Story: Guardians of Seito (chapter 1)

Authors: L773_Ninja_Girl

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Chapter 1

Title: Tranquility Interrupted

Disclaimer: Ikki Tousen and all related characters are property of GONG Media. I own nothing.


AN: Alright, goin’ another direction with this! HOOAH!




Guardians of Seito

Chapter 1
Tranquility Interrupted

By: Tercera Espada


The days were getting longer and far too dangerous for our leader, Gentoku Ryuubi. Kyoshou was becoming crafty and using underhanded tactics to attack Gentoku. But so far, nothing has been detected and for the mean time, peace loomed over Seito. But for how long? Rubbing my temples at the notion that Sousou could strike at any moment, I felt like I was getting old before my time. Sighing, I sat underneath the large Japanese oak tree close to the dojo, watching the clouds drift by. This moment was almost too serene, the breeze caressing my ebony locks and the sun kissing my lightly tanned skin.

Exhaling deeply, I couldn’t help but also take note at how lonesome it was around here during this period of tranquility. Granted, I had Chouhi and Ryuubi to keep me occupied, but even that got tedious every now and then. Chouhi was either trying to get Ryuubi to train or Ryuubi was running away from her, screaming at her to leave her alone. I felt my eye twitch.

At this rate, if Sousou and his men attack now, we’re pretty much screwed and Seito would be pretty fubar. Closing my eyes, I rest against the tree, hands folded neatly behind my head. But the more I thought about her, the more I couldn’t help but risk it all.

Ryuubi. Why was I so into her? She was just an average girl with average looks. Why did I feel the need to go over the top and express myself to someone who’s far more interested in books and Shokatsuryou? I frowned behind closed eyes as I thought of that mini “Zhuge Liang” and how much more time she spends with Ryuubi over myself.

Sho-san never wanted me around Ryuubi and if I were, she’d make sure I wasn’t in close proximity with the leader. Sho-san needn’t be so possessive as if I recalled, it was Chou’un and I who were the true Guardians. So, if anything, Chou’un and I deserved to be closer to the leader than that girl.

Ever since that library incident where I had that daydream about Ryuubi and Shokatsuryou gave me that look, I’ve noticed she had a grip on Ryuubi that none could shatter. I realized quite quickly how she made it clear that she wanted no one to come between Ryuubi and herself. Shokatsuryou even went as far as to take baths with our leader and choosing her breasts over mine and Chouhi’s cause Ryuubi’s were softer.

“…tch, pechapai…”

“Really, Kan-san? Pointing out Shokatsuryou’s small chest in such a bitter manner,” Jumping, I looked up at a relaxing Chou’un Shiryuu, who rest out stretched on a branch less than a few feet above me.

Feeling a blush creep along my cheeks as I heard the silver-haired toushi chuckle somewhat. Leaning back against the tree, the toushi soon hopped from her branch to the grass beside me. Resting her Hyakuhekitou Blade beside my Crescent Blade, she sighed contently as she leaned against the tree. Looking over at her, I saw how peaceful she seemed with her eyes closed.

“Tell me, Chou-san, how can you enjoy such a beautiful day with your eyes closed,” Still blushing from having realized my discourteous comment was heard earlier as I crossed my arms, leaning against the tree. Looking over at her, a smile lingered on her lips as she shrugged.

“I need not see the day with my eyes to enjoy it, Kan-san. One can merely feel it against their skin and face and know that it is indeed an enjoyable day,” Watching her closely as she crossed her arms over her chest, turning to face me.

“But I must ask, Kan-san, with ¾’s of your own hair covering your face, how can you enjoy the day,” My eyes widened at her snide remark, her low chuckle being heard as she raised a brow in my direction. I blinked, turning to look down at my thighs as my fingers danced along the hem of my skirt.

“Easy, at least my eyes are open and regardless of how much my hair covers them, I can still observe none the less,” Smiling at my come back, laughing inwardly.

“You have jokes, Kan-san.”

“I guess,” I then caught sight of Shokatsuryou and Ryuubi, arm and arm as they walked along the lakeside. I tore a few tufts of grass up from the roots as my blood began to boil. Is it because Sho-san was far more child-like and therefore could relate to Ryuubi more? What ever it was, their daily rompings together made me want to cut--

“You know, if you like Ryuubi-san, Kan-san, I don’t understand why you won’t just tell the girl how you feel,” Gasping slightly and looking at the silver-haired toushi as she turned to me, both eye brows raised.

“I mean, look at yourself. The mighty Kan’u Unchou, reduced to an emotional heap of silly putty at the sight of a docile creature like that of our leader, Gentoku Ryuubi?” I just stared at her as she continued her tirade.

“You need to stand up for what you believe in. And if you believe you’re in love with the girl, then say so. Otherwise, you risk losing her to Sho-san and her flat-chest,” I blushed hard as she emphasized the last part, smirking at me.

“You don’t understand, Chou-san. She thinks I’m scary,” I sighed in defeat, head hanging. I felt the toushi’s hand along my back, rubbing it somewhat.

“To be honest, you can be a bit scary at times—“ I glared up at Chou’un as she held up her hands in defense.

“I’m only saying. No one said being scary was a bad thing,” She held her index finger up to me, her eyebrow raised inquisitively. I blinked as I watched her carefully, narrowing my eyes in curiosity.

“Hm?” Chou’un sighed and leaned back against the tree, rubbing her chin.

“You’re really just intimidating if anything,” Chou’un smiled at me as I stared at her.

“But Ryuubi doesn’t like me aside from being her guardian,” I looked aside, slumping back against the tree.

“You could attempt to make her jealous,” Opening my eyes wide, I turned to meet Chou’un’s playful grin. I had never necessarily expected Chou’un to say something like that but considering how she was generally grandiose, I never really knew what went on in her mind. But can making Ryuubi jealous cause her to pay more attention to me? Taking care to note Chou'un's playful grin, I felt my mind slowly taking a liking to the idea.

Before I could think, she suddenly pressed her lips against mine, cupping my cheek with her hand. I was at a loss for words as I felt myself begin to melt with her kiss, relaxing. There was no denying that Chou'un was indeed an excellent kisser as I gripped more blades of grass, tugging them from the ground, trying not too lose myself too quickly. A flash of warmth coursed through my veins, heart racing as I heard the silver haired toushi moan softly against my lips. I shivered as I heard her moan, she sounded so sexy and tasted just as good, my tongue gliding along her lower lip. Chou’un then bit my lower lip as I closed my eyes, opening my mouth as her tongue slid against mine slowly. Ryuubi was no longer on my mind, moaning softly as I brought my hand up against Chou’un’s opposite cheek, tilting my head slightly, deepening the kiss. I sucked on her tongue as I ran my fingers along her cheek.

“…A-ano… Kan-san?”

I nearly jumped out of my skin as both Chou’un and I turned to meet a shocked Ryuubi and Shokatsuryou. Time seemed nonexistent as Ryuubi and I sat, gawking at one another. They both stood staring at us, Ryuubi smiling like a doughnut while Sho-san just stood silent.


“Our sincerest apologies, Ryuubi-san. Allow us to go somewhere more private to carry on our affairs. Excuse us,” I had no time to protest as Chou’un stood, retrieving our blades and bowing in Ryuubi’s direction. I bowed as well as Chuo’un made a hasty exit, tugging me along and past the two who still stood, motionless.

As we made our way over towards the dojo, I looked down, taking note of Chou’un holding my hand. I looked back and caught sight of Ryuubi watching us as we ran away. Turning around, rounding a corner and stopping for a moment, Chou’un turned towards me. I was breathing hard, but not from running as Chou’un was panting as well, her face flushed. Was it from the kiss? I closed my eyes, my mind wondering what I had just done. I then felt a hand on my cheek, opening my eyes to a sudden surprise.

Chou’un’s eyes…were open.


“Shh, Kan-san,” I felt her finger on my lips; sharp eyes a window into a world I thought I’d never catch a glimpse of. Her devious smile told me she had other plans as she raised her eyebrow.

“Care to cause a bit more…jealousy…?”

For some reason as I stared into her eyes, the rush came over me, biting my lip somewhat as I nodded. Chou’un just smirked, emerald eyes gleaming with a roguish flair as I trembled in eagerness.

End Chapter 1…

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