Story: Moses Doy! (chapter 1)

Authors: Handj

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Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Ah-ah...I do not own Kim Possible...nor would I like to think that Ron Stoppable owns her, only Shego has that right to own her Kimmie! Understand?

Summary: Dr. Drakken was suddenly lost in the wild when he tried to make an ass of himself to prove to Shego that he can do things without him. After two years of Drakken's disappearance and boredom almost took Shego's insanity, the ex-evil doctor sent Shego a gift...right at her doorstep. Kim was desperately in need of some Shego-time and her wish was granted but not in the way she was hoping for.

Warning: KIGO...will have the most 7 chapters, and don't expect long chapters this time. Just got the whim to write this, I'm not even sure if I'll send this to my beta to be just be patient with my monstrous English. Okay...

Rated: T

A/N: I'm not so sure how I'm going to write the super XXX section of creamy I did another story that is rated T! So smex here, the rating is mostly for Shego's cussing and adult language. Oh...and I did this while I'm halfway finish with my Stupid Cupid chapter 6 probably this will be posted after or before Stupid Cupid 6. Jeez...I had one more KIGO plot that is still not written but I don't want to write that one unless I finish Stupid Cupid first...cause that one will be as long as Baby 101 I think...


Part 1


“Hey Wade? What's the sitch?” A certain red headed varsity cheer-leader asked as she wiped her eyes off of sleep. She was lying down on her stomach and her naked back was covered partly by her pink, floral blanket

The Afro-American boy who had suddenly entered his growth spurt chuckled at the other line as he saw Kim's predicament, “Well...” he said in his deep baritone voice, “First Kim, I think it would be bad for your rep as Upperton University varsity head cheerleader to be seen naked beside...ahrm...another...ahrm I mean aspiring cheerleader...ahrm...” he said trying hard to cover his laughter with a coughing sound

“What?” Kim's clouded mind asked and then she shifted her gaze beside her bed to see a blond woman with wide eyes looking at her, she winced at the sudden attack of headache “Ahmmm...” Kim then looked at Wade, “What is she doing here and who is this girl?”

The aforementioned blond woman stood up in disgust revealing her very naked body, she pulled the cover off Kim revealing a now very red and yet naked Kim Possible. She then hit Kim with the blanket as she said, “Fuck you Kim Possible! You played hard last night and you don't even remember me being here! You don't even know my name! Fuck you!”

Kim's eyes widened at the woman beside her and then looked at Wade, “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” she asked the Afro-American boy once the naked blond strode out of her room with only her blanket around her as she curses Kim's name while going out.

“It seems you got a little drank again last night Kim.” He said grinning, “And that was different from your usual nightly encounters...”

“That's because?”

Wade grinned, “She's not raven, when did you start screwing aspiring cheerleaders?”

Kim shrugged her shoulders, “Well from what we are seeing right now...I guess it started last night?” she winced as another attack of headache came her way, “So will you now leave that gutter and tell me what's the sitch

Wade grinned again, “I think you're wish might have come true.” Wade said

“What?” Kim frowned, “Am I the one who has a hangover here or what?”

“I mean...I got a tip on your website asking for help...immediately and guess where's the coordinate when I traced the call?”

“My head is splitting right now...I am not in the mood to play guess what Wade, so please...spill...”

“Drakken's latest lair...just before he and Shego disappeared two years ago.”


“Whoa!” Wade shouted as he suddenly covered the lens of his computer when Kim suddenly got up...naked

Kim blushed intensely and looked at her naked self before she got the decency to pull another blanket to cover her, “Sorry...”

“ time ring a bell Kim! I don't want to have sleepless nights this week!”

Kim grinned, “Ohhh...Wade is becoming a man now hah?”


“Okay! Just sent the coordinate in my Kim-com and I'll head over there...well after I drink something to take out this nasty headache first.” she said sighing

“Okay Kim, good luck...and I do hope you're in shape to go mano y mano with her...well after two years...”

Kim smiled satisfactorily, “I've never been prepared like today Wade...Thanks.”


“Fuck Dr. D!” Shego yelled as she keeps on pacing back and forth in front of a very wet, and open cardboard, “What the hell were you thinking sending me this!” she yelled again and pointed at the open box

A sudden giggling sound erupted in the lair

“You really have to go and screw things up! Then you sent me this…this…” Shego stutters as she finds the right adjective to give Drakken’s present, “Ahhhhhh!”

Another giggling sound then followed by gurgling

“I’m gonn’a lose it! Kim Possible! Where the heck are you?!” She shouted at the top of her lungs


Shego just arrived at her employer’s lair after two years of training and reshaping. It has been two years since her employer departed the lair without her to conquer the wild jungle in Africa, just to be an ass and to prove the green skinned woman that she was wrong when she told her blue skinned employer that he can do nothing without her…so to prove her wrong, he embarked on his own mission

And that was two years ago

Her imbecile, moronic, idiotic employer got himself lost without even using any tracking device on him! How stupid was that?

One advantage of this is that Shego has lots of vacation days…that’s it

Disadvantages: One, she can’t asked the blue man for a raise in salary (though her salary comes to her regularly every month) and two, no Drakken to take over the world means no Kim Possible to stop him!

Okay, disadvantage one was fine for her, she have the dough to laze out anywhere in the world when she wants to but disadvantage number two is surely something she cannot accept. There is no way she’ going to make it through another year without facing Kimmie, Princess, Pumpkin, Cupcake…bubble butt…

Shego grinned at the thought

And as if the sky was agreeing with her thought…it started to rain. Light rains at first but as time goes on, the rain poured down like cats and dogs

Damn lairs! That’s hard when there’s no Dr. D to hire hench services to clean up! All the roofs rusted and now…” she sighed as she watch raindrops falling from numerous holes on their ceiling, “And another damn for this cold lair! What the heck happened to the thermostat?!” she yelled at no one

She was about to learn what happened when she heard the lairs very loud doorbell (or was it gatebell?). So, Shego being pissed to the max marched to the front gate with a scowl, ready to pounce and blast anyone who dares invade her privacy…

Who the hell…”

And her supposed tirade stopped as she’d seen no one, instead there was nothing but the pouring rain outside

Darn! If this is some kind of Joke! You better stop or you’ll never know what will hit…”

A loud giggling sound stopped her rant outside, so she looked down where she heard the sound comes from and her brows rose up when she saw a now soaked card board. An envelope was pasted on top of it and it seemed waterproof

She took the envelope, opened it and read the content inside

Shego,” she read and her eyes rolled as she realized whose penmanship it was. She sighed deeply and continued, “I know I have been gone for long and I don’t think I could come back yet. As I’ve told you, I have conquered a very powerful tribe here in…where am I?” Shego frowned the hell doctor D? Why the heck are you asking me where you are?! Damn idiot! Shego thought and then continued, “Anyways, I know this is a very short notice but I’ve sent you something that is mine and I expect you to take good care of it,” If this is another poodle I’m so going to find you anywhere and kill you! “No, it is not a poodle but yes the one in the box is alive. I shall be coming back for it when the right time arrives and as you’re my most trusted evil family, I’m leaving it to you.”

Shego’s brows scrunched when after the letter, a check that was worth something she can’t imagine she’ll have was inserted with it

Oh-oh…when Dr. D gives me a lot of money without whining, that means I’m not going to like whatever it is that’s in this box! She thought as she ignited one hand with low plasma and opened it

The giggling increased and…


(End Flashback)

And Shego was doing the same as she reminisced how she arrived at a state where she have to ask for Kim Possible’s help

“Are you that ready to fight me Shego you have to give out that what? Was that a warrior chant?” Kim Possible said smiling at the raven haired woman

“Don’t start Possible!” Shego said frowning

“Oh, no Princess? No Pumpkin? No Cupcake…”

Shego looked at her as she rolled her eyes and then she shifted her focus on the box, not minding whether Kim made her fighting stance

“I didn’t call to fight you princess,” she sighed deeply and pointed at the opened cardboard box, “I asked you here to help me because I have no idea what to do with this fucking thing!” Shego said almost defeated

And that aura of Shego caught Kim’s curiosity. She relaxed her stance and stepped closer to the whining and cursing Shego, before she looked inside the box to see what caused Shego to feel like this

“Ah Shego?” Kim asked without taking her eyes on the box’s occupant

“Yeah?” Shego replied stopping her rant

“Are you actually cursing in front of a baby?”

-end part 1-

A/N: Yeah another baby story but this is a bit different since the baby is…I’m sure you’ve guessed. The anime Aishteru Baby inspired me to do this. Origially, it should have been an AU verse where Kim’s happy life would suddenly be spoiled by an unknown sister none of them knew…but thinking it was Kim, I don’t think she’ll be asking Shego any help, so I did the reverse…but this time…

You’ll probably understand the whole story once this is finish!

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