Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 10)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 10

Title: CHAPTER 10: The Pact. Part One.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 10: The Pact. Part One.

Will Du half carried the frostbitten GJ trooper past the grisly remains of Dementor's Henchmen and through the door of the Alpine lair. Grunting with effort, he lowered the armored man to the floor next to the rest of his squad. He gave the man a reassuring clap on the shoulder as he looked over to where Crash Cranston was already treating the rest of the injured men. Shame consumed him as he remembered the time he'd wasted arguing with Dr. Director about the last minute reassignment. As he was wrapping a blanket around the trooper, he heard Burn's voice coming from further in the lair.

“Will, I need you to take a look at this.”

Crash looked up from where he was bandaging the cracked ribs of one of the men. “Go on. I've got things handled here.”

Will entered the main room of the lair to find Burn Burman scowling at the screen of his scanner. He tried not to look at the short villain laying dead next to his teammate with a knife protruding from his chest. “Got a match on the fingerprints from the knife?”

Slowly nodding his head, Burn said. “Yeah and you aren't going to like it.”

He looked at the scanner as Burn turned it toward him. The unambiguous results it displayed made him utter a word he'd never before used in his life.


Ron wasn't looking forward to having a doctor use a sharp implement on his privates in the morning. He was also sure he wouldn't like how Joss was going to take the news. It simply couldn't be helped. Rabbi Katz had, after getting over the weirdness of the whole thing, assured him it was necessary. He was glad now that she was spending time with her family. The way he figured it, getting it done and over with, then telling her afterward would be the best way to handle it.

The thought of not having sex for 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure wasn't appealing. Rather than dwell on it, he decided to distract himself. The others were having dinner, but he wasn't hungry. Picking up the remote, he hit play. If anything could distract him from his problems, it was the Fearless Ferret. Besides, he wanted to see the fictional hero going up against his sexiest foe again.

Twenty minutes later he shut off the DVD player. There was a smile on his face and an idea in his head. He rushed out of the room in search of Justine.


The group assembled for the late night meeting was so small, Kim decided to have them gather in the dining hall rather than the briefing room. Sitting around the table were her wives, Yori, Betty, Motor Ed, Barry, Ricardo Sr., Monique and Wade. Everyone else was otherwise occupied.

Drakken and the newly rebuilt Amy were engaged in activities she didn't want to contemplate. She didn't think there would be a need to disturb them. Her dad, Vivian and the Tweebs were at home, pretending to her uncle they were normal. Candy was at her home also. She was on call for GJ. Steve, she'd given an assignment, which he'd already left the lair to carry out. Lastly, Albert was standing watch in the command center, just in case.

She could tell from the sleepy faces around her, the long day had taken it's toll. If there had been a choice, she'd have sent everyone to bed and given them tomorrow off as well. Opportunity, however, had come knocking. She wasn't about to let this prime chance to advance her plan go to waste. Before getting to the purpose of the meeting, there was one thing she was curious about.

She looked at the man she'd known for years as Señor Senior Senior. Along with the change in his body, there had been another change in him. He'd become much less formal as to how he preferred to be addressed. “Ricardo, I was wondering why you're here? Wouldn't you rather be back on your island with Bonnie and Tara?”

The man shook his head, his mane of dark hair swaying as he did. “Bonita and I discussed that very thing. Since she made her decision on how to handle her friend, she thought it might be best if there were no men around. The reason for this seemed quite obvious to me. Therefore I decided to stay here while she carried out her task.”

Kim nodded. She could understand that reasoning. Bonnie had made the choice Kim thought she would. It wasn't the easiest choice, but unlike many people, Kim knew Bonnie wasn't going to take the easy way out if it meant getting what she wanted. In this case, Bonnie had two things she wanted. Seeing her friend safe and alive was one. The other was proving to Kim she could do it. That it also meant the devious conversion of Tara to evil was just a bonus.

She smiled at him. “Works for me.” She looked around the table as she focused on the reason for the meeting. “I know everyone has had a long day, but as we've seen all too often, plans change. Due to today's events, I'm moving up the timetable on putting an end to the Middleton Pact. What happened at Dementor's lair gives us an excellent opportunity. The whole sitch is time sensitive though. For the next few hours, we're gonna bust our butts to make this happen. By this time tomorrow we'll have the freedom we need to carry out the rest of the plan.”


(September 9th 2007, 9:15 am)

Betty Director entered the briefing room at Global Justice headquarters looking like death warmed over in her crisp, tailored uniform. She'd removed the bandages that had been covering her mangled hand. The tips of her fingers, sans nails, were prominently displayed. The makeup she usually wore was also missing. The large yellowish-green bruise covering half her face was unmissable. Dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep were just icing on the cake.

Judging from the reactions of the assembled heroes, her appearance was having the desired effect. Only years of schooling her face into the mask of command kept her from smiling as she watched Councilman Twill comforting his partner, who was almost crying. The other Council member, Hego, was trying to look anywhere except directly at her. The rest of Team Go, sitting alongside their blue haired brother, were all staring openly at her wounds.

On the other side of the long oval table sat Team Impossible. They were less reactive than the others, but then they'd seen much worse and much more recently. Most of the last group of heroes sat beside them. The faces of Team Stoppable were filled with grim determination. Even though there were a few empty chairs left, the leader of Team Stoppable was standing. It wasn't the look on his face that told her he was affected, it was the whiteness of his knuckles where he was clenching his hands on a chair back.

She stepped over to an empty place at the table next to Ron. “Ladies and Gentlemen. As most of you know, we have a crisis on our hands. So that everyone's up to speed, I'd like each of you to recount what you know of the disaster we face.” She looked over at the three men in blue and yellow jumpsuits. “If you could begin Team Impossible?”

As Will Du got to his feet, Betty pulled Ron down into his seat as she also sat. It was hard to hide her mirth as the young man winced painfully.

Will clasped his hands behind his back. “Yesterday Team Impossible undertook an emergency rescue mission. I'm sorry to say we were only partially successful. Upon our arrival at Professor Dementor's Alpine lair, we found a squad of GJ troopers injured and tied up outside the lair. They were the lucky ones.” He nodded toward Burn Burman, who used a remote to activate one of the giant view screens. As images of the carnage flashed across the screen, he continued. “The squad had been sent in earlier in an attempt to stop Officer Lace of the Fashion Police undertaking a task considered beyond her capabilities. They were too late to keep her from being captured by Dementor.”

As he said the villain's name, the image of him laying dead appeared on the screen. The knife in his chest was prominently displayed. “The squad followed their orders and put the lair under surveillance. They witnessed the arrival of a small group of villains a couple hours later. According to one of them, it was the known sidekick of Kim Possible, Barry Long, who killed all the outside guards and attacked them.”

He shook his head as he remembered what they'd found. “We have no idea what happened inside the lair. From the evidence we could obtain, it appears that there was a falling out between the villains which lead to a slaughter. By the time of our arrival, everyone in the lair was dead and there was no sign of Officer Lace to be found.”

Seeing that Will was about to retake his seat, Betty spoke up. “Tell them everything Will. They need to know.”

Will gave his ex boss a hard look, but remained standing. “According to our forensic examination of the scene, one of the deaths was not caused by the visiting villains. Professor Dementor was killed by Officer Lace. I refuse to speculate on the circumstances that may have lead to such a thing, except to say that she had to have been coerced.”

Betty motioned for him to sit. “Thank you Will.” She turned to the two well dressed men. Seeing that Tweed had broken down completely, she addressed his partner. “Officer Twill, could you please tell us the information the Fashion Police has?”

Twill made no move to stand. He didn't think he could trust his legs to hold. Instead, he reached into one of his suit pockets and extracted a video disk. With a push, he slid it down the table toward Betty. “We received a video transmission early this morning. It sh... It shows...” He shook his head, unable to continue.

Picking up the disk, Betty inserted it into a computer slot. As she pressed play, she also pressed the button that sent the feed to all the large screens that surrounded the room. For this, overkill was called for. The plan, as her mistress outlined it, was for her to keep the heroes on edge and horrified as much as possible. A blurry image appeared on the screens. It resolved into the face of Kim Possible.

The villain's slitted eyes were filled with anger as she spoke into the camera. “This message is for all the heroes of the world. You call us evil. Tell everyone we are monsters. You're right, we are. You, on the other hand, are something much worse. Soon the whole world will know. Hypocrites are what you are! You pretend to be all good and pure, but the truth will come out! Time and time again, you've flaunted your power. Using the pose of goodness to get around the rules laid down in the Pact. That will end!”

She backed away from the camera. As she did so, the room behind her came into view. Nothing about the room itself was remarkable. What caused gasps from the heroes was the sight of Officer Lace. The blonde woman hung naked in mid air, her hands and feet encased in high tech shackles. She was gagged, and her bright blue eyes showed extreme fear. Kim moved over to the bound woman. They could see she was wearing an all white bodysuit, reminiscent of her old battle suit, but without the blue bands.

Reaching out, Kim grabbed a handful of the girl's hair and yanked her head up until she was staring directly into the camera. “Yesterday this bitch crossed the line you all have been flirting with for too long. In complete disregard of the rules, she murdered Professor Dementor in cold blood!” Kim raised her free hand, displaying her extended claws. “She is going to pay for that in blood and pain!” She drew a claw across one of the girl's breasts. Blood welled in it's wake. Kim looked back at the camera with a disgustingly happy grin on her face as the girl screamed through her tear soaked gag. “But what she'll experience is nothing compared to what will happen to those of you who have tried to do the same.”

As she continued to make small cuts on her victim, Kim spoke to her horrified audience. “I have submitted a request to the Council. In this request are the names and charges against all the heroes who have broken the rules and tried or succeeded in killing a villain. Tomorrow, before 10 am, I will demand a vote. So you know what is coming, I'll attach a list at the end of this transmission.” Kim wiped her blood splattered claws on her white suit as she came forward to the camera. “I will spend the time waiting for the Council's decision torturing and healing and torturing this cunt over and over. Once she, and the rest of you have been declared either villains or vigilantes, I will become the bringer of death. A beautiful nightmare to haunt what little will remain of your lives!”

The screens went black. A list began to appear.


Attempted murder of Kim Possible, Shego Possible, Anne Possible and James Possible.


Attempted murder of Kim Possible.


Murder of Helmut Demenz.


Attempted murder of Ricardo Senior Sr. and Bonita Senior.

Betty Director shut off the screens as the room burst into furious and chaotic babbling. She pretended shock and dismay, with her hands in front of her mouth, in order to hide the smile she couldn't repress. She let the group rage on for a bit. It gave her time to compose herself. From this point on, she could only try to guide the group. They had to, at least seemingly, form their own ideas. Surveying the heroes, she wondered if it would be the voice of reason or outrage that took point.

Both Ron and Hego were working up to the outrage, when the voice of reason cut through the senseless chatter. “SILENCE!”

Will Du stared around the now silent table, as if daring anyone to speak. “We need order here people.” He turned to look at the two members of the FP. “Has the authenticity of this video been verified?”

Twill shook his head.

From almost opposite ends of the table, two people volunteered almost simultaneously to check it. Betty extracted the disk and handed it to Justine. Burn joined the blonde woman, together they began using her laptop to check.

Betty saw hope forming in some of the eyes around her. That needed to be dashed quickly. “Assuming for the moment the video is legitimate. We need to discuss the ramifications of these allegations.”

Immediate denials came from Crash, Ron and Junior. Betty had been expecting it. She decided to hit them with the hardest blow first. “One at a time please.” She looked at Ron. “Mr. Stoppable. I was present at the incident I believe she was referring to. You did threaten her life, and made an attempt to act on that threat.”

Ron Stared angrily at her. “What the hell Doc!? You know as well as I do, something had to be done. In case you forgot she DID murder me moments later.” He lowered his brows. “As a matter of fact, you didn't do anything to stop her. What's up with that?”

She returned his angry glare. “Take your suspicions and shove them Stoppable. You know I was trying to infiltrate her organization. The point here is that you are alive, and I'd been informed you would be. I'm only acting as devil's advocate. Someone has to if we are going to find a solution that doesn't involve what amounts to a death sentence for all of you!” She focused her gaze on Ron. “Surely you, of all people, know she is more than capable of carrying out her threat?”

Ron lowered his eyes at her tirade. “Sorry Doctor. I just don't understand how she thinks she can get away with this.”

Betty gave him a small smile of seeming understanding. “I know.” She looked over the table at the Go brothers. “Rules. That is the problem. She is using the rules of the Pact, bending them for her own evil purposes. Hego? I think it's time you told everyone what you need to.”

The muscular hero was clenching his fists, while his younger brothers tried to calm him down. Slowly, Betty's words penetrated his anger. After taking a few gigantic breaths, he spoke in almost normal tones. “Last night the Council was informed of the death of Professor Dementor. We immediately set about selecting his replacement. After hours of trying to contact Frugal Lucre, with no success, Senior Sr. volunteered to contact him personally. As is the Council custom, I accompanied him.”

Hego reached into the pocket of his jumpsuit and extracted a photograph. He laid it on the table, and pushed it to the center. “We found him dead in his basement, as you can see. At Senior's insistence, a DNA check was performed. It was him.”

The sound of a throat being cleared was a welcome distraction from the picture. Everyone's head turned as Burn Burman spoke. “Sorry, but we have confirmed the video is legitimate. There has been no tampering or alterations. What we saw... It actually happened.”

Spirits dropped as Betty motioned for Hego to continue. He nodded. “The Council reconvened. Senior Sr., as the only remaining villain, drew names out of the hat for the vacant seats. The names drawn were Kim Possible and Shego Possible.”

Junior jumped out of his chair. “Father cheated! It has to be what happened!”

Hego gave the young man a nod. “Although we watched him do it. It is probable he managed to do so. It wouldn't be the first time in the Council's history. However, as neither Officer Twill nor myself saw anything to prove it, the selection stands.” He shrugged his massive shoulders dejectedly. “Kim Possible, immediately after assuming her seat, did indeed submit her request. She included details of the charges, eyewitness statements, and in the case of Mr. Stoppable, video evidence.”

Betty spoke up. “Hego and Twill brought the information to me. They felt unable to wade through it all themselves. GJ's head researcher and myself have gone over them in detail. The charges against Senior Jr., Crash Cranston and Burn Burman are flimsy at best. Junior is accused of stalking his father and wife, who were on a business trip, and attempting to murder them in their sleep.”

Junior opened his mouth to protest, but she waved him down. “Of course, none of us can be expected to believe that. In fact the case can be made that rules of the Council do not apply as he was not a hero at the time of the incident.”

She looked over at the two members of Team Impossible. “The charges against you two are almost as ridiculous. She claims you set an explosive with the intent of blowing up the entire Possible home. I saw the damage myself and know it wasn't large enough for that.”

Betty laid her good hand on Ron's shoulder. “We have already discussed the charges against Ron, and heard the evidence in the case of Officer Lace. These two are the real crux of our problem. Even with a Council made up of three heroes, she might be able to make her accusations stick. As things are now, with a majority of villains, things look bad. Especially since those villains are apparently in on it. All the charges stand a good chance to be voted on and passed in her favor.”

Taking her seat, Betty could see everyone at the table thinking hard. She didn't want them reaching any conclusions quite yet though. They needed to be kept off balance a little longer. “I think, before we attempt to figure this all out, we should hear the one piece of good news.” She looked at Ron. “Ronald?”

Ron took a moment to make sense her meaning. His mind was muddled with the whole absurdity of everything that was happening. He finally realized everyone in the room was looking at him expectantly.

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