Story: Destiny From a Tip of a Rifle (chapter 6)

Authors: sneekie

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Chapter 6


One morning Cody was up early chopping firewood. She knew the weather was going to turn bad in the next few days and wanted to get the large pile done and stacked under the veranda. Jane came out with her coffee. She watched Cody bite through the logs with her axe. Her shoulder had obviously healed and back to full strength. Cody pushed her hat up and faced Jane.

Jane realised she had been sprung perving. She couldn’t help but notice Cody’s shirt clinging to her sweaty body.

Cody took the coffee and Jane picked up the axe deciding to have a go.

“Before you go and stuff your back up Jane, let me show-”

“I think I can chop a block of wood Cody.”

Cody shrugged; she had learned now to let Jane find out things for herself. Jane hesitated and looked at Cody. “Fine, show me.”

Cody smiled and took the axe and put a block of wood on the ground. “Now rather than throw your back into it, just let the axe bite into the log first, then lift the log and axe and then slam it down. Do it in two movements.”

Jane swung the axe and it lodged into the log. She then lifted the axe and log and dropped it down again. The log split in half and fell away.

“Wow, how easy was that?”

Cody grinned. “Well now that you have it, you can do the rest.” She pointed to wall behind her.

Jane scoffed at the amount of wood. “There is no way we will get through that today.”

“You best get started then.” grinned Cody.

“Sorry, but I’m going to town for supplies. I have a long list, so I shall see you this afternoon.”

Cody shrugged, “No worries.”

Jane headed back to the house and just looked over her shoulder watching Cody chop wood. Cody didn’t do it like she showed Jane. In one swing Cody split the log.

Jane parked the Hilux in front of the local grocery store and went in to place her order. The woman behind the counter shifted uncomfortably.

“Um. I can’t fill this honey. Cody hasn’t paid for the last lot. I know she is doing it tough, we all are but I need her to settle this account first.”

Jane left the shop and walked across the road. She pulled her wallet from back of her pants and used the ATM.

Jane returned and counted out $1000.00. “Does that clear her account?”

The woman nodded and Jane filled up the Hilux with supplies. She pulled into the pub and was greeted by Lois.

“Hello Jane, how goes things out there?”

Jane sat down and ordered a drink. “Fine, I’m no natural on the farm, but it keeps Cody amused.”

“I’m sure it does.” Lois winked.

Jane looked down the bar and saw a familiar face. “Hi Craig.”

Craig drained his drink and left the pub. Jane laughed. “Was it something I said?”

Lois shrugged.

“I want to pay Cody’s account and order a couple more cartons of beer.”

Lois helped Jane load up the Hilux.

“So you and Cody coming to the dance on Saturday night?”

Jane frowned. “What dance?”

“Once a year we have a dance at the local church hall, raising funds for the hospital. Everyone gets dressed up; it’s a huge community event. You guys should come along.”

“Cody’s not big on community events.”

“Hey I’m sure you can convince her. She can’t keep hiding out there forever. Please say you will come. I know Cody is a great dancer.”

Jane laughed. “There is so much about Cody I don’t know. I’ll get her there.”

Cody finished stacking up the split logs on the veranda when her Hilux pulled up. Jane was amazed she had done it all in 4 hours.

Cody helped carry the groceries inside.

“How in the hell did you get all that done in a short time?”

Cody smiled and shrugged. “What can I say, I have super powers.”

Jane leaned against the kitchen bench. “Really, so if I was to go into your tool shed, the chainsaw engine would still be warm I take it.”

Cody laughed, she had been caught out. “Yeah well my shoulder started to hurt. So did you have a nice time in town, hun?”

Cody stopped instantly and Jane eyebrow rose. Cody coughed, trying to cover her embarrassment “I mean-”

Jane smiled. “It’s ok. A slip of the tongue. There is something I want to discuss with you.”

Cody grabbed two beers and opened them. “Uh huh.”

“It’s to do with the dance this Saturday.”


“Hang on let me-”

“No, I’m not going.” Cody left and headed out to her shed.

Jane found Cody welding one of the stock fences and cleared her throat.

Cody without looking up, “The answer is still no.”

Jane sat on the veranda and sulked. Cody finished up and looked over. She wiped her brow and bit her lip. She walked over to Jane.

“The reason I don’t go is…. It’s difficult to explain. I just have bad memories, and I-”

“You have to move on. People want you there, stop hiding out here.”

“I am not hiding, it’s just…” Cody kicked the ground. “Jane… I don’t.”

Jane gets up and throws her hands in the air. “It’s fine. I’ll go by myself.”

“You don’t know where it is.” said Cody smugly.

“So…. I’ll call your neighbour. I’m sure he would want to take me to the dance. You won’t even have to wait up.”

Jane got up and walked inside. Cody didn’t like that idea for some reason and went in after her


Jane started getting dinner ready. “Fine…You will come or fine go with your neighbour.”

“I’ll take you to the damn dance.”

Jane got excited then sad, “I’ve got nothing nice to wear.”

“Come with me.”

She followed Cody into the spare bedroom and watched Cody pull out a large trunk. She opened it up.

“These are Gail’s stuff, there should be something nice.”

“Oh cool, you have any make up too.”

Cody looked at Jane putting her hands on her hips. “Do you think I’m the type of girl who would wear makeup?”

Jane smirked. “Ok then does Gail.”

“Probably in cabinet under the bathroom sink.”

“You are going to get dressed up too I hope. Apparently it’s a big deal, everyone dresses up.”

Cody left and yelled back. “No.”

Saturday night arrived and Jane was waiting anxiously for Cody to come from her bedroom. “For someone that doesn’t do hair or makeup you sure take a long time.” yelled Jane.

Cody stepped out of her room and walked down to the kitchen. Jane smiled at first then it disappeared.

“I love the black moleskin jeans and white shirt but” She took off Cody’s hat. “The hat stays home.”

“Hey, this is my going out hat, no marks or stains.”

“You are not wearing it and that’s final.”

“But everyone will be wearing one.” Cody whined.

She casually looks over Jane’s body. She was wearing a white, flowery short dress. Her hair put up and just small amount of makeup.

Cody didn’t know what to say. “Um. we should go.”

Jane headed out to the Hilux disappointed. She got in and Cody faced her.

“You sure look lovely in that dress.”

Jane smiled. “Thanks.”

“Would be better if you had a hat?” smirked Cody.

“I’m not wearing a bloody hat and neither are you, so drive.”

After an hour they pulled up at what looked like an abandon old church, except the car park was full of cars. Jane got out amazed at all the vehicles.

“You all drive bloody tanks.” She remarked while looking at the different 4 WDs, all with bull bars. She then scoffed when a couple and small child walked by. Cody acknowledged them.

Cody cocked her head to the side. Jane saw that they all had hats, including the child.

Jane scoffed. “I don’t care, we are not wearing hats.”

Cody and Jane walked towards the church. Jane hand brushed against Cody’s. She thought she would be bold and lightly held Cody’s fingers. Cody didn’t pull away until she got to the church entrance. She stalled and took a breath.

Jane leaned in. “It’s ok.” She rubbed Cody’s back reassuringly. “C’mon.”

Cody had only been in for 5 minutes and she had people around her talking, acknowledging how good it was to see her. Cody relaxed a little.

“Wow don’t you look hot?” spoke Lois.

Cody blushed. “Thanks.”

Lois hit Cody in the stomach. “I was referring to Jane.”

Jane blushed.

“Don’t you think Cody? I hope you told her.” nagged Lois.

Cody smiled. “I’ll get us all some drinks. Leave you both to talk, girlie stuff.”

Cody and Jane danced together on and off throughout the evening. Jane also danced with some guys who asked while Cody drank and talked farm stuff to her fellow farmers.

Jane finished dancing and caught up with Lois.

“So what’s the Cody and Jane story?” asked Lois.

Jane laughed. “Nothing, absolutely nothing. Cody likes to be a solitary creature I guess.”

“Oh come on, I sensed the chemistry between you two.”

“Are you kidding? She doesn’t look twice at me.”

Lois laughed. “Honey, her eyes haven’t left you all night. Every time you hit the dance floor she was watching you.”

“Well it’s one thing to look Lois, she just-”

“Shy, a gently soul. Maybe she needs someone to tell her it’s ok, give her a little nudge.”

Jane giggled. “So what you are saying is.....I should make the first move?”

Lois smiled. “Exactly.”

Cody watched the two girls from the other side of the church. They were laughing and then they looked at her. Cody sensed it was about her and turned away for another drink. She felt relax from the numerous glasses of beer.

As she leaned against the bar she looked over at the new arrivals and quickly looked away. She knew this was the time to go, but when she looked for Jane she was not around.

Cody remained still when someone leaned over the bar next to her.

“What brings you off the homestead Lez Wilson?”

She ignored him.

“C’mon we don’t see you for years and all of a sudden you here, trying to fit in.” He sneered.

She faced him. “Tony not tonight, I’m just here to have a good time without you and your mates starting trouble.”

Tony leaned in. “I heard you have a lovely piece living with you now. Real pretty like.”

Cody felt her self control slipping. She had put up with his taunts for years and she always let it go. Always was the one to walk away.

Jane came back from the toilet and noticed Cody stance in full stretch.

“Uh oh, this doesn’t look good.” She tried to get through the crowded room.

“So you have a new woman. What I wouldn’t give to dip my stick inside her, just like I did with Gail.”

Cody snapped and shoved Tony. “You son of a bitch, you shut your fucking mouth.”

Tony pushed back. “Fucking make me dyke.

Jane jumped between them and held them apart. “Stop it both of you.”

Tony laughed. “Hmmm she sure has you pussy whipped dyke.”

Cody went to move in on Tony but Jane forced her back. “Stop it Cody, go outside and wait by the car, we are leaving.”

Cody eyes still on Tony, hands clenched at the ready. Jane lightly slapped Cody to get her attention. “Now Cody.

She drained last of her beer and left.

Tony laughed with his friends. The dance hall had gone quiet with disapproving people mumbling.

Jane faced Tony, her eyes narrowed.

“You wanna know what being pussy whipped is like Tony?”

He smiled. “Why don’t you show me sweetheart?”

Jane with all her strength kneed Tony in the groin and as he doubled over she hit him across the face sending him to the floor in front of his mates. Blood pouring from his face, him rocking back and forth with a hand between his legs groaning.

Jane shook her hand from the pain of hitting the man’s face and looked around at the quiet room. She looked at Lois who started to clap and whistle soon followed be the crowd.

“Atta girl.” yelled out someone.

Jane blushed and left the church in search for Cody. Jane got to the Hilux but no Cody.

“Ohhhh, Cody.” She looked around the car park. It was so dark and she had no idea where to start looking.

She heard mumblings and grumbling. Jane followed it until she found Cody trying to unlock a car door. Jane muffled her laugh.

“Um. Cody what are you doing?” Jane asked walking towards her.

“I’m trying to unlock my car, what does it look like?” She growled.

Jane looked away and tried to maintain a level tone. “It looks like you are trying to unlock someone else’s car with your key.”

Cody looked into the Hilux and huffed. “ Well I thought it was mine. They all look alike out here” she grumbled

Jane walked up and took the keys. “Well you definitely not driving.”

Jane grabbed Cody who stumbled all the way to their vehicle. Jane placed her in the passenger seat and click in her seat belt. Jane climbed in and looked over at Cody.

“Cody, you alright?”

“Just get me out of here.”


“I fucking told you this would be a bad idea, but no you wanted to go. Well hope you’re satisfied.”

Jane didn’t say anything, she set off towards home.

Cody looked over at Jane and dropped her head. “I’m sorry I spoilt your night.”

Jane smiled still watching the road. “You didn’t, Tony did. I can’t say I have ever seen that side of you.” She looked the woman over. In fact that side of Cody turned Jane on more than ever.

Cody looked away. “He said some things I didn’t like.”

“What did he say?”

“Just stuff,..... about someone I care about.”

Cody put her head back and started to drift off. Jane put a hand on Cody’s leg and rubbed it to sooth her. “It’s over with now.”

Cody drifted off to sleep.

Cody felt someone shaking her. “C’mon you, I can’t carry you in all by myself.”

Cody got out of the vehicle and staggered inside. She sat on her bed and fell backwards. Jane walked in and laughed.

“C’mon lets get you undressed.”

Jane started at Cody’s boot when she sat up. “I can do it, I can do it.” grumbled a drunken Cody.

Jane stood up with arms crossed and watched as Cody unsuccessful in her coordination to pull her boot off.

Jane pushed her back down and took her them off, then her shirt and pants and finally put the covers over the top of her.

She stroked Cody’s hair and could not believe that 6 months ago she nearly killed this woman. Jane was about to stand up when Cody put an arm around her and pulled her down. Jane lay awake wondering if Cody was trying to start something but once she heard her snoring, she climbed out of bed. She stripped down to her panties and put one of Cody’s t shirts on and crawled up next to her. She kissed her shoulder and snuggled against her.

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