Story: She's On My Mind (chapter 2)

Authors: spazix

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Chapter 2

[Author's notes: Edited]

The rest of the school day passes uneventfully, with school seeming more dull than usual. After somehow staying awake open for an entire hour in Honors World History, which I can promise you is an accomplishment for anyone, I finally make my way back to the bus lanes in front of school. I take the seat in the back of the bus, plug my iPod in and start to unwind. My mind drifts towards that new girl.

Well, I didn’t see her after math, so we must not have any more classes together. Ugh...and despite only talking with her for a few minutes, I really like her! Weird, I know...but still. She's got the whole cool foreign accent thing going for her, and the fact that she is quite easy on the eyes doesn't hurt as well...


I snap back into reality and see Abby staring at me with one brown eyebrow raised. I really need to work on the whole zoning out thing…

"Oh, hey Abby. Somehow I didn't even notice you there."

Abby rolls her eyes. You'd be surprised how often we actually do that; it must be an acquired skill.

"Obviously. Once again, you were off in your own little world, but I think I'm used to it by now." Abby takes the seat next to me and grabs one of my headphones.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know I’m weird. So how was your day anyways?” I ask.

“Pretty normal besides the whole new student thing. Have you seen her yet?”

I try to act as nochalant as possible. “Yeaaah, her name’s Victoria, right? She seems pretty....I dunno." I trail off as my mind fails to find any word capable of describing the enigmatic new student.

“Odd? Yeah, I think so too. She's nice and polite but seems a little..... I don't know. There's just something about her. But have you SEEN her?! She’s something else. The guys are all over her. Hopefully she won't end up being another Hannah Simples….”

I grunt audibly; Hannah was one of our best friends until she realized that sex=popularity. It all went downhill from there.

“Yeah, but I don't think she's one of those people. I dunno why, really, I just don't get that vibe from her. She actually seems pretty nice, and I really wouldn't mind getting to know her.”

Abby grins slyly. “Aww, Evey is trying to make a new friend! Want me to help set the playdates?“ My face turns bright red.

"SHUT UP!!" I shout. Actually, I wouldn't mind having Abby's help, and, she probably knows this. But I wouldn't ever admit it...

"You know it's tru-" The loud buzz of my cell phone interrupts Abby before she can finish. I fish it out of my pocket and glance at the Caller ID. One exaggerated roll of the eyes later Abby knows exactly who’s calling.

“Ralph?” she asks knowingly. I just nod miserably. “You really should answer, even if things with you two aren’t exactly perfect. What’s even really wrong?” I wait too long and the call goes to my voicemail.

“I really don’t know what’s wrong…I’m just liking him less and less as time goes on. He’s sweet and all… and not doing anything wrong, but hanging out with him is becoming a chore…” Abby gives me an odd look. “Well why are you dating him then?! And if you don’t call him back…” I smile and laugh. Without Abby I don’t know how I’d stay in line.
“Yeah…that’s the thing. I don’t know why I am. I guess it’s because he hasn’t really done anything wrong. And yes, I will have to call him…” Abby just shakes her head.

Two hours later, I’m finally going through with it…

“Hey… this is Ralph. Leave a message. Bye.”

SUCCESS!! Another awkward, unpleasant phone call is avoided. I murmur something about missing him (as if…) and dance around my room in pure ecstasy. Of course five seconds later I hear my phone buzz obnoxiously. Damn it…I mumble unhappily as I pick up the phone. The rest of the night passes with me attempting to think of ways to kill myself before Ralph can describe yet another football play to me. At the moment, hari kari seems quite pleasant...

“And this one, the Fumbler, is really freaking awesome!!” I ignore whatever could possibly be awesome about the Fumbler and make up an excuse about having to go and hang up before Ralph can keep on talking. It’s days like this that make me wonder why I even said yes to Ralph in the first place…

After spending time wondering about why I subjected myself to the torture in the first place, I am unable to form any kind of answer. It’s only fair, I think, to dump him. With this thought in mind, I begin to consider how to accomplish this… But I push this thought away for the moment after glancing at my clock. Eleven already….man, Ralph sure knows how to talk about football without even being that good. I climb into my bed and let exhaustion cleanse the palette that is my troubled mind…

The following morning, my usual ritual of waking up late and getting yelled at repeats itself. After an amazingly fast shower of ten minutes (a new personal record, actually), I have some time before the bus arrives, so I spend a moment eating some cereal with my mom and little sister Katherine. My mom’s short brown hair matches her outfit, which has been meticulously picked out, like usual. If my mom is anything, she is structured; from yelling about my habitual tardiness, to organizing fancy dinner parties…I’m pretty sure everything my mom does is dominated by her inner control-freak. Katherine, on the other hand, acts much more like me; with long blonde hair and a carefree attitude towards most things, she is nearly a carbon copy.

“GIRLS! Get ready, please.” Katherine and I manage a simultaneous eye roll (a notable accomplishment) and toss our plastic bowls into the sink. I begin my trek to the bus stop, and before I know it I’m cruising towards Harrison at a cool 15 miles an hour. Dang elderly drivers...

Abby greets me, and we chit-chat until we get off the bus. I can tell she wants to bring up Ralph but knows that now isn’t the time. The fierce, eyebrow-raised look she gives me as we walk our separate ways to our classes confirms this thought. The look, which I receive often, says, “You escaped it now, but expect a serious conversation about your relationship later. You have no say in the matter.”

The look never lies, and I expect the talk later.

I begin walking to Precalculus until, lo and behold, by the door I see Victoria chatting it up with none other than Hannah Simples. Hannah, dressed in her staple American Eagle and Hollister whatever with her bleached blonde hair looking incredibly similar to yellow vomit, seems to be simultaneously making conversation and jealously scoping out Victoria's figure. This time, I really couldn't blame her; Victoria is sporting a blue skirt that makes her legs more desirable than any part of Hannah's overexposed skanky little body. And that's without even mentioning the rest of Victoria's outfit. Yep, Hannah doesn't stand a chance against a figure like that, which is why she's trying to drag her into her clique of bitches. The thought of another Hannah sickens me, but before I can turn
away in disgust, I hear something simply incredible.

"Sorry, but I'll be fine on my own.

Zoning in on the conversation, I realize that Victoria just completely brushed Hannah off. Apparently Hannah is as surprised as me, as she is still standing still with her mouth wide open long after Victoria goes into the Precalculus room. I walk by her, grinning as widely as I can possibly grin; I've picked well, that's for sure. Now I just got to simultaneously get to know this awesome new student while not appearing to be a total creeper.

The latter will be a definite challenge, but I'm up to it.

[End notes: R/R]

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