Story: Endings and Beginings (chapter 1)

Authors: Shanejayell

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Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters from Negima, they all belong to Ken Akamatsu and I'm only borrowing them for awhile.

Endings and Beginnings

Part One

Mahora University student Setsuna Sakurazaki felt herself stiffen as she heard Konoka's words, then through pure force of will the black haired woman masked that shocked reaction. Instead she reached out to take Konoka's hands gently in her's as she softly asked her, "Are you sure about this?"

Konoka Konoe smiled back happily, her long brown hair glimmering in the sun. "Yes, I'm sure," the young lady nodded, "will you be my maid of honor?"

Setsuna felt her heart breaking, but still kept her composure as she forced a smile. "Of course," she said, "and I'm sure you and Negi-sensei will be very happy."

Konoka beamed, "I think so, too."

Later, Asuna Kagurazaka gazed in shock at Setsuna as the orange haired girl declared. "She did WHAT?"

Setsuna sighed softly, sitting on the living room chair with a faintly stunned looked about her. She repeated to Asuna dully, "Konoka and Negi are getting married... and she's asked me to be the maid of honor."

"Of all the insensitive," Asuna paced about the suite she rented at Mahora university restlessly, "I'll go talk to her, maybe..."

"No," Setsuna said to her firmly. She reached out to put her hand on her restless friend's arm, "I always accepted that Konoka might not feel the same way I do."

With a sigh Asuna looked at her kendo teacher and good friend as she said quietly, "It's going to be incredibly hard for you, you know. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm her best friend other than you," Setsuna shrugged, "besides, whatever my feelings I still want to be there."

"Well, we both know I'll be there too," Asuna agreed, having been Konoka's room mate through most of their high school years, "so I'll do whatever I can to help."

Setsuna sighed softly as she looked off into the distance, "Who would have expected things to turn out this way?"

Asuna sighed softly, knowing she was right. When Negi Springfield first arrived at Mahora, Asuna and Konoka had taken him in, becoming almost parental figures to him. But when Konoka was caught up in attempts to arrange her marriage she and Negi drew closer, her joking that when Negi grew up he'd be a good match. While only meant in jest it seemed that thought lingered in Konoka. And as Negi grew up, they gradually grew closer, a friendship slowly blossoming into love.

There was a fair amount of mayhem when Negi and Konoka announced to friends and fellow students that they were engaged, but nothing they couldn't handle. Ayaka Yukihiro took it badly, but that was expected from the blonde shotacon and everyone pretty much ignored it. Nodoka was probably the most disappointed, considering how many students figured she'd hook up with Negi, but she still took it well.

The ceremony was mostly a blur to Setsuna, standing there beside Konoka and watching the beautiful girl go through her part so gracefully. Sister Shakti officiated, using a ceremony combining traditional Japanese elements and bits from Negi's Welsh homeland, along with the Headmaster and Eishun Konoe, the head of the Kansai magic association and Konoka's father.

"You holding up all right?" Takahata asked Setsuna softly, the warrior teacher looking at her with a great deal of sympathy. The older man had supervised Setsuna, Mana and many of the other campus guardians, and had gotten to know her fairly well.

"I'll manage," Setsuna answered a bit uncomfortably. She noticed how pale Negi was, standing by the altar and added to Takahata, "You'd better get back to your best man duties. Negi looks like he's going to faint."

"Right," Takahata adjusted his tie and tidied his suit before he moved up to support the young man.

Asuna stepped close to Setsuna, "Why did she have to pick pink cream dresses?" She plucked at the garment with distaste, "Pink is just not my color."

"It's a tradition," Setsuna murmured back as she tried to summon some humor, "bridesmaid's dresses always look hideous."

The ceremony began to wind down as Shakti got to the critical part. "Do you, Negi Springfield, take Konoka Konoe to be your wife?"

"I do," Negi squeaked.

"Do you, Konoka Konoe, take Negi Springfield as your husband?"

"I do," Konoka smiled warmly.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife," Shakti smiled at them warmly as she continued, "you may kiss the bride."

Setsuna closed her eyes, unable to watch as Negi flipped up the veil and lingeringly kissed Konoka. She opened them as the two pulled apart, beaming happily, then as cheers rang out the two rushed down the aisle.

"Here comes the flowers," Ku Fei said eagerly, the Chinese girl nearly bouncing as Konoka prepared to toss the bouquet she carried.

Konoka turned from the crowd as she teasingly said, "Get ready!" As the girls jostled for position she braced herself, then blindly tossed it back towards them.

The bundle of roses soared up, shimmering in the sun, then dropped as arms flung up. It bounced off one hand as Ayaka cursed, then flopped gracefully to land in the hands of the usually deadpan Yue. "Yay," she said mildly as groans of disappointment echoed through the more eager bridesmaids.

Ayaka rushed over as the blonde looked at Yue intently and said, "I'll pay you a thousand dollars for that."

Yue hesitated then said firmly, "It's not for sale." As Ayaka stomped off Yue quietly walked over to Nodoka, talking to her friend quietly before giving her the bundle of flowers, smiling faintly at her friend's joy.

The reception after was quite a party, the staff of Chao Bao Zi catering, along with representatives of most of the food clubs. Negi and Konoka shared the first dance, of course, then split up to take turns with the various guests.

"May I?" Negi offered his hand, the slightly taller young man looking a bit nervous.

Setsuna looked at him curiously but took his hand, "Of course."

Negi lead well, staying light on his feet and indicating a move with gentle pressure from his hands. Quietly so that no one could overhear Negi said, "I never intended..."

Setsuna shook her head, "It's all right, Negi." As they waltzed she continued, "All this was my lady's choice, after all."

"Still," Negi sighed softly.

"There is one thing I have to say," Setsuna said, tightening her grip on his hand so much he winced, "while I respect you immensely, if you hurt her I'll kill you."

Negi paled a bit but nodded, "I understand, Setsuna."

The wedding reception wound down as all parties eventually do, and as was becoming a habit ASuna found herself talking to SEtsuna as they scavenged from the remaining food trays. "So," Asuna asked as she munched on a beef bun, "what are you going to do now?"

"I've talked to Konoka and Negi," Setsuna said quietly, "and let them know I'm going away for a while."

Asuna frowned, "You don't have to..."

Setsuna shrugged slightly, "I want to give them some time alone." She didn't add that this would give her some time to get used to Konoka and Negi being together, too.

Asuna poured them each some sake, "And where will you go?"

Setsuna took the cup greatfully as she admitted, "To be honest, I haven't decided yet."

Asuna took a drink, hesitating a moment. "Have you considered visiting the Magical World for a while?" she suggested. A slight smile, "I think we had some good times traveling inMundus Magicus, when we and the others got seperated."

"That's true," Setsuna conceded, "and it would be a good challenge too."

"Good," Asuna smiled suddenly, "I was looking for someone to go with me there."

"Eh?" Setsuna looked startled.

Asuna shrugged, "I've always meant to go back there, especially considering my background in that place."

"Hmm," Setsuna nodded.

Asuna had been born in the Magic World, apparently a princess of a kingdom there and had been rescued by the legendary heroes the Crimson Wing, Nagi Springfield's group. They had brought her here to Mahora to be cared for by the Headmaster, and to try to give her a fresh start her memories of her dark past had been erased. Years later she began to regain memories and skills she had gained in that time...

"Any plans of where to go there?"Setsuna wondered as they left the hall with their plates of food, settling on the steps outside to eat.

"Why not fall back on bounty hunting like we did before?" Asuna suggested, "If things are anything like last time, we should do fairly well."

"But no dragons this time," Setsuna managed a smile, "those were too much work." Silently she added, 'And maybe this will take my mind of Konoka for a while...'

To be continued...

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