Story: My Life as A Succubus (chapter 55)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 55

Title: 55. A Succubus Power

[Author's notes: [LOLI (NYMPH)] [YURI] [BITING] [FANTASY]

After a conversation with Morrigan, Suzan wonders about Lynn's progress in learning to use a particular succubus ability, which later leads to opening up old wounds...

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters Morrigan and Lillith of Darkstalkers, this is just a work of fiction.]

- A few months later -
- April 12th, Saturday, 2008 -

In a night sky that wasn\'t Japan, giving off an eerie, foreboding atmosphere, with old-style castles in the distance and small towns below seemingly left behind by time with no technology in sight; two winged, humanoid figures can be seen gliding through the night sky.

Suzan Kiddo and Morrigan Aensland were those winged bodies, flying side-by-side, Morrigan dressed in her usual attire, a very form-fitting black leotard with a white fur trim, along with purple sheer nylon stockings with a bat motif, her attire matching the black and purple color of her dual wings on her head and back. Suzan was dressed very similar, she also wore a leotard, but a deep green and lacked the fur trim and stockings, only partly matching the black and green color of her wings.

“I\'ve certainly had my fill for the night.” comments Suzan.

“So have I.” replies Morrigan in agreement, with a smirk. “It\'s such a shame Lilith couldn\'t join us.”

“Heh, you\'re so mean to her.” chuckles Suzan. “Though I do wonder how she\'s doing after being left like that while we were gone.”

“I\'m sure she\'s just fine.” comments Morrigan cheerfully. “Speaking of how someone\'s doing, what about Lynn? I haven\'t seen her in about a month, I think.”

“Lynn\'s doing fine.” answers Suzan.

“That\'s good, how\'s her training coming? Can she use all of her abilities really well?”

“Yeah, she\'s all good in that area, she\'s learning fine, all except one ability though.”

“Really? Which one is it?”

“Entering a persons dreams.”

“Whoa, really?” asks Morrigan, with wonderment clear on her face. “That\'s her most important ability, why hasn\'t she learned to use it?”

Following a brief sigh, Suzan answers, “She says she doesn\'t see a need for it since she can just bite Alex.”

“Well I can understand why she would think that, if she was a vampire then it would be ok, but-”

“Yeah, I know...” interrupts Suzan. “I\'ve tried telling her that going into a persons dreams is the best method to regain her energy, but she\'s just really unsure of herself. She\'s never used the ability, so she worries something bad will happen, like when she awoken years ago.”

“I see, I guess that moment really effected her.” comments Morrigan. “Even so though, it\'s not an ability she can just ignore.”

“I know, I\'ll talk to her about it tomorrow. I just don\'t wanna force this on her if she doesn\'t feel she\'s ready.”

“Do you want me to come over tomorrow and encourage her?” asks Morrigan.

“Sure, if you want to.” replies Suzan.

“Ok, we\'ll help Lynn over the hump together!” states Morrigan cheerfully, before seeing them nearing the castle Morrigan called home. “Well, are you gonna stop by to check on Lilith or are you heading home?”

“I\'ll see how Lilith\'s faring.” answers Suzan with a smile.

- Next day -
- April 13th, Sunday, 3:54 P.M. -
- Lynn\'s room -

While the T.V. was on, neither Lynn or Alex\'s attention was on it, rather, it was very much themselves as they lay on the bed, other than their socks, completely nude.

The two gave a soft moan each as they shared the moment, Lynn carefully atop her girlfriend, hugging her as her fangs pierced the smooth skin of Alex\'s neck, feeding herself on the red-heads blood; who was relaxed in the intimate moment, also embracing Lynn, an arm around her lower back and a hand on the back of Lynn\'s head, slowly feeling more and more of her energy leaving into Lynn.

It was a near silent, willing exchange, one that Alex had yet to tire of and she wondered if she ever would; not only because of the physical sensations, but the deeply emotional ones, she felt closer to Lynn in these moments than she ever felt when making love. The only thing Alex didn\'t like about it was that Lynn and herself couldn\'t share this act more frequently.

Alex did find herself fantasizing lately about giving herself completely and allowing Lynn to drain her dry; though in reality, Lynn never went much further than Alex losing control of her bladder.

Which, if Alex\'s was full at the moment it would be emptying about now, before she feels Lynn\'s fangs pull out and her tongue licks the two punctures.

Lifting her head, Lynn smiles down at Alex, who smiles back, before asking...

“Can you do my a favor?”

“Sure, what?” asks Lynn.

“Can you go full demon?” asks Alex, smiling.

“Full demon?” questions Lynn with a giggle. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, bring your wings out.” clarifies Alex.

“Oh.” answers Lynn, her smile fading.

“It\'s just, sometimes, I totally forget you\'re only half-human and I\'m only reminded when you make certain comments or when your feeding on me. I\'ve only seen you go \'full demon\' once. I\'d like to see it a lot more, I wanna know every part of you, like I knew those tiny wings.” explains Alex with a big smile.

“Oh...” replies Lynn, a blush now joining her smile. “I didn\'t know you thought that.”

“Yeah, I know you\'re a little embarrassed or self-conscious about your wings, but I think they look cool.”

“Well, ok...” answers Lynn, before a second later, Lynn\'s dual wings emerge from her head and back.

Sitting up on top of Alex, Lynn fully presents her winged, nude form; with a light peach fuzz of blonde pubic hair. Lifting her hands up, Lynn briefly stretches as she extends her wings, her lower wings wing-span reaching pass the sides of the bed.

“Nnngh...” groans Lynn. “I haven\'t brought my wings out in a while, their a little stiff.”

“I certainly wouldn\'t mind giving them a message.” comments Alex, admiring Lynn\'s wings, then her body in full with a big smile.

“Really?” asks Lynn.

“Sure, I gave your little wings messages, remember?” replies Alex, placing her hands to Lynn\'s hips.

“Oh, yeah... it\'s been awhile.”

“When then, let me refresh your-” starts Alex, sitting up a little to reach her hands towards Lynn\'s lower, bigger wings, though sees Lynn stiffen and jerk her wings away and they fold closed along with her quickly placing her own hands to her wings, shielding them from Alex\'s touch. “Oh, I\'m sorry.” quickly apologizes Alex. “Aside from you\'re mom, and maybe Morrigan, no one else has touched them have they?”

“No...” confirms Lynn, blushing.

Smiling, Alex asks, “In that case, can I have permission to touch them?”

“U-Um...” replies Lynn, blushing deeply and averting her gaze, as the wings on her head fold close as well.

Alex smiles at Lynn\'s embarrassment and the visible reactions from her wings to it for a moment, before suggesting...

“Well what about the ones one your head? I\'d like to get to know them again.”

“Ok.” replies Lynn, with a smile, her upper wings spreading a little, before lowering her head, face to face with Alex, who lifts her hands up to the once tiny, but now fully developed wings.

Alex cups her hands over the back of the appendages, smiling when they flinch briefly from the contact. Beginning caressing the hard \'arms\' of the wings, they soon relax and spread a little wider. Alex soon moves her hands to the visible under-side of the wings and rubbing her fingers over the green webbing’s, which Lynn clearly found pleasurable as her eyes close with a moan, bringing a bigger smile to Alex.

“Does it feel the same?” asks Alex.

“It feels better than I remember.” answers Lynn, slowly turning her head left and right slightly a few times in further response to the pleasant sensations of Alex\'s touches to her wings.

“Maybe it\'s because their fully developed now.” suggests Alex, pinching the webbing’s between her fingers and beginning a circular message with her fingers, bringing a louder moan from Lynn.

“Ohhh~... most likely.” she answers.

Lynn enjoyed the unique message for a few moments more before lowering her lips down to Alex\'s as they began to kiss and wrestle their tongues as Alex continued the actions of her fingers.

About a minute into the kiss, it ended with a sudden gasp from Lynn as Alex had moved her fingers to the base of Lynn\'s wings, where they emerged from her head. Seeing the scrunched expression Lynn had, Alex thought she may have been hurting her and quickly pulled her fingers away.

“Oh! Sorry! Did that hurt?”

“N-No, it didn\'t hurt...” sighs Lynn. “It was the complete opposite.”

“Really?” asks Alex with a grin. “That spot wasn\'t always that sensitive, seems like you got a new weakspot!” declares Alex, quickly returning her fingers to the base of Lynn\'s wings, immediately bringing a delighted gasp from Lynn, along with a giggle.

“Ahh! D-Don\'t! S-Stop! Nngh~!” moans out Lynn.

“Huh, don\'t stop? Ok then!” replies Alex, giggling herself as she began to moves her fingers along the base of Lynn\'s wings, bringing a louder gasp of pleasure from her.

“T-That\'s.... n-not, what I m-mean!” groans out Lynn, before gasping out again and lowering her face to Alex\'s chest.

“Heh, does this feel good enough that you might come from it?” asks Alex.

“I... d-dunno...” answers Lynn.

Another gasps leaves Lynn as Alex lifts her left leg up to Lynn\'s crotch, pressing and rubbing her leg against Lynn\'s aroused, hot lower lips.

“How about now?” asks Alex, smiling.

“Hehe, y-yeah, I think that\'ll do it.” comments Lynn with a giggle mixing into her moans.

While initially slightly against what Alex was doing, Lynn made no further requests for it to stop as she moans in the pleasure of Alex rubbing the base of her smaller wings and moving her leg against her labia, which Lynn herself also began to do her own part by rocking her hips against Alex\'s leg.

Roughly two minutes total had pass before Lynn could feel the pre-orgasm pangs of pleasure emanating from between her legs. Alex, on the other hand, enjoying the sounds and sights of Lynn\'s pleasure, could feel the warm trails of Lynn\'s arousal traveling up her leg. Lynn was at the very edge of climaxing, with her cum trailing out her her. With Lynn\'s groaning however, Alex knew she was attempting to hold it back, Alex would have none of that though and began to lift and lower her leg, tapping at Lynn\'s near orgasm, wet lips, bringing a louder groan from her.

“Nnnngh! Stop! P-Please!” suddenly begs Lynn.

With the \'please\' request, Alex wondered why Lynn wanted her to stop with her being so close, but did.

“What\'s wrong?”

Trembling, Lynn managed to reign in the the urge to climax to comment...

“S-Sorry, but I\'d r-rather not drench t-the bed.”

“Oh, ok then.” replies Alex with a smile. “I\'m thirsty anyway.”

Lynn gave a brief chuckle, before shakily moving further up the Alex\'s body, her ready-to-climax and dripping lower lips were directly above the Alex\'s head, who moves hands up to the wet lips and spreads Lynn open.

“Tell me when...” comments Alex, as she began to lightly blow on Lynn\'s sensitive flesh, urging her body on.

Lynn immediately began to tremble, before a gasp leaves her as Alex sees and felt a spurt of Lynn\'s cum hit her face.

“O-Ok now!” quickly declares Lynn.

Another quick spurt leaves before Alex quickly lifts her head and latches her lips to Lynn\'s, who let out a loud orgasmic moan as her delayed moment finally came in full. Her body stiffening and her dual wings folding close as her cum streams powerfully from her and into Alex\'s waiting mouth, who eagerly swallows as Lynn continued to feed her more and more of her warm ejaculate in one long, pleasurable three seconds, before another gasp leaves Lynn and a second, two second stream of her cum forcefully leaves her into Alex\'s mouth and down her throat.

With the second stream ending Lynn was overtaken with spasms of ecstasy as yet another loud moan leave her, gripping Alex\'s head in her hands tightly and pressing the red-heads head back onto the pillow as she presses her climaxing lips against Alex\'s as a third and longest stream of her girl-cum yet forcefully leave her, which was eagerly swallowed by Alex.

Now completely spent from her powerful climax, Lynn leans forward, placing her sweat-covered forehead against the wall, shuddering in the after shocks of her orgasm as she felt the lingering, tiny final spurts of her cum leave her.

After a few moments rest, Lynn gave a surprised flinch as she felt the pleasure of Alex\'s tongue teasing her pee-hole.

Not wanting to keep Alex\'s head pinned between her legs, Lynn forces herself upright and moves herself off of Alex and laying on her back to Alex\'s left with a sigh.

“Man... I came so hard.” comments Lynn.

“You sure did.” adds Alex, leaning over with a smile, her face, from her nose down, glistening from Lynn\'s fluids. “I\'m sure I drunk more than a cup.”

“Hehe, yeah, probably.” giggles Lynn.

Alex\'s gaze soon falls to Lynn\'s bigger wings, laying against the bed.

“Can I touch your bigger wings now?” asks Alex.

Lynn turns her head to look to Alex with a smile.


“Thanks.” replies Alex, before sitting up for a better view and placing her left hand to the hard \'arm\' of the wing, caressing it\'s length a few times, before moving to the green webbing. Moments into the rubbing of the webbing, Alex noticed Lynn didn\'t have the same reaction as her smaller wings. “So these aren\'t as sensitive, huh?”

“Nope, it still feels good though.” comments Lynn.

“Hmm, I wonder if the bases of these wings are more sensitive then?” comments Alex with a grin.

“Well I\'m on my back right now, you\'ll have to wait till later.” replies Lynn, smiling.

“Aww, fine then.” replies Alex with a playful pout and returning her gaze down to Lynn\'s wings and continuing to caress them and a smile returning to her face. “Their really pretty.”

“You think so?” asks Lynn.

“I sure do. Don\'t you think your wings are pretty?”

“Well...” starts Lynn, lifting her left wing up and looking at it. “I wouldn\'t say their ugly... Although I have trained them, I\'m still not quite used to them, afterall, I don\'t bring them out very much, only when I\'m practicing my powers.”

“You trained your wings?” questions Alex. “How do you train your own wings? You control them.”

“Yeah, well it works a little differently for us Succubi.” answers Lynn, smiling.

“Really? What\'s different?”

“Well, my wings can respond to my thoughts and morph into into things.” answers Lynn.

“Ohhh, really!? Do it! I wanna see!” quickly requests Alex happily.

“Ok.” replies Lynn, smiling, before placing a finger to her chin. “Hmm... oh, I know...” she adds.

Alex then gasps in surprise as she sees Lynn\'s large, bat-like wings loss their shape and morph into a set of three tentacles, wriggling around for a moment, before another gasp leaves Alex when she sees and felt the tendrils wrap around her waist and lift her in the air directly above Lynn.

“Whoa! That\'s awesome!” declares Alex. “How long have you been able to do this!?”

“Ever since I got my wings.” answers Lynn.

“Why have you never mentioned that!? Do you know how much fun we can have with these!?”

“Heh, yeah, but I was nervous about bringing my wings out.” answers Lynn, blushing slightly.

“Well hopefully, that\'ll change now.” replies Alex. “Can you let me down now?”

“OK.” states Lynn, lowering Alex, on top of herself, before her wings return to their original form.

“Hey, I have a question.” comments Alex, sitting up on Lynn\'s upper legs instead of her waist, avoiding having her legs on Lynn\'s wings.


“How do you make a Succubus?”

“Well... When a Succubus meets a man...” starts Lynn, before Alex pokes her labia.

“That\'s not what I mean!” declares Alex, with a chuckle. “I\'m taking about turning a human into a Succubus.”

“Why do you want to know all of a sudden?” asks Lynn.

“W-Well...” starts Alex, briefly averting her eyes.

“You\'re not going to ask me to-” asks Lynn, before Alex quickly interrupts.

“N-No! Of course not! It\'s just, it\'s been on my mind lately, with me being the only one you feed on.”

“So, you\'re wondering the possibility of me feeding on you turning you into a succubus?” asks Lynn.

“Yeah.” answers Alex.

“Well...” starts Lynn, averting her eyes with a small smile. “Uh, to be honest, I don\'t know the process of turning a human into a succubus.”

“You don\'t!?” gasps Alex. “How could you not know!? Maybe your feeding on me may have done something.”

“Well, I sure me biting you wouldn\'t turn you into a succubus.” comments Lynn.

“How do you know? You just said you didn\'t know the process!” declares Alex.

“Well, if it was, I\'m sure my mom would have said something.”

“Oh, well, you have a point there.” comments Alex, smiling.

Lynn also smiles.

“You looked kinda panicked there for a moment.”

“W-Well, it\'s not like the thought of me being the same as you is horrible, I\'d just like to know before-hand.” replies Alex.

“Wait, so your saying you\'d be ok with being turned?”

“N-No! I\'m not saying that-I mean, yeah, I guess I am, but that not what I mean, I like being human... not that being a succubus isn\'t good- I, Ohhh...” flusters out Alex, before groaning and placing her hands to her head in frustration.

Lynn giggles at Alex\'s fumbling and comments...

“Hehe, don\'t worry about it, you wanna stay human, that\'s good, otherwise, I\'d have to find someone else to feed on.”

“Heh, yeah, plus I don\'t think my mom and dad would like me being a demon.”

Shortly into the giggling, a knock comes from Lynn\'s door and her mom, Suzan calling to her.

Hey Lynn, Alex, are you two busy right now?

“No, we\'re just talking.” answers Lynn. “Actually, I have a question, the doors unlocked.”

Alex then removes herself from on top of Lynn and sits to the right as the door opens and along with Suzan, dressed in a shirt and jeans, Morrigan is with her, dressed in a sleeve-less shirt and a jean skirt as the two walk in.

“Hey Morrigan.” greets Alex with a wave of the hand.

“Hello.” replies Morrigan with a big smile.

Suzan, seeing Lynn\'s wings, smiles and comments...

“Ohh, Lynn your showing your wings...”

The remark brings a blush to the teens cheeks, her wings folding close, before she comments...

“Yeah, Alex wanted to see them.”

“Oh, ok.” replies Suzan, before she and Morrigan join Lynn and Alex on the bed, sitting at the edge. “You can go first Lynn, what\'s the question?”

“Alex brought it up before you came and we\'d like to know what would the process be in turning a human into a succubus?”

Both, Suzan and Morrigan\'s eyes widen at this question, before the two adults look to Alex, who looks puzzled for a moment before gasping and quickly commenting.

“I-it\'s not what you think! Really! I was just curious since Lynn feeds on me regularly.”

Although the comment brings a smile to both Suzan and Morrigan, Morrigan is the one to also chuckle briefly.

“Heh, cute.” the blonde-haired woman comments. “It doesn\'t work through biting.”

“Well that\'s a relief.” sighs Alex.

“So how does it work then?” asks Lynn. “I\'d hate to turn Alex without even trying to.”

“There no worry of that happening.” answers Suzan, before looking to Morrigan. “Do you want to explain or should I?”

“I don\'t mind.” replies Morrigan, before looking back to Lynn and Alex. “Ok, the process can vary in the length of time. Two factors determine how long it takes, whether the victim is willing or not...” explains Morrigan, eying Alex with a smirk, who blushes. “And the strength of the person\'s will. The majority of the process involves bombarding the girl\'s body with pleasure for hours, days or even weeks depending on them being willing or not and the strength of their will; but, if it\'s taking weeks, then the victim clearly isn\'t willing.” explains Morrigan with a chuckle.

“Wow...” comments Alex. “Does the girl get any breaks at all?”

“Absolutely not.” answers Morrigan. “It\'s twenty-four hour, around the clock pleasure and the more intense the pleasure, the better. Of course, they do get feed so they won\'t die, but all the food and water is laced with drugs that increase their pleasure.”

“Geez, wouldn\'t a person go crazy after so long?” asks Alex.

“Yes, and it does happen, but that not the goal.” replies Morrigan. “The ultimate goal of bombarding their body with so much pleasure is to break them.”

“Break them?” questions Alex.

“Yes, breaking them starts with crumbling their will, their desire to fight, resist, anything, they effectively give up. Hehe, the longer a girl resists, the more satisfying it is when they break.” explains Morrigan, grinning. “That pathetic, defeated, empty look in their eyes, there\'s nothing like it.” she adds.

The almost evil-like grin Morrigan had as she explains what breaking a girl involved, had brought a little fear to Alex. Suzan though places a hand to Morrigan\'s shoulder, commenting with a smile.

“You\'re scaring her.”

“Oh, heh, sorry about that.” replies Morrigan, before Lynn comments.

“It sounds like turning a girl into a succubus is pretty cruel.”

“Well, cruel or not, the process isn\'t done once you break them.” replies Morrigan.

“Wow, you do even more to them?” asks Alex.

“Yes, once their broken, this is the important part, you have to keep flooding their body with pleasure.” states Morrigan.

“Even after you\'ve won and their will is broken?” asks Alex.

“Yes, think of it like cooking, once they break, they have to \'simmer\' for a while.” answers Morrigan.

“No change in their pleasure occurs, they stay with what broke them. This is were young succubi end up screwing up and let there desire to turn the girl get the better of them and they ramp up the pleasure even more and end up ruining the girl. They becomes a shell of themselves, worthless as a new succubus, but still useful in other ways. A broken girl\'s mind is very delicate, you could almost think of it like a blank slate.” explains Morrigan.

“When you say the girl becomes ruined...” starts Alex. “What do you mean?”

“Well, as I said, the broken girl\'s mind is very delicate, the goal is to turn them into a succubus, but if you go too far with the girl in that delicate state, their mind and body become obsessed with pleasure and nothing else, they becomes slaves to the pleasures of their body. Though there are some who purposely ruin girls, you don\'t have to be a succubus to do that.” answers Morrigan.

“Wow, so, a ruined girl is basically a mindless sex slave?” asks Alex.

“Yep.” replies Morrigan. “Lillith has her own room in the castle just for her sex slaves. Actually, I remember her telling me a birthday present she gave to your sister was to spend time with her slaves.”

“Really!?” gasps Alex, “I don\'t remember Allie telling me that.”

“Heh, well, continuing my explanation...” states Morrigan. “Us older Succubi know, you have bring the girl to the edge of ruining them. The girl will start to ask for more, THAT is the moment you\'ve been waiting for; not only just giving up, but giving in. Once they\'re broken and start to ask for more pleasure, you have them. This is the point were there on the line of being ruined and some inexperienced Succubi give the girl what they want, which is ok, but you can\'t increase their pleasure too much.” explains Morrigan.

“The real key though, is to deny them what they want, some Succubi immediately turn them, which is fine, but I like to delay it a little and tease them for an hour or few. Completely stopping the bombardment of pleasure and my fingers are the only pleasure they get, but I don\'t let them come, till their crying and begging for it. THEN I do it, I force my will on them and flood their body with my own energy. Giving them the orgasm they desperately want, more powerful than anything they\'ve experienced yet, which also turns them into a full succubus, wings and all.”

“Wow...” comments Alex, wide-eyed. “So, a succubus is born from an orgasm?”

“Well, you could say that.” answers Morrigan, before Lynn comments, looking less than pleased...

“So the process is basically corrupting the girl\'s mind and body.”

“You say that like it\'s a bad thing.” replies Morrigan, smiling.

“How different would the whole thing be if the girl was willing?” asks Alex.

“Well, with someone willing, technically, the process of breaking them isn\'t required. However, without breaking them, unless the succubus turning them is really powerful, such as myself or Suzan, the turned girl could end up being equal in power or in rare cases, more powerful than the succubus who turned them.” explains Morrigan.

“Wow, really?” asks Alex, as Lynn also looked surprised.

“Yes, though turning without breaking doesn\'t happen often. The turned succubus, even if only slightly weaker than who turned her, must refer to the one who turned her as her superior, or master. However, if a girl is turned without breaking them, and they end up being equal or stronger than the one who turned them, they can challenge the superiority of their master.”

“Hehe, so if I let Lynn turn me and I\'m equal or stronger than her, I could have her calling me master?” asks Alex.

“Exactly, it\'s a very humiliating thing to have happen.” replies Morrigan. “So willing, non-breaking turnings are quite rare. The only exceptions being situations similar to what you two have, a succubus falling for a human girl.”

“So then...” starts Suzan. “Are you two satisfied with the explanation?”

“Yea.” answers both Lynn and Alex, though Alex adds, “And thanks for explaining it.”

“You\'re welcome.” answers Morrigan.

“Now then, the reason we came to visit...” states Suzan. “Lynn, I\'d like to talk to you about entering a persons dreams.”

Lynn immediately gave an annoyed sigh.

“Again? I told you before I didn\'t want to learn that.”

Morrigan then states, “But it\'s important for you to learn.”

“Wait, wait...” cuts in Alex. “Entering a persons dreams?”

Lynn answers, “It\'s an alternate method to me gaining energy.”

“It\'s a succubi\'s primary form of getting energy.” clarifies Morrigan.

“Sexual energy, to be clearer.” adds Suzan.

“So, your saying that Lynn\'s current method of getting energy by biting me isn\'t the best way?” asks Alex.

“Correct.” answers Morrigan. “It gives raw energy, fine for just being able to function and do everyday things and survive, but only a small portion of raw energy gets converted into sexual energy. Our abilities are powered by our sexual energy though and without an adequate supply of it, Lynn wouldn\'t be able to use her abilities very well, or even at all.”

“But I don\'t need sexual energy though.” comments Lynn, “I don\'t even use my abilities.”

“Lynn...” starts Suzan. “You are a succubus though, even if you rarely use your abilities, it\'s still important get actual sexual energy, not just converted from raw energy.”

“Alex is perfectly fine with my biting her though, I don\'t see any reason for me to put her at risk just to satisfy myself.” replies Lynn.

“And what risk would that be?” asks Morrigan, smiling.

“Well...” starts Lynn, looking unsure. “I-I dunno, but there has to be some kind of risk of me entering Alex\'s mind.”

“But there isn\'t.” states Suzan. “I\'ve told you before, for the purposes of gaining energy, there’s no risk to the person.”

“But...” starts Lynn, but she could think of nothing to say as she looks down to her lap, before seeing and feeling Alex place a hand to her upper right thigh and looking to her.

“Come on Lynn, just do it.” urges Alex, smiling.


“It sounds like this is an important ability for you to learn. Plus, if Suzan says there\'s no risk, I\'m perfectly ok with you learning with me.”


“No butts Lynn!” declares Alex with a stern look on her face, before looking to Lynn\'s bigger wings and placing her left hand gently on its edge. “You\'re always avoiding what you are... and I don\'t like it. I don\'t want you avoiding who and what you are. You\'re a succubus, a demon of sex and I love every part of you. I can understand hiding what you are out in public, but I don\'t want you hiding when we\'re alone. I accept every little part of you, even your demon parts. So please, accept every part of yourself too.”

While Alex was getting a little teary as she explained her feelings, Lynn was the one whose tears fell from her eyes. Suzan and Morrigan sat silently, waiting for Lynn\'s response.

“I just...” starts Lynn, wiping at her tears. “I don\'t want to hurt you.”

“You won\'t.” states Alex, smiling. “Your mom said you wouldn\'t.”

Following this comment, Suzan moves closer to Lynn and places a hand to her other leg, adding...

“What happened in the past was because you didn\'t know what was happening and didn\'t expect it. I know it really effected you Lynn, but I\'m hear to help and explain to you what to expect. So please, like Alex said, accept yourself.”

Lynn, with a few tears falling, said nothing for a moment, looking down to her left wing and placing her hand to it, before wiping at her tears again and looking to her mom and giving a small smile.

“Ok, I\'ll try.”

“Awesome!” cheers Alex, briefly hugging Lynn. “Even if you don\'t plan to use all of your abilities, I think you should still learn them.”

“She\'s right.” adds Morrigan. “If for nothing else, you don\'t use the ability by mistake.”

“I get it, I get it...” sighs Lynn, before looking to Alex and asking. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yep, especially if it helps you.” answers Alex.

“Ok then...” states Morrigan, standing up and walking closer to Alex. “Your gonna need to lay back.” she adds, placing a hand to Alex\'s shoulder and gently pushing her down to her back.

“Wait, I have to be asleep, right?” asks Alex.

“Don\'t worry about that...” states Morrigan, smiling as she gently cups Alex\'s left cheek, looking into her eyes. “I can put you to sleep.”

Alex suddenly felt her eyelids getting heavy.

“Really?” asks Alex sleepily. “That\'s...” she adds, before her eyes soon close and her head falls to the right.

“Ok then...” states Morrigan, pulling her hand away and looking to Lynn. “She\'s ready.”

“So what do I do?” asks Lynn, looking to the now sleeping Alex, before Suzan answers.

“It\'s quite simple really. All you need to do is touch her anywhere on her body, skin-to-skin, then insert your consciousness into her mind.”

“Insert my consciousness into her mind?” questions Lynn. “I thought you said it was simple, that doesn\'t sound simple at all.”

“It actually is.” answers Morrigan, returning to her previous spot on the bed. “I\'m actually a little surprised you haven\'t accidentally done it before.” she adds, before Suzan also adds...

“Once you get used to it, you\'ll eventually be able to divide your consciousness, allowing you to remain in control of your physical body too.”

“Wow, really? How\'s that possible?” asks Lynn.

“Heh, let\'s just take it one step at a time, ok?” replies Suzan. “Now then, get into a comfortable position before you start.”

“Ok.” states Lynn, before thinking for a moment and smiling at the position she wanted and carefully lifts Alex\'s limp upper body into a sitting position and moving herself behind, stretching her legs out on ether side of Alex and leaning the sleeping girl back against her and wrapping her arms around Alex\'s stomach. “Is this good?”

“It\'s great.” answers Suzan, smiling at the position. “Now just focus on entering her mind.”

“You say it like I can just \'do it\', but ok.” sighs Lynn, before closing her eyes and resting her head back on the headboard of the bed.

After a few moments, Suzan called Lynn\'s name and few times, but upon the teen not answering, both she and Morrigan smile, with the other woman commenting...

“Wow, I\'m surprised yet again. Like everything else, she\'s been able to do it, first try. Hehe, she\'s going to be a powerful demon, just like her mom.”

“She\'s going to be a great one too.” comments Suzan, smiling.

“It\'s such a shame she\'s so reluctant to use her abilities.” states Morrigan.


Upon feeling Alex in her hold seemingly disappear and a sudden weightlessness, Lynn quickly opens her eyes with a gasp, which was followed by a second gasp as she shes herself occupying a a rainbowish, ground-less space.

Upon quickly realizing the wide-open space and her mind immediately thinking she was falling, Lynn started to scream, shutting her eyes and frantically flapping her wings and waving her hands as if trying to find some invisible hand-hold.

Although, after a few moments, Lynn began to realize she didn\'t feel the rush of air against her if she was falling. Soon, she stopped streaming and the frantic movements of her arms, legs and wings as she opens her eyes. She didn\'t have any baring on up or down, but Lynn felt that she wasn\'t falling at all, but rather, floating.

“Oh, right, I\'m in Alex\'s mind.” recalls Lynn, taking a moment to look around the colorful space, before a chuckle comes to her. “Doesn\'t seem like much goes on in her mind.”

Lynn then inspected her own body, finding that she was still nude, before looking around the space again.

“So how do I find Alex? It looks like this place goes on forever.” comments Lynn, scanning around the space.

After a few turns, Lynn soon sees what looks to be a nude body directly below her.

“That must be her.” comments Lynn, attempting to \'swim\' towards the body.

Moments later, Lynn assumed correctly and the body turned out to be Alex, floating in the space, still sleeping peacefully. Soon positioned just a foot above, Lynn smiles as she reaches her right hand down and cups Alex\'s cheek.

“She looks so peaceful.”

The light contact brings a soft moan from the red-head, before her eyes slowly open.

“Lynn?” questions Alex, smiling.

“Who else?” replies Lynn, with a chuckle.

Lynn then sees Alex lift her left hand up to the right wing on her head.

“You look so beautiful.” comments Alex.

Blushing a little from the compliment, Lynn noticed Alex\'s tone was very calm and low and then the slightly faded look in her eyes. Noticing these things, Lynn realized Alex was in a sort of trance.

“Thanks, by the way, do you remember what you were doing before you went to sleep?”

“Before I went to sleep?” questions Alex, before closing her eyes and \'Hmming\', “No, why?”

“Well, we\'re both in my room right now.” answers Lynn.

“Really?” asks Alex, smiling and lifting her right hand up to Lynn\'s other small wing on her head as a blush began to grow on her cheeks.

“Yes, we are.” replies Lynn. ”I don\'t want to do this without you remembering. I\'m in your mind right now.”

“Really? I should\'ve cleaned up before you came.” comments Alex.

The comment brings a giggle from Lynn, before she answers...

“Heh, even in a trance you make jokes... I need you to try and remember Alex, We\'re both in my room and my mom and Morrigan are with us. They want me to work on using my ability to enter your dreams to get sexual energy from you.”

“You\'re here... to feed?” questions Alex, as the seemingly permanent smile she\'s had fades, as she looks confused.

“Yes, and you\'ve given me permission.” adds Lynn.

“Permission...” comments Alex, the faded look in her eyes beginning to clear away, before closing her eyes and placing her left hand down to her head and shaking it.

Seeing that it was working, Lynn smiles and continues...

“I\'m not going to hide what I am when we\'re alone anymore.”

“I-I... remember...” states Alex, in the same calm tone, before repeating, “I remember.” in a more normal tone, blinking her eyes open, looking up to Lynn, who sees that her eyes are now clear, before Alex, turns her head left and right. “Where they heck are we? Where\'s the ground?”

“I\'m in your mind. Apparently, there\'s no ground there.” comments Lynn, smiling.

“Very funny.” replies Alex with a smirk.

“Heh, well, you were in a trance, I didn\'t want to feed on your energy with you not all there.” states Lynn.

“Oh, well that\'s nice of you, but you didn\'t have to do that. Maybe I would’ve woke up for real if you got me out of the trance.”

“Well we\'re still here.” replies Lynn, smiling. “It would just feel wrong to me if I feed on you like that, you\'re my girlfriend after all.”

“Well, ok. Now how about you get to the reason your here?” comments Alex, grinning.

“Ok then.” replies Lynn, grinning as well, before lowering her lips down to Alex\'s and kissing her passionately.

Lynn moans into the kiss as she felt Alex\'s hands on the wings of her head, caressing and messaging them.

A few long moments later, Lynn\'s pulls her lips away with brief string of saliva connecting them, looking down to Alex\'s reddened face, whose breathing was rather shallow, as if they had been doing this for some time.

“Lynn...” sighs Alex. “My body feels so hot.”

Although not seeing any sweat, Lynn places a hand to Alex\'s forehead, and feels an usually high heat.

“Wow, you are warmer than usual, are you feeling ok? Maybe I should\'nt-”

“NO!” nearly screams Alex, quickly wrapping her arms around Lynn\'s body and hugging her. “I want you Lynn, more than I ever have!”

A little surprised by the sudden increase in desire, Lynn quickly started to realize what was happening...

“I think I know what\'s going on, I must be some how increasing your desire, to allow me to get the most energy I can.”

“Whatever it is, I don\'t want it to go away!” replies Alex. “Please Lynn...” she adds, before taking Lynn\'s right hand and guiding it down between her legs. “I want it...”

Lynn, letting Alex guide her hand between her legs, was more than a little surprise when she felt Alex\'s smooth lower lips completely soaked. Her hand made contact with an audible squish, causing Lynn to pull her hand back into view and gasping as she sees the palm of her hand dripping with Alex\'s arousal.

“Holy crap! You\'re totally drenched down there! You\'ve never been this wet before.”

“Fu*k me Lynn.” Pleads Alex. “Please, my pussy\'s aching for it!”

Lynn was starting to wonder if Alex had returned to her tranced state, though before she checked Alex\'s eyes; which were indeed clouded once again, Lynn found herself compelled to lick at the juices on her palm and once she did so, felt a surge of energy flow through her, wonderful, deliciously pure sexual energy. It was as if she had been walking through a desert dying of thrist and found a sip of water.

“Ohhhh~ This feeling...” moans Lynn, with a smile, before looking down to Alex\'s body, seeing the oasis of energy she had all to herself for the taking...


Back in reality, it had been just moments after Suzan and Morrigan realized Lynn had successfully entered Alex\'s mind, before the two adults hear a soft moan come from the sleeping Alex, before her legs began to move, causing both adults to smile and Morrigan to comment...

“Looks like she\'s started.”

“Seems so.” agrees Suzan.


“Ah! Lynn!”

Trance or not, Lynn no longer cared as she teased Alex\'s left nipple with her tongue, pinched her right with her left hands fingers and fingered her drenched pussy with squelching thrust after thrust of her fingers as she speed Alex\'s body to orgasm, all the while, feeling more and more of Alex\'s sexual energy flowing into her.

Within moments, Alex let out a scream as her climax hit, her pussy seemingly exploding in a gush of fluids around Lynn\'s thrusting fingers as she herself also moaned along with Alex as she felt the strongest surge of sexual energy.

Lynn prolonged Alex\'s bliss as long as she could, rapidly strumming her G-spot, with Alex\'s pleasured cries increasing in volume as Lynn eagerly took in the sexual energy coming from Alex.

Upon a second scream and expulsion of fluid from Alex\'s pussy, she soon calms down as her back-to-back orgasm ends. Lynn soon pulls her dripping fingers free of Alex\'s drooling hole, opening her eyes, which now glows brightly from the fresh energy, Lynn looks to her dripping hand and licks it clean, \'Mmming\' from the taste and energy it gave before looking down to Alex, who looked tired and breathing rapidly.

“I would\'ve never thought your sexual energy would be so good Alex.” comments Lynn, grinning, much like Morrigan had done before.

Gaining such a high amount of fresh, pure sexual energy, the succubus in her now had control for the first time and Lynn\'s personality seemed to have changed completely as she admires Alex, cupping her cheek.

“I haven\'t had my fill yet though and I can still feel so much more sexual energy in you.”

Tiredly opening her clouded eyes, Alex smiles up at Lynn.




The sleeping Alex suddenly let out a moan as she scissors her thighs together, clearly climaxing, which brings yet another smile to Suzan and Morrigan, who comments...

“Good going Lynn, I bet that gave her plenty of energy.”

Suzan, seeing Lynn\'s hold around Alex tighten, looked a little more concerned.

“I wonder if Lynn\'s doing ok.” comments Suzan. “This is the first time she has access to so much sexual energy, I hope she hasn\'t lost control of herself.”

“Hmm, now that you mention it, I didn\'t think of that...” adds Morrigan, appearing a little more wary.



Alex\'s orgasmic scream was loud and long as Lynn rapidly moves her right hand across Alex\'s climaxing lower lips, causing a slur of squelches as a waterfall of fluid gushing out of the pleasured red-head as Lynn relished the energy she was receiving.

“So good! Your energy feels so good Alex!” declares Lynn, lifting her free hand up to her left breast and squeezing it. “Mmmm... I can\'t get enough of it. I\'m still not satisfied even after you\'ve come six times already, you still have such wonderful energy to give! I can\'t believe how stupid I was to ignore this!”

Soon seeing Alex\'s orgasm drop off and thus the amount of energy she received, Lynn licks her hand clean.

“More, more, more!” declares Lynn, positioning herself to face Alex\'s pussy and before Alex herself had time to say more or not, she was once again moaning out in pleasure as Lynn teased her stiffened clit, claiming it between her lips, alternating between rapidly flicking it with her tongue and sucking it. Alex arched her back in pleasure as she closes her thighs around Lynn\'s head.

It took only moments before Alex once again screams out in orgasm, drenching Lynn\'s face in a gush of her juices before Lynn lowers her tongue and Alex\'s moans jump in volume as Lynn\'s now greedily tongues the hot, wet orifice of Alex\'s pussy. She grips the red-heads hips tightly as she buried her face between Alex\'s thighs, a river of the pleasured girl\'s juices trailing down Lynn\'s chin, neck and chest.



The sleeping Alex now seemed to be continually squirming around in Lynn\'s hold, no longer were she constantly scissoring her thighs together, allowing Suzan and Morrigan to see the occasional spurt of ejaculation from Alex, who looked to be getting increasingly warn out, shown by her actions lacking the energy of before.

Both adults though looked less than pleased at what they were seeing, as Morrigan comments...

“It\'s been nearly twenty minutes of this. This has gone on way too long, Alex is going to be drained dry if this goes on any longer.”

Suzan gave a disappointed sigh.

“It looks like she has lost control, I\'ll go a put an end to it...” she comments, before placing a hand to Alex\'s ankle...



Alex no longer screamed out from her most recent of many orgasms, floating limp and nearly motionless as Lynn eagerly tongued Alex\'s well-lubed and lax anus as she thrusts her right hands fist in and out of Alex\'s gaping pussy. Lynn\'s wings had also taken part in Alex\'s pleasure, having morphed into two large hands, squeezing and pinching Alex\'s breasts and nipples.

Upon her climax coming to an end, Lynn\'s pulls her tongue from Alex\'s anus, a thick string connecting them for a moment, before removing her fist from Alex\'s pussy with a perverse, loud sucking sound and a delighted grin from Lynn as she sees Alex\'s juices flow from her pussy like a broken dam.

“Seems like your finally starting to get low on energy for me. Too bad, I still haven\'t had my fill yet...”

Aiming her tongue back to Alex\'s mildly gaping anus, Lynn was soon stopped with a hand to her right shoulder, drawing her attention and seeing that it was her mom Suzan, as nude as they were and her wings visible.


“Lynn, that\'s enough.” states Suzan.

“I\'m not satisfied yet! I need more of her energy!” declares Lynn.

“She doesn\'t have much left to give Lynn.” replies Suzan, seeing the glow in Lynn\'s eyes, Suzan smiles and lifts a hand to her daughters cheek. “You\'re not yourself right now Lynn. You\'ve let your lust of the energy get the best of you.”

“I feel better than I ever have though!” answers Lynn with a smile. “I was so stupid to ignore this part of me! I feel more alive then ever!”

“I can understand how you feel Lynn. But you have to control yourself. You can\'t let your lust for energy overcome you. You love Alex, right?” replies Suzan.

“Of course I love Alex.” answers Lynn.

Suzan then guides Lynn besides Alex, who appears completely out of it, her eyes gazed over and a smile on her face.

“Do you think she would want this?”

Lynn soon looked shocked at the state Alex was in.

“You have to remember Lynn, your in her mind, you have to be careful and not get carried away. I personally didn\'t think you\'d let your lust get the better of you, I should\'ve warned you, I\'m sorry, I was just so eager for you to develop your abilities.”

Alex\'s glossy eyes soon turn to Lynn, who gasps and backs away, as tears brim her glowing eyes.

“M-more...” sighs Alex.

“W-What have I done!?” declares Lynn, before recalling something Morrigan said about turning a girl into a Succubus. “I-I\'ve, broken her! She\'s looks exhausted, but she still wants more!”

“Lynn, calm down.” states Suzan, moving close to her daughter, placing a hand to her shoulder. “I stopped you before you did any serious damage to her mind. It\'s going to be ok.”

“That means I still did damage!” gasps Lynn, before turning around and moving away, though she quickly disappears in a blink, causing Suzan to sigh, before she disappears as well.


Lynn awoken with a gasp, quickly looking down to Alex, whose sleeping body was still reacting to what she had done, squirming and moaning, seemingly still in the throws of orgasm.

“No! No! No!” gasps Lynn, quickly, though carefully removing herself from behind Alex and laying her down on her back as she sat to her left.

With a quick look over her body, physically, Alex seemed just fine, though she was clearly in a very high state of arousal with her lower lips, while not drenched as they were in Alex\'s mind, where still quite wet as they and her inner thighs glistened in her arousal juices. Lynn could also notice a sizable wet spot under Alex.

Her body being more or less, fine, Lynn\'s concern quickly shifted to the possible mental damage she may have done.

“Alex, wake up!” desperately urges Lynn, tears brimming her eyes as she grabs the red-head by the shoulders and attempting to lightly shake her awake.

“Lynn...” starts Suzan, placing her hands on her daughters shoulders as she stands behind her. “She\'s going to be fine.”

“Then why won\'t she wake up!?” quickly asks Lynn. “I didn\'t want this to happen again!”

Morrigan then stands and walks to Alex\'s right, who looked to be calming down and briefly swiping the red-head\'s labia with two fingers, lifting them up and licking Alex\'s juices from her fingers.

“Hmm, Suzan\'s right Lynn.” replies Morrigan. “She just needs a moment to recover. She doesn\'t have much sexual energy left.”

“Really?” asks Lynn, with a sniffle. “She just needs rest?”

“Yes.” answers Suzan, sitting next to Lynn. “Alex is going to be just fine.”

“But it happened again...” comments Lynn. “I nearly drained another person dry... and this time it was someone I love.”

“But it\'s ok Lynn.” states Suzan. “Morrigan and I were here to help you. We wouldn\'t let you hurt Alex.”

“Right...” adds Morrigan. “You have to use your abilities to learn to control them and yourself. If my memories right, that was only your second time in your life you\'ve had access to so much sexual energy. Untrained as you are, it was no surprise you were overcome by it. I hope you can learn from this experience and not let it detour you from continuing to develop your abilities, Suzan will always be here to help you.”

“...” Lynn said nothing as she watched Alex sleeping.

“She\'s right Lynn.” states Suzan. “I\'m always here for you.”

Alex soon began to come around, with a groan, before slowly opening her eyes, bringing a big smile to Lynn\'s face.

“Alex! Your ok!”

“Why wouldn\'t I be?” asks Alex, clearly tired with a smile. “Heh, I had the most awesome dream and you were in it.”

Smiling, Lynn asks, “Do you remember anything before you went to sleep?”

“Umm...” thinks Alex, looking up in thought. “I think so...” she adds, before looking to Morrigan and Suzan and smiling. “Yeah, I gave you permission to enter my mind to feed om my sexual energy. Is that why I feel so out of it?”

“Yeah.” replies Lynn. “I\'m sorry Alex, after tasting your energy, I pretty much lost control.”

“I see...” states Alex, smiling. “I think I remember parts of that, it\'s in bits and pieces, you changed so much, like a hungry animal.” she adds, with a smile, bringing a deep blush to Lynn\'s face. “I came so much and it felt so good, you were constantly talking about how wonderful my energy was. And your eyes, they were so beautiful, you were really enjoying yourself.”

“But I wasn\'t myself.” comments Lynn, looking away in shame. “I lost control.”

“I liked it though, you were more succubus than I ever remembered. You were embracing what you are.”

“But I wasn\'t in control.” repeats Lynn, with tears brimming her eyes again.

“Well you\'re learning.” states Alex. “Besides, I faintly remember Suzan too, stopping you, but I wanted more.”

“That\'s right.” comments Suzan. “Lynn\'s a powerful succubus, but she needs to learn self-control.”

“I\'m willing to offer myself to Lynn again to help.” states Alex.

“Alex...” comments Lynn.

“You look much prettier Lynn.” states Alex, lifting a hand up to Lynn\'s cheek.

“H-Huh? Really?” asks Lynn. “But I haven\'t done anything.”

“Not true...” comments Morrigan. “You\'ve received a large amount of sexual energy. Fueling your abilities isn\'t the only thing it does, it makes you more physically attractive and desirable to others and you\'ll find yourself feeling much more confident and sexual.”

“More sexual?” questions Lynn with a look of concern. “I\'m plenty sexual already, I don\'t need to be horny twenty-four seven.”

“You could control yourself before Lynn.” states Suzan. “It\'ll just take a little more willpower until you adjust to amount of sexual energy you\'ve gained.”

“Now that you\'ve mentioned it...” comments Lynn. “Even after nearly draining Alex, I still didn\'t feel satisfied. How many people would I have to feed on to feel satisfied?”

“Well that varies from succubi to succubi.” answers Suzan. “Though females arn\'t our primary targets-”

“I know, I know...” cuts in Lynn, with a slight frown. “I\'m not interested in guys though.”

“Well generally, it\'ll take more females to satisfy you than it would for guys.” states Suzan.

“But that doesn\'t make sense though.” replies Lynn. “Guys can only come once or twice in one go, maybe three, but girls can come over and over. How is it that guys give more energy than girls?”

“We\'re Succubi Lynn.” answers Morrigan. “Not Incubi. Male energy is the most potent for us.”

“Well I\'ll gladly offer my sexual energy to Lynn.” states Alex, before tiredly sitting up, gasping a little as she felt herself sitting in a large wet spot and looking down between her legs. “Wow.” she comments, before stroking her labia. “I guess what Lynn did to me in my mind effected me for real too.”

“This time tomorrow..” starts Suzan. “Alex\'s sexual energy will have regained enough for you to feed on her again if you want Lynn. She won\'t have nearly the amount she had today, but it would help you in controlling yourself.”

“I\'d like that.” states Alex. “Come on Lynn, let\'s do it again tomorrow.”

Following a sigh from her, Lynn looks to her mother and asks...

“Will you be here again?”

“Of course I will.” answers Suzan.

“Well...” starts Lynn, before looking back to Alex\'s smiling face and smiling herself. “Ok then.”

Morrigan then comments, “You should do much better tomorrow. You\'re no longer starving for sexual energy, so you won\'t lose yourself in the surge of energy you get.”

“I hope so...” comments Lynn, before gasping and asking, “Wait, I have a question; When I found Alex, she was in a trance, after I freed her from it and we started, Alex said she was getting hot and suddenly wanted me and her pussy was drenched.”

“I faintly remember that.” comments Alex.

“So what was with Alex\'s sudden desire and arousal?” asks Lynn. “She had re-entered that trance again too.”

“It was your doing.” answers Suzan. “When you enter a person\'s mind, male or female, you passively use your own energy to arouse them and increase the persons pleasure, which in turn increases the amount of energy they give. We don\'t want our targets not enjoying themselves after all.” adds Suzan with a smile. “But you can also purposely use your energy to do it as well. What happened was most likely your inability to control it, you were unknowingly increasing Alex\'s arousal constantly. Knowing this now though, you should be able to control yourself. Sense you have an amble supply of sexual energy though, you could practice increasing Alex\'s arousal today.” explains Suzan.

“Oh.” answers Lynn.

“I\'d be all for that practicing.” answers Alex, smiling.

“Also...” continues Morrigan. “You could practice on how much sexual energy you emit.”

“I\'m emitting sexual energy?” asks Lynn.

“Yes, very much so...” answers Morrigan, before looking around the room for a moment, standing and walking to the dresser and picking up a hand mirror and presenting it in front of Lynn, who gasps as she sees her eyes glowing.

“My eyes...” comments Lynn, taking the mirror. “Their glowing...”

“It\'s the visual proof of you emitting energy.” states Morrigan. “You\'re mother and I aren’t effected, but Alex is.”

“She is?” asks Lynn, looking to Alex, who looked puzzled.

“What are you talking about?” asks Alex. “I feel just fine.”

“Really now?” questions Morrigan with a smile, walking around the bed and about two yards away. “Then come stand next to me.”

“Why?” asks Alex.

Recalling Alex suddenly desiring her in her mind when she suggested that she shouldn\'t feed on her, Lynn removes herself from the bed, quickly drawing Alex\'s attention.

Lynn then took a single step back, causing Alex to quickly lean closer, declaring...

“Where are you going?”

“Nowhere.” answers Lynn, before taking another step back, prompting Alex to nearly remove herself from the bed to follow, though Suzan holds Alex back by her shoulders.

“Let me go! I need to be with Lynn!” declares Alex.

“See?” comments Morrigan. “Coupled with Alex\'s love for you, your sexual energy is causing her to not want to leave your side.”

“Then how do I turn her back to normal?” asks Lynn.

“What are you talking about Lynn!?” questions Alex. “I am normal!”

“You have to calm your energy Lynn.” states Suzan.

“Well it would be nice to know how.” comments Lynn. “A moment ago I didn\'t even know I was emitting any energy.”

“Usually, hiding your wings would be enough of a decrease.” answers Suzan.

“Ok.” replies Lynn as her wings retract into her body a second later.

Alex, quickly gasps with a blinking of her eyes as she no longer struggles against Suzan.

“Whoa, that was weird.” comments Alex.

Briefly lifting the mirror, Lynn sees that her eyes no longer glows, before stepping back to Alex, Lynn smiles and asks, “You feeling back to normal now?”

“Yeah.” answers Alex. “I remember the whole thing, I wanted to be next to you so badly.”

“But not anymore?” teases Lynn with a smile.

“Meh, you could go away for all I care.” chuckles Alex.

“Heh, well that is surprising though...” states Lynn. “I didn\'t know I could influence a persons desire like that. I wouldn\'t want to do that to you again.”

“Well...” starts Morrigan, returning to the bed. “Until you can control your sexual energy better, I\'d recommend not bringing out your wings.”

“Would it be possible for Lynn to increase my pleasure without effecting my desire?” asks Alex. “\'Cause I wouldn\'t mind if she did that.”

“Without practice, no.” answers Morrigan.

“Well...” starts Lynn. “Guess I got a lot of practicing to do.”

“Typically...” starts Suzan. “Using your sexual energy comes as second nature, but before today, you\'ve never used your sexual energy, at least, not purposely. So you might find it a little tricky to use.”

“But wait...” states Lynn. “If hiding my wings reduces the amount of energy I emit, doesn\'t that mean I\'m using my sexual energy to reveal them?”

“Well, yes and no.” answers Suzan, before Morrigan continued...

“Your natural form is with your wings exposed, the actual act of hiding or revealing them is what uses energy. Though you naturally emit less sexual energy with them hiding.”

Lynn soon groans with a hand to her forehead.

“All this information is starting to give me a headache.”

“Well then...” starts Suzan standing. “We\'ll continue this later, and leave you two alone again.”

“Ok.” replies Lynn, as Morrigan stands and follows Suzan out of the room.

“Seeya later.” states Alex.

“Bye!” replies Morrigan, with a smile, before adding, “Make sure you practice your abilities Lynn.”

“Ok, ok, I will.” comments Lynn with a sigh, before the door closes.

“I\'m glad I was able to help you in using one of your abilities.” states Alex. “I still like the biting more though.”

“Heh, well thanks.”


[End notes: two years, wow, I didn't realised it had been that long since the last chapter]

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