Story: Depression (chapter 8)

Authors: ALLjapan

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Chapter 8

"ZEEP~! ZEEP~! ZEEP~!! ZEEP~! ZEE~~~~"
I fumble around as my cell calls out through the dark piercing my ears and demanding attention. I press answer as the cell comes to my ear and I speak uncertain in the phone as I sit in the dark room. "Hello?"
" to the left hon...uh. Hello?"
"Hey mum."
"Ah! Delilah, George won!!" My mothers voice says excitedly through the phone. I can hear that she's in the car and I hear George and dad singing a song that I don't know. "Tomorrow his team goes up to Melbourne to play fo the state of Victoria" My mother continues.
"Wow really?" I feign my excitement. "Tomorrow. Wow tell him I say congrats will you?" I smile. George must be ecstatic.
I hear my mother relay the message and I hear both dad and my brother call out and let out whoops of joy. "We're coming to pick you up from Isabelles house and we'll have dinner to celebrate..And then..." My mothers voice builds at the climax as my heart clenches, "tomorrow we'll all go up. H-how's that sound?" Her ending doesn't sound that strong. As if she's predicted my response.
"I have an English SAC tomorrow mum. It's compulsory to attend with out an emergency reason like a funeral or serious sickness."
"Oh, you told me about that didn't you?" She laughs uncertain and disappointed and my heart pines. I ignore it.
Instead I say. "Yeah mum. I told you, this time, last week."
"Oh," My mother is silent for a moment. "We can't leave you home alone." My mother thinks for an moment and continues before I can say anything, "can you stay with your friend? Isabelle?"
"Hey Delilah. Who's that callin' so late?"
I look up and see Isabelle standing in the doorway of my room. "Oh my mum."
"Really? Heh, say hi from me."
"Is that Isabelle now?"
I turn my attention to my phone and mother, "Uh, oh. Yes she's just come in. She says 'hi'"
"Is her father up?"
"I don't know. Is Mr.Samsa awake?"
Wiping sleep from her eyes Isabelle walks forward and nods her head. "Yeah. Probably not inside though."
"He's not inside." Isabelle puts her hand out for the phone. "Here I-I'll put Isabelle on for you."
"Hello Jane." ___ "No he's probably out in a paddock or someat like that." ___ "oh, congratulations to the little champion then." ___ "Tomorrow? Yeah it's a school day anyways. So it should be fine yeah?" ___ "Naww he'll be totally cool with it Jane. He loves having Delilah here." ___ "Okay. Yeah, alright bye."
Isabelle hangs up and passes the cell back to me before jumping on my bed.
She lays on her back her hands behind her head grinning, "guess who's staying for the weekend?!"
"Me and your mum just arranged it." The end of this sentence is slightly distorted by a huge yawn which Isabelle let's out as she stretches and sits up.
I feel a blush set across my face as I look away. "Y-you didn't have to do that you know."

"Naagh," Isabelle stands up and walks to the door. "I wanted to. Thought it would be nice." My friend stops at the door and looks at me over her shoulder. "No sweat off my back. And my Dad really does like having you around." The light of the hall crosses her face and I turn toward my bed. "Goodnight Delilah."
She pauses as though waiting for a reply, and with receiving none she leaves the room and retreats to her own.
I go under my covers wrapping them tightly around me, in need of their warmth of their security against what is out in the world. My head only shows partially. Hidden from the world in the safety of the small bed. The darkness is intimate and presses against me. In fear I shut my eyes as my heart thumps heavy in my chest.
Please, oh please let sleep come fast tonight...
"Are you sure your fine with that." ___ "what don't give me that look. If your anything like me you'll..."
"It'll be fine Dad. Take a chill pill already"
I stop suddenly at the base of the stairs and peep into the kitchen where Mr. Samsa is leaning on the kitchen bench talking to his daughter. He looks concerned...
"Izzy. You've been in love with this girl for more than a year now- "
What?!! I lean forward slightly more but still keeping hidden. Who? A girl?! I feel an unnamed emotion rise in my chest as I listen further.
"You're counting?" My friend jokes affectionately to her father.
I race back up the stairs as I feel my friends fathers gaze turn toward the stairs. I'm breathing fast at the top of the flight of stairs leaning against the wall for support. Did he see me?
No. He didn't did he? Even if he did like me he must think me a an eavesdropping child now. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!! And what were they talking about anyway?
I whack my head against the wall.
No! Stop that.
Pretend you didn't hear anything.
Forget about it.
Push it out of mind.
And leave it far behind.
Forget it all, forget the world. Let it go.

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