Story: .Don't_Say_You_Love_Me. (all chapters)
Authors: ALLjapan
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Chapter 1
Title: LOVE
“I love you” You whisper to me as we lay in the folds of my bed warm and comfortable with each other in the perfectly small bed.
If your back were not against me then you may have seen my eyes light up with a fear...
Ice grips my chest as I hold you closer to me. Don’t say that. For I do not know what it is, don’t tell me you love me. But instead tell me what it is. What is this ‘love’ is it the warmth of your body against mine as we share secret moments? What is it Domitila? My dear one. Can’t you tell me? I bring my lips to your ear...Should I ask?
I laugh silently in my head and smirk at myself. How foolish. Of course I cannot. For even though I do not know what this ‘love’ is I know at least that it is important. And people are always searching for it. And if this dear girl in my arms feels this strong and true feeling for me what else can I say but;
“I love you too.”
This seems to appease you. For you snuggle deeper into my arms and just before you drift away to sleep you murmur in a voice barely above a whisper “I love you Emiliana...”
And though you sleep I lay awake for some time listening to each of your breaths. And thinking of how lucky I must be to have your love.
[End notes: just something short and sweet for you all...]
Chapter 2
Title: Love On A Spring Day
"Hey Emilana!!" "Hm?" I look up from my garden bed to see Domilta running fervently toward me -and my garden- at full pace. I feel a small panic rise. shes gonna trample my seedlings!! "No, no, nooo!!!" I step over the garden bed holding out my arms to protect my newly planted babies. "Domilta watch out!" Your eyes widen and you try to stop. But too late I can see this. I ready myself for the impact and catch you in my arms as you crash into me. I twist my foot and try to fall away from my seedlings. Instead I find gravity pulling me down onto my dearly air-headed Domilta in replacement of my intended action. "Euugh…ow." I grit my teeth and open one of my closed eyes. "What are you doing?"
"hmmm…?" I raise my body a little putting most of my weight on my arms, yet otherwise remaining atop of the smaller woman beneath me. My breath catches ever so slightly as you look up at me with warm chestnut eyes. "W-well, I had good news an-" You make the battle of not kissing your lips oh so very hard as you glance away and slowly, as if it seems, almost deliberately bite the lower one between straight white teeth. I take a breath.
"Ok," I allow my hand the pleasure of running through your soft brown locks of hair. And I resist the urge to shiver. "What is the news then? So important to send you crashing into me, hey?" A smile tugs at my lips.
"Th-the court order," I feel your body react so slightly to our position and let my hand tuck long strands of your hair behind your ear. My eyes never leaving your face. My smile, as always leaving me as I feel you beneath me. My every fibre of mental composition focused on you. "It finally went through. I mean… Mateus, because I'm with you…he gets the house….and nearly everything," Your eyes left mine even before Mateus's name had left your plump little lips and I felt a small lump form in the back of my throat. You continue on your eyes glancing daringly up at mine. As they often did within our year of secret moments at the small hotel of solace. "But, that doesn't matter. Cause as of today I'm a free woman." You end the sentence with a smile as your confidence strengthens.
"You," I lean forward deliberately, restraining myself as best I can as I bring my face closer to yours. "Are not," my lips curves to a crooked smile as I hear your breath quicken slightly in anticipation to my closeness. "A," closer. You stay so still as my lips hover only just above yours. "Free woman." The distance is closed and my lips cover yours. Your mouth feels hot against mine and I relish in your familiar taste. We are lost in the kiss for some time and I feel your warm hand caressing my body pulling me closer and hear you moan beneath me. When we stop you let a small laugh out and giggle as I move and caress your throat with a tender kiss.
"I love you so very much Emiliana." A whole year. Of you telling me that. And still I feel my insides twist and my body shudders so slightly at the words passing from your lips. Said in your harmonious soft voice. I look down at you and smile. Once those three words, so mysterious and strange would scare me. They'd grip my chest tightly and close up my throat. But I know their meaning now. And I smile and roll over pulling you atop of me. You laugh and I smile happily with a big grin set upon my pale features.
"And I love you." I gnaw at my tongue slightly and avoid your beautiful eyes. "I-I love you so much Domilta." My nerves of steel are shattered and shy now I fiddle with the hem of your shirt. COME ON! I think to myself. Get it together I feel your small body shift above mine and hear your soft bubbly laugh as you lean forward and nudge gently at my cheek with your nose. I gather strength from the feel of your sweet breath against my cheek. But confidence is stolen once again when your mouth moves from my cheek to my ear and I feel the wet sensation of the tip of your tongue running lightly along it. My body shudders and I kick my head back and clench my teeth against the pain of my head hitting the hard ground. O lord, you are such a tease woman! My chest rise and falls and I can feel you smile as your lips and tongue nuzzle the base of my neck. I groan and my hands, as though suddenly possessed evade the borderline of your shirt running along your smooth skin and feeling the curve of your back. Elated by my touch your mouth leaves my jaw and moaning my name softly your mouth comes to contact with mine, your tongue gaining easy access to my mouth sliding eagerly in. We kiss passionately and I find myself pulling you closer. Enjoying the feel of you and your hands against my body. Wanting more. We both breathe hard as you break the kiss and put your head back and catch your breath. I feel my heart pound and –surely blushing- I avoid looking for I am sure I will ravish you if I do. I close my eyes and try to think. But all there is, is you. Your body on mine. There is nothing but that. Nothing else matters. Your gentle small hand caresses my cheek and I dare to look up at you once again. Your face is flushed red and your mouth is so slightly parted. And I feel my entire body shudder on the inside and my lips quaver slightly giving away my feeling. You read me like an open book and I see you smile to the side.
"Hmmm, maybe we should go inside?" You say seductively with slanted eyes. I swallow and feel my muscles tighten as I try to stop the quiver.
" seedlings." You sit up, your hands resting against my stomach and head to one side.
"Can't they wait...?" I gulp inwardly and look away. God damn! You are so evil. I swear you know exactly how to work me. You did on our first meeting. And all the time you are knowing exactly how to get under my skin.
"I-it's the first day of spring..." I mumble. "I-I always plant on the first day." "hm." I look up and see that you're biting your lip again and your brow is furrowed in thought. "Bu-but...if you want ...umm," I take a breath. "We could go inside." I smile trying to come across as indifferent. "After all today is the first day of the rest of our lives together." I see you smile and you get up and give me a hand up as well. Our hands stay adjoined as we walk to our home. The garden bed forgotten...just for this day...
Chapter 3
Title: Lovers Anniversary
You enter our small but appeasing living room with a bottle of red wine in one hand and two elegant glasses in your other. You smile at me with perfect straight teeth and I smile kindly back. We both want the same thing and we both know that we will have what we want. Yet even with such knowledge and though neither of us find it necessary; we follow through with the pleasantries of drinks and talk, in celebration of our fourth year anniversary.You sit on the couch beside me and pass me an empty glass. “And this…” You say as you pour red wine into my glass. “…Is in celebration…” You continue as you pour a similar amount into your own glass. “…To…” You put the wine bottle onto the coffee table and smile dazzlingly at me with cheeky brown eyes. “…Us.” You chink your wines’ glass against my own and we both let out a small laugh at the very short speech. I sip my wine and my eyes cannot help themselves as they roam across your luscious body, as if for the first time. Perfect curves, light tanned skin. Skin so smooth that one cannot help but wonder, whether that skin had maybe once belonged to a goddess…I feel my lips curve into a smile as I force the attention of my eyes back to your face. I see recognition in your eyes as if you knew what was on my mind. You flick soft locks of brown hair away from your face and take a second sip of your wine, watching me from over the top of the glass. Eyes dancing in the low lighting from the living room fire.“That’s a very nice dress you are wearing tonight.” I make the very first comment which had started our entire relationship and look at you with a sideward glance through slanted eyes. You catch on quickly to my game and flutter long eyelashes at me putting your head to the side as you bite plump red lips. “Really?”“Oh yes, it really makes you stand out.” I take a drink of my wine and turn my head back to you.“Oh, this old thing?” you stroke the red material crossing your legs so that the dress stretches across what were obviously very fine thighs.I smile enough to show my teeth, allowing my eyes the pleasure to slowly travel from your slightly exposed thigh, along your body and up to your face. I look into your eyes as I answer. “Old? That doesn’t look old…It looks fresh, vibrant.”I can see your eyes dancing as you put down your glass while never letting your eyes leave mine. “Are you flirting with me…?”I laugh nonchalantly.The game is paused as you laugh with me. “I can’t believe that you actually asked that!”“Ha! Hey, hey don’t laugh at me Emillianna. It was my first night at a gay bar.”I stifle my laughter and look at your face. You cover your mouth for a moment as you smile and then place it down into your lap.“Well my love what did you expect, hmnnn? You were far too gorgeous a woman to avoid at least some flirtation.”I watch as your cheeks flush red and you break eye contact just for a moment.“Are you flirting with me?”The game is back on. I recompose myself and cock an eyebrow at you.“Why do you ask?”“Well, I don’t yet even know what your name is?”“Emiliana. Now may I flirt with you?”We have another laugh and I have a little more of my wine before placing it onto the coffee table beside your own empty glass.“Don’t you want to know my name dear stranger?”“Okay then.”“Okay what?”“What is your name?”You give me the smallest of smiles. “Domilta.”“Hmnn, and would you like to dance my dear lady?”You pause for a moment then frown at me. “That isn’t what happened.”I laugh and stand up walking over to a small CD player and switch it on. Spanish music plays a soft melody. I turn to you and bow reaching my hand out towards your sitting form. “Will you have this dance?”I feel soft fingertips caress my hand as you accept my offer. I straighten my back and lead you over nearer to the warm crackling of the fire. I place one hand at your waist and pull you in close. “I know this is not what happened.” I smile at you and hold your hand up as you place your other hand upon my shoulder. “But who said things need to be relived to the exact detail.”“Hmmm,” You smile and place your head complacently upon my shoulder. “True words Emillianna. True words my love.” With me in the lead we dance through two songs waltzing around the living room floor on the thick blue Persian rug we had bought last Fall. As we begin to sway through a slow paced song my hand at your waist slips and my fingers affectionately squeeze your plump behind. I hear you gasp and feel you arch forward in surprise and I lean my head into the nook of your neck pressing my lips against soft skin. I decide to be a good girl and run my hand back up to your waist and smirk.“Emiliana.” You say my name with your luminous voice sighing as your press your small soft body against mine.‘I take this as an invitation to further my advances.’Pulling you in close I run my hand back down your waist then run it along your thigh, lifting your leg so that it is at my waist. My other hand moves to your face tilting your chin so that you are facing up to me with eyes fading I lean forward and envelope your lips with a kiss so tender as you pull yourself closer to me. My eyes drift shut at the pleasurable sensation of your lips so soft and body pressed firmly to mine. Your leg slides down my own and with hands searching our lips are separated as you run your hands over my coat unfastening the buttons and pulling it off. My arms slip easily out and I watch you as I hear the coat being dropped to the floor behind me, you bring your hands around my waist taking hold of my tucked in shirt and pulling me close again. You look up at me with innocent brown eyes, a smile so faint on your lips with rosy red cheeks. “Oh how I am fortunate that I have you my dear Domilta.” I say in a whisper while stroking your cheek with my open hand.I shiver as you smile and your hands travel up my shirt to the buttons at the top. I keep my eyes locked on yours as you slowly begin to unbutton the shirt. We are so close. I hear you breathing and feel each breath warm on my skin. As you reach the bottom you untuck the neat clothing and you seem to marvel at my body before slowly moving your small hands up my smooth midsection over my breasts and to my shoulders. Your hands under the neck of my shirt, you squeeze my shoulders gently with your fingers before feeling me…sliding your hands over and down my arms slipping the shirt off with the simple motion. You lean forward and I breathe in your scent and taste your lips as we share another kiss. I lift you up against me and lower us to the warmth of the floor in front of the fire. Still kissing you I reach over to where I had put a rug.Our lips separate for yet another moment, “W-wait a sec.” I grasp the rug and lay it under us to act as an extra cushion beneath us. After a bit of moving around, the rug was layed beneath us and there was a short silence as the fire crackled warm beside us.“Hmmn, you were prepared…”I take a glance at your laughing brown eyes with an expressionless face. I knew you would tease; I was prepared for it. I pause for a moment before climbing atop of you and smiling down to you. “…Heh, well one of us needed to be.”You laugh and I lean down and kiss you again shivering at your hands feeling up along my back and running themselves through my dark hair. Still with lips locked I roll over pulling you atop of me so that I can have better access to that dress which clung to your body in all the right places. No matter how much sex appeal that perfect dress had; it was an obstruction and hiding the beautiful perfection of your body. I slide my hands over the smoothness of your legs our tongues battling each other for supremacy. Neither it seems wishing to succumb to the other…I gasp and lose the battle of tongues as my hand slides higher up, only to realize you’re not wearing any underwear. I moan as you enter my mouth exploring it once again, as though for the first time. Feverish as I often get, your dress is taken off so fast that the kiss is just barely disturbed. My hands touch your skin and my breath is fast, pulse racing at the adrenaline coursing through me. I love how you whisper my name. How you moan and groan as my fingers feel and massage all the right areas. I kiss you, I taste you…and I make love to you. My fingers slide into you easily. I feel muscles tense; tight around my fingers as I slowly begin to pump into you. You hold me closer and whimper my name as I speed up and we both seem to shudder in harmony as your first orgasm rolls over you. Excited I bite into your shoulder as you call for me to speed up. The fire crackling behind us, sweat covers our bodies as I push further, harder…faster. “ ‘Milliana-ah~!” I let out a deep moan as you come into my hand and breathe heavily into your neck adorning your body with kisses. I hold you closer and pull back a little to see your face. Your face is red and flushes and some saliva which has slipped out of your mouth. Your breath is uneven and I lean forward and kiss your lips. Just a short sweet kiss and a breath…before I say with confidence; “I love you. My wife.”You laugh before pushing me over and sitting on top of me. “Hmnnn, oh I know that Emilliana.” You push some hair from your face before lying down beside me and snuggling into my arms. “Hmnn I know that.” You whisper almost to yourself. “And I love you. Emilliana. My one and only love.” You sigh and I know your smiling as we rest. Listening to the fire crackle. A least that is until….It is my turn to be loved…
Chapter 4
Title: Lovers_Anniversary:::part_2
It is my turn to be loved…
"Can you see us being together for another four years?"
"No." I sit beside you and take another drink of wine and wait for you to retaliate.
"What's that mean?"
I let out a chuckle and ignore your question. Instead I raise the glass to my lips for yet another drink.
"Emilliana." You laugh at me and knock the glass from my hand. "Woops."
The wine is spilled over me and the cup is to the floor. We both pause for a moment before collapsing onto one another and laughing. "Mnn, I'm sorry Emilliana. I made a mess."
"Don't worry Domilta." I chuckle. "Your air-headed manor is one of the things I love most about you."
"Oh! Really?"
"And what else do you love about me?" You ask pressing your body soft and warm against me.
I lose my tongue and take in a breath, pulling you into my arms. Kissing your temple…as I try to remember how to breathe.
"Well there is your laugh." I make a start at and infinite list.
I feel you smile against my neck, your breath tickling down my throat.
"What else?"
"Umn, I-" Tongue-tied. Curses to this confused, illogical and annoying manner you put me in. Curse how I cannot think straight with you around. That beautiful body, those enticing eyes that pull me in. That curve of the lips when you give off a cheeky smile. I cannot contain myself as I lift your chin and kiss your lips hard. I pull you close into my strong embrace. Careful not to squeeze too hard, but showing how I never want to let you go. I let out a moan as you flick your tongue in my mouth and run small, soft hands through my hair. I find it hard to breathe as the kiss slows. "Curse you." I murmur between another kiss. I mumble the phrase once or twice more between kisses and allow my hands to roam over your skin and feel the curve of your back, the muscles-so slight!-and your perfect shoulders that made me shiver when I ran my hands over them. "Oh Domilta, there is just too much, TOO MUCH."
You laugh at my words and kiss me again. "Yes, I think you've said that once or twice before." Your hand slips down, headed toward my pants.
"Th-then why ask?" I question.
"Hmnnnnn," you ponder, "because each time I ask I find out something new. You rarely say the same thing."
I feel my face burn and know that I am blushing, as only you can make me blush.
"Ah," you brush fingertips against my cheek and let out a slight laugh. "Look at that colour come to your cheeks Emilliana."
I look up at your brown eyes, smiling down at me in a teasing expression. There is a lump in my throat. I try to swallow. Forget to breathe. Close my eyes. Take a breath. My mouth-I know-is hanging agape as I take in another breath. Only to have a kiss. My chest heaves as your hand enters the boundary of my pants. My hips buck and you laugh into my mouth.
"You're too easy."
True. We both know all too well how easily a single touch from you can leave me. You work at my pants and underwear removing both garments and tossing them aside. You then lean forward and kiss my chest; only just above my heart. My heart that flutters at the feel of your lips brushing my skin.
Your lips leave my chest and instead; as you press yourself to me getting close you lay your lips on mine. You kiss me shortly before asking. "Yes Emilliana?" Knowing full well that I was not making any enquiry.
Saliva builds in my mouth and I swallow down hard and stiffen up clenching my jaw. "W-we will be."
"Mn-hmm" I nod my head. "For another four years."
"Yes. And then another four."
"Yes." I close my eyes. "I want to be with you forever. Even after death. I do not want any other."
You moan and kiss my mouth your tongue flicking into my mouth and pressing itself against my own. "Oh, you are so sweet Emilliana." You kiss me again and then again and slowly your kisses trail down my jaw to my neck. Down my neck to my left breast. You bite, kiss, lick. Tasting me. TEASING ME. I moan and run my hands through soft brown locks of hair. Pushing your mouth harder into my chest as you suckle on my breast. My right breast is not ignored. Your hand so petite, yet the perfect hand as it grasps and massages my small left breast. I moan and throw my head to the side as you pleasure both breasts. I know you're not finished. You kiss your way down my flat muscled stomach feeling your way down. You kiss my folds and my right leg shoots up as I try not to buck my hips with your head so close to my pelvis.
"Domilta." I moan your name in encouragement.
You don't answer in words. Instead you flick your tongue cautiously…hitting a pleasure spot and causing my hips to buck. You hold my hips down as your tongue delves into my hot centre. I feel your teeth against my skin as you push your mouth closer. I moan your name, my love and sometimes sentences that are incoherent. My body trembles and we both feel the energy as I begin to reach my peak. You pull your head out from in between my legs and your tongue is replaced by two fingers. You come up close o me as you message me and we share a kiss and my hips find a rhythm to your fingers and I hold you close as the speed increases. My breath is short, quick and interrupted by soft flurries of kisses. I shudder I moan my muscles are tight and I feel myself reaching the edge. I run my hands down your back pulling you closer, I feel the strain of your muscles, hear your breath and taste your lips. I let out a throaty groan and my muscles seize up as I come into your hand. My orgasm ripples through my body and I fell you lean over me kissing my neck my mouth. You take your hand out of me and run it up my body. And we both try to calm our rapid breaths.
"Domilta." I mumble.
"Yes. Emilliana."
"That…was perfect."
You lie atop of me and rest your head on my chest as I pull the rug over us.
"Yes. Its was." You answer simply. "Mnnn do you know why it was?"
"Because you are beautiful?"
"No," You answer and a velvety voice thickened by sleep. "It was because I love you."
I let out a laugh with what little breath I had and kiss the top of your head before laying my own head back and looking at the fire lit roof.
"Mnn you are so right Domilta." I close my eyes happy and content as I held you in my arms. "That is why it has always been so perfect. Because you love me. And I love you. That is all we need."
That is all anyone ever needs.
[End notes: part two of lovers anniversary]
Chapter 5
Title: when we first met....
I glance in confidence around the bar. It had been a while since I had come to this place. The music was pumping and I saw many people dashing about from one place to another. All laughing and drinking. Flirtatious behavior could be seen if you took a closer look. The majority were homosexual. I take a drink from my glass and close my eyes as I let the powerful liquor sit in my mouth before swallowing down and looking around again. Not all were homosexual I must say. Some were lost souls. Some were bi and I knew for a fact that there were a few heterosexuals too. They sometimes came from either curiosity, or maybe to get away from the straight bars and have a break…or sometimes; which was rare, they would come in accompaniment of a gay friend who didn’t want to come to the bar alone. I chuckled to myself and swung around in my chair to face the bar. In fact the last time that I came to this bar in particular I had met such a woman. At first I was interested in the straight girl. But upon finding out her orientation I had instead turned my attention on her friend. She wasn’t too hard to read. And had pretty features; I decided that she was a safe choice for m games. After some dancing and drinks and a bit of flirtation I had been able to swoon the lovely woman to my hotel that I always booked for the nights that I decided to go to the bar. She had been nervous at first, but obviously excited. It had been a fine night. Not one of the ones at the top of the list. Kind of ordinary. But still enjoyable…“Um…is this seat taken?”I look to my left disdainfully at first, at your voice. “Yeah, it’s…”My mind froze for a moment stalling at your figure as you stood nervously with a hand placed on the backing of the swivel stool beside me. You had long brown hair that had a wavy curve to it and wore a strapless evergreen dress that was longer then the dresses that I was used to but seemed to show off the sensuous curves of your waist and hips. “It is free.”“Thank-you.”You take a seat and look around for the bar tender. I look side long at your profile as you order a drink nervously from Noemi. I glance at Noemi with a twinkle in my eye. We share eye contact for a moment and before you have a moment to notice Noemi walks away to get your drink. “That’s a very nice dress you are wearing tonight.” I pick up my drink and look at you with a sideward glance through slanted eyes; giving myself a chance to look you over and hopefully start off a conversation. I see deep color rush to your cheeks and you brush some of your hair from you face in a nervous manor. “Really?” You laugh at nothing and I can see you swallow and asses me quickly with a very short glance.“Oh yes, it really makes you stand out.” I take a drink of my liquor and watch your reaction to my compliment. “I don’t think I know of anyone else who could pull off such a dress so well.” Maybe one or two of the regulars that I know. But both of them were already taken.“Oh, this old thing?” you stroke the mossy material and shuffle your feet and I take the opportunity to give my eyes the luxury of travelling over creamy legs and thick thighs. Not wishing to cause any discomfort I force my eyes from your luscious body and look directly at your eyes. But for the first time in years I found myself being the first one to break the eye-contact. Those eyes; they were a milky brown which were but a shade lighter than your hair. They seemed hypnotic and drew me into your soul.I smile inwardly at my nerves and turn to face you better as your drink is bought to the bar. “How much do I owe?” You ask Noemi.Before she can answer with a price I give her a smile showing all of my teeth. “Never mind it Noemi I’ll pay for it.”“Oh you don’t…”“No, no I insist. Noemi, just throw it on my tab.”“Yes sir.” Noemi salutes. And before you can take the order or argue against my paying of your drink Noemi is off and already serving another customer.“Yo-you needn’t have done that.”“Oh it was my way of thanks.” I say with charm.“Thanks?”“Yes, for saving me on this dull night,” I raise my glass as if in toast, “And brightening the room with your presence.” I look into your eyes and watch your cheeks flush as you pick up your glass and raise it and chink it against my own in good humor.“My pleasure.” You say with a little more confidence.“That dress which you wear…it doesn’t look old…”“No?” You question taking a sip of your brightly colored drink.“No, it looks fresh, vibrant.” Sexy, I added silently in my head.I can see your eyes dancing as you gain confidence. “Are you flirting with me…?” You ask with some uncertainty letting your eyes look over my face and follow my body as I shift my weight on my chair.“Flirting?” I watch as your cheeks flush red and you break eye contact just for a moment. “Why do you ask?”“Well, i-it’s just that…well I don’t yet even know what your name is?”“Hmmmm sounds reasonable.” I take a sip from my glass and swirl the contents in the cup before wallowing the little amount from my mouth. “Emiliana. That is my name.” I look into your eyes and my breath hitches in my throat as I lean a little closer to you and whisper. “Now may I flirt with you?” “Maybe; but first…wouldn’t you like to know what my name is?” You question me as you drink some confidence from your glass.I catch the slight fragrance of your perfume and wish that I could get closer to breathe it in. “Okay then.” I say in restraint.“Okay what?” You lean closer to me with a plain face and teasing eyes.“W-what is your name?” I ask the obvious question in a whisper and fight to keep my eyes open and focused.You give me the smallest of smiles and before closing the short distance between us you whisper in return, “Domilta. Domilta is my name.”
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