This is My Story
Chapter Four
With the help of Rikku and Paine, I'd already climbed the first major hurdle of my journey and managed to learn something new and exciting about myself all at the same time... and the journey had only just begun.
Mission Three: Find A New Path (cont)
“I can't believe that jerk! Saying all those mean things and then running off to join Nooj's crew! Trying to play it off like it's all my fault, like I'm the one who's done something wrong! Oh! I hope their crummy new ship breaks down in the middle of nowhere and they have to burn him for heat!” Rikku shouted as she paced about the room, dissolving more and more into tears with every step. “It's just been building and building ever since he found out about me! -Eteud Brother! Eteud!-” My Al Bhed was nowhere near perfect but I knew the word 'idiot' by heart as Rikku often used it to describe Brother but never before had I heard her do it with such conviction.
“I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said anything,” I murmured. Rikku spun around and grabbed me by the shoulders.
“No, Yunie! You were just standing up for me... and for yourself too I guess.” I nodded, remembering how mad it had made me to hear him insult Rikku's relationship with Paine. Hearing my best friends and, by extension, myself, be labeled as 'unnatural' and 'freaks' by someone who's friendship I valued had simply been too much to bear.
“He's lucky too, if he hadn't just been speaking out of frustration I would have had to put him in a hurt locker,” Paine said quietly, prying Rikku off of me and dragging her over to their bed. “It was bound to happen sooner or later Rikku. With the number of rare Spheres dropping off the boys have had less and less to do around here, they were going stir crazy.”
“He's still an idiot!” the blonde muttered, burying her face in the woman's neck.
“I don't think anybody's saying he's not, just don't take it too seriously. If he says the same thing after he's cooled off then feel free to hate him all you want, okay?” The blonde sniffed and nodded, causing an easy smile to appear on Paine's face. My familiar jealousy reared it's ugly head at the tender moment but I noticed with some relief that it was nowhere near as strong as it had been before.
“You know, this just makes our mission that much more important,” I said thoughtfully.
“What do you mean?” Rikku's muffled voice asked. I smiled and walked over to pat her on the head.
“It's just another mind we need to change to make Spira a better place! You are still going to help me, right? I don't think I could manage without my favorite Rikku along for the ride.”
“I'm your only Rikku!” the blonde giggled through her tears.
“I need you two with me, I really do... I'd still be rotting away in Besaid, all miserable and confused if it wasn't for you. You helped me find who I really was underneath all those years of repression. I love you both so much... maybe a little too much actually...” I murmured uncomfortably. Rikku lifted off of Paine's shoulder and fixed me in her spiraled gaze.
“What do you mean, Yunie?”
“I was wondering when were going to get around to this,” Paine said knowingly. I turned away, ashamed.
“Around to what?”
“I've been... so jealous of the two of you. Seeing how content you were with each other and...” a blush began creeping across my cheeks, “ beautiful the two of you are...” I paused and took a deep breath. “At the club while we were dancing... I almost kissed you, Rikku, like a for real intimate kiss and it really bothered me that I could have so little control over myself.”
“But after my night with Leblanc it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be. I guess because I've had a little piece of that feeling for myself it made me realize that I really don't have to be lonely and jealous anymore. I've got a plan too, one that will help myself and hopefully Spira as well.”
“What kinda plan?”
“It's simple really, though we'll have to do a lot of work other than Sphere Hunting which isn't really that popular now anyway. I was thinking we could do freelance and charity work around Spira and... well... just stop hiding who we are.”
“That's it? That's kinda...”
“Brilliant, actually,” Paine interrupted. “The thing working against people like us more than anything is the stigma that we're evil and cruel and all that other crap Yevon used to spread.” The blonde's eyebrows slowly perked up with realization.
“So... when they see us heroes doing all kinds of good stuff around Spira... they'll start to see that we're nothing like they've been raised to think! Good plan, Yunie!”
“So you're with me?” I asked, holding out my hand. The two of them looked at each other and nodded, each putting their hands on top of mine.
“Forever and ever, Yunie!”
“Gullwings... no... I guess we're not really Gullwings anymore... how about just Y.R.P. for now?”
“Sounds good to me!”
“She finally able to get to sleep?” I asked as the woman stepped up behind me in the Bridge.
“Cried herself out about an hour ago,” Paine said quietly. A heavy silence settled over us for a long while.
“We can do this, can't we?” I asked, a hint of desperation finding its way into my voice. When she responded I could tell she was smiling.
“If it was anybody else standing next to me right now I'd probably say no. You're something else though, Yuna.”
“That means a lot coming from someone as observant as you, Paine.”
“I choose my company well,” she said with a short laugh.
“Didn't you join up because you wanted to fly?”
“Yeah, I joined for the flying... but I stayed for the cute girls,” she said quietly as she walked over to Shinra's former station, brushing off the chair before sitting down.
“Are you going to miss them?” She was quiet for a while before answering.
“Yes and no," she said thoughtfully. "Not having people scowling at me every ten seconds will be nice but the ship's just a little too big for three people if you know what I mean.” I nodded and walked over to lean on the back of the chair.
“It'll be a while before Rikku can adjust I think, adorable little thing loves her family.”
“Yeah...” she was quiet again but I could tell something was bothering her.
“Something on your mind?”
“What was it that you asked Nooj about? I could tell you were pretty upset.”
“She wanted an answer, I gave it to her, end of story.” I frowned at the memory. Something about the way the man had said it just made me want to slap him. I hesitated before answering, knowing that Paine looked up to the man like a father.
“I asked him why he never accepted Leblanc's feelings... and his answer showed me why Leblanc had been so upset that night. Turning someone down is one thing, being as harsh as possible about it is another.” Paine stiffened slightly.
“That's just his way I guess, and who knows, it might have been for the best.”
“Maybe...” I murmured, realizing I'd have to think about the situation a bit more before I made any judgments.
“Looks like we have a message coming through,” she said to break the tension, pointing at the flashing light on the screen. “Want to answer it?”
“May as well, I think the sooner we get busy on something the sooner things will even themselves out.” Paine stood from the seat and offered it to me. I sat down and paused, realizing I had no idea how to operate it. “Um... how does this work again?” I asked sheepishly, Paine merely shrugged.
“I was hoping you would know.”
“Well this is just great... we're so doomed unless we start picking up a few new crew members who know how to operate this thing!” Paine laughed.
“Now that I think about it, we can fly it but that's pretty much it.”
“Umm, I think I remember Shinra pushing this button... ah!” Sure enough, a square box with Shelinda's smiling face inside appeared on the screen.
“Oh! High Summoner Yuna, this is a pleasant surprise! I was expecting the little Al Bhed boy who I don't think likes me very much... Anyway, how are you doing, Lady Yuna?” I laughed a bit at the always bubbly girl.
“We're all doing okay I guess... although the crew is just us girls now, just so you know.”
“Yeah... but it's a long story,” I said, not wanting to relive it all so soon. “Is there something we can help you with? We'll be doing a lot of freelance work so if you need something, feel free to ask.”
“Well, yes there is actually! It's not really work but I was wondering if you'd be willing to help us with something publicity related?” I glanced over at Paine who nodded slightly.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Well, we're hoping to draw a big crowd at the next big Blitzball tournament. It seems an Al Bhed crew recently discovered an ancient machina that's used to create a Blitzball field so we're trying to shore up enough profit to repair it as well as update a lot of equipment and parts and other things. We were hoping that you would be willing to attend and possibly present the award to the High Scorer? You'd be given a luxury box and Rikku and Paine are invited as well of course. I just know we would sell out of seats if they knew you would be there, and the players would all do their best to try and get the chance to have you present them the award!”
“Hmm, excuse me for just a sec,” I said, hopping out of the chair and stepping out of view with Paine. “What do you think?”
“It's about as public as you can get, and there's bound to be a lot of good looking women too. I was kind of hoping we could start off slower... but this really is too good of a chance to pass up.”
“Agreed, let's go for it!” I shouted excitedly, already giddy at the prospect of meeting someone to spend some time with. I dropped back into the seat and flashed Shelinda a wide smile. “I'd be more than happy to!
“Oh that's wonderful! The tournament begins at noon in two days, I'll be waiting to pick you up at the airship dock!”
“I can't wait! Take care Shelinda!”
“You too, Lady Yuna!” she beamed happily before the box closed and the Bridge was silent. Paine and I looked at each other, both of us trying hard not to smile. Surprisingly, it was Paine that cracked first.
“Since Rikku's not here I guess it's my job to say it... that girl really needs to get laid!”
–Mission Complete!–
Mission Four: Take a Chance
“Here it comes, Paine! Are you ready for this?” Rikku asked with deadly seriousness.
“I'm ready...” Paine murmured, breathing hard and appearing slightly queasy.
“I love you, Paine...”
“I love you too, Rikku...” Paine whispered, squeezing Rikku's hand tight. Not three seconds later the camera sphere passed by to put our images up on the big screen to capture a shot of Paine leaning in to give Rikku a gentle kiss on the cheek while they pretended not to notice.
“Aww, so cute!” I shouted, pointing up at the massive screen before letting out a loud whistle. I couldn't help but clap with delight when dozens of whistles erupted from the lower seats of the stadium. “You really are a big softy, Paine, and you know you love it!”
“That's two, Yuna,” the red faced woman muttered.
“Hey, I'm not getting any sex from you!”
“I meant the number of lines I'm going to shave into your hair while you're asleep.”
“You wouldn't!” I shouted, clutching at my head protectively.
“Aww, is my sweet little Painey wainey embawessed?” Rikku cooed in a sickeningly sweet baby voice. “Dis calls for some gwoup hugabugs!” she shouted, nodding to me as we both pounced the leather clad woman.
“I hate you both so much!” Paine shouted, only to be drowned out by the roaring laughter of nearly everyone in the stadium. Paine looked up to see that the camera sphere hadn't moved on yet and buried her face in her hands.
“Umm... excuse me for... interrupting, Lady Yuna...” I looked up from my place between Paine's legs to see a red faced Shelinda standing nearby.
“What's up?” I asked after finally managing to bring my giggles under control. Sure the luxury box didn't really offer a good view of the playing field, but I couldn't remember a time when I had more fun at a Blitzball match.
“I just wanted to let you know that the totals have been tallied and it will be the Al Bhed Psyches versus the Ronso Fangs in the finals. I've also been informed that Elder Kimahri has arrived and would like to meet with you before the match. He said you could find him in the Ronso's locker room.” The woman then bowed and hurried off.
“Thanks Shelinda!” I called out after the retreating figure. “Come on, let's go talk to him, it's been too long!” Surprisingly, Rikku shook her head.
“Paine, do you think you could go with Yunie? I want to talk to the Al Bhed team and see if they know of any good mechanics for the Celsius.”
“Good thinking, Rikku!”
“You never fail to surprise me... princess,” Paine murmured, adding the last word in a whisper. Rikku seemed to just barely manage to keep herself composed after the mention of her pet name.
“Give my love to the big blue lug!” she called out as she jogged off, Paine watching after her with a wide grin.
“Let's go lady killer, the match is starting soon,” I giggled as I passed.
“Yuna.... exactly how attached are you to your pony tail?” she asked in a calm, but clearly threat laced voice. I clutched at the braid of hair protectively.
“You wouldn't!”
“Maybe... maybe not...”
“Kimahri!” I shouted, diving full force into the wall of muscle and blue fur.
“Warm Kimahri heart to see Yuna so happy. Kimahri was worried.”
“I'm trying my best, and I've had tons of help from Rikku and Paine! Oh! Rikku sends her love by the way, she had something to take care of.”
“Kimahri always like Rikku,” he said with his makeshift smile before turning and nodding to Paine who returned the gesture.
“So, you guys are in the finals, huh? Way to go Elder!” I noticed with some joy that he didn't flinch at the mention of his status like he used to.
“Because of new player. Was hard choice to make but Kimahri is glad. Bring honor to Ronso and to self.”
“New player?” Kimahri smiled again.
“Yuna having too much fun, not notice.” I grinned sheepishly.
“So... what did you mean by it being a hard choice?”
“Is Exile. Not thought as Ronso by tribe law.”
“I see...” I murmured, glancing around the room behind him to try to spot the new addition, it didn't take long. Like she was stepping out of a dream, the sleek female Ronso with golden lined fur walked into the main area from the showering room. I swallowed hard as my eyes followed a bead of water from the tip of one ear down passed the angular jaw and lean neck, further down as it rolled over her single piece swim suit, which I noticed clung to her like a second skin, and down her toned and muscled legs to the floor. “Oh my...” I murmured, feeling myself go weak in the knees at the sight of the powerful and astoundingly beautiful female form before me. I could feel Paine's eyes burning into my back and attempted to compose myself. “What's her name... and what did she do to get exiled if it's okay for me to ask?”
“Name is Amara... is not Kimahri's story to tell...” A voice over the intercom interrupted to announce that the match would be starting soon.
“Yuna should go, fans will want to see her.” I smiled and walked over to hug him once more, sneaking a peek around him only to catch sight of a golden tipped tail disappearing through the door that lead out to the field.
“We'll be rooting for you!” I shouted before turning and walking away.
“Aren't you going to go back for that?” Paine asked with a smirk.
“Back for what?” I asked, eying the woman suspiciously.
“I think you dropped your jaw when that golden Ronso came out of the shower.”
“Shut up!” I whined, slapping her playfully on the arm. “I couldn't help it...” I said, drifting off into the memory of bumping into her at the club.
“Something wrong?”
“No... but I think I know what got her exiled though...”
“She was at the club the other night...”
“Oh! These seats suck if you actually care to watch the game! Luxury box my butt!” Rikku whined. She hadn't had any luck finding any recruits and was regretting missing the scene in the locker room. “I've gotta see this Ronso chick that got Yunie all swoony!”
“I was not all swoony!” I shouted indignantly, not taking my eyes off the small, golden tinted form in the water.
“Shut up! Although I don't think you'll have to worry about finding her...”
“What do you mean?”
“It's kinda hard to tell,” I murmured, squinting at the faraway field, “but I think she's kicking some major butt.” Sure enough, a few seconds later the klaxon announcing a goal went off and the camera sphere zoomed in on the golden furred woman. “There she is!”
“Oh! That's definitely one sexy Ronso!” Rikku said with a whistle, only to yelp as Paine pinched her. “What, I'm not allowed to find other women sexy? What about all those times you talked about how hot Yunie was, huh?” That was enough to pull my attention away from the screen.
“Oh, Paine... I don't know what to say... just promise me that you'll be gentle...” The next thing I knew a bag of popcorn was being dumped over my head, followed by another roar of laughter from the assembled fans. I looked up to see Paine swatting irritably at the floating camera sphere while Rikku lay out on her seat holding her sides with laughter. A double burst of the klaxon announced that the game was over. I turned to look at the scoreboard, eyes lighting up at the seven to two victory for the Ronso Fangs and the tally showing Amara Ronso at the top of the High Scorer list.
To be continued...