Story: For the Love of a Soul Reaper {Bleached} (chapter 3)
Authors: Suicide7Days
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Chapter 3
Title: Chapter 3 The Love Between Us
We got dressed the next morning and went out to meet up with Rukia and Ichigo. We were holding hands in a laced position.
“Oh my god look at the new couple” Ichigo said.
“Hey guys” Angel said with a smile.
“So when did you two hook up and Rangiku I didn’t know you like girls I thought you and Gin were together” Ichigo said
“NO! We’re just friends he protects me but Angel she’s the best thing ever” I said
“Yeah Rangiku and I started dating last night and we had fun too. Eating sushi that she made and-“
“SHHHHHH!! I don’t want them knowing about the other thing” I said stopping her.
“Well I hope you two stay together forever” Rukia said smiling.
“Us too!” Angel and I said together.
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