Story: Thieves and Desires (all chapters)

Authors: overlord cassandra

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Chapter 1

Casandra was just another human living in the city of Lyore. She owned a decent appartment in the suberbs.
But, she was very lonely in this huge city,and was looking for a mate.

"Witch way is the subway?" She was asking a news stand owner. "Somewhere on the west side of town,I think."

"Thank you!" She shouted while trying not to be late for the train.

After wandering around for about half an hour, she got lost and was in an unfimiliar distric of town.She
had no Idea where she was going.

After passing a boarded up appartment she decided to stop and think about where she should go next.

 All of a sudden, a strange, cat-like figure jumped down from the roof of the appartment,
startilling the human. She got a good look at the stunningly beutifull catgirl. Her sunny, orange-Yellow fur
seemed to basque in the sunlight. Her Ocean blue cat eyes seemed to stare at the human with desire and longing.

 It wasn't till the stunningly beutifull cat goddess started running up the fire escape ladder next to
the appartment that she realized the catgirls deft paws had stolen her ruby necklace.She ran after the thief
through a small hole in the 3rd storie wall, tackling the thief and pinning her soft body to the floor.

 Both females were exausted and panting heavilly from running and chaseing. "Who are you?" the human
asked, but she got nothing but pants in reply.

 She noticed the thife was blushing, puzzled, she looked over the busty, wet,and sweaty goddess to
realize she had kneed her in the pussy apon the tackle. Not to mention both of there hot breasts were pressed

 Feeling the juices from her glising folds leaking onto her pantys, she got off the thief.

 "Etna. My name is Etna." said the now heavilly blushing cat thief."I...I'm sorry about the necklace."
the catgirl manage to stammer.

 "It's OK. I'm...ummm...sorry about makeing you blush."
 "Thats OK. we cat people have very sensitive ears and noses, but our skin is tough.I have sutch great
nose that I can smell how horny you actually are."

 "Wha...mph!!"she was about to say something untill Etna clasped the lips of the human.

 There tounges slid together in a mass of syliva, turning the both of them on. Cassandra just realized that
Etna was in her bare fur.Etna got on top of her and fondled cassandra's warm breasts, quickly closeing in on the
hardend nub,suckling the warm fluids from her soft appandegas.

 Etna bared her claws and striped the clothing off of cassandra. seeing the wet spot on her underpants,
Etna pulled the underwear down to findng the soaked, wet folds.

 Without hessitation, she slid her tounge into the warm, wet human pussy.Getting turned on by the
breathy sounds from the human, and by the tightness, she slid two slender digits into the tight pool of warmness.

 cassandra,realizing Etna wasent getting pleasure, slid to a pisition where her breasts were being pressed
by the stomach of the catgirl.She started to copy the thiefs deft hands, sliding them into wet mass of skin.

 cassandra was practilly suffocated when they both felt the orgasms take hold of there bodys, haveing hot,
and slick fluids sprayed unto ther lips.

 Forever will they allways remember that wonderfull, life changeing day. how the couple met. and how
the pleasent tremours felt against there bodys.

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