Story: The Robin Outside (chapter 5)

Authors: LolitaDoll

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Chapter 5

Title: 5 I will posess your heart

[Author's notes: Sorry for the wait!]

I will posess your heart


I wasn\'t sure how much time had passed since we left the bar.

Charlie\'s stories went on and on. My ears remained open.


The moment she said that \'Jane Eyre\' was her favorite,

I was all for listening.

It seems silly I know.I even thought so myself.

It was such a laughable thing.

I felt like a grade schooler admiring an upperclassmen.


The whole scenario was funny...

But for some reason I didnt seem to mind.


Charlie was entrancing.

I had never felt so compelled by someone... least not since...





My head shot up to see a 

rather perplexed Charlie.

"Sorry.. I zoned..." I said solemnly,

Tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah I noticed... Hmmmmm?"I looked at her questionably.

Charlie Looked quickly to my ear where I had tucked my hair.


I knew what she was looking at.


The tattoo.


I will posess your heart


"What does S.M stand for?"

I placed my finger tips gently behind my ear.

I could feel the ink in its place.

The little indentation from the needle.

I sighed with eyes closed.

"Scherese McKay... Though, she\'s not Mckay any longer."

I felt Charlie examine me.


"Old friend?... No... She\'s your ex isnt she?

You should NEVER tattoo anyones name on your body."
Charlie chuckled, then placing her index finger to my nose said,
"Kids these days..."




Remember when I said I didnt completely Hate my job?

I lied.

I Hate my job.

There are so many reason for this.

I really HATE Garrett lately.

He continues to rave about his constant hookups.

He drones about how exhausted  he is.

Must be hard drowning in revelry with your friends 24/7.

Oh and I have I mentioned.... 

I HATE Garrett\'s V-necks?!


I would rather hang from the nearest noose

than to continue to write For this place.

For her..

I swear Angeline thrives upon my misery.
Where\'s my story Robin?

There\'s a typo in this Robin!

This article\'s inadequate!

Do you want to keep your job?


No I didnt really want to keep my job.
But what I want and need are two totally different things.



Charlie said I need to look at myself from the Outside.
Holding grudges and hating things...
It would only cause me more misery.
I can\'t help it sometimes though.


Charlie and I became fast friends.

I needed it.
I havent had a real friend in a long time.
Not since....



Anyway, Charlie and I have been hanging out every night.
She asks to see articles I\'m drafting.
She looks through old compositon books from college.
She tells me I\'m great without actually saying it.

She kind of treats me like a child.


I like it...


Funny thing is, She\'s younger than I.

She much younger than I had imagined....

Yet it seems almost appropriate.

I don\'t know why she does what she does.
I don\'t care to be honest.

I just want to keep being her friend.
No... I need to be her friend.


What I want and what I need are two totally different things.
I may have wanted Scherese....
But maybe I Need Charlie...


I will posess your heart

[End notes: Hope it was worth the wait! <3]

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