Early evening in the Sulyya Springs was uncomfortably warm, like the kind of heat that makes your skin dewy and gives the evening air a sweet heavy scent.
Lightning was sat in the shade near a rocky outcrop overlooking the splendorous waterfall. The coolness of its wandering spray tickled her skin with a welcome freshness.
She was trying not to notice the woman bathing in the Subterranean Lake below, but the occasional glance at the seemingly perfect form had befallen her....perhaps more than a few too many occasions.
She turned away from the Lake’s edge slightly, perhaps hoping for something of more interest to catch her eye. She raised her knee up to her breast and placed her forearm on top of it casually.
This is SO immature she thought. Why did I get myself involved in this?
“Light!” The voice was chirpy yet soft.
Lightning turned her head and saw the woman standing naked in front of her, her smooth caramel skin shining with tiny diamond droplets of water, caressing her every curve as they ran slowly down her body to the thirsty grass beneath her.
Light quickly averted her gaze. “Shouldn’t you put some clothes on Fang?” she said quietly.
“Hey, were all girls here!” Fang grabbed a towel and started to rub herself down.
After a long pause she interjected; “Is something wrong?”
“It’s Vanille” said Light “she sent me to talk with you.”
“Well talk to me then, not to those plants over there.”
Lightning turned to look at Fang who was now in nothing but a black bra and panties.
“She is very upset.”
“Then she needs to talk to me about it, not get someone to act as an intermediary.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Light said.
Fang paused; “she told you about our argument?”
“Not the whole story, no.”
“Good, ‘cause it’s personal.”
Fang grabbed her clothes and strode past Lightning with a bout of beautiful anger which did nothing but make her tingle all over. She stood up and watched the woman walk away.
Lightning was fiercely attracted to Fang and although priorities prevented her from knowing that earlier, she sure as hell knew it now.
Y Y YIt was night time, and back at base camp, Snow was nursing a bruised eye that Fang had given him earlier, for rudely wolf whistling at her whilst returning back to camp in her bra and knickers.
Lightning found this mildly amusing, especially as she’d bruised his other eye a couple of days previous.
Fang was located some distance away near a small stream and a fire that crackled happily alongside her.
What was she to do about Vanille? Maybe her feelings were just as mixed up as hers? Why is Vanille scared to hide her true feelings? And did she really say “I love you” before they both turned to crystal?
She didn’t notice that Lightning was standing a ways from her further down the stream until she turned to rekindle the fire. She studied the woman closely, her arms folded close to her breast and deep in thought. She admired Lightning’s strength of character, her beauty, her sheer determination and passion for the cause they were fighting for, and the strong unwavering love she had for her sister Serah. Fang couldn’t help but sense a feeling of brooding exude from Lightning, and she wasn’t usually a fan of broodiness, but somehow Lightning made it sexy as hell!
She must’ve fallen asleep for a few minutes, as she was woken by a fabulous fizz of electric pulsing through her body when Lightning connected their skin.
Fang glanced alarmingly to her right and saw Lightning lying extremely close, their arms touching.
“You fell asleep on watch.” Said the woman, her hair perfectly pink in the light of the fire.
No eye contact was made.
Fang sat up abruptly, her head half turned towards Light.
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
There was a long but strangely easy silence until Fang couldn’t hold her words any longer:
“Would you stop doing that?”
There was a tone in her voice that suggested to Lightning she was only half serious.
“Stop doing what?”
Fang could feel short sharp sparks of electric energy gently whipping at her right thigh emanating from Lightning’s skin.
“How do you do that?”
Fang turned and laid down on her side opposite the puzzled Lightning.
She reached out her hand and cautiously touched the side of her face with delicate fingertips. And Lightning didn’t stop her, she didn’t want to.
She closed her eyes as she felt the warmth of Fang’s hand course deeper into her flesh with every caress. Her heart beat faster and her breathing hardened as her fingers tiptoed down her neck, her shoulder, her arm.
Then suddenly, without warning, Lightning grabbed Fang by the wrap of her skirt and pulled her on top of her. She brushed her raven hair way with a quivering hand and pressed her lips against hers with a hungry passion.
Fang responded and gently probed Lightning’s moist lips with her tongue. Lightning explored Fang’s tasty mouth with hers, lightly flicking, deeply probing and lustfully licking with a passionate wanting.
Fang pushed Light’s body down into the soft, mossy ground with her own, pulling her thighs around hers, aching to feel the electric charge between their skins. Their hot, deep and sensual kiss radiated through their bodies, touching every pore with pleasure and satisfying every nerve.
Lightning slowed down her rhythm and pulled away slightly, gently biting on Fang’s lower lip.
Fang rested her head in the crook of Lightning’s neck, and could still feel the crackle of the tiny lightning sparks that flitted between their bodies.
“You should talk to Vanille.” Light whispered.
Fang collapsed next to her, still reeling in the ecstasy of her kiss.
“Ah Vanille.” She breathed. “You think she should join us next time?”
Lightning closed her eyes and cracked a rare smile, then jokingly replied: “That wasn’t what I meant, but now you mention it....”