Story: Depression (chapter 7)

Authors: ALLjapan

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Chapter 7

[Author's notes:

an easy night....

hopefully chapter eight will be more than this...



I lie awake and staring at my roof. I swear I know it crack by little crack. I know every mark on its surface, I swear. I laugh silently and scornfully to myself. How sad it is that I know this roof so well. So sad it is that every morning this is all I ever do, study the roof above me. Sometimes for a change of scenery I roll to my side and look at the wall. But today I lack the energy to roll over. I don't want to get out of bed today. Last night has left me with a sickly feeling in my stomach. I dreamt...or at least I think I did. I don't know what it was about but it wasn't any good. I woke startled and scared. It took me a while to realize where I was. In my room. My house. I close my eyes as I think of today. Of Isabelle. I see her in my mind clear as day. Giving off her goofy grin eyes squinted shut the way she often does when she gives her smile. Then suddenly I remember yesterday. Her leaning toward me, mouth slowly opening. Eyes playful…I shake the thoughts and the images from my mind and suddenly I have the motivation to get out of bed and finally get a move on. I can't start thinking of Isabelle that way. She's been so good to me. Kind…She saved my life. I can't ever repay her for that. But the least I could do is not try killing myself again. And not to ruin our friendship….Although that second reason could be turned selfish…I know I'll promise not to ruin the friendship for as long as Isabelle wants to be my friend. Hmmmn….I think I may have lost myself. I rub sleep from my eyes as I pull out a bowl and get my breakfast. My favorite cereal still missing I decide to go with a bowl of rice bubbles. There not so bad as long as I don't add sugar or anything like that. I know that most people do though. Not that healthy. Then again Rice Bubbles aren't very high on the health list neither.
I have my breakfast and a glass of milk and this time I'm out the door before my mum is up. I arrive five minutes before the bus arrives and when it does arrive I take the only available seat near a boy who looks to be in year seven or eight.
"So. What are we starting with?"
"I don't know. How much have you takin' in this term?"
"Ummmn…" Isabelle rolls over onto her stomach and peeps over to the edge of her bed at me."We studied that movie…right?"
"We watched the movie we studied"-"the book. Right. I knew that. "
"So you should I was the one who helped you along through the work."
"Ahh, see that's the whole reason I understood it. Miss Strider is just confusing…."
"Confusing or not as a year ten student you should be able to take it in. Put up with the crap teacher and just"-"get through it." This time Isabelle didn't cut me off. Instead we spoke in harmony. I let out an exhausted sigh. "How come you can remember what I say and not the things on the test?"
Isabelle shrugs and rolls onto her back again. "Can't you read out to me what needs to be done? I'm sure I'll remember it then."
I let out another tired sigh. "If you think it'll work. I'm game to try anything at the moment."
"It's not that important anyway" Isabelle states. "It's just more of a revision test for the terms work." She rolls over to her stomach again her blue eyes alight with fire as she says "You do know that Miss. Strider's classes are the only classes who are being made to take a test?"
"There is one other."
Isabelle's eyes change from fiery argument to surprise. "Really?"
"Yeah. A teacher named Mr. Stevens is going to be doing the same."
"Yeah well that teacher's just as crap as ours then. I mean students don't need this extra stress!"
I raise my eyebrows. "You're stressed?"
"No. But that is beside the point that the test is pointlessly stressful on students..."
I let a laugh out at my friends' logic. She laughs too. "You should laugh more Lil."
My smile dies and my stomach twists.. "L-let's start with the book and we'll work our way down okay?" I say this in a rush hoping Isabelle will catch on and notice that I don't want to talk about me or my feelings right now. She catches quickly and rolls over to her back again.
"Okay Delilah. Hit me with your worst...I'm listening."
I ignore her joke and read the test sheet and all my revisions notes only stopping a few times here or there to explain something to my friend as she asked for a more elaborate explanation.
The books are away and Isabelle is yawning.
"Next time I swear...I'm not cramming" Isabelle lets out another yawn and jumps on her bed causing it to squeak in protest.
I remain emotionless toward my friends comment. "Goodnight Isabelle." I say heading for the door.
"Huh? Wha~ you're going to bed already?"
"No. I'm going to get a glass of water then go to bed.." Isabelle goes to talk but I cut in before she ca, "besides your dad called lights out ten minutes ago."
Isabelle sighs. "Okay then. See ya in the mornin' Lil."
I nod my head once in acknowledgment and leave my friends room and head toward my own instead.

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