Story: Intensity (As If Meant To Be) (chapter 1)

Authors: BatchSan

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Chapter 1

Dragging blonde hair between her fingers, lifting it up to the sunlight pouring in from a window as her hand moved, Hermione held her breath. She let the strands slip from her fingers one by one, losing them in the light before they reappeared against Luna\'s shoulder. Catching blue eyes, Hermione released her breath feeling oddly shy in the wake of intensity from soft, but hungry eyes.


She\'s frustrated, running her hand through her mane of bushy hair before letting it drop as she paced the floor.

\"Luna\'s not that bad once you get to know her,\" Ginny assured.

\"She\'s the looniest loon that ever was to grace the floors of Hogwarts! She\'s a laughing stock and you want me to put my trust in her?\" Hermione ranted, still pacing.

\"You don\'t even know her. How can you be so judgmental of someone you don\'t know?\"

\"I know enough of her to know it would not be in my best interests to befriend her,\" Hermione said, though her pacing ceased.

\"Could we perhaps settle then for acquaintances with a mutual friend?\"

Both girls snapped their heads toward the door in time to watch Luna enter the room. She seemed relatively unperturbed by Hermione\'s statement, but there was something in her eyes that belied her real feelings, whatever they might be as it was unlikely she would speak them. Hermione had a hard time swallowing past the lump in her throat before she could respond.

\"I... You... It wasn\'t...\" Hermione suddenly stammered.

\"I\'m fully aware of how people perceive me. Don\'t ever think otherwise.\"


Soft lips press against hers, sending Hermione\'s heart into overdrive. If Luna wasn\'t perched in her lap right now, she was certain she\'d have floated away, or burst from the sensations quickly filling her every fiber and being. A pale hand against her cheek, anchoring her to the moment, to the here and now. Hermione wanted to explode and implode and any other possible forms of coming apart in a big way.

And this was only a kiss, one of many they\'ve shared over the years. Each one always promises this same feeling; this same intensity.


\"You\'re infuriating.\"

\"Is it because I don\'t walk the same lines of perceived normalcy as you?\" Luna questioned.

\"You don\'t walk any lines of normalcy. I doubt you even know what normalcy means,\" Hermione huffed.

They were shoulder to shoulder already, faces turned toward each in conversation. Luna leaned forward, the angle a bit awkward and kissed Hermione\'s mouth, lingering for longer than Hermione should\'ve allowed, had she been able to think.

\"Normalcy means to be boring and one-dimensional. I prefer to see the world in a different light.\"

This time it was Hermione that kissed Luna.


Hermione wrapped her arms around Luna, burying her face in the crook of Luna\'s neck, drowsy.

\"Tired already?\" Luna teased.

\"No. Just happy to have you.\"

Hermione smiled up at Luna, seeing her smile reflected back on Luna\'s lips.

\"As am I.\"

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