Prologue:A Challenge
I glanced around at all the other ten year olds waiting with their parents in the lobby, dressed much as I was in their stark white gi, (the symbol of their school worn if not on their breasts then proudly upon their backs) wondering if food was often served to all competitors before the competition began. I sighed taking note of varying degrees of skill signified by the obi (belt) wrapped around each waist, it seemed that much of those wearing brown black belts were the older children to late teens. Though there were a few younger children wearing them, hopefully none in my division. I was a red belt (same rank as brown, both symbolize the same thing) even so I did not feel entirely ready to face anyone so high as a black.
Expression pensive I weighed the benefits of purposely losing early over doing my best. I knew losing right away would allow me to at sooner, but then I'd get lectured by Sensei and talked to by mom and dad. On the other had I could try my best and regardless if I win or lose I'll get a feast. Drooling at the thought I decided to stick to the latter plan of action, more food that way. I turned to find my mom among the fray of so many others, only to crash into a solid object.
I clutched my head stumbling back sure in the knowledge that their hadn't been a wall behind me before. I blinked several times clearing my vision finally catching sight of that "wall". "Sorry," I rubbed my head smiling sheepishly at a girl about my height, who stood across from me doing the same, "my sister keeps telling me I have a thick head," I frowned shrugging my shoulders, "I guess now I have to believe her." "Huh," I continued to wonder allowed, "Does that mean she's right about me being fat on the inside?" Glancing down at myself I decided their just wasn't enough room.
"You seem to tiny to be fat on the inside," the girl said looking me over. I bobbed my head, "That's what I said! There's just not enough room in here," I patted my stomach for emphasis. "Lea (pronounced Lee-A) just laughed and said I'd understand when I'm older. I hate when grown ups do that."
The girl sighed, "Yeah I know what you mean, my mom says that all the time, but she never tells me how much older so I come back in five minutes, but that's still not old enough." I grinned having tried something similar with just as little success.
Not wanting to continue referring to her as "the girl" in my head I offered her my hand, Lea said it was proper etiquette to do so when meeting new people, we shook hands awkwardly before quickly letting go. "Nice to meet you, my names Zehanai, my friends call me Zee or Zeha for short."
"Which do you prefer?" she asked curious. "Zeha, Zee sounds childish but everyone is so used to it..." I shrugged. She nodded in understanding, "I'm Jessica, Jess or Pan for short." I furrowed my brow, "Pan?"
"Pan is my middle name," she shrugged, "my parents like to use it." I pursed my lips in thought, "Well which do you prefer?" She shrugged again. Hmmm, "How about J.Pan, you know so that you have a little of both..." Before we could debate further a voice blared from the loud speakers. Anyone who wasn't dressed in gi and there for in the tournament filed out of the lobby. The tournament had officially begun.
J.Pan and I went to find our receptive groups, though the tournament was not a team event more than one contender from each dojo could compete, any money won would rewarded to said dojo, and two trophies would be given. One to be showcased in the school while the other is received by the winner. I was given a door number and the name of my first opponent, I had thirty minutes before my first match.
With my back facing the wall I went through all that I had learned, slowly to warm myself up, then I practiced a few strikes, jabs and blocks I'd not quite mastered or had just learned. While doing this I listened to the sound of flesh striking flesh and exclamation of sound that accompanied each assault as the older children sparred lightly around me. Those who weren't as serious about winning sat on the floor talking amongst themselves and a few who had done all this before arriving watched the screens mounted on the wall watching who they might face, finding and cataloging weaknesses that might give them the upper hand. I fell into a rhythm that I did not find myself in often, all sound became duller, my senses sharper, my body lighter. What I had once found difficult came easily in this place, my heart beat strongly in my chest, I breathed deeply air filling my lungs. I closed my eyes but never stopped moving, it felt as if I could stay here forever...
"Zehanai," I came easily from my trance, a firm hold on my shoulder, my anchor. I blinked up at my Sensei, wondering where he'd come from. "Zehanai, you're up" he chuckled at the bewildered look on my face. I shook my head, where had the time gone. "Remember stay calm, don't get angrey and most important, do the best you can," I nodded walking through my assigned doors into the arena. "Good luck," I don't know if the words were spoken or if I'd just imagined that they were, regardless it boosted my confidence and I believed played a key role in keeping me from eating the mat...
"How are you doing Zehanai?" Sensei asked concern softening his voice, I raised my head from my knee keeping hold of the bag of ice that was holding my headache at bay. I bobbed my head generally, "I'm good Sensei, just a little hurt," he shifted the bag of ice I had tucked under my arm. Sensei chuckled, "Just a little huh?" I let my head fall back against the wall, not many remained in the lobby, just those participating in the final match of their devision. "I didn't know it would be so hard... or hurt quite so much" I added sheepishly. Sensei crouched down before me and took hold of my chin so that he could more easily gaze into my eyes. "You don't have to fight if you don't want, you surpassed all our expectations understand?"
I gazed up into soothing blue green eyes, the first time I'd ever seen them this close, "Only one more match?" Sensei grinned, "Yeah, just one more." I bowed my head in acknowledgement and let my eyes slide shut. "I think I can do that," Sensei lay his hand upon my head and whispered words that could have be a prayer as much as encouragement, I wasn't listen and then he was gone allowing me to rest.
I rested my hands upon my quivering knees, chest burning every time I attempted to draw air, sweat dripped from my brow into my eyes as I gazed across the arena platform at my opponent. Her gi was immaculate, not a thing was out of place, her ebony hair fell unhindered to her chin, following the curve of her cheekbone. A faded orange bandana banded one arm, a black obi circled her waist. If she was tired I couldn't tell, her stance remained as rigid as when we'd first began. "Ready to give up Zeha?" J.Pan asked not unkindly, concern clear in her voice, though her stance remained firm. "Funny," I admitted tiredly, "I was going to ask you the same thing, cause you know I'm just getting started." I pushed to my feet and raised my quivering hands and prepared for a beating, I took a deep breath as the crowd roared all around.
J.Pan came at me fast and hard taking me to the mat, I lay there for a long moment before rolling over she let me get up. I stood there for a time unmoving before raising my hands again. She trew a few quick jabs that I tried my best to avoid. Somehow I got up a third time, before I could raise my hands again she strike at my chest with a glowing fist, immediately all systems failed. Time seemed to halt in its tracks as that glowing energy circulated throughout my body. I knew I was falling but I couldn't control my body any longer. I closed my eyes and embraced the darkness, unaware when my body crumpled to the mats, unmoving.