Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 4)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 4

Title: CHAPTER 04: Beds.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 04: Beds.

Monique swiped her fingers through the thick, gooey mess coating her lips and chin. Her eyes practically rolled back in her head with pleasure as, one by one, she slowly licked and sucked her fingers clean. A sated feeling suffused her as she used her tongue to probe around her lips for any last remaining bit of yummy goodness she'd missed. Some small part of her wanted to feel guilt about what she'd just done. However, as she looked down at the bare bones that had not long ago been a plate of barbeque ribs, she felt only satisfaction.

She smiled as she gathered up her plate and headed for the kitchen area. Eating for two had it's advantages. Especially when her baby was also Wade's, everyone knew about his famous appetite. She looked down at her bare, flat stomach as she washed off the plate and her still sticky hands. So she was only about a month and a half along, any excuse for ribs was a good one. Besides, she knew her Baby-Boy would be more than happy to help her work off the extra calories later.

After drying her hands, she returned to the dining hall. For a minute she stood looking at the table. Other than a small clear space where she'd put her plate, the rest of the table top was covered. She'd amused herself during lunch by reading over the notes Kim left scattered there. It had been interesting, but confusing, reading. She still wasn't sure how it all fit together. Judging by the haphazard way her GF had stuck post-em notes to the files, table top, and even the laptop, she was pretty sure Kim didn't either.

For years now Monique had known Kim to be a driven and meticulous person. She also knew her girlfriend was usually very organized. This mess meant only one thing. Kim was trying to take on too much at once. It had happened before and the results were usually not pretty.

Monique sat down and studied the disorganization before her. So far the only thing Kim had asked of her was to help out designing new outfits for everyone. She could do that in her sleep. What she needed was something more. Something that would let her work closely with her man. This was perfect. She'd take on the task of keeping Kim Possible organized.


Several blocks away from where it was stolen, the Ronmobile was sitting at a red light in heavy downtown traffic. Barry was amusing himself by sticking his head out the window and flashing his fangs at other drivers and pedestrians. He was enjoying the shocked and panicked reactions he was getting. The sight of a demon driving a giant black vehicle through the commercial district had caused three fender benders in the last two blocks already.

Shego chuckled at the impending traffic jam. Adding her own touch to the mix, she stuck a glowing green hand out the passenger side window. With careful aim she shot a bolt of energy at a fire hydrant. The resulting burst and fountain of water brought everything to a halt. Nothing was going to be moving in the surrounding few blocks for a while now. They had plenty of time to make their exit undisturbed.

She got up and headed to the back as the light changed. Barry pulled the vehicle into the intersection as far as he could and set the parking brakes before following her. The door to the rear compartment opened and they slipped inside with the two still handcuffed Seniors. By the time anyone worked up the guts to look inside the vehicle, the four of them were long gone.


Kim climbed to the top of the rock formation just outside of Area 51. She shifted the heavy bundle she was carrying from one hand to the other as she looked around for the rest of her group. Behind her, Yori was helping the still stunned and crying Dr. Drakken up the side of the mesa. The blue man was in pretty bad shape after his ordeal. She wanted to get him back to the lair quickly. A frown crossed her face as she saw neither Ed or Albert were at the spot where they were supposed to meet.

Ed's voice called out from a few yards away. “Yo Red! Over here!”

She turned and saw his blond mullet sticking up out of a crevice. She walked over and saw both their heads sticking out of the shade the gap in the rock provided. “Come on guys. It's time to go.”

Motor Ed's head poked up even further. “Seriously? You found my cuz?”

Kim nodded. “Yeah, but we need to get a move on.”

He started scrambling out just as Drakken and Yori appeared at the top. There was a gigantic grin on his face.

Albert's head poked up further. “Hey Ed! Forgetting something?”

Ed stopped, his face turning puzzled. His meaty hand slapped into his forehead. He turned to Kim. “I like seriously forgot! We got you a couple presents Red.”

Reaching back down, Ed helped Albert drag two bound and gagged men out of the dark recess. While Ed went to his cousin's side, Albert explained the two trussed up men laying at Kim's feet. “We saw them trying to sneak out not long after you went in. We kinda figured you'd want to have a word with them about what happened in there.”

Kim looked down into faces filled with terror. The smile that formed on her lips only made the two men try to cringe further away from her. Though she stared into the eyes of Doctors Cyrus Bortel and Pete Fen, she addressed Albert. “I think you guys just made my day.”

A few moments later, the entire group disappeared. Minutes after that, the base and surrounding landscape exploded into dust clouds, flying rock, and flame. The self destruct system for Area 51 had finally gotten the chance to do it's job.


Ron knew the inevitable had only been delayed by the doctor's insistence he stay in the hospital overnight for observation. The looks on Joss and Justine's faces as they left the hospital, on their way to recover the Ronmobile, was proof of that. He wondered if the hospital had some kind of medication for the treatment of a major butt chewing. He fully expected to get one when he got home. The most depressing thing about that thought, was that he felt he deserved it.

He winced as he tried to shift in the hospital bed. They'd given him pain killers, but he could swear he felt each and every one of the 87 stitches in his arm. Compared to that, his broken nose was little more than a minor annoyance. According to the doctor that treated him, he was lucky his arm hurt. It meant there had been no serious nerve damage that might have crippled him for life.

There was no doubt in his mind. He'd screwed up royally today. He'd been in too much of a hurry to confront the bad guys. So much so, that he'd overlooked the simple matter of securing his new ride. That was severely bruising to the ego. The physical wounds were due to his other major fuckup. He knew what he'd done wrong and why he'd done it. No amount of chastisement from his team would purge him of the guilt he felt about that.

Backing off would have been the smart choice. Waiting and sizing up the enemy would have been the sensible option. He hadn't done any of that. Instead. he let his driving need to prove himself run the show. His pride made him chose to confront the bad guys alone. His mind had been set on showing the world he didn't need Kim Possible, Mystical Monkey Power, or help from anyone to be a hero. What he wound up showing the world was failure.

He couldn't even take much solace in knowing a man's life had probably been saved. Ron turned his head and looked at the bed next to him where Señor Senior Junior lay, still unconscious. It was just the height of irony that he'd saved a bad guy from the bad guys, then gotten put in the same hospital room with him. He closed his eyes and wished more than anything that he could go back and start this whole day over.


Standing beside the hospital bed in the medical suite, Kim looked down at the fitfully sleeping Drakken. There was a hollow gauntness to his pale blue features. Even in his sedated state, she could tell he was still reliving the horrors of his time at Area 51. Having seen for herself the aftermath of what happened there, she wasn't surprised to find that she felt sympathy for him. “Is he going to be OK?”

Anne checked the IV beside his bed. “Yes he will Kimmie. I've given him a hydrating solution. He's a bit malnourished, but right now what he needs most is rest. He's suffering from extreme fatigue.”

Drakken stirred and mumbled in his sleep.

Kim sighed. “That doesn't seem very restful.”

With a small shake of her head, Anne replied. “I know, but I don't want to medicate him any more than I have already. Too much could be dangerous in his weakened condition.”

The door behind them opened. Albert stuck his head inside. “Umm. Can I come in?”

Anne nodded. “Just be quiet.”

He stepped into the room carrying a cardboard box. “I thought the boss might need this.”

A low moan escaped Drakken's lips.

The Henchman stepped to the side of the bed and lifted the top of the box. There was a sheepish look on his face as he extracted the object inside. He placed it in the crook of Drakken's arm.

The effect on the blue skinned man was immediate. He shifted a bit and wrapped his arm around it. His muttering stopped and his brow unfurled. In moments he was sleeping much more peacefully.

Kim smiled as she watched one of the world's most infamous super-villains cuddle his cute brown teddy bear. Most people would have laughed derisively at the sight, but not her. Up until the Invasion, she too had slept with a silly stuffed toy.

Albert sat the box down beside the bed. He looked at the two women pleadingly. “You won't tell anyone about this will you?”

Anne smiled at him. “Don't worry. Drew's secret is safe with us.” She gave her daughter a quick, knowing glance. “We understand.”


Joss stood beside the Ronmobile and watched Justine drive away. They had just finished bringing the stolen vehicle home. The blonde woman was on her way back to the hospital to check up on Ron. Joss had turned down the offer to ride with her, telling her she was just too angry to talk with Ron right now. It hadn't been a lie. She was spitting mad at both him and herself. He should never have tried to take on the Seniors by himself and she shouldn't have let him.

She walked around the black vehicle to where her robotic horse waited. “Here Spitfire, time ter go fer a ride.”

The silvery horse trotted over to her and she swung up into the saddle. She nudged the horse into a gallop toward the tree line. Time to calm down and think was what she needed. She found she did that best while riding.


Junior groaned in pain as he regained consciousness. “I am feeling like the death warmed over.”

A somewhat familiar voice said. “Yeah well, join the club.”

He blinked his eyes into focus and looked around at his surroundings. He was in a hospital room. Turning his head slowly because of the pain, he looked at the person who'd spoken. For a moment he didn't recognize the man in the bed next to his. Only after he'd taken in the taped up nose and dual black eyes did he realize who it was. “Stoppable?” He tried to organize his thoughts, not an easy task at the best of times. “What has happened to you?”

Ron replied as sarcasticly as he could manage through the pain of his injuries. Unfortunately the medication was wearing off. “The same thing that happened to you.”

Junior puzzled over that for a few moments. Then in a rush he remembered. Anger flared up inside him. He wanted to jump up and hit something. His battered body vetoed that idea. He slumped back into his pillow. “How could they have done it? I am not understanding at all!”

Ron could see the dejection on the part of Junior's face that wasn't covered in bandages. “Don't ask me. All I know is, by the time I showed up, you'd been beaten unconscious.”

Junior thought back. He remembered the threat he'd made in anger. It had not gone over well at all. Neither of the two who'd betrayed him showed any mercy in their attack. At first he'd held his own, but slowly they wore him down. By the time he'd decided running was his only remaining option, he was already badly wounded. He barely remembered that last long rush toward the elevator. “I am very much the fool Ron Stoppable.”

With a snort, Ron replied. “That makes it two for two for things we have in common. I'm feeling that way myself. Why don't you tell me what happened?”

Junior did. He only left out the part about his threat to kill his own father. He was too ashamed to tell anyone about that. When he was done, Ron filled him in on the rest of what happened that morning.

For a while after, both battered men lay in silence. Finally junior asked. “What will be happening now?”

Ron sighed. “I guess once you get healed up enough, you'll probably be sent to prison. You are a villain you know.”

Junior wailed in despair. “It is just not fair! I am the one being the victim here!” He turned as much as he was able toward Ron. “I never even wanted to be evil! I only did it because I wanted to impress father! Now my whole world is shattered into the tiny little bits. I have nothing left.” He reached his hand to the bandage on his forehead. He knew beyond any doubt his handsome face was now badly disfigured. “Not even my dream of becoming a world famous pop star.”

A surge of guilt ran through Ron. He remembered back to the first time he'd met the Seniors. It had been his own naive suggestions that led them on the path of villainy. He knew deep down inside, this was all his fault. This, added to what he'd already been feeling, made him want to do something to make it up to Junior. Suddenly it hit him. There was something he could do. It would make things right with Junior and it would help solve his own dilemma.

Ron sat up in the bed. He looked Junior right in the eyes. “How would you like the chance to get back at them for what they did? Make them pay for their crime?”

Junior's mouth twisted in his puzzlement. “I am not understanding what you mean Ron Stoppable.”

A smile formed on Ron's face. “Look man, both of us screwed up today. We both confronted something alone that we couldn't handle. It took getting the shit beaten out of me for me to realize I was part of a team and needed to act like it.” He pushed himself up until he was sitting on the edge of the bed facing the other man. “I know a way we can help each other out and you can get your righteous vengeance on them.”

Junior felt Ron's excitement in the air. “Tell me what it is you are proposing to me.”

Adrenaline surged through Ron as he stood and walked the few steps to Junior's bed. He knew what he was thinking was right. “You said it yourself. You never wanted to be evil. This is your big chance to prove it.” He laid his hand on Junior's shoulder. “Junior, I want you to join Team Stoppable.”

Junior felt his heart beat rapidly in his chest. What Ron was saying was almost unbelievable to him. And yet, the more he thought about it, the better and better the idea became. He sat up gingerly. “I am liking this idea, but as you said I am a villain, how would it be possible?”

Ron grinned. “Not a problem. I'll just tell the Council you never wanted to be a villain. It's not like it's a secret you know. I'll tell them this incident proves you are no longer associating with them.”

Junior returned Ron's grin. “Very well then. I am accepting your offer. I shall become a hero!”

Momentarily forgetting their wounds, both of them embraced in a manly hug.


Justine walked down the hospital corridor with Rufus hidden in her purse. He'd been spotted and summarily banished earlier. The only reason she was sneaking him back in for this visit was because Ron seemed constitutionally unable to go for too long without seeing him. She heard voices talking as she turned a corner and approached Ron's room. Just as she reached the door, the talking was replaced by bone chilling screams of pain and agony.


(September 7th 2007, 9:13 pm)

Kim was amused, and secretly thankful, that Monique had taken on the self appointed task of being her organizational manager. The two of them were walking down one of the lair's long hallways. Kim listened intently as Monique read from the tablet type computer screen in her hand. It was almost scary how well her BFF had condensed and arranged the information she'd left a scattered jumble in the dining hall only this morning.

Monique finished going over the general overview and started on today's events. “Wade's already sent through the paperwork for the Seniors. By Monday Junior will be both disinherited and on his way to being divorced. They have agreed to stay on here through the weekend and listen to your proposal.”

Kim found herself nodding and rolling her eyes at the same time. The Council had ruled just a short time ago. It was official. Junior was now a hero and member of Team Stoppable. Though it was a surprising turn of events, Kim didn't see it as a problem. She was just thankful of Sr. Senior's assurance that his son hadn't taken any interest in recent plans. The only part of it that unsettled Kim, was the persistent image she kept getting in her head of Bonnie and Senior doing the horizontal mambo.

So intent on her screen she didn't notice where the two of them were going, Monique moved on to the next item on her list. “Arrangements have been made to set up a workspace for Motor Ed. He's already got the scans Shego took today.” She gave Kim a pleading look. “Does he really have to stay here? He gives me the willies.”

Kim chuckled at her friend. “Sorry Mo, but for now he does. I want the Tweebs to work with him on the designs. This is the best place for it.” She felt the urge to tweak her GF a bit. “You will get used to him. Compared to some of the people I plan to recruit, he's almost normal.”

Monique felt a shudder pass through her at that thought. She decided to change the subject. “Vivian and Wade are ready to begin testing the stuff you brought back from Area 51 in the morning. My Baby-Boy also said he want's to get Dr. Drakken's help when he's feeling up to it.”

Remembering the robot heads and mind control chips she'd brought back didn't sit well with Kim. If Wade hadn't practically begged her for them, she'd have let them go up in smoke with the rest of the base. She couldn't deny his scientific curiosity though. Not after all the things he had and was continuing to do for her. “It's fine with me, but Drakken's help is contingent on whether or not he decides to join us.”

Kim was more worried than she let on about Drakken. He'd been through a lot lately and she wasn't completely sure she could convince him to join in her plan. She knew she could get by without him, but things would go much smoother and faster with his help. A lot depended on how he took the loss of DNAmy. Shego had told her about his unrequited love for her, and how she'd spurned him for none other than Monkey Fist. Kim knew she could only wait and see how things went.

Monique followed Kim through a door with her face still glued to her screen. “Everything else, you pretty much took care of arranging at dinner. Your schedule is pretty much clear until your meeting with Mr. Hench on Monday.”

Kim grinned. “Good. I gotta thank you again for doing all this for me Mo. It's quite a load off my mind.” She cleared her throat. “I think that's more than enough for tonight though. Unless you want to join us that is?”

Monique looked up and found they weren't alone. She also didn't know how she'd managed to get where she was without noticing. They were in Kim's bedroom. Kim was sitting on the edge of the bed grinning at her. Behind Kim lay Anne and Shego, who were in the midst of an act of naughtiness. It was something she'd heard of, but never seen before. Her eyes widened as she stared between Anne's lewdly splayed legs. They locked on that point where Shego's supple wrist disappeared.

Suddenly Kim was behind her. Pressing her small, firm breasts into her back as she whispered in her ear. “Well? Do you?”

Monique swallowed the lump in her throat. It took her two tries, but she finally found her voice. “Hell yes Girlfriend! I gotta get me some of that!”

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