Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 11)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 11

Title: CHAPTER 11: The Pact. Part Two.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 11: The Pact. Part Two.

Bonnie stood next to the poolside bar in a gold colored string bikini that was much more string than bikini. On a nearby lounge chair, wearing the same style bikini in white, was Tara. As Bonnie mixed a pitcher of margaritas she thought about how easy it had been to convince her friend to wear it. In part it had been subtle manipulation. The rest had been the contents of a small vial Anne had given her before they left the lair.

The doctor explained what it did and assured her it wasn't addictive. Even so, when they first arrived at the island, she'd been reluctant to use it. Tara's distraught condition wore down her reluctance. That first time she'd given Tara a drink with the drug in it, she knew what she had to do. She put some in her own drink as well. As she calmed her friend down, she kept thinking to herself that she was doing the right thing. To her surprise, she soon felt that she was.

The two of then talked long into the night. It was amazing how well Tara responded. Bonnie could tell that the ordeal she'd undergone was quickly fading in significance. By the time they'd finally gone to bed, she felt great progress had been made. After another dose this morning at breakfast, Bonnie was well on her way to convincing Tara that some of the things she'd previously considered evil, weren't quite the way they seemed.

After checking to see that Tara wasn't watching, she added a few drops to the pitcher. For what came next, she'd need some of the encouragement herself. She smiled as she poured the drinks. In her head she was telling herself she could do it. She could show Tara that things would get better. She could make her friend completely get over what had been done to her by showing her how things could be. She took a deep drink and took the pitcher and glasses over to Tara. Setting them down beside the lounge chair, she picked up a bottle of suntan lotion. She kept mentally saying to herself... It could be fun... I can enjoy this... It will be fun... I will enjoy this...


Ron broke the silent waiting in the briefing room. “We know where Kim is... Well almost... I mean, we sorta...” He looked plaintively over at Justine.

The blonde girl stood and addressed the group. “What Ron is attempting to say is, we have the ability to find Kim Possible.” She retrieved a small device from her pocket and attached it to her laptop. “As most of you know, she and her group have been using a type of teleportation to travel anywhere they wish worldwide. Just this morning I finished this tracking system based on an idea Ron had...”

Ever skeptical of anything he considered amateurish, Will Du interrupted. “Mr. Stoppable came up with the idea?”

Completely missing the barely veiled incredulity, Ron nodded. “Yeah, you see I was watching an episode of the Fearless Ferret and...”

A loud fleshy impact caused everyone to turn toward Hego. He'd just slapped his hand to his forehead with enough force to stop a charging elephant. “Pursuit of the Puma Girl? Episode 69?”

Startled, Ron nodded.

Hego heroically intoned. “Of course! The Villain Visualizer! It's so obvious!”

Justine, along with most everyone in the room, wondered about Ron and Hego's mental stability. Then she remembered, she'd actually built the thing. What did that say for her own sanity? Rather than ponder it, she continued her explanation. “As I was saying... When Kim or one of her people use their teleporter, we'll be able to scan the energy usage. Once we have enough scans, we can triangulate the source location.”

Betty was beginning to feel the strain of hiding her inappropriate amusement. She had informed Wade as soon as she'd learned of the device. He'd assured her he was ready to divert the scans. It wouldn't hurt for the heroes to think it was going to work for a while though. In fact, it was a very good way to segue to the second act of this little play. She could see hope building again in the room. Soon, she knew, would come the call to arms. She just wondered if Jocelyn was going to be able to handle her part?

Joss had been silent and sullen throughout the meeting. She had good reason to be, there was a lot on her mind. Foremost was saving Ron's stupid, insensitive and self centered ass from his own folly... Again. It really galled her that her cousin, who was blatantly evil, actually seemed to care more about her than her boyfriend. When Kim called early this morning to tell her about the plan, she'd apologized for waking her, and sought her opinion on how to handle things. Ron, on the other hand, had gone and made a major decision that affected both of them without even consulting her. Worse it was for some silly religious thing. She only found out because Justine came alone to pick her up. She'd mentioned it by way of explaining why Ron and Junior would meet them at GJ headquarters.

It wasn't the final straw, but the camel's back was straining. She just couldn't fathom why, when it came to the whole hero thing, he couldn't see when he was simply outmatched. It was like he had to take the most foolhardy approach every time. This went double when it came to Kim. Worse, she was beginning to realize, he seemed to be the same way about relationships too. She remembered how delighted she'd been when Kim had mentioned things about him that put her off when they'd been dating. At the time she hadn't given them any thought. All she'd been concerned about was that she had the chance to have Ron for herself. Only now was it beginning to sink in. She figured this would be the last time she was going to save him from himself. If he didn't come to his senses after this, she'd... Well, she didn't know what she would do for sure, but it would not include him.

Seeing the barest of looks from Betty, Joss knew it was time for her to do what she had to. Steeling herself, she spoke up. “So what y'all waiting for? We gotta saddle up and get ta hunting Kim an the rest of them thar varmints down!”

Betty felt relief wash through her. Now that Joss had put the ball in motion, she could steer things in the right direction. She waited as first Ron, then Will, echoed the young woman's sentiments. Heads were nodding all around the table as the fervor caught on. She waited until it had almost reached it's peak before she acted. Pulling her copy of the Pact out of her tunic, she slammed it down on the table as hard as she could.

Into the silence, she yelled. “People! PEOPLE! Are you all so eager to get yourselves killed?” A mixture of stunned and guilty looks appeared on the faces surrounding her. “Now I can understand Jocelyn, being new to the hero business, contemplating such an action. I can even sympathize with Ronald, who is emotionally invested. But the rest of you? Hego, Will? You should know better!”

She slid the book out to the center of the table. “Unless we can find Kim and the rest in the next...” She waved her injured hand at the wall clock. “...Twenty minutes. We still have to deal with the Council vote.”

Ron shook with pent up rage. “The vote is a sham and we all know it! She's twisting the rules! Rules she's broken herself!”

Joss listened to Ron's outraged words. Kim had been right. It had been too easy to manipulate him into following a script he didn't know anything about. She forced herself to grab his arm and nod vigorously. “Yeah! She can't go round accusing us all of things like that! She gone an murdered my granny! It ain't fair!”

Betty sighed heavily. “I know you don't want to hear this, but I think you need to understand the situation. The execution of Miss Freedom, if Kim actually did carry it out, was within the rules of the pact. It was a Council sanctioned act. While we may not like it and it isn't fair, we have to understand one thing. Since becoming a villain, Kim Possible has not broken any of the rules of the Pact.”

Ron pushed himself right up into Betty's face. “How can you stand there and say that after what you saw her doing to Tara!?”

Betty glowered at him. “Back off Stoppable! I can say that because it has to be said! I can say that because, like it or not, it's the truth. That's why we're here, in this mess. What Kim did to that girl...” She raised her injured hand up so all could see it. “...What she did to me, are things that are evil, but not against the rules!”

Hego felt a shudder of distaste at the sight of Betty's hand, but he understood what she was saying. He understood the rules of the Pact. He'd lived by them for most of his life. He addressed Ron. “My friend, please don't take your anger out on Dr. Director. She is stating fact. It is something those of use who endeavor to bring justice to the world have to live with.”

Ron slumped down in his chair. Even the pain of his so very recent operation didn't penetrate his thought's. “Live with? That's all you can say? It's totally fucking Wrongsick! How can any of you call yourselves heroes? How can you say there is such a thing as justice when she can get away with this?” He shook his head despondently. “Well screw that. If that's how things are, so messed up that evil can go unpunished... Then screw the rules and the whole damn Pact!”

Silence descended. It was the kind of silence one would expect to experience in a church after someone committed an act of blasphemy. Betty felt a shiver of anticipation up her spine as she broke the silence with an almost whispered question. “Ronald. Do you know what you're saying?”

Leaning forward, Ron placed his hands on the table edge. “Yeah I do. You made it perfectly clear what happens if we let Kim use the rules the way she is. Nothing will stop her from hiding behind the Pact. We can't let this go on. If that's what it takes, I say so be it! Let's do away with the whole thing and start acting like real heroes!”

Betty crossed her arms in front of her. From this point on, she had to keep pushing Ron while seeming to do the opposite. “Thankfully that is not an option. The repercussions of ending the Pact far outweigh the short term benefits. Even if it means saving that girl's life, and possibly your own. We must figure out another way.”

Ron stared at her as if she'd grown a second head. “What repercussions? Nothing could be so bad it isn't worth saving peoples lives!”

Clenching her fists painfully, Betty filled her voice with anger. “Getting rid of the Pact would cause a fundamental change in the world as we know it!” She could feel her fingers bleeding from the reopened wounds as she reached out and picked up her copy of the book. “The creators never intended for the Pact to end. They only put in the procedure for doing so as a compromise to get the villains to sign.” She dropped the, now bloodstained book in front of him. Pointing a bleeding finger at Hego, she said. “Tell him what would happen. Maybe he'll listen to you and give up this foolish idea so we can get on with figuring out a workable solution.”

Hego stood up, and with lifted chin, said. “With the Pact gone, it's rules would no longer apply. That would put an end to Kim Possible's scheme but only because she, along with everyone else, would then be subject to all the regular laws. All the special protections of the Pact would no longer apply either. You have to understand. Without the Pact, the difficulties we face already in trying to provide justice would be multiplied.”

Will nodded at Hego's words. “It just isn't a feasible solution. As Dr. Director said, we must find another way.”

Fuming, Ron yelled. “Do any of you actually think we can find another way!? We are out of time!”

Betty decided it was time to give Ron the rope he needed to hang himself. “You see Ronald. Even if you were to make a formal motion to end the Pact, it wouldn't...”

He interrupted her. “So that's it? Fine, if none of you have the guts... I will do it! I make the motion to end the Pact!”

Stomping her foot, Betty howled. “Dammit! Why won't you listen!? I was about to tell you it won't do any good. Without someone willing to second the motion, you are only making yourself look like...”

Another voice interrupted her. This time it was Joss. “I second the motion! Ron's right! There is no other way!”

Betty's face went calm. “Is there anyone else who wants make a fool of themselves?” She glared at the rest of Team Stoppable intently. Getting nothing but blank and confused stares in return, she turned and walked to the farthest wall. Just before burying her head against it, she said. “Somebody explain it to them. I'm sick of not being listened to.”

Will pulled out his copy of the Pact. He walked around the table as he searched for the correct chapter. He stopped right in front of Ron and began to read. “All properly seconded motions must be brought before the Council for a vote.” He lowered the book. “Ron, don't you see? Dr. Director was trying to tell you. It doesn't matter if it's a good idea or not. We all know Kim wants the rules in place. There is no way a Council dominated by her and her allies is going to vote in your favor.” He reached out a hand and placed it on Ron's shoulder. “All you've done is wasted our time. Time we could have used to find another way.”

Over by the wall, with her face hidden, Betty was doing her best not to show her joy. It took an effort of will to compose herself. She turned and spoke to Ron and Joss directly. “Not only that. You two force the motion to be made to the Council, making us all look like laughingstocks!”

Ron collapsed into his chair in shock, as Joss buried her face in her hands with loud sobs. He could only say. “I... I didn't know...”

For a full minute the room was quiet. Knowing something had to be tried, Will turned to Justine. “Is there anyway to locate them even if they aren't using the teleporter? Perhaps we can use the information to force them to at least release Officer Lace.”

Justine shook her head. “Maybe if I had a few hours to figure something out, but as it stands, there is nothing I can do unless they use the teleporter.”

Will turned to the rest of them. “Does anyone have any suggestions at all?”

Another minute ticked by in silence. It was broken by Betty. “I think we need to focus on finding a way to hide those of you who are here from Kim Possible.”

Ron looked at her with a deep sadness in his eyes. “Then we are giving up on Tara? Just letting her die?”

Betty sighed. “We are out of options, and time. All we can do is hope there is some shred of good left in Kim we can appeal to.”

Knowing there was none, Ron began to cry.

A scant few minutes later, Hego reluctantly pressed the button on his videophone that called the Council into session. One of the large wall screens lit to show the three villainous members of the Council sitting together at a table. In the middle sat Kim, thankfully wearing her old black and purple mission outfit instead of her previous blood splattered attire. Shego sat on her right wearing her signature green and black catsuit. On Kim's left, Senior was in one of his expensive suits.

Kim smiled out of the screen. “Right on time gentlemen. Shall we begin?”

Hego felt all the eyes in the conference room on him as he spoke. “Before we start, there is a matter that has come up and needs to take precedence.”

Scowling, Kim asked. “What matter? I sincerely hope this isn't some attempt to delay the vote. Or is it?”

He shook his head. “No. It is a simple misunderstanding. I'm sure we can get it out of the way quickly.”

Senior raised his eyebrows. “And what manner of misunderstanding would this be?”

Trying to put the best light on it he could, Hego said. “A certain hero has made a motion to dismiss the Middleton Pact, which was seconded by another. Neither understood at the time that a Council vote was required. Since the motion cannot be retracted, and the Council is obligated to vote...”

Kim cocked her head to the side. “Oh! Now that is funny. Just who was this hero who thought such a thing would work?”

Looking over at Ron, Hego figured he'd best get it over with. “It was Ron Stoppable.”

Shego rolled her eyes. “Trust the Doofus to be the one to pull such a move.”

Kim looked over at her wife. “I bet they even told him the consequences before he did it too.”

Hego could feel the tension in the room rise at the villains remarks. “Look, we all know how things stand. Let's just get this over with.”

He could see Kim stifling her amusement. She said. “Very well, how do you heroes vote on the motion to end the Middleton Pact?”

Even though they both knew it was a lost cause, they'd agreed to at least make a token showing of support for Ron. Hopefully history wouldn't look too harshly on his misguided attempt. “We both vote in favor.”

All three of the villains smiled. Shego let out a boisterously evil laugh. She was joined by Senior's low, almost mesmerizing, evil chuckle. Then there came a sound that chilled them all to the bone.

“Tee-hee... Hee-hee... Hee-hee... Heeeeee...”

Kim grinned impishly as her evil giggle faded. “Spankin'. Since we all also vote to end the Middleton Pact, it's unanimous.”

The camera zoomed in on Kim Possible's smiling face. “I hope Ron Stoppable remembers this day for the rest of his life. The Middleton Pact is no more.”

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