Story: Depression (chapter 16)

Authors: ALLjapan

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Chapter 16

Title: Chapter 16 isabelles POV

I look down at Delilah and give a little smile. "Hey Delilah, are you okay?"
"Uh...I'm..."I watch as she shifts her weight against me and swallow a bit at the warmth generated from our closeness. I see her brow crease a bit as she shifts her weight again. "I think there's a stick or something under me..."
"What?!" I exclaim, "no way I swear I got rid of them all!" I state as I reach my hand beneath Delilah feeling across the bottom of the swag. I feel a bump and bite my tongue a little.
I frown in disappointment at not getting rid of it. But then again I did not expect that sensitive little Delilah would be sleeping in this age-old swag. " there is..." I look away from Deliahs face and bite the inside of my cheek in thought before looking back at her apologetically. "Heh, sorry...this things so old and worn out." I give Delilah a smile and suddenly get an idea. "I know..." I mutter as I struggle to get my jumper off (it was getting bloody stuffy in here anyway).
After a moment of struggle I hear Delilah ask even though muffled by my jumper; "uh...uh, do you want any help...?"
"Sure." I answer curtly as I feel Delilahs hands at the hem of my woolly jumper. As Delilah tugs at the jumper and I try to move my arms I feel myself fall forward due to the confined space and am forced to place my arms over her as we pull off my jumper together.
"Ah, there..." I pant as I feel how close the fall has bought me to Delilah and I felt my body heat up at the sensual feeling of Delilahs body beneath my own; causing my face to flush in emotion. I try to arrange myself calmly and shake my head...the one bad thing with my hair being so long; it is always getting in my way. I feel Delilahs hand reach up and tuck the stray stands away from my face as she giggles a little. She has such a cute little giggle I thought to myself as I flick my hair from my face with expertise.
"Oh yeah, of course you find this funny." I chastise to hide my embarrassment with a slight blush. "Okay, lift your backside girl." I command to get my mind off of the position I was in. I arrange the jumper beneath Delilah to act as extra padding to stop the stick or stone (or...whatever the hell it was...) from digging into her back anymore.  "Is that any better?"I ask
"Yes, tha-thank-you." She stammers as I flick the hair from my face again.
I look down at Delilah as I see her wince yet again. "Really? And you're not just saying that?"
"Reeeeally?" I ask getting a little closer.
"Uh..I-I....Uhmmn..." I watch her face heat up and she closes her eyes as she looks down. "Well, maybe...I..."
"Ugh, if you're uncomfortable then just tell me."
"Um...o-okay..I'm a little uncomfortable..."
If that's the case... "Easy fixed...scoot over Rover."
I roll my eyes as she moves around more to the edge of the swag. Maybe I should just show her what to do. "Not like that Delilah." I take hold of her arm and pull her around wrapping my other arm around her waist as I swap our positions. She lets out a short yelp and then starts to laugh. I'm baffled by her laughter...But at the same time I can't help but admire the sound of it; light and uncertain in the warm light of the torch. "What is it?" I ask out of curiosity chuckling along with her as her laughter slowly bubbles down to just a few giggles.
She takes in a breath and looks down into my eyes; And I find myself gazing back up into her own. They're pale in the dim glow of the light and are fixated on my own with intensity. "Delilah?" I question in a quiet voice, as I notice how close our faces were. I could count every soft freckle set across Delilahs face and kept my eyes focused on hers. Unable to glance away. My hand grips her lower back and I feel my body heat up at the tension I felt. She watches me closely as she draws in closer. We don't break our eye connection; watching each other. I wait for that smooth connection; that joining of our lips. I feel her eyes bore into mine trying to read me as the distance is so slowly tauntingly closed. I search her laden eyes and swallow down discreetly as the atmosphere builds to an unbearable point of want vs. caution. Oh, God; I WANT!!! I want her so bad, so much that I am tempted to throw caution out the window and close that mockery of a distance; that short, little distance that kept us separated; but then the gap is closed and I see Delilah shut her eyes. And at the feel of that instant I uncontrollably let out a moan. The pressure between our lips is soft and my arm slides from Delilahs to her shoulder that is slightly revealed from all the moving about in the swag. I tilt my head down a little and feel my eyelashes flicker against Delilahs cheek as they drift shut without order. I hold out in restraint a whimper as her soft lips pull away and I can feel Delilahs forehead rest my brow. I hold my head back not knowing that I had leant forward for the kiss and listen as the girl above me tries to catch up with uneven her breaths. Over the sound of our breaths I notice the rain subdue to a light trickle pattering against the swag in a sign of respect to our intimate moment.
"I-Isabelle…" I hear my name stammered.  I cannot answer and continue to lay there in paralysis to the kiss that I had been wishing for; for a very long time. "Isabelle?"
I swallow at the sounding of my name a second time. "Yeah?" I answer with insecurity with eyes shut. I feel a kiss upon the exposed flesh of my neck. I gasp at first but then start moaning at those lips brushing butterfly kisses all across every inch of available skin.
My heart is a mess of skips and jumps and I feel myself quaver. "Delilah.." I whisper her name as I lower my head and pull Delilah closer into my neck' holding her close as I kiss the side of her head with gentle intention.
"Y-you love me don't you? I'm the one that you said you had a crush on..."
"Yes." I swallow and feel Delilah raise her head we can see into each other's eyes. "Yeah, I-I'm sorry." I bite my lip and look away bashful.
"What for Isabelle?" I hear Delilah ask, "I'm afraid it's me who doesn't understand this time."
"I shouldn't." I say tearfully. "Not while you're so sad. You need a friend; not a lover." I finish closing my eyes. I can't allow Delilah to be hurt just because I can't control my hormones. I need to be in control of myself...
"Isabelle. You didn't kiss me. I kissed you. I-I wanted it."
I blink and look back into her pallid blue-grey eyes. "Really?" I ask with uncertainty.
Instead of answering my question I watch Delilah lean down again and kissed me for a second time. I am greatly surprised as she eases my mouth open with simplicity and she slips her tongue past y lips easily into my mouth. Eager; my tongue meets hers halfway and I allow my hand to slide up and cup Delilahs round face and brings her closer into the kiss. Delilah kisses with me with passion and groans into my mouth hungrily letting out the slightest whimper as my tongue rushes past hers to enter the soft wetness of her mouth. The kiss last a little longer until we finally part; both panting lightly again. I have no kisses to compare this to. But I know this is it. She is the one; my one. I feel my heart beat erratically at the thought and as I kiss the loveliness of her neck and excitedly bite down on her flesh testing for her reaction.
I feel more love and closeness to my friend than what I ever had in my entire life. And it made me want more..."I-I love you Delilah." I stutter uncertain of her reply.
I feel her nod her head before laying it down on my chest. "I love you Isabelle. You're the only one who cares about me."
Everything stops at the gently spoken words "Y-you love me?" I need to hear them again.
She nods her head again and I hold her closer in the embrace of my arms. "I love you..." She says again her voice fading with sleepiness.
"Thank-you." I whisper as I caress her head with a kiss. "I love you."

[End notes:

heres a new chapter, again sorry that i forgot to post them



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