just over a minute.
Celine feels the Felene's light trembling from her tease and sees her anus frequently winking at her.
“Hmm, I've just teased the lips so far...” comments Celine, before patting the puffy mounds again, causing Tammy to moan softly and squirm. “Seems like their pretty sensitive for you.”
“They are.” states Sammy. “Especially when she's horny. She'll come if you play with her pussy-lips long enough.”
“Really? I might have to try that later, but for now, I just want Tammy nice and wet for me...” replies Celine, before pulling her hands from the Felene's blushing labia, with a small sigh from her, before Celine places her left hand to Tammy's right cheek of her butt, stroking her while moving her right hand to the upper cleft of the Felene's labia and bringing a flinch and gasp from her as Celine teases her clit poking out of her clitoral hood.
“Let's get this little girl here to full attention then we'll get to main event.”
During the next minute or so while Celine flicked, rubbed and squeezes the Felene's little nub, urging it further from its protective hood as it grew, Tammy continues to moan and whine, squirming her hips as her labia and anus clinches frequently, in the mix of her moans though, were groans.
Celine assumed the groans were from fighting back the urge to orgasm, but she was only partly right; bound as she was and with an unusual stranger teasing her, Tammy's groans were the evidence of her fighting back requesting more. A strange new person was teasing her so well, Tammy didn't want to embarrass herself by asking for more when the 'main event' hadn't even begun.
However, Tammy traded one potential embarrassment for a guaranteed one with a hard groan and Celine was delightfully surprised when a small, brief spurt of clear fluid ejects from Tammy's urethra, and falls on the Felene's face. A second, slightly larger spurt leaves the groaning Felene before a gasp and moan leaves her as a forceful stream of cum shoots from her urethra a little over a foot in the air, before slightly arching and raining down on Tammy's face for a few seconds.
The Felene's climaxing pussy quivers, along with her body before her squirting ends abruptly, but two more weaker, but quick spurts leave her as she shutters and shakes, moaning out from the pleasurable spamming of her climaxing pussy while Becky and Sammy 'Ohhh's' and giggles from the sight.
Grinning, Celine waits for the Felene's climax to run its course through her body, a final, tiny spurt leaving her with a flinch, reaching an inch or two in height, followed by a relaxed sigh. Celine brings a gasp and another flinch from Tammy as she lightly strokes her sensitive labia, her fully erect clit in clear view now.
“Nice orgasm.” comments Celine.
“S-Shut up.” replies Tammy, with a frown, turning her dripping, blushing face away.
“Heh, I'd say your warmed up enough now.” states Celine, before looking to Becky and Sammy. “Make sure you guys hold her good. Don't want Tammy running away.”
“I-I'm not gonna run!” replies Tammy.
“Good.” states Celine, stroking Tammy's pussy again, bringing a small groan from her. “Has Sammy told you about the time I played with her honey-makers?”
“T-That's what you're gonna do!?” gasps Tammy, wide-eyed.
“Scared?” asks Celine with a smile, before slowly plunging her right hand into the Felene's still climax-sensitive vagina with a groan from her and Celine felt the walls clench around her hand.
“N-no, of course not.”
“Good.” replies Celine, before threading her hand through the Felene's cervix with another groan from her. “This shouldn't hurt, but I'm sure you'll speak up if it does.”
From practiced action, Celine was able to quickly locate the opening to Tammy's left fallopian tube and with a gasp-turned-groan from her, feels Celine moving through the tiny tunnel.
“Ahh! Nngh!” groans Tammy as she squirms. “Y-You're reaching, s-so far into me!”
The experience was completely alien to Tammy, she never thought someone could reach so deeply into her, it felt violating in some strange way, similar to feeling another person fingering her pussy for the first time. Tammy didn't voice this feeling though, before another gasp leaves her as she felt a mild sense of relief as she felt Celine reach the other end.
“I'm through.” states Celine.
“Y-You're, inside me... comments Tammy, with shock in her eyes at the imagined and felt depth Celine had reached.
“I sure am.” states Celine. “...and the real fun starts now, hope you're ready...”
Tammy's breath quickens in a combination of nervousness, anticipation and fear at what was to come. The Felene's body immediately flinches hard, Becky and Sammy holding her steady as she felt a pleasurable jolt shoot through her body as she felt something very sensitive deep inside her was touched.
“Ohhh...” moans Celine with a smile, pulling her tendril from the little girls ovary. “You're the first Felene to react that strongly from the first touch, guess everyone does react differently. Tell me Tammy...” adds Celine, placing her tendril back to the Felene's ovary, bringing another gasp and strong flinch from her, before continuing to moan out and squirm as Celine began to slowly caress the smooth organ. “What does it feel like?”
Tammy was not at all prepared for the sudden, high degree of unusual pleasure, because of that, she could hardly think straight and instead of not answering, which was her first thought, the pleasure she felt overrides that thought...
“S-So weird!” answers Tammy. “Y-You're n-not in, my pussy anymore!”
“But it feels really good, don' it!?” happily asks Becky, continuing to hold Tammy's squirming leg, but adding to the Felene's pleasure as she lightly teases her leg with a hand.
“You come really quick too!” adds Sammy, mimicking Becky's action, though adding licking her girlfriends right foot.
Celine doesn't let up on the Felene and circles the girls ovary, bringing an increased squirming from Tammy. Unlike Sammy and Becky, Tammy's organ didn't swell very much and since it didn't produce honey like a Tragelian, from past experience, Celine didn't need to pull her hand out when the little girl came.
Which didn't take very long, perhaps thirty or so seconds into the continued stimulation before the Felene groans hard and a tiny geyser erupts from her urethra, no higher than maybe an inch, before Tammy gasps out and the tiny geyser suddenly growing, quickly shooting a little more than a foot in the air and maintained for a few seconds before shrinking in height, but the flow doesn't stop as the tiny stream gains strength with another gasp from Tammy.
The stream briefly ends with a quick sigh from the Felene, before suddenly starting up again with another moan and decreased height as she showers herself in her cum, moaning and squirming frantically in pleasure as frequent, tiny spurts leave her for the majority of her orgasm.
To Tammy's shock however, Celine didn't stop her action and while the pleasure of her orgasm starts to fade, as usual, but slowly, it seemed her ovary had gotten even more sensitive. Just moments after the end of her climax, she felt another speeding towards her and could do nothing to even delay it as she moans out again, climaxing once again, though just two short spurts of cum leaves her.
Following another rapid orgasm, but her body unable to forcefully release her cum now; unable to produce enough of it fast enough, what remained simply streaming out of her like a poorly closed faucet and dripping down on her face; Tammy felt if this continued, her pussy spasming wildly and her ovary throbbing in pleasure from Celine's continued actions, she'd go crazy. She had to stop this and quickly wraps her tail around Celine's arm before declaring...
“I-I give up! I c-can't take it, Nngh... a-anymore!”
To her great relief, Tammy felt the teasing of her ovary come to an end, before groaning as she felt Celine pulling her hand from her fallopian tube, The tiny passage throbbing as well as the Geelien retreats from her womb and free of her quivering, slightly gaping pussy.
Celine wasn't quite done with Tammy though, smiling at the clinching, brown wet lips quickly closing around the gape of Tammy's young pussy, the Geelien once again pats and rubs the Felene's labia, bringing a flinch and groan from her for a few moments as Celine messages the twin mounds.
“So...” starts Celine. “Satisfied?”
“I-I guess...” states, averting her eyes from Celine as her body continued to flinch and jerk from the lingering pleasure and Celine's attention. “You're alright.”
Celine simply giggles, before giving the Felene's puffy lips a quick kiss and and tonguing, bringing a whimper and squirm from the little girl, then one more pat before moving back a little, allowing Becky and Sammy to release Tammy's legs. Becky unties her hands, allowing Tammy to quickly lower them down between her legs as she leans over to her right side with a relieved moan, bringing a giggling from Sammy.
“Told you Celine's awesome!”
Once Tammy had recovered enough to stand minutes later, the Felene now sat at the edge of Sammy's bed moaning softly as her girlfriend was on her knees behind her, teasing her furry ears, while Tammy repaid the affection with lifting her tail between Sammy's legs, teasing her pussy with the furry appendage.
Becky had briefly left to get them a snack and Celine sat to Tammy's right, still only partly dressed.
“So...” starts Celine, looking to the Felene. “Have you're opinion of me changed?”
“You're ok.” answers Tammy simply, though a small blush rose on her cheeks.
Celine smiles at the response, before looking to Sammy, who pinches the tips of Tammy's furry ears and lightly pulling them.
“So, which of your ears are the dominant one?” asks Celine, hoping to get to know Tammy a little.
“The ones Sammy are playing with.” answers Tammy.
“Is Sammy the only one allowed to touch them?” asks Celine.
“Yep, so don't bother asking.”
“Heh, figured as much...” replies Celine, before leaning back on her back, looking up at the ceiling before adding. “Sorry about bringing it up again, but can you help me to understand you and Sammy's relationship?”
Tammy sighs before answering, “It's not that hard to understand, Sammy likes being tied up.”
“But what about fraking her like a guy?” asks Celine.
“I told you, she likes it.” repeats Tammy, before turning around to look at Celine, while Sammy pulls her hands from the Felene's ears, though lowers them between Tammy's legs, bringing a little flinch from her. “S-Sure, it may not be her favorite thing, but I-I like it.”
“So that's it.” states Celine, sitting up with a smile. “You like dominating Sammy in that way.”
“Fine, I do, so what?”
Celine looks to Sammy and asks, “So what do you think?”
“It's not my favorite, but I do like it a bit, it's not like Tammy's a real boy anyway. It's like I'm not supposed to like it, but I do, and that makes it really naughty.” answers Sammy, before a small groan comes from Tammy and the Felene spreads her legs a bit as Sammy teases her clit with one hand and stroking her labia with the other.
“So, let me see if I got this straight, while you're against the idea of being fraked by a boy, which is what that odd dildo represents. Tammy, whose a girl, dominating you and fraking you like a boy turns you on?”
“Uh, yeah.” answers Sammy, after a moment of thought to understand what Celine was saying.
“That's still odd to me.” comments Celine. “It's a contradiction- wait a sec!” adds Celine before gasping. “That's it! A contradiction! That's what you're turned on by. You're not into boys, but Tammy fraking you like a boy is a sort of naughty loop-hole.”
“Uh...” replies Sammy in confusion. “I think you might be over thinking it.”
“Maybe I am.” comments Celine. “Just one more question, you'd be 'against' Tammy using that dildo on you while you're on your back and she's on top, right?”
“Yeah, but I like that one a bit more than the doggy-style one.” answers Sammy. “With the other one, I can still see Tammy's face, so I know its her doing it, it's the same when I'm on top and Tammy's on her back. I was really against Tammy doing it earlier because it was in front of you, it was really embarrassing.” she adds, eying Tammy during the latter end of her statement, who comments with a blush...
“I-I was just proving my point, and I was angry.”
“I have an idea.” states Celine with a smile. “Sammy, how about you punish Tammy?”
“That's a good idea.” replies Sammy, smiling.
“What are you gonna do, spank me?” teases Tammy, before Celine comments.
“I think a similar punishment you gave Sammy would be good. Sammy, what's something Tammy would be against?”
“Hmmm...” thinks Sammy, looking at her girlfriend, before gasping with a smile. “Ohh, I got it!”
The pink-haired girl quickly pulls her hands from Tammy and heads out of the room, but nearly runs into Becky coming back, holding a tray, which carried a couple of baloney sandwiches and a few cans of pop.
“Whoa, sorry.” comments Sammy.
“That's ok.” replies Becky. “Where are you going?”
“Gonna get something for Tammy's punishment.” states Sammy happily before leaving down the stairs.
“Tammy's punishment?”
Entering the room, Becky sees Tammy sigh and comment...
“Why do I have a bad feeling about this punishment?”
“Got an idea of what Sammy's thinking?” asks Celine with a smile.
Becky though walks towards and on the bed, placing the tray down between the three, before they each take a sandwich and a few bites from it.
“Becky...” starts Celine. “How would you feel about being fraked like Sammy was by Tammy?”
“As long as it's not a boy, I'd be fine with it.” answers Becky.
“Interesting.” comments Celine. “So I could absorb my dad and you'd be OK with me fraking you like a boy?”
“Um... I dunno.” replies Becky. “Wouldn't it still be your dads thingie?”
“Hmm, you have a point there.” replies Celine. “I would need my dad to even have the cock.”
“I dunno if I'd be ok with it.” states Becky. “You're dad would be in you, so it's like he would be doing me too.” she adds with a frown.
“Good thing I asked then.” comments Celine.
“Sammy's pretty weird with it though.” states Becky. “But it doesn't bother me, everybody has things they don't like.”
“True...” replies Celine. “Is there anything sexual you'd be against?”
“Yeah, being rough.” answers Becky. “I don't think pain goes well with coming.”
“What about you Tammy?”
“I like pretty much anything, except if it involves poop, or treating me like cat.” answers Tammy, groaning at the latter end of her answer. “Argh, I HATE it when people do that, calling me kitty or kitty-cat or offering me a glass of milk, that's just rude and disrespectful!”
Celine only chuckles a little at Tammy's answer, during her short time attending school, she quickly learned that most Felene's had a similar view, Canine's as well.
It was shortly after, that Sammy returns and Tammy's eyes widen in shock as Sammy held a small bowl of what clearly looked to be milk.
“You have GOT to be kidding!” declares Tammy.
“Heh, this is payback.” replies Sammy, walking to the foot of the bed, before placing the bowl down on the floor and kneeling down next to it. “Come on Kitty-Kitty, come drink your milk.”
Tammy's groan started low but quickly rose in volume.
“I can't believe you would talk to me like that in front of other people!” declares Tammy, removing herself from the bed and looking down at Sammy angrily.
“And you fraked me like a guy in front of Celine.” replies Sammy.
“Yeah, but you still liked it a little!” states Tammy. “This is completely different!”
“This is your punishment Tammy.” replies Sammy with a smile. “You don't have to drink it all, just a few licks, like a kitty cat.”
Red-faced and groaning in embarrassment already, Tammy soon looks to Becky and Celine.
“You two turn the other way!”
“Nope.” states Sammy, bringing a gasp from Tammy. “You made Celine watch me AND made me tell her why I didn't like it while you were doing it, so your going to be watched too.”
Tammy groans with a her fists clenched tightly, before without another word, lowers herself to her hands and knees, looking down to the bowl of milk.
However, just as Tammy began to lower her head, Sammy covers the bowl with her hands, causing Tammy to lift her slightly teary face up to Sammy in wonderment, who smiles.
“Now you know how I felt.”
An immediate smile comes to Tammy's face.
“So I don't have to drink the milk!?”
“No, I'd feel horrible if I made you do it, I just wanted you to feel what it was like for me.”
“Oh thank-you!” declares Tammy, before quickly hugging Sammy, who giggles and returns the embrace, before commenting.
“I'm not as crazy as you.”
However, a chill runs down Sammy's back as Tammy whispers in her ear...
“You're so going to pay for this later. I'm gonna tie you up and rape you doggy-stye hard till it's not rape anymore and you're begging for more.”
Which brings a nervous giggle from Sammy.
Chapter 38
Title: Chapter 11-1
[Author's notes: (ANIME) LOLI, GOO-GIRL, SHOUJO-AI
After a lunchtime chat with her friends and confronting the Nex that started the rumor, Celine finally decides who will be her first girlfriend.]
- The next day, Telios (Tuesday) -
- 10:40 A.M, Local School, Cafeteria -
“So, how\'s your day going so far?” asks Gina.
Celine, Gina and Helani sat at their usual table in the cafeteria, though this time, Gina and Helani sat together; The pink-haired teen wearing a T-shirt and fitted jeans, while her raven-haired girlfriend wore a tank-top and skirt, Celine was on the other side of the table, also dressed in a tank-top and skirt.
Spooning some mac and cheese into her mouth, Celine gives a little chuckle before answering...
“Well, considering what happened yesterday, not all that bad. It\'s not like it was a complete shock like the rumor.”
“Really?” asks Gina, smiling. “So you don\'t feel like you\'re gonna lose it again?”
“Heh, nope. While some of the questions I\'ve got were a bit embarrassing, some were pretty amusing.” replies Celine. “Like this one girl in my second hour, she asked if Abby absorbing me was like us having sex.”
Both girls giggle, before Helani asks...
“Is it?”
“No.” answers Celine. “Although there is some form of absorption in sex between Geelien\'s, like melding at points of contact to full absorption like what happened yesterday, a full absorption is more like a, um... the closest hug possible, it just feels comforting.”
“I get it.” replies Gina. “Hehe, it\'s like a fat person hugging you, you just get swallowed up. Oh, is there such a thing as a fat Geelien?”
“Actually there is.” answers Celine. “While all Geelien\'s start out with a \'normal\' shaped body and can change their appearance some, we have a normal solid form. Like the way you see me now, I don\'t have to put much thought into maintaining this form, I even retain it to a degree when I\'m sleeping. However, if a Geelien eats a lot, over time, their body gets used to the amount their eating, so they eat more and more, gradually, their bodies get bigger. So yes, fat Geelien\'s exist, their not very common though.”
“Wow...” comments Helani, smiling. “Well Geelien\'s have the benefit of easily losing weight.”
“Sometimes too easily though.” replies Celine. “Just being in the sun causes us to gradually lose mass, plus when we start melting from our emotions, we can\'t always gather up our lost mass either.”
“Easy come, easy go I guess.” replies Gina.
“Right...” comments Celine. “But doing normal everyday stuff, there\'s no real danger for me. Heh, unless I decide to have sex in a sauna.”
“Hehe...” giggles Gina. “A sauna would be like a death-trap for you.”
“Yeah, I\'m sure it would.” replies Celine. “Though I was surprised to hear about such a thing. Are there really rooms that non-Geelien\'s use to basically cook themselves in?”
“Yep.” replies Helani. “If you use them properly, their supposed to be good for your body, you can like, sweat out all the crap in your body.”
“Have either of you two been in one?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Gina. “We both have. Their pretty nice if you can take the heat. It\'s best to go in them naked and bring a towel to sit on so you don\'t burn yourself when you sit or lay down. Feeling your sweat just drip and roll down your body feels great.”
“Does this school have a sauna?” asks Celine.
“Not anymore.” answers Helani. “It was removed for safety reasons. Two students decided it was a good idea to have sex there and nearly died.”
“Wow, really?” asks Celine.
“Yep.” answers Gina with a sigh. “Two idiots ruin it for the rest of the school. All the sauna stuff was taken out, so the room is just empty now.”
“But...” starts Helani with a smile. “The room is pretty much known now as a sex room, \'cause that\'s basically all th