Story: The Drum Major (chapter 3)

Authors: Ongaku69

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Chapter 3

Title: Out of this World

         Fingertips gently brushed the soft flesh on Muna's back, the glowing blue data codes appearing in a fading trail following. Why was she doing this? She was here to bring back the rogue experiment, not fall in love with her. The data ended with a name... Munashii. Irony at its best. Void was her name. A name suiting of the eternal never ending space from hence they both came.   
          The healing was done now. Any damage from before would be fixed in a matter of hours. Even through the whole ordeal she was able to keep her identity a secret to-... no she mustn't think of her as a being or risk further attachment. Her name was Munashii. It wouldn't matter now. They would both be light years away from this planet before Muna-... yes, Muna realized what was wrong.

          Not that she hadn't already. The bus trip back had been disastrous. There was no way of knowing what the company had programed into Muna. She seemed scared and confused enough to not know who or what she was. She had nearly jumped off the bus, for christ's sake! Luckily, the ears had disappeared and allowed her to move among the humans without suspicion.
          Shadowed dark brown orbs glanced to the communicator on the bedside table. After what happened earlier that day there was no doubt that she hadn't been the only one looking for Muna. The alliance always stuck their nose in things they shouldn't and they were willing to risk many a life to see the abomination contained and disposed of.
          The hand forcing the codes to appear hovered over the last few lines, fingertips sliding and moving the blocks of data around. Thank B'ratalia that only her kind could interact with the codes and control them. If not the Alliance would have gotten this one long ago, but they had to wait. Wait to make sure she was the one. Make sure she was the only one, but it would do neither her nor Munashii no good if they were both caught.

          All the years of training as a soldier and a scientist could not have prepared her for this. The emotional attachment was more than dangerous. It was grounds for elimination under her contract. No contract could ever thaw the glacier like the warm hazel eyes did when they met hers. The years of loneliness, heartbreak, coldness. As if conjured by will Muna's eyelids fluttered open, hazy look reflecting the cloud over her mind...

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