Amidst the loud chatter of the people crowding the town teleporter, a young girl appears next to it, with blue hair and wearing a silver/green/red colored light armor, revealing much of her legs arms and belly, her weapon of choice, a 4th degree Chinese one-hand sword, with an equal degree steel shield.
The young girl’s name was Shi Ni, and she came here to meet a friend of her’s, but she was amazed by the sight before her, so many people! With nearly each step she was weaving between numerous people.
“Man, there’s so many people here!” commented Shi. “This place looks so beautiful too...”
There were ribbon-like material above that came to meet in the middle of the circular shaped area of the town.
Among all the people here, Shi noticed an equal amount of ‘stalls’, people like herself trying to make money selling things they found through hunting. Shi herself was here to make money, only if she could find her friend through all these people though!
“Excuse me... hello? Can someone help me find my friend?”
Shi didn’t get much of a reply, but she did hear a clear, ‘NOOB!’, she didn’t know if that was directed at her but decided now to ask out again, seeing as how everyone seemed to be busy.
“Well, I’ll look for Sara on my own then.”
After a few moments, Shi successfully managed to get out of the crowd.
“She so many people here, It’ll take me all day to find her... well, she’ll probably find me before I find her, I guess I’ll head out of town, see the sights.” Shi the sighed. “But I wanted to start my trade as soon as possible... oh well...”
Shi then headed out of the east gate of the town, down the large hill to the bridge, were she was treated to an another amazing sight; a great view of a clear blue lake that ran under the bridge.
“Wow! There’s nothing like this back in Dongwhang! It’s such a great view!”
Shi then hear a male voice speaking to her, “Excuse me...”
“Hmm?” replied Shi looking from the water to a man in shiny silver heavy armor with a large polearm held in his right hand.
“Are you lost?” asked the man.
“No, why? I’m waiting for a friend.”
“Well, judging by the armor your wearing I would’nt advise you head out past the bridge. The monsters out there would be a serious threat to you.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m not going to go far.”
“Ok then, make sure you stay on the main road then.”
“Ok, thanks for the tip.”
“Good luck.” Replied the man before walking in the direction of the town.
Shi went the other way, heading out into the vast green field. Not ten seconds out, Shi saw in the distance and female coming, followed by a large red bull. The female was at least level 60 doing a trade run, Shi learned earlier not to go towards a high level trade, the last time she did it did not turn out good for her and rather than experience that again, Shi ran a distance off the main road into what she thought was clearing, well it ‘was’ clear...
Upon the caravan passing safetly, began to walk again to the main road, but before she could, a large adult-sized, green female flower plant monster appeared before her out of then air.
The monsters top half was human more or less with it’s face covered in a leaf with branch-like appendages coming from it’s back, also, it was topless, breasts showing clear as day. The lower half of the monster was pretty much a large bulb with a dangerous looking mouth.
“Oh no! I should’ve just went back to town!” stated Shi to herself.
“Well what have we here?” smiled the plant woman. “An insect has strayed away from where it belongs.
Shi was obviously afraid, but prepared herself for a fight still, moving her shield in front of herself.
“Hehehehe, How cute...” teased the flower.
“C-Cute huh? Well I’m not going down without a fight!”
And with that, Shi charged the flower monster, but as Shi was about to attack with her sword, the female flower quickly grabed her hand with her own.
“Hmph, such a weak young girl...”
“Let me go you monster!” exclaimed Shi trying to retrieve her hand.
“Oh my, is a weakling like you telling me to do something?” laughs the flower.
“Your da*n right I am! Let me go!”
“Heh, very well then...”
The flower did release Shi’s arm, but quickly thereafter a branch came up from the ground, knocking Shi’s weapon out of her hand.
“Go ahead, pick it up.” Teases the flower.
The fact that the monster was toying with her aggravated Shi and she quickly attempted to pick up the sword, but just before her left hand reached her weapon, a branch quickly wrapped itself around Shi’s neck, squeezing tightly, causing Shi to drop to shield to try and pry the surprisingly flexible branch.
“I can’t believe you actually reached for it!” laughes the flower. “I believe the term ‘n00b’ applies to you.”
“Don’t call me that!” exclaimed Shi.
The flower then lifted Shi up, her feet inches from the ground, she was basically being hanged.
“Hmm, killing you would be too easy, what could else could I do to you?” commented the flower smiling.
As the flower thought, Shi was quickly running out of air, evident by her legs thrashing about.
It was about thirty seconds later before the flower had a thought, while Shi was nearing fainting. The flower took note of Shi’s air problem and lowered her to her feet with a smile as Shi quickly fell to her knees coughing, but still trying to remove the branch from around her neck.
“I just had a thought, would you care to hear it?” smiles the flower.
“F-Fu*k you!” screamed Shi.
“Heh, well, I’ve always wondered why you humans cover your bodies, what could you be hiding under what your wearing?”
“If you don’t know I’m not going to tell you!” angrily replied Shi.
The flower smirked and made the branch force Shi closer to her, about a foot away.
“You don’t have to, all you need to do is remove what your wearing?”
“Are you crazy?! I’m not taking off my clothes in front of you!”
“Heh, would you rather die then?”
Shi didn’t have a reply to this, obviously she didn’t want to die, but she didn’t want to strip in front of a curious monster ether!
“What will it be?” Asked the flower smiling. “Death? Or show me what your hiding under those clothes? It really doesn’t matter one way or the other, killing you would be easy but amusing.”
“... You monster...” groans Shi as a blush begins to rise on her cheeks.
Shi slowly lowered her hands to the top of her armor, but the flower stated, “I have no interests in your top half, take off your lowering clothing.”
Shi groaned in anger but did as the flower suggested, lowering her hands even further down her body to her arm that covered her waist. Shi positioned her hands to the back of her armor, unhooking a small clasp partially inside the backing of her armor. Once unhooked, the armor fell to the ground with a small clank, revealing her white panties, the only remaining clothing covering her most secret place.
“More clothing?” asked the flower with some surprise. “Well, take that off too.”
“No!” demanded Shi.
The flower simply smirked and a moment later, Shi felt the branch still around her neck become very tight, causing Shi to quickly gasp for air. As she was nearing unconsciousness again, falling to her knees, the branch loosened a moment later, allowing Shi to breathe a breath of life back into her lungs.
“I’ll only ask once more, you continue to defy me and I will kill you without a second thought, understand?” stated the flower looking down to Shi.
Tears had now came to Shi’s eyes as she looked to the ground, too long for the flower evidently as it forced her to her feet by her neck, to look at her.
“... Y-Yes...” replied Shi reluctantly.
“Good, I may let you live if you satisfy my curiosity. Now, take off the remaining clothes on your lower half.”
Shi frowned, but did as requested, lowering her hands to the sides of her panties and slowly lowering them, blushing with embarrassment and shame the entire time. When the small clothing fell to the ground and Shi stood up straight, she heard a surprised gasp from the flower.
“There’s nothing there, except hair! You humans quite strange, you cover your bodies when there is no reason to.”
From this reply, Shi tried to quickly put her panties back on, but what stopped by the branch tightening around her neck.
“Wait just a moment, I didn’t say you could put it back on.” Commented the flower as Shi stood back up, nude from the waist down. “Hmm, you’re pretty eager to cover yourself, maybe I missed something.”
The flower did a little wave with her right hand, causing two more branches to rise from the ground and around Shi’s ankles, raising her into the air.
“Ah! No! Stop it!” exclaimed Shi as she covered her crotch as best she could as she was moved even closer to the flower. Shi then felt herself nearly change into a horizontal position. The flower was going to look at her pussy and there was nothing she could do but cover herself.
But even that was not to be as the flower removed her hands, with her left.
“Oh my!” smiled the flower. “Now ‘this’ is defiantly something, it looks so tender and puffy...” added the flower as she used her right hand to stroke Shi’s labia. “...And it’s soft.”
Shi was now squirming lightly in unwanted pleasure, before long, with the flower’s continued rubbing, Shi was getting aroused...
“Oh, what’s this, your getting wet here.” Commented the flower noticing Shi’s growing wetness on Shi’s labia and on her finger’s. “What is this area called?” asked the flower.
“Nngh, I’m not telling you sh*t!” replied Shi as she fought off moaning from the flower restarting the rubbing action.
The flower simply smirked and proceeded to choke Shi once again, but just for about ten seconds.
“Answer me, or die.”
Shi groaned in pleasure, but complied.
“It’s, called a pussy...” replied Shi.
“Pussy huh? And what is it’s use?”
“I won’t repeat the question...” warned the flower.
“It’s for... enjoyment...” replies Shi embarrassedly.
“Y-yes, pleasure, you know what pleasure is don’t you?”
“Oh yes, I am familiar with pleasure. So, what I have been doing to your, pussy, has been pleasurable for you then?”
“Heh, I understand now... I shall give you pleasure.” Smiles the flower.
“What!” exclaimed Shi in shock.
“It’s better than me killing you right?”
“But you can’t pleasure me! I won’t let you!”
“Heh, and how will you do that?” smiles the flower before two more branches appear, taking hold of Shi’s wrists.
“You can’t do this to me!”
“What’s the problem? You would rather die then?” asked the flower before tightening the branch still around Shi’s neck to an almost lethal degree.
Shi’s body thrashed about wildly as she desperately needed to breathe. With the last bit of remaining breathe she had, Shi desperately gasped out, “... Y-You... win...”
At this, the flower loosened the branch, given Shi access to much needed air as she gasped out loudly.
“What was that?” smiled the flower.
“*cough* *cough* You win... I give up...”
“Good, it’s nice to see your finally seeing the helplessness of your situation.”
“Just please don’t kill me.”
“Hmm, very well, in return I shall give you pleasure.”
Shi said nothing but blush as she felt the flowers fingers exploring her most personal of areas, soon finding that Shi’s labia could be spread.
“Oh, this is interesting, there’s a hole here...”
The flower curiously, inserted her right index finger into the hole, causing a gasp of pleasure to be forced from Shi’s lips.
“Looks like I found something really interesting, what if I do this?” questioned the flower as she began to withdraw her finger then insert it again, forcing another pleasure filled moan from the young girl.
Upon withdrawing her finger a second time, the flower noticed her finger covered in Shi’s arousal.
“My, my, it’s so much wetter in this hole...” the flower then licked at her wet finger. “Hmm, not bad, but not pleasant ether...”
The flower then reinserted her finger into Shi’s wet hole, beginning a slow, but gradually increasing thrusting, releasing gasp after embarrassed gasp of pleasure from Shi, eventually to the point of panting.
“This is quite entertaining!” smiles the flower. “I must try to do this more, rather than killing humans.”
“Ah! Y-Your, s-still... Ah! A m-monster.” Panted Shi.
The flower smirked and continued her fingers action, jus a moment later, and Shi moments from orgasm, the flower took notice of a small nub near the top of Shi’s pussy that had become revealed.
“Hmm, and what is this...”
The flower used her free left hand to pinch the small nub, but additional act brought on Shi’s climax as her body quickly arched rigidly as she moaned out loudly in pleasure as her pussy spammed strongly.
As the flower smirked at Shi reaching the peak of her pleasure, she suddenly cried out in agony as she felt herself stabbed through the back, dropping the climaxing Shi to the ground as the flower looked down to see part of a two-prong curve blade protruding from her chest.
A female adult in a pretty green and quite revealing light armor, walked past the impaled flower to Shi, and kneeling down to her.
“Hey Shi, are you hurt?”
Upon Shi recovering from her orgasm, she looked up at the older girl and smiled.
“Your late, Sara.”
“Heh, I’m sorry, I got held up, a giant Mujigi attacked me.”
“You always have an excuse.”
“Well, you wanna get dressed, or you wanna stay have naked?” asked Sara smiling.
Shi looked up at the flower and saw it lean forward as it died, before fading, and Sara’s weapon, a large blue glaive fell to the ground.
“Hmm, Why don’t you join me?”
“What about helping you with that trade?”
“I’m too horny now to think about that!” whined Shi.
“Heh, ok then.” Smiled Sara.
END ^_^