Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 12)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 12

Title: CHAPTER 12: Changes.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 12: Changes.

The view screen in the Global Justice briefing room went blank. So did the expressions on most of the faces of the people gathered there.

In unison, the Wego's asked. “But we thought they wanted to use the Pact. What happened?”

With uncharacteristic hesitation, Justine replied. “While psychology is not one of my strong points, it appears we have been manipulated.”

Ron could barely utter a stunned. “Huh?”

Will Du, quickly comprehending what she meant, said. “This is apparently what the villains wanted all along. They set up a series of events that would make us think they wanted just the opposite. Then they put pressure on us to act.”

Finally understanding, Ron muttered. “Not us. Me. It's all my fault.” He looked around the table. He felt his stomach drop as his eyes landed on Dr. Director. Once again she'd tried to warn him of danger. Tried to stop him from making a mistake, like he had with trusting Yori. “What have I done?”

Betty was taken aback by Ron's words. Her mistress hadn't planned on Ron heaping the blame on himself like this. The expectation had been that one of the heroes would see how she'd played a part in the manipulation, and denounce her. Right now Candy was waiting to take the appropriate steps for just such an eventuality. Maybe she could use this to their advantage. Maybe later one of them would start asking the right questions, but by then it would be too late.

She laid a hand on Ron's shoulder. “You did what your heart told you to do. Even though none of us expected it, there is an upside. You saved the lives of everyone Kim Possible was planning to kill. It was at a great cost, but at least it's something.”

Ron shook his head. “Not Tara. There's nothing to stop them from killing her now!”

Hego could almost feel the self recrimination emanating from Ron. He knew the feeling well. He'd experienced it himself when he'd finally been forced to realize his sister was truly evil. “You are incorrect Ron. It is unlikely Kim Possible will cause any further harm to Officer Lace.”

Will nodded. “Hego's right. She would have nothing to gain, and now that the Pact is gone, everything to loose.”

Ron disbelieved his ears. Didn't they understand? Couldn't they see the truth? “She's evil! She's a heartless uncaring monster!”

Betty gave him a stern look. “She's also not stupid. I don't think you fully realize how things are now.” She let her demeanor soften. “One of the things we tried to warn you about is going to make her think long and hard before she does anything criminal now.”

Puzzled, Ron asked. “What do you mean?”

She gave him a small smile. “Now that the Pact doesn't exist, all crimes that happened during the time it was in force will also cease to exist. All records of those crimes will be expunged. Everyone, villains and heroes alike, now have a clean slate. I can only guess, but I think that is the main reason why Kim would want the Pact disbanded. If that's so, then she won't want to start a new record with a murder.”

Hego nodded. He could see Ron starting to understand. “This is what I meant when I said it would become harder to do our duty as heroes. All villains, everywhere, are now without any kind of criminal record. Until they do something new that is against the law, we can take no action against them. It also means that when they do break the law, we must abide by the law in apprehending them.”

Justine asked. “Then I must assume, when I do track them down, we won't be able to go after them?”

Betty shook her head. She'd forgotten about that entirely. It dawned on her, she could save Wade some hassle. “Actually, just tracking them could be considered invading their privacy. Possibly even stalking.” She looked around the room. “It's something everyone must now consider if they wish to continue hero work. From this day forward, we must act within the law. If we break the law, we'll be subject to the same penalties as any criminal would.”

Ron's eyes widened as he listened. He'd had no idea just how much Dr. Director meant it when she'd said there would be a fundamental change in the world. He tried to think of something, anything, to save the situation. An idea came to him. “What if we all joined Global Justice? Then we'd be...”

Betty cut him off with a solemn shake of her head. “Don't you see Ronald? Global Justice is the enforcement arm of the Pact. It too is about to cease to exist. I have one last duty to perform, informing the United Nations of the Pact being disbanded. After that, I and all the rest of GJ are out of a job.”


The Secretary General of the United Nations stared at the phone in his hand. Slowly, as if he thought it were a dangerous animal that might bite him if he moved too fast, he lowered it into it's cradle. Under weathered brows, his eyes were unfocused as his mind came to terms with the impact of the message he'd just received. He was used to dealing with matters of worldwide impact, but he never thought this would be one of them.

He pushed his chair back and stood. His body felt unreal as he went to his office safe and began dialing the combination. Once it was open, he reached into the very back of the topmost shelf. His fingers closed on a leather binder, which he pulled into the light of day for the first time in decades. Returning to his desk, he sat and began gently untying the brittle string which held the binder closed.

A sheaf of papers spilled onto his desk. Pulling them into a neat pile, he began to read the final instructions he'd ever follow pertaining to the Middleton Pact.


The Warden of the Middleton Maximum Security Prison stood on the portable risers setup in the prison's exercise yard. They were usually used as a stage for performances he encouraged the inmates to participate in on a regular basis. He looked out at the group of prisoners in orange jumpsuits sitting in folding chairs. Most of them were sitting calmly with puzzled expressions on their faces. A few were shackled. They usually weren't allowed to participate in group events due to their violent or unstable nature. Today was going to be an exception of immense proportions.

He smiled a obviously insincere smile. “Ladies and Gentlemen. If you will give me your attention, I'll explain why you were assembled for this little gathering.” He reached into his pocket and felt the four letters he'd received a short time ago. The first one, from the Mayor of Middleton, he'd been tempted to dismiss as a hoax. The second one he'd gotten was from the State Governor, it had said the same thing, making him wonder if the world had suddenly gone crazy. It was the third one that really got his attention. It was from the President of the United States himself. Someone he'd never in his wildest dreams ever expected to be contacted by for any reason.

He unclenched his hand and continued. “Today I have received notice that each and every one of you have been pardoned of all crimes, both foreign and domestic, for which you have been imprisoned. All of your records are, even as we speak, being destroyed.” He paused as the group began to mutter. In moments more than half of them were cheering loudly. A few were crying, either with relief or dismay, he couldn't tell for sure. “In a few moments you will all be escorted to the processing center, where your belongings will be returned to you, and you will be released as free men and women.” He thought of the last letter in his pocket as he waited for them to calm down. It was from the secret organization that had delivered most of the group into his care. “Once you are done, transportation will be awaiting you outside the gates. I hope that the time you have spent here with us will enable you to go out into the world as fine, upstanding and law abiding citizens.”


Donald Tatt, formerly an agent with Global Justice, walked down the rarely used hallway leading to the even more rarely used main entrance of what used to be GJ headquarters. He was still stunned at the announcement that had come over the intercom only a few minutes earlier. Judging from the murmured talk of his fellow former agents and troopers, who were also headed in the same direction, he wasn't the only one.

The group emerged into the large lobby. In the past it was usually staffed by agents posing as receptionists, who's job it was to turn away anyone who didn't have a good reason for being there. The main desk was empty, but the same could not be said for the rest of the room. Tables with signs hanging from them were scattered around the periphery of the room. Banners were hastily hung over them. For a moment he thought he'd walked into a job fair. As he read the signs, he discovered he had.

All of the branches of the military were represented. So were many government agencies, including the CIA, FBI and Homeland Security. At each table stood one or two representatives of each organization. There was a greedy look in their eyes, except the ones from the FBI who were wearing sunglasses, as they saw the highly trained operatives enter. Tatt watched and listened as the come-ons and sales pitches started.

As he made his way from table to table, he had to hand it to Dr. Director. She hadn't left her people out in the cold. The offers being made to the former covert agents were extremely good. Just as he was trying to decide between the CIA and Homeland Security, he noticed another table. The sign hanging over it was for an organization he'd never heard of before, but the name had a familiar ring to it.

“Global Security, A division of NRI.”

Out of curiosity, he approached the table. As he got closer, he got a good look at the two people on the other side of the table. To his surprise, he knew one of them quite well. Even more surprising was the man standing beside her. The last he knew, the man had been a sidekick to one of the worlds most notorious villains.

He stepped up to the table and addressed Candida Du directly. “Commander... Er... I mean Ms. Du. May I ask what this is all about?”

Candy and Steve exchanged a knowing look. She smiled at the former agent and began her sales pitch.

Twenty minutes later. Tatt entered the rarely used hallway again. He wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing, but he just had to know if what he'd been told was true. If so, it was an interesting opportunity. He got on an elevator and took it to the administration level. In moments he was knocking on a door he never thought he'd ever pass through again. A muffled voice said. “Come in.” He opened the door and looked into the face of Dr. Betty Director, chairperson of the newly formed company known as Global Security.


Dr. Amy Hall smiled dreamily as she watched Anne manipulate the controls of the Genetic Zipper. She was still coming to terms with her new existence. Her entire perspective on life had changed since reawakening in this robotic body. For the first time, she was seeing herself and the world around her with a clarity she'd never known before. Looking back, she was still surprised at the mess her previous life had been. Gone was the compulsive desire to eat anything and everything she could. Not that she'd be able to turn this sleek new body into a fortress of blubber, something to insulate her from other people, as she'd done before. She simply didn't feel the need to anymore.

Also gone was the need to surround herself with fake friends. She could see now how her cuddle-buddy obsession had extended from the isolation and neglect she'd experienced as a child. Only now did she understand how the two were related. It was just another way her previous life had been a contradiction. The fear of closeness and companionship had been at war with her desire for the same. Last night, when she'd come to these realizations, she'd also come to another.

All her adult life, she'd been an incorrigible flirt. At the same time, she'd avoided any real chance at love. Now she knew love in the form of the man who'd overlooked her flaws and expressed his years ago. Back then, she'd rebuffed him. She'd claimed to love another. A man who's heart had been made of stone long before he'd been completely turned into it. She felt sad at the years of happiness her lie had cost her. Even yesterday she'd done it again. But now, she knew where her heart belonged, and to whom. Her sweet Drakky-wakky.

The machine ceased to sputter and smoke. The two women went to the pod and opened the door. In all his naked blue glory, Dr. Drakken emerged. He smiled as he took a tentative step toward the woman he loved. Amy reached out and picked him up in her robotic arms. She hugged him joyfully, almost squeezing the breath out of him.

Anne shook her head at the lovers. When she spoke, it was with a stern compassion. “Amy. As your doctor, I want to give you a bit of advice. Until you are more familiar with your body, let Drew be on top. Next time it might be worse than just a crushed pelvis.”


Monique stood outside the door to the lair's command center. She watched Kim and Shego approaching her. Even though she was thoroughly pissed off, she couldn't help noticing how hot the two of them looked together. As they got close to the door, she said. “They are ready and waiting for you.”

Kim stopped and gave Shego a quick kiss. “You go on in and get started. I want to have a word with Mo.”

Shego, like Kim, had noticed the the anger simmering in Monique. She had a pretty good idea what it was about, and was sure Kim would handle it. “Sure thing Cupcake.”

After the door closed behind her wife, Kim looked into Monique's eyes and asked. “Spill Mo. What's the sitch?”

Clenching the laptop in her hands tightly, Monique blurted. “How could you let him do it? You both know how I feel about that damn thing!”

Kim was surprised. Not that her friend was mad, but that it had taken this long for her to say something. “I'm guessing you mean the love ray device?”

Monique clenched her teeth and nodded. “Damn right I do GF! You know what that thing does, you had it used on you too. Using it on that DNAmy woman, I don't care how much you think you needed to, is wrong and you know it!”

Giving Monique her most winning smile, Kim said. “You're right. Using it on DNAmy would be very wrong.”

Her anger giving way to puzzlement at Kim's reply, Monique asked. “What's up girlfriend? I know that smile.”

Kim put her hands out and took Monique's free hand. “It would be very wrong to use it on her. That's just the thing, he didn't. You see, that's not DNAmy.”

Monique heard the sincerity in Kim's voice. She could feel it in her touch. “Mind explaining that? Because I am just not following.”

Kim nodded. “DNAmy is dead. She died in Area 51. What Wade used the love ray on is just a copy. It thinks it's Amy, but it's not, not really. Wade showed me when he went in to it's robot brain and made changes to it's programming.”

With relief flooding through her, Monique asked? “Really? Just a machine?”

Kim replied. “You bet.”

Monique let out a large breath. “Well hell! I guess I got all pissed off for nothing then!”

Kim grinned as she pulled her friend toward the door. “Don't worry about it. OK?”

As they went through the door, Kim could see Monique pulling herself together. She was glad her friend hadn't seen through her lie. She hated having to tell her such a blatant untruth, but it was better than the alternative. Wade would tell her the same thing if she asked, but Kim didn't think she would. She knew Mo understood doing bad things to enemies, but would probably never understand the need to use associates, willing or not, too.


Slim pulled his putter from the golf bag. He gave a chuckle at the look on his younger brother's face as he walked across the green to hole number three. “Y'all ain't the only genius in the family Squirt.” He lined up his shot and easily sunk the ball, giving him a birdie. “Tween what all I saw with my surveillance satellite, an what my youngin told me, I've known for a good while now.”

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