Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 7)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 7

Title: CHAPTER 07: Well Suited.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 07: Well Suited.

Kim stared directly into Bonnie's eyes. It was the only way she could keep her concentration on the business at hand, instead of on Bonnie's new tits. “Well, if you don't think you're up to it...”

Bonnie let out a feline growl. “Hold it right there Possible. You know the only reason I did the stuff I did before was because of that damn chip in my head. Why don't you do it? You're the one that likes doing that kind of thing.”

Kim looked over at Senior Sr., who was sitting nearby at the center table of the command center. He was following the conversation, but obviously had no intention of joining in. She looked back at Bonnie's plump, well tanned, breasts. Then she forced her eyes up again. “I really do, but that's not the point. She's known you longer. Look, she was the maid of honor at your wedding. So the chances are better she'll be more grateful to you than me. Besides, thanks to Hench's little power play, I'm going to be busy. Ask yourself, are you going to step up and prove you're evil enough to do the job? Or are you going to let her end up like Hope... Or worse?”

Bonnie chewed her lip and thought over Kim's words. She'd agreed to work with Possible with her eyes open. Ricardo made very sure she knew what she was getting into. Thanks to the chip that had been implanted in her head, she knew she was capable of doing what Kim wanted her to do. It repressed her inhibitions and morals to the point, she even enjoyed the horrible things she had done.

That, in truth, was the reason she was arguing with Kim about this. Deep down inside, she was worried if she did as Kim wanted her to do, she might enjoy it. She wanted to blame Kim for forcing her into this. She thought back to all their cheer practices in school. Kim had always pushed and pushed, even when they didn't think they could do more. She wanted to think it was the same now, but she knew better.

Back then, she made herself keep up, not just to try to be better than Kim, but because she knew it was better for all of them in the end. All the grief and crap she'd given the cheer captain only urged Kim to work them all harder. They excelled because of it. She knew Kim was pushing her again, but in a different way. This was a test as much as anything else. To pass, all she had to do was be as evil as Kim.

She felt competitiveness well inside her. Being as evil as Kim wasn't enough. She knew she had to be better at being evil. All she had to do was the deed, she didn't have to enjoy it. “Fine. I'll do it.”

Kim grinned. She knew Bonnie couldn't refuse the chance to show her up. It simply wasn't in the girl's makeup.

Senior Sr. decided it was finally time to put a word in. “Now that we have that settled, I have my own concerns. Bonita and I have found ourselves able to work quite well together. However, there is something I feel I must point out. She does not have the experience, nor I the youth, to take on such a task as this.”

He held up a hand to forestall Kim's impending comment. “I understand completely the need for Bonita to be there. I, of course, will be by her side. I believe that, in this instance, it would be prudent for us to have help.”

Kim pried her eyes from Bonnie's jutting nipples. “Don't worry, you two won't be doing this alone.”

She turned toward Senior Sr. with a thoughtful look on her face. “You raise another point. One which I've been meaning to talk to you about. You are a very capable man. I'm still impressed by the showing you made a few years ago at the X-games...”

Senior Sr. chuckled. “There is no need to beat around the bush Kimberly.” He used his cane to lever himself up and out of his chair. With his free hand he gestured at his body. “I know very well that I am old. Time is truly one of the greatest villains there is. It steals our youth. Our dearest commodity. Do not be concerned, I will perform adequately.”

Kim smiled brightly. She reached down below the table edge and produced a multicolored, cone shaped, device. “I never believed you would do less than your best. That being said, I'm not the kind of person who settles for adequate.”

She pressed the large button atop the Juvenator. A bright greenish-yellow beam shot out, encompassing the elderly man in it's light.

Bonnie's claws extended. She leaped toward Kim. “What do you think you're...”

Kim sidestepped the attack as she shut off the device. “Sheath your claws B. I'm not hurting him, in fact... I'd suggest you turn around.”

Bonnie turned. Her eyes grew almost as wide as they'd been before she had them returned to normal size. She looked at her lover. “R... Ricardo?”

Señor Senior Senior could feel both of the ladies looking at him. He also felt different. His cane clattered to the floor as he raised his hands in front of him. Gone were the gnarled and knobby fingers he knew so well. In their place were strong, youthful, hands. He used those hands to touch his face. He felt his chiseled features, amazed they were no longer covered in sagging and wrinkled flesh. As he examined his body, he felt a vigor and strength he hadn't known for many decades.

Kim watched approvingly as the man took stock of himself. Without the hunched posture of age, he seemed taller. His body was well muscled and his hair was a pure jet black that hung straight down, just past his shoulders.

The now young man found his voice. It was the same rich baritone as before, but it lacked the the subtle cracking of age. “Kim Possible! What have you done? You have made me...”

Kim glanced at the setting on the device. “...About 30. I think it suits you. Of course, if you don't like it, I could always...”

Bonnie managed to shake herself out of her staring trance. “NO!”

He chuckled as he went to Bonnie and took her in his arms. “I must agree with Bonita. Whatever you have done, I find it to be a good thing. But perhaps you could enlighten us?”

Kim set the device down on the table. “I didn't mean to shock you, but it was easier to just do it than explain. This things called a Juvenator. Dr. Drakken created it and we recovered it from his lab.” She paused as she saw apprehension in both of their eyes. “Don't worry, it's been thoroughly tested. I even tried it on myself. Luckily the effect is reversible, being a preteen again wasn't fun.” She remembered looking down at her flat chest in horror. “But anyway, it simply resets you to an earlier age. Don't ask me how, because I have no idea.”

She watched the two of them digest the information. A glance at the room's wall clock told her how much time they had left. “Wade should have your equipment ready for you in about an hour. Why don't you both take that time to get ready.”

They moved toward her, still arm in arm. Senior leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. “I thank you Kimberly.”

Bonnie sighed. “Yeah OK, one for you Possible.”

Kim smiled at them. “Enough mushy stuff. You only got 59 minutes left. Go screw each other senseless.”

They wasted no time in joyfully proceeding to follow her instruction.


The Alpine air made misty white clouds of her breath. They floated into the night as she hunched down beside a large tree trunk. She pulled her black, fur lined, trench coat tighter against the chill. With a gloved hand, she pulled a pair of high fashion sunglasses from the coat's pocket. She put them on and touched the almost imperceptible button between the lenses. The dark surrounding her turned bright and green as the night vision optics powered up. Through the evergreen trees, she watched guards pace in front of the cave that hid the entrance of the villain's lair.

Officer Lace was here because she had something to prove to Ron, her fellow Fashion Police, and mostly to herself. She was still miffed at the way Ron acted toward her at Hope's funeral. It was obvious he didn't think much of her as a hero. Also, her first bust hadn't helped her self esteem any. Sure, her colleagues at the FP congratulated her, but she heard the the hidden snickering in their voices. Now was her chance to prove to everyone she had what it took to do the job.

As she watched for an opportunity to slip by the guards, her mind drifted back to the day her life changed. She had been working at Club Banana for almost a week. Monique hired her to replace Kim, who'd gone evil and stopped showing up for work. That fateful day was restocking the discount shelves, when she heard Monique talking with someone...

“I'm flattered and all that you remembered me from Milan, Officer Tweed.” Monique said with a smile and a shake of her head. “But, as fascinating as your offer is, I just can't do it.”

The well dressed man sighed. “I see. It's too bad, you are just the kind of person we're looking for. You know fashion and you know how to handle yourself in a sticky situation. It appears we'll have to look elsewhere.”

Monique snapped her fingers. “Hold on now. I might just know someone...” She turned toward the discount area and yelled. “Yo, Tara! Come here a minute...”

The sound of a boot crunching in the snow jolted her out of the memory. Officer Lace turned to see the electrified business end of a stun staff swinging toward her head.


Wade sat in the room that was directly across the corridor from the teleporter room. Both were located on the first level of the lair between the command center and his private lab. There was nothing of chance in this arrangement. He'd designed the setup with one purpose in mind, defense. Having been caught with his proverbial pants down once, he'd vowed it wasn't going to happen again.

Unlike the rest of the lair, this room hadn't been changed from it's original Lowardian configuration. The walls were black and red. The lighting came from recessed panels near the floor. Only the keys on the multiple consoles along three of the walls had been changed to English letters and numbers. The fourth wall was one gigantic computer system. Hanging over it all was the heart of the lair, the Lowardian nano-production interface.

He watched as long tentacles extruded from the complex machine. Each of the multi-colored strands consisted of billions of nanobots. At the moment they were busy assembling his latest creations in the open space in the center of the room. There was still about 10 minutes left in the process, so he let his mind return to thoughts of defense.

Hiding the lair on the Moon was the first and most obvious point of defense. If nobody knew where it was, they couldn't attack it. In his mind though, that wasn't enough. The possibility of the lair's location being discovered existed. Once their enemies knew where they were, it was only a matter of time and distance before an attack might be made. That's where his second line of defense came into play.

Only Kim, Shego, himself and Monique knew about the missile and laser weapons studding the moonscape above the lair. All of them were disguised as rocks and outcroppings. Any landing or ground assault would have to get past those before attempting to penetrate the lair itself. If, somehow that did happen, he was prepared. Every corridor of the top 10 levels had his own version of the McHenry laser grid installed. With the knowledge that someone might be able to get through it, he'd made one major modification. The shutoff switch, instead of being in each corridor, was located in the command center.

Other than the ability to be sealed off completely from the rest of the lair, the lowest two levels had no automatic defenses. If an enemy were to breach that last bastion, it would be up to the lair's residents to take whatever action they deemed best. Having all the most important parts of the lair consolidated in this central location would give them as many options as possible. Kim and Shego both had praised him for his thoroughness, but he still wasn't satisfied. Even now he had plans in the works for other eventualities that might crop up.

A tone from one of the consoles brought his attention to the center of the room. He saw the tentacles retracting. The devices he'd created lay in two neat rows on the floor. He began gathering up the silvery metallic loops. Though they looked like simple bands of metal, they were in his estimation, his greatest achievement to date. He left the room and headed for his lab. All that was left to do was the final step in the process and they would be ready.

Monique looked up from the computer screen as Wade entered the lab. “Done already?”

He grinned as he crossed the room and began inserting the bands into sockets connected to a computer console. “All except the programming. That shouldn't take long though.”

She pulled a disc from the computer and handed it to him. “Here are the patterns. With all the stuff I've been doing coordinating Kim's schedule and stuff, I haven't had time to do any custom design work. I hope she doesn't mind.”

He took the disc and inserted it into the console, along with others from a nearby rack. “I'm sure that will be fine with her. She knows if all this stuff hadn't come up so suddenly, we'd have had more time.”


Tara awoke to the knowledge she was in very deep trouble. The clues were too obvious to overlook. She was naked, her arms and legs were tied to a metal table with generous amounts of rope, and the helmeted villain she'd come all this way to confront was standing nearby with a gloating look on his face.


Vivian stomped into the command center with a look of both irritation and impending panic on her face. “Where's Kim?”

Wade, the only other person in the room, replied. “She and Shego just left a few minutes ago for their meeting with Hench. What's wrong?”

She dropped down in a chair and ran her fingers through her hair. “What's wrong is, there's a blue scientist cowering in the corner of his lab sucking his thumb and a robot head crying it's eyes out on a bench.”

Wade's eyes widened. “Oookay... Maybe you better start from the beginning and tell me what happened. Last I knew you and Drakken were working on building Amy a new body.”

Vivian nodded. “We were. Then I went to check on what raw materials were delivered today. I was hoping we had enough titanium for the endoskeleton we'd designed. Anyway, when I got back they were having a heated argument. Apparently, when they were first captured by those guys at Area 51, they were put in a cell together. I didn't catch all the particulars, but sometime during that time they wound up pledging their eternal love for each other.”

She rubbed her temples, knowing a headache was inbound. “So there I am, trying to figure out what the problem is, when Amy starts telling him it had been just one of those 'we're about to die' things. He starts freaking out and raving about some guy named Monty. That got her all crazed, and things went downhill from there. I tried to get them to tell me what was going on, but they just ignored me. So I came looking for Kim. I figured, since she knows both of them, she'd know what to do.”

Wade sighed. He couldn't believe that neither he or Kim, knowing the two mad scientists past history together, hadn't anticipated something like this. As he began telling Vivian the details, he figured it was going to be a long night.


Professor Dementor marched into the control room of his lair wearing his favorite pink and purple striped housecoat. He swung his helmeted head toward one of his gray clad Henchmen. “Vat is being so important that you ARE DISTURBING ME!?”

The man under his gaze gulped and said. “Sir there are some people at the door. They claim to be Señor Senior Senior, Bonita Senior and their bodyguard. They say they have important business to discuss with you.”

Dementor stroked his diminutive beard. “This is being very odd. Be putting them up on THE VIEWING SCREEN!”

A gigantic wall screen came to life. He studied the people standing on his doorstep, flanked by four of his guards. Immediately, he recognized two of them. The woman was the same one who'd tried and failed to kill Kim Possible. The large red man he remembered as being one of the waiters at the party where said attempted lifetaking occurred. For a moment he considered yelling at his security man. The man with them was not Señor Senior Senior, but Señor Senior Jun... Then he looked closer. His man had been correct, but obviously the old villain had been seeing a very good plastic surgeon.

He chided himself for even considering the man might be Senior Jr. That young reprobate was now on the side of good. He should know, he'd been part of the Council vote that made it so. Thought's began to click into place in his mind. He was pretty sure he knew why they were visiting him in this manner. He chuckled as he spoke to his security man. “Tell the guards to be letting them in, but make it clear their bodyguard must be waiting outside.”


Barry watched as two of the guards escorted Senior and Bonnie into the lair. He wasn't surprised that he hadn't been allowed to accompany them. Most villains were so paranoid they bordered on security conscious. Letting another villain's minion into their lair was something that just wasn't done. He turned to the older of the two guards and stuck out his hand. “Melvin isn't it? Been a while.”

The guard shook his hand. “Yeah it has Barry. I heard you went for the exotic look. How's it working out for you?”

Barry grinned as he also shook the younger guard's hand. “It's working real well, got me a sidekick position now.”

The younger guard gave him an envious look. “Name's Chad. I'm new at the game, but I hope I get to be a sidekick someday too.”

Melvin laughed. “Boy's got ambition.” He looked Barry over with an appraising eye. “Tell me something. Aren't you cold in that loincloth..?”


Kim and Shego walked down the narrow passageway between two warehouses. Shego rolled her eyes as she watched Kim go from naked to wearing her black and purple mission clothes, back to naked again. She was just as fascinated by Wade's handiwork as her wife, but she was satisfied with the testing they'd done before they left the lair. She appeared to be wearing her black and green catsuit at the moment, but the reality was something much more complex.

What they were wearing was not just a battle suit like the last ones Wade had come up with. Using Lowardian sentient nanotechnology, he'd managed to combine the suit with not only a version of the Kimmunicator, but also the teleporter locator. There were some older features missing from this version though. Gone were the stealth and super battle modes. Since, as Wade explained, the suits were powered by the nanobots themselves, they didn't have the energy to sustain such power intensive features.

Kim gave a little squeal as, just by thinking of it, she made the holographic screen of the Kimmunicator appear. It floated just above her left wrist where the band was hidden. “This is just so... so... Spankin'!”

Shego again rolled her eyes. “Yeah you've said that about twenty times now Princess. If you say it again, it'll be you getting the Spankin'.”

Kim giggled as she let the screen fade away. In moments she was once again in her mission clothes. “You know I love it when you threaten me like that. But OK, I won't say it again... Even if it is true.”

Shego smiled as they neared the back entrance of the warehouse that was their destination. “Mind in the game Kimmie, Hench awaits.”

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