Story: Dear Departed (chapter 1)

Authors: YuriFanGirl

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Chapter 1

Title: One Year Passed

[Author's notes:



Dear Departed

One Year Passed

Dearest Kasumi,

     I can't believe it's been a whole year since you left us... it doesn't seem real... and yet here I am to fulfill a promise I made to myself, to honor your memory.  You did so much for me in the time we spent together, I don't even want to imagine where I'd be if you hadn't come into my life.  That's the reason for this letter, actually.  It's not much, just an update on how things have gone this past year, but I thought you would appreciate knowing how wonderful the influence you had on our lives has made them.  

    Where should I begin...

    The new house and facility are simply incredible!  So many years of stress have been lifted off my shoulders now that I don't have to worry about those vile people tormenting us day in and day out.  The new neighbors actually wave as we drive passed, rather than try to spit on us or spout off some hateful nonsense.  It's like paradise compared to the old place!  I can't say much because of the legal issues, but most of the staff is still with us and my girls are all doing wonderful.  It's so much easier to work here without all that added stress and it really shows in their progress.  It's all thanks to you... the one who made it possible for us to come here.  Thank you for this... thank you so much.  

    Anyways, onto more important things...

    Our good friend and family member away from home seems to be doing well.  I haven't had as much free time to talk, but Trish keeps me updated and things seem to be moving in the right direction.  Sis has managed to work things out with her lover and the two are moving out into their own place shortly, I have high hopes for the young lovebirds.  The Moms are as awesome and wonderful as they always are, of course.  They've really taken to the new area and just seem to have this glow about them nowadays.  Probably a kawaii induced high from getting to spend all the time they want with their grandchildren, especially with how utterly perfect they are...

     That's right, this is what you'd really want to hear about!

    The little ones... if you can even call them that anymore!  You wouldn't believe how big they've gotten!  The twins even still do that thing where they drop into your lap like a sack of bricks, but I think the bruises are worth it.  They're still just as feisty as ever, of course, Sere especially.  Everything is a battle of wills with her and she still drags Sari right along with her into the thick of things.  If anyone asks, I'm telling them she learned her stubbornness from you!  Still sweet as can be though, even when they're being rotten you just can't help but adore them... it's going to be brutal when they start wanting money instead of 'tandies'.  I'm pretty sure I'll always be helpless against their power of cuteness!

    I don't think we'll have to worry as much about that with Clair though.  She's such a good girl, and so mature for her age!  Oh, she's just so beautiful... if you could see her in one of her cute little school outfits you would just melt.  Oh yeah, that's right, she's in Preschool now!  Her teacher says she's the smartest in her class... of course Mommy is the teacher, but I don't think it's just bias.  She's so smart and talented.  She seems to have a knack for art too, yet another thing you were right about.  She's still a little... reserved like she used to be, but that's not so surprising given her early childhood.  She's getting there, though, and I have full confidence that she's going to grow up to be an incredible woman.  Speaking of which, that's the cute little nickname that Trish has given her: 'Woman'.  It's so adorable!

    She cries for you sometimes...  We'll find her in the living room looking at your Urn on the mantle, sobbing away.  She was so young, but she still remembers all that you did to make her feel welcome to the family.  The twins do it with her sometimes, even if they don't fully understand why, they know that they loved you deeply.  It's the single most touching thing I've ever seen.  You left such a deep impression on everyone in your life... it warms my heart to know how well you'll always be remembered.

    Trish... she's a godsend.  After the disasters with Angelia and Sandy, losing the baby, the paralysis... and losing you... I never thought I would, or even could find somebody again.  No... that's not quite right... I simply wouldn't have dared to try.  The woman I loved more than anyone was dying and I thought my heart had suffered too much to ever open up to someone again.  I knew right away what you were trying to do when you asked Trish to stay with us for your last few months.  I don't even think you really tried to hide it.  To tell you the truth, I was only going to go along with it for a while to make you feel better.  I was so certain my heart would be closed off for good after you left my life... and then she kissed me.

    Little did either of us know, but our sweet little 'Blondie' had made plans of her own.  We had always done our best to make her feel like part of the family, never quite realizing that she already was.  She told me that you were the only person that she loved more than me and that she would take care of me when you were gone... and that she needed me to do the same for her.  I thought I was lost to love forever... and yet there it was.  I kissed her...

    I won't lie, we had a few early relationship difficulties.  Most of them my fault... I still feel unsure of myself at times.  My heart, though not as serious as it once was, is still wounded from the life I've lived.  I tend to bury myself in work when I worry about our relationship and that just causes her to worry too.  I've gotten a lot better at it though, and we work through our problems together like we should.  I feel we're off to a wonderful start towards the rest of our lives.  Although... there has been one big issue that has weighed more heavily than the others.  It's something that's taken me an entire year of long hard thought to truly settle on, but Trish and I are finally in full agreement... we're going to have a baby!  We've set the final appointment for today, the 17th... honoring the passing of precious life with the creation of a new one...

    I think that's just about everything I'd like to tell you right now.  I'm sure I'll have more to say next year, so for now I'll leave you with this.

    You'll never be far from our minds, Kasumi... and you'll always be in our hearts.

                         Love always,            


[End notes:

I'm not looking for any comments regarding spelling or grammer, and I probably won't be responding unless you specifically ask a question.  I feel they would be better left as your own thoughts this way.

I just thought it would be something sweet to do for her and give this community a little place to post their respects.  If you have any fond memories of her or would just like to post your thoughts then feel free to.  All I ask is that you please be respectful.

Thank you...


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