"Hey Emilana!!" "Hm?" I look up from my garden bed to see Domilta running fervently toward me -and my garden- at full pace. I feel a small panic rise. shes gonna trample my seedlings!! "No, no, nooo!!!" I step over the garden bed holding out my arms to protect my newly planted babies. "Domilta watch out!" Your eyes widen and you try to stop. But too late I can see this. I ready myself for the impact and catch you in my arms as you crash into me. I twist my foot and try to fall away from my seedlings. Instead I find gravity pulling me down onto my dearly air-headed Domilta in replacement of my intended action. "Euugh…ow." I grit my teeth and open one of my closed eyes. "What are you doing?"
"hmmm…?" I raise my body a little putting most of my weight on my arms, yet otherwise remaining atop of the smaller woman beneath me. My breath catches ever so slightly as you look up at me with warm chestnut eyes. "W-well, I had good news an-" You make the battle of not kissing your lips oh so very hard as you glance away and slowly, as if it seems, almost deliberately bite the lower one between straight white teeth. I take a breath.
"Ok," I allow my hand the pleasure of running through your soft brown locks of hair. And I resist the urge to shiver. "What is the news then? So important to send you crashing into me, hey?" A smile tugs at my lips.
"Th-the court order," I feel your body react so slightly to our position and let my hand tuck long strands of your hair behind your ear. My eyes never leaving your face. My smile, as always leaving me as I feel you beneath me. My every fibre of mental composition focused on you. "It finally went through. I mean… Mateus, because I'm with you…he gets the house….and nearly everything," Your eyes left mine even before Mateus's name had left your plump little lips and I felt a small lump form in the back of my throat. You continue on your eyes glancing daringly up at mine. As they often did within our year of secret moments at the small hotel of solace. "But, that doesn't matter. Cause as of today I'm a free woman." You end the sentence with a smile as your confidence strengthens.
"You," I lean forward deliberately, restraining myself as best I can as I bring my face closer to yours. "Are not," my lips curves to a crooked smile as I hear your breath quicken slightly in anticipation to my closeness. "A," closer. You stay so still as my lips hover only just above yours. "Free woman." The distance is closed and my lips cover yours. Your mouth feels hot against mine and I relish in your familiar taste. We are lost in the kiss for some time and I feel your warm hand caressing my body pulling me closer and hear you moan beneath me. When we stop you let a small laugh out and giggle as I move and caress your throat with a tender kiss.
"I love you so very much Emiliana." A whole year. Of you telling me that. And still I feel my insides twist and my body shudders so slightly at the words passing from your lips. Said in your harmonious soft voice. I look down at you and smile. Once those three words, so mysterious and strange would scare me. They'd grip my chest tightly and close up my throat. But I know their meaning now. And I smile and roll over pulling you atop of me. You laugh and I smile happily with a big grin set upon my pale features.
"And I love you." I gnaw at my tongue slightly and avoid your beautiful eyes. "I-I love you so much Domilta." My nerves of steel are shattered and shy now I fiddle with the hem of your shirt. COME ON! I think to myself. Get it together I feel your small body shift above mine and hear your soft bubbly laugh as you lean forward and nudge gently at my cheek with your nose. I gather strength from the feel of your sweet breath against my cheek. But confidence is stolen once again when your mouth moves from my cheek to my ear and I feel the wet sensation of the tip of your tongue running lightly along it. My body shudders and I kick my head back and clench my teeth against the pain of my head hitting the hard ground. O lord, you are such a tease woman! My chest rise and falls and I can feel you smile as your lips and tongue nuzzle the base of my neck. I groan and my hands, as though suddenly possessed evade the borderline of your shirt running along your smooth skin and feeling the curve of your back. Elated by my touch your mouth leaves my jaw and moaning my name softly your mouth comes to contact with mine, your tongue gaining easy access to my mouth sliding eagerly in. We kiss passionately and I find myself pulling you closer. Enjoying the feel of you and your hands against my body. Wanting more. We both breathe hard as you break the kiss and put your head back and catch your breath. I feel my heart pound and –surely blushing- I avoid looking for I am sure I will ravish you if I do. I close my eyes and try to think. But all there is, is you. Your body on mine. There is nothing but that. Nothing else matters. Your gentle small hand caresses my cheek and I dare to look up at you once again. Your face is flushed red and your mouth is so slightly parted. And I feel my entire body shudder on the inside and my lips quaver slightly giving away my feeling. You read me like an open book and I see you smile to the side.
"Hmmm, maybe we should go inside?" You say seductively with slanted eyes. I swallow and feel my muscles tighten as I try to stop the quiver.
"B-but...my seedlings." You sit up, your hands resting against my stomach and head to one side.
"Can't they wait...?" I gulp inwardly and look away. God damn! You are so evil. I swear you know exactly how to work me. You did on our first meeting. And all the time you are knowing exactly how to get under my skin.
"I-it's the first day of spring..." I mumble. "I-I always plant on the first day." "hm." I look up and see that you're biting your lip again and your brow is furrowed in thought. "Bu-but...if you want ...umm," I take a breath. "We could go inside." I smile trying to come across as indifferent. "After all today is the first day of the rest of our lives together." I see you smile and you get up and give me a hand up as well. Our hands stay adjoined as we walk to our home. The garden bed forgotten...just for this day...