“Hirasaka-san! You have a cute little first year wanting to see you!”
Hirasaka Hatsune turned around, already knowing who it was. Miyama Kanako hadn’t changed much after the weeks they’ve been together. She was still a little twitchy around the upperclassmen and her worried eyes kept trying to seek out the dark-haired beauty. ‘So cute…’ Hatsune mentally purred as she got up.
“Yes, Kanako?” she asked as she approached the shorter girl.
“Um…hello Neesama…” Kanako said, relaxing a little. “Um…I was wondering if…well, if you had any free time tonight?”
“Fufu…Kanako, you know me. I’m always free at night,” Hatsune giggled, a slight hissing sound in her laugh. Most who could detect that little hiss would’ve immediately been on guard, though Kanako was only mildly frightened; being around Hatsune for a long time had desensitized her a little. After all, Hatsune was the most dangerous being in the area ever since she had devoured Shirogane, her mortal nemesis.
“Well, I was wondering…if you wanted to…tonight…”
“What I want to do tonight? Kanako, what are you trying to say?” Hatsune’s hand reached over and started to play around with the younger girl’s hair. “Or...perhaps you have decided to take the initiative this time?”
“Ah…no…I mean…do you want…do you want to stay at my house tonight?”
Hatsune’s hand suddenly froze as the smile disappeared from her face to be replaced by a shocked expression. “…what?”
“Please…please come in Neesama…” Kanako said as she removed her shoes.
Hatsune looked around the house, her eyes almost wide like a child in a candy store. ‘I knew her family was rich, but to think her house would be this fancy…’ Hatsune was amazed but at the same time a little wary. ‘Things really have changed…I’ve been hiding in the forest for far too long.’ she thought to herself. ‘There are so many things here I don’t recognize, so many strange things…I still can’t believe how this land has changed.’
“Sit down, and I’ll get some tea,” Kanako said as she hurried into the kitchen. Hatsune sat down on one of the sofas; it was a lot softer than the desks at school and she found herself bouncing up and down on it a little. Her eyes fell upon a strange black board with several protrusions near the bottom. She inspected the object curiously before reaching over to touch one of the protrusions with a strange red glow.
The red glow suddenly became green and a “Bzzt!” sound was heard, causing Hatsune to leap away in surprise. The middle portion of the board seemed to flicker a little before a woman appeared in the middle of the board. “Today, authorities are still investigating the deaths of several suspected yakuza members…”
“Neesama! Are you alright?” Kanako had hurriedly put down a tray with two cups and a teapot on it upon seeing the dark-haired girl on the ground staring wide-eyed at the object. “What…what happened to you, Neesama?”
“Kanako…what is that?” Hatsune pointed at the object. “What kind of magic is that?” Kanako’s eyes followed the direction Hatsune was pointing at before suddenly laughing a little once she realized what had happened.
“Neesama…that’s a television set,” she said, smiling.
“Tele…vision?” Hatsune repeated, trying the words in her mouth. It sounded foreign and strange to her. “What is it?”
“It’s a machine,” Kanako explained. “We use it to see all kinds of things such as news, movies, special events happening in other parts of the world…” She reached over for another object, this one a rectangular-shape object with numerous strange bumps with strange symbols on it. “This is a remote; we use it to operate the TV.” Kanako pressed a few buttons and the image on the television changed into a cooking show.
“Incredible…” Hatsune whispered as she leaned in closer, running her hands over the television set’s side with a look of awe on her face. “How do you humans manage to cram everything inside of such a thin object? What kind of sorcery did you use to bind these people to do your bidding?”
“What? Oh, that’s not how it works!” Kanako quickly corrected, trying to suppress a giggle. “You see…well…” Kanako faltered; how exactly was she supposed to explain how a television worked? She herself wasn’t very sure and even if she was able to explain it would probably only serve to confuse the jorougumo even more. “Never mind…I’ll go tell the cook to prepare dinner. What do you usually eat?”
“Fufufu, that depends…how fat is your cook?”
“I…I meant besides people…”
“Well, livestock was always an option.” Hatsune sighed, a look of nostalgia on her face. “Nothing like trying to subdue a healthy bull to start a morning…”
“Um…I guess beef will be okay then?” Kanako said as she hurried off to inform the cook. Hatsune once again looked at the television set and fiddled around with the buttons that were underneath the word ‘channel.’ Several other images flashed by as she played with the channel buttons, but she stopped on a commercial advertising a video game for something they called the “Dee-Es’ or something like that…
“I don’t remember samurai armor being that big and able to fly…” she muttered, wondering what a ‘Geass’ was supposed to be.
“Neesama, dinner is ready!” Kanako called out. “Neesama?” ‘Is she still watching T.V.? I wonder what she’s watching right now…’
She noticed Hatsune staring at the television still, this time watching an anime. She noticed Hatsune muttering something along the line of “Just take her already! What kind of oneesama are you?! I wouldn’t hesitate! You’ve got this little piece of meat ripe for the taking and all you do is play with her ribbon?!”
“Neesama? What are you watching?” Kanako asked curiously.
“Oh, Kanako…this ‘television’ tells stories as well? I was just wondering why that black haired girl just doesn’t have her way with that twin-tailed girl…”
“That…that would be a crime! Besides, part of the appeal to the story is that the romance is in the subtext! If they just…well…if they just…” Here, Kanako blushed furiously. “If they were as forward as you, it wouldn’t be as appealing…”
“Huh. Humans really are strange…there was that one story where the black-haired girl seemed hesitant to claim that yellow-haired girl for herself…though why the story would have flying samurai in strange metal armor is beyond me…”
Kanako really had to stifle a giggle; how Hatsune managed to reach the conclusion of ‘giant flying samurai’ was beyond her. “We call that anime, Neesama. It’s sort of like telling a story with drawings…”
“And they manage to make those drawings move?” Hatsune’s eyes widened in shock. “Back in my days, anyone who wanted to bring their picture to life was either insane or a youkai…and now such a practice is common?”
Kanako decided it was a little too much to explain to her. “Anyways, dinner is ready, Neesama. Please, come with me.” She walked over and turned off the television set before leading Hatsune to the large dining room.
The table had an assortment of Japanese delicacies including sushi, soup, fish, and a large platter of beef in teriyaki sauce. Hatsune looked at the food with the wide eyes of a kid seeing something for the first time. “Did you throw the animal into a fire or something?” she asked as the smell of cooked meat reached her nostrils.
“Sort of…” Kanako said as she sat down. Hatsune, looking around at the vast number of chairs, decided to sit right next to Kanako; it made her feel a little more secure given that she was in an environment quite alien to her.
The two of them began to dine. Hatsune inspected one piece of sushi. “Still popular after all these years…” she said out loud in wonder. She popped one in her mouth and chewed; it was quite good. She picked up a piece of beef and sniffed it; the scent of roasted meat made her stomach rumble in a way that most burnt corpses never did. She put it in her mouth tentatively. Not bad, not bad at all, considering she usually turned her victim’s innards into mush before drinking them dry.
“Is…is it good, Neesama?” Kanako asked nervously.
“Yes, it’s very good…” Hatsune smiled. ‘But I was hoping that I could have a special treat today as well…” She moved her hand over to Kanako’s cheeks and stroked it gently. “I’ll be sure to enjoy it…”
“Kanako…I’m bored…play with me…” Hatsune whined. The two girls were in pajamas, having already bathed. Kanako was busy finishing up homework and Hatsune started to look around for something to play around with while she waited for her young lover to pay attention to her once again.
“Okay…okay…” Kanako said as she closed her textbook, breathing a sigh of relief now that her homework was done.
“Hey, Kanako, why did you bring this over?” Hatsune asked, indicating the sleeping bag. “What is it supposed to be for?”
“For you to sleep in, Neesama,” Kanako said as she packed her books into her bag.
“But we’re lovers…we’re supposed to sleep together…” Hatsune said, pouting a little. “Or…or have you decided to give me up?”
“N-no, never!” Kanako said, looking flustered. “I…I would never…!”
“I know,” Hatsune smirked. “Fufu, you really are cute…” She reached over and grabbed a hold of Kanako’s arms. Yanking her down, Hatsune soon straddled the smaller girl. “Time for my special treat!”
“Ah, Neesama! Wait, don’t…ah! N-Neesama…!”
‘So we ended up sleeping on the sleeping bag…’ Kanako thought as her naked body rested against Hatsune’s. She could feel the older girl still panting from their little love session. “Neesama…you’re holding me a little too tight…”
“My bad,” Hatsune said though she didn’t loosen her grip. “It’s just that…I feel safe around you, especially when I have your cute little body pressed against me…”
“You…feel safe around me?” Kanako repeated, sounding confused. Why would Hatsune feel safe around her? Hatsune was a powerful jorougumo who could easily tear apart a group of humans while she herself was just a small girl who couldn’t even fight off a single guy. “Why do you say that?”
“This world has changed a lot, and I’ve been out of touch,” the older girl said softly. “I see many things in this world that I am not familiar with and I’m afraid; will it hurt me? How am I supposed to protect myself if it does? How am I supposed to use this without drawing attention to myself? However, when I have you with me, I feel that I can depend on you to teach me about the modern world,” Hatsune said as she leaned down and kissed Kanako on the lips. “You really are dependable in that area.”
“Only that area?” Kanako asked, frowning a little.
“No, of course not,” Hatsune giggled. She stroked Kanako’s hair, breathing in the now faint cool scent of her shampoo. “You are a magnificent lover, of course.”
“Thank you, Neesama…”
“But you know, I always laugh at the day you confronted me on what I was, and you came alone without telling anyone after seeing me devour three guys…”
“Neesama, stop teasing me!”