Chapter 9
Taming Shego
After the meteor shower, nothing has stunned Shego anymore. Well...aside from Kim Possible announcing to the world that she was engaged to a woman named Lilian Pandora Gonzales which was Shego's real name. A name she tried hard to forget because Lilian died many years ago, and it was that meteor's doing.
And now, it has not been 24 hours since the red head had shocked her and here was Kim Possible once again stunning her to the core.
-At least this time, you're not going to faint from blood loss secondary to shock but if you won't stop her lips from attacking yours, you'll faint from this intense pleasure!-
"Shut up!"
-Oh and by the way, I think you're liking every minute of it,-
"I don't!"
-Then why the heck are you kissing back?-
Shego's eyes widened as she realized that indeed she was responding to the heroine's advance, "Shit! This is not what I planned on committing tonight! I am supposed to kill Kim Possible for declaring my name to the world!" The green skinned female concentrated, her brain willing her body to act against and stop Kim Possible from devouring her lips, "Shit! Stop this...arrrgggghhhh..." she was getting hopeless, her traitorous body acted on its own and kept on disobeying her brain, "If princess keeps on doing this... " her thoughts were interrupted when Kim's lips left her mouth and traveled southward to her neck, Shego's reaction was instantaneous, she craned her neck backward to give the red head more access, "Oh my God...Kill me now! "NO!" Shego screamed as her brain fought her body from giving in to Kim's advances.
The red headed hero stopped, her eyes wide in shock and she moved off Shego so fast she found herself sprawled on the floor, "Oh my God Shego...I...I'm sorry!"
Shego was still lying on her back on the bed, she was still gasping for breath and her arms were limply resting on the bed as if she was being crucified, "The fuck princess!"
Kim bowed her head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry I..."
Shego sat up and looked at Kim's contrite look, "What the hell happened?" she then shook her head, "I came here to kill you for outing my real name to the world, now you pushed yourself on me? What the hell is happening to you Kimmie!"
The red head shook her head, "I...I can explain..."
"You've been trying to explain Kimmie and yet I don't get anything! You really don't want to explain!"
"I do! I want to explain Shego!"
"You don't pumpkin, 'cause if you do you would have done it earlier, but you didn't!"
"You attacked me! How do you expect me to explain when I'm busy dodging your fist?"
"I'm not going to play this game with you anymore pumpkin, I'm out..." Shego was about to turn her back from Kim when she felt a hand holding one of her arms.
"I need you Shego, I need you to marry me."
The raven haired woman stopped, "What is it about you wanting or needing to marry me?" she turned around to face Kim and then glared at the red head, "What are you hiding from me pumpkin?" she frowned, "You can't marry me..."
Kim's face becomes sad, "Why Shego? Is it because you don't like me?"
Shego winced at the heroine's defeated tone but did not answer
"Was it because we were enemies? Or was it because you're straight while I..."
"WHOA wait a minute there pumpkin! Where the hell did those questions come from?" Shego were holding her palms out to Kim
The red head just craned her neck sideways,
"You're changing topic Pumpkin. Answer me first, why are you so hell bent in marrying me?"
At the repeat of the question, Kim Possible's face darkened, "I...I'm gay,"
Shego's eyebrow rose up waiting for more explanation.
Kim on the other hand dropped her shoulders as she felt that there's no other course for her but to continue and explain everything to Shego. "Mr. Kinston will give me $35,000,000 if I marry before his first death anniversary." Kim said with her head bowed down
Shego's jaw slackened, a large sweat drop was visible on her forehead along with a visible bulging vein, "You...Kim to get money..."
Kim's eyes widened at the realization of what she'd just said meant to the older woman, "No..."
Shego backed away from Kim who was stepping closer to her, "Don't you dare touch me Kim!"
The older woman calling her by her real name hurts. "Let me repeat that, I said it wrong, it's not what I mean!" Kim shouted
"Then what the hell do you mean? You deliberately drag my name for what? For some petty cash? And you kiss me as if you were really in love with me! You want me to believe that?" Shego shouted
"It's not petty and I did!" Kim shouted back
"Damn you Kim Possible!" Shego said turning her back on Kim and walking away. She stopped mid way when she felt that Kim was not moving to follow her, "I never thought that goody two shoes Kim Possible could stoop so low and use me for her own personal gain." she said before she continued walking away
"Please Shego, don't leave...hear me out..." Kim's voice was almost a whisper as she watched Shego stepped out of her room via her window, "I do love you Shego, you have no idea how much," she then knelt on the ground and started crying.
Outside Kim Possible's room, Ron and Monique were listening to the two women having a verbal fight.
"We're too late. That lawyer must have gotten to Kim already." Monique said shaking her head
"My heart bleeds out for Kim. We both know that she really has feelings for Shego." Ron
"So what should we do?"
Ron smiled and took out his own communicator, opened it and came face to face with Wade, "Are you watching?"
Wade smiled, "From the start to the end." he said, "Kim really knows how to kiss!"
Ron frown, "What?"
"Kim pushed Shego to the bed and kissed her when she heard our lawyer came," Wade explained
"Ouch, If Shego learned about that, she'll be furious." Ron
Monique looked at the blond man, "She's already furious."
The blond boy's eyes widened, "Then she'll be furious times two?"
He received a slap on his arm courtesy of Monique, "Be serious! We have to help Kim."
Ron nodded, "If you watched everything, then you could locate Shego?"
Wade grinned, "She did enter and exit Kim's window, so yeah I could trace her now." Ron and Monique looked at Wade as if the Afro-American man had grown a third eye, "I painted Kim's window and the paint was mixed with nano tracers? Well, just in case some of those wacko women before tried to enter Kim's room again. Lucky I forgot to take them out."
The explanation caused Ron and Monique to grin evilly along with Wade.
The heavy set man grinned. He could hear the two women's discourse. He might not hear what they were fighting about, but if the two women were having a relationship problem, then there is a high possibility that the two will not get marry before or on the deadline. He grinned more when the thought that separation between the two will be much welcomed.
"Money could really wreck people's relationships. No matter how kind hearted one human is, money changes everything." he shook his head and started his car.
Chapter 10
"Kim, I think you should stop!" Wade said. He was talking through the wrist communicator that Kim was using at the moment.
"I can't Wade!" Kim said panting. The red headed heroine was running towards the place indicated by the blue kimmunicator.
"Yes you can Kim! You can't go into a battle without any plans, more so without any weapons!"
The heroine frowned but stopped.
"I don't need a weapon Wade. I'm not going to fight Shego!" Kim said before taking in air to feed her hungry lungs.
The Afro-American boy-genius exhaled then shook his head. "I know but come to think of it Kim, what are you going to do when you get there at Shego's safe house?" Kim didn't answer so Wade looked at her, his expression challenging her to give him an answer, "What now Kim? What are you going to do?"
"I...I'll explain! I'll woe her!" Kim answered, her voice unsure though.
"Okay, you'll you think she'll hear you out?" Wade smiled when Kim shook her head no, "That's what I thought too. Now you'll woe her...with what?" The red head's frown deepened. She then looked at her hands, her right one holding her blue device, her left hand has nothing. So she decided to keep quiet. "See? Jumping into something without thinking isn't your style Kim. You usually think things over before going to missions. You're not retired that long and you're not that old to say that your skills are rusting."
"But this is different, this isn't a mission." Kim whispered so low Wade almost didn't hear.
"What's the difference Kim? You have something important to do...don't tell me getting Shego is less important than having missions?"
Olive colored eyes widened, "Of course not! Shego is important Wade! I could ditch any missions but I can't...I can't..." Kim's vision blurred from unshed tears, "I can't take it if Shego hates me!" Kim finally voiced out and the tears she was trying to contain overflowed.
The young genius looked at Kim with sympathy, "I know what you mean."
"You should think of what to do to get tame her."
The red head took another deep breath and nodded her head. "I'm desperate that I jumped at the opportunity to see Shego."
Ron and Monique sighed when they saw their friend crying and on her knees. Ron had been Kim's best friend since pre-K, and Monique became close to the red head when they were in middle school. All throughout their time together, they have never seen their friend look like this...defeated, tormented. The two eyed each other and then the blond man smiled before walking slowly close towards his friend.
"Hey KP," he said kneeling beside Kim. He looked back to see Monique nodding at him in support while the black beauty stepped closer to the two. Monique squatted on the floor on the other side of Kim and she held the heroine's hand.
"Hey girl friend,"
"She hates me!" Kim hiccupped, "Shego...Shego hates me!"
"Sssshhhh," Ron said while stroking Kim's back. "She may hate you, but you're Kim Possible." he said smiling. Monique remained silent but she took the tissue beside her and started wiping Kim's tears.
"Wha...what's that supposed to mean?" Kim asked in between sniffles.
"Simple...anything is possible with a Possible, even taming Shego." Ron said it with his own version of a smirk. Monique who saw the blond man's expression winced.
"It only means that you could make Shego not hate you." Monique said finally. "You are Kim Possible and there's nothing you can't do if you put your heart and mind to it."
Kim lift up her head and looked first at Monique then at Ronald with sad eyes, "Bu..."
"Buuuuttttt..." Ron smirked once again and Monique cringed, "But you don't know where Shego is!" Ron said rather than asked. Kim sniffed once again before nodding her head. "BOOOYAHHH!" Ron exclaimed, standing up and taking his own communicator from one of his pockets, "That's where the Ron-man enters!" he said happy.
Monique's brow rose, "Ah...maybe you mean..." she release Kim's hand and made a quote-unquote gesture in the air, "...this is where Wade comes in?"
Ron made a thinking expression then looked at Monique. He shook his head no and said, "No, I said it right. This is where the Ron-man enters." he said with all the confidence he could muster.
"What the heck are you talking about? You're not the one tracing Shego!" Monique said a bit loudly. Her next words were stopped by Ron's right palm in front of her face.
"And who thought of this brilliant plan?" he said making a winning pose.
"WAIT!" Kim screamed which stopped the two from arguing, "What are you two talking about?" the red head asked in bewilderment.
Monique sighed, "Just as you heard girl friend. The buffoon here contacted Wade to..."
"Hey! No one calls me buffoon anymore!" Ron protested and harrumphed afterward.
Kim did not say anything, she remained quiet except for her occasional sniffling and waited for Monique to finish her explanation. "Ron here contacted Wade to trace Shego." Monique ended.
Ron opened his communicator and contacted Wade once again. The boy-genius's face appeared on the screen and he smiled at the crying Kim. "You explain to her Wade!" The blond said then shoving the blue device towards Kim.
"Hey Kim," Wade greeted then he could be seen typing away on his computer. After a short while, the screen of the communicator changed into a road map where two blinking lights could be seen. "Look Kim, when you were attacked by those women few days ago, I went to your house and applied paint containing tracers on your windowsills." he said smiling, "I intend to leave it for a day or two just to make sure that I get a tab on whoever will attack you. To make the long story short, I forgot to remove them and I think it was a blessing in disguise that it was still there when Shego came to you. The green dot is the location of Shego, since she used her usual ensemble that day, and we all know that she never goes to work without her cat suit, I deduced that Shego must be there at the moment. Either that or she found out about the paint under her boots and left it before flying away..."
Wade didn't finish his explanation. Kim hurriedly stood up and without word sprinted out of her house. The three stunned people thinking of the same thing...
-Kim's going to get hurt-
(End Flashback)
Kim sighed in defeat and slumped on the ground. "So what should I do?"
Shego was pacing in front of her bed for the last 30 minutes after her arrival. "FUCK! How dare SHE!FUCK!" she stopped and started removing the still clean bed sheet of her mattress, rolling it then dumping it on the floor before going back to her bed and forcefully removing the pillow covers. She walked into her linen closet and took another clean sheet and two pillow cases. She went back to her bed and replaced the sheet and pillow cases, "Damn you Kim Possible! You of all people did this to me!" Shego ranted once again. "AND FOR THE SAKE OF MONEY?" she shouted at no one. She looked down and started flattening the tidy looking bed. Satisfied, she walked out of her room and moments later, she returned with two rugs: one wet and one dry. She went inside her bathroom, filled a small pail with warm water and took it out. She set it aside and took the dry rug and started wiping off dust on her cabinets, tables, and everything that her eyes laid upon.
To think that the room was pristinely cleaned
She stopped what she was doing to look at the result and frowned, "And how dare she kissed me!" she shouted again before taking the wet rug and started cleaning her windows. "SHE FUCKING KISSED ME!"
-yeah and you liked it!-
Shego stopped cleaning once again, "I don't!"
-come one Shego we both know liked it 'cause if not, you wouldn't kiss me back,-
The green skinned thief closed her eyes, "And now I'm losing my mind! I'm hearing Kim inside my head! FUCK- FUCK- FUCK- FUCK!" then she returned to her chore which isn't really a chore anymore in this point in time.
-besides, why are you angry at her? You would probably have done the same thing if that large amount of money was offered to you!
The raven haired woman stopped cleaning and thought of it, "Well...yeah, I would but..."
-but what? You're a thief and a villainess so it's alright and Kimmie is the good girl so she's not allowed to do that? Aren't you being bias to her?-
She frowned, Damn conscience! Why the hell are they making my life miserable?
-I'm not making your life that way, you are.-
"And you filling my head with all these thoughts and making me look like a fool is what? Making my life easier?" Shego said out loud in response to her inner voice. She waited for a response but the voice wasn't there anymore. "Damn, now that voice left me with all these twisted ideas!" She said then looked at her pristine window. She frowned and stopped, threw the wet rug inside the pail and carried it back to her bathroom. After cleaning it and washing the rugs, she came back and plopped herself on her well-made bed. Now what should I do? If I knew princess...she'd be making that nerdlinger look for me and soon she'll be at my doorstep! She thought.
-You're the you said; it's alright to take the money-
"Yeah right..." Shego mumbled before closing her eyes, "Yeah right..."
Kim took a deep breath; she was now standing in front of a simple house that was traced to be Shego's hide out. It's now or never! She said to herself before expelling air off her lungs. "It's either Shego will accept my apology and think about the situation or I'm dead!" she said to no one but herself and slowly she moved on. She closed her eyes as she pushed the button.
The red head was not expecting Shego to open the gate for her. She was thinking that the thief probably saw the tracer, left her boots and flew away. But most of all...she was not expecting Shego to open the gate in just one ring.
"I have two conditions," Shego said at once not giving the red head any opportunity to speak.
-This is the end of part 5 /episode 10-
A/N: Okay I've been a bad KIGO author…sorry!