Story: Spanish Conquests (chapter 4)

Authors: Muppet Miss

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Chapter 4

[Author's notes: Yeah.]

Chapter four

I stirred in my bed and became aware of my surroundings. My mind wandered to last night, to the moments just before the dreams consumed me. Celia and I lay face to face, staring in each others eyes. I took her hand in mine and whispered my good night. She moved closer to me and laid her head in the crook of my neck. I felt the warmth of her breath traveling down my skin. It sent shivers down my spine but also was enough to lull me into a blissful sleep. We fell asleep in each others arms.

The warmth I felt that night was gone. Afraid my lovely Celia had left I frantically opened my eyes and turned my head to find her on the other side of the bed. She was laying down with her head against her arm staring right into my eyes. I sat up and let out a sigh of relief. “I thought you had gone.” Her eyes hardened at the mentioning of my words. “I rather drink a vial of poison then shorten my stay.” Her eyes softened as she began to speak again. “I enjoy my time with you. All my happy days combined could not compare to what I feel now. I-I’m not going to leave so soon.” She cast her gaze downwards and her cheeks began to fill with the most beautiful pink I have ever seen.

I stepped out of my bed and quickly slipped my shoes on. I walk up to Celia and extended my hand to her. “Come with me.” She grabbed my hand and once she had her shoes I led us both down stairs and out through the back door of the estate. Our feet picked up into a run as we headed into the woods. The wind blew through our hair as we ran deeper into the vast surrounding of trees. Our feet continued to go on until our lungs screamed desperately for air. I felt my legs give in as I fell taking Celia with me into a pile of leaves. As she landed on top of me we both began to laugh. “Care to enlighten me as to why we are here?” In truth, I did it on impulse. A thought crossed my mind and I had to carry it out. I suppose I should think things out before I act on it. “Are you going to tell me or not?” I lifted my head up and stole a kiss from the ever so lovely Celia. Our lips slowly broke apart and I began to speak. “To tell the truth I have no clue why we are here.” “You mean to tell me that you brought me here because of some impulse of yours? I may be something else but you are not of this earth.” I pretended to be angry with her words. I turned my head to the side and refused to meet her gaze. My brows furrowed and I tried to keep that face for the longest.

Celia leaned in a started to kiss the flesh of my neck. Her hot breath on my exposed skin felt like fire and I tried to resist. It was an endless struggle to see who would become the victor. My hands reached up and grabbed her shoulders. With a little more forced I managed to flip us over so now Celia faced me from the ground. A large smile appeared on my face and I jumped off of my beloved and dashed deeper in the woods. I turned my head to see Celia lying on the ground with a look of surprise on her face. My head turned to face forward and I head her footsteps start to chase after me.

I continued to go on until I saw a cave up ahead. I stopped just in front of the entrance and peered inside. I was caught off guard when I felt a weight leap onto me, pushing me to the ground. The wind left my lungs and I laid there in a daze. “It was not kind of you to leave me behind!” Her voice sounded too cute and I just smiled at her complaints.

In the distance the clacking of a horses foot steps could be heard. I heard horses coming from both sides and saw they were both pulling carriages. Knowing it wouldn’t be a good idea to be seen Celia took my hand and hid us both behind a large boulder. We peered out form behind the rock to see both carriages stop in front of the cave. The drivers climbed down and opened to door to let out a man from each carriage. They met in the middle and shook hands.

One of the men then began to speak. “Did you find one?” The other man then spoke. “What exactly was I to find?” “You know very well of what I speak of! Now did you or did you not find someone to do the deed?” “Ah yes, the deed shall be done in a months time. Our man needs time to plan out the assassination.” The first man who appeared taller reached behind and pulled a dagger from his backside. He let his arm stay there and continued on with the second shorter man. “Did you pay him?” “Mmm I most certainly did. Speaking of payment, may I partake in mine?” “Seeing as the deal in set in stone and the plan is in motion there is no need for you anymore.” Just before finishing his sentence the taller man raised his hand and brought the dagger down on the shorter man. Before the dagger made contact with flesh the smaller man grabbed the taller’s arm stopping the blow. “To think I put my trust in you Manuel.” With his free arm the one named Manuel clenched his fist and pounded into the smaller’s stomach. “Marcus, you were but a fool, a pawn. That crown is mine and no man is going to stop me.” Holding onto his stomach Marcus looked up to meet his fate with the end of a dagger. A splash of blood flew in every direction. With the dagger seeping deep into his eye Marcus gave out a short groan and fell to the ground. On his last breath Marcus cursed Manuel. “You won’t last long Manuel. I hope to see you in hell soon.” A pool of blood poured onto the earth as the dead Marcus lay there.

A moan escaped the lips of Marcus’ driver as he met the ground at the hands of Manuel’s driver. “Terses, I want you to take the bodies elsewhere. I will drive the fool’s carriage back to town. No one must hear of this.” The men headed off and parted ways.

My body was paralyzed with fear at the witness of the events that took place. I kneeled down next to Celia and felt the tears stream down my face. “Did that really hap…did that really happen?” I stared at the pools of blood left behind at let it all sink in. Getting home was the first thing on my mind. “Celia, we’re leaving.” She grabbed my hand and in between tears I heard her say, “I can’t bear to be here any longer.”

She squeezed my hand and we both took off from the cave we hid in. Our paced never slowed, afraid of what might happen if we stopped. Trying to outrun the wind our feet trekked faster and faster. It wasn’t until the estate was in sight that we slowed down a bit. We reached the back door and hastily turned the knob to enter. Eva met us at the other side of the door and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

“What happened to the two of you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost by the look on your faces.” It felt like my throat was closed because no words could come out of my mouth. Then I heard Celia speak up. “We went to take a walk in the woods but we saw a snake fall from a tree above. We were so scared by the serpent we ran the way here.” “The woods are dangerous! I’m glad you two made it back safely. Many people go missing or get killed in the woods.” “I think we won’t be going back anytime soon.” said Celia. She took my hand again and led us back to my chamber.

At the sight of my bed I jumped on and clenched onto the covers. I let worries spill out and began to cry an ocean of tears. I felt Celia get on the bed and rest her head on my shoulder. She wasn’t crying. She was being brave for the both of us, I could tell because even though no tears came her eyes were telling me different. My eyes shut and I concentrated on my breathing. Who was that man named Manuel? I felt my speech return to me. “That man, Manuel, mentioned the crown. Is he planning on assassinating the king?” Celia’s voice betrayed her as she whispered back to me. “I’m afraid he might be.” Her hand met my shoulder and squeezed it tight.

The day had already passed into night and Celia and I just lay there. Would anyone believe us if we tried to warn the king of the assassination? In their eyes we would just be seen as two crazy women making up stories. I was scared.

“Promise me you won’t think about it. Promise me you won’t think about what happened today. At least not until you go back home. It might sound selfish of me but I want to see you smiling for the rest of your stay. I don’t want to see that blank look on your face. I want to see your gorgeous smile and your cute blush. I want to see you happy. So promise me, please.” I bit my lip and tried to hold back the tears. A small smile graced her lips. “You’ll have to promise me to stop your crying then.” I thought I wouldn’t be able to laugh after today but I found myself chuckling at her agreement.

She came closer to me and wrapped her arms around my frame. My head rested above her breasts and my breathing matched hers. I could hear the beat of her heart. It was soothing to my ear. I felt warmth growing in my stomach as we stayed in that position. Her hand pushed my hair back and she kissed my forehead.

From heaven I received a gift.
An angel wrapped in love.
A heart pure as gold.
Eyes made of sun.
This angle was mine.

Her fingers laced through mine. Just before my drowsiness took over I whispered to my lovely Celia.
“I think I have fallen for an angel.”

[End notes: Well hear's how it went down. I was waiting at the doctor's for the miracle needle when he finally came back. Just when he was about to inject the stuff in me mother nature rams through the door,knocking it off its hinges. Mr. Doctor and mother nature had an all out battle right in front of me. Mother nature came out as the victor after she succeeded in suffocating the doctor with a latex glove. When he fell to the floor she jabbed her hand into his chest and ripped out his heart. It was then that she gave the bloody gift to me. That's how it went down so I'm really sorry about not updating sooner. Oh yeah I think there are two spelling errors but every time I try to preview, the text in the text box just magically disappears so I'm not reading it again and fixing it. If you find them please tell me where they are.]

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