Story: My Heart Can Be Your Home (all chapters)

Authors: BatchSan

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Chapter 1

My Heart Can Be Your Home

Penelo moves like a flower in a gentle breeze as she walks along side me. My fingertips itch to reach out and touch her alabaster skin. Instead, I make a fist and turn my attention ahead of us to where the others are bickering amongst themselves as to whether or not they should make the suicidal venture to Pharos. My mind turns to old memories for reprieve, bringing forth thoughts of the Wood before I had left it.

Autumn had turned leaves golden brown on some trees, the others remained green all year round, as I packed my few belongings and glanced about my room for anything I may have missed. Except, my subconscious melded my old memories with my current ones and I can see Penelo lounging on my bedroll. She smiles up at me, her eyes sparkling. I'd love to reach out for her, take her hand and press my lips against its sweet softness, but I know this is only wishful thinking. Daydreams that can never be real or sound. With a heavy heart, I shake my head to clear the images, focusing once again on ny comrades ahead of me.

"I'd love to live in the Wood with the rest of the vieras," Penelo spoke suddenly beside me as if she had peered into my mind.

Tilting my head in curiosity, I take in the way the light from the sun illuminates the hume, almost as if she were an idol from some long forgotten religion. "Why is that?" I question.

"It's beautiful there," she answers simply, grinning warmly.

Pondering for a moment her words, I rest my hand on her shoulder. "I think the Wood has been waiting for me to return. You may come with me when this quest we are on is over, if you wish."

Penelo looks at me in surprise and looks away for a moment, clearly thinking over my offer. Looking ahead at our comrades, I know she's watching Vaan as he laughs merrily and jokes with Balthier. His decision for life after this quest had already been made - whether or not Penelo followed him was her choice. A soft hand, callousing from constant use of weapons these past few weeks, crossed over Penelo's chest and rested on my hand. The eyes she turned up to me were clear and without question.

"I'll gladly follow you to the Wood."

Smiling, I corrected her. "I'll gladly take you home."


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