Story: BOUND (chapter 6)

Authors: Handj

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Chapter 6

A/N: This chapter earns an M rating so you readers are warned!

Once again thanks to mystiquefour…but I’m too lazy to edit my previous work Mistique!!! (hu-hu-hu-hu)



Chapter 6

“WHAT?!” every ninja in the room, except Shizune asked with wide eyes.

“Are you all deaf? I said the baby Ino is carrying is not Sasuke’s. Isn’t that English enough for all of you?!” Tsunade said frowning.

“We heard you right, so what do you mean by it?” Sakura asked in bewilderment, “I mean, there couldn’t be anyone who could father the baby! I mean there’s no one with Sasuke which means the blood mixed to the fertility gel must be his!” Sakura’s voice rose, “Plus, why would Sasuke threaten Ino if it’s not his baby in there?!”

Tsunade frowned, “No one told me about him threatening Ino.” She faced the still stunned blonde ninja, “Care to explain Ino?”

The blonde ninja tried her hardest to compose herself, Oh Kami, if this baby is not Sasuke’s then whose baby is this I’m carrying?! Ino took a deep breath and exhaled, “I don’t think it was a real threat, I mean he only said he’ll be watching me.” Ino looked at the Hokage then at Sakura, “I don’t think he meant to threaten me,”

The Hokage silently consider the information, about a minute pass when she finally sighed and spoke, “I’m sure if there’s anyone who knew whose blood was mixed into that gel, it would be Sasuke, I don’t think he would waste making such a threat if he didn’t.”

Ino looked at Sakura worriedly and then at the Hokage, “So you really think it was a threat?”

The Hokage and Shizune nodded.

“Do you have any idea why of all the experiments by Orochimaru, Sasuke was interested in only one? And it’s the fertility gel.” Tsunade asked no one in particular but she was looking at the blonde kunoichi.

Everyone in the room, again except Shizune shook their heads no.

“Very well…” Tsunade leaned forward, clasped her hands together and rested her elbows on the table. She then rests her chin on that said clasped hands. “We all know that Sasuke is the last of the Uchiha.” She said eyeing everyone but Sai. “He went with Orochimaru to gain more strength and avenge not only his family but his entire clan by killing Itachi, his brother.” Tsunade stopped and keep on eyeing everyone. “Now, Sasuke is a very intelligent man, so for sure, he found out about Orochimaru’s experiment. After succeeding in killing Itachi, his next goal is to once again propagate his clan, and the best way to do it is to seed a woman of his choosing.”

“So why not do it the usual way? Why steal the fertility gel?” Kiba asked, “It doesn’t make any sense to me.”

Tsunade grinned, “No human is perfect. Sasuke almost got everything but I guess, and I mean it is just a wild guess…”


“He is not into women.” Tsunade

Everyone including Shizune face faulted.

“What? Could anyone of you give a reason why Sasuke chose to propagate his genes through the fertility gel rather than the usual and most effective way? He could have abducted Yamanaka and she can’t do anything about it, rape her and keep her until she gives birth to their child…or children if he decides to have not just one.” Tsunade looked at Ino who paled, “Well that is of course if Ino is against it…you know…”

Sakura’s eyes were wide, yes, he could abduct Ino and Ino can’t fight back! He was able to kill Orochimaru. Jiraiya and Tsunade-sama even had a hard time subduing him! She then looked at the paled face Ino, Oh my God Ino, what have you gotten yourself into?

“So is there any other reason you could think of?”

Shikamaru scowled, “Well it could be that after all the changing that was done to his body, he became so warped he cannot produce heir the usual way anymore?”

Tsunade smiled at Shikamaru, “I’ve thought of that too but…”

“Hm?” Shizune

“I like to think it my way, so it’s either he’s gay or he’s just chicken and inexperience!” Tsunade said cheerily. And everyone face faulted again.

“So he could have mixed a DNA from someone…” Sakura looked at the Hokage, “…is it possible for the fertility gel to absorb 2 sets of DNA from both male donors and still form human life?” she asked.

Tsunade grinned, “So you’re convinced that he must be gay?”

“Please answer me Tsunade-sama,”


Then Sakura turned to the men inside, “Where is Naruto?!”

Everyone in the room looked at her in bewilderment.

“If Sasuke wanted to rebuild his clan, he’ll be choosing a very strong man or woman to mix with his blood. Who else in here does Sasuke respect for being as strong as he is?” Sakura asked and everyone got what she means, “So it may not be that he is gay, but he wanted a strong offspring. His blood and Naruto’s blood together, doesn’t that spell POWER?”

Sai looked at Sakura, “Come to think of it, we were training that afternoon before the incident happened.”

Sakura looked at Tsunade again, “Do you have Naruto’s DNA sample?”

Tsunade sighed in defeat, “We were trying hard to tag Naruto’s DNA. But the blood decomposes a minute after it was mix with anything. We all think that it has something to do with Kyuubi, so I’m afraid to say, we can’t document Naruto’s DNA.”

“What? You mean I get to carry this child thinking Naruto is the father?!” Ino asked alarmed.

“Well…unless we could find Sasuke and beat the truth out of him then yes, I’m afraid it’ll do for the meantime.”

Find Sasuke and let him know?…I don’t think that’s safe for Ino. What if he decides to keep the baby? Then he really could abduct Ino! No! I can’t let that happen! Sakura thought before she heard the Hokage dismissing them.


Yamanaka Ino looked at Sakura who was walking beside her quietly, she bumped Sakura’s arm with hers causing the pink haired woman to look at her, “You’re unusually quiet,” she said smiling, “You know you don’t have to walk me home, I could…”

Sakura shook her head no, “I know, I don’t have to, but I want to.” She looked at Ino who smiled sweetly at her.

They walk in comfortable silence which was broken once again by Ino, “So what are you thinking? I mean you being quiet means you’re thinking about something right?”

Sakura smiled and nodded her head, “Yeah…well…”


“I’m thinking a lot…a lot about what the Hokage told us.”

Ino walked faster and turned around and walked backwards so she’s facing Sakura while talking, “So you thinking about this…” she touched her still flat abdomen, “…being Naruto’s instead of Sasuke?”

Sakura frowned, “Get back here and don’t walk like that, you might trip and you can’t do anything about it if you’re walking backwards!” Sakura said, anger and worry in her voice.

Ino raised her hands in surrender then returned to her previous position, “Don’t get angry, I just want to see your face, that’s all!” Ino said a bit sad.

Sakura sighed, looked at Ino and smiled, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout at you.” She made another sigh, “I was actually thinking about Sasuke abducting you, you know…Tsunade-sama was right, if he really wanted you he could get you and there’s no way you can’t fight him. You’ll always end up losing.” She said sadly.

Ino was touched, Is Sakura worried that it might have happened? She really worried about me? “Well, I’ll always have Shika, Chouji…I’m sure Naruto and Sai will not go down without a fight…”

Sakura was waiting for Ino to say her name when seconds pass without her saying it, she glared at the smiling woman

“You’ll be there too Sakura, I know we may not be best friends anymore, but deep in my heart I know you’ll always be there to back me up.” Ino said with bright eyes.

Sakura smiled, “Damn right I am!” she said cheerfully.


Uzumaki Naruto just finished his 5th serving from the Ichiraku Ramen House; he paid his due and started stretching out. He was getting ready to start his afternoon with a simple training with Sai. With Sakura getting busier at the hospital, and Sasuke away for good, he has no recourse but to turn to Sai who is now his team mate, and in a way his friend. He yawned widely and was about to stretch his shoulders when he found himself slumped on the ground, his back hitting the wall 50 meters from where Ichiraku was located.

Naruto shook his head and look up to see who dares beat the great Uzumaki Naruto…only to find out that it was no other than… “Sakura-chan? Oi! What did I do this time?!”


Sakura and Ino fell into a silent walk then green eyes fell on Ichiraku Ramen House and an orange garbed ninja that was currently stretching out. It wasn’t Sakura’s intention to boil inside, but she has no recourse but to pass Ichiraku since Ino’s apartment is located on a building next to it, and the site of Naruto who everyone thought to have fathered Ino’s baby stretching without a care to the world…no…without a care to Ino’s sufferings was just too good to start her blood from boiling.

Sakura’s face scrunched as she watched the stretching ninja, and this did not go unnoticed by Ino, “Sakura come on let’s go, I have a nice movie I like for us to watch…” Ino’s words were cut by Sakura shoving her lightly to the side and the pink haired medical ninja striding purposefully towards the unsuspecting fox ninja. She cocked her right arm and before Naruto could see his fist coming, it already connected.


“What did I do now Sakura-chan!” Naruto whined as he returned to where he was, and to where a boiling Sakura and a wide eyed Ino were standing.

Sakura pointed a finger at him, “You! Of all people why you?!!!”

Naruto’s brow met and he was nursing his bruised face when he stood still, “Me? What about me?” he asked innocently

“YOU! You fathered Ino’s baby!” Sakura yelled at him.


Ino winced… ohhhh, that doesn’t sound right…


Hinata’s eyes were wide as soon as the news reached her. She was stunned to stillness and nothing her sister Hanabi do that can get her out of her state. That’s how Hinata looked when Kiba found her in her house’s garden.

“It wasn’t Naruto’s fault. It was all Sasuke’s.” He said before sitting beside the stunned princess. Hinat turned her gray eyes on the dog ninja, her face asking him to repeat what he’d just said, “It’s not yet proven, but we all deduced that Sasuke took Naruto’s blood and mix it with the gel and he was planning on mixing his blood to it so he could create the most powerful ninja clan, but the accident happened…” Kiba tried to read the Hyuga princess’ expression.

“So no…nothing happened…nothing happened…between him …him and Ino?” she stammered.

“Yes.” Kiba frowned, why the hell am I defending Naruto. I should be glad this happen because that means my chance of being with Hinata just increased, so why the hell am I doing this?! “Puhlease, as if Naruto knows what to do in bed anyway!”

At the explanation, Hinata smiled.

Oh yeah…that’s why, it seems I’ll do anything to see her smile like that.

“You mean it?” Hinata asked timidly.

“Yes, besides it’s just a hunch. For the mean time while the Hokage and Shizune-san works on a way on how to tag Naruto’s DNA, Ino should assume that the baby’s father is Naruto…not Sasuke.”

Hinata nodded and Kiba got the shock of his life when Hinata leaned to him and hugged him, “Thank you.” She said

“Heh,” well that’s a nice incentive, “I think you should see him right now. I’m not sure what’s with Haruno, but he punched the living day light out of him when they met at Ichiraku.” He said grinning at Hinata.

“Oh! He is hurt…I…” Hinata said pushing Kiba away softly and standing up, “I should go then, is he in his apartment?”

Kiba smiled, “The last time I heard, he let himself be admitted in the hospital.”

Hinata winced, “That bad huh?”

Kiba shook his head no, “I think his reason was that, Sakura could never lay a hand on him while he is in the hospital premise.”

“Oh…he really is good.” Hinata said in her usual dreamy-worship tone when speaking about Naruto.

“Heh…yeah,” Kiba said rolling his eyes.


(That night…Sakura’s apartment)

She was panting, her legs were shaking, she was running as fast as she could but she feels like she’s not going to make it on time, she needs to get to her faster…she needs her! Green eyes found the building she was aiming for and the feeling of dread intensified.

She kicked the door open to see blue eyes, tear filled and pained looking at her as monster Sasuke thrust inside her wildly, he was groaning like an animal as he pound on Ino, the blonde kunoichi crying in pain, her eyes begging for her to save her…

Sakura hurriedly stepped closer to stop Sasuke from what he was doing but suddenly, the two were engulfed in darkness and slowly they disappear, and no matter how hard Sakura tried to reach them, she can’t…

Sakura awakened with a gasp. She was sweating hard and she could still clearly see Ino being raped by Sasuke then being abducted, “No…”


Ino was awakened by the hurried and loud knocking of her apartment door. So with a groan she stood up from her bed and angrily went to answer the door, but not after she looked at her watch to see that it was 2:00 am, this better be good or I’m going to give this funk a hell!!! Ino thought murder as she stepped closer to her door and then yanking the door open, “What the hell…” Ino was cut when she was tackled by a pink haired kunoichi to the ground, “Sa…Sakura?”

“INO!” Sakura cried while she was still buried on the taller woman’s arms

“Sakura what happened?”

No answer, instead the shorter woman continued on crying on her arms. Ino stroke the smaller woman’s back until the sobs died down and the pink haired woman started sniffling occasionally.

“Okay…let’s start all over again, what happened Sakura?”

Green eyes met blue when Sakura raised her head, “No…nothing!” she said before she pushed herself away from Ino, she was about to get out of the house but Ino stopped her by holding on to her hand. The taller woman was still on the ground,

“It’s not nothing, you wouldn’t come here crying like that for nothing at this time of day.”

Sakura winced after looking at the clock to see that indeed it was an ungodly time of the day, “Sorry.” She said.

Ino shook her head and with the use of Sakura’s still trapped hand in hers, she pulled herself up. “Close the damn door Sakura and follow me to the living room and don’t you think about escaping on me! You woke me up at this hour so I deserve an explanation.”

Sakura bowed her head and meekly nodded. She closed the door and followed the blonde woman to the living room. The two women sat at the large green couch. Ino looked at the pink haired woman, waiting for her story or explanation but Sakura is not talking, “I’m waiting Sakura.”

Still no answer

“Sakura, I’m tired, I had troubles earlier, I’m already swamped with problems I don’t think I should have and I’m pregnant with ‘probably’ Naruto’s baby, so please…please don’t add to it.”


“Don’t you say that word again Sakura! If you really are sorry then tell me why you are here looking like a whipped puppy!” Ino said a bit angry.

“I’m so-“

“I said!”



“Sakura!” Ino was about to stand but was halted when Sakura suddenly embraced her, “Sakura?” Ino was worried when she felt the woman trembling, “Come on Sakura, you’re scaring me, what happened to you?”

“You…you got raped…and…”


“Sasuke…he raped you and…and I was late…and…and he took you…and I was there…and I can’t do anything Ino!” Sakura said and she started crying once again.

Oh my…was what Sakura saying a dream? I don’t think Sakura has the power to see the future! “Sakura come on look at me!” Ino said and Sakura looked up her face, “I’m here, I’m fine and for your information, the baby could be Naruto’s but it’s never going to be Sasuke’s, okay?”

Sakura nodded her head, her eyes red from crying and her body still trembling. Ino returned the embrace and starts stroking the smaller woman’s back once again and it helped soothe the pink haired woman’s nerve.

“Sakura?” Ino called out when Sakura quieted down. Sakura still have her arms around Ino and vice versa,

“Hm?” Sakura’s voice was becoming deeper

“You don’t have any premonition are you?” Ino asked not worried, but teasing. Sakura shook her head no and it was felt by Ino who has her arms wound around the smaller woman. “Sakura?”

“Hm?” Sakura’s voice was so soft Ino almost didn’t hear it

“Do you think you could get up so we could at least go to my room and sleep?” Once again, Sakura shook her head no. “Just as I thought.” She looked down at the now peaceful face of Sakura who she guessed fell asleep on her and smiled, “So I can’t lure you with an ice cream?” No answer, “Thought so…” then she looked around, “Jeez, good thing this couch was comfortable and big.” She said to no one but herself before she dragged Sakura’s lit body with her and she lied down comfortably without letting go of the pink haired woman, “It’s as if this opportunity will come by knocking at my door again…” she said smiling down at the sleeping woman in her arms. She leaned in and kissed Sakura’s forehead, “Glad you have a wide one Sakura,” she whispered.

-End Chapter 6-

A/N: Sorry about the rape scene…it’s not real anyway and it brought them closer.

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