Is this Love?
Carly quietly lay her head against Sam's shoulder, slowly coming to grasp what was happening in her brain. Suddenly it hit a wall as freddy entered the room. The boy didn't quiet understand the scene he was looking at, an overturned speaker stand and Samantha cradeling Carly like a child. He rapidly tryed to take a grasp on the situation.
Hey Sam! Shouting at the pair on the floor. Carlys brain careened wondering what Freddy might think. She stood up instantly speechless while, suprisingly Sam immediatly took hold of the situation she shambled to her feet and charged toward Freddy. In a moment they were face to face, she then promptly reached into his hand grabbed his lunch and said "This is payment for you curiousness, Lets go see what your brothers doing Carlz."
Carly immediatly followed Sam to the elavator rather quickly. As the door shut Sam grinned evily and sarcasticly as she waved at him. Carly just stared blankly at the closing doors shut with a ding. Bewildered freddy just collapsed into a bean bag chair completly and totally lost by the whole situation.
"Will he be okay Sam?" She worried. "What is he gonna say?" Freaking out as she did. Sam tightly gripped Carly's hand and dragged her to the door as the elevator opened and left the apartment. Spencer woke up and looked around as though he thought he must have been a sleep for a very long time.
Out in the hallway Sam had taken Carly to the water heater room. Sam nearly jumped the dazed Carly as she kissed her deeply gripping her waist. Breaking the kiss she looks at Carly. "Are you okay with this Carly? She asked quickly. Carly simply gaped and said "Uhuh" Sam kissed Carly's neck and held her tight. "I love you Shay." She sighed. "I love you Sam." And held onto Sam happily.
They kissed again and both of them became lost in their minds.