Chapter Thirteen
Secret Weapon
Yaya lay back in her bed, spent and wet, with Tsubomi butted up against her. The pink-haired girl had long fallen asleep. Yaya giggled; Tsubomi was always so funny when she slept, her mouth hanging open, gurgling, sometimes talking. She's like a little kid.
Not forty-five minutes ago, they had moved their relationship to the next plateau and it was something that extended beyond the raven-haired girl's steamiest dreams. She had seen Tsubomi's orgasm, up close in her smoldering tawny eyes, felt it as the younger girl clenched and flexed around her hand. Just after coming, Tsubomi's face had softened, her round cheeks rosy, and she could only gasp Yaya's name before collapsing back in bed and going right to sleep.
Now the raven-haired girl heard a sleepy groan and Tsubomi raised her touseled head from off her collarbone.
"Good morning," Yaya greeted cheerfully.
The younger girl hummed drowsily before sitting bolt upright in bed. "It's morning?" she exclaimed, her throat clogged with sleep. She coughed, clearing it. "How long have I been out?"
Yaya laughed heartily and pulled Tsubomi back down so that her head was pillowed between her breasts. "No. It's still December 13th, don't worry."
Tsubomi blinked a bit, then wrapped her arms around Yaya's waist, pressing close to her. "What time is it?"
The fourth year craned her neck to get a better view of the clock on her nightstand. "About 1830 hours."
Even in the midst of their lovemaking, Yaya could tell Tsubomi was nervous. The pinkette instigated even more arguments than ever before - their mattress session had somehow resulted from an argument that started off as passionate in one way, and ended up passionate in an, ahem, other way. They were dumb arguments, too, even for Yaya. What color blanket she should have on her bed (yellow would be best). What kind of socks Yaya should wear (tube socks, not anklets). How Yaya should style her hair (a ponytail would be more comely).
But at the same time Yaya felt a feeling of wonder. Tsubomi seemed ...different somehow, or had she always been this way? Hearing the things Pinky had said at the meeting... She sounded so strong, confident, and...mature? Of course her mature front was well known throughout Spica, but it always struck Yaya as nothing more than a show of strength. Now, after this meeting and after having sex, she was becoming more aware of just how vulnerable she really was, and it touched her deep inside that Tsubomi was finally letting her see this part of her.
"You've changed, Tsubomi-chan," Yaya said at last. Catching the pinkette's bemused look, she continued, "Do you remember when we first met?"
Tsubomi smiled. "Yeah. That day at choir practice, when Hikari introduced us." Then she scowled. "I had my hair tied back and you said my ears were big."
Yaya laughed. She remembered. Her exact words had been, "So you like to sing? Figures. You should appreciate music with ears like those!"
"Hey!" Tsubomi had protested, self-consciously placing her hands over them. "They're not that big..."
Now Yaya sighed, "Well... back then I used to think you were this arrogant, bratty little punk..." Tsubomi glared and Yaya continued, "But now... God, I don't know. You seem... wiser?" She shook her head. "When did you go from being a loud-mouthed squirt to a real Tsubomi?"
"You're different, too," the younger girl said quickly. "You used to be a short-sighted moron, but now you've got some more sense in you." She swallowed. "I mean, the other day when Shion said that you were to run for Etoile, you were more cautious."
"And you jumped at the opportunity." Yaya smiled. "Seems we've swapped roles here."
Tsubomi snorted. "I could never be like you. You're still an idiot."
Yaya laughed heartily, appreciating that her running mate hadn't completely changed.
Smiling and laughing a bit herself, Tsubomi propped herself up on her elbow. She rested a hand on Yaya's face. "You're cool, Yaya-chan. I love you."
Yaya grinned. "You're kinda lame, but I love you anyway." She reared up, turned Tsubomi onto her back, and got on top of her.
Perhaps she had underestimated her.
Shizuma stood in the darkened cathedral. Tomorrow, in this very building, next year's Etoile would be chosen. One couple would become familiar with bittersweet victory; two couples' dreams would be crushed. Shizuma knew. She compared being named Etoile of Astraea Hill to committing herself to a marriage. Her victory had been bittersweet because she knew she was about to become the single parent of Astraea Hill.
What a stupid world. What kind of god, she wondered, had she been praying to when all He did was put this amazing girl in her life and then take her away?
The Lord giveth, and then the Lord taketh away. So true. It was like Shizuma had to say good-bye as soon as she said hello.
Sighing, she opened her ring case and looked at the ring. She was taking a big risk, trying to commit herself to Nagisa. But Shizuma was a risk taker. If you didn't take risks, what did you have left to live for?
But then there was Tamao. What the hell did Nagisa see in that... that child? Shizuma knew it was useless to bash the poet, as it would just be a waste of time. She would have to stop being subtle and jus reach inand pluck that redhead from Tamao. Already, a fool-proof plan was formulating in her silver-maned head.
The former Etoile whirled around and was faced by Shion.
"Leave her alone, Shizuma." The Spican President made her way slowly up the aisle and stopped a distance from Shizuma.
"You know who. Stop playing games." Shion crossed her arms. "Leave the selection to us, okay? This ceremony is stressful enough without you sticking your nose in."
Shizuma closed the ring case and pocketed it. "You can't stop what is fated to happen."
"Oh, yes I can. Just watch me." She tilted her head. "That wasn't a...? Aw, Shizuma! Don't do that! She won't say yes!"
"Says you."
"She doesn't..." Shion stopped herself and shook her head. This was becoming redundant. If at this point Shizuma didn't realize that Nagisa no longer loved her, she probably never would.
"Anyways," continued the President, "if you interfere with the ceremony tomorrow, there will be repercussions."
Shizuma laughed.
"I'm serious! You'll get permanently thrown off campus."
"Ohh, notice me tremble," she droned sarcastically.
"I thought that wouldn't be enough to stop you." Shion smiled and lowered her chin. "I was on the phone recently with an old friend... Rokojou Miyuki. Remember her?"
All confidence betrayed, the former Etoile stared wide-eyed at the President. "What did she tell you?"
Shion paused to walk further up the aisle, closer to Shizuma. She locked her violet eyes with Shizuma's green ones and said, "Everything. She told me everything about you, about St. Ninnian... about Atsuko. And if you intrude on tomorrow's ceremony, so help me, I will tell Nagisa. Right in front of the entire student body."
"No!" Shizuma roared, stepping forward. "Don't you dare!"
"Just don't interfere with the selection, okay? After that, I don't care what you do."
"That... That's just... Blackmail! You can't do this to me!"
There was no point arguing it further. She had said what she needed to say. If Shizuma felt like testing her, that was fine. After all, it was her who would be paying the price, not Nagisa nor Tamao.