Disclaimer: This fic features Lillth from the Darkstalkers games, I don’t own the character Lillth or the game, don’t sue plz ^_^
Christmas day
Being a full-blooded demon, Suzan, Lynn’s mother, didn’t celebrate this particular holiday, no lights or tree. Although, Suzan did honor one part of the holiday, the gift giving. In Lynn’s pre-teen years, Suzan would buy or get Lynn any one thing she requested. Once Lynn was in her teen years, Suzan added giving Lynn a quite large sum of money along with the one gift she requested. A few years earlier, Lynn suggested instead of a free gift and money, she just get money, Suzan agreed to the suggestion.
Recently, Lynn asked if she could celebrate Christmas at Alex’s home, Suzan agreed with this
-Next Day, Alex and Allie’s birthday-
“HAPPY BIRHDAY!” cheered everyone as they surrounded the two girl’s standing at the table in the living room, there was a large cake in front on the twins.
Alex and Allie were both dressed the same, a matching red shirt and skirt, though Allie wore a few extra things, like a cast on her right arm and a knee brace on her left leg, she also had a headband-like bandage around her head.
Many of Alex and Allie’s friends had come to celebrate their special day with them, Lynn, Sarah, Amy, Yuu, Tomo, Chiyo, Sakaki, Kaorin, Osaka and Yomi, who claimed that she wasn’t going to eat any cake, but her nearly drooling from the sight of it said otherwise.
“Alright, cake time!” declared Tomo. “Hurry and cut the cake!”
Alex and Allie were also eager to eat the cake and quickly cut themselves a piece. Then followed by everyone else. Tomo also began teasing Yomi to eat some cake, who promptly declined, but this of course was not enough to stop Tomo. There was also a selection of potato chips and pop, which Yomi opted for instead, once everyone had their share of cake, chips and pop, everyone made their way to the living room.
Once the group began to relax and sit on the couches The doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it.” States Allie getting up from the couch.
Allie walked to the front door and opened it to reveal Lilith on the other side, dressed in a white shirt and blue jeans.
“Hey!” greets Lilith with a smile, “I heard it was you and your sisters, birthday, I figured I’d stop by.”
“It’s great to see you!” replies Allie quickly hugging her before allowing Lillith in.
“Hi guys!” greets Lilith walking into the house and seeing the others. “And happy birthday Alex.”
“Thanks.” Replies Alex.
After a bit of chatting, Allie excused herself to go use the bathroom and shortly after, Lilith followed her.
“Hey.” States Lilith reaching to Allie’s shoulder, stopping her before she entered the bathroom.
“When your done in their, meet me in your room.”
“Ok.” Replies Allie heading into the room.
A few minutes later, Allie enters her room, seeing Lilith sitting on her bed and standing once she entered.
“So, what’s up?” asks Allie.
“First, what’s up with the cast and the thing on your leg.” Asks Lilith.
“Oh, well, A couple days ago, I was involved in a car crash. I banged my head pretty good, broke my arm and injured my knee.”
“Oh, that sucks.” Replies Lilith.
“Yeah…” replies Allie with a groan. “I blacked out quick though, so I didn’t have to experience the horrible pain I was in for long… anyway, enough of that, what was it that you wanted me for?”
“Well, with me being a demon an all, birthday’s to me are just another day…” begins Lilth with a smile as she walks in front of Allie, gently placing her hands on Allie’s bigger chest. “But, since I like you, I’m going to give you a present.”
“Ohh, what is it?” asks Allie smiling, placing her left hand on Lilith’s.
“I’m going to bring you to my place and show you.”
“Really!?” asks Allie happily. “Is that alright though?”
“No, Father doesn’t like it when me or Morrigan brings a human home, but he isn’t going to be home until late though, so theirs no worry.”
“Awesome! When do we leave?”
“First, I have a request of you though.” Replies Lilith grinning.
“What is it?”
Lilith removes her hands from Allie’s chest and down to her own pants and unbuttoning/zipping them, “I’d like a quickie.” Request Lilith as she pushes down her pants from her waist, allowing them to fall to the floor, revealing that Lilith didn’t wear underwear.
“Ok.” Replies Allie as she starts to lower herself.
Though Lilith quickly gasps and places her hands on Allie’s shoulders, “Whoa wait, I just realized it probably isn’t a good idea for you to get on your knees with that thing on your knee.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll just kneel down.” States Allie lowering herself in front of Lilith on her left knee. “It’s nice that your concerned about me?” adds Allie looking up at Lilith smiling.
“Well, I like my pet’s to be healthy enough to please me.” Replies Lilith looking down to Allie and running her right hand through her hair. “You can’t please me right if your in pain.”
Allie simply smiles and lowers her gaze to the smaller girl’s hairless pussy and moves her mouth forward to encompass the top of Lilith’s pussy, around her clit and began a light sucking and licking of the small organ, releasing a brief gasp from Lilith, followed by a moan as she closes her eyes.
“Mmmm, going straight for it huh?” comments Lilith smiling. “Heh, I did say I wanted a quickie…”
For the next few minutes, Allie continued to focus on Lilith’s clit, making her moan more and more, till Lilth was groaning.
“Nngh… just a little more… a-and nibble on my clit.”
Allie did as requested carefully bites Lilith’s erect, throbbing clit, which immediately sent her to orgasm as a quick gasp, followed by a moan left her lips as her body quaked in the throws of orgasm.
Once Lilith came down from the natural high of orgasm, she looks down to Allie’s face looking up at her with her mouth still attached to her pussy.
“Thanks for that. We can go now if you want.” States Lilith.
Allie removes her mouth, revealing her lips and chin wet with Lilith’s juices. “Ok.” Replies Allie getting to her feet. “How are we going to get there?”
“The only way…” answers Lilth reaching down to her pants and pulling them up, before placing her right hand on Allie’s left shoulder. “It would be best if you close your eyes though.”
“Ok.” Replies Allie closing her eyes.
Allie soon felt an odd numbing sensation sweep over her body and a weightlessness and heard the flapping of many wings. The one possibility that Allie thought of was that Lilith had turned her and herself into bats to transport her to her home, which was correct.
Moments later though, Allie felt solid ground on her feet, causing her to momentarily lose her balance before Lilith caught her by her right arm.
“Whoa, you can open your eyes now.” States Lilith.
Allie did so and saw that she was in a rather dark bedroom, Although there was a dimly light chandelier above then, the many candles at the four corners of the room seemed to be the main light source.
“So, what do you think of my room? You’re the only human to have ever seen it.”
“Well, it’s a lot darker than mine.”
“Yeah… I like low light when I want to relax.”
“Oh, well I’m sure that helps.”
“Sure does, now let’s go see your surprise shall we?” states Lilith taking Allie by the hand and leading her out of her room.
The two made their way down the stairs and up the hall without problem, until Lilith lead Allie to a large steal door and the two heard a door open and close in the distance to their right, this causes Lilith to gasp and quickly open the steal door and push Allie into and closed the door, cutting off the light as Allie heard a mans voice on the other side.
“Lilith, Where have you been.”
“Yanno, out.” Answers Lilith.
“Hmph, you smell like a human. Just be sure to wash that stench off you.”
Allie then heard a few foot steps, then if stops.
“Wait a minute, I smell something more…”
Allie then jumped back at the shock of hearing an impact against the other side of the door.
“Did you bring a human here!?
“N-No…” replies Lilith sounding as though she was having a hard time breathing. “It’s me, I went to a human’s house and a bunch of their friends were there.”
“Hmph! You and you sister’s like of human’s disgusts me.”
After a few moments, the door opens and Lilith joins Allie.
“Is everything ok? I don’t want to cause you trouble.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it, it’s your birthday, come one, it’s not much further.” States Lilith walking pass Allie and down the hallway.
“Ok.” Replies Allie following behind.
The two soon reached a small square room with two doors to their right.
“We’re here.” Announces Lilith. “Take off your clothes.”
“Ok.” What now?” Asks Allie starting to remove her clothes.
“Pick a door.”
“What’s behind them?” asks Allie as steps out of her skirt.
“It’s a surprise, regardless of which you pick, your going to love it.” Replies Lilith smiling. “Oh and if you can, you should take that thing off your leg.”
“Ok…” states Allie reaching down to her left leg and removing the brace, “Well, I choose the door on the left.”
Lilith walked to the chosen door and opened it a little before sticking her head in, “You guys have a visitor, treat her nice ok?”
“Who are you talking to?” asks Allie.”
“You’ll see…” answers Lilith looking back to her with a smile before opening the door wide, revealing that the room on the other side of the door lacked any light and was pitch black inside.
“Um…” starts Allie looking a little nervous.
Lilith just smiles and walks from the door, to behind her and places her hands on Allie’s shoulders, “Don’t you worry my pet, I won’t lead you to any harm, you have my word.” States Lilith as she trails her right hand down Allie’s belly towards her crotch, but it was only a tease as she didn’t touch her pussy.
“Ok then, since you gave me your word, I’ll trust you.” Replies Allie looking back to Lilith, who gave her a brief kiss directly on her lips.
“Good, now go receive your present.” States Lilith.
Allie then began walking to the door and into the darkness of the other room. After a few steps in, Lilith closes the door behind her and Allie continued walking, calling out, “Hello?
The further Alllie walked, the more she starts to hear the faint sounds of moaning.
“Hello?” calls out Allie again, before gasping as her right foot stepped into a cool puddle of liquid. “What the…” states Allie before places her foot back into the puddle. “Water?
Allie followed with her other foot and stepped into more fluid and Allie continued to step into what she thought was water, until what seemed like a wall of smell hit her, the odor was strong, musky, but not very unpleasant, Allie actually recognized the smell, it was the smell of sex, an amazingly strong smell of sex.
Allie then gasps happily in realization, “An orgy! I wonder what was behind the other door though.”
Allie quickly began running, hearing the moaning getting louder and louder, until Allie guessed she was just a few yards away. But there was one more surprise Allie ran into, or more appropriately, tripped into.
With a gasp, Allie fell onto some sort of mat, but it was completely drenched in what she, until now, thought was water, but from falling face first into the mat, got a nose full of the fluid…
“Wait a minute, water doesn’t smell like this…”
Allie put her nose into the wet mat and sniffed it a few more time before realizing what it was with a gasp, “I don’t believe it, it’s cum! But there’s so much…”
Seconds later after this realization, Allie gasps a little at feeling was the thought was a foot konk her in the back of her head. Allie smiles at this rather than getting upset and crawls further onto the bed, .
“I found you guys.” States Allie heading to her left and reaching out into the darkness for a body.
It didn’t take long for Allie’s left hand to contact flesh, a very wet and slippery flesh too though, from a quick squeeze and rub, finding a crevice, Allie assumed her hand had found an a*s. Right after the discovery though, Allie gasps as a second, third and forth body swallows her arm and Allie found herself literally being sucked into the sea of bodies.
Allie tried pulling her arm free, but from being unable to apply very much pressure to her right, injured arm, to anchor herself, Allie quickly found herself in the middle of the pile.
Allie also soon found it hard to breath, from the number of bodies, various other body parts were pressed against her face, Allie was able to make out an inner thigh, butt cheek, breasts and pussy. Allie tried to adapt to it and took quick breathes from the frequent gaps of space between her face and the constantly moving bodies.
Besides this though, as soon as Allie entered the sea of bodies, she felt every part of her body being touched, caressed, licked, humped, sucked on and various other actions, even feeling a warm fluid spurting onto her stomach.
Allie was lost in a sea of wet bodies and pleasure, even her sensitive left knee was getting attention, somehow the mass knew of the injury and caressed and licked the area with gentle care. Her right arm received the same tender care, feeling what felt like tiny snakes making their way under her cast, providing Allie with a ticklish sensation.
Allie was soon overwhelmed with sensations, their was so many points of contact on her body pleasuring her: A number of hands teased her pussy, two or more tongue’s attacked her growing clit, tongue’s explored her belly button, her entire left leg and foot was being humped by a number of girl’s, Mouth’s had attached themselves to her nipples, more tongue’s licks her breast, Hands caressed her arms, mouths sucked on her fingers, tongues and finger’s toyed with her anus, mouths licked and sucked on her neck, Tongues teased her ears, even Allie’s nose wasn’t left out, a mouth sucks and licks it.
From so much stimulus at one time, Allie came very quickly, adding her loud moan to the many of the crowd she was in the middle of. Soon, Allie’s open mouth had attracted a stray breast and she quickly began sucking on it as her orgasm still coursed through her body.
Allie quickly became just another participant in the mass of bodies, orgasm after orgasm, after orgasm, after orgasm hit her body, soon, Allie lost since of time and space, she couldn’t tell if she was upside down or right-side up, She was light headed from pleasure, Allie soon discovered her body moving on it’s own, her hands searched blindly in the dark sea of bodies to touch someone, to pleasure them; her legs spread wide to allow more tongue’s, hands and what ever else the bodies decided to use to pleasure her pussy and legs.
Cum showered her body as if it was raining, Allie had become one of them, her body searching for other body parts to touch and pleasure while at the same time, shifting and repositioning her own body to maximize her own pleasure as numerous other bodies followed her, even becoming so accustom to the frequent orgasms that she was able to move about the mass of bodies as her body was shaken with the quakes of orgasm.
Allie’s side- END