Story: Aveltaez (chapter 1)

Authors: yurigurl15

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Chapter 1

[Author's notes: hope u likey! ^^]

 September 4, 1749

 I woke up on the cold hard ground, I could still feel the power surging through my body, through every blood stream. It felt good, and the night before I can almost remember everything, I’m gaining more control every time I use it. I looked down to find my armor bent and busted, but fortunately my trustworthy sword still hung down my side, I was thankful. To think a year ago I was merely human, so worthless, so powerless. Now my power is unstoppable, this gift a treasure has changed me in many ways. My ice blue eyes turn the deepest blood red and cat like, my ears go pointed, my short light blonde hair turns long and a midnight black, my nails grow longer sharper almost like talons,  a tail and fangs spouts out like an animals, and I’ve gradually been growing. About an inch a month now, I was only five foot six, I’m now five foot eleven. Its been a whole year since I’ve found it, the power that is.  I felt a drop and then a sting on my left cheek. I reached up and touch it looking at my finger. Blood, I pulled out an old healing herb from my pouch and rubbed it on the cut it stopped stinging and went away in a matter of seconds.
One year earlier,
 Shzzzpp, shzzzp, shzzp. The sound of my new sword slashing though the hay dummies was music to my ears. I dreamt about being a warrior all my life, even when my mother died I kept training. No matter how long I’ve been alone I’ve never given up and I never will. I don’t have any friends, and I suppose I never will. Everyone in my village is afraid of me, afraid of a five foot six, fifteen year old girl. I like it though, when I walk by people scurry away in fear it makes me feel a little more powerful, but I’m not satisfied with  it I need more strength, more mental power . The villagers aren’t afraid of just my expert swordsmanship, they are scared of my use of levitation and telekinesis. It’s  only a simple power of having control of certain part of your mind, any of these fearful people could learn it with training.
 I look around me all of the dummies I had made, were on the ground sliced in half. I smiled the sword I had made worked much better than the last one the handle was sturdy the blade sharper. I smiled picking up my steel plated shield from under the old oak tree I usually sat under to read. I needed to wash, my tan man’s shirt was sweat drenched, my brown tights clung closer to my long pale legs, I could even feel sweat in the soles of my tan sandals. I headed to a small pond about ten meters east of my old shack that I call home on the edge of town. I looked around, no one in sight as usual. I sat my sword and shield beside a stump near the edge of the pond, then stripped from my clothes placing them on top of it. I slipped my toe in the water it was warm, “That’s unusual for this season.” I thought to myself, but ignored it and went ahead and dived in. the warmness of the water soaked into my sore muscles making me relax. It felt good to have the water warm for a change. Living so close to the mountains, made the water fairly cold most of the year.
 I looked up at the graying sky. “Looks like another storm’s coming pretty soon, better hurry it up.” I thought to myself closing my eyes in frustration. With a deep breath I went under the water to clean my face. Opening my eyes slightly I saw a glimmer out of the corner of my eye. I came up for a breath and moved closer to where I had saw the glimmer. I dived back under spotting the object again I grabbed it. When I came back up it was raining and lightning, I examined  the object it look like an emerald in the shape of a moon. As I started for shore I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body the last thing I saw was the moon shaped emerald.

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