Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 16)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 16

Title: CHAPTER 16: Punishment.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 16: Punishment.

The Sun baked the small desert village. Heat shimmers rose through the air from the clay bricks that made up most of the buildings. The few that still stood after years of war. For the last few months it had been a peaceful place. Not that there had been any lessening in the fighting, but because there was nothing much left there of interest to either side. It had become a forgotten place, with only a few of it's inhabitants remaining.

One of those was the young girl running beside the road toward the village center. Even in her panic, she knew better than to take the road itself. Too many people she once knew died that way. Almost out of breath, she slowed as she reached her family's home. It was the largest of the buildings, as was fitting since it was also the home of the tribal chief, her father.

Slamming through the door, she yelled out. “Father! Father! There is a caravan of soldiers at the crossroads. They are coming this way!”

Two men sat on cushions in the living area. Both looked up at her. Their discussion forgotten as their eyes reflected her fear. The elder man, her father, asked with dim hope in his voice. "Is it the Americans?"

“No. I do not recognize their uniforms. They have many trucks and do not fear traveling on the road.”

“Describe them to me.”

She sat on the floor next to him and began making marks in the dust. “They wore purple and white. Hoods covered their heads. On their chests were these symbols.”

The men looked at what she'd drawn on the floor. None of them recognized the hastily etched Greek letters.


The members of Team Stoppable sat around the conference table in deep discussion of their new neighbors.

Justine pursed her lips as she considered Ron's point of view. “While I concede the point that this is some form of deception. I cannot fathom why whoever is behind it would make it so obvious.”

Ron grinned. “That's what we're gonna find out. It's like Father Phred said. We need to know our enemies before we take them on.” He paused as he noticed the rest of them staring at him incredulously. “Yeah, yeah. I know. Look, I learned my lesson last time OK? No more rushing in headlong for me. From now on we work together as a team and we don't make a move until we know where we're going and what we're up against.”

Joss couldn't believe what she was hearing. Now that she was on the verge of telling him where to stick it, he was making sense? She'd been hoping he'd learn caution and to accept his limits, but now that he was, she was completely confused. This complete one-eighty was just so unlike him. For the life of her, she couldn't see how having a talk with that bible thumper had led to it. It was like he was a totally different person.

The cell phone quietly vibrating in her pocket wasn't helping matters either. She knew who was calling, and why. What could she tell Kim, when she didn't even know what was going on? It was going to have to wait until later. For now, she'd bide her time and see what happened.

Junior scratched his head. “So what is it that we are going to do? Beside the looking for these job things.”

Ron shook his head as if to clear cobwebs from his brain. “Oh! Right! I knew I was forgetting something.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out the slip of paper. His grin widened as he laid it on the table in front of them. “We don't have to look for jobs. We have a new sponsor.”

Eyes widened as they all looked at the check on the table. Ron knew they were counting the zeros, just as he had when Father Phred had written it. “A million dollars! I couldn't believe it myself at first either, but he told me his church donates to many worthy causes, and he considers us to be one.”

Due to her upbringing as the child of a scientist. Joss was skeptical of the motives behind such largess. She asked. “So what all is he a wantin' in return?”

Ron shook his head. “Not a thing. He said he felt it was his duty to help us. He said he'd keep giving us checks for as long as we continued to fight the good fight.”

Justine cleared her throat. “While it is a substantial amount of money, it is considerably less than the Tri-Cities budgeted for our upkeep. It is enough to cover our annual expenses, but we will be hard pressed for equipment upgrading, transportation outside the local area, research...”

A loud laugh escaped Ron. “No, no. You don't get it.” He picked up the check and waved it in the air. “He isn't giving us this much for a year. This is for each month!”

Just like that, the old Ron was back. Joss cringed inside at the thought. Gone was the reason and caution he'd shown concerning their neighbors. The promise of such a large sum of money was making him lose perspective once again. He wasn't questioning it, or it's source, at all. He was blinded by dollar signs. It wasn't the first time.

He'd been rich once before. Richer than this by far. She'd followed the story in all the papers, magazines and TV news shows. It ended badly even though her cousin Kim tried to help him deal with it. True, there were differences that time. He'd known where the money came from and why. It was his reaction to the money itself that had been the problem. Maybe he'd learned a lesson on how to deal with it, but she could see he hadn't learned to look gift horses in the mouth.

It was a funny saying. One that, as a child, puzzled her. When she asked her father about it, he sat her down and explained. The intended meaning, not being ungrateful for a gift, was obvious. Then he'd gone on to explain about another horse. It too had been a gift. She remembered that story well. It was the one that applied here and now. Ron was acting like the inhabitants of ancient Troy. If they'd looked their gift horse in the mouth, they might have survived.

Her thoughts turned to Justine and Junior. She couldn't figure on either of them helping her convince Ron to put things in perspective. Junior was a spoiled rich brat. He was even more shallow than Ron in his worst moments. Justine was so focused on taking Wade down a peg, she wouldn't care about the how or why of anything that helped her do it. If Joss had any hope, it had to come from another source.

She looked at the lump in Ron's pants. Not the one that reminded her of Ron's recent folly. The last thing she needed right now was the reminder that she couldn't even be intimate with him. The other lump. The one in his pocket. Rufus. She wished he was awake to help her. Crazy as it might seem, the hairless rodent at least had a firm grasp on reality.


The giant, mini-corndog shaped, dirigible silently lowered to the roof of Senior Sr's island lair. Two men emerged from inside. One was tall and lean, his shaven head reflecting the light of the moon. The other was short and rotund, the whiteness of his hair, large sideburns and beard gleamed in the darkness. Both wore expensive tailored suits, as was befitting two of the five richest people in the world.

From the shadowy confines of an elevator kiosk, two more men emerged onto the landing platform. Ricardo Senior smiled and gave his fellow multi-billionaires a formal nod of greeting. “My good friends. Welcome back to my humble home.” He gestured to the man standing beside him. “Please let me introduce Mr. Jack Hench. He will be joining us for dinner.”

The men stepped forward, greetings and handshakes were exchanged. Ricardo could see that both men were also more than a little surprised by his altered appearance. “Indeed gentlemen, there have been some changes since your last visit. I shall endeavor to explain, but first let us retire to the lounge. I have recently acquired a rather fine Cognac, and hand rolled Cuban cigars, I am sure you will enjoy while we await the rest of the guests.”


Jim and Tim Possible sat on the couch with sullen looks on their faces as they watched Vivian adjust their father's tie. It was rare to see him in a real suit and not just a sport or lab coat.

“Why can't we go too?”

“Yeah, why not? We promise to be on our best behavior.”

James chuckled a bit at his son's pleading. “Not this time boys. Just think of it this way. This will be your big chance to prove you can stay home alone without any adult supervision.”

Vivian finished fiddling with his tie and turned to the younger Possible men. She was also decked out for the evening in a little black dress she'd found in a closet where some of Kim's old clothes were stored. Being a bit more endowed in both the breasts and hips than Kim, it made the dress display her cleavage and thighs quite nicely. Something she knew the boys were well aware of. “With your uncle over at your aunt's house, we need someone to be here tonight in case something comes up. Plus, I'm expecting a delivery.” She walked over to the couch and looked down at them with her hands on her hips. “I tell you what guys, if you are both really good and don't blow the place up, I promise you a special treat when we get home.”

To illustrate exactly what she meant, she reached down and lifted the hem of her dress the scant one inch it took to reveal she wasn't wearing any panties. “Deal?”

A few minutes later, outside on the sidewalk, James whispered to his lover. “Do you think they have any clue what's in store for them?”

Vivian giggled as she snuggled up against him. “Nope. Not the slightest.”

They vanished as the teleporter whisked them away.


Standing in the foyer, waiting for the Possible women to arrive, Bonnie was nervous. She looked at Tara who was standing beside her, and felt she had good reason to be. She'd done what Kim had asked of her, but not quite the way she was supposed to. Tonight, she knew, she'd have to account for it. In order to hide her anxiety, she retreated into vanity. “Do I look OK?”

Tara smiled as her eyes traveled over Bonnie's body. Both of them were wearing matching semi-sheer evening gowns. Her's was in white, while Bonnie's was gold. Neither left much to the imagination. “You look good enough to eat... Again.”

Bonnie sighed as the entry bell rang. She was in sooo much trouble. Swinging the door open, she braced herself to face the music. For a moment she stared at the two women on the front step. They wore red and black evening gowns that were, if anything, more sheer than her own. Relief and curiosity replaced her nervousness.

Shego wrapped an arm around Anne's waist and lifted her eyebrows. “You gonna stand there all night drooling, or are you gonna invite us in?”

Bonnie gulped and took a step back. As she did so, Tara skipped forward with her hands extended. “Come in. Come in. You have to pardon Bonnie. She's been all flustered about tonight and stuff.” She grinned as she took their hands and pulled them inside. “You'd think she's never hosted a dinner party before.”

Regaining a bit of composure, Bonnie asked. “Umm, where's Kim?”

Anne smiled serenely. “Kim won't be joining us tonight. She's a little tied up with a matter that came up at the last minute. Nothing to worry about. Just a disciplinary problem that is requiring her full attention.”


“Kimberly Ann Possible!”

Kim's eyes snapped open at the sound of her mother's voice. She knew in an instant she was in trouble. Her mom never used that tone, or her full name, if she wasn't. Darkness surrounded her. She could feel that she was laying on a hard, flat surface. With a grunt of effort, she tried to sit up, and found she couldn't. She thought hard. The last thing she remembered was stepping into the Genetic Zipper to have the bite and claw marks Shego inflicted during their lovemaking healed. Disoriented and confused, she called out. “Mom?”

From somewhere near her head, her mother's voice continued. “You have been a very bad girl Kimberly. You did something very, very wrong and I'm afraid you are going to have to be punished for it.”

Straining her ears, Kim recognized that the voice she was hearing was a recording. Her mother wasn't actually there. “What? What did I do?” Nothing came to mind. It just didn't figure. Sure she'd done lots of bad things recently, some of them extremely bad indeed. But she just couldn't think of any that her mother, her lover, her wife, would feel the need to punish her for.

“By now you are probably wondering what you did wrong. I will explain. In a temper tantrum, the likes of which you haven't had since you were ten years old, you beat, mangled, mutilated and destroyed one of my research subjects. Now I really don't mind that, but I do hope you'll find me a replacement soon. It's what you didn't do that pissed me off honey. You didn't invite me to join in the fun. I completely missed watching you barbarically tear that helpless man to shreds. Worse, I missed out on what was apparently some of the most perversely hot sex ever afterward!”

Kim stared into the darkness and felt shame. She couldn't believe her rage had made her so thoughtless.

“So here is the deal Kimmie. I want you to think hard about what happened. Ask yourself if that is any way to treat the woman you love? The woman who endured sixteen hours of labor, before pushing you out of her cunt? The very same one you take the pleasure of licking, sucking and shoving all manner of things into every chance you get. The woman who raised and cared for you? Who willingly followed you into evil? That shares you with the hottest and nastiest bitch this side of... Well anywhere?”

Kim laughed into the dark. “Melodramatic much Mom?”

“Once you've thought about it, you have a choice to make. If you think you don't deserve to be punished, there's a button near your left hand. Push it and you'll be released. If you realize you did wrong and know you should be punished, don't do anything. The punishment will begin in a few moments.”

There was no choice to make. In her heart, Kim knew she would endure any manner of punishment to appease her mother. To show her how much she really and truly loved her. Calmly and patiently she waited. All the while promising herself that the next time she was in a similar position, she'd make sure her mother got to enjoy it too.

Just as she began to feel tension rise from waiting, something brushed against her bare leg. The feeling was familiar. Without any doubt, she knew it was the touch of a feather. Confusion reigned. Could that really be all there was to it?

“By now you've figured out what you are feeling is a feather. It is the very same one we played with the last time we made love. The worker bot that is using it on you has been programmed to do the very same things with it I did then. It's going to run it over your body, paying special attention to your beautiful nipples and clitty. Now before you think I didn't have the nerve to actually punish you, there's something you should know. While I had you in the Zipper, I made a few tiny alterations to your body. I changed the nerve endings in those oh so sensitive spots. Now alongside of pleasure, which I intensified, they will randomly emit just as intense pain. I'm so glad you made the right choice, my wonderful little girl.”

As the feather moved toward her breast, Kim mumbled. “You gotta be kidding...”

When it reached her nipple, she first moaned with the feeling of unheard of pleasure it brought with it... Just that simple, light touch sent an orgasm ripping through her body. Then, in the very next moment, before that wonderful feeling had a chance to fade away, she screamed at the jolt of agonizing pain...


Jim and Tim stared, open mouthed, at the girl who stood in the doorway. She was wearing a denim miniskirt, crop top and sandals. In her left hand, she balanced a stack of three pizza boxes. In her right she held a bottle of wine.

Olivia Porter grinned and winked at her classmates. “Hi guys. Special Delivery.”

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