“I love you” You whisper to me as we lay in the folds of my bed warm and comfortable with each other in the perfectly small bed.
If your back were not against me then you may have seen my eyes light up with a fear...
Ice grips my chest as I hold you closer to me. Don’t say that. For I do not know what it is, don’t tell me you love me. But instead tell me what it is. What is this ‘love’ is it the warmth of your body against mine as we share secret moments? What is it Domitila? My dear one. Can’t you tell me? I bring my lips to your ear...Should I ask?
I laugh silently in my head and smirk at myself. How foolish. Of course I cannot. For even though I do not know what this ‘love’ is I know at least that it is important. And people are always searching for it. And if this dear girl in my arms feels this strong and true feeling for me what else can I say but;
“I love you too.”
This seems to appease you. For you snuggle deeper into my arms and just before you drift away to sleep you murmur in a voice barely above a whisper “I love you Emiliana...”
And though you sleep I lay awake for some time listening to each of your breaths. And thinking of how lucky I must be to have your love.