Story: Adagio (all chapters)

Authors: yurigurl15

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Chapter 1

[Author's notes: okay ppl tell me what you think so far!]

I slammed the newly furnished oak wood door as I ran over to my large feathered bed throwing myself down on the red French silk sheets. It wasn’t fair I thought to myself in agony. Why? Why must my twin, Anlynette, be the one to get married of all the fine looking girls here In England? With her as well as me being sixteen it hits me hard, I’ll be losing the only person who understands what I’m going through, the only person who really and truly loves me. My dearest sister’s wedding is tomorrow she seems happy, but I am not. How? How, I question myself over and over can she love someone like Charles? Always a new woman to beat,  treat as his slave, property. I can’t stand the thought of him doing these things to my sister, I would much rather it had been me. I guess her captivating blue eyes and white blonde hair caught the attention of this rich, filthy, pervert of a man that my parents see as a perfect husband for my fragile kind hearted sister.

I sob madly into one of my many pillows, as I wish I had those captivating blue eyes and blonde hair, so I could go though the pain my sister will soon be experiencing and spare her the life she could have had. I tug at my long wavy light brown hair and curse the dark brown eyes that shed tears down my pale white skin, clenching my teeth as I hear a light knock at the door. “Go away!” I exclaim throwing the tear damped pillow at the door as if it was going to make them leave me to my pathetic sobbing.

 “Chasiti, stop your selfishness and come to congratulate your responsible sister in her engagement to Sir Charles.” I hear my mother’s wretched voice echo throughout the large halls that lie outside my thin framed door. “Chasiti? Do you hear me girl?” I hear the impatients  in her voice as I get up to see what this witch of a woman wants from me. As I walk on the dark hardwood floor slowly approaching my fatal destination I hear the woman I call my mother knock louder on the outside of my door, I laugh to myself as I imagine the outer layer of the door starting to chip from the aggressive banging on its all so fragile snake like skin. I do this when I’m in a place I don’t like I make up my own world, one where everything is like I want it to be, everything’s peaceful no wars, no evil parents, and certainly no perverted men.

Finally making it to the door I reluctantly open it averting my eyes away from the hideous blue eyed monster that stood in front of me fist clenched, teeth unmorally grinding together. I stood there looking down at my dark brown leathered lace boots, and the light pink fringe of the end of my not so comfortable satin dress that matched the bow I had  flung onto the floor while bawling my pitiful eyes out.

“What ‘tis it that you would want mother?” I asked in a mocking lady like manner as a feel a hard slap to the face. But I smiled with all the glory in the world without even a whimper as I saw how angry it was making the beast, the pleasure was worth the pain……


To Be Continued

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